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Examples of animals evolving similar traits despite the absence of that trait in the last common ancestor, such as the wing and camera-type lens eye in vertebrates and invertebrates, are called cases of convergent evolution. Instances of convergent evolution of locomotory patterns that quantitatively agree with the mechanically optimal solution are very rare. Here, we show that, with respect to a very diverse group of aquatic animals, a mechanically optimal method of swimming with elongated fins has evolved independently at least eight times in both vertebrate and invertebrate swimmers across three different phyla. Specifically, if we take the length of an undulation along an animal’s fin during swimming and divide it by the mean amplitude of undulations along the fin length, the result is consistently around twenty. We call this value the optimal specific wavelength (OSW). We show that the OSW maximizes the force generated by the body, which also maximizes swimming speed. We hypothesize a mechanical basis for this optimality and suggest reasons for its repeated emergence through evolution.  相似文献   

We investigated locomotor and postural behavior during terminal branch feeding in order to gain a better understanding of the motor capabilities of primates. We videotaped wild, juvenile bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata) in India as they fed on flower nectar in a simal tree (Bombax malabaricum). Kinematic analysis revealed that they select specific support surfaces and movements that, for their body design and postures, maximize lateral stability and minimize the chances of falling. These choices are made even though the distance and duration of travel to a selected target are frequently increased. Our discussion focuses on particular concepts of how primates contend with balance problems arboreally, potential reasons for changes in footfall patterns, and how the tail contributes to arboreal locomotion and posture. We concluded that balance problems due to the ratio of body size to branch size are usually avoided, at least among juvenile bonnet macaques, by placing the hands and feet on branches extending laterally from the central support branch and not on the central branch itself. The lateral branches permit a wide base of support, which increases lateral stability. Second, juvenile bonnet macaques have a striking ability to rapidly and repeatedly adapt their gait patterns to changing substrate design with minimal interruption to overall progression. Third, primate tails that are not morphologically specialized for prehension nevertheless have important prehensile and sensory functions in arboreal locomotion and posture.  相似文献   

Exceptional Convergent Evolution in a Virus   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
Replicate lineages of the bacteriophage X 174 adapted to growth at high temperature on either of two hosts exhibited high rates of identical, independent substitutions. Typically, a dozen or more substitutions accumulated in the 5.4-kilobase genome during propagation. Across the entire data set of nine lineages, 119 independent substitutions occurred at 68 nucleotide sites. Over half of these substitutions, accounting for one third of the sites, were identical with substitutions in other lineages. Some convergent substitutions were specific to the host used for phage propagation, but others occurred across both hosts. Continued adaptation of an evolved phage at high temperature, but on the other host, led to additional changes that included reversions of previous substitutions. Phylogenetic reconstruction using the complete genome sequence not only failed to recover the correct evolutionary history because of these convergent changes, but the true history was rejected as being a significantly inferior fit to the data. Replicate lineages subjected to similar environmental challenges showed similar rates of substitution and similar rates of fitness improvement across corresponding times of adaptation. Substitution rates and fitness improvements were higher during the initial period of adaptation than during a later period, except when the host was changed.  相似文献   

The rotation of the pes or pedolateral stance in the extinct ground sloths so the body weight of the animal is primarily supported by the fifth metatarsal and the calcaneum occurred independently at least three times and is present in the Megatheriidae, Nothrotheriidae, and Mylodontidae. In contrast, the pes in the Megalonychidae more closely resembles the primitive eutherian pattern. The pedolateral rotation of the pes thus represents an excellent example of parallel evolution in a closely related group of mammals. While the rotation of the foot occurs as a functional complex resulting in the modification of many bones in the pes, the astragalus is the one bone that shows the highest degree of departure from the primitive mammalian condition and the most distinctive changes in morphology. The morphological transition from a plantigrade foot as occurs in xenarthran anteaters and is essentially retained in the megalonychid sloths to the highly derived condition seen in the megathere, nothrothere, and mylodont sloths follows a similar pattern in all groups but there is still significant variation in the foot structure between the lineages. Despite these variations there are consistent patterns of change in the astragalus in all groups related to the progressive rotation of the pes and a change from dorso-plantar flexion and extension to a medio-lateral rotation of the pes relative to the tibia.  相似文献   

