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Mathematical model parameters for the methanogenic degradation of propylene glycol were estimated in a sequential manner by means of an optimization technique. Model parameters determined from an initial experimental data set using one bioreactor were then verified with the results from a second bioreactor. The proposed methodology is a useful tool to obtain model parameters for continuous flow reactors with completely mixed regime. Abbrevations: S – substrate concentration (mg COD l–1); S in – influent substrate concentration (mg COD l–1); D L – dilution rate (day–1); – stoichiometric coefficients (ND); nx – number of microbial species (ND); X S – fixed biomass concentration (mg biomass l–1); X L – suspended biomass concentration of (mg biomass l–1); k d – decay rate of biomass (day–1); b S – specific detachment rate of biofilm (day–1); – specific growth rate of biomass (day–1); m – maximum specific growth rate of biomass (day–1); K S – half saturation constant (mg COD l–1); K I – inhibition constant (mg COD l–1).  相似文献   

In this study, the detachment rates of various microbial species from the aerobic and anoxic biofilms in a circulating fluidized bed bioreactor (CFBB) with two entirely separate aerobic and anoxic beds were investigated. Overall detachment rate coefficients for biomass, determined on the basis of volatile suspended solids (VSS), glucose and protein as well as for specific microbial groups, i.e., for nitrifiers, denitrifiers, and phosphorous accumulating organisms (PAOs), were established. Biomass detachment rates were found to increase with biomass attachment on carrier media in both beds. The detachment rate coefficients based on VSS were significantly affected by shear stress, whereas for protein, glucose and specific microbial groups, no significant effect of shear stress was observed. High detachment rates were observed for the more porous biofilm structure. The presence of nitrifiers in the anoxic biofilm and denitrifiers in the aerobic biofilm was established by the specific activity measurements. Detachment rates of PAOs in aerobic and anoxic biofilms were evaluated.  相似文献   

Mixed culture of microorganisms immobilized onto Celite diatomaceous earth particles were used to degrade 3,4-dichloroaniline (34DCA) in a three-phase draft tube fluidized bed bioreactor. Biodegradation was confirmed as the dominant removal mechanism by measurements of the concomitant chloride ion evolution. Degradation efficiencies of 95% were obtained at a reactor retention time of 1.25 h. A mathematical model was used to describe the simultaneous diffusion and reaction of 34DCA and oxygen in the biofilms on the particles in the reactor. The parameters describing freely suspended cell growth on 34DCA were obtained in batch experiments. The model was found to describe the system well for three out of four steady states and to predict qualitatively the experimentally observed transition in the biofilm kinetics from 34DCA to oxygen limitation.  相似文献   

The effect of various operating variables such as initial inoculum circulation, dilution rate, chemical oxygen demand (COD) loading rate, and quantity and quality of inoculum on the process of film formation on sand surface and reactor performance were studied using synthetic glucose based wastewater. It was found that the film formation process is favored by a high dilution rate, a large quantity of inoculum, and an inoculum having high methane producing capacity. Experimental observations indicate that the biofilm formation process is initiated by methanogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

Summary Three different materials, kaolin, pozzolana and biolite (a material used in a commercial anaerobic fluidized bed treatment process) when tested as supports for an anaerobic fluidized bed system had similar physical and fluidization properties but behaved differently towards the biomass hold-up. However, all three systems attained similar removal efficiency rates.Nomenclature U Fluidization velocity (m/s) - U1 Terminal fluidization velocity (m/s) - g Local acceleration due to gravity (m/s2) - s Solid density (kg/m3) - f Fluid density (kg/m3) - P Pressure drop (Pa) - HRT Hydraulic retention time (days) - Hmf Height of bed at minimum fluidization (m) - H Height of bed (m) - Cd Drag coefficient (dimensionless) - W Mass of solids in bed (kg) - dp Particle diameter (m) - A Cross-sectional area of column (m2) - h column height (m) - Rct Terminal Reynolds no. - Voidagc (fractional free volume, dimensionless) - mf Voidage (fractional free volume) at minimum of fluidization (dimensionless)  相似文献   

