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Social interaction can have profound influences on the structure of the adult brain, but little is known about the precise stimulus feature found within social interaction that induces such brain plasticity. We examined the effects of social stimuli on cell addition and radial glial fiber formation in the brains of adult electric fish. These fish communicate primarily through weak, quasi-sinusoidal electric signals. Fish were housed in isolation, paired with another fish or exposed to only the electrocommunication signals of another fish for 7 days. After 3 days of exposure to these stimulus conditions, fish were injected with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) to mark newborn cells. We sacrificed the fish 4 days after BrdU injection and used immunohistochemistry to measure cell addition (BrdU+), the fraction of added cells that differentiated into neurons (BrdU+/NeuroTrace+) and the density of radial glia fibers (vimentin+) in the periventricular zone of the diencephalon. Fish that were exposed only to the electrocommunication signals of another fish and no other social stimuli had equivalent levels of cell addition and radial glial fiber density to fish that were housed with full social interaction and higher levels than fish housed in isolation. About 60% of the added cells differentiated into neurons; this fraction did not differ among treatment groups. Artificial sine wave electrical stimuli that mimicked electrocommunication signals were ineffective in increasing cell addition and glia fiber formation above those found in isolated fish. Thus, stimuli through a single modality are sufficient for inducing this brain plasticity, but the waveform or dynamic features of communication signals are crucial for the effect.  相似文献   

The present paper highlights the relationship between social status and production of gradual frequency rises in interacting Apteronotus albifrons. The gradual frequency rise production was mathematically inferred and a discrete classification deliberately avoided. The results showed little gradual frequency rise production before the hierarchy settlement. Afterwards, only the dominant fish kept this gradual frequency rise production at low levels, while the subdominant fish drastically increased it in all following interaction contexts. The hypothesis of gradual frequency rises being involved in communication as submissive signals was thus strengthened.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - FM frequency modulation - GFR gradual frequency rise - IQR interquartile range - JAR jamming avoidance response  相似文献   

Androgens are known to be involved in reproductive behaviours including courtship and aggression. According to the Challenge Hypothesis, androgen activity upregulates male reproductive behaviour seasonally and also modulates short term adaptation of these behaviours in response to social context. In the weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus, 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) has been previously implicated in the regulation of electrocommunication behaviours that are believed to have roles in both aggression and courtship. Changes in male 11-KT levels were quantified using a non-invasive measurement technique alongside changes in electrocommunication behaviour following environmental cues that simulated the onset of the breeding season. Males showed an increase in mean electric organ discharge frequency (EODf), which is consistent with earlier results showing a female preference for high EODf. A subset of males with high initial EODfs showed increases in both 11-KT and EODf, which provides support for an EODf-based dominance hierarchy in this species. Males housed in social conditions and exposed to breeding conditioning also showed higher overall electric organ discharge frequencies and 11-KT compared to males housed in isolation. Evidence is presented that another type of electrocommunication signal previously implicated in courtship may also serve as an inter-male signal of submission. Our results are consistent with earlier observations that electrocommunication signals produced during inter-male aggression serve in deterring attacks, and their pattern of production further suggested the formation of a dominance hierarchy.  相似文献   

The weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus, produces a wave-like electric organ discharge (EOD) utilized for electrolocation and communication. Both sexes communicate by emitting chirps: transient increases in EOD frequency. In males, chirping behavior and the jamming avoidance response (JAR) can be evoked by an artificial EOD stimulus delivered to the water at frequencies 1–10 Hz below the animal's own EOD. In contrast, females rarely chirp in response to this stimulus even though they show consistent JARs. To investigate whether this behavioral difference is hormone dependent, we implanted females with testosterone (T) and monitored their chirping activity over a 5 week period. Our findings indicate that elevations in blood levels of T cause an enhancement of chirping behavior and a lowering of basal EOD frequency in females. Elevated blood levels of T also appear to modulate the quality of chirps produced by hormone treated females. The effects of T on female chirping behavior and basal EOD frequency appear specific, since the magnitude of the JAR was not affected by the hormonal treatment. These findings suggest that seasonal changes in circulating concentrations of T may regulate behavioral changes in female chirping behavior and basal EOD frequency.Abbreviations DHT dihydrotestosterone - E estradiol - EOD elecdric organ discharge - GSI gonadal size index - JAR jamming avoidance response - PPn prepacemaker nucleus - T testosterone  相似文献   

