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Investigating patterns of genetic variation in hybridizing species provides an opportunity to understand the impact of natural selection on intraspecific genetic variability and interspecific gene exchange. The Atlantic eels Anguilla rostrata and A. anguilla each occupy a large heterogeneous habitat upon which natural selection could differentially shape genetic variation. They also produce viable hybrids only found in Iceland. However, the possible footprint of natural selection on patterns of genetic variation within species and introgressive hybridization in Icelandic eels has never been assessed. We revisited amplified fragment length polymorphism data collected previously using population genomics and admixture analyses to test if (i) genetic variation could be influenced by non-neutral mechanisms at both the intra- and interspecific levels, and if (ii) selection could shape the spatio-temporal distribution of Icelandic hybrids. We first found candidate loci for directional selection within both species. Spatial distributions of allelic frequencies displayed by some of these loci were possibly related with the geographical patterns of life-history traits in A. rostrata , and could have been shaped by natural selection associated with an environmental gradient along European coasts in A. anguilla . Second, we identified outlier loci at the interspecific level. Non-neutral introgression was strongly suggested for some of these loci. We detected a locus at which typical A. rostrata allele hardly crossed the species genetic barrier, whereas three other loci showed accelerated patterns of introgression into A. anguilla in Iceland. Moreover, the level of introgression at these three loci increased from the glass eel to the yellow eel stage, supporting the hypothesis that differential survival of admixed genotypes partly explains the spatio-temporal pattern of hybrid abundance previously documented in Iceland.  相似文献   

Analyses of genomewide polymorphism data have begun to shed light on speciation and adaptation. Genome scans to identify regions of the genome that are unusually different between populations or species, possibly due to divergent natural or sexual selection, are widespread in speciation genomics. Theoretical and empirical work suggests that such outlier regions may grow faster than linearly during speciation with gene flow due to a rapid transition between low and high reproductive isolation. We investigate whether this pattern could be attributed to neutral processes by simulating genomes under neutral evolution with varying amounts and timing of gene flow. Under both neutral evolution and divergent selection, simulations with little or no gene flow, or with a long allopatric period after its cessation, resulted in faster than linear growth of the proportion of the genome lying in outlier regions. Without selection, higher recent gene flow erased differentiation; with divergent selection, these same scenarios produced nonlinear growth to a plateau. Our results suggest that, given a history of gene flow, the growth of the divergent genome is informative about selection during divergence, but that in many scenarios, this pattern does not easily distinguish neutral and non‐neutral processes during speciation with gene flow.  相似文献   

One of the challenges in evolutionary biology is to understand the evolution of speciation with incomplete reproductive isolation as many taxa have continued gene flow both during and after speciation. Comparison of population structure between sympatric and allopatric populations can reveal specific introgression and determine if introgression occurs in a unidirectional or bidirectional manner. Simple sequence repeat markers were used to characterize sympatric and allopatric population structure of plant species, Elymus alaskanus (Scribn. and Merr.) Löve, E. caninus L., E. fibrosus (Schrenk) Tzvel., and E. mutabilis (Drobov) Tzvelev. Our results showed that genetic diversity (HE) at species level is E. caninus (0.5355) > E. alaskanus (0.4511) > E. fibrosus (0.3924) > E. mutabilis (0.3764), suggesting that E. caninus and E. alaskanus are more variable than E. fibrosus and E. mutabilis. Gene flow between species that occurs within the same geographic locations versus gene flow between populations within species was compared to provide evidence of introgression. Our results indicated that gene flow between species that occur within the same geographic location is higher than that between populations within species, suggesting that gene flow resulting from introgressive hybridization might have occurred among the sympatric populations of these species, and may play an important role in partitioning of genetic diversity among and within populations. The migration rate from E. fibrosus to E. mutabilis is highest (0.2631) among the four species studied. Asymmetrical rates of gene flow among four species were also observed. The findings highlight the complex evolution of these four Elymus species.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution of genetic variation within and between seven subpopulations in a riparian population of Silene tatarica in northern Finland by using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. A Bayesian approach-based clustering program indicated that the marker data contained not only one panmictic population, but consisted of seven clusters, and that each original sample site seems to consist of a distinct subpopulation. A coalescent-based simulation approach shows recurrent gene flow between subpopulations. Relative high FST values indicated a clear subpopulation differentiation. However, amova analysis and UPGMA-dendrogram did not suggest any hierarchical regional structuring among the subpopulations. There was no correlation between geographical and genetic distances among the subpopulations, nor any correlation between the subpopulation census size and amount of genetic variation. Estimates of gene flow suggested a low level of gene flow between the subpopulations, and the assignment tests proposed a few long-distance bidirectional dispersal events between the subpopulations. No apparent difference was found in within-subpopulation genetic diversity among upper, middle and lower regions along the river. Relative high amounts of linkage disequilibrium at subpopulation level indicated recent population bottlenecks or admixture, and at metapopulation levels a high subpopulation turnover rate. The overall pattern of genetic variation within and between subpopulations also suggested a 'classical' metapopulation structure of the species suggested by the ecological surveys.  相似文献   

