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Purification of a plasminogen activator from Streptococcus uberis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract A protein capable of activating bovine, equine and ovine plasminogen, but not that from human or porcine plasma, was purified from culture filtrates of Streptococcus uberis (strain 0140j). Purification was achieved by ammonium sulphate precipitation followed by molecular exclusion chromatography. The elution position of the native molecule was equivalent to a molecular mass of approximately 57 kDa. However, the molecular mass, as determined by SDS-PAGE, was 29 kDa, suggesting the existence of a dimeric structure. Purified immunoglobulin from three out of five monoclonal antibodies raised to this protein inhibited the conversion of bovine plasminogen to plasmin by the purified protein.  相似文献   

The formation of stable equimolar complexes ofstreptokinase or plasminogen with muscle lactatedehydrogenase or pyruvate kinase, heart mitochondrialmalate dehydrogenase and hepatic catalase at pH 7.4,3.0 and 10.0 was first detected by differentialspectroscopy methods. All complexes, except those ofplasminogen with dehydrogenases, were resistant to 6 Murea. Judging from circulardichroism spectra, tertiary and secondary structureswere considerably changed in the complexes. Thesechanges were significantly dependent upon the natureof interacting proteins; in some cases theirstructures were more ordered. NAD (but not NADH)hampered the formation of streptokinase complexes withdehydrogenases. The plasminogen–activating function ofstreptokinase and the ability of plasminogen to beactivated by streptokinase in the complexes withoxidoreductases were essentially unchanged.Pyruvate kinase induced a moderate (by 35%) increasein the streptokinase activating function. It isassumed that the formation of complexes ofstreptokinase or plasminogen with enzymes may serve asa link in metabolic regulation and/or intercellular interactions.  相似文献   

Summary The formation of stable equimolar complexes of streptokinase or plasminogen with muscle lactate dehydrogenase or pyruvate kinase, heart mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase and hepatic catalase at pH 7.4, 3.0 and 10.0 was first detected by differential spectroscopy methods. All complexes, except those of plasminogen with dehydrogenases, were resistant to 6 M urea. Judging from circular dichroism spectra, tertiary and secondary structures were considerably changed in the complexes. These changes were significantly dependent upon the nature of interacting proteins; in some cases their structures were more ordered. NAD (but not NADH) hampered the formation of streptokinase complexes with dehydrogenases. The plasminogen-activating function of streptokinase and the ability of plasminogen to be activated by streptokinase in the complexes with oxidoreductases were essentially unchanged. Pyruvate kinase induced a moderate (by 35%) increase in the streptokinase activating function. It is assumed that the formation of complexes of streptokinase or plasminogen with enzymes may serve as a link in metabolic regulation and/or intercellular interactions.  相似文献   

Rapid kinetics demonstrate a three-step pathway of streptokinase (SK) binding to plasminogen (Pg), the zymogen of plasmin (Pm). Formation of a fluorescently silent encounter complex is followed by two conformational tightening steps reported by fluorescence quenches. Forward reactions were defined by time courses of biphasic quenching during complex formation between SK or its COOH-terminal Lys414 deletion mutant (SKΔK414) and active site-labeled [Lys]Pg ([5-(acetamido)fluorescein]-d-Phe-Phe-Arg-[Lys]Pg ([5F]FFR-[Lys]Pg)) and by the SK dependences of the quench rates. Active site-blocked Pm rapidly displaced [5F]FFR-[Lys]Pg from the complex. The encounter and final SK·[5F]FFR-[Lys]Pg complexes were weakened similarly by SK Lys414 deletion and blocking of lysine-binding sites (LBSs) on Pg kringles with 6-aminohexanoic acid or benzamidine. Forward and reverse rates for both tightening steps were unaffected by 6-aminohexanoic acid, whereas benzamidine released constraints on the first conformational tightening. This indicated that binding of SK Lys414 to Pg kringle 4 plays a role in recognition of Pg by SK. The substantially lower affinity of the final SK·Pg complex compared with SK·Pm is characterized by a ∼25-fold weaker encounter complex and ∼40-fold faster off-rates for the second conformational step. The results suggest that effective Pg encounter requires SK Lys414 engagement and significant non-LBS interactions with the protease domain, whereas Pm binding additionally requires contributions of other lysines. This difference may be responsible for the lower affinity of the SK·Pg complex and the expression of a weaker “pro”-exosite for binding of a second Pg in the substrate mode compared with SK·Pm.  相似文献   