The occasion of the Xenarthra Symposium during the ICVM 9 meeting allowed us to reflect on the considerable advances in the knowledge of sloths made by the “X-community” over the past two decades, particularly in such aspects as locomotion, mastication, diet, dental terminology, intraspecific variation, sexual dimorphism, and phylogenetic relationships. These advancements have largely been made possible by the application of cladistic methodology (including DNA analyses) and the discovery of peculiar forms such as Diabolotherium, Thalassocnus, and Pseudoglyptodon in traditionally neglected areas such as the Chilean Andes and the Peruvian Pacific desert coast. Modern tree sloths exhibit an upside-down posture and suspensory locomotion, but the habits of fossil sloths are considerably more diverse and include locomotory modes such as inferred bipedality, quadrupedality, arboreality or semiarboreality, climbing, and an aquatic or semi-aquatic lifestyle in saltwater. Modern tree sloths are generalist browsers, but fossil sloths had browsing, grazing, or mixed feeding dietary habits. Discovery of two important sloth faunas in Brazil (Jacobina) and southern North America (Daytona Beach and Rancho La Brea) have permitted evaluation of the ontogenetic variation in Eremotherium laurillardi and the existence of possible sexual dimorphism in this sloth and in Paramylodon harlani. A new dental terminology applicable to a majority of clades has been developed, facilitating comparisons among taxa. An analysis wherein functional traits were plotted onto a phylogeny of sloths was used to determine patterns of evolutionary change across the clade. These analyses suggest that megatherioid sloths were primitively semiarboreal or possessed climbing adaptations, a feature retained in some members of the family Megalonychidae. Pedolateral stance in the hindfoot is shown to be convergently acquired in Mylodontidae and Megatheria (Nothrotheriidae + Megatheriidae), this feature serving as a synapomorphy of the latter clade. Digging adaptations can only be securely ascribed to scelidotheriine and mylodontine sloths, and the latter are also the only group of grazing sloths, the remainder being general browsers.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The axial musculature of all vertebrates consistsof two principal masses, the epaxial and hypaxial muscles. Theprimitive function of both axial muscle masses is to generatelateral bending of the trunk during swimming, as is seen inmost fishes. Within amphibians we see multiple functional andmorphological elaborations of the axial musculature. These elaborationsappear to be associated not only with movement into terrestrialhabits (salamanders), but also with subsequent locomotor specializationsof two of the three major extant amphibian clades (frogs andcaecilians). Salamanders use both epaxial and hypaxial musclesto produce lateral bending during swimming and terrestrial,quadrupedal locomotion. However during terrestrial locomotionthe hypaxial muscles are thought to perform an added function,resisting long-axis torsion of the trunk. Relative to salamanders,frogs have elaborate epaxial muscles, which function to bothstabilize and extend the iliosacral and coccygeosacral joints.These actions are important in the effective use of the hindlimbsduring terrestrial saltation and swimming. In contrast, caecilianshave relatively elaborate hypaxial musculature that is linkedto a helix of connective tissue embedded in the skin. The helixand associated hypaxial muscles form a hydrostatic skeletonaround the viscera that is continuously used to maintain bodyposture and also contributes to forward force production duringburrowing.  相似文献   

Tropical indigenous peoples in Asia (TIA) attract much attention for their unique appearance, whereas their genetic history and adaptive evolution remain mysteries. We conducted a comprehensive study to characterize the genetic distinction and connection of broad geographical TIAs. Despite the diverse genetic makeup and large interarea genetic differentiation between the TIA groups, we identified a basal Asian ancestry (bASN) specifically shared by these populations. The bASN ancestry was relatively enriched in ancient Asian human genomes dated as early as ∼50,000 years before the present and diminished in more recent history. Notably, the bASN ancestry is unlikely to be derived from archaic hominins. Instead, we suggest it may be better modeled as a survived lineage of the initial peopling of Asia. Shared adaptations inherited from the ancient Asian ancestry were detected among the TIA groups (e.g., LIMS1 for hair morphology, and COL24A1 for bone formation), and they are enriched in neurological functions either at an identical locus (e.g., NKAIN3), or different loci in an identical gene (e.g., TENM4). The bASN ancestry could also have formed the substrate of the genetic architecture of the dark pigmentation observed in the TIA peoples. We hypothesize that phenotypic convergence of the dark pigmentation in TIAs could have resulted from parallel (e.g., DDB1/DAK) or genetic convergence driven by admixture (e.g., MTHFD1 and RAD18), new mutations (e.g., STK11), or notably purifying selection (e.g., MC1R). Our results provide new insights into the initial peopling of Asia and an advanced understanding of the phenotypic convergence of the TIA peoples.  相似文献   

