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中国西南和西北的一些新蝶类   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文共记载了本文共记载了属于粉蝶科、眼蝶科、蛱蝶科、灰蝶科、弄蝶科的中国蝶类的14个新阶元和一种蛱蝶的前所未知的雌性。同中国产种类一起,同时定名了一个朝鲜产的弄螺新亚种。  相似文献   

通过2008—2017年夏季在峨眉山地区的调查,共采集蝶类标本1 860号,隶属10科73属154种,结合前人报道,峨眉山共有蝶类11科126属279种。本次调查显示,蛱蝶科Nymphalidae物种数(55种)和个体数(645只)均最多,珍蝶科Acraeidae物种数(1种)和个体数(6只)均最少;常见种(数量占比大于5%)包括嘉翠蛱蝶Euthalia kardama、斑星弄蝶Celaenorrhinus maculosus、东方菜粉蝶Pieris canidia、素饰蛱蝶Stibochiona nicea、灰翅串珠环蝶Faunis aerope和黑纹粉蝶P.melete,这6种蝶类占蝶类总数的41.10%;珍稀种包括金裳凤蝶Troides aeacus、裳凤蝶T.helena、燕凤蝶Lamproptera curia、三尾凤蝶Bhutanitis thaidina、双星箭环蝶Stichophthalma neumogeni、白袖箭环蝶S.louisa、箭环蝶S.howqua、黑紫蛱蝶Sasakia funebris、枯叶蛱蝶Kallima inachus和朴喙蝶Libythea celtis,这些珍稀蝶类值得重点关注和保护。建议加强峨眉山蝶类资源的长期监测和调查研究,为科学合理地开发蝶类资源和进行濒危珍稀特有蝶类的保护提供基础数据。  相似文献   

广东古田自然保护区蝶类群落多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2014—2015年对广东省惠东古田省级自然保护区的蝶类开展调查,对蝶类群落的种类组成及多样性特征进行了分析。共调查到蝶类8科39属54种,优势种为宽边黄粉蝶[Eurema hecabe(Linnaeus)]、绢斑蝶[Parantica aglea(Stoll)]、中环蛱蝶[Neptis hylas(Linnaeus)]、异型紫斑蝶[Euploea mulciber(Cramer)]和虎斑蝶[Danaus genutia(Cramer)]。多样性分析结果表明:蛱蝶科的Margalef物种丰度最高,其次为凤蝶科和眼蝶科,斑蝶科和蚬蝶科最低;Shannon多样性指数从高到低依次为蛱蝶科、凤蝶科、眼蝶科、弄蝶科、灰蝶科、粉蝶科、斑蝶科和蚬蝶科;斑蝶科的Pielou均匀度指数最高,其次为蚬蝶科和眼蝶科;Simpson生态优势度最高的是蚬蝶科,其次是粉蝶科和斑蝶科。  相似文献   

陕西蝶类新纪录牛瑶,许升全河南师范大学生物系新乡453002陕西师范大学生物系陕西省的蝶类己记载约290种(凤蝶科26种,绢蝶科4种,粉蝶科32种,斑蝶科1种,环蝶科3种,眼蝶科49种,蛱蝶科96种,喙蝶科1种,蚬蝶科2种,灰蝶科39种,弄蝶科37种...  相似文献   

2003~2006年对安徽省马鞍山地区蝶类资源进行调查,经鉴定有69种,隶属于8科50属,分别为凤蝶科6属13种,绢蝶科1属1种,粉蝶科5属7种,眼蝶科4属9种,蛱蝶科10属15种,喙蝶科1属1种,灰蝶科13属14种,弄蝶科8属9种。马鞍山地区蝶类在中国动物地理区划中有20个区系型,以华中-华北区系型所占比例最高,计10种,占14.49%;其次为华中区特有种为9种,占13.14%;马鞍山地区蝶类区系主要以华中区区系为主体。  相似文献   