A mathematical model is proposed for the fluidized bed biofilm reactor (FBBR). For individual biofilm-covered particles (bioparticles) within the reactor, an analysis of intrabiofilm mass transfer and simultaneous intrinsic zero order reaction yields an effectiveness factor expression which is a function of the modified, zero order Thiele modulus, Φ0,m. This expression is linked to a one-dimensional reactor flow model and a fluidization model to yield an overall reactor model describing convective transport and simultaneous biochemical conversion of substrate within a FBBR. For Φ0,m<1.15, FBBR is mass transfer limited and 0.45 order kinetics are observed. For Φ0,m<1.15, mass transfer limitations are insignificant and intrinsic zero order kinetics are observed. A sensitivity analysis using the proposed mathematical model indicates that biofilm thickness and media size are the two most important operating parameters. These two parameters can be optimized simultaneously for a specific application. The proposed model provides a rational approach for FBBR design.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for a three phase fluidized bed bioreactor (TFBBR) was proposed to describe oxygen utilization rate, biomass concentration and the removal efficiency of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in wastewater treatment. The model consisted of the biofilm model to describe the oxygen uptake rate and the hydraulic model to describe flow characteristics to cause the oxygen distribution in the reactor. The biofilm model represented the oxygen uptake rate by individual bioparticle and the hydrodynamics of fluids presented an axial dispersion flow with back mixing in the liquid phase and a plug flow in the gas phase. The difference of settling velocity along the column height due to the distributions of size and number of bioparticle was considered. The proposed model was able to predict the biomass concentration and the dissolved oxygen concentration along the column height. The removal efficiency of COD was calculated based on the oxygen consumption amounts that were obtained from the dissolved oxygen concentration. The predicted oxygen concentration by the proposed model agreed reasonably well with experimental measurement in a TFBBR. The effects of various operating parameters on the oxygen concentration were simulated based on the proposed model. The media size and media density affected the performance of a TFBBR. The dissolved oxygen concentration was significantly affected by the superficial liquid velocity but the removal efficiency of COD was significantly affected by the superficial gas velocity. An erratum to this article can be found online at .  相似文献   

This work is focused on the evaluation of a beta-cyclodextrin polymer as a carrier medium in a fluidized bed bioreactor treating aqueous phenol as a model pollutant. The insoluble polymer support was obtained in the shape of spherical beads by crosslinking beta-cyclodextrin with epichlorohydrin. A batch of swollen polymer particles was loaded into the reactor and inoculated with a mixed bacterial culture. Bacterial growth on the polymer beads was initially stimulated by glucose addition to the medium, and then gradually replaced with phenol. The operational variables studied after the acclimation period included phenol load, hydraulic residence time and recirculation flow rate. Low hydraulic residence times and moderate phenol loads were applied. The elimination capacity was usually about 1.0 kg-phenol/m(3)d, although a maximum of 2.8 kg-phenol/m(3)d was achieved with a retention time of only 0.55 h. The depuration efficiency was not affected by the recirculation flow rate in the range studied. Neither operational nor support stability problems were detected during the operation. A high degree of expansion was achieved in the bioreactor due to the hydrogel nature of the cyclodextrin polymer and, consequently, a low energy requirement was necessary to fluidize the bed.  相似文献   

Intermediates formed during the anaerobic decomposition of propylene glycol under methanogenic conditions were studied using a serum bottle technique. The pathway is similar to the anaerobic decomposition of ethylene glycol as previously reported. For both compounds, the decomposition is believed to proceed via an initial disproportionation of the glycol to form equal molar amounts of the volatile fatty acid and normal alcohol of the same chain length. In the case of ethylene glycol, disproportionation results in the formation of acetate and ethanol, while disproportionation of propylene glycol produces propionate and n-propanol. Following disproportionation, the alcohols produced from glycol fermentation are oxidized to their corresponding volatile fatty acid with the reduction of protons to form hydrogen. Ethanol and propionate oxidation to acetate proceeds via a well-established syntrophic pathway that is favorable only under low hydrogen partial pressures. Subsequent degradation of acetate proceeds via acetoclastic methanogenesis with the production of carbon dioxide and methane. Despite the production of hydrogen in the initial steps of glycol degradation, both compounds are completely degradable under the methanogenic conditions tested in this study.  相似文献   

An approximated analytical solution of mathematical model for the three phase fluidized bed bioreactor (TFBBR) was proposed using the linearization technique to describe oxygen utilization rate in wastewater treatment. The validation of the model was done in comparison with the experimental results. Satisfactory agreement was obtained in the comparison of approximated analytical solution and numerical solution in the oxygen concentration profile of a TFBBR. The approximated solutions for three modes of the liquid phase flow were compared. The proposed model was able to predict the biomass concentration, dissolved oxygen concentration the height of efficient column, and the removal efficiency.  相似文献   

