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Asplenium basiscopicum is described, illustrated, and compared to the most similar species,A. purpurascens.  相似文献   

Pothos crassipedunculatus Sivadasan & Mohanan (Araceae), a new species closely related to the SW. Indian endemic and little known speciesP. thomsonianus Schott is described. It is characterized by the the non-ligulate, shortly vaginate petiole, thickly peduncled inflorescence, broadly ovate spathe and a sessile spadix. It is included in ser.Brevivaginati Engler of sect.Allopothos Schott.  相似文献   

Abstract:The new lichen species Cladonia krogiana is described from eight localities in SE Norway. It resembles C. polycarpoides morphologically, but differs in containing barbatic acid and chlorovinetorin.  相似文献   

Hieracium busambarense (Asteraceae), a new species from calcareous-dolomite cliffs of Rocca Busambra (western Sicily, Italy) is described and illustrated here.  相似文献   

Cladonia petrophila, an overlooked, usually sterile species, morphologically similar toC. apodocarpa andC. caespiticia, is described as new on the basis of its distinctive chemistry, perlatolic and fumarprotocetraric acids, and habitat preference for moist non-calcareous rock.  相似文献   

Getulio Agostini 《Brittonia》1973,25(2):174-176
Cordia thaisiana is described as new from the state of Zulia, Venezuela. It can be distinguished from other species in the section by the inconspicuously nerved calyx, the flower disk fused with the ovary, and by the glabrous branches and leaf blades. A key is provided for the species ofCordia sect.Gerascanthus growing in northern South America.  相似文献   

Justicia brevipedunculata, a new species ofJ. sect.Ansellia endemic to Tanzania, is described and illustrated. Detailed palynological information is given, and relationships to other species of the section are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract:Cladonia monomorpha is recognized as a distinct species in the Cladonia pyxidata group. It is characterized by thallus lobes with narrowly recurved margins, by the presence of discoid, bullate plates on the podetial surface and by long and sometimes branched proliferations of the scyphus margins supporting the apothecium discs. It is described from the Netherlands, where it occurs in acid inland sand dune areas with the highest terrestrial lichen diversity. It appears to be widespread in Europe on siliceous rock and acid sand.  相似文献   

Magnolia polytepala Law, R.Z. Zhou & R.J. Zhang sp. nov. (Magnoliaceae) a new species from Fujian, south-east China, is described and illustrated. The species was found growing only in the evergreen broad-leaved forests of Mount Wuyishan at altitudes of 500–1200 m. Notes are also presented on the phenology and conservation status of the new species. It is closely related to Magnolia liliiflora Desr., but differs from the latter in its stunted habit (less than 2 m tall) and tepals, which are more numerous (12–16) and not contorted at the base.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 289–292.  相似文献   

Caloplaca erodens is a new species of sect. Pyrenodesmia, characterised by an orbicular, sorediate, bluish-grey thallus which is endolithic but emerges at the periphery with a white, K−, obscurely lobate prothallus. The species is frequent on calcareous outcrops and walls of isolated churches and ruins of the Central Apennines (Sibillini, Gran Sasso), where it may occur in large monospecific populations, from 1000 to 2500 m asl., and is also known from dry sites of the southern Alps. It has been found with apothecia only in the type locality, being predominantly sterile. The reproduction of this lichen is evidently linked to the release of fragments of clusters of photobiont cells and mycobiont hyphae which are continuously exposed with the dissolution of the substratum. Readily distinguished from the apparently similar endolithic C. alociza (which is characterised by numerous apothecia, black, K+ purple prothallus, and esorediate thallus), C. erodens probably belongs to the C. circumalbata complex, whose taxa are always epilithic but have a white, K− prothallus. The phylogenetic position of the new species within sect. Pyrenodesmia as inferred by ITS sequences of the nuclear ribosomal DNA is shortly discussed.  相似文献   

