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Gillnet size selectivity was studied for freshwater fish species, based on experimental fishing trials carried out with multimesh gillnets in lentic freshwater systems in Northern Greece. Selectivity estimates were based on a large range of mesh sizes, i.e. more than 10 different mesh sizes ranging from 8 to 90 mm bar length. Results showed that the model, in which both mean and standard deviation of the curve were defined as a linear function of the mesh size, revealed the best fit. For seven (i.e. Αlburnus sp. Volvi, Aspius aspius, Carassius gibelio, Lepomis gibbosus, Pachychilon macedonicum, Squalius prespensis and Vimba melanops) of the 11 studied species and the hybrid (Alburnus belvica × Rutilus prespensis), gillnet selectivity parameters were estimated for the first time, contributing to the evaluation of gillnet fisheries' impacts on fish species populations and consequently to fisheries management and species conservation.  相似文献   

The selectivity curves of nylon gillnets for burbot and two groups of Arctic charr of different fatness were found by the Gulland-Harding method. They are compared to the selectivity curves of whitefish, brown trout, and perch. Based upon these curves and the relationships between most efficient mesh size and fish length, the pooled relative efficiency of a geometrical and an arithmetical series of mesh sizes was calculated for salmonids, burbot, and perch. This efficiency of the geometrical series is different for the three groups of fish, but equal for each group over the interval between the modal lengths of the smallest and largest mesh sizes. The efficiency of the arithmetical series is also different for the three groups, increases linearly with fish length, and is valid over the interval between the modal lengths of the second smallest and the second largest mesh sizes. Each series has its special advantages, and both are easily adjusted to the fish length interval of interest. They are especially adapted for the catch of salmonids. For these, the variations of condition factor is more important than any characteristics of the species, and its influence upon the most efficient mesh size to fish length relationship and the pooled relative efficiency of the two series of nets is evaluated.  相似文献   

Presented are length–weight relationship (LWR) estimates for 15 native fish species captured between 2010 and 2011, in the Munim River, Brazilian Cerrado basin. Samples were collected using gillnets of four different mesh sizes (3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 cm), hand nets and a covo‐fish trap. Additionally provided are the first LWRs for eight species, specially the recently described species Charax awa Guimarães, Brito, Ferreira & Ottoni, 2018.  相似文献   

The present study reports length‐weight relationships for seven native freshwater fish species (Triportheus angulatus, Psectrogaster rhomboides, Prochilodus brevis, Leporinus piau, Cichlasoma orientale, Crenicichla menezesi, and Pimelodella gracilis) captured in a semiarid Brazilian reservoir located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte.  相似文献   

The length–weight relationships for eight freshwater fish species collected from Bey?ehir Lake, E?irdir Lake, Aksu River, Alara River, Göksu River and Menzelet Reservoir, were analysed. This paper represents the first LWR references for four of these species and also four of these species are endemic to Turkey.  相似文献   

Morphometric‐based condition indices are widely used to assess proximate body composition and, collaterally, feeding and living conditions of fish. However, the exact relationship between condition indices and proximate body composition of fish and its relatedness to life history traits and seasonality has yet to be fully explored. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine how the Fulton's condition factor (K‐factor) is related to the chemical composition (i.e. lipid, protein, water and carbon content, and molar carbon : nitrogen ratio), length and gonadal development of fish, and how these relationships are influenced by gender and seasonality in three freshwater fish species: Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii), pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) and rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus). It was found that the strength and direction of association between the K‐factor and proximate body composition can vary markedly among fish species. The K‐factor correlated positively with gonadal development in pumpkinseed and Amur sleeper, while no such relationship existed in rudd. Condition factor can be a reliable measure of lipid content; however, the relationship was stronger in species with higher and more variable lipid contents. Moreover, a striking and consistently negative linkage was found between the K‐factor and water content of the fish body, which corresponds to the findings of several other studies. In turn, any relationship between the K‐factor and the protein content of fish was not detected. Gender seemed to exert a negligible effect on the relationship between the K‐factor and proximate body composition, while seasonal variance was obvious in most relationships.  相似文献   

Length–weight (LWR) relationships were estimated for nine fish species collected in the Wujiang River located near the city of Chongqing, China. The value of the exponent ‘b’ in the LWR was between 2.594 and 3.528, which shows that the species exhibit an allometric growth pattern. All relationships between total length (TL) and body weight (BW) were linear (in all cases: r2 > 0.913).  相似文献   

The length‐weight relationships (LWRs) of Alburnus istanbulensis Battalgil, 1941, Barbus tauricus Kessler, 1877, Cobitis pontica Vasil'eva & Vasil'ev, 2006, Cobitis strumicae Karaman, 1955, Gobio bulgaricus Drensky, 1926, Phoxinus strandjae Drensky, 1926 and Squalius orpheus Kottelat & Economidis, 2006 were analysed. Fish samples were collected by electroshocker (SAMUS 725 G and SAMUS 725 M portable electroshockers; frequency 50–55 Hz; 30–70 cm fishing depth) in some water bodies in Turkish Thrace from March 2012 to August 2017. The values of parameter b in the LWR equations varied from 2.916 (B. tauricus) to 3.336 (P. strandjae). This study also provides a new maximum length data for A. istanbulensis, G. bulgaricus, P. strandjae and S. orpheus.  相似文献   

