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目的:分离肝癌细胞系MHCC97中肝癌干细胞并分析肝癌细胞高表达miR-221在肝癌干细胞和非干细胞亚群中的表达差异情况,探讨miR-221表达水平与肝癌干细胞分化之间的关系。方法:利用流式细胞荧光激活分选法从肝癌细胞系MHCC97中分选出肝癌干细胞(hepatocareinoma stem cells,HSCs)和非干细胞(non-hepatocareinoma stem cells,non-HSCs)两个亚群。采用实时荧光定量RT-PCR(Real-time RT-PCR)检测miR-221在两个不同肝癌细胞亚群中的表达。结果:HSC亚群肝癌细胞仅占细胞总体的2.59%;HSC亚群细胞中miR-221的表达明显高于non-HSC亚群(P〈0.01)。结论:miR-221在HSC亚群肝癌细胞中的明显高表达,提示miR-221可能在维持HSC亚群肝癌细胞的干细胞特性方面具有重要意义。通过调控肝癌干细胞中miR-221的表达,可以促进其分化成熟,从而为肝癌治疗提供新的思路。  相似文献   

目的:探讨肝癌患者肝移植手术前后血清中miR-221的表达变化及其临床意义.方法:选择2009年6月至2011年8月在我院行肝移植手术的42例肝癌患者、26例肝良性疾病患者和40例正常对照组人员为研究对象,采用实时荧光定量RT-PCR(Real-time RT-PCR)对比检测移植前后患者血清中miR-221的表达水平.根据肝移植术前患者血清miR-221表达水平的平均值作为划分标准,将36例患者分为高表达组和低表达组.分析miR-221的表达与移植术后肿瘤复发和转移的关系.结果:原发性肝癌患者血清miR-221表达水平明显高于正常对照组(P<0.05).移植术后患者血清miR-221的表达显著降低(P<0.01).术前血清miR-221水平与肝移植术后HCC转移/复发情况密切相关.高表达组肝移植患者术后肝癌转移/复发率明显高于低表达组患者(P<0.05);术后6月内肝癌复发患者血清miR-221水平显著高于未复发者(P<0.05).结论:血清miR-221表达水平与肝癌肝移植术后肿瘤复发和转移密切相关,有可能成为肝癌肝移植预后的评估指标.  相似文献   

外泌体是一种存在范围广泛、功能作用多样的膜性小囊泡,与肿瘤的发生发展紧密相关。外泌体miR-221为内源性非编码的RNA分子,在胃癌相关研究中极具价值。本综述主要介绍了外泌体的形成特点、功能作用以及外泌体miR-221与胃癌的相关作用机制和诊疗进程之间的联系,指出外泌体miR-221水平的高表达与胃癌的发生发展关系密切,提示其可作为潜在的生物标志物,为胃癌的早期诊断和治疗提供新的研究思路,以帮助临床解决胃癌这一难题。  相似文献   

miR-126通过靶向作用于表皮生长因子域7(EGFL7)、同源框A9(HOXA9)、胰岛素受体底物-1(IlLS-1)、p85-B基因等,在转录后水平调控靶基因表达,在肿瘤形成中起重要作用。前列腺癌细胞中高表达miR-126,能明显下调VEGF-A、EGLF7、HOXA9、VCAM-l等与肿瘤生长、转移密切相关的蛋白分子。miR-126作为抑癌因子,在多种肿瘤中均下调。其抑癌作用及机制在肺癌、白血病、乳腺癌、宫颈癌等中均已得到证实。本课题拟对miR-126调控前列腺癌机制做一综述。  相似文献   

miR-126通过靶向作用于表皮生长因子域7(EGFL7)、同源框A9(HOXA9)、胰岛素受体底物-1(11LS-1)、p85-B基因等,在转录后水平调控靶基因表达,在肿瘤形成中起重要作用。前列腺癌细胞中高表达miR,126,能明显下调VEGF—A、EGLF7、HOXA9、VCAM—1等与肿瘤生长、转移密切相关的蛋白分子。miR-126作为抑癌因子,在多种肿瘤中均下调。其抑癌作用及机制在肺癌、白血病、乳腺癌、宫颈癌等中均已得到证实。本课题拟对miR-126调控前列腺癌机制做一综述。  相似文献   