浙江金华蝴蝶种类及区系调查初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999-2001年对金华市境内的蝴蝶进行了采集调查,共鉴定整理出6科77种,其中凤蝶科13种,粉蝶科7种,眼蝶科12种,蛱蝶科24种,灰蝶科15种,弄蝶科6种。区系分析结果表明,金华市蝶类以东洋、古北两区共有种为主。  相似文献   

通过整理鉴定四川大学自然博物馆馆藏的100多年间采自四川省的1万余号蝶类标本,最早的四川蝶类标本(宽带凤蝶西部亚种Papilio nephelus chaon)采于1910年,结合文献和专著资料,参考《中国蝶类志》的分类系统,得到四川省蝶类644种,隶属于12科240属。其中,蛱蝶科Nymphalidae 162种、弄蝶科Hesperiidae 125种、眼蝶科Satyridae 114种、灰蝶科Lycaenidae 100种、粉蝶科Pieridae 59种、凤蝶科Papilionidae 45种、蚬蝶科Riodinidae 14种、绢蝶科Parnassiidae 11种、斑蝶科Danaidae 8种、环蝶科Amathusiidae 4种、喙蝶科Libytheidae 1种、珍蝶科Acraeidae 1种。四川省蝶类物种组成丰富,其中,蛱蝶科、弄蝶科、眼蝶科和灰蝶科物种数均超过或达到100种。建议在全省范围内选择不同生境建立长期监测点,持续监测蝶类物种多样性分布及变化情况,这对于保护全省生态环境和维持生物多样性都是至关重要的。建议尽快开展相关研究,包括四川省蝶类的经典分类学、系统发育及区系、生物地理学、生态学、行为学和进化生态学等研究。  相似文献   

陕西延安北洛河流域蝶类资源调查及区系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对延安北洛河流域的蝶类资源进行调查,发现该地区共有蝴蝶6科54属75种(凤蝶科2属3种、粉蝶科7属10种、眼蝶科10属13种、蛱蝶科15属25种、灰蝶科11属15种、弄蝶科8属9种),其中34种为单属种,陕西省新纪录5种;区系结构分析表明该地区蝴蝶以古北种为主。标本保存于延安大学生命科学学院标本馆。  相似文献   

为了解四川省巴中市光雾山风景名胜区蝴蝶资源状况,于2021年5—10月对景区及其周边区域的蝶类物种多样性进行调查,共发现蝶类5科80属117种。物种数上,蛱蝶科Nymphalidae最多(55种,占47.01%),其次是弄蝶科Hesperiidae(20种)、灰蝶科Lycaenidae(16种)、粉蝶科Pieridae(15种)和凤蝶科Papilionidae(11种)。调查到的117种蝶类中,东洋种44种,古北种10种,广布种48种,另有15种未查明区系组成。本研究显示光雾山地区蝶类多样性在国内同类型自然保护区或风景名胜区中处于较高水平,表明当地生物多样性状况良好,尚未受到大规模人为干扰破坏。  相似文献   

弄蝶科Hesperiidae为体形较粗壮的中小型蝶类 ,世界性分布 ,目前已知近 40 0 0种 ,我国有 2 0 0余种。弄蝶的成虫飞行动作敏捷 ,停歇时其翅膀不像其它蝶类那样并拢于背上或一张一合 ,而是前翅向两侧平铺 ,后翅竖立与前翅几乎形成直角 ,颇似某种可将机翼折叠的军用飞机。幼虫主要以禾本科植物为食 ,有些种类是危害水稻、甘蔗、香蕉等作物的害虫。本期封面照片是黄纹孔弄蝶指名亚种Polytremislubricanslubricans (Herrich Sch ffer) ,拍摄于海南岛尖峰岭。封面照片:黄纹孔弄蝶$中国科学院动物研究所@买国庆…  相似文献   

李树恒 《昆虫知识》2003,40(1):63-67
在 1 999年 7月和 2 0 0 0年 5月 ,对重庆市大巴山自然保护区蝶类的垂直分布进行了调查 ,研究结果表明 ,该保护区蝶类有 1 0科 80属 1 38种。在 4个垂直带中 ,常绿阔叶林带的蝶类物种数和个体数量、物种多样性指数和物种均匀度等指标均高于其他垂直带。垂直带之间蝶类相似性差异显著。  相似文献   