In the presence of a vertical thermal gradient, juvenile three‐spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus and minnows Phoxinus phoxinus positioned themselves higher in the water column compared with adult conspecifics. This result was consistent regardless of whether age cohorts were tested separately or together. Furthermore, juveniles but not adult fishes positioned themselves higher in water column in the presence of a thermal gradient compared with those in the absence of a thermal gradient. Juvenile G. aculeatus and adult fish of both species did opt to position themselves higher in the water column in the hours immediately following a feeding event relative to their positions in the same gradient when they had not fed.  相似文献   

Hearing in eight species of northern Canadian freshwater fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hearing thresholds of eight fish species from northern Canada were measured using auditory evoked potential techniques. The species with the best hearing was the lake chub Couesius plumbeus , followed by the longnose sucker Catastomus catastomus , both which had relatively sensitive hearing over the frequency range tested from 100 to 1600 Hz. The remaining species (troutperch Percopsis omiscomaycus , nine-spined stickleback Pungitius pungitius , pike Esox lucius , spoonhead sculpin Cottus ricei , burbot Lota lota and broad whitefish Coregonus nasus ) all showed most sensitivity to low frequencies (<400 Hz) and had relatively insensitive high frequency hearing. The two species with the best hearing are otophysan fishes with connections between the swimbladder and inner ear. The spoonhead sculpin lacks a swimbladder, while the other non-otophysan species have swimbladders, but no specialized connection to the inner ear. These results can be used to predict the potential impact of anthropogenic noise, such as seismic air gun blasts, on hearing in these species. The species with the most sensitive hearing (lake chub and longnose sucker) are most likely to be affected by activities such as seismic air gun surveys.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of six egg variables and incubation temperature of 65 temperate freshwater fish species, the possible relationships between oocyte diameter, incubation time and incubation temperature were reassessed and compared to the results obtained from marine fishes. Most freshwater species have eggs (mean ± s . d . 2·19 ± 1·52 mm) larger than marine species, that are chiefly demersal and develop stuck to various substrata, such as plants or rocks. A strong negative relationship was found between incubation time ( t , days) and incubation temperature ( T , ° C): t = 186·23e−0·197 T ( r 2= 0·87). A strong dependence of incubation time on oocyte diameter ( Ø , mm) and incubation temperature was also found and was defined as: log10 t = 3·002 + 0·599 log10 Ø − 1·91 log10 ( T + 2), which explained 92% of the variance of the data set. Five major groups of species were defined based on the principal component analysis (PCA) of four quantitative variables. There were two distinct groups of salmonids, displaying demersal and non-adhesive eggs with a long incubation time at low temperature, the eggs of which required a high number of degree-days. There was a large group of species possessing small, mostly demersal and adhesive eggs developing at high temperature during a short period of time, and requiring a low number of degree-days. Between these two extremes, there was a fourth group displaying intermediate values and a fifth group including three species with large, adhesive and demersal eggs incubating at high temperatures during a short period of time. The burbot Lota lota displayed an unusual combination of variables compared to the remaining species in the data set.  相似文献   

Implications of species loss in freshwater fish assemblages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Freshwater systems are vulnerable to pollution and species loss often ensues. Are there additional implications for assemblage structure? Here we use Berger‐Parker d. Simpson's I/D and Simpson's F to measure the ecological diversity of pristine and perturbed freshwater fish assemblages in Trinidad. West Indies, and Oklahoma. USA. Although the impacted sites typically had fewer species than expected, they could not be distinguished from unperturbed ones of equivalent richness. Changes in the evenness of these assemblages are thus driven by changes in richness. One practical outcome is that diversity indices may not provide independent verification of the detrimental consequences of pollution. The similarity in structure of naturally and anthropogenically impoverished assemblages provides no grounds for complacency, however, since it ignores the evolutionary history of the species concerned. On the basis of our results we suggest that species provenance may be important in tests of ecological function. Moreover, these investigations should replicate natural patterns of evenness as well as richness.  相似文献   

Betanodaviruses, the causative agents of viral nervous necrosis in marine fish, have bipartite positive-sense RNA genomes. Because the genomes are the smallest and simplest among viruses, betanodaviruses have been well studied using a reversed genetics system as model viruses. However, studies of virus-host interactions have progressed slowly because permissive hosts for betanodaviruses (basically larvae and juveniles of marine fish) are only available for limited periods of the year and are not suitable for the construction of a genetic engineering system. To obtain a model fish species that are not subject to these problems, 21 freshwater fish species were injected intramuscularly with a betanodavirus (redspotted grouper nervous necrosis virus) and tested for their susceptibility to the virus. Based on their responses, the tested fish were classified into 3 groups: 4 susceptible fish, 10 less susceptible fish, and 7 resistant fish. The susceptible fish, celebes rainbowfish Telmatherina ladigesi, threadfin rainbowfish Iriatherina werneri, dwarf rainbowfish Melanotaenia praecox, and medaka Oryzias latipes, exhibited erratic swimming and eventually died within 10 d post-inoculation. The virus was specifically localized in the brains, spinal cords, and retinas of the infected fish, similar to the pattern of infection in naturally infected marine fish. We believe that these susceptible freshwater fish species could act as good host models for betanodavirus-fish interaction studies.  相似文献   