S-RNase-based gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) has evolved once before the split of the Asteridae and Rosidae. This conclusion is based on the phylogenetic history of the S-RNase that determines pistil specificity. In Rosaceae, molecular characterizations of Prunus species, and species from the tribe Pyreae (i.e., Malus, Pyrus, Sorbus) revealed different numbers of genes determining S-pollen specificity. In Prunus only one pistil and pollen gene determine GSI, while in Pyreae there is one pistil but multiple pollen genes, implying different specificity recognition mechanisms. It is thus conceivable that within Rosaceae the genes involved in GSI in the two lineages are not orthologous but possibly paralogous. To address this hypothesis we characterised the S-RNase lineage and S-pollen lineage genes present in the genomes of five Rosaceae species from three genera: M. × domestica (apple, self-incompatible (SI); tribe Pyreae), P. persica (peach, self-compatible (SC); Amygdaleae), P. mume (mei, SI; Amygdaleae), Fragaria vesca (strawberry, SC; Potentilleae), and F. nipponica (mori-ichigo, SI; Potentilleae). Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the Malus and Prunus S-RNase and S-pollen genes belong to distinct gene lineages, and that only Prunus S-RNase and SFB-lineage genes are present in Fragaria. Thus, S-RNase based GSI system of Malus evolved independently from the ancestral system of Rosaceae. Using expression patterns based on RNA-seq data, the ancestral S-RNase lineage gene is inferred to be expressed in pistils only, while the ancestral S-pollen lineage gene is inferred to be expressed in tissues other than pollen.  相似文献   

The Evolution of Fruit Tree Productivity: A Review. Domestication of fruit trees has received far less attention than that of annual crop plants. In particular, very little is known about the evolution of fruit tree productivity. In the wild, most tree species reach reproductive maturity after a long period of juvenility and even then, sexual reproduction appears sporadically, often in a mode of masting. Environmental constraints limit trees’ reproductive activity in their natural, wild habitats, resulting in poor, irregular productivity. Early fructification and regular, high rates of productivity have been selected by people, unconsciously and consciously. The reviewed evidence indicates an evolutionary continuum of productivity patterns among trees of wild habitats, intermediary domesticates, and the most advanced domesticates. Alternate bearing appears to represent an intermediate step in the fruit tree evolutionary pathway. The existence of a molecular, genetic mechanism that controls trees’ sexual reproduction and fruiting pattern is suggested.  相似文献   

One of the strongest signals of adaptive molecular evolution of proteins is the occurrence of convergent hot spot mutations: repeated changes in the same amino acid positions. We performed a comparative genome-wide analysis of mutation-driven evolution of core (omnipresent) genes in 17 strains of Salmonella enterica subspecies I and 22 strains of Escherichia coli. More than 20% of core genes in both Salmonella and E. coli accumulated hot spot mutations, with a predominance of identical changes having recent evolutionary origin. There is a significant overlap in the functional categories of the adaptively evolving genes in both species, although mostly via separate molecular mechanisms. As a strong evidence of the link between adaptive mutations and virulence in Salmonella, two human-restricted serovars, Typhi and Paratyphi A, shared the highest number of genes with serovar-specific hot spot mutations. Many of the core genes affected by Typhi/Paratyphi A-specific mutations have known virulence functions. For each species, a list of nonrecombinant core genes (and the hot spot mutations therein) under positive selection is provided.  相似文献   

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