Transect surveys of adult butterflies were conducted along fixed routes at 27 study sites grouped into three subregions of tallgrass prairie and one subregion of pine-oak barrens in the midwestern USA. Within subregion, each site was visited the same number of times over 5–7 years on similar dates with similar weather. For each site, five indices of species richness and/or abundance were calculated both for total butterflies and for specialist species primarily restricted to native herbaceous vegetation. These indices were then analysed as to how much they agreed or conflicted in site ranking and how site rankings based on total butterflies compared to those based on specialists. Variation in site ranking by different indices was relatively low. Mean site rank by specialist indices covaried significantly with mean site rank by indices for total butterflies. Numerous studies have shown that on a regional scale, areas of higher richness for all species in a taxonomic group are different habitat types (based on amount of canopy or degree of degradation) from hotspots for that taxon's subset of species of conservation concern (endemics or specialists). But in this study, within a habitat type, site rankings based on total butterflies significantly tended to agree with site rankings based on specialist butterflies. This suggests that site prioritization and management favouring specialist butterflies would also favour the overall butterfly fauna possible in the same habitat.  相似文献   

杨瑞  张雅林  冯纪年 《昆虫学报》2008,51(3):290-297
活体蝴蝶异地放飞存在潜在的入侵风险。本文采用生态位因素分析(ENFA)模型分析包括气候、地形、生境结构、植被类型、人类活动在内的影响玉带凤蝶Papilio polytes Linnaeus和箭环蝶Stichophthalma howqua(Westwood) 两种放飞蝴蝶分布的生态地理变量,模拟其在中国的适宜生境,评估其入侵风险。对现有分布记录的分析表明: 影响这两种蝴蝶分布的主要环境变量与其生态学特性相一致,且影响其扩散范围的主要因素为年总积温和冬季低温等;同时,人类活动的干扰对其分布影响很大。根据适生性图推测,这两种蝴蝶的适宜生境大部分重叠,主要集中在中国大陆中部及东南部,其扩散趋势由东南向西北发展。为防止活体蝴蝶放飞带来的潜在入侵风险,根据不同适生等级提出:HSI≥50的地方,不能开展室外放飞;5≤HSI<50的地方,可采取限制性室外放飞; HSI<5的地方,可进行自由室外放飞。  相似文献   

Butterfly monitoring started in the Netherlands in 1990 and in Flanders in 1991. During the last few years butterflies have been counted at nearly 300 sites. This high number of transects makes it possible to calculate not only national, but also regional and habitat-indices for many species. Special attention is paid to Red list species in the Netherlands. In the near future the number of sites per species on this list is to be increased to at least 20. This can be achieved by a Red list monitoring scheme, in which monitoring is restricted to the flight period of the species.  相似文献   

Occurrence patterns of butterflies (Rhopalocera) were analysed in relation to locality characteristics, and nested patterns were evaluated, based on a survey of 100 semi-natural pastures in the county of Östergötland, southeastern Sweden. Species richness of butterflies was positively related with locality-size, but not with the density of pastures in the surroundings. Species richness was lower in heavily grazed pastures compared with localities with a low or intermediate grazing pressure. This suggests that a uniformed, heavy grazing pressure should be avoided if butterflies are to be protected, even though such a management is favourable for many vascular plants. Out of 45 analysed species, 73% exhibited a significantly nested pattern, and species regarded to be sedentary had generally a more nested pattern. Several butterflies (such as Erynnis tages, Mellicta athalia and Pyrgus malvae) are possible to use as indicators of a relatively intact butterfly community. In a short-term perspective, the great bulk of butterflies confined to semi-natural pastures would be saved if management were adapted to the requirements of butterflies only at the localities richest in species. However, for conservation strategies to be successful over a longer time, whole landscapes harbouring the majority of the species and with a high density of semi-natural pastures should be selected and be given priority for conservation.  相似文献   

