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Capillaria hepatica (Bancroft, 1893) in Appalachian mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The prevalence of Capillaria hepatica (Bancroft, 1893) infection in a total of 2324 rats trapped from 25 localities in West Malaysia was 15.5%. Infection rates in males (16.0%) and females (15.1%) are similar. A significantly higher percentage of adults (18.1%) than young (7.7%) was infected. Capillaria hepatica infection rates among urban (0.7%) and jungle (0.0%) rats was very low as compared to field rats (17.7%) trapped from agricultural areas such as oil palm estates and rice growing areas. Prevalence of C. hepatica infection in rats is not evenly distributed throughout West Malaysia. There seem to be localised foci of infection. In some areas as many as 77.8% of the adult rats are found to be infected while in other areas the same species of rats are found free of infection.  相似文献   

The egg-releasing mechanism and transmission ecology of Capillaria hepatica among Norway rat populations of the Baltimore Zoo were studied from 1972 to 1974. Nearly all adult rats were infected, while 65% of juveniles had infections. The mean egg count per liver was calculated to be 457,783 (N = 39 livers) and ranged from 11,270 to 1,400,000 eggs per liver. Data from the present study suggest that cannibalism serves as a primary egg-releasing mechanism and is a source of infection within the burrows. Increased infection rates among juveniles in spring support the hypothesis of maintenance of C. hepatica infections within the burrow system through cannibalism. Predation was responsible for scattered foci of infection throughout the study area and considered as a secondary source of infection. Decomposition was an important egg-releasing mechanism in secondary foci and in the warmer season when insects were active. However, of 849 carrion-associated insects and soil invertebrates collected from around decomposing rats, eggs of C. hepatica were found in only two species of beetles. This suggests a minor role for insects and soil invertebrates as egg disseminators.  相似文献   

The geographic distribution, host range and prevalence of Capillaria hepatica were recorded in 4629 house mice, Mus domesticus, 263 black rats, Rattus rattus, and 58 Norway rats, R. norvegicus. The parasite was found at five localities, all in or near large towns along the coast. The two Rattus species appeared to be the primary hosts of C. hepatica in Australia. Published and unpublished data on helminth infections of Australian native mammals from 1162 murids (26 species), 3018 marsupials (67 species) and 99 monotremes (two species) were compiled. Only seven animals from three murid species were infected with C. hepatica; all were from the same rainforest in northern Queensland. C. hepatica was distributed widely, occurring in the house mouse, black rat and Norway rat on a 10,850 ha farm but there was no infection in cattle, sheep or goats (abattoir records). Also, 52 rabbits, four cats and one fox (shot samples) and 27 marsupial mice, Sminthopsis crassicaudata (museum specimens), had no sign of C. hepatica infection. Overall, the results indicate that transmission of C. hepatica to native, domestic and feral mammals is rare, presumably because of ecological constraints on egg embryonation and survival. In the light of these findings, the potential use of C. hepatica as a biological agent to control mouse plagues in Australia is discussed.  相似文献   

Capillaria hepatica was found in 82% of 86 Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) trapped in Hartford, Connecticut between February and November 1975. Adults were parasitized more frequently than juveniles and infection rate did not differ between sexes. Rats demonstrated a low intensity of infection, with 9% having extensive liver involvement. A seasonal variation in infection rate may have been a manifestation of environmental factors, cannibalism, and predation.  相似文献   

