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Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) play a significant role in the pathophysiology of diabetes leading to such conditions as atherosclerosis, cataract formation, and renal dysfunction. While the formation of nucleoside AGEs was previously demonstrated, no extensive studies have been performed to assess the effect of AGEs on DNA structure and folding. The objective of this study was to investigate the nonenzymatic glycation of two DNA oligonucleotide duplexes with one duplex consisting of deoxy-poly(A)15 and deoxy-poly(T)15 and the other consisting of deoxy-poly(GA)15 and deoxy-poly(CT)15. With D-glucose, D-galactose, D/L-glyceraldehyde, and D-glucosamine serving as the model glycating carbohydrates, D-glucosamine was found to exhibit the greatest effect on the stability and structure of the oligonucleotide duplexes, a finding that was confirmed by circular dichroism. The nonenzymatic glycation of deoxy-poly(AT) by D-glucosamine destabilized the deoxy-poly(AT) structure and changed its conformation from A form to X form. D-glucosamine also altered the conformation of deoxy-poly(GA)15 and deoxy-poly(CT)15 from A form to B form. Capillary electrophoresis and ultraviolet and fluorescence spectroscopy revealed that, of the various purines and pyrimidines, 2'-deoxyguanosine and guanine were most reactive with D-glucosamine. The nonenzymatic modification of nucleic acids warrants further investigation because this phenomenon may occur in vivo, altering DNA structure and/or function.  相似文献   

The amino acid modification, gel filtration chromatographic, and electrophoretic characteristics of bovine and human serum albumins irreversibly modified by methylglyoxal (MG-SA) and by glucose-derived advanced glycation endproducts (AGE-SA) were investigated. Methylglyoxal selectively modified arginine residues at low concentration (1 mM); at high methylglyoxal concentration (100 mM), the extent of arginine modification increased and lysine residues were also modified. Both arginine and lysine residues were modified in AGE-SA. Analytical gel filtration HPLC of serum albumin derivatives suggested that the proportion of dimers and oligomers increased with modification in both low and highly modified MG-SA and AGE-SA derivatives relative to unmodified serum albumins. In SDS-PAGE analysis, dimers and oligomers of low-modified MG-SA were dissociated into monomers, but not in highly modified MG-SA. MG-SA had increased anodic electrophoretic mobility under nondenaturing conditions atpH 8.6, indicating an increased net negative charge, which increased with extent of modification; highly modified MG-SA and AGE-SA had similar high electrophoretic mobilities. MG-SA derivatives were fluorescent: the fluorescence was characteristic of the arginine-derived imidazoloneN -(5-methyl-4-imidazolon-2-yl)ornithine, but other fluorophores were also present. AGE-SA had similar fluorescence, attributed, in part, to glucose-derived imidazolones. AGE formed from glucose-modified proteins and AGE-like compounds formed from methylglyoxal-modified proteins may both be signals for recognition and degradation of senescent macromolecules.Abbreviations AGE advanced glycation endproduct - BSA bovine serum albumin - HSA human serum albumin - MG-SA methylglyoxal-modified serum albumin - MG-BSA methylglyoxal-modified bovine serum albumin - MG-HSA methylglyoxal-modified human serum albumin - AGE-SA AGE-modified serum albumin - AGE-BSA AGE-modified bovine serum albumin - AGE-HSA AGE-modified human serum albumin - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - FFI 2-(2-furoyl)-4(5)-(2-furanyl)-1H-imidazole  相似文献   

Guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP) plays a significant role in the bioenergetics, metabolism, and signaling of cells; consequently, any modifications to the structure of the molecule can have profound effects on a cell's survival and function. Previous studies in our laboratory demonstrated that like proteins, purines, and pyrimidines can nonenzymatically react with sugars to generate advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) and that these AGEs can form in vitro under physiological conditions. The objective of this investigation was twofold. First, it was to evaluate the susceptibility of ATP, GTP, CTP, and TTP to nonenzymatic modification by D-glucose and DL-glyceraldehyde, and second to assess the effect of various factors such as temperature, pH and incubation time, and sugar concentration on the rate and extent of nucleotide triphosphate AGE formation. Of the four nucleotide triphosphates that were studied, only GTP was significantly reactive forming a heterogeneous group of compounds with DL-glyceraldehyde. D-Glucose exhibited no significant reactivity with any of the nucleotide triphosphates, a finding that was supported by UV and fluorescence spectroscopy. Capillary electrophoresis, high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry allowed for a thorough analysis of the glycated GTP products and demonstrated that the modification of GTP by dl-glyceraldehyde occurred via the classical Amadori pathway.  相似文献   