Morphiceptin (Tyr-Pro-Phe-Pro-NH2), a tetrapeptide amide, is a selective ligand of the μ-opioid receptor (MOR). This study reports the synthesis and biological evaluation of a series of novel morphiceptin analogs modified in positions 2 or/and 4 by introduction of 4,4-difluoroproline (F2Pro) in l or d configuration. Depending on the fluorinated amino acid configuration and its position in the sequence, new analogs behaved as selective full MOR agonists showing high, moderate, or relatively low potency. The most potent analog, Tyr-F2Pro-Phe-d-F2Pro-NH2, was also able to activate the κ-opioid receptor (KOR), although with low potency. Docking studies and the comparison of results with the high resolution crystallographic structure of a MOR-agonist complex revealed possible structure–activity relationships of this compound family.  相似文献   

Our previously hypothesized mechanism for the pathway of plasminogen (Pg) activation by streptokinase (SK) was tested by the use of full time course kinetics. Three discontinuous chromogenic substrate initial rate assays were developed with different quenching conditions that enabled quantitation of the time courses of Pg depletion, plasmin (Pm) formation, transient formation of the conformationally activated SK·Pg* catalytic complex intermediate, formation of the SK·Pm catalytic complex, and the free concentrations of Pg, Pm, and SK. Analysis of full time courses of Pg activation by five concentrations of SK along with activity-based titrations of SK·Pg* and SK·Pm formation yielded rate and dissociation constants within 2-fold of those determined previously by continuous measurement of parabolic chromogenic substrate hydrolysis and fluorescence-based equilibrium binding. The results obtained with orthogonal assays provide independent support for a mechanism in which the conformationally activated SK·Pg* complex catalyzes an initial cycle of Pg proteolytic conversion to Pm that acts as a trigger. Higher affinity binding of the formed Pm to SK outcompetes Pg binding, terminating the trigger cycle and initiating the bullet catalytic cycle by the SK·Pm complex that converts the residual Pg into Pm. The new assays can be adapted to quantitate SK-Pg activation in the context of SK- or Pg-directed inhibitors, effectors, and SK allelic variants. To support this, we show for the first time with an assay specific for SK·Pg* that fibrinogen forms a ternary SK·Pg*·fibrinogen complex, which assembles with 200-fold enhanced SK·Pg* affinity, signaled by a perturbation of the SK·Pg* active site.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), together with its physiological target urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), plays a pivotal role in fibrinolysis, cell migration, and tissue remodeling and is currently recognized as being among the most extensively validated biological prognostic factors in several cancer types. PAI-1 specifically and rapidly inhibits uPA and tissue-type PA (tPA). Despite extensive structural/functional studies on these two reactions, the underlying structural mechanism has remained unknown due to the technical difficulties of obtaining the relevant structures. Here, we report a strategy to generate a PAI-1·uPA(S195A) Michaelis complex and present its crystal structure at 2.3-Å resolution. In this structure, the PAI-1 reactive center loop serves as a bait to attract uPA onto the top of the PAI-1 molecule. The P4–P3′ residues of the reactive center loop interact extensively with the uPA catalytic site, accounting for about two-thirds of the total contact area. Besides the active site, almost all uPA exosite loops, including the 37-, 60-, 97-, 147-, and 217-loops, are involved in the interaction with PAI-1. The uPA 37-loop makes an extensive interaction with PAI-1 β-sheet B, and the 147-loop directly contacts PAI-1 β-sheet C. Both loops are important for initial Michaelis complex formation. This study lays down a foundation for understanding the specificity of PAI-1 for uPA and tPA and provides a structural basis for further functional studies.  相似文献   

Fluorescent nucleotide analogs are widely used in mechanistic studies of nucleotide binding and utilizing proteins. We describe here an overview of the photophysical parameters of the most popular nucleotide analogs that have a fluorescent N-methylanthraniloyl-group attached at various positions of the nucleotide. Steady state absorption and fluorescence spectra of free chromophores depend on the type of modification (ribose, base or phosphate moiety) and the addition of proteins suggests that the labeled nucleotides also vary in sensitivity depending upon their local protein environment. Fluorescence lifetime measurements imply two to three lifetimes for each nucleotide with complex changes in dependence on solvent but more importantly also on the protein. The measured quantum yields quantify the increase in fluorescence for (C8)-MABA-ADP, MANT-ATP and (Pγ)-MABA-ATP as 153%, 93% and 14% when bound to DnaK, ClpB and Trap1, respectively, compared to free in buffer solution.  相似文献   

