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四川九寨沟自然保护区兽类调查   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
2002 年至2003 年, 对九寨沟自然保护区兽类进行了6 次野外考察。调查确认, 保护区有兽类78 种, 其中东洋界种类50 种, 古北界种类25 种, 广布种3 种; 有10 种分布型。保护区兽类物种分布体现了较高的南北类群渗透性和残遗性; 有20 种国家I、II 级保护动物, 其中I 级6 种, 珍稀性较明显; 有四川林跳鼠、四川毛尾睡鼠、沟牙田鼠等稀有小型种类; 随着海拔增加, 兽类分布呈现古北界种类增多, 东洋界种类减少的趋势, 但在海拔3 200~3 600 m , 古北界和东洋界种类都仍然丰富, 仍然表现出区系的过渡性特征。  相似文献   

牛背梁自然保护区(108°45′~109°04′E,33°47′~33°56′N)位于秦岭山脉东段,地跨秦岭南北坡。采用样线调查法和访问调查法,于2003年5月~2004年8月,对该保护区食肉动物及偶蹄动物的区系特征和生态分布进行了研究。该保护区共有18种食肉动物及偶蹄动物,其中属我国级、级重点保护动物的兽类分别有2种和7种。分析表明,保护区的有蹄类动物物种丰富,秦岭分布的有蹄类在该区域均有分布,但食肉动物种数仅占整个秦岭地区的45.5%。这些兽类中,属于东洋界的兽类有12种,占66.7%;属古北界的仅1种,占5.5%;其余5种为广布种,占27.8%。牛背梁保护区在动物地理区划上应属古北界和东洋界物种交汇的区域,且为东洋界逐渐向古北界过渡的区域。分析该区域食肉动物及偶蹄动物的生态分布发现,这些物种的垂直分布幅度有很大的差异。垂直分布幅度在海拔高差1300m以上、1000m左右、450~700m之间的物种各占1/3。结果还表明,区内这些兽类物种的丰富度随海拔的升高具有先升后降的垂直变化规律。不论是秦岭南坡还是北坡,分布在海拔1800~2200m区域的兽类物种最多,所占比例大于80%;而在海拔2600m以上区域,兽类种数降至最少,仅占50%左右。兽类丰富度的海拔梯度也体现于这些兽类在各植被类型中的分布上。中山针阔叶混交林中分布的兽类种数最多,而在中低山落叶阔叶林、亚高山针叶林及亚高山灌丛草甸中分布的兽类则较少。  相似文献   

马家山自然保护区(105°28′~105°40′E,32°50′~32°56′N)属秦岭西段的南坡山地。采用样线调查法和访问调查法,于2004年10~11月,对该保护区大中型兽类(包括灵长类、食肉动物和偶蹄动物)的资源、区系和生态分布进行了研究。该保护区共有23种大中型兽类,其中属我国Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级重点保护动物的兽类分别有5种和9种。它是秦岭物种多样性保护的关键地区之一。金丝猴和猕猴在此同域分布,大熊猫和羚牛四川亚种也分布于此地,该保护区是这4个珍稀濒危物种的一个新分布区。区内的23种兽类中没有古北界的区系成分,而属于东洋界成分的兽类有17种,占73.9%;其余6种为广布种,占26.1%。分析该区域23种兽类的生态分布发现,常绿落叶阔叶混交林、落叶阔叶林和针阔叶混交林中分别有16种、20种和12种动物活动。这些物种的垂直分布幅度有很大的差异。垂直分布幅度在海拔高差1000 m以上、500~1000 m、500 m以下的物种分别有5种、13种和5种。区内不同海拔带的兽类物种数随海拔升高的变化比较平稳,没有表现出明显上升或下降的规律性变化。  相似文献   