Cataract is generally associated with the breakdown of the lens microarchitecture. Age-dependent chemical modifications and cross-linking of proteins are the major pathways for development of lens opacity. The specific alterations in lens proteins caused by glycation with four carbonyl metabolites, fructose, methylglyoxal, glyoxal, and ascorbic acid, were investigated. Decrease in intensity of tryptophan related fluorescence and level of reduced protein sulfhydryl groups, parameters that are indicative for changes in protein conformation, were observed after reaction with all studied carbonyl compounds. Protein carbonyl content, an index for oxidative damage to proteins, was strongly enhanced in methylglyoxal-treated proteins. Cross-linking of glycated proteins was confirmed by polyacrylamide electrophoresis. alpha-Oxoaldehydes were the most reactive in protein aggregation. They also formed specific chromophores absorbing UV light above 300 nm. Significant loss in lactate dehydrogenase activity resulted from incubation with methylglyoxal, followed by glyoxal and ascorbic acid. The results obtained showed that alterations in lens proteins do not follow the specific reactivity of studied carbonyl compounds. Despite the similarity in chemical structures of alpha-oxoaldehydes and ascorbic acid degradation products, they cause specific alterations in lens protein structure with different biological consequences.  相似文献   

Glyoxal and methylglyoxal are two important markers of oxidative stress and both are involved in the evaluation of several diseases. A new HPLC method for determining glyoxal and methylglyoxal in urine was developed. The method is based on the reaction of alpha-dialdehydes, glyoxal and methylglyoxal, with 5,6-diamino-2,4-hydroxypyrimidine sulfate in basic medium to form highly fluorescent lumazine derivatives. Creatinine was also included in the method even though it does not react with the reagent. The derivatives and creatinine are separated on a C(18) reversed-phase column with a mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile:citrate buffer, pH 6.0 (3:97 v/v). The flow rate was 1.0mLmin(-1) and the effluent was monitored photometrically at 250 nm for determination of creatinine and fluorimetrically at 500 nm (exciting at 330 nm) for determination of glyoxal and methylglyoxal derivatives. Recording time of the separation is less than 10 min. Determination of the analytes is performed in urine after incubation of the sample, with the reagent in alkaline medium, for 30 min at 60 degrees C. Urinary levels of glyoxal and methylglyoxal, expressed as glyoxal/creatinine and methylglyoxal/creatinine ratios, in healthy young women and men were determined. For women, values of 0.80+/-0.37 and 0.60+/-0.22 microg/mg of creatinine were found for glyoxal and methylglyoxal, respectively. For men, values of 0.63+/-0.15 and 0.49+/-0.05 microg/mg of creatinine were found for glyoxal and methylglyoxal, respectively. These results were also related to the body mass index of each individual.  相似文献   

The highly reactive electrophile, methylglyoxal (MG), a break down product of carbohydrates, is a major environmental mutagen having potential genotoxic effects. Previous studies have suggested the reaction of MG with free amino groups of proteins forming advanced glycation end products (AGEs). This results in the generation of free radicals which play an important role in pathophysiology of aging and diabetic complications. MG also reacts with free amino group of nucleic acids resulting in the formation of DNA–AGEs. While the formation of nucleoside AGEs has been demonstrated previously, no extensive studies have been performed to assess the genotoxicity and immunogenicity of DNA–AGEs. In this study we report both the genotoxicity and immunogenicity of AGEs formed by MG–Lys–Cu2+ system. Genotoxicity of the experimentally generated AGEs was confirmed by comet-assay. Spectroscopical analysis and melting temperature studies suggest structural perturbations in the DNA as a result of modification. This might be due to generation of single-stranded regions and destabilization of hydrogen bonds. Immunogenicity of native and MG–Lys–Cu2+-DNA was probed in female rabbits. The modified DNA was highly immunogenic eliciting high titre immunogen specific antibodies, while the unmodified form was almost non-immunogenic. The results show structural perturbations in MG–Lys–Cu2+-DNA generating new epitopes that render the molecule immunogenic.  相似文献   