2005年5月,在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟阿巴嘎旗北部,研究了肝毛细线虫(Capillaria hepatica)对典型草原区雌性布氏田鼠(Lasiopodomys brandtii)繁殖参数的影响。采用标准夹线法捕获鼠类,对捕获的鼠类进行常规生物学解剖,根据虫卵有无确定肝毛细线虫病感染情况,记录鼠类名称、体长、体重、胴体重、繁殖特征以及肝毛细线虫病感染情况。由于体重是划分鼠类年龄的常用指标之一,结合布氏田鼠的繁殖特征研究数据,采用25.1~55.0 g之间的雌性个体作为本研究分析样本,并将其分为25.1~35.0 g、35.1~45.0 g和45.1~55.0 g体重(年龄)组。采用卡方检验比较分析同一体重(年龄)组内,肝毛细线虫病感染情况与雌性布氏田鼠妊娠率的关系,T检验分析感染情况与胎仔数的关系。结果显示,在各个体重(年龄)组中,感染肝毛细线虫组布氏田鼠雌鼠妊娠率均略低于未感染组,但感染情况与妊娠情况无显著相关关系(P0.05);感染肝毛细线虫布氏田鼠胎仔数低于未感染布氏田鼠,感染情况与胎仔数有显著相关关系(P0.05)。结果表明,肝毛细线虫病对布氏田鼠妊娠率无明显影响,但对布氏田鼠胎仔数有明显的负面影响。  相似文献   

This study reports the first case of Capillaria hepatica infection in a nutria in Korea. Ten nutrias, captured near the Nakdong River, were submitted to our laboratory for necropsy. White-yellowish nodules were found in the liver of 1 of the nutrias at necropsy. Histologically, the lesions were granulomatous, and infiltrations of lipid-laden macrophages, eosinophils, and several multinucleated giant cells were observed. The lesions consisted of numerous eggs and necrotic hepatocytes. The eggs were lemon-shaped and had polar plugs at the ends of both long sides. The eggs were morphologically identified as those of C. hepatica. Worldwide, C. hepatica infection in nutrias is very rare. Nutrias are a kind of livestock, as well as wildlife; therefore, an epidemiological study for parasitic infections needs to be conducted.  相似文献   

Frankliniella fusca (Hinds) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is the predominant thrips species found inhabiting and reproducing in peanut, Arachis hypogaea L. (Fabaceae), and is one of at least seven thrips species reported to transmit Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). The entomogenous nematode Thripinema fuscum Tipping & Nguyen (Tylenchida: Allantonematidae), a natural enemy of F. fusca , parasitizes larval and adult populations under field conditions. All known Thripinema species render the host female thrips sterile and have the potential to suppress pest populations to near extinction. As a result, secondary spread of TSWV in peanut is reduced. Reduction of the virus under field conditions may also be due to lower transmission rates caused by parasite-induced alterations in host feeding behavior. Therefore, the feeding rates of healthy and parasitized F. fusca male and female cohorts on leaf discs were recorded daily for 10 days and digital images were subjected to image analysis and viral transmission rates were compared daily using double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Thripinema fuscum reduced the feeding of female F. fusca by nearly 65%, and the ability of females to transmit TSWV by 50%. Potential mechanisms underlying the parasite-induced alterations in feeding behavior and transmission are discussed. Parasitism by T. fuscum significantly reduced male longevity, but female longevity was not affected. These results provide further evidence that T. fuscum aids in regulating viruliferous F. fusca pest populations and suggests its potential as a biological control agent for inoculative release in peanut.  相似文献   

Habituation to humans of free-ranging populations of endangered mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) raised concern of anthropozoonotic transmission of parasitic helminths and protozoans. Examinations of liver tissue of 19 gorillas found dead in the Parc National de Volcans, Rwanda, revealed 10 cases of hepatic nematodiasis due to Capillaria hepatica. Identifiable C. hepatica eggs were present in the liver of 4 gorillas (3 juveniles, 1 adult), and nematode cross-sections were found in 1 juvenile gorilla. Six other adult gorillas had areas of periportal and subcapsular fibrosis with calcified eggs. Histologically, the lesions surrounded by the areas of mild inflammatory reaction were characterized by subcapsular, periportal foci of fibrosis in which were embedded numerous C. hepatica eggs. Control of hepatic capillariasis in the remaining populations of mountain gorillas should be focused on eradication or control of populations of rodent pests (i.e., mice and rats) that sustain the reservoir of C. hepatica in habitats shared by gorillas and humans.  相似文献   