查旦乡位于三江源腹地,生态地位极其重要,但兽类和鸟类本地资源尚未明确。本研究采用样线和样方结合法对该区域夏季兽类与鸟类多样性进行调查。共记录到到大中型兽类9种,隶属于5目5科8属,其中国家重点保护兽类4种。西藏野驴、藏原羚在区内为优势种,分别占兽类个体总数的45.5%和21.6%;鸟类11目26科44属52种,其中国家重点保护鸟类11种。鸟类中雀形目为优势种,占鸟类个体总数的81.0%。样区内兽类与鸟类物种数在不同海拔间存在显著差异(兽类:P<0.001;鸟类:P<0.001),兽类的垂直分布随海拔增加呈递减趋势,在海拔4800~4849 m段生物多样性水平最高;鸟类垂直分布格局符合向左偏移的“中峰模式”, 物种多样性指数随海拔增加而先增加后减小。本次研究掌握了查旦乡样区内夏季鸟兽组成情况,丰富了三江源保护区和唐古拉山脉的鸟兽资料,同时为相对较小尺度下物种空间分布格局的研究提供案例。  相似文献   

2003年10~12月和2004年6~9月,采用样线法和绝对数量法,对四川海子山自然保护区鸟类资源进行了调查,记录到鸟类130种,结合文献共16目48科210种。其中以留鸟和夏候鸟为主,占了总数的82.86%。对繁殖鸟类的区系分析表明:古北界种类占繁殖鸟总数的44.8%,东洋界种类占40.8%,广布种占14.4%,古北界种类稍占优势。保护区内有国家Ⅰ、Ⅱ级保护动物30种,我国特有种11种,占我国特有种的15.9%;列入CITES名录的有20种,IUCN名录的有8种,中国物种红色名录14种。垂直区系分析发现:随海拔高度的增加,古北界、东洋界、广布种的比例并不是呈规律性的增加或减少,而是波浪式的变化;绝大多数分布型的比例也呈波浪式的变化。  相似文献   

珠穆朗玛峰国家级自然保护区拥有世界第一峰珠穆朗玛峰,地跨古北界和东洋界。但一直以来由于缺乏详细调查而未能掌握其区系特点,影响了对珠峰生物资源的深入认识。2010年10月―2012年10月(126 d),采用样线法在保护区全境范围内对鸟类进行了7次系统实地调查,将原有记录从227种增加至390种。区系组成中,东洋界物种数多于古北界,分别为172和113种。南北坡区系差异明显,北坡以古北种为多,共55种,占北坡物种数的71.4%;南坡以东洋种为多,共168种,占南坡物种数的56.8%。在南坡,随海拔的升高,东洋种不断减少,而古北种先增加,在4000 m后开始减少;两者在海拔3100~4000 m时数量相当。据此认为珠峰地区东洋界和古北界的分界线在南坡,且位于海拔3100~4000 m,而不同区系物种在垂直方向上的适应是有差异的。  相似文献   

李艳红  吴攀文  胡杰 《四川动物》2007,26(4):841-845
2005年3~11月和2006年7~8月对四川栗子坪自然保护区的兽类区系和资源进行了调查,结合历史文献统计,表明保护区内共有兽类76种,隶属7目27科,其中,属国家Ⅰ级重点保护的兽类有5种,国家Ⅱ级重点保护的有12种,中国特产兽类19种。区系组成以东洋界种类为主(60种),占全区兽类种数的78.95%,古北界种类(11种)和广布型种类(5种)分别占14.47%和6.58%。  相似文献   

2003~2005年对四川海子山自然保护区兽类资源进行了3次野外调查,结合历史文献确认保护区有兽类64种。其中东洋界种类有32种,古北界种类30种,广布种2种。保护区兽类有11种分布型,有国家Ⅰ级重点保护动物6种,Ⅱ级保护动物20种。有我国特有或主要分布于我国的兽类31种。保护区兽类的特点是大型兽类如白唇鹿、水鹿、林麝、马麝、黑熊、马熊等资源非常丰富,种群数量大、密度高,具有很高的保护价值;小型兽类资源丰富,有较多的珍稀物种。  相似文献   