Suji G  Sivakami S 《Amino acids》2007,33(4):615-621
Summary. Amino acids react with methylglyoxal to form advanced glycation end products. This reaction is known to produce free radicals. In this study, cleavage to plasmid DNA was induced by the glycation of lysine with methylglyoxal in the presence of iron(III). This system was found to produce superoxide as well as hydroxyl radicals. The abilities of various vitamins to prevent damage to plasmid DNA were evaluated. Pyridoxal-5-phosphate showed maximum protection, while pyridoxamine showed no protection. The protective abilities could be directly correlated to inhibition of production of hydroxyl and superoxide radicals. Pyridoxal-5-phosphate exhibited low radical scavenging ability as evaluated by its TEAC, but showed maximum protection probably by interfering in free radical production. Pyridoxamine did not inhibit free radical production. Thiamine and thiamine pyrophosphate, both showed protective effects albeit to different extents. Tetrahydrofolic acid showed better antioxidant activity than folic acid but was found to damage DNA by itself probably by superoxide generation.  相似文献   

The posttranslational modification of proteins by sugars has been demonstrated in diabetes and classical galactosemia. In diabetes, the glycation process occurs as a result of d-glucose nonenzymatically reacting with proteins such as albumin and hemoglobin, used today as important tools to monitor the efficiency of dietary control and therapy during treatment of diabetes. In classical galactosemia, d-galactose contributes to the formation of glycated proteins as well, suggesting that, akin to diabetes with glucated proteins, the monitoring of galactated proteins may facilitate management of patients with galactosemia. The objectives of this study were (i) to galactate human serum albumin (HSA) in vitro; (ii) to determine, by a sodium borohydride-dependent mass peptide mapping method, the galactation sites in HSA; and (iii) to compare HSA’s galactation sites with the protein’s reported glucation sites. Treatment of galactated HSA with sodium borohydride stabilized the condensed sugars on the protein and yielded discrete fragmentation patterns by tandem mass spectrometry, allowing reliable identification of HSA’s galactation sites. Liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry, in combination with tandem mass spectrometry, revealed that the principal sites of galactation in HSA were the ε-amino groups of lysine residues 12, 233, 281/276, 414, and 525. Lysyl residues 12, 233, 276, and 525 were previously reported as privileged sites for the nonenzymatic binding of d-glucose with HSA.  相似文献   

Methylglyoxal (MG) was studied as an inhibitor and effective glycating factor of human muscle-specific enolase. The inhibition was carried out by the use of a preincubation procedure in the absence of substrate. Experiments were performed in anionic and cationic buffers and showed that inhibition of enolase by methylglyoxal and formation of enolase-derived glycation products arose more effectively in slight alkaline conditions and in the presence of inorganic phosphate. Incubation of 15 micromolar solutions of the enzyme with 2 mM, 3.1 mM and 4.34 mM MG in 100 mM phosphate buffer pH 7.4 for 3 h caused the loss a 32%, 55% and 82% of initial specific activity, respectively. The effect of MG on catalytic properties of enolase was investigated. The enzyme changed the KM value for glycolytic substrate 2-phospho-D-glycerate (2-PGA) from 0.2 mM for native enzyme to 0.66 mM in the presence of MG. The affinity of enolase for gluconeogenic substrate phosphoenolpyruvate altered after preincubation with MG in the same manner, but less intensively. MG has no effect on Vmax and optimal pH values. Incubation of enolase with MG for 0-48 h generated high molecular weight protein derivatives. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) were resistant to proteolytic degradation by trypsin. Magnesium ions enhanced the enzyme inactivation by MG and facilitated AGEs formation. However, the protection for this inhibition in the presence of 2-PGA as glycolytic substrate was observed and AGEs were less effectively formed under these conditions.  相似文献   

