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Characterization of the mRNA for the -amylase from wheat wasmade by fractionation of the total membrane-bound polysomalRNA and by immunoprecipitation of in vitro synthesized -amylaseby its specific antibody. The content of the mRNA for the -amylasein the membrane-bound polysomal fraction from germinating wheatseeds was estimated as 5–10% of the total mRNA in thisfraction. RNA, separated in high resolution on acid-urea-agarosegels by electrophoresis, was recovered from the gels by a newmethod. Its translation products in rabbit reticulocyte lysateswere analyzed with a specific antibody against -amylase. Thesize of the mRNA for -amylase was estimated as 5.0?105 daltons. 1 Present address: National Institutes of Health, Bldg. 10,Rm. 9B-15, Bethesda, MD 20205, U.S.A. (Received March 6, 1982; Accepted August 4, 1982)  相似文献   

The transplantation of organs from lower animals such as pigsinto humans is prevented by a severe rejection reaction initiatedby complement fixing xenoreactive natural antibodies. Most anti-pigxenoreactive natural antibodies in humans are thought to recognizeGal  相似文献   

Cys-loop receptor ligand binding sites are located at subunit interfaces where they are lined by loops A-C from one subunit and loops D-F from the adjacent subunit. Agonist binding induces large conformational changes in loops C and F. However, it is controversial as to whether these conformational changes are essential for gating. Here we used voltage clamp fluorometry to investigate the roles of loops C and F in gating the α1 β2 γ2 GABA(A) receptor. Voltage clamp fluorometry involves labeling introduced cysteines with environmentally sensitive fluorophores and inferring structural rearrangements from ligand-induced fluorescence changes. Previous attempts to define the roles of loops C and F using this technique have focused on homomeric Cys-loop receptors. However, the problem with studying homomeric receptors is that it is difficult to eliminate the possibility of bound ligands interacting directly with attached fluorophores at the same site. Here we show that ligands binding to the β2-α1 interface GABA binding site produce conformational changes at the adjacent subunit interface. This is most likely due to agonist-induced loop C closure directly altering loop F conformation at the adjacent α1-β2 subunit interface. However, as antagonists and agonists produce identical α1 subunit loop F conformational changes, these conformational changes appear unimportant for gating. Finally, we demonstrate that TM2-TM3 loops from adjacent β2 subunits in α1 β2 receptors can dimerize via K24'C disulfides in the closed state. This result implies unexpected conformational mobility in this crucial part of the gating machinery. Together, this information provides new insights into the activation mechanisms of Cys-loop receptors.  相似文献   

Chlorophyllide a, pheophorbide a, chlorophyll a and pheophytina were separated in a short time by anion-exchange chromatographywith a short column of DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B. (Received February 16, 1984; Accepted April 13, 1984)  相似文献   

The hemolytic lectin CEL-III forms transmembrane pores in the membranes of target cells. A study on the effect of site-directed mutation at Lys405 in domain 3 of CEL-III indicated that replacements of this residue by relatively smaller residues lead to a marked increase in hemolytic activity, suggesting that moderately destabilizing domain 3 facilitates formation of transmembrane pores through conformational changes.  相似文献   

(3)J proton-proton coupling constants bear information on the intervening dihedral angles. Methods have been developed to derive this information from NMR spectra of proteins. Using series expansion of the time dependent density matrix, and exploiting the simple topology of amino acid spin-systems, formulae for estimation of (3)J(HN-Halpha) and (3)J(Halpha-Hbeta) from HSQC-TOCSY spectra are derived. The results obtained on a protein entailing both alpha-helix and beta-sheet secondary structure elements agree very well with J-coupling constants computed from the X-ray structure. The method compares well with existing methods and requires only 2D spectra which would be typically otherwise recorded for structural studies.  相似文献   

CEL-III is a Ca(2+)-dependent and galactose-specific lectin purified from the sea cucumber, Cucumaria echinata, which exhibits hemolytic and hemagglutinating activities. Six molecules of CEL-III are assumed to oligomerize to form an ion-permeable pore in the cell membrane. We have determined the crystal structure of CELIII by using single isomorphous replacement aided by anomalous scattering in lead at 1.7 A resolution. CEL-III consists of three distinct domains as follows: the N-terminal two carbohydrate-binding domains (1 and 2), which adopt beta-trefoil folds such as the B-chain of ricin and are members of the (QXW)(3) motif family; and domain 3, which is a novel fold composed of two alpha-helices and one beta-sandwich. CEL-III is the first Ca(2+)-dependent lectin structure with two beta-trefoil folds. Despite sharing the structure of the B-chain of ricin, CEL-III binds five Ca(2+) ions at five of the six subdomains in both domains 1 and 2. Considering the relatively high similarity among the five subdomains, they are putative binding sites for galactose-related carbohydrates, although it remains to be elucidated whether bound Ca(2+) is directly involved in interaction with carbohydrates. The paucity of hydrophobic interactions in the interfaces between the domains and biochemical data suggest that these domains rearrange upon carbohydrate binding in the erythrocyte membrane. This conformational change may be responsible for oligomerization of CEL-III molecules and hemolysis in the erythrocyte membranes.  相似文献   

