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Migration has an important impact on the transmission of pathogens. Migratory birds disperse parasites through their routes and may consequently introduce them to new areas and hosts. Hence, haemosporidian parasites, which are among the most prevalent, diverse and important bird pathogens, are potentially dispersed when infecting migrant hosts. Further, migrant hosts could enhance local parasite prevalence and richness by transporting new parasite strains to new areas. Here, we hypothesize and aim to evaluate if 1) migratory birds spread parasite lineages along their routes, and 2) localities crossed by more migratory birds have greater prevalence and richness of haemosporidians. For the first hypothesis, we tested whether parasite lineages found 1) in both migrants and residents, and 2) only in residents, differ in their frequencies of occurrence among localities. For the second hypothesis, we tested for a relationship among localities between the overall local haemosporidian parasite richness and prevalence, and the proportion of migratory bird individuals present in a locality. We combined a dataset on 13 200 bird samples with additional data from the MalAvi database (total: ~2800 sequenced parasites comprising 675 distinct lineages, from 506 host species and 156 localities) from South America, and used Bayesian multi-level models to test our hypotheses. We demonstrate that parasites shared between resident and migratory species are the most spatially widespread, highlighting the potential of migrants to carry and transmit haemosporidians. Further, the presence of migrants in a locality was negatively related to local parasite richness, but not associated with local prevalence. Here, we confirm that migrants can contribute to parasite dispersal and visiting migrants are present in regions with lower Plasmodium prevalence. Also, we observed their presence might raise Haemoproteus community prevalence. Therefore, we demonstrate migrants enhance pathogens spread and their presence may influence parasite community transmission.  相似文献   

A systematic account of fish species inhabiting waters surrounding the Desventuradas Islands, off Chile, is presented. The 61 species recognized belong to 33 families of Osteichthyes, and one of Chondrichthyes (Squalidae). It was found that the icthyofaunal links were stronger to the Western Pacific (90.7%) than to the Eastern Pacific (6.9%), despite the fact that these islands are much closer to the South American coast than to the coasts of Oceania. Hydrographic and physical barriers are postulated as explaining this pattern.  相似文献   

The Oceania region is home to some of the world's most restrictive abortion laws, and there is evidence of Pacific Island women's reproductive oppression across several aspects of their reproductive lives, including in relation to contraceptive decision-making, birthing, and fertility. In this paper we analyse documents from court cases in the Pacific Islands regarding the illegal procurement of abortion. We undertook inductive thematic analysis of documents from eighteen illegal abortion court cases from Pacific Island countries. Using the lens of reproductive justice, we discuss the methods of abortion, the reported context of these abortions, and the ways in which these women and abortion were constructed in judges' summing up, judgements, or sentencing. Our analysis of these cases reveals layers of sexual and reproductive oppression experienced by these women that are related to colonialism, women's socioeconomic disadvantage, gendered violence, limited reproductive control, and the punitive consequences related to not performing gender appropriately.  相似文献   

Haemosporida is a large group of vector-borne intracellular parasites that infect amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. This group includes the different malaria parasites (Plasmodium spp.) that infect humans around the world. Our knowledge on the full life cycle of these parasites is most complete for those parasites that infect humans and, to some extent, birds. However, our current knowledge on haemosporidian life cycles is characterized by a paucity of information concerning the vector species responsible for their transmission among vertebrates. Moreover, our taxonomic and systematic knowledge of haemosporidians is far from complete, in particular because of insufficient sampling in wild vertebrates and in tropical regions. Detailed experimental studies to identify avian haemosporidian vectors are uncommon, with only a few published during the last 25 years. As such, little knowledge has accumulated on haemosporidian life cycles during the last three decades, hindering progress in ecology, evolution, and systematic studies of these avian parasites. Nonetheless, recently developed molecular tools have facilitated advances in haemosporidian research. DNA can now be extracted from vectors' blood meals and the vertebrate host identified; if the blood meal is infected by haemosporidians, the parasite's genetic lineage can also be identified. While this molecular tool should help to identify putative vector species, detailed experimental studies on vector competence are still needed. Furthermore, molecular tools have helped to refine our knowledge on Haemosporida taxonomy and systematics. Herein we review studies conducted on Diptera vectors transmitting avian haemosporidians from the late 1800s to the present. We also review work on Haemosporida taxonomy and systematics since the first application of molecular techniques and provide recommendations and suggest future research directions. Because human encroachment on natural environments brings human populations into contact with novel parasite sources, we stress that the best way to avoid emergent and reemergent diseases is through a program encompassing ecological restoration, environmental education, and enhanced understanding of the value of ecosystem services.  相似文献   