Platelet-associated immunoglobulin G of normal healthy subjects was measured and its binding characteristics studied by use of a newly developed assay which is rapid, quantitative, sensitive and inexpensive. The assay is based on fluorospectrophotometry. Fluorescein isothiocyanate was used as a fluorescent marker to label IgG. Measurement of platelet-associated IgG by this method showed that normal platelets have at least two types of binding sites for IgG of normal healthy subjects. High- and low-affinity binding sites numbering 410 ± 200 and 1800 ± 500, respectively, were identified. Specificity of binding was shown by competition between fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled IgG and nonlabeled IgG. The effect of pH and temperature and the kinetics of binding were also investigated.  相似文献   

Diabetic plasma contains elevated levels of glucose and various low-molecular-weight carbonyl compounds derived from the metabolism of glucose and related materials. These compounds react with protein side chains (Arg, Lys, Cys, and His) to give glycated materials and advanced glycation end products. In this study, we have examined the effect of glucose and carbonyl compounds (methylglyoxal, glyoxal, glycolaldehyde, and hydroxyacetone), and glycation products arising from reaction of these materials with model proteins, on the activity of three key cellular enzymes: glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), glutathione reductase, and lactate dehydrogenase, both in isolation and in cell lysates. In contrast to glucose (1M, both fresh and aged for 8 weeks), which had no effect, marked inhibition of all three enzymes was observed with methylglyoxal and glyoxal. GAPDH was also inhibited by glycolaldehyde and hydroxyacetone. Incubation of these enzymes with proteins that had been preglycated with methylglyoxal, but not glucose, also resulted in significant time- and concentration-dependent inhibition with both isolated enzymes and cell lysates. This inhibition was not metal ion, oxygen, superoxide dismutase, or catalase dependent, suggesting that inhibition is not radical mediated. These effects are suggested to be due to direct adduction of the free- or protein-bound carbonyls with the target enzyme. Such an interpretation is supported by the detection of the loss of thiol groups on GAPDH and the detection of cross-linked materials on protein gels. Though direct comparison of the extent of inhibition induced by free versus protein-bound carbonyls was not possible, the significantly higher concentrations of the latter materials over the former in diabetic plasma and cells lead us to suggest that alterations in the activity of key cellular enzymes induced by glycated proteins may play a significant role in the development of diabetic complications.  相似文献   

Summary. The reaction of peptide Gly-Ala-Phe with the -dicarbonyl compounds glyoxal and methylglyoxal was studied under physiological conditions (pH=7.4, 37°C). Using HPLC with UV and fluorescence detection, a rapid derivatization of the peptide and the concomitant formation of well-defined products were observed. The products, which showed characteristic UV absorbance (max=320 to 340nm) and fluorescence (ex=330 to 340nm, em=395 to 405nm), were identified by ESI-MS and NMR spectroscopic analysis as the N-terminally pyrazinone-modified peptides I (N-[2-(2-oxo-2H-pyrazin-1-yl)-propyl]-phenylalanine) and II (N-[2-(5-methyl-2-oxo-2H-pyrazin-1-yl)-propionyl]-phenylalanine). Model experiments revealed that the reactivity of the N-termini of peptides towards a derivatization by glyoxal is in the same order of magnitude as that of arginine, which generally is attributed as main target for -dicarbonyl compounds in proteins. Incubation of insulin with glyoxal proved the protein-bound formation of pyrazinones, with the N-terminus of the B-chain as the main target. According to these results, we conclude that N-terminal pyrazinones represent a new type of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) with significance for biological systems and foods.  相似文献   