Mangrove plants comprise plants with similar ecological features that have enabled them to adapt to life between the sea and the land. Within a geographic region, different mangrove species share not only similar adaptations but also similar genetic structure patterns. Along the eastern coast of South America, there is a subdivision between the populations north and south of the continent's northeastern extremity. Here, we aimed to test for this north‐south genetic structure in Rhizophora mangle, a dominant mangrove plant in the Western Hemisphere. Additionally, we aimed to study the relationships between R. mangle, R. racemosa, and R. × harrisonii and to test for evidence of hybridization and introgression. Our results confirmed the north‐south genetic structure pattern in R. mangle and revealed a less abrupt genetic break in the northern population than those observed in Avicennia species, another dominant and widespread mangrove genus in the Western Hemisphere. These results are consistent with the role of oceanic currents influencing sea‐dispersed plants and differences between Avicennia and Rhizophora propagules in longevity and establishment time. We also observed that introgression and hybridization are relevant biological processes in the northeastern coast of South America and that they are likely asymmetric toward R. mangle, suggesting that adaptation might be a process maintaining this hybrid zone.  相似文献   

Levels of genetic differentiation between populations can be highly variable across the genome, with divergent selection contributing to such heterogeneous genomic divergence. For example, loci under divergent selection and those tightly physically linked to them may exhibit stronger differentiation than neutral regions with weak or no linkage to such loci. Divergent selection can also increase genome‐wide neutral differentiation by reducing gene flow (e.g. by causing ecological speciation), thus promoting divergence via the stochastic effects of genetic drift. These consequences of divergent selection are being reported in recently accumulating studies that identify: (i) ‘outlier loci’ with higher levels of divergence than expected under neutrality, and (ii) a positive association between the degree of adaptive phenotypic divergence and levels of molecular genetic differentiation across population pairs [‘isolation by adaptation’ (IBA)]. The latter pattern arises because as adaptive divergence increases, gene flow is reduced (thereby promoting drift) and genetic hitchhiking increased. Here, we review and integrate these previously disconnected concepts and literatures. We find that studies generally report 5–10% of loci to be outliers. These selected regions were often dispersed across the genome, commonly exhibited replicated divergence across different population pairs, and could sometimes be associated with specific ecological variables. IBA was not infrequently observed, even at neutral loci putatively unlinked to those under divergent selection. Overall, we conclude that divergent selection makes diverse contributions to heterogeneous genomic divergence. Nonetheless, the number, size, and distribution of genomic regions affected by selection varied substantially among studies, leading us to discuss the potential role of divergent selection in the growth of regions of differentiation (i.e. genomic islands of divergence), a topic in need of future investigation.  相似文献   