Fibrin (Fn) enhances plasminogen (Pg) activation by tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) by serving as a template onto which Pg and tPA assemble. To explore the contribution of the Pg/Fn interaction to Fn cofactor activity, Pg variants were generated and their affinities for Fn were determined using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). Glu-Pg, Lys-Pg (des(1-77)), and Mini-Pg (lacking kringles 1-4) bound Fn with K(d) values of 3.1, 0.21, and 24.5 μm, respectively, whereas Micro-Pg (lacking all kringles) did not bind. The kinetics of activation of the Pg variants by tPA were then examined in the absence or presence of Fn. Whereas Fn had no effect on Micro-Pg activation, the catalytic efficiencies of Glu-Pg, Lys-Pg, and Mini-Pg activation in the presence of Fn were 300- to 600-fold higher than in its absence. The retention of Fn cofactor activity with Mini-Pg, which has low affinity for Fn, suggests that Mini-Pg binds the tPA-Fn complex more tightly than tPA alone. To explore this possibility, SPR was used to examine the interaction of Mini-Pg with Fn in the absence or presence of tPA. There was 50% more Mini-Pg binding to Fn in the presence of tPA than in its absence, suggesting that formation of the tPA-Fn complex exposes a cryptic site that binds Mini-Pg. Thus, our data (a) indicate that high affinity binding of Pg to Fn is not essential for Fn cofactor activity, and (b) suggest that kringle 5 localizes and stabilizes Pg within the tPA-Fn complex and contributes to its efficient activation.  相似文献   

The activation of plasminogen at the cell surface is a crucial step in cell migration and invasion. In the present study, the effect of membrane-bound melanotransferrin (mMTf), also known as human melanoma antigen p97, on cell surface plasminogen binding and activation was investigated by using Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells transfected with full-length melanotransferrin (MTf) cDNA and SK-MeL-28 melanoma cells. The expression of mMTf in CHO increased cell surface plasminogen binding by about 2-fold. In addition, application of the monoclonal antibody L235 against MTf as well as truncated, soluble MTf (sMTf) abolished plasminogen binding to MTf-transfected and SK-MeL-28 cells, indicating that mMTf is a potential cell surface plasminogen receptor. Moreover, mMTf expression in CHO cells stimulates plasminogen activation at the cell surface by about 2.5-fold. In addition to the induced binding and activation of plasminogen, cell motility, migration and invasion were about 3-fold higher in CHO cells expressing mMTf. Both monoclonal antibody L235 and truncated sMTf inhibited mMTf-stimulated CHO cell motility, migration and invasion. Overall, our results indicate a key role for mMTf in cell surface plasminogen binding and in activation processes involved during cell migration and invasion.  相似文献   

A sensitive and convenient electrochemical assay of plasmin activity and its kinetic analysis are described. Thus, a ferrocenyl peptide substrate (FcPS) having a plasmin-specific substrate sequence, Lys-Thr-Phe-Lys, and a Cys residue was prepared and immobilized on a gold electrode through the sulfur-gold linkage. The obtained electrode showed a redox signal based on the ferrocene moiety, suggesting the immobilization of FcPS on the electrode. After treatment of this electrode with plasmin, its electrochemical signal was decreased in proportion to an increase of the amount of plasmin. The detection limit for plasmin in this assay system was as low as 50 ng/ml or 0.15 mU/ml. Real-time monitoring of plasmin reaction on the electrode could also be achieved, and the kinetic parameters of this enzymatic reaction could be determined; for example, the kcat/Km value was 0.063 μM−1 s−1. Furthermore, a quantitative assay for streptokinase as a plasminogen activator was also demonstrated by using this system.  相似文献   

The serpin plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) is a crucial regulator in fibrinolysis and tissue remodeling. PAI-1 has been associated with several pathological conditions and is a validated prognostic marker in human cancers. However, structural information about the native inhibitory form of PAI-1 has been elusive because of its inherent conformational instability and rapid conversion to a latent, inactive structure. Here we report the crystal structure of PAI-1 W175F at 2.3 Å resolution as the first model of the metastable native molecule. Structural comparison with a quadruple mutant (14-1B) previously used as representative of the active state uncovered key differences. The most striking differences occur near the region that houses three of the four mutations in the 14-1B PAI-1 structure. Prominent changes are localized within a loop connecting β-strand 3A with the F helix, in which a previously observed 310-helix is absent in the new structure. Notably these structural changes are found near the binding site for the cofactor vitronectin. Because vitronectin is the only known physiological regulator of PAI-1 that slows down the latency conversion, the structure of this region is important. Furthermore, the previously identified chloride-binding site close to the F-helix is absent from the present structure and likely to be artifactual, because of its dependence on the 14-1B mutations. Instead we found a different chlorine-binding site that is likely to be present in wild type PAI-1 and that more satisfactorily accounts for the chlorine stabilizing effect on PAI-1.  相似文献   