Mechanistic and conformational studies on the interaction of sulfamethoxazole (SMX) with human immunoglobulin G (HIgG) were performed by molecular modeling and multi‐spectroscopic methods. The interaction mechanism was firstly predicted through molecular modeling that confirmed the interaction between SMX and HIgG. The binding parameters and thermodynamic parameters at different temperatures had been calculated according to the Stern?Volmer, Scatchard, Sips and Van ’t Hoff equations, respectively. Experimental results showed that the fluorescence intensity of HIgG was quenched by the gradual addition of SMX. The binding constants of SMX with HIgG decreased with the increase of temperature, which meant that the quenching mechanism was a static quenching. Meanwhile, the results also confirmed that there was one independent class of binding site on HIgG for SMX during their interaction. The thermodynamic parameters of the reaction, namely standard enthalpy ΔH0 and entropy ΔS0, had been calculated to be ?14.69 kJ·mol?1 and 22.99 J·mol?1·K?1, respectively, which suggested that the electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions were the predominant intermolecular forces in stabilizing the SMX?HIgG complex. Furthermore, experimental results obtained from three‐dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy, UV?vis absorption spectroscopy and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy confirmed that the conformational structure of HIgG was altered in the presence of SMX. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The capacity of hydrophobic octadecyl (C18) and SDR HyperD materials to remove the combination of 1% (v/v) solvent (tri-n-butyl phosphate, TnBP) with 1% (v/v) nonionic detergents (Triton X-100 and Triton X-45) used for viral inactivation of plasma-derived polyvalent intravenous immunoglobulin G (IVIG) preparation has been evaluated. Efficient removal of TnBP (<10 ppm in IVIG preparation) was found at ratios of 0.5 g of C18/7 ml of IVIG and 0.22 g of dry SDR HyperD/7 ml of IVIG. Binding capacities of TnBP were greater than 140 mg/g of C18 and greater than 318 mg/g of dry SDR HyperD. Complete removal of Triton X-45 (<2 ppm) was obtained at ratios of 1 g of C18/7 ml of IVIG and 0.44 g of dry SDR HyperD/7 ml of IVIG or above, corresponding to binding capacities in excess of 70 mg/g of C18 and in excess of 159 mg/g of dry SDR HyperD. Residual Triton X-100 was less than 30 ppm at a ratio of 4 g/14 ml of immunoglobulin G (IgG) for the C18 sorbent. Triton X-100 was less than 10 ppm when using SDR HyperD at a ratio of 0.66 g/7 ml of IgG, corresponding to a binding capacity of approximately 106 mg of Triton X-100/g of dry SDR HyperD. Good recoveries of IVIG were achieved in the effluent from both sorbents.  相似文献   

Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) stimulate reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and represent a risk factor for atherosclerosis, while their formation seems to be prevented by zinc. Metallothioneins (MT), zinc-binding proteins exert an antioxidant function by regulating intracellular zinc availability and protecting cells from ROS damages. +1245 A/G MT1A polymorphism was implicated in type 2 diabetes and in cardiovascular disease development as well as in the modulation of antioxidant response. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of +1245 A/G MT1A polymorphism on AGEs and ROS production and to verify the effect of zinc supplementation on plasma AGEs, zinc status parameters and antioxidant enzyme activity in relation to this SNP. One hundred and ten healthy subjects (72 ± 6 years) from the ZincAge study were supplied with zinc aspartate (10 mg/day for 7 weeks) and screened for +1245 MT1A polymorphism. +1245 MT1A G+ (Arginine) genotype showed higher plasma AGEs and ROS production in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) than G− (Lysine) one at the baseline. No significant changes after zinc supplementation were observed for AGEs, ROS and MT levels as well as for enzyme antioxidant activity in relation to the genotype. Among zinc status parameters, major increases were observed for the intracellular labile zinc (iZnL) and the NO-induced release of zinc in PBMCs, in G+ genotype as compared to G− one. In summary, +1245 G+ carriers showed increased plasma AGEs and ROS production in PBMCs at baseline and a higher improvement in iZnL after zinc intervention with respect to G− individuals.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12263-014-0426-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The N-linked glycan in immunoglobulin G is critical for the stability and function of the crystallizable fragment (Fc) region. Alteration of these protein properties upon the removal of the N-linked glycan has often been explained by the alteration of the CH2 domain orientation in the Fc region. To confirm this hypothesis, we examined the small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) profile of the glycosylated Fc region (gFc) and aglycosylated Fc region (aFc) in solution. Conformational characteristics of the CH2 domain orientation were validated by comparison with SAXS profiles theoretically calculated from multiple crystal structures of the Fc region with different CH2 domain orientations. The reduced chi-square values from the fitting analyses of gFc and aFc associated with the degree of openness or closure of each crystal structure, as determined from the first principal component that partially governed the variation of the CH2 domain orientation extracted by a singular value decomposition analysis. For both gFc and aFc, the best-fitted SAXS profiles corresponded to ones calculated based on the crystal structure of gFc that formed a “semi-closed” CH2 domain orientation. Collectively, the data indicated that the removal of the N-linked glycan only negligibly affected the CH2 domain orientation in solution. These findings will guide the development of methodology for the production of highly refined functional Fc variants.  相似文献   