Interspecific crossing experiments have shown that sex chromosomes play a major role in reproductive isolation between many pairs of species. However, their ability to act as reproductive barriers, which hamper interspecific genetic exchange, has rarely been evaluated quantitatively compared to Autosomes. This genome-wide limitation of gene flow is essential for understanding the complete separation of species, and thus speciation. Here, we develop a mainland-island model of secondary contact between hybridizing species of an XY (or ZW) sexual system. We obtain theoretical predictions for the frequency of introgressed alleles, and the strength of the barrier to neutral gene flow for the two types of chromosomes carrying multiple interspecific barrier loci. Theoretical predictions are obtained for scenarios where introgressed alleles are rare. We show that the same analytical expressions apply for sex chromosomes and autosomes, but with different sex-averaged effective parameters. The specific features of sex chromosomes (hemizygosity and absence of recombination in the heterogametic sex) lead to reduced levels of introgression on the X (or Z) compared to autosomes. This effect can be enhanced by certain types of sex-biased forces, but it remains overall small (except when alleles causing incompatibilities are recessive). We discuss these predictions in the light of empirical data comprising model-based tests of introgression and cline surveys in various biological systems.  相似文献   

Introgressive hybridization is an important evolutionary process and new analytical methods provide substantial power to detect and quantify it. In this study we use variation in the frequency of 657 AFLP fragments and DNA sequence variation from 15 genes to measure the extent of admixture and the direction of interspecific gene flow among three Heliconius butterfly species that diverged recently as a result of natural selection for Miillerian mimicry, and which continue to hybridize. Bayesian clustering based on AFLP genotypes correctly delineated the three species and identified four H. cydno, three H. pachinus, and three H. melpomene individuals that were of mixed ancestry. Gene genealogies revealed substantial shared DNA sequence variation among all three species and coalescent simulations based on the Isolation with Migration (IM) model pointed to interspecific gene flow as its cause. The IM simulations further indicated that interspecific gene flow was significantly asymmetrical, with greater gene flow from H. pachinus into H. cydno (2Nm = 4.326) than the reverse (2Nm = 0.502), and unidirectional gene flow from H. cydno and H. pachinus into H. melpomene (2Nm = 0.294 and 0.252, respectively). These asymmetries are in the directions expected based on the genetics of wing patterning and the probability that hybrids of various phenotypes will survive and reproduce in different mimetic environments. This empirical demonstration of extensive interspecific gene flow is in contrast to a previous study which found little evidence of gene flow between another pair of hybridizing Heliconius species, H. himera and H. erato, and it highlights the critical role of natural selection in maintaining species diversity. Furthermore, these results lend support to the hypotheses that phenotypic diversification in the genus Heliconius has been fueled by introgressive hybridization and that reinforcement has driven the evolution of assortative mate preferences.  相似文献   

卢宝荣  夏辉  汪魏  杨箫 《生物多样性》2010,18(6):577-1158
生物入侵给全球生态环境与社会经济都带来了严重危害, 对其入侵机制的研究非常重要。生物入侵是一个适应性进化的过程, 天然杂交与遗传渐渗可以改变外来物种对环境的适应性并提高其入侵能力, 使其进化成为入侵种。因此了解杂交-渐渗在促进生物入侵过程中的遗传作用, 将有助于我们采取有效措施来控制生物入侵及其危害。本文从杂交-渐渗对生物适应性进化和物种形成影响的角度, 阐明外来种如何通过杂交-渐渗在新的生境中改变其适应性、生存竞争能力和入侵能力。杂交-渐渗可以导致物种发生多倍体水平和同倍体水平的进化, 虽然二者的进化过程不尽相同, 但均能使杂种群体在遗传上产生较大变化, 进而影响杂种群体的适合度, 这一过程可能促使外来种在新的生境中的成功入侵进而转变为入侵种。随着转基因生物技术的迅速发展, 大量转基因作物进入环境释放和商品化种植, 具有特定功能的转基因可能通过杂交-渐渗进入野生近缘种群体, 也可能使之成为入侵性强的农田杂草, 带来难以预测的生态后果。总之, 生物入侵是一个复杂的进化和生态过程, 利用杂交-渐渗的理论来解释植物的入侵性, 仅从一个方面反映了入侵生物学的研究, 杂交-渐渗与其他理论的结合, 将从更深的层次来解释外来种的入侵机制。  相似文献   