A novel sulphotransferase (sulpho-T) activity from rat colonicmucosa was characterized using O-glycan core 1 substrate, Galß1-3GalNAc  相似文献   

Integrins are alphabeta heterodimeric cell surface receptors that mediate transmembrane signaling by binding extracellular and cytoplasmic ligands. The ectodomain of integrin alphaVbeta3 crystallizes in a bent, genuflexed conformation considered to be inactive (unable to bind physiological ligands in solution) unless it is fully extended by activating stimuli. We generated a stable, soluble complex of the Mn(2+)-bound alphaVbeta3 ectodomain with a fragment of fibronectin (FN) containing type III domains 7 to 10 and the EDB domain (FN7-EDB-10). Transmission electron microscopy and single particle image analysis were used to determine the three-dimensional structure of this complex. Most alphaVbeta3 particles, whether unliganded or FN-bound, displayed compact, triangular shapes. A difference map comparing ligand-free and FN-bound alphaVbeta3 revealed density that could accommodate the RGD-containing FN10 in proximity to the ligand-binding site of beta3, with FN9 just adjacent to the synergy site binding region of alphaV. We conclude that the ectodomain of alphaVbeta3 manifests a bent conformation that is capable of stably binding a physiological ligand in solution.  相似文献   

Translation initiation factor eIF5B promotes GTP-dependent ribosomal subunit joining in the final step of the translation initiation pathway. The protein resembles a chalice with the α-helix H12 forming the stem connecting the GTP-binding domain cup to the domain IV base. Helix H12 has been proposed to function as a rigid lever arm governing domain IV movements in response to nucleotide binding and as a molecular ruler fixing the distance between domain IV and the G domain of the factor. To investigate its function, helix H12 was lengthened or shortened by one or two turns. In addition, six consecutive residues in the helix were substituted by Gly to alter the helical rigidity. Whereas the mutations had minimal impacts on the factor's binding to the ribosome and its GTP binding and hydrolysis activities, shortening the helix by six residues impaired the rate of subunit joining in vitro and both this mutation and the Gly substitution mutation lowered the yield of Met-tRNA(i)(Met) bound to 80S complexes formed in the presence of nonhydrolyzable GTP. Thus, these two mutations, which impair yeast cell growth and enhance ribosome leaky scanning in vivo, impair the rate of formation and stability of the 80S product of subunit joining. These data support the notion that helix H12 functions as a ruler connecting the GTPase center of the ribosome to the P site where Met-tRNA(i)(Met) is bound and that helix H12 rigidity is required to stabilize Met-tRNA(i)(Met) binding.  相似文献   

We report the isolation of a cDNA for the  相似文献   

To investigate the organization of and mode of selection in the α-tubulin genes, full-length α-tubulin genes were cloned from four intraspecific taxa of Miscanthus sinensis and its close relatives M. floridulus and M. condensatus using standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and rapid amplification of genomic ends (RAGE)-PCR strategies. Genealogical analysis of angiosperms recovered a monophyletic group of Miscanthus α-tubulin genes, which is homologous to the tua5 locus of maize. Two clusters of nearly equal frequency revealed paraphyly within each Miscanthus taxon. Between-cluster recombination was frequent. Additional evidence for co-occurrence of two haplotypes within individuals and a large-scale crossover all suggested a likely allelic relationship between the Miscanthus clusters. Given a long between-species divergence time in Miscanthus, wide occurrence of the trans-species polymorphisms in α-tubulin genes and the approximately equal frequency of each allelic type make it extremely unlikely that α-tubulin diversity has been maintained under neutrality. Balancing selection may have contributed to such an apportioning of genetic variability as well as to high levels of genetic variation in α-tubulin and higher substitution rates at synonymous sites of exons than at intron bases of M. sinensis. In addition, certain effects of demographic oscillation may have distorted the scenario of a functional locus operating under balancing selection.  相似文献   

Glycan chains that terminate in sialic acid (Neu5Ac) are frequently the receptors targeted by pathogens for initial adhesion. Carbohydrate-binding proteins (lectins) with specificity for Neu5Ac are particularly useful in the detection and isolation of sialylated glycoconjugates, such as those associated with pathogen adhesion as well as those characteristic of several diseases including cancer. Structural studies of lectins are essential in order to understand the origin of their specificity, which is particularly important when employing such reagents as diagnostic tools. Here, we report a crystallographic and molecular dynamics (MD) analysis of a lectin from Polyporus squamosus (PSL) that is specific for glycans terminating with the sequence Neu5Acα2-6Galβ. Because of its importance as a histological reagent, the PSL structure was solved (to 1.7??) in complex with a trisaccharide, whose sequence (Neu5Acα2-6Galβ1-4GlcNAc) is exploited by influenza A hemagglutinin for viral adhesion to human tissue. The structural data illuminate the origin of the high specificity of PSL for the Neu5Acα2-6Gal sequence. Theoretical binding free energies derived from the MD data confirm the key interactions identified crystallographically and provide additional insight into the relative contributions from each amino acid, as well as estimates of the importance of entropic and enthalpic contributions to binding.  相似文献   

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