The once immense diversity of native Pacific island land snail species, with high single island or archipelago endemism, is declining dramatically. The native/endemic species are being replaced by a much smaller number of widespread tropical tramps, that is, those species that are most readily transported by humans. The 82 introduced (including 14 cryptogenic) land snail species recorded include some that were distributed accidentally by Pacific islanders before European exploration of the Pacific and that are now widespread. However, the majority are modern introductions, with many recent accidental introductions often associated with the horticultural trade. Native freshwater faunas were less diverse than the terrestrial faunas and exhibited much lower endemism. Among the 59 alien freshwater species recorded (including 38 cryptogenic species), the most diverse and widespread are the thiarids. Predation by and competition with these aliens (as well as habitat loss) are probably important mechanisms underlying the loss of native taxa, but almost no quantitative or experimental work has been done to demonstrate such ecological interactions. Prevention of further spread and of new introductions should be the main approach. Increased public education and development of public trust is essential to the success of these efforts.  相似文献   

BackgroundCervical cancer incidence in the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands (USAPIs) is double that of the US mainland. American Samoa, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), Guam and the Republic of Palau receive funding from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) to implement cervical cancer screening to low-income, uninsured or under insured women. The USAPI grantees report data on screening and follow-up activities to the CDC.Materials and methodsWe examined cervical cancer screening and follow-up data from the NBCCEDP programs in the four USAPIs from 2007 to 2015. We summarized screening done by Papanicolaou (Pap) and oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) tests, follow-up and diagnostic tests provided, and histology results observed.ResultsA total of 22,249 Pap tests were conducted in 14,206 women in the four USAPIs programs from 2007–2015. The overall percentages of abnormal Pap results (low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions or worse) was 2.4% for first program screens and 1.8% for subsequent program screens. Histology results showed a high proportion of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse (57%) among women with precancers and cancers. Roughly one-third (32%) of Pap test results warranting follow-up had no data recorded on diagnostic tests or follow-up done.ConclusionThis is the first report of cervical cancer screening and outcomes of women served in the USAPI through the NBCCEDP with similar results for abnormal Pap tests, but higher proportion of precancers and cancers, when compared to national NBCCEDP data. The USAPI face significant challenges in implementing cervical cancer screening, particularly in providing and recording data on diagnostic tests and follow-up. The screening programs in the USAPI should further examine specific barriers to follow-up of women with abnormal Pap results and possible solutions to address them.  相似文献   

Abstract. In villages of northern Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands, where the predominant malaria vector is An.farauti No. 1 and An. puctulatus is also involved, malaria transmission rates were compared for three zones: (1) non-intervention: 438 people in seventeen villages; (2) residual DDT house-spraying two cycles per year: 644 people in thirty villages; (3) bednets impregnated with permethrin 0.5 g/m2 twice per year, used by 580 people in sixteen villages. Regular DDT spraying in zones 1 and 3 had been withdrawn 18 months previously. Malariological blood smear surveys of children aged 1-9 years in August 1986 to January 1987 showed a mean-baseline malaria parasite rate of 38% (32/84). By February 19 88 , 18 months after introduction of impregnated bednets, the Plasmodium falciparum infection rate in children was lowest in the zone using impregnated bednets (21% of 29), intermediate in the untreated zone (29% of 34) and highest in the DDT zone (46% of 53), but these differences were not statistically significant. P.vivax infection rates were 9–14%. Using ELISA tests for malaria circumsporozoite antigen in the vectors, overall positivity rates were 0.7% of 49 ,902 An.farauti and 2.54% of 118 An.punctulatus, comprising 228 P.falciparum and 124 P. vivax infections. In the study zones, vector positivity rates were 0.93% of 31 ,615 An.farauti in the untreated zone; 0.32% of 16, 883 An.farauti in the DDT zone; 0.07% of 1404 An.farauti and 2.54% of 118 An.puctulatus in the impregnated bednet zone. There was no significant correlation between malaria parasite rates in the vectors and the children. Entomological inoculation rates were consistently highest in the untreated zone (1.6–2.8 infective bites/night), intermediate in the DDT zone (0.8– 1.1/night) and significantly lowest in the bednet zone (0.03-0.23/night). Geometric mean densities of P.falciparum sporozoites were also significantly higher in the DDT zone (50% > 10,000 sporozoites/mosquito compared with 20% in untreated zone). The highest individual infection density was an estimated 52,080 sporozoites of P.falciparum in a specimen of An.punctulatus from the bednet zone. P.vivax sporozoite densities were not significantly different between zones, and both species of vector had similar mean sporozoite loads for both species of malaria. It is concluded that permethrin-impregnated mosquito nets exerted significantly more impact on vector infectivity and the inoculation rate than resulted from DDT spraying. Even so, the inoculation rate for people in the bednet zone remained at one infective bite every 4–32 days, an insufficient reduction to control malaria without additional countermeasures. Ineffectiveness of house-spraying and the limited impact of impregnated bednets are attributed to exophily and other behavioural aspects of An. farauti.  相似文献   