Within the plant kingdom, many genera contain sister lineages with contrasting outcrossing and inbreeding mating systems that are known to hybridize. The evolutionary fate of these sister lineages is likely to be influenced by the extent to which they exchange genes. We measured gene flow between outcrossing Geum rivale and selfing Geum urbanum, sister species that hybridize in contemporary populations. We generated and used a draft genome of G. urbanum to develop dd‐RAD data scorable in both species. Coalescent analysis of RAD data from allopatric populations indicated that the species diverged 2–3 Mya, and that historical gene flow between them was extremely low (1 migrant every 25 generations). Comparison of genetic divergence between species in sympatry and allopatry, together with an analysis of allele frequencies in potential parental and hybrid populations, provided no evidence of contemporary introgression in sympatric populations. Cluster‐ and species‐specific marker analyses revealed that, apart from four early‐generation hybrids, individuals in sympatric populations fell into two genetically distinct groups that corresponded exactly to their morphological species classification with maximum individual admixture estimates of only 1–3%. However, we did observe joint segregation of four putatively introgressed SNPs across two scaffolds in the G. urbanum population that was associated with significant morphological variation, interpreted as tentative evidence for rare, recent interspecific gene flow. Overall, our results indicate that despite the presence of hybrids in contemporary populations, genetic exchange between G. rivale and G. urbanum has been extremely limited throughout their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the genetic basis of divergence in mating signal characters that contribute to reproductive isolation is critical to understanding speciation. Here, we describe a semi-automated system for characterizing grasshopper acoustic signals. We used this system to study the genetic basis of divergence in three male calling song components [echeme (EL), syllable (SL) and phrase (PL) lengths] between Chorthippus brunneus and C. jacobsi, two species of grasshoppers that hybridize in northern Spain. We also studied the number of pegs in the stridulatory file. For all characters, additive effects accounted for most of the genetic differentiation between species. However, the three song components also showed small but significant epistatic effects. No sex linkage was detected. Wright-Castle-Lande estimates of the minimum numbers of genetic factors underlying song and peg number divergence were low: peg number (n(e)=5.87+/-5.84), SL (n(e)=2.37+/-4.79) and PL (n(e)=0.87+/-0.86). On the other hand, EL appeared to be controlled by many genes. These results suggest that divergence in SL and PL might be driven by sexual selection whereas EL might not be under selection. This is consistent with experimental results on female song preference in related species. However, the fact that few factors appear to underlie the differences in peg number is surprising. Peg number is not closely related to song characteristics. It often varies between closely related grasshopper species and it has been assumed to be a neutral character. The biometrical approaches used here tend to underestimate the number of factors influencing a trait but provide valuable background for subsequent quantitative trait loci analyses.  相似文献   

Investigating secondary contact of historically isolated lineages can provide insight into how selection and drift influence genomic divergence and admixture. Here, we studied the genomic landscape of divergence and introgression following secondary contact between lineages of the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox) to determine whether genomic regions under selection in allopatry also contribute to reproductive isolation during introgression. We used thousands of nuclear loci to study genomic differentiation between two lineages that have experienced recent secondary contact following isolation, and incorporated sampling from a zone of secondary contact to identify loci that are resistant to gene flow in hybrids. Comparisons of patterns of divergence and introgression revealed a positive relationship between allelic differentiation and resistance to introgression across the genome, and greater‐than‐expected overlap between genes linked to lineage‐specific divergence and loci that resist introgression. Genes linked to putatively selected markers were related to prominent aspects of rattlesnake biology that differ between populations of Western Diamondback rattlesnakes (i.e., venom and reproductive phenotypes). We also found evidence for selection against introgression of genes that may contribute to cytonuclear incompatibility, consistent with previously observed biased patterns of nuclear and mitochondrial alleles suggestive of partial reproductive isolation due to cytonuclear incompatibilities. Our results provide a genome‐scale perspective on the relationships between divergence and introgression in secondary contact that is relevant for understanding the roles of selection in maintaining partial isolation of lineages, causing admixing lineages to not completely homogenize.  相似文献   