Knouft JH 《Oecologia》2004,139(3):408-417
Many taxonomic and ecological assemblages of species exhibit a right-skewed body size-frequency distribution when characterized at a regional scale. Although this distribution has been frequently described, factors influencing geographic variation in the distribution are not well understood, nor are mechanisms responsible for distribution shape. In this study, variation in the species body size-frequency distributions of 344 regional communities of North American freshwater fishes is examined in relation to latitude, species richness, and taxonomic composition. Although the distribution of all species of North American fishes is right-skewed, a negative correlation exists between latitude and regional community size distribution skewness, with size distributions becoming left-skewed at high latitudes. This relationship is not an artifact of the confounding relationship between latitude and species richness in North American fishes. The negative correlation between latitude and regional community size distribution skewness is partially due to the geographic distribution of families of fishes and apparently enhanced by a nonrandom geographic distribution of species within families. These results are discussed in the context of previous explanations of factors responsible for the generation of species size-frequency distributions related to the fractal nature of the environment, energetics, and evolutionary patterns of body size in North American fishes.  相似文献   

Patterns in species richness and endemism of European freshwater fish   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Aim  To analyse the patterns in species richness and endemism of the native European riverine fish fauna, in the light of the Messinian salinity crisis and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM).
Location  European continent.
Methods  After gathering native fish faunistic lists of 406 hydrographical networks, we defined large biogeographical regions with homogenous fish fauna, based on a hierarchical cluster analysis. Then we analysed and compared the patterns in species richness and endemism among these regions, as well as species–area relationships.
Results  Among the 233 native species present in the data set, the Cyprinidae family was strongly dominant (> 50% of the total number of species). Seven biogeographical regions were defined: Western Peri-Mediterranea, Central Peri-Mediterranea, Eastern Peri-Mediterranea, Ponto-Caspian Europe, Northern Europe, Central Europe and Western Europe. The highest regional species richness was observed for Central Peri-Mediterranea and Ponto-Caspian Europe. The highest endemic richness was found in Central Peri-Mediterranea. Species–area relationships were characterized by high slope values for Peri-Mediterranean Europe and low values for Central and Western Europe.
Main conclusions  The results were in agreement with the 'Lago Mare' hypothesis explaining the specificity of Peri-Mediterranean fish fauna, as well as with the history of recolonization of Central and Western Europe from Ponto-Caspian Europe following the LGM. The results also agreed with the mechanisms of speciation and extinction influencing fish diversity in hydrographical networks. We advise the use of the seven biogeographical regions for further studies, and suggest considering Peri-Mediterranean Europe and Ponto-Caspian Europe as 'biodiversity hotspots' for European riverine fish.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWRs) were determined for eight Asian freshwater fish species that were not yet recorded in any peer‐reviewed journal indexed in the Web of Science or the FishBase database. Fish specimens from Nam Theun 2 reservoir in Lao PDR, were collected from April 2012 to August 2016 using several methods to cover a large size‐spectrum for each species. For LWRs using the general equation from Beckman (1948), the parameter b (slope value on the growth pattern) ranges from 2.908 (Puntius brevis) to 3.429 (Rasbora paviana). This study provides an update in maximum lengths for two species and first LWRs for eight common freshwater species found mainly in reservoirs, and thus represents a means for further population dynamic evolution analyses and local fisheries management.  相似文献   

五种淡水鱼类幼鱼游泳能力的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
付翔  付成  付世建 《生态学杂志》2020,(5):1629-1635
为了探讨栖息于不同生境中鱼类的游泳能力和偏好游泳速度及其生理机制,本研究以中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)、异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)、岩原鲤(Procypris rabaudi)、青鱼(Mylopharyngodon piceus)和胭脂鱼(Myxocryprinus asiaticus) 5种鱼的幼鱼为对象,在(25±1)℃条件下测定了5种鱼类的标准代谢率(SMR)、最大代谢率(MMR)、有氧代谢范围(MS)、临界游泳速度(Ucrit)、最大匀加速游泳速度(Ucat)和偏好游泳速度(Upref)。结果发现:5种实验鱼中,中华倒刺鲃的游泳能力最强,游泳能力较差的为青鱼和胭脂鱼; 5种鱼之间的代谢和游泳能力差异显著,其偏好游泳速度主要集中在(10~24.5cm·s-1)区域。研究表明,鱼类游泳能力的种间差异可能主要由心鳃系统相关的呼吸能力和体型相关的游泳效率所决定。本研究提供的有关鱼类游泳能力、偏好游泳速度等资料对于鱼道设计等有一定的参考价值...  相似文献   

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