四川九寨沟自然保护区的鸟类资源及区系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2002年4月-2003年6月对四川九寨沟自然保护区的鸟类进行调查,并结合历史文献,确认保护区有鸟类222种,以留鸟和夏候鸟为主,占保护区鸟类总数的86.48%。对保护区繁殖鸟类的区系分析表明:古北界种类占繁殖鸟总数的33.85%,东洋界种类占55.21%,广布种占10.94%,可见东洋界种类占优势。保护区内有国家Ⅰ、Ⅱ级保护动物27种,我国特有种17种,占我国特有种的24.6%。列入CITES名录的有20种。对保护区鸟类的垂直区系分析发现,随海拔高度的增加,东洋界成分所占比例增加,主要是喜马拉雅-横断山区型的比例增加,在海拔3000m以上,喜马拉雅.横断山区型占绝对优势,所占比例超过50%;其它东洋界成分,随海拔高度的增加所占比例减少。  相似文献   

四川喇叭河自然保护区的兽类资源   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2002年7~9月对四川喇叭河自然保护区的兽类资源进行了初步调查,结果统计保护区共有兽类76种,隶属7目23科.保护区内有国家I级保护兽类5种,国家II级保护兽类16种.在76种兽类中,古北界种类14种,占18.4%;东洋界59种,占77.6%;3种为广布种,占4.0%.保护区兽类种类丰富,种群数量大.数量最多、分布最广的是牛羚、水鹿,其次有藏酋猴和金丝猴.兽类主要集中分布在保护索索棚一带.  相似文献   

四川海子山自然保护区地处四川省甘孜藏族自治州理塘县和稻城县境内,东经99°33′00″~100°31′48″, 北纬29°06′36″~30°06′00″,保护区总面积459 161 hm2,区内海拔3 160~6 204 m.主要以山原和丘状高原地形为主.属寒温带,海拔高,属高原气候,年均气温3.0 ℃,年均降水量600~750 mm,雨季为6~8月.全年日照时数为2 637.7 h.随着海拔升高,气温和热量下降,降水量增加.在四川植被区划中属川西山原植被地区、沙鲁里山北部植被小区.保护区植被大致可分为以下7种类型:  相似文献   

大理苍山洱海自然保护区的小型兽类   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
1992-1995年间,我们对苍山洱海自然保护区的小型兽类进行了生态区系的调查,共获标本35种1600余只,参考以往的有关资料,已知当地小兽5目12科30属53种。通过8种主要生态环境的调查结果看出,小兽的物种多样性指数最高为针阔混交林,最低为农耕区,但密度最高为农耕区,最低为高山灌丛草甸。  相似文献   

Animals are known to influence and sometimes help maintain plant species richness in terrestrial systems. This study investigated the effects of mammals in influencing plant species richness of a floating Typha marsh at Point Pelee National Park. The extent of use of the marsh by terrestrial mammals was documented by mapping mammal trails from air photographs. Trail densities ranging from 70 to 1550 m ha–1 in various areas of the marsh, provided evidence for widespread, and in some places frequent, mammal activity. Plant surveys indicated a pattern of increased species richness and frequency associated with these trails, particularly in late summer when Typha biomass increased off trails. Three mechanisms by which mammals might influence species richness: disturbance of the dominant Typha, nutrient enrichment, and seed dispersal, were investigated using field and lab experiments. Two types of disturbance, trampling and herbivory, at two levels of intensity were simulated within 2×2m plots with and without fertilizer added. Disturbance significantly affected species richness; high levels of trampling decreased while high levels of clipping increased species richness. Nutrients had no effect; there were no significant disturbance×nutrients interactions. The importance of seed dispersal by raccoon was studied by collecting raccoon scat from within the marsh, incubating scat in a growth chamber and comparing the species that emerged to those growing in the marsh. Although substantial numbers of viable seeds of terrestrial species were found in scat, only one of these species was actually part of the Typha mat community. We concluded that mammals do influence plant species richness in this marsh primarily through disturbance of the dominant Typha.  相似文献   