Wolinella succinogenes HAP-1 is a Gram-negative microaerophile which reduces perchlorate to chloride by the proposed pathway ClO4 to ClO3 to ClO2 to Cl + O2. A cost-effective perchlorate treatment process has been established using a consortium of facultative anaerobic organisms and W. succinogenes HAP-1. The mixed anaerobic bacterial culture containing W. succinogenes HAP-1 was examined for the ability to form a biofilm capable of perchlorate reduction. An up-flow anaerobic fixed bed reactor (UAFBR) was packed with diatomaceous earth pellets and operated at residence times of 1.17 and 0.46 h to insure a viable biofilm had attached to the diatomaceous earth pellets. Reduction rates of perchlorate to chloride in the UAFBR could be maintained at 1 g of perchlorate reduced h−1 L−1. Studies with the same bacterial consortium in continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTR) generally reduced 0.5–0.7 g of perchlorate h−1. Viable cell counts were performed periodically on the diatomaceous earth pellets and demonstrated that the W. succinogenes HAP-1 population was maintained at 28–47% of the total microbial population. Scanning electron micrographs demonstrated that the external and internal surfaces of the diatomaceous pellets were densely colonized with microbial cells of multiple cell types. This is the first report of an anaerobic mixed culture forming a biofilm capable of perchlorate reduction. Received 22 May 1997/ Accepted in revised form 07 January 1998  相似文献   

This study evaluated the treatment of oil sands process-affected water (OSPW) using a fluidized bed biofilm reactor (FBBR) with granular activated carbon (GAC) as support media. The bioreactor was operated for 120 days at different organic and hydraulic loading rates. The combined GAC adsorption and biodegradation process removed 51% of chemical oxygen demand (COD), 56% of acid-extractable fraction (AEF) and 96% of classical naphthenic acids (NAs) under optimized operational conditions. Bioreactor treatment efficiencies were dependent on the organic loading rate (OLR), and to a lower degree, on the hydraulic loading rate (HLR). Further ultra performance liquid chromatography/high resolution mass spectroscopy (UPLC/HRMS) analysis showed that the removal of classical NAs increased as the carbon number increased. Compared with planktonic bacterial community in OSPW, more diverse microbial structures were found in biofilms colonized on the surface of GAC after 120-day treatment, with various carbon degraders namely Polaromonas jejuensis, Algoriphagus sp., Chelatococcus sp. and Methylobacterium fujisawaense in the GAC-biofilm reactor. The results of this study, therefore, showed that the GAC-biofilm seems to be a promising biological treatment method for OSPW remediation.  相似文献   

Attached biofilm reactors provide the means for implementing energy-efficient anaerobic wastewater treatment at full scale. Progress has been made in the development of fixed, expanded and fluidized bed anaerobic processes by addressing fundamental reactor design issues. Several new biofilm reactor concepts have evolved from recent studies.  相似文献   

Anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to denitrification (AOM-D) in a membrane biofilm reactor (MBfR), a platform used for efficiently coupling gas delivery and biofilm development, has attracted attention in recent years due to the low cost and high availability of methane. However, experimental studies have shown that the nitrate-removal flux in the CH4-based MBfR (<1.0 g N/m2-day) is about one order of magnitude smaller than that in the H2-based MBfR (1.1–6.7 g N/m2-day). A one-dimensional multispecies biofilm model predicts that the nitrate-removal flux in the CH4-based MBfR is limited to <1.7 g N/m2-day, consistent with the experimental studies reported in the literature. The model also determines the two major limiting factors for the nitrate-removal flux: The methane half-maximum-rate concentration (K2) and the specific maximum methane utilization rate of the AOM-D syntrophic consortium (kmax2), with kmax2 being more important. Model simulations show that increasing kmax2 to >3 g chemical oxygen demand (COD)/g cell-day (from its current 1.8 g COD/g cell-day) and developing a new membrane with doubled methane-delivery capacity (Dm) could bring the nitrate-removal flux to ≥4.0 g N/m2-day, which is close to the nitrate-removal flux for the H2-based MBfR. Further increase of the maximum nitrate-removal flux can be achieved when Dm and kmax2 increase together.  相似文献   

A detailed model acetate-utilizing methanogenic biofilms accounting for the diffusion of neutral and ionic species, chemical equilibrium, electroneutrality, gas production within the biofilm, pH-dependent Monod kinetics, and the presence of a concentration boundary layer is presented. The model qualitatively fits the pH profiles that are reported for acetate-utilizing methanogenic aggregates. A sensitivity analysis on the biological parameters showed that the flux of acetate is sensitive to the maximum utilization rate, half-saturation constant, and biofilm density for the bulk conditions investigated. Criteria when traditional biofilm models can be used to predict the flux of acetate into the biofilm are established. If the maximum pH change predicted using a hypothetical system is within +/-0.05, the traditional model predicts the flux to within +/-5% of the value calculated with the model developed in this study. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

High strength milk permeate derived from ultra-filtration based cheese making process was treated in an anaerobic moving bed biofilm reactor (AMBBR) under mesophilic (35 °C) condition. Total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD) removal efficiencies of 86.3–73.2% were achieved at organic loading rates (OLR) of 2.0–20.0 g TCOD L−1 d−1. A mass balance model gave values of methane yield coefficient (YG/S) and cell maintenance coefficient (km) of 0.341 L CH4 g−1 TCODremoved and 0.1808 g TCODremoved g−1 VSS d−1, respectively. The maximum substrate utilization rate Umax was determined as 89.3 g TCOD L−1 d−1 by a modified Stover–Kincannon model. Volumetric methane production rates (VMPR) were shown to correlate with the biodegradable TCOD concentration through a Michaelis–Menten type equation. Moreover, based on VMPR and OLR removed from the reactor, the sludge production yield was determined as 0.0794 g VSS g−1 TCODremoved.  相似文献   

