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Previous studies have demonstrated greater functions ofosteoblasts (bone-forming cells) on nanophase compared with conventional metals. Nanophase metals possess a biologically inspired nanostructured surface that mimics the dimensions of constituent components in bone, including collagen and hydroxyapatite. Not only do these components possess dimensions on the nanoscale, they are aligned in a parallel manner creating a defined orientation in bone. To date, research has yet to evaluate the effect that organized nanosurface features can have on the interaction of osteoblasts with material surfaces. Therefore, to determine if surface orientation of features can mediate osteoblast adhesion and morphology, this study investigated osteoblast function on patterned titanium substrates containing alternating regions of micron rough and nano rough surfaces prepared by novel electron beam evaporation techniques. This study was also interested in determining whether or not the size of the patterned regions had an effect on osteoblast behavior and alignment. Results indicated early controlled osteoblast alignment on these patterned materials as well as greater osteoblast adhesion on the nano rough regions of these patterned substrates. Interestingly, decreasing the width of the nano rough regions (from 80 microm to 22 microm) on these patterned substrates resulted in a decreased number of osteoblasts adhering to these areas. Changes in the width of the nano rough regions also resulted in changes in osteoblast morphology, thus, suggesting there is an optimal pattern dimension that osteoblasts prefer. In summary, results of this study provided evidence that aligned nanophase metal features on the surface of titanium improved early osteoblast functions (morphology and adhesion) promising for their long term functions, criteria necessary to improve orthopedic implant efficacy.  相似文献   

Metallic bone implants possess numerous problems limiting their long-term efficacy, such as poor prolonged osseointegration, stress shielding, and corrosion under in vivo environments. Such problems are compounded for bone cancer patients since numerous patients receive orthopedic implants after cancerous bone resection. Unfortunately, current orthopedic materials were not originally developed to simultaneously increase healthy bone growth (as in traditional orthopedic implant applications) while inhibiting cancerous bone growth. The long-term objective of the present research is to investigate the use of nano-rough selenium to prevent bone cancer from re-occurring while promoting healthy bone growth for this select group of cancer patients. Selenium is a well known anti-cancer chemical. However, what is not known is how healthy bone cells interact with selenium. To determine this, selenium, spherical or semispherical shots, were pressed into cylindrical compacts and these compacts were then etched using 1N NaOH to obtain various surface structures ranging from the micron, submicron to nano scales. Changes in surface chemistry were also analyzed. Through these etching techniques, results of this study showed that biologically inspired surface roughness values were created on selenium compacts to match that of natural bone roughness. Moreover, results showed that healthy bone cell adhesion increased with greater nanometer selenium roughness (more closely matching that of titanium). In this manner, this study suggests that nano-rough selenium should be further tested for orthopedic applications involving bone cancer treatment.  相似文献   

Titanium is biocompatible with bodily tissues. However, the formation of ROS on the titanium surfaces might have negative response of the activity of the surroundings cells. Terrein was isolated from Penicullium sp. 20135 and found to reduce the effects of LPS-induced inflammation. This study examined the role of Terrein on the biocompatibility of titanium to determine if it can help improve osseointegration. MC-3T3 E1 cells were grown on titanium surfaces. The biocompatibility of Terrein was examined by adding it directly to the culture media at the indicated concentration. The cells on the titanium surface produced excessive ROS and decreased the activity of Cu/Zn SOD and Mn SOD. Moreover, the cells had higher activity towards oxidative stress molecules, such as MAPK, FAK and iNOS expression. In addition, MC-3T3 E1 osteoblast-like cells promoted osteoclast differentiation but reduced osteoblast differentiation and mineralization on the titanium surface. Interestingly, the cells given the Terrein treatment showed higher resistance towards oxidative stress through the up-regulation of ERK1/2 and FAK activity but the down-regulation of SAPK/JNK and iNOS activity. Moreover, Terrein promoted osteoblast differentiation and bone mineralization to elevate the activity of ALP, SPARC and down-regulate RANKL expression after blocking NF-κB translocation from the cytosol to the nucleus. In conclusion, the presence of Terrein on titanium surfaces increases osteoblast cell growth without inflammation. Moreover, Terrein, as a putative antioxidant agent, may enhance osseointegration by decreasing the level of ROS and having a potentially synergistic effect on osteoblast differentiation.  相似文献   