Brown ghost knife fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus, continually emit a weakly electric discharge that serves as a communication signal and is sensitive to sex steroids. Males modulate this signal during bouts of aggression by briefly (approximately 15 ms) increasing the discharge frequency in signals termed "chirps." The present study examined the effects of short-term (1-7 days) and long-term (6-35 days) male-male interaction on the continuous electric organ discharge (EOD), chirping behavior, and plasma levels of cortisol and two androgens, 11-ketotestosterone (11KT) and testosterone. Males housed in isolation or in pairs were tested for short-term and long-term changes in their EOD frequency and chirping rate to standardized sinusoidal electrical stimuli. Within 1 week, chirp rate was significantly higher in paired fish than in isolated fish, but EOD frequency was equivalent in these two groups of fish. Plasma cortisol levels were significantly higher in paired fish than in isolated fish, but there was no difference between groups in plasma 11KT levels. Among paired fish, cortisol levels correlated positively with chirp rate. To determine whether elevated cortisol can cause changes in chirping behavior, isolated fish were implanted with cortisol-filled or empty Silastic tubes and tested for short-term and long-term changes in electrocommunication signals and steroid levels. After 2 weeks, fish that received cortisol implants showed higher chirp rates than blank-implanted fish; there were no difference between groups in EOD frequency. Cortisol implants significantly elevated plasma cortisol levels compared to blank implants but had no effect on plasma 11KT levels. These results suggest that male-male interaction increases chirp rate by elevating levels of plasma cortisol, which, in turn, acts to modify neural activity though an 11KT-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

Gymnotiform fish use their electric organ discharge for electrolocation and communication. They are active nocturnally and seek retreat sites during the day. We examined retreat site selection in Apteronotus leptorhynchus by assessing their preference for retreat tubes that differed in opacity and dimension. Isolated fish preferred opaque to clear tubes, long and narrow diameter tubes to short, wide diameter tubes, and open-ended to closed tubes. We also assessed how groups of fish distributed themselves in tubes according to sex and electric organ discharge frequency under four conditions: (1) unlimited tube availability, (2) limited tube availability, (3) variation in tube opacity, and (4) variation in tube dimension. When tube availability was unlimited, fish generally preferred to occupy tubes alone. However, females, but not males, often cohabited tubes with consexuals. When tube availability was limited, females were more often than males found outside of tubes. When tubes varied by opacity and dimension, fish clustered most commonly in preferred tube types (opaque and long tubes). Males with the highest electric organ discharge frequencies usually occupied the most preferred tube type. Thus, fish have clear preferences in selecting retreat sites and groups of fish reveal their dominance relationships when presented with variation in retreat sites.  相似文献   

The weakly electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus produces wave-like electric organ discharges distinguished by a high degree of regularity. Transient amplitude and frequency modulations (“chirps”) can be evoked in males by stimulation with the electric field of a conspecific. During these interactions, the males examined in this study produced six types of chirps, including two novel ones. Stimulation of a test fish with a conspecific at various distances showed that two electrically interacting fish must be within 10 cm of each other to evoke chirping behavior in the neighboring fish. The chirp rate of all but one chirp type elicited by the neighboring fish was found to be negatively correlated with the absolute value of the frequency difference between the two interacting fish, but independent of the sign of this difference. Correlation analysis of the instantaneous rates of chirp occurrence revealed two modes of interactions characterized by reciprocal stimulation and reciprocal inhibition. Further analysis of the temporal relationship between the chirps generated by the two fish during electric interactions showed that the chirps generated by one individual follow the chirps of the other with a short latency of approximately 500–1000 ms. We hypothesize that this “echo response” serves a communicatory function.  相似文献   

Temperature manipulation has been shown to significantly affect recovery after spinal cord injury in various mammalian model systems. Little has been known thus far about the impact of temperature on structural and functional recovery after central nervous system lesions in regeneration-competent, poikilotherm organisms. In the present study, we addressed this aspect using an established model of adult spinal cord regeneration, the weakly electric teleost fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus. We observed an overall beneficial effect of increased temperature on both structural and behavioral recovery after amputation of the caudal spinal cord. Fish kept at 30°C recovered the amplitude of the electric organ discharge at more than twice the rate observed in fish kept at 22°C, within the first 20 days post-injury. This improved recovery was supported by increased cell proliferation and decreased apoptosis levels in fish kept at 30°C. The high temperature appeared to have a direct inhibitory effect on apoptosis and to lead to a compression of the duration of the wave of post-lesion apoptosis. The latter effect was presumably induced through the acceleration of the metabolic rate, a phenomenon also supported by the observation that re-growth of the tail was significantly increased in fish kept at 30°C.  相似文献   