New technologies regarding wastewater treatment have been developed. Among these technologies, the moving bed biofilm reactor combined with membrane bioreactor (MBBR-MBR) is a recent solution alternative to conventional processes. This paper presents the results obtained from three wastewater treatment plants working in parallel. The first wastewater treatment plant consisted of a membrane bioreactor (MBR), the second one was a MBBR-MBR system containing carriers both in anoxic and aerobic zones, and the last one consisted of a MBBR-MBR system which contained carriers only in the aerobic zone. The reactors operated with a hydraulic retention time of 26.47 h. During the study, the difference between the experimental plants was not statistically significant concerning organic matter and nutrients removal. However, different tendencies regarding nutrients removal are shown by the three wastewater treatment plants. In this sense, the performances in terms of nitrogen and phosphorus removal of the MBBR-MBR system which contained carriers only in the aerobic zone (67.34 ± 11.22% and 50.65 ± 11.13%, respectively) were slightly better than those obtained from another experimental plants. As a whole, the pilot plant which consisted of a MBR showed better performance from the point of view of the kinetics of the heterotrophic and autotrophic biomass with values of μm,H = 0.00858 h−1, μm,A = 0.07646 h−1, KM = 2.37 mg O2 L−1 and KNH = 1.31 mg N L−1.  相似文献   

Abstract: Continuous fermentation by a highly flocculant strain of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was carried out in a tower fluidized-bed bioreactor. The synthetic and molasses media with a total sugar concentration of 17% (w/v) were used for fermentation. Different dilution rates were tested. Stable cell densities of 50 kg m-3(dry weight) were maintained for all dilution rates. The ethanol productivity was increasing linearly with dilution rates up to 15—20 kg m-3 h-1. Aeration of the culture stabilized flocculating activity and viability of yeast and also permitted long-term operation of the bioreactor.  相似文献   

A rigorous steady-state model of anaerobic biofilm reactors taking into account acid-base and gas-phase equilibria in the reactor in conjunction with detailed chemical equilibria and mass transfer in acetate-utilizing methanogenic biofilms is presented. The performances of ideal completely stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) and plug-flow reactors, as well as reactors with nonideal hydraulic conditions, are simulated. Decreasing the surface loading rate increases the acetate removal efficiency, while decreasing the influent pH and increasing the buffering capacity improves the removal efficiency only if the bulk pH of the reactor shifts toward more optimal values between 6.8 to 7.0. The reactor can have negative or positive removal efficiencies depending on the start-up conditions. The respiration coefficient plays a critical role in determining the minimum influent pH required for reactor recovery after failure. Having multiple CSTRs-in-series generally increases the overall removal efficiency for the influent conditions investigated. Monitoring of the influent feed quality is critical for plug-flow reactors, becasue failure of the initial sections of the reactor may cause a cascading effect that may lead to a rapid reactor failure. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The startup of anaerobic fluidized bed reactors, which use Manville R-633 beads as the growth support media, acetate enriched bacterial culture as the inoculum, and acetic acid as the sole substrate, is studied. Tow startup strategies are evaluated: one based on maximum and stable substrate utilization and another based on maximum substrate loading controlled by reactor pH. The startup process is characterized using a number of operational parameters.The reactors again excellent total organic carbon (TOC) removal (i.e., > 97% at a feed concentration of 5000 mg TOC/L) and stable methane production (i.e., 0.90 L CH(4)/g TOC, where TOC(r) is TOC removed) at a early stage of the startup process, regardless of the strategies applied. The loading can be increased rapidly without the danger of being overloaded. Significant losses of growth support media and biomass caused by gas effervescence at higher loadings limits the maximum loading that can be safely applied during startup process.A high reactor immobilized biomass inventory is achievable using the porous growth support media (e.g., Manville 633 beads). A rapid increase in loading creates a substrate rich environment that yields more viable reactor biomass. Both substrate utilization rate (batch and continuous) and immobilized biomass inventory stabilize concomitantly at the late stage of the startup process, indicating the attainment of steady-state conditions in reactors. Therefore, they are better parameters that TOC removal and methane production for characterizing the entire startup process of aerobic fluidized bed reactor.The strategy based on maximum substrate loading controlled by reactor pH significantly shortens the startup time. In this case, the reactor attains steady-state conditions approximately 140 days after startup. On the other hand, a startup time of 200 days is required when the strategy based maximum substrate utilization is adopted. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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