Collin H  Fumagalli L 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(21):4490-4502
Natural selection drives local adaptation, potentially even at small temporal and spatial scales. As a result, adaptive genetic and phenotypic divergence can occur among populations living in different habitats. We investigated patterns of differentiation between contrasting lake and stream habitats in the cyprinid fish European minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) at both the morphological and genomic levels using geometric morphometrics and AFLP markers, respectively. We also used a spatial correlative approach to identify AFLP loci associated with environmental variables representing potential selective forces responsible for adaptation to divergent habitats. Our results identified different morphologies between lakes and streams, with lake fish presenting a deeper body and caudal peduncle compared to stream fish. Body shape variation conformed to a priori predictions concerning biomechanics and swimming performance in lakes vs. streams. Moreover, morphological differentiation was found to be associated with several environmental variables, which could impose selection on body and caudal peduncle shape. We found adaptive genetic divergence between these contrasting habitats in the form of 'outlier' loci (2.9%) whose genetic divergence exceeded neutral expectations. We also detected additional loci (6.6%) not associated with habitat type (lake vs. stream), but contributing to genetic divergence between populations. Specific environmental variables related to trophic dynamics, landscape topography and geography were associated with several neutral and outlier loci. These results provide new insights into the morphological divergence and genetic basis of adaptation to differentiated habitats.  相似文献   

Physical barriers to gene flow were once viewed as prerequisites for adaptive evolutionary divergence. However, a growing body of theoretical and empirical work suggests that divergence can proceed within a single population. Here we document genetic structure and spatially replicated patterns of phenotypic divergence within a bird species endemic to 250 km2 Santa Cruz Island, California, USA. Island scrub‐jays (Aphelocoma insularis) in three separate stands of pine habitat had longer, shallower bills than jays in oak habitat, a pattern that mirrors adaptive differences between allopatric populations of the species’ mainland congener. Variation in both bill measurements was heritable, and island scrub‐jays mated nonrandomly with respect to bill morphology. The population was not panmictic; instead, we found a continuous pattern of isolation by distance across the east–west axis of the island, as well as a subtle genetic discontinuity across the boundary between the largest pine stand and adjacent oak habitat. The ecological factors that appear to have facilitated adaptive differentiation at such a fine scale—environmental heterogeneity and localized dispersal—are ubiquitous in nature. These findings support recent arguments that microgeographic patterns of adaptive divergence may be more common than currently appreciated, even in mobile taxonomic groups like birds.  相似文献   

Cryptic trysts, genomic mergers, and plant speciation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Asymmetrical introgression is an expected genetic consequence of hybridization when parental taxa differ in abundance; however, evidence for such effects in small populations is scarce. To test this prediction, we estimated the magnitude and direction of hybridization between red mulberry (Morus rubra L.), an endangered species in Canada, and the introduced and more abundant white mulberry (Morus alba L.) using nuclear (randomly amplified polymorphic DNA) and cytoplasmic (chloroplast DNA sequence) markers. Parentage of 184 trees (n = 42 using cpDNA) from four sympatric populations was estimated using a hybrid index and related to six morphological characters and population frequencies of the parental classes. Overall, the frequency of nuclear hybrids was 53.7% (n = 99) and ranged from 43% to 67% among populations. The parental and hybrid taxa differed with respect to all of the morphological traits. Sixty-seven percent of all hybrids contained more nuclear markers from M. alba than M. rubra (hybrid index x = 0.46); among populations, the degree of M. alba bias was correlated with the frequency of M. alba. In addition, the majority of hybrids (68%) contained the chloroplast genome of white mulberry. These results suggest that introgression is bidirectional but asymmetrical and is related, in part, to the relative frequency of parental taxa.  相似文献   

