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Multiple hybridization-extension sequencing (MHES) on microarray   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pan Z  Li Y  Xiao P  Lu Z 《Journal of biochemistry》2007,142(5):605-611
Sequencing-by-synthesis (SBS) by fluorescein-labelled nucleotide incorporating into a target DNA template has been greatly concerned on microarray. The extended fluorophore-base must be required to be quenched prior to sequencing the next one. However, the low quenching efficiency has been an obstacle in length-read. Here, we present a new sequencing strategy, multiple hybridization-extension sequencing (MHES), to resolve the above problem. First, the sequencing primers hybridize to the ssDNA template immobilized on microarray. The first 3-5 bases next to the primer's end are sequenced by SBS of Cy5-dNTP. The extended primers are rapidly removed by lambda DNA exonuclease. Then, the same primers hybridize to the same ssDNA templates again. The sequenced bases are polished by natural dNTP. The other 3-5 bases next to the polished primer's end are sequenced. According to this principle, the unknown sequences of a target DNA could be sequenced after primers' hybridization-extension multiple times. Although the fluorescein-labelled nucleotides are also needed, it is unnecessary to quench the fluorophore-bases in the process of sequencing. It has been successfully demonstrated that 10 bp fragment from synthetic template and 10 bp fragment from DTBNP1 gene were accurately sequenced. The new method has a great potential in read-length and high-throughput sequencing on microarray.  相似文献   



Assembling genes from next-generation sequencing data is not only time consuming but computationally difficult, particularly for taxa without a closely related reference genome. Assembling even a draft genome using de novo approaches can take days, even on a powerful computer, and these assemblies typically require data from a variety of genomic libraries. Here we describe software that will alleviate these issues by rapidly assembling genes from distantly related taxa using a single library of paired-end reads: aTRAM, automated Target Restricted Assembly Method. The aTRAM pipeline uses a reference sequence, BLAST, and an iterative approach to target and locally assemble the genes of interest.


Our results demonstrate that aTRAM rapidly assembles genes across distantly related taxa. In comparative tests with a closely related taxon, aTRAM assembled the same sequence as reference-based and de novo approaches taking on average < 1 min per gene. As a test case with divergent sequences, we assembled >1,000 genes from six taxa ranging from 25 – 110 million years divergent from the reference taxon. The gene recovery was between 97 – 99% from each taxon.


aTRAM can quickly assemble genes across distantly-related taxa, obviating the need for draft genome assembly of all taxa of interest. Because aTRAM uses a targeted approach, loci can be assembled in minutes depending on the size of the target. Our results suggest that this software will be useful in rapidly assembling genes for phylogenomic projects covering a wide taxonomic range, as well as other applications. The software is freely available http://www.github.com/juliema/aTRAM.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0515-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Premise of the study: Microsatellite markers were isolated and characterized in Mimulus ringens (Phrymaceae), a herbaceous wetland perennial, to facilitate studies of mating patterns and population genetic structure. • Methods and Results: A total of 42 polymorphic loci were identified from a sample of 24 individuals from a single population in Ohio, USA. The number of alleles per locus ranged from two to nine, and median observed heterozygosity was 0.435. • Conclusions: This large number of polymorphic loci will enable researchers to quantify male fitness, patterns of multiple paternity, selfing, and biparental inbreeding in large natural populations of this species. These markers will also permit detailed study of fine-scale patterns of genetic structure.  相似文献   

Canine hip dysplasia (CHD) is the most common hereditary skeletal disorder in dogs. To identify common alleles associated with CHD, we developed 37 informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within 13 quantitative trait loci (QTL) previously identified for German shepherd dogs. These SNPs were genotyped in 95 German shepherd dogs affected by CHD and 95 breed, sex, and birth year-matched controls. A total of ten SNPs significant at a nominal P value of 0.05 were validated in 843 German shepherd dogs including 277 unaffected dogs and 566 CHD-affected dogs. Cases and controls were sampled from the whole German shepherd dog population in Germany in such a way that mean coancestry coefficients were below 0.1 % within cases and controls as well as among cases and controls. We identified nine SNPs significantly associated with CHD within five QTL on dog chromosomes (CFA) 3, 9, 26, 33, and 34. Genotype effects of these nine SNPs explained between 22 and 34 % of the phenotypic variance of hip dysplasia in German shepherd dogs. The strongest associated SNPs were located on CFA33 and 34 within the candidate genes PNCP, TRIO, and SLC6A3. Thus, the present study validated positional candidate genes within five QTL for CHD.  相似文献   



Third generation sequencing methods, like SMRT (Single Molecule, Real-Time) sequencing developed by Pacific Biosciences, offer much longer read length in comparison to Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) methods. Hence, they are well suited for de novo- or re-sequencing projects. Sequences generated for these purposes will not only contain reads originating from the nuclear genome, but also a significant amount of reads originating from the organelles of the target organism. These reads are usually discarded but they can also be used for an assembly of organellar replicons. The long read length supports resolution of repetitive regions and repeats within the organelles genome which might be problematic when just using short read data. Additionally, SMRT sequencing is less influenced by GC rich areas and by long stretches of the same base.


