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Complete nucleotide sequences of the cytochrome b and 12S rRNA genes and partial sequences of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene and the nuclear ɛ-globin gene were obtained from multiple exemplars of the New Guinean dasyurid, Myoictis. Allozyme data were also obtained from most of the same animals. The molecular data show that the genus comprises a number of genetically distinct lineages which correspond with groups proposed by Woolley (2005) on the basis of a number of morphological traits, including the form of the tail i.e. Myoictis leucura (sp. nov.), M. melas, M. wallacei and M. wavicus (new status). Divergence dates estimated from the weighted-average distances for the combined cytochrome b and 12S rRNA data, calibrated with a dasyurid-thylacine divergence 25 million years ago, suggest that the early cladogenic events separating Myoictis took place in the late Miocene. Subsequent separation of M. wavicus and M. leucura from a common ancestor as well as some genetic differentiation within M. melas, took place in the medial Pliocene.  相似文献   

A study of spermatozoa in the isthmus of the oviduct and of the surrounding epithelial cells in the dasyurid marsupial, Sminthopsis crassicaudata, was carried out. At least 10% of the ejaculated spermatozoa probably populate the isthmus region, where many come to reside in crypts until around the time of ovulation. Ultrastructural observations of spermatozoa in this region indicated that they had intact acrosomes and were identical in their morphology with those in the cauda epididymidis. After ovulation spermatozoa rapidly disappeared, some of which may be phagocytosed by the cells lining the crypts. These epithelial cells were also found to have many large, electron-dense granules at the time of sperm storage, but the contents did not appear to be released until the zygotes passed along the tract. The secretory activity of these cells may thus relate more to the production of the shell membrane that comes to surround the zygote than to the cells performing a nutritive or protective function for the spermatozoa during their period of storage within the female reproductive tract.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of predation risk, dune position and microhabitat on foraging of the Lesser Hairy‐footed Dunnart Sminthopsis youngsoni, a small insectivorous marsupial, in the Simpson Desert of western Queensland. The intensity of foraging was assessed by establishing feeding stations (dishes containing mealworms) in open and bush microhabitats at three levels on sand dunes, and recording the numbers of prey taken by dunnarts from the stations after nightly bouts of foraging. Risk of predation was manipulated by provision of artificial illumination at alternate feeding stations on each of five occasions when trials were run. The numbers of mealworms left after feeding bouts varied inconsistently across trials, providing little evidence that dunnarts respond to habitat or predation risk while foraging. These results contrast sharply with studies of arid zone rodents, where foraging is usually sensitive to both predation risk and resource distribution. We suggest that S. youngsoni forages equally in all habitats of its sandridge environment, and experiences relatively low risk of predation whilst doing so.  相似文献   

In the winter of 1981, 9 months after an intense fire in November 1980 in the recently logged Mumbulla State Forest, the numbers of a small population of Sminthopsis leucopus had slightly increased, while the common species of small mammals had declined sharply from the previous winter. The study reported in this paper aimed to identify the habitat of S. leucopus. Ninety study plots were divided equally among three classes of forest (unlogged forest, and forest logged in 1979 and 1980), between two aspects (north- and south-facing slopes), and among three topographic positions (ridge, midslope and gully). Plots were assessed on the basis of both floristic data and the structural components of ground, shrub and tree cover. The primary finding was that the habitat of S. leucopus was the treeless ridges and mid-slopes with less than 51% ground cover in the logged areas of burnt forest. The floristic analysis showed that the vegetation subcommunities restricted to gullies, or carrying a ferny ground layer of vegetation, were not selected by S. leucopus. An analysis of movements of male S. leucopus identified two classes. ‘Resident’ males occurred on logged ridges and midslopes characterized by a floristic subcommunity of open forest with a grassy understorey.‘Explorer’ males moved through a variety of ridge habitats, including unlogged forest, and were spread more widely through the floristic communities. The pattern of habitat selection identified in this study shows S. leucopus to be ecologically distinct from the other species of small mammals in the forest and thus in need of special consideration in management programmes if it is to be conserved. Under the current regime, the uniform treatment of the forest leads to widespread stands of dense regrowth to the exclusion of the species and is inimical to its survival.  相似文献   