Parasite–host specialization is frequently considered to be a derived state such that it represents an 'evolutionary dead end' that strongly limits further evolution. In this study, it was tested whether this theory is applicable to the relationship of malaria parasites and their vertebrate hosts. For this, we revisited Perkins and Schall (2002) analysis of the phylogenetic relationships of the malaria parasites (belonging to the genera Plasmodium , Haemoproteus and Hepatocystis ) based on the mitochondrial Cytochrome b gene sequence, and inferred, using a maximum likelihood (ML) approach, the putative ancestral vertebrate hosts. As the topology in this study presents several unresolved branches and is slightly different from that of Perkins and Schall, a Shimodaira and Hasegawa (SH; 1999) test has been performed in order to properly consider several alternative topologies. The results of this study suggest that the common ancestor of all these malaria parasites was a reptile (more specific of the order Squamata), and that the host switches from Squamata to Aves and vice versa were quite frequent along the evolution of these parasites. On the contrary, a strong evidence that the host shift from Squamata to Mammalia had occurred only once during the evolution of these organisms was found. This evidence (added to the current knowledge about the association of the malaria parasites with their vertebrate hosts) allows us to suggest, at least considering the species included in this study, that the adaptation in mammals had required a high level of specialization. Hence, the acquisition of this host class had culminated in an evolutionary dead end for the mammalian malaria parasites.  相似文献   

The study of sister species that occur in parapatry around biogeographic transition zones can help understand the evolutionary processes that underlie the changes in species composition across biogeographic transition zones. The South Eastern Pacific (SEP) coast is a highly productive coastal system that exhibits a broad biogeographic transition zone around 30–35°S. Here, we present a comparative genome‐wide analysis of the sister species Scurria viridula and Scurria zebrina, that occur in parapatry and whose poleward and equatorward range edges intersect in the 30–35°S SEP biogeographic transition zone. We sampled 118 specimens sourced from nine sites from Tocopilla (22°S) to Chiloé (41°S) including one site where both species overlap and analyzed over 8000 biallelic single nucleotide polymorphisms. We found evidence of hybridization between these species in the contact zone and found significant but contrasting population structures for both species. Our results indicate that the genetic structure in S. viridula, which is currently expanding its range poleward, follows a simple isolation by distance model with no traces of natural selection (no evidence of outlier loci). In contrast, S. zebrina, which has  its equatorward range edge at the transition zone, displayed a pronounced genetic break approximately at 32–34°S, along a region of marked environmental heterogeneity in association with a semi‐permanent coastal upwelling regime. For S. zebrina we also found 43 outlier loci associated with this genetic break, with a significant proportion of them clustering in a single linkage group. This marked difference in the presence of outlier loci between species suggests that they could be responding differently to local environmental challenges found at their overlapping geographic range edges, thus providing important new insights about genomic changes around biogeographic transition zones in sister species and the forces that shape genetic diversity in intertidal marine species.  相似文献   

Based on direct observations of free‐ranging specimens, the giant manta ray Manta birostris is reported from the Marquesas Islands, the first sighting in French Polynesia. Sightings of its sister species, the reef manta ray Manta alfredi, are also reported at the most easterly location in the Pacific Ocean. Preliminary individual identification as well as notes on their distribution are also reported.  相似文献   

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