目的:评价miR-221在前列腺癌细胞系中表达的变化对其神经内分泌样转化及其侵袭功能的影响。方法:以Northern blot检测LNCaP,LNCaP-AI两种前列腺癌细胞系中7种microRNA的表达变化;细胞转染法检测在雄激素剥夺环境中LNCaP和LNCaP-AI细胞系中miR-221的作用;CCK-8法检测细胞在不同阶段的生长增殖水平;Transwell法检测转染细胞的侵袭能力;qRT-PCR和Western blot检测转染的细胞中神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)及dishevelled-2(DVL2)表达的变化。结果:与雄激素依赖性前列腺癌(ADPC)的细胞系LNCaP相比,miR-221在雄激素非依赖性前列腺癌(AIPC)的细胞系LNCaP-AI中明显高表达。通过转染使miR-221在LNCaP细胞系中高表达可促进细胞的NSE表达,加速其神经内分泌样分化。而在LNCaP-AI细胞系中下调miR-221水平则会升高靶基因DVL2的表达水平,并增强LNCaP-AI细胞的迁移和侵袭能力。结论:该实验证实在AIPC和ADPC细胞系中miR-221存在表达差异。miR-221可促进前列腺癌细胞的神经内分泌样转化,这可能是导致前列腺癌雄激素非依赖转化的重要原因。MiR-221可通过作用DVL2调节晚期前列腺癌细胞的转移和侵袭。  相似文献   

miR-221和miR-222 (miR-221/222)是由同一祖先基因重复产生的旁系同源物,它们在核酸序列上非常接近,并具有相同的种子序列“AGCUACAU”.miR-221/222在正常内皮细胞中高表达,在心血管系统的发育和生理功能的维持方面发挥重要作用,其异常表达与心血管疾病、代谢性疾病、免疫性疾病、神经退行性...  相似文献   

目的:研究miR-221不同时期前列腺癌细胞系中表达差异,探讨miR-221在雄激素非依赖前列腺癌的生长及侵袭能力中发挥的作用.方法:Northern检测雄激素依赖性与雄激素非依赖性前列腺癌细胞系中差异表达的miRNA.在不同前列腺癌细胞系中,通过CCK-8及流式细胞学检测基因转染前后miR-221对于前列腺癌细胞系的生长影响,以及通过侵袭实验检测细胞侵袭能力的变化.结果:①Northern显示LNCaP-AI细胞中miR-221水平明显高于LNCaP细胞;②miR-221促进LNCaP及LNCaP-AI细胞的增殖能力③下调miR-221会减弱LNCaP-AI细胞的侵袭能力.结论:miR-221促进不同时期前列腺癌细胞系的增殖,并增强LNCaP-AI的侵袭能力.  相似文献   

miR-221对小鼠乳腺上皮细胞增殖和泌乳功能的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
MicroRNA(miRNA)是一类大约22个核苷酸的非编码RNA.miR-221能通过调控受体表达,引发肿瘤形成、细胞增殖和组织器官发育.本文应用脂质体转染技术,改变miR-221在小鼠乳腺上皮细胞和组织中的表达量.采用HPLC、Western 印迹、电镜技术等观察miR-221对小鼠乳腺上皮细胞和乳腺组织的影响.结果表明,miR-221沉寂后,细胞增殖能力增强(P<0.01),β酪蛋白表达增加(P>0.05),生长激素受体(GHR)表达增强(P<0.01),泌乳期乳腺组织中上皮细胞数量增加(P<0.05),小鼠泌乳量增加(P<0.05).结果提示,miR-221可能通过抑制靶蛋白GHR表达,进而抑制乳腺上皮细胞增殖和泌乳.  相似文献   

目的:构建携带人miR-221基因的miRNA干扰慢病毒载体并寻找其有效靶序列,为胶质瘤的研究提供一种新的方法。方法:合成含干扰序列的双链DNAoligo直接连入酶切后的RNA干扰载体上。将产物转入细菌感受态细胞,对长出的克隆进行PCR鉴定,阳性克隆即为目的基因RNA干扰慢病毒载体质粒。再将目的基因与目的载体分别进行双酶切,纯化酶切产物后进行定向连接,其产物转入细菌感受态细胞,再对PCR鉴定阳性的克隆进行测序和分析比对,比对正确即为融合蛋白过表达质粒载体,然后将两种质粒共转染入293T细胞,用westernbolt法检测其有效敲减靶序列。结果:重组质粒经测序鉴定证明各转录模板完整、正确插入到相应质粒中,共转染后发现编号为PscSI576的靶点干扰效果最好。结论:本实验成功构建了人miR-221基因的RNA干扰慢病毒载体,并找到了有效的干扰靶序列。  相似文献   