To facilitate locomotion and support the body, the skeleton relies on the transmission of forces between muscles and bones through complex junctions called entheses. The varying mechanical and biological properties of the enthesis make healing this avascular tissue difficult; hence the need for an engineered alternative. Cells in situ interact with their environment on the nano-scale which suggests that engineered approaches to enthesis regeneration should include such biologically-inspired nano-scale surface features. The present in vitro study investigated the effects of etching poly-lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) scaffolds to produce nano-topography on the adhesion of fibroblasts and osteoblasts, two integral enthesis cell types. Nano-topography was produced on PLGA by etching the scaffolds in NaOH. Results showed that etching PLGA with NaOH to create nano-scale surface features decreased fibroblast adhesion while it increased osteoblast adhesion; criteria critical for the spatial control of osteoblast and fibroblast adhesion for a successful enthesis tissue engineering material. Thus, the results of this study showed for the first time collective evidence that PLGA can be either treated with NaOH or not on ends of an enthesis tissue engineering construct to spatially increase osteoblast and fibroblast adhesion, respectively.  相似文献   

In the body, vascular cells continuously interact with tissues that possess nanostructured surface features due to the presence of proteins (such as collagen and elastin) embedded in the vascular wall. Despite this fact, vascular stents intended to restore blood flow do not have nanoscale surface features but rather are smooth at the nanoscale. As the first step towards creating the next generation of vascular stent materials, the objective of this in vitro study was to investigate vascular cell (specifically, endothelial, and vascular smooth muscle cell) adhesion on nanostructured compared with conventional commercially pure (cp) Ti and CoCrMo. Nanostructured cp Ti and CoCrMo compacts were created by separately utilizing either constituent cp Ti or CoCrMo nanoparticles as opposed to conventional micron-sized particles. Results of this study showed for the first time increased endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cell adhesion on nanostructured compared with conventional cp Ti and CoCrMo after 4 hours' adhesion. Moreover, compared with their respective conventional counterparts, the ratio of endothelial to vascular smooth muscle cells increased on nanostructured cp Ti and CoCrMo. In addition, endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells had a better spread morphology on the nanostructured metals compared with conventional metals. Overall, vascular cell adhesion was better on CoCrMo than on cp Ti. Results of surface characterization studies demonstrated similar chemistry but significantly greater root-mean-square (rms) surface roughness as measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM) for nanostructured compared with respective conventional metals. For these reasons, results from the present in vitro study provided evidence that vascular stents composed of nanometer compared with micron-sized metal particles (specifically, either cp Ti or CoCrMo) may invoke cellular responses promising for improved vascular stent applications.  相似文献   