Cases of geographically restricted co‐occurring sister taxa are rare and may point to potential divergence with gene flow. The two bat species Murina gracilis and Murina recondita are both endemic to Taiwan and are putative sister species. To test for nonallopatric divergence and gene flow in these taxa, we generated sequences using Sanger and next‐generation sequencing, and combined these with microsatellite data for coalescent‐based analyses. MtDNA phylogenies supported the reciprocally monophyletic sister relationship between M. gracilis and M. recondita; however, clustering of microsatellite genotypes revealed several cases of species admixture suggesting possible introgression. Sequencing of microsatellite flanking regions revealed that admixture signatures stemmed from microsatellite allele homoplasy rather than recent introgressive hybridization, and also uncovered an unexpected sister relationship between M. recondita and the continental species Murina eleryi, to the exclusion of M. gracilis. To dissect the basis of these conflicts between ncDNA and mtDNA, we analysed sequences from 10 anonymous ncDNA loci with *beast and isolation‐with‐migration and found two distinct clades of M. eleryi, one of which was sister to M. recondita. We conclude that Taiwan was colonized by the ancestor of M. gracilis first, followed by the ancestor of M. recondita after a period of allopatric divergence. After colonization, the mitochondrial genome of M. recondita was replaced by that of the resident M. gracilis. This study illustrates how apparent signatures of sympatric divergence can arise from complex histories of allopatric divergence, colonization and hybridization, thus highlighting the need for rigorous analyses to distinguish between such scenarios.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of protein loci, microsatellite and mtDNA markers revealed generally comparable estimates for introgression and apparent admixture rates in stocked brown trout populations at two sites in the River Doubs (Rhône dainage, Switzerland), which are 10 km apart and which belong to the same management unit. At one site, a significant deviation between mtDNA and nuclear markers could be explained by stocking of F1 hybrids originating from crosses between hatchery females and males from the local population. Substantial differences between diagnostic protein loci and protein loci having non-fixed private alleles indicated that caution must be exercised when using genetic markers not strictly diagnostic for the distinction of the populations under investigation. Congruent estimates of introgression and apparent admixture rates between diagnostic protein loci and presumed diagnostic microsatellite loci suggest that the latter can be regarded as reliable genetic markers for the estimation of introgression in Mediterranean brown trout populations stocked with trout of Atlantic origin. Significant differences in introgression and apparent admixture rates between the two sites and between age-classes of one study site were observed. Introgression is suggested to depend on environmental factors. Significantly lower introgression rates in age-class 2+ years as compared to juvenile trout might further indicate that introduced Atlantic brown trout and hybrids decrease in proportion between age-classes 1+ and 2+ years.  相似文献   

Stochastic effects from demographic processes and selection are expected to shape the distribution of genetic variation in spatially heterogeneous environments. As the amount of genetic variation is central for long‐term persistence of populations, understanding how these processes affect variation over large‐scale geographical gradients is pivotal. We investigated the distribution of neutral and putatively adaptive genetic variation, and reconstructed demographic history in the moor frog (Rana arvalis) using 136 individuals from 15 populations along a 1,700‐km latitudinal gradient from northern Germany to northern Sweden. Using double digest restriction‐site associated DNA sequencing we obtained 27,590 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and identified differentiation outliers and SNPs associated with growing season length. The populations grouped into a southern and a northern cluster, representing two phylogeographical lineages from different post‐glacial colonization routes. Hybrid index estimation and demographic model selection showed strong support for a southern and northern lineage and evidence of gene flow between regions located on each side of a contact zone. However, patterns of past gene flow over the contact zone differed between neutral and putatively adaptive SNPs. While neutral nucleotide diversity was higher along the southern than the northern part of the gradient, nucleotide diversity in differentiation outliers showed the opposite pattern, suggesting differences in the relative strength of selection and drift along the gradient. Variation associated with growing season length decreased with latitude along the southern part of the gradient, but not along the northern part where variation was lower, suggesting stronger climate‐mediated selection in the north. Outlier SNPs included loci involved in immunity and developmental processes.  相似文献   

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