We describe a workflow for a de novo assembly of the sugar beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris) chloroplast genome sequence only based on data originating from a SMRT sequencing dataset targeted on its nuclear genome. We show that the data obtained from such an experiment are sufficient to create a high quality assembly with a higher reliability than assemblies derived from e.g. Illumina reads only. The chloroplast genome is especially challenging for de novo assembling as it contains two large inverted repeat (IR) regions. We also describe some limitations that still apply even though long reads are used for the assembly.


SMRT sequencing reads extracted from a dataset created for nuclear genome (re)sequencing can be used to obtain a high quality de novo assembly of the chloroplast of the sequenced organism. Even with a relatively small overall coverage for the nuclear genome it is possible to collect more than enough reads to generate a high quality assembly that outperforms short read based assemblies. However, even with long reads it is not always possible to clarify the order of elements of a chloroplast genome sequence reliantly which we could demonstrate with Fosmid End Sequences (FES) generated with Sanger technology. Nevertheless, this limitation also applies to short read sequencing data but is reached in this case at a much earlier stage during finishing.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0726-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Microsatellites are valuable markers for the analysis of genetic diversity, linkage mapping or genotyping. The limited availability of microsatellites for the genus Potentilla (Rosaceae) stipulated the isolation of markers from a representative (Potentilla pusilla Host) of the Potentilla core group that constitutes the most species‐rich evolutionary lineage within the genus. Thousand four hundred and seventy‐six simple sequence repeat (SSR) containing candidate sequences were isolated from a single‐type line using 454 sequencing. Seventy‐four functional microsatellite markers were developed from 200 sequences selected for suitable priming sites flanking microsatellite repeats referring to a 37% primer‐to‐marker conversion ratio. Seventy‐two markers were polymorphic. These numbers confirm the increased efficiency of pyrosequencing over traditional isolation techniques in the development of microsatellites. Amplification primer sequences and the sequences of corresponding target fragments are provided for all functional markers, and molecular polymorphisms estimated for four accessions of P. pusilla and among seven core group species represented by 14 individuals are reported. Cross‐species transferability ranged between 86.4% and 97.3% among the studied taxa, and 57, 11 and six of the selected primer pairs amplified fragments of expected size and number in seven, six and five of the species, respectively. Reproducibility of the molecular phenotypes was 97.0%, which was inferred using a replicate sample of P. pusilla.  相似文献   

The application of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies for the development of simple sequence repeat (SSR) or microsatellite loci for genetic research in the botanical sciences is described. Microsatellite markers are one of the most informative and versatile DNA-based markers used in plant genetic research, but their development has traditionally been a difficult and costly process. NGS technologies allow the efficient identification of large numbers of microsatellites at a fraction of the cost and effort of traditional approaches. The major advantage of NGS methods is their ability to produce large amounts of sequence data from which to isolate and develop numerous genome-wide and gene-based microsatellite loci. The two major NGS technologies with emergent application in SSR isolation are 454 and Illumina. A review is provided of several recent studies demonstrating the efficient use of 454 and Illumina technologies for the discovery of microsatellites in plants. Additionally, important aspects during NGS isolation and development of microsatellites are discussed, including the use of computational tools and high-throughput genotyping methods. A data set of microsatellite loci in the plastome and mitochondriome of cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) is provided to illustrate a successful application of 454 sequencing for SSR discovery. In the future, NGS technologies will massively increase the number of SSRs and other genetic markers available to conduct genetic research in understudied but economically important crops such as cranberry.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - We used Illumina paired-end sequencing to isolate and characterize microsatellites of Canthon cyanellus, a Neotropical roller dung beetle, encompassing several lineages...  相似文献   

随着新一代测序技术的发展,新的拼接算法应运而生。介绍了目前国际上广泛认可的几种新的拼接算法的基本原理与具体步骤,分析每种算法的优缺点以及适用范围。用Helicobacter acinonychis的Illumina 1G测序数据检测SSAKE,VCAKE,SHARCGS以及velvet的性能,并对未来拼接算法的研究提出展望。  相似文献   