Most attention to conservation of moths has been to species or assemblages of the macrolepidoptera, which includes families rivalling the butterflies in their popularity. The more numerous smaller moths have been largely ignored. As for butterflies, the greatest amount of appraisal and information on conservation is from the northern temperate regions, where conservation is accepted readily and promoted widely. Equivalent needs occur elsewhere, but most have not been assessed except in general terms of concern for natural habitats. This introduction outlines the current approaches and background to moth conservation and the use of moths as tools in conservation assessment, and summarises some concerns, contexts and biological background to help appreciate the plight and uses of this predominant constituent of the Lepidoptera in many parts of the world.  相似文献   

刘文萍 《四川动物》2005,24(4):529-531
横断山区的蝶类561种,隶属于12科,208属.在12科中,种类最多的是蛱蝶科148种,其次是眼蝶科117种,灰蝶科65种,凤蝶科63种,粉蝶科60种,弄蝶科60种,蚬蝶科18种,绢蝶科12种,斑蝶科9种,环蝶科6种,喙蝶科2种,珍蝶科1种.分布于横断山区的珍稀蝴蝶有44种,其中国家Ⅰ级保护的1种,Ⅱ级保护的3种.  相似文献   

In the tropics vast areas of natural forests are being converted into plantations. The magnitude of the resulting loss in arthropod biodiversity and associated ecosystem services represents a significant topic of research. In this study we contrasted the abundance, species richness and faunal turnover of butterflies, resident butterflies (i.e., whose host plants were ascertained to occur in the habitats studied) and termites between small (average 4.3 ha) 20+ year old exotic plantations (teak and Terminalia), native plantations (Cedro espino), and an old growth forest in Panama. We used Pollard walks and manual search to quantify the abundance or occurrence of butterflies and termites, respectively. In 2014 we observed 4610 butterflies representing 266 species and 108 termite encounters (out of 160 quadrats) representing 15 species. Butterflies were more abundant and diverse in plantations than in the forest, whereas this pattern was opposite for resident butterflies and termites. There was marked faunal turnover between plantations and forest. We conclude that (a) the magnitude of faunal changes between forest and plantations is less drastic for termites than for butterflies; (b) resident butterfly species are more impacted by the conversion of forest to plantations than all butterflies, including transient species; and (c) species richness does not necessarily decrease in the series forest > native > exotic plantations. Whereas there are advantages of studying more tractable taxa such as butterflies, the responses of such taxa can be highly unrepresentative of other invertebrate groups responsible for different ecological services.  相似文献   

The importance of shelter for butterflies in open landscapes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In Britain, much emphasis has been placed on conserving butterfly species in specialized habitats, since this is where most of its threatened butterflies exist, whilst the wider countryside has been largely overlooked. However, there is increasing awareness that small improvements to the dominant landscape could potentially reap huge benefits to the populations of many of Britains butterfly species. Recent studies have also stressed the importance of the landscape scale in the conservation of butterflies in small fragmented habitats. In this paper, we examine data from a variety of sources and conclude that the importance of shelter in open landscapes may be underestimated since recording is often restricted to the optimum conditions suggested by the Butterfly Monitoring Scheme. In less favourable conditions, butterflies may place greater reliance on those components of the landscape offering shelter. In light of the current policy of agricultural de-intensification we discuss how modifications to our current landscapes could benefit a wide range of species.  相似文献   

南京紫金山地区鳞翅目蝶类种类分布及其季节性变化   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
1994-04-2000-07对国家级旅游风景区钟山紫金山地区蝴蝶种类、分布及季节性变化进行了调查。首次报道了紫金山地区内鳞翅目蝶类本底调查结果,共8科,41属,76种。其中6种为南京新记录,10仆种属珍稀观赏蝶类。研究表明在低山丘陵地区植被类型及季节性变化是决定该地区蝴蝶各类组成与分布的关键因素。人为活动是当地蝴蝶种群消长的敏感因素。  相似文献   

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