Techniques to regenerate the vasculature have risen considerably over the last few decades due to the increased clinical diagnosis of artery narrowing and blood vessel blockage. Although initially re‐establishing blood flow, current small diameter vascular regenerative materials often eventually cause thrombosis and restenosis due to a lack of initial endothelial cell coverage on such materials. The objective of this in vitro study was to evaluate commonly used vascular materials (specifically, polyethylene terephthalate, polytetrafluoroethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyurethane, nylon, commercially pure titanium, and a titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V)) modified using an ionic plasma deposition (IPD) process and a nitrogen ion implantation plasma deposition (NIIPD) process. Such surface modifications have been previously shown to create nanostructured surface features which mimic the natural nanostructured surface features of blood vessels. The modified and unmodified surfaces were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and surface energy measurements. Furthermore, in vitro endothelial cell adhesion tests (a key first step for vascular material endothelialization) demonstrated increased endothelial cell adhesion on many modified (with IPD and NIIPD + IPD) compared to unmodified samples. In general, endothelial cell adhesion increased with nanoroughness and surface energy but demonstrated a decreased endothelial cell adhesion trend after an optimal coating surface energy value was reached. Thus, results from this study provided materials and a versatile surface modification process that can potentially increase endothelialization faster than current unmodified (conventional) polymer and metallic vascular materials. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;103: 459–471. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this study, we report on a group of complementary human osteoblast in vitro test methods for the preclinical evaluation of 3D porous titanium surfaces. The surfaces were prepared by additive manufacturing (electron beam melting [EBM]) and plasma spraying, allowing the creation of complex lattice surface geometries. Physical properties of the surfaces were characterized by SEM and profilometry and 3D in vitro cell culture using human osteoblasts. Primary human osteoblast cells were found to elicit greater differences between titanium sample surfaces than an MG63 osteoblast‐like cell line, particularly in terms of cell survival. Surface morphology was associated with higher osteoblast metabolic activity and mineralization on rougher titanium plasma spray coated surfaces than smoother surfaces. Differences in osteoblast survival and metabolic activity on titanium lattice structures were also found, despite analogous surface morphology at the cellular level. 3D confocal microscopy identified osteoblast organization within complex titanium surface geometries, adhesion, spreading, and alignment to the biomaterial strut geometries. Mineralized nodule formation throughout the lattice structures was also observed, and indicative of early markers of bone in‐growth on such materials. Testing methods such as those presented are not traditionally considered by medical device manufacturers, but we suggest have value as an increasingly vital tool in efficiently translating pre‐clinical studies, especially in balance with current regulatory practice, commercial demands, the 3Rs, and the relative merits of in vitro and in vivo studies. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2016;113: 1586–1599. © 2015 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Natural bone consists of hard nanostructured hydroxyapatite (HA) in a nanostructured protein-based soft hydrogel template (ie, mostly collagen). For this reason, nanostructured HA has been an intriguing coating material on traditionally used titanium for improving orthopedic applications. In addition, helical rosette nanotubes (HRNs), newly developed materials which form through the self-assembly process of DNA base pair building blocks in body solutions, are soft nanotubes with a helical architecture that mimics natural collagen. Thus, the objective of this in vitro study was for the first time to combine the promising attributes of HRNs and nanocrystalline HA on titanium and assess osteoblast (bone-forming cell) functions. Different sizes of nanocrystalline HA were synthesized in this study through a wet chemical precipitation process following either hydrothermal treatment or sintering. Transmission electron microscopy images showed that HRNs aligned with nanocrystalline HA, which indicates a high affinity between both components. Some of the nanocrystalline HA formed dense coatings with HRNs on titanium. More importantly, results demonstrated enhanced osteoblast adhesion on the HRN/nanocrystalline HA-coated titanium compared with conventional uncoated titanium. Among all the HRN/nanocrystalline HA coatings tested, osteoblast adhesion was the greatest when HA nanometer particle size was the smallest. In this manner, this study demonstrated for the first time that biomimetic HRN/nanocrystalline HA coatings on titanium were cytocompatible for osteoblasts and, thus, should be further studied for improving orthopedic implants.  相似文献   

The objective of the present in vitro study was to estimate the adhesion strength of nanometer crystalline hydroxyapatite (HA)-small intestine sub-mucosa (SIS) composites on model implant surfaces. Techniques of thermal denaturation (60 degrees C, 20 min) of SIS were used to enhance the adhesion strength of entheses materials to underlying implants. Specifically, results indicated that the adhesion strength of thermally denatured SIS was 2-3 times higher than that for normal unheated SIS. In addition, aqua-sonicated, hydrothermally treated nano-HA dispersions enhanced the adhesion strength of SIS on implant surfaces. Importantly, results of the present study demonstrated that human skeletal muscle cell (hSkMC) numbers were not affected by thermally denaturing SIS in nano-HA composite coatings; however, they increased on aqua-sonicated nano-HA/SIS composites compared with SIS alone. Interestingly, thermally denatured SIS that contained aqua-sonicated, hydrothermally treated nano-HA decreased human osteoblasts (hOBs) numbers compared with respective unheated composites; all other composites when thermally denatured did not influence hOB numbers. Results also showed that the number of hOBs increased on nano-HA/SIS composites compared with SIS composites alone. Human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) numbers were not affected by the presence of nano-HA in SIS composites. For these reasons, the collective results of this in vitro study demonstrated a technique to increase the coating strength of entheses coatings on implant surfaces (using thermally denatured SIS and aqua-sonicated, hydrothermally prepared nano-HA) while, at the same time, supporting cell functions important for entheses regeneration.  相似文献   