The stichosome (posterior glandular esophagus) of Capillaria pterophylli Heinze, 1933 consists of large gland cells (stichocytes) and lumenal epithelium with cuticular lining. Both structures are enclosed in a reticulum of muscle cells. The stichocyte cytoplasm contains small cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complexes, one kind of electron dense secretory granules, mitochondria and a branching system of intracellular collecting ducts without filament bundles around them.  相似文献   

Rats and mice are among the most susceptible hosts for the helminth Capillaria hepatica. More information on the similarities and differences between the hepatic pathology presented by these two parasite hosts are needed, since they may represent good models for the study of hepatic fibrosis. Early changes are similar for both hosts and are represented by necro-inflammatory lesions around dead parasites and their eggs and diffuse and intense reactive hepatitis. Although worms remain alive longer in mice than in rats, hepatic changes are more rapidly and deeply modulated in the former, even leading to almost complete disappearance of fibrosis. As for the rats, the modulation of the focal lesions is followed by the formation of septal fibrosis, a process where fine and long fibrous septa appear connecting portal spaces and central veins in such a way as to form a final morphologic picture of cirrhosis. Hepatic functional changes usually present good correlations with the morphologic findings at the different phases of the infection evolution. Therefore C. hepatica infection in rats and mice represent two different models of hepatic fibrosis and these differences, if properly known and understood, can be explored to answer different questions regarding several aspects of hepatic fibrosis.  相似文献   

2005年5月和8月,在内蒙古锡林郭勒北部典型草原调查了肝毛细线虫对布氏田鼠种群的感染特征,分析肝毛细线虫对布氏田鼠的感染率与其性别、年龄、体重及种群密度的关系。结果表明:肝毛细线虫对布氏田鼠感染率没有性别差异,雄鼠与雌鼠的感染率相当;但是与布氏田鼠体重/年龄密切相关:幼鼠的感染率较低,成鼠感染率较高,感染率和平均感染度均随着个体年龄的增长而增高。布氏田鼠达到一定的年龄(或体重)后才可感染肝毛细线虫病,其最低感染体重为24.3 g。布氏田鼠的种群密度对肝毛细线虫的感染率和平均感染度没有明显的影响,但同一样地不同季节感染率不同,本次调查显示,2005年5月份感染率高于8月份群体感染率,同一样地的春季感染率与秋季感染率之间呈现出显著的正相关。  相似文献   

The rhabditid nematode, Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita is a lethal parasite of certain terrestrial gastropods and has been shown as a biocontrol agent under laboratory and field conditions. In Egypt, P. hermaphrodita was isolated for the first time from different species of terrestrial gastropods found associated with various crops at Aga and Mansoura districts of Dakhalia Governorate during the year 2000/2001. Females and dauer larvae (IJs) were described and illustrated based on the light microscope. Males are not found as this species seemed to be protandrous. PCR analysis confirmed nematode identification. The Egyptian isolate of P. hermaphrodita was found to be shorter and lower in width than the British isolate. V%, a, b and c parameters showed detectable variations between two isolates with values of 54%, 17.7, 4.28, 13.7 in the Egyptian isolate, and 51%, 19.5, 7.2 and 15.8 for the British isolate, respectively.  相似文献   

Studies on the development and egg production of Capillaria hepatica and on the macroscopically visible alterations of the liver and spleen of the host were carried out in experimentally infected Mastomys natalensis. Following the oral administration of infective eggs the first stage larvae hatched in the caecum of fasting and fed animals after about 8 and 15 hours respectively. The prepatency could be found with 20 days. The dynamics and duration of egg production of the parasite proved to be dependent on the infective dose. After the first week of patency increasing numbers of eggs/liver were found with increasing doses of infection up to 800 eggs per animal. This relation could not be observed 76 days post infection. After infections with 50, 300 und 800 eggs per animal maximum egg production was found between 60 and 72, 36 and 48 and about 30 days p.i., respectively. The egg production of the parasites correspondently continued for more than 85 days after infection or had ceased 72 or 48 days p.i. Intraperitoneal administration of infective eggs revealed a lower infection rate, evaluated by the number of eggs per liver, than oral infection.  相似文献   

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