The erythromycin resistance plasmid pSM752 carrying the cloned streptokinase gene, skc, was introduced by protoplast transformation into Streptococcus equisimilis H46A from which skc was originally cloned. Cells transiently supporting the replication of pSM752 gave rise to an erythromycin-resistant clone designated H46SM which was plasmid free and produced streptokinase at levels approximately twice as high as the wild type. Southern hybridization of total cell DNA with an skc-containing probe provided evidence for the duplication of the skc gene in the H46SM chromosome. The results, which have some bearing on industrial streptokinase production, can be best explained by a single cross-over event between the chromosome and the plasmid in the region of shared homology leading to the integration of pSM752 in a Campbell-like manner.  相似文献   

Urokinase-type (uPA) plasminogen activator is regulated by serine protease inhibitors (serpins), especially plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). In many cancers, uPA and PAI-1 contribute to the invasive phenotype. We examined the in vitro migration and invasive capabilities of breast, ovarian, endometrial, and cervical cancer cell lines compared to their plasminogen activator system profiles. We then overexpressed active wild-type PAI-1 and an inactive "substrate" P14 form of PAI-1 (T333R) using stable transfection and adenoviral gene delivery. We also upregulated endogenous uPA and PAI-1 in these cells by treatment with transforming growth factor-beta. Some breast and ovarian cancer cell lines with natural expression of uPA, PAI-1, and urokinase receptor showed substantial migration and invasion compared to other cell lines that lack expression of these proteins. However, overexpression of active wild-type PAI-1, but not P14-PAI-1 (T333R), in these cell lines showed reduced migration and invasion. Since vitronectin binding by both forms of PAI-1 is equivalent, these results imply that PAI-1-vitronectin interactions are less critical in altering migration and invasion. Our results show that the in vitro migratory and invasive phenotype in these breast and ovarian cancer cell lines is reduced by active PAI-1 due to its ability to inhibit plasminogen activation.  相似文献   

The specific functions of the amino acid residues in the streptokinase (SK) gamma-domain were analyzed by studying the interactions of human plasminogen (HPlg) and SK mutants prepared by charge-to-alanine mutagenesis. SK with mutations of groups of amino acids outside the coiled coil region of SK gamma-domain, SK(K278A,K279A,E281A,K282A), and SK(D360A,R363A) had similar HPlg activator activities as wild-type SK. However, significant changes of the functions of SK with mutations within the coiled coil region were observed. Both SK(D322A,R324A,D325A) and SK(R330A,D331A,K332A,K334A) had decreased amounts of complex formation with microplasminogen and failed to activate HPlg. SK(D328A,R330A) had a 21-fold reduced catalytic efficiency for HPlg activation. The studies of SK with single amino acid mutation to Ala demonstrate that Arg(324), Asp(325), Lys(332), and Lys(334) play important roles in the formation of a HPlg.SK complex. On the other hand, amino acid residues Asp(322), Asp(328), and Arg(330) of SK are involved in the virgin enzyme induction. Potential contact between Lys(332) of SK and Glu(623) of human microplasmin and strong interactions between Asp(328) and Lys(330), Asp(331) and Lys(334), and Asp(322) and Lys(334) of SK are noticed. These interactions are important in maintaining a coiled coil conformation. Therefore, we conclude that the coiled coil region of SK gamma-domain, SK(Leu(314)-Ala(342)), plays very important roles in HPlg activation by participating in virgin enzyme induction and stabilizing the activator complex.  相似文献   

Zhai P  Wakeham N  Loy JA  Zhang XC 《Biochemistry》2003,42(1):114-120
The bacterial protein streptokinase (SK) activates human plasminogen (Pg) into the fibrinolytic protease plasmin (Pm). Roughly 40 residues from the SK C-terminal domain are mobile in the crystal structure of SK complexed with the catalytic domain of Pm, and the functions of this C-tail remain elusive. To better define its roles in Pg activation, we constructed and characterized three C-terminal truncation mutants containing SK residues 1-378, 1-386, and 1-401, respectively. They exhibit gradually reduced amidolytic activity and Pg-activator activity, as well as marginally decreased binding affinity toward Pg, as more of the C-terminus is deleted. As compared with full-length SK, the shortest construct, SK(1-378), exhibits an 80% decrease in amidolytic activity (k(cat)/K(M)), an 80% decrease in Pg-activator activity, and a 30% increase in the dissociation constant toward the Pg catalytic domain. The C-terminal truncation mutations did not attenuate the resistance of the SK-Pm complex to alpha(2)-antiplasmin. Attempts at using a purified C-tail peptide to rescue the activity loss of the truncation mutants failed, suggesting that the integrity of the SK C-terminal peptide is important for the full function of SK.  相似文献   