This invited review discusses the latest advances stem cell biology, tissue engineering and the transition from bench to bedside. An overview is presented as to which the best cell source might be for cell therapy and tissue engineering applications, best biomaterials currently available and the challenges the field faces to translate basic research into therapies for a large number of human diseases.  相似文献   

Chitosan was used as a matrix to induce three-dimensional spheroids of HepG2 cells. Chitosan films were prepared and used for culturing Hep G2 cells. Attachment kinetics of the cells was studied on the chitosan films. The optimum seeding density of the Hep G2 cells, required for three-dimensional spheroid formation was determined and was found to be 5 × 104/ml. The growth kinetics of Hep G2 cells was studied using (3-(4, 5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) (MTT) assay, and morphology of the cells was studied through optical photographs taken at various days of culture. The liver cell functions of the spheroids were determined by measuring albumin and urea secretions. The results obtained from these studies have shown that the culture of Hep G2 cells on chitosan matrix taking appropriate seeding density resulted in the formation of three-dimensional spheroids and exhibited higher amount of albumin and urea synthesis compared to monolayer culture. These miniature “liver tissue like” models can be used for in vitro tissue engineering applications like preliminary evaluation of the toxicity of drugs and chemicals.  相似文献   

This study presents the design and validation of a pulsatile flow perfusion bioreactor able to provide a suitable environment for 3D high cell density cultures for tissue engineering applications. Our bioreactor system is mobile, does not require the use of traditional cell culture incubators and is easy to sterilize. It provides real‐time monitoring and stable control of pH, dissolved oxygen concentration, temperature, pressure, pulsation frequency, and flow rate. In this bioreactor system, cells are cultured in a gel within a chamber perfused by a culture medium fed by hollow fibers. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) suspended in fibrin were found to be living, making connections and proliferating up to five to six times their initial seeding number after a 48‐h culture period. Cells were uniformly dispersed within the 14.40 mm × 17.46 mm × 6.35 mm chamber. Cells suspended in 6.35‐mm thick gels and cultured in a traditional CO2 incubator were found to be round and dead. In control experiments carried out in a traditional cell culture incubator, the scarcely found living cells were mostly on top of the gels, while cells cultured under perfusion bioreactor conditions were found to be alive and uniformly distributed across the gel. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 1215–1223. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Bone tissue engineering offers promising alternatives to repair and restore tissues. Our laboratory has employed poly(lactide-co-glycolide) PLAGA microspheres to develop a three dimensional (3-D) porous bioresorbable scaffold with a biomimetic pore structure. Osseous healing and integration with the surrounding tissue depends in part on new blood vessel formation within the porous structure. Since endothelial cells play a key role in angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing vasculature), the purpose of this study was to better understand human endothelial cell attachment, viability, growth, and phenotypic expression on sintered PLAGA microsphere scaffold. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) examination showed cells attaching to the surface of microspheres and bridging the pores between the microspheres. Cell proliferation studies indicated that cell number increased during early stages and reached a plateau between days 10 and 14. Immunofluorescent staining for actin showed that cells were proliferating three dimensionally through the scaffolds while staining for PECAM-1 (platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule) displayed typical localization at cell-cell contacts. Gene expression analysis showed that endothelial cells grown on PLAGA scaffolds maintained their normal characteristic phenotype. The cell proliferation and phenotypic expression were independent of scaffold pore architecture. These results demonstrate that PLAGA sintered microsphere scaffolds can support the growth and biological functions of human endothelial cells. The insights from this study should aid future studies aimed at enhancing angiogenesis in three dimensional tissue engineered scaffolds.  相似文献   

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