Overcoming the problems associated with the expression, purification and in vitro handling of membrane proteins requires an understanding of the factors governing the folding and stability of such proteins in detergent solutions. As a sequel to our earlier report (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1747(2005), 133-140), we describe an improved purification procedure and a detailed structural analysis of a fragment of the μ-opioid receptor (‘TM2-3’) that comprises the second and third transmembrane segments and the extracellular loop that connects them. Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy of TM2-3 in 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol gave a helical content similar to that predicted by published homology models, while spectra acquired in several detergents showed significantly lower helical contents. This indicates that this part of the μ-opioid receptor has an intrinsic propensity to be highly helical in membrane-like environments, but that in detergent solutions, this helical structure is not fully formed. Proteolysis of TM2-3 with trypsin showed that the helical portions of TM2 and TM3 are both shorter than their predicted lengths, indicating that helix-helix interactions in the full-length receptor are apparently important for stabilizing their conformation. Lengthening the alkyl chain of the detergent led to a small but significant increase in the helicity of TM2-3, suggesting that hydrophobic mismatch could play an important role in the stabilization of transmembrane helices by detergents. Protonation of aspartic acid residues in detergent-solubilized TM2-3 also caused a significant increase in helicity. Our results thus suggest that detergent alkyl chain-length and pH may influence membrane protein stability by modulating the stability of individual transmembrane segments.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) is a protein ubiquitously present in archaea and eukarya, which undergoes a unique two-step post-translational modification called hypusination. Several studies have shown that hypusination is essential for a variety of functional roles for eIF5A, including cell proliferation and synthesis of proteins involved in cell cycle control. Up to now neither a totally selective inhibitor of hypusination nor an inhibitor capable of directly binding to eIF5A has been reported in the literature. The discovery of such an inhibitor might be achieved by computer-aided drug design based on the 3D structure of the human eIF5A. In this study, we present a molecular model for the human eIF5A protein based on the crystal structure of the eIF5A from Leishmania brasiliensis, and compare the modeled conformation of the loop bearing the hypusination site with circular dichroism data obtained with a synthetic peptide of this loop. Furthermore, analysis of amino acid variability between different human eIF5A isoforms revealed peculiar structural characteristics that are of functional relevance.  相似文献   

Binding interaction of sulfamethazine (SMZ) with human immunoglobulin G (HIgG) has been explored under physiological conditions. The interaction mechanism was firstly predicted through molecular modeling which showed that several hydrogen bonds participated in stabilizing the SMZ ? HIgG complex. Fluorescence spectroscopy, ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis) light absorption and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy were used to analyze the binding site, binding constants and effects of SMZ on HIgG stability and secondary structure. The binding parameters and thermodynamic parameters at different temperatures for the reaction have been calculated according to the Scatchard, Sips and Van 't Hoff equations, respectively. Experimental results showed that the quenching mechanism was a static quenching and there was one independent class of binding site on HIgG for SMZ during their interaction. The thermodynamic parameters of the reaction, namely standard enthalpy ΔH0 and entropy ΔS0, had been calculated to be ?19.12 kJ · mol?1 and 20.22 J · mol?1 · K?1, respectively, which meant that the electrostatic interaction was the predominant intermolecular force in stabilizing the SMZ ? HIgG complex. Moreover, the conformational changes of HIgG in the presence of SMZ were confirmed by three‐dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy, UV–vis absorption spectroscopy and CD spectroscopy. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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