Gu XY  Kianian SF  Foley ME 《Genetics》2004,166(3):1503-1516
Weedy rice has much stronger seed dormancy than cultivated rice. A wild-like weedy strain SS18-2 was selected to investigate the genetic architecture underlying seed dormancy, a critical adaptive trait in plants. A framework genetic map covering the rice genome was constructed on the basis of 156 BC(1) [EM93-1 (nondormant breeding line)//EM93-1/SS18-2] individuals. The mapping population was replicated using a split-tiller technique to control and better estimate the environmental variation. Dormancy was determined by germination of seeds after 1, 11, and 21 days of after-ripening (DAR). Six dormancy QTL, designated as qSD(S)-4, -6, -7-1, -7-2, -8, and -12, were identified. The locus qSD(S)-7-1 was tightly linked to the red pericarp color gene Rc. A QTL x DAR interaction was detected for qSD(S)-12, the locus with the largest main effect at 1, 11, and 21 DAR (R(2) = 0.14, 0.24, and 0.20, respectively). Two, three, and four orders of epistases were detected with four, six, and six QTL, respectively. The higher-order epistases strongly suggest the presence of genetically complex networks in the regulation of variation for seed dormancy in natural populations and make it critical to select for a favorable combination of alleles at multiple loci in positional cloning of a target dormancy gene.  相似文献   

Sun W  Li L 《Biometrics》2012,68(1):12-22
Despite recent flourish of proposals on variable selection, genome-wide multiple loci mapping remains to be challenging. The majority of existing variable selection methods impose a model, and often the homoscedastic linear model, prior to selection. However, the true association between the phenotypical trait and the genetic markers is rarely known a priori, and the presence of epistatic interactions makes the association more complex than a linear relation. Model-free variable selection offers a useful alternative in this context, but the fact that the number of markers p often far exceeds the number of experimental units n renders all the existing model-free solutions that require n > p inapplicable. In this article, we examine a number of model-free variable selection methods for small-n-large-p regressions in the context of genome-wide multiple loci mapping. We propose and advocate a multivariate group-wise adaptive penalization solution, which requires no model prespecification and thus works for complex trait-marker association, and handles one variable at a time so that works for n < p. Effectiveness of the new method is demonstrated through both intensive simulations and a comprehensive real data analysis across 6100 gene expression traits.  相似文献   

Rapid advances in sequencing technologies of second- and even third-generation made the whole genome sequencing a routine procedure. However, the methods for assembling of the obtained sequences and its results require special consideration. Modern assemblers are based on heuristic algorithms, which lead to fragmented genome assembly composed of scaffolds and contigs of different lengths, the order of which along the chromosome and belonging to a particular chromosome often remain unknown. In this regard, the resulting genome sequence can only be considered as a draft assembly. The principal improvement in the quality and reliability of a draft assembly can be achieved by targeted sequencing of the genome elements of different size, e.g., chromosomes, chromosomal regions, and DNA fragments cloned in different vectors, as well as using reference genome, optical mapping, and Hi-C technology. This approach, in addition to simplifying the assembly of the genome draft, will more accurately identify numerical and structural chromosomal variations and abnormalities of the genomes of the studied species. In this review, we discuss the key technologies for the genome sequencing and the de novo assembly, as well as different approaches to improve the quality of existing drafts of genome sequences.  相似文献   

采用二代和三代测序技术分别对金针菇单核体菌株“6-3”进行测序,应用4种组装策略进行基因组的de novo组装,对比组装效果。基因组组装的参数方面,仅使用二代测序组装的效果最差,长度大于10kb的Contig全长只有24.6Mb,Contig N50只有23kb,组装率只有59.27%。采用三代组装二代校正的组装策略效果最好,长度大于10kb的Contig全长为38.3Mb,Contig N50为2.8Mb,组装率高达92.16%。保守单拷贝基因拼接效果方面,4种组装策略获得基因组序列与BUSCO数据库里的担子菌的保守单拷贝基因比对,基因完整性均大于94%。在组装准确性方面,经过PCR扩增、Sanger测序验证,三代组装二代校正的基因组序列完整并且连续,同时序列上碱基的SNP、InDel数量最少。综上所述,三代组装二代校正得到的基因组序列具有Contig N50值大、组装率高、碱基准确性高的特点,是食用菌基因组测序较为理想的方案。  相似文献   

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