Aged stages (63) were available for establishment of a timetable of embryonic development of the stripe-faced dunnart. On Day 0 oocytes reaching maturity were found in the ovary. Within +/- 24 h of time 0 (time of minimum morning weight) polymorphonuclear leucocytes appeared and spermatozoa were last detected in the urine of 70% of females. Embryos were collected at intervals during pregnancy by hemihysterectomy and the embryos in the contralateral uterus either were examined at a later stage of pregnancy or allowed to develop to term. Cleavage to the unilaminar blastocyst stage with around 32 cells took 3 days with a cleavage arrest of 24 h at the 4-cell stage. Expansion of the unilaminar blastocyst occurred over the next 3 days. Primitive endoderm cells appeared on Day 6, fully bilaminar blastocysts by the end of Day 7 and trilaminar blastocysts on Day 8. Shell loss and implantation of 13-15-somite stage embryos occurred on Day 8 and organogenesis over the next 2-3 days. The gestation period was 9.5-12.0 days with most births occurring between 10.5 and 11.0 days. Major steps in embryonic development were correlated with stages in the development of the corpora lutea, which were maximal in size, and possibly in secretory activity, when the embryos were at the bilaminar blastocyst stage. Regression commenced when the embryos were at the primitive streak stage. At the time the corpora lutea were maximal the uterine epithelium reached its greatest height and the endometrium was thick and folded. Later in pregnancy villous-like projections of the epithelium formed, and the luminal epithelial cells became rounded. Two cell populations, a tier of 8 smaller cells above the yolk mass and a tier of 8 larger cells around the sides of the yolk mass appeared at the 16-cell stage. From the 16-cell stage to the blastocyst stage, with 150-200 cells, two cell populations distinguished by size, cell cycle time, cytoplasmic appearance and position relative to the yolk mass were present. The two populations were indistinguishable in blastocysts with greater than 200 and less than 2000 cells. They reappeared in blastocysts with greater than 2000 cells, as the darker cells of the embryoblast, and as the paler cells of the trophoblast. The darker cells lay in the yolky hemisphere and the paler cells in the non-yolky hemisphere.  相似文献   

Formation of a placenta requires intimate contact between the embryonic and maternal uterine epithelia in early pregnancy. Contact is accompanied by a characteristic suite of changes to the plasma membranes of uterine epithelial cells, termed the plasma membrane transformation. The plasma membrane transformation occurs in eutherian mammals and in viviparous (live‐bearing) squamate reptiles, and may be fundamental to the evolution of viviparity in amniotes. Marsupials provide an excellent opportunity to test the generality of this phenomenon. Here, we present the first detailed study of the plasma membrane transformation in a marsupial. We combine electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry to describe morphological and molecular features of uterine epithelial cells during pregnancy in the fat‐tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis crassicaudata; Dasyuridae). Cell morphology changes dramatically in S. crassicaudata during pregnancy. Apical microvilli are replaced by irregular blunt projections, then by spiky projections postimplantation. Cell surfaces flatten and ciliated cells are lost. Junctional complexes between adjacent cells increase in depth, then decrease just before implantation, which is consistent with junctional protein localization in this region of the cell membrane. The uterine cellular changes in S. crassicaudata are consistent with a plasma membrane transformation, and support the idea that this phenomenon is fundamental to the evolution of viviparity in amniote vertebrates. J. Morphol. 275:1081–1092, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The small marsupial Antechinus stuartii experiences a synchronised life cycle that culminates in complete male mortality (within 3 weeks) following the 1 week mating period in mid-August (late winter). There are pronounced physiological changes in male A. stuartii over the life cycle and renal function was assessed for correlation with these changes. Glomerular filtration rate and urine and plasma electrolytes were determined in male and female A. stuartii in February, May, July and August. Females showed little change in glomerular filtration rate, except for pre-mating values in August which decreased. In contrast, glomerular filtration rate of males decreased significantly in July and August. Plasma sodium and chloride levels were higher in males than females and were higher in animals in July and August than in February and May. Plasma potassium levels dropped in both males and females in July and August. Plasma osmolality was higher in animals in February compared to animals from May and August. However, there were no significant sex or seasonal differences in urine electrolytes, although urea concentration was higher in females than males. Urine osmolality was higher in both sexes in July and August. There were no significant differences in total excretory rates of sodium, potassium or chloride between sexes or between seasons. Many of the alterations in renal function are correlated with known physiological and hormonal profiles in A. stuartii. This is the first observation of seasonal changes in glomerular filtration rate that are unrelated to dietary and water stresses. Accepted: 8 September 1997  相似文献   

The milk constituents of Dasyurus viverrinus, a carnivorous marsupial, exhibited major quantitative and qualitative changes during the course of lactation. The milk produced in the early stages of lactation was dilute, about 13-16% (w/w) solids before 3 weeks with carbohydrate representing the major fraction. In the latter stages of lactation the milk was concentrated, around 30% solids, and lipid was the predominant fraction. Palmitic acid was the major fatty acid present in early-stage milk but oleic acid became predominant in milk after 10 weeks post-partum. The changes in milk composition in D. viverrinus were similar to those described for the milks of herbivorous marsupials which therefore suggests that this pattern may be uniform throughout the Marsupialia.  相似文献   

Male Antechinus stuartii (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) undergo significant endocrinological changes during their life history. The endocrine changes are associated with complete male mortality. The accessory reproductive tract of males is important for seminal plasma production, and changes associated with the reproductive cycle were not described in detail by earlier studies. The present study sought to describe some of the seasonal changes in structure of the male accessory reproductive tract in relation to the known hormonal changes. The epididymis, prostate, and bulbourethral glands are relatively undifferentiated in February and May, a time when plasma concentrations of testosterone are known to be low. By July, considerable hypertrophy and differentiation of the accessory reproductive tract are observed. This is most obvious in the bulbourethral glands, which change from being indistinguishable from one another in February and May to being three large morphologically and histologically distinct glands in July. The hypertrophy and secretory activity continue into August, the breeding season. These findings correlate with the hormonal profiles found in other studies of A. stuartii. J Morphol 231:261–275, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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