The cytosine analogs 1,3-diaza-2-oxophenothiazine (tC) and 1,3-diaza-2-oxophenoxazine (tCo) stand out among fluorescent bases due to their unquenched fluorescence emission in double-stranded DNA. Recently, we reported a method for the generation of densely tCo-labeled DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that relied on the use of the extremely thermostable Deep Vent polymerase. We have now developed a protocol that employs the more commonly used Taq polymerase. Supplementing the PCR with Mn2+ or Co2+ ions dramatically increased the amount of tCo triphosphate (dtCoTP) incorporated and, thus, enhanced the brightness of the PCR products. The resulting PCR products could be easily detected in gels based on their intrinsic fluorescence. The Mn2+ ions modulate the PCR by improving the bypass of template tCo and the overall catalytic efficiency. In contrast to the lower fidelity during tCo bypass, Mn2+ improved the ability of Taq polymerase to distinguish between dtCoTP and dTTP when copying a template dA. Interestingly, Mn2+ ions hardly affect the fluorescence emission of tC(o), whereas the coordination of Co2+ ions with the phosphate groups of DNA and nucleotides statically quenches tC(o) fluorescence with small reciprocal Stern–Vollmer constants of 10–300 μM.  相似文献   

Streptokinase (SK), an extracellular protein from Streptococcus equisimilis, is secreted post-translationally by Escherichia coli using both its native and E. coli-derived transport signals. In this communication we report that cleavage specificity of signal peptidase I, and thus efficiency of secretion, varies in E. coli when SK export is directed by different transport signals. The native (+1) N-terminus of mature SK was retained when it was transported under the control of its own, PelB or LamB signal peptide. However, when translocation of SK was controlled by the OmpA or MalE signal peptide, Ala2 of mature SK was preferred as a cleavage site for the pre-SK processing. Our results indicate that compatibility of the leader peptide with the mature sequences of SK, which fulfils the requirement for a given secondary structure within the cleavage region, is essential for maintaining the correct processing of pre-SK. An OmpA-SK fusion, which results in the deletion of two N-terminal amino acid residues of mature SK, was further studied with respect to the recognition of alternative cleavage site in E. coli. The alanine at +2 in mature SK was changed to glycine or its relative position was changed to +3 by introducing a methionine residue at the +1 position. Both alterations resulted in the correct cleavage of pre-SK at the original OmpA fusion site. In contrast, introduction of an additional alanine at +4, creating three probable cleavage sites (Ala-x-Ala-x-Ala-x-Ala), resulted in the recognition of all three target sites for cleavage, with varying efficiency. The results indicate that the nature of the secondary structure generated at the cleavage junction of pre-SK, resulting from the fusion of different signal peptides, modulates the cleavage specificity of signal peptidase I during extracellular processing of SK. Based on these findings it is proposed that flexibility in the interaction of the active site of signal peptidase I with the cleavage sites of signal peptides may occur when it encounters two or more juxtaposed cleavage sites. Preference for one cleavage site over another, then, may depend on fulfillment of secondary structure requirements in the vicinity of the pre-protein cleavage junction. Received: 22 September 1997 / Accepted: 17 December 1997  相似文献   

One of the objects of experiments in which a fluorochrome is added to suspensions of cell membranes is to determine the parameters n and K D , the capacity of unit mass of protein to bind fluorochrome and the dissociation constant, respectively. Currently, these are estimated from Scatchard plots, construction of which first requires that observed fluorescence intensity be converted to moles of bound fluorochrome. This in turn is said to be possible by analysis of the intercept of a plot of reciprocal fluorescence intensity against reciprocal protein concentration. However, analysis of the classical mass action equilibrium equation, upon which the foregoing procedures are said to be based, reveals that the intercept of the double-reciprocal plot always underestimates the desired value. The error is formalized and shown to increase without bound with fluorochrome concentration. The error in turn leads to erroneous assessment of n and K D . Alternative methods for calculating the desired parameters are proposed, based on direct plots of fluorescence intensity.  相似文献   

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