Summary The electric organ discharge (EOD) potential was mapped on the skin and midplane of several Apteronotus leptorhynchus. The frequency components of the EOD on the surface of the fish have extremely stable amplitude and phase. However, the waveform varies considerably with different positions on the body surface. Peaks and zero crossings of the potential propagate along the fish's body, and there is no point where the potential is always zero. The EOD differs significantly from a sinusoid over at least one third of the body and tail. A qualitative comparison between fish showed that each individual had a unique spatiotemporal pattern of the EOD potential on its body.The potential waveforms have been assembled into high temporal and spatial resolution maps which show the dynamics of the EOD. Animation sequences and Macintosh software are available by anonymous ftp (mordor.cns.caltech.edu; cd/pub/ElectricFish).We interpret the EOD maps in terms of ramifications on electric organ control and electroreception. The electrocytes comprising the electric organ do not all fire in unison, indicating that the command pathway is not synchronized overall. The maps suggest that electroreceptors in different regions fulfill different computational roles in electroreception. Receptor mechanisms may exist to make use of the phase information or harmonic content of the EOD, so that both spatial and temporal patterns could contribute information useful for electrolocation and communication.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - EO electric organ - CV coefficient of variance  相似文献   

Brown ghost knife fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus, produce a continuous electric organ discharge (EOD) that they use for communication. While interacting aggressively, males also emit brief EOD modulations termed chirps. The simplicity of this behaior and its underlying neural circuitry has made it an important model system in neuroethology. Chirping is typically assayed by confining a fish in a tube (‘chirp chamber’) and presenting it with sine wave electrical stimuli that partially mimic EODs of other fish. We presented male fish with progressively more realistic social stimuli to examine whether some of the stimulus complexities during dyadic interaction influence the production of chirps. In a chirp chamber, fish chirped less to a recording of an EOD containing chirps than to a recording of an EOD alone and to sine wave stimuli. Free‐swimming fish chirped more to stimulus fish than to sine wave stimuli presented through electrodes. Fish chirped more when interacting directly than when interacting across a perforated barrier. Together, these studies demonstrate that the presence of chirps, electric field complexity, and/or non‐electric social stimuli are important in eliciting chirp production in brown ghosts.  相似文献   

When animals are under stress, glucocorticoids commonly inhibit adult neurogenesis by acting through glucocorticoid receptors (GRs). However, in some cases, conditions that elevate glucocorticoids promote adult neurogenesis, and the role of glucocorticoid receptors in these circumstances is not well understood. We examined the involvement of GRs in social enhancement of brain cell addition and aggressive signaling in electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. In this species, long-term social interaction simultaneously elevates plasma cortisol, enhances brain cell addition and increases production of aggressive electrocommunication signals (“chirps”). We implanted isolated and paired fish with capsules containing nothing (controls) or the GR antagonist, RU486, recorded chirp production and locomotion for 7 d, and measured the density of newborn cells in the periventricular zone. Compared to isolated controls, paired controls showed elevated chirping in two phases: much higher chirp rates in the first 5 h and moderately higher nocturnal rates thereafter. Treating paired fish with RU486 reduced chirp rates in both phases to those of isolated fish, demonstrating that GR activation is crucial for socially induced chirping. Neither RU486 nor social interaction affected locomotion. RU486 treatment to paired fish had a partial effect on cell addition: paired RU486 fish had less cell addition than paired control fish but more than isolated fish. This suggests that cortisol activation of GRs contributes to social enhancement of cell addition but works in parallel with another GR-independent mechanism. RU486 also reduced cell addition in isolated fish, indicating that GRs participate in the regulation of cell addition even when cortisol levels are low.  相似文献   

The ability to orient to and track moving electrolocation targets was assessed in normal Apteronotus leptorhynchus and in those with unilateral lesions of the nucleus praeeminentialis dorsalis.
  1. Each fish was trained to hover between two vertical metal rods and track their movement. Two aspects of this behavior were measured: a) the hovering position of the fish relative to stationary rods; b) the latency between the onset of rod motion and the fish's tracking response. Control fish hovered midway between stationary rods, while lesioned fish hovered closer to the rod ipsilateral to the lesion. Response latency varied negatively with rod diameter in both sets of fish, and lesioned fish exhibited shorter latencies than control fish. While the response latencies of control fish were shortest when their starting position was midway between the rods, lesioned animals' latencies were shortest when they hovered closer to the rod ipsilateral to their lesion.
  2. Control fish responded to the approach of a single metal ball to either side of the body with nearly equal latencies and fish-to-object distances. After lesioning, response latency increased and fish-to-object distance decreased for approaches to the side ipsilateral to the lesion; opposite changes occurred for contralateral approaches.