孙剑秋  余知和  王龙  臧威 《菌物学报》2022,41(4):680-688
根据形态学和CaM、Rpb2及rDNA ITS1-5.8S-ITS2序列的分子系统学分析,界定篮状菌属岛篮状菌组Talaromycessect.Islandici的3个中国新记录种,即螨生篮状菌T.acaricola、根篮状菌T.radicus和哒叻篮状菌T.tratensis。螨生篮状菌生长局限,形成绒状菌落,在MEA上产生稀疏的灰绿色分生孢子,菌丝淡绿黄色,分生孢子梗双轮生、三轮生和不规则生,帚状枝排列较松散,瓶梗安瓿形,孢子梭形至椭球形,壁光滑。根篮状菌生长较慢,但在37℃可生长,形成致密短絮状菌落,菌丝体绿黄色,孢子稀疏,灰绿色,分生孢子梗双轮生,帚状枝排列紧密,瓶梗圆柱形至披针形,孢子椭球形,壁光滑。哒叻篮状菌生长缓慢,在25℃培养7 d后未产分生孢子,菌丝体呈浅橙黄色,产生适量橙黄色裸囊壳,子囊孢子椭球形,壁光滑至稍粗糙。  相似文献   

Gagea tisoniana Peruzzi et al. sp. nov. is described and its taxonomic relationship is discussed. The new species, which appears to be endemic to central Italy, is close to G. pratensis (Pers.) Dumort., G. pusilla (F. W. Schmidt) Sweet, and other mainly poorly known [i.e. G. succedanea Griseb. et Schenk, G. transversalis Stev., and G. paczoskii (Zapal.) Grossh.] or as yet undescribed taxa from eastern Europe and the eastern Mediterranean area. The recognition of the new taxon G. tisoniana is claimed on the basis of anatomical, karyological, ecological, and phytogeographical data. Maps of the Italian distribution of G. pratensis (2 n  = 60), G. pusilla (2 n  = 24), and G. tisoniana (2 n  = 24) are presented, together with an analytical identification key. Finally, G. pratensis is recorded here for the first time in Tuscany (Monte Cetona).  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 337–347.  相似文献   

Among the suffruticose cabbages of Brassica sect. Brassica, a new species from Sicily, named B. raimondoi, is described and illustrated. It is a chasmophyte restricted to some steep limestone cliffs near Taormina (NE Sicily) and is morphologically related to B. incana, with which it shares densely hairy, broad, amplexicaul leaves and winged petioles, but differs principally in its white corolla, larger floral pieces, more developed stigmatic papillae, shorter siliquae with keeled valves and a smaller, seedless beak, smaller seeds differing in testa microsculpture. A key for the identification of the currently known Sicilian taxa of the section is provided.  相似文献   

Two new species of Justicia L. are described: Justicia ukagurensis Hedrén and Justicia sulphuriflora Hedrén, both from crystalline mountains of eastern Tanzania.  相似文献   

Rafael Lira  Michael Nee 《Brittonia》1999,51(2):204-209
Sechium mexicanum is described as a new species ofSechium sect.Frantzia. It differs from the remaining species of the section by several features of the inflorescences and staminate flowers, the obovoid and completely unarmed fruits, and pollen grains with 9–10 narrow, poorly defined colpi. It is endemic to Mexico and the first member of sect.Frantzia to be recorded outside of Central America. It grows at 900–2300 m in mesophilous forests and in oak and pineoak forests in the states of Hidalgo, Puebla, Querétaro, and Veracruz.  相似文献   

A new species of Mimosa section Mimosa, Mimosa eurystegia, which is apparently endemic to Paraná in southern Brazil, is described and illustrated. This species is distinguished by plurinerved leaflets and papyraceous, plurinerved, orbicular, amplexicaul stipules. Morphological distinctiveness of this new Mimosa and its relationships with allied species are discussed. Phenological, geographical and ecological data are presented, in addition to a key to the species of Mimosa subser. Sparsae.  相似文献   

Catapyrenium pyrenaicum is described as new from northern Spain and adjacent France, and the new combinationCatapyrenium velebiticum is made. The new species differs fromC. velebiticum mainly in its laminal pycnidia. Remarks on taxonomy, ecology, and distribution of the species are given.  相似文献   

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