Circulating tumor cell (CTC) enumeration promises to be an important predictor of clinical outcome for a range of cancers. Established CTC enumeration methods primarily rely on affinity capture of cell surface antigens, and have been criticized for underestimation of CTC numbers due to antigenic bias. Emerging CTC capture strategies typically distinguish these cells based on their assumed biomechanical characteristics, which are often validated using cultured cancer cells. In this study, we developed a software tool to investigate the morphological properties of CTCs from patients with castrate resistant prostate cancer and cultured prostate cancer cells in order to establish whether the latter is an appropriate model for the former. We isolated both CTCs and cultured cancer cells from whole blood using the CellSearch® system and examined various cytomorphological characteristics. In contrast with cultured cancer cells, CTCs enriched by CellSearch® system were found to have significantly smaller size, larger nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, and more elongated shape. These CTCs were also found to exhibit significantly more variability than cultured cancer cells in nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio and shape profile.  相似文献   

Research has shown that microRNAs are promising biomarkers that can be used to promote a more accurate diagnosis of cancer. In this study, we developed an integrated multi-step selection process to analyze available high-throughput datasets to obtain information on microRNAs as cancer biomarkers. Applying this approach to the microRNA expression profiles of prostate cancer and the datasets in The Cancer Genome Atlas Data Portal, we identified miRNA-182, miRNA-200c and miRNA-221 as possible biomarkers for prostate cancer. The associations between the expressions of these three microRNAs with clinical parameters as well as their diagnostic capability were studied. Several online databases were used to predict the target genes of these three microRNAs, and the results were confirmed by significant statistical correlations. Comparing with the other 18 types of cancers listed in The Cancer Genome Atlas Data Portal, we found that the combination of both miRNA-182 and miRNA-200c being up-regulated and miRNA-221 being down-regulated only happens in prostate cancer. This provides a unique biological characteristic for prostate cancer that can potentially be used for diagnosis based on tissue testing. In addition, our study also revealed that these three microRNAs are associated with the pathological status of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the leading causes of deaths in America. The major cause of mortality can be attributed to metastasis. Cancer metastasis involves sequential and interrelated events. miRNAs and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) are implicated in this process. miR-195 is downregulated in many human cancers. However, the roles of miR-195 in PCa metastasis and EMT remain unclear. In this study, data from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) prostate cancer database were re-analysed to detect miR-195 expression and its roles in PCa. miR-195 was then overexpressed in castration-resistant PCa cell lines, DU-145 and PC-3. The role of miR-195 in migration and invasion in vitro was also investigated, and common markers in EMT were evaluated through Western blot analysis. A luciferase reporter assay was conducted to confirm the target gene of miR-195; were validated in PCa cells. In MSKCC data re-analyses, miR-195 was poorly expressed in metastatic PCa; miR-195 could be used to diagnose metastatic PCa by measuring the corresponding expression. Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC-ROC) was 0.705 (P = 0.017). Low miR-195 expression was characterised with a shorter relapse-free survival (RFS) time. miR-195 overexpression suppressed cell migration, invasion and EMT. Fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) was confirmed as a direct target of miR-195. FGF2 knockdown also suppressed migration, invasion and EMT; by contrast, increased FGF2 partially reversed the suppressive effect of miR-195. And data from ONCOMINE prostate cancer database showed that PCa patients with high FGF2 expression showed shorter RFS time (P = 0.046). Overall, this study demonstrated that miR-195 suppressed PCa cell metastasis by downregulating FGF2. miR-195 restoration may be considered as a new therapeutic method to treat metastatic PCa.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved process responsible for the degradation and recycling of cytoplasmic components through autolysosomes. Targeting AR axis is a standard strategy for prostate cancer treatment; however, the role of AR in autophagic processes is still not fully understood. In the present study, we found that AR played a negative role in AR degrader celastrol-induced autophagy. Knockdown of AR in AR-positive prostate cancer cells resulted in enhanced autophagy. Ectopic expression of AR in AR-negative prostate cancer cells, or gain of function of the AR signaling in AR-positive cells, led to suppression of autophagy. Since miR-101 is an inhibitor of autophagy and its expression was decreased along with AR in the process of celastrol-induced autophagy, we hypothesize that AR inhibits autophagy through transactivation of miR-101. AR binding site was defined in the upstream of miR-101 gene by luciferase reporter and ChIP assays. MiR-101 expression correlated with AR status in prostate cancer cell lines. The inhibition of celastrol-induced autophagy by AR was compromised by blocking miR-101; while transfection of miR-101 led to inhibition of celastrol-induced autophagy in spite of AR depletion. Furthermore, mutagenesis of the AR binding site in miR-101 gene led to decreased suppression of autophagy by AR. Finally, autophagy inhibition by miR-101 mimic was found to enhance the cytotoxic effect of celastrol in prostate cancer cells. Our results demonstrate that AR inhibits autophagy via transactivation of miR-101, thus combination of miR-101 mimics with celastrol may represent a promising therapeutic approach for treating prostate cancer.  相似文献   

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