We present high temporal and spatial resolution maps in 3-dimensions of the electric field vector generated by the weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. The waveforms and harmonic composition of the electric organ discharge (EOD) are variable around the fish but highly stable over long times at any position. We examine the role of harmonics on the temporal and spatial characteristics of the EOD, such as the slew rate and rostral-to-caudal propagation. We also explore the radial symmetry of the fish's field. There are major differences in the direction of the electric field vector at the head and caudal body. In the caudal part of the fish, the electric field vector rotates during the EOD cycle. However, rostral of the pectoral fin, the field magnitude and sign oscillate while maintaining relatively constant orientation. We discuss possible functional ramifications of these electric field patterns to electrolocation, communication, and electrogenesis.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - EO electric organ - RMS root mean square - ADC analog-to-digital converter  相似文献   

A histochemical analysis of reaction rates of a series of enzymes was performed in electromotor neurons of the weakly electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus. These neurons were selected because of their functional homogeneity. The high metabolic activity of these cells as well as their large size facilitate cytophotometric analysis in cryostat sections. Sections were incubated for the activity of hexokinase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase, NADPH dehydrogenase, NADPH ferrihaemoprotein reductase and beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase. All media contained polyvinyl alcohol as tissue stabilizer and Nitro BT as final electron acceptor. Measurements were performed with a Vickers M85a cytophotometer. Linear relationships between the specific formation of formazan (test minus control reaction) and incubation time were obtained for all enzymes although some reactions showed an initial lag phase or an intercept with the ordinate. The relatively high activities of hexokinase, succinate dehydrogenase and the extremely low activity of hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase indicate that energy is mainly supplied by glycolysis. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase showed a high activity whereas NADPH reductase and dehydrogenase activity were low in electromotor neurons, indicating that the NADPH generated is largely used for biosynthesis. Despite their synchronous firing pattern activity, electromotor neurons showed a considerable heterogeneity with respect to their metabolic activity.  相似文献   

Brown ghosts, Apteronotus leptorhynchus, are weakly electric gymnotiform fish whose wave-like electric organ discharges are distinguished by their enormous degree of regularity. Despite this constancy, two major types of transient electric organ discharge modulations occur: gradual frequency rises, which are characterized by a relatively fast increase in electric organ discharge frequency and a slow return to baseline frequency; and chirps, brief and complex frequency and amplitude modulations. Although in spontaneously generated gradual frequency rises both duration and amount of the frequency increase are highly variable, no distinct subtypes appear to exist. This contrasts with spontaneously generated chirps which could be divided into four "natural" subtypes based on duration, amount of frequency increase and amplitude reduction, and time-course of the frequency change. Under non-evoked conditions, gradual frequency rises and chirps occur rather rarely. External stimulation with an electrical sine wave mimicking the electric field of a neighboring fish leads to a dramatic increase in the rate of chirping not only during the 30 s of stimulation, but also in the period immediately following the stimulation. The rate of occurrence of gradual frequency rises is, however, unaffected by such a stimulation regime.  相似文献   

In many species, the negative effects of aversive stimuli are mitigated by social interactions, a phenomenon termed social buffering. In one form of social buffering, social interactions reduce the inhibition of brain cell proliferation during stress. Indirect predator stimuli (e.g., olfactory or visual cues) are known to decrease brain cell proliferation, but little is known about how somatic injury, as might occur from direct predator encounter, affects brain cell proliferation and whether this response is influenced by conspecific interactions. Here, we assessed the social buffering of brain cell proliferation in an electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus, by examining the separate and combined effects of tail injury and social interactions. We mimicked a predator‐induced injury by amputating the caudal tail tip, exposed fish to paired interactions that varied in timing, duration and recovery period, and measured brain cell proliferation and the degree of social affiliation. Paired social interaction mitigated the negative effects of tail amputation on cell proliferation in the forebrain but not the midbrain. Social interaction either before or after tail amputation reduced the effect of tail injury and continuous interaction both before and after caused an even greater buffering effect. Social interaction buffered the proliferation response after short‐term (1 d) or long‐term recovery (7 d) from tail amputation. This is the first report of social buffering of brain cell proliferation in a non‐mammalian model. Despite the positive association between social stimuli and brain cell proliferation, we found no evidence that fish affiliate more closely following tail injury.  相似文献   

Aperonotus leptorhynchus (Gymnotiformes) produces wave-like electric organ discharges distinguished by a high degree of constancy. Transient frequency and amplitude modulations of these discharges occur both spontaneously and during social interactions, which can be mimicked by external electrical stimulation. The so-called chirps can be divided into four different types. Independent of the type of chirp produced under spontaneous conditions, the fish generate only significant numbers of type-2 chirps under evoked conditions. The rate of production of chirps of this type is largely determined by the frequency relative to the fish's frequency and signal intensity. Frequencies of + 10 Hz of the fish's own discharge frequency most effectively elicit chirps. Type-2 chirps can also be evoked through stimulation at or near the higher harmonic frequencies of the fish's frequency, but the chirp rate decreases with increasing number of the higher harmonic component. Over a certain range, the rate of production of type-2 chirps increases with increasing stimulus intensity. At very high intensities the generation of type-2 chirps is accompanied by the production of a novel type of electrical signal ("abrupt frequency rise") characterized by a frequency increase of approximately 20 Hz and high repetition rates of roughly 10 s(-1). We hypothesize that the different types of electric modulations subserve different behavioral functions.  相似文献   

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