江西武夷山自然保护区蝶类区系结构及垂直分布   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
丁冬荪 《昆虫学报》1996,39(4):393-407
据有较详细分布资料的227种蝶类昆虫分析,武夷山蝶类属东洋界范畴;垂直分布研究结果表明,武夷山蝶类从山麓至山顶,随着海拔升高,东洋界种类递减,古北界成分逐渐增多,尤以海拔1100m以上更加明显;在海拔1800m以上东洋界种被古北及古北跨区系种所替代。本文对武夷山蝶类水平分布的南北限和垂直分布的上限及它们的相互关系作了探讨。  相似文献   

Aim Species richness and endemic richness vary along elevation gradients, but not necessarily in the same way. This study tests if the maxima in gamma diversity for flowering plants and the endemic subset of these plants are coherent or not. Location The study was conducted in Nepal, between 1000 and 5000 m a.s.l. Methods We used published data on distribution and elevational ranges of the Nepalese flora to interpolate presence between maximum and minimum elevations. Correlation, regression and graphical analyses were used to evaluate the diversity pattern between 1000 and 5000 m a.s.l. Results The interval of maximum species endemic to Nepal or the Himalayas (3800–4200 m) is above the interval of maximum richness (1500–2500 m). The exact location of maximum species density is uncertain and its accuracy depends on ecologically sound estimates of area in the elevation zones. There is no positive statistically significant correlation between log‐area and richness (total or endemic). Total richness is positively correlated with log‐area‐adjusted, i.e. estimated area adjusted for the degree of topographic heterogeneity. The proportion of endemic species increases steadily from low to high elevations. The peak in endemism (c. 4000 m) corresponds to the start of a rapid decrease in species richness above 4000 m. This may relate to the last glacial maximum (equilibrium line at c. 4000 m) that penetrated down to 2500–3000 m. This dynamic hard boundary may have caused an increase in the extinction rate above 4000 m, and enhanced the probability of isolation and facilitated speciation of neoendemics, especially among genera with a high proportion of polyploids. Main conclusions The results reject the idea of corresponding maxima in endemic species and species richness in the lowlands tentatively deduced from Stevens’ elevational Rapoport effect. They confirm predictions based on hard boundary theory, but hard‐boundaries should be viewed as dynamic rather than static when broad‐scale biogeographical patterns with a historical component are being interpreted.  相似文献   

In view of the upcoming road network improvement and expansion in Ethiopia, specifically in Tigray, it is also necessary to understand the potential impacts of road accidents with wildlife vertebrate animals. Road mortality detection surveys were conducted from March 2013 to June 2014. We surveyed around 530 km using vehicle with special emphasis given to roads surrounded by wetlands, forests, rocky areas and rivers each month. Additional information was also collected using a standardized questionnaire. A total of twenty species, 143 individuals of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals were recorded as road vehicular accidents in the surveyed area. Of all, mammals showed the highest species richness (80 individuals belonging to ten species) followed by birds (49 individuals belonging to eight species). The survey revealed most accidents happened during the early morning and late evening. This might be due to relatively high traffic and continued activity of wild animals at that time, besides the driver's inability to avoid accidents when it is dark. Wildlife underpasses during road construction, location of crossing structures, rules of wildlife conservation, improving driver's awareness are relevant in this context and may be the most important mitigation measures to reduce mortality of wildlife on the roads.  相似文献   

黄丽琴  郭宪国  吴滇  王乔花 《昆虫学报》2009,52(12):1328-1337
寄生在小兽体表的革螨可能是传播肾综合征出血热和立克次体痘等人兽共患病的媒介。本文报道了云南省28个县(市)小兽体表革螨的野外调查结果, 运用物种数、平均丰富度和Shannon多样性指数对小兽寄生革螨的群落特征和沿环境梯度的空间分布进行了研究, 并用系统聚类分析法 (SPSS 16.0软件)对18种主要小兽的革螨群落相似性进行了比较。在云南省28个县(市)共捕获到小兽14 544头, 隶属于5目(啮齿目、食虫目、攀鼩目、兔形目、食肉目)10科35属67种, 在捕获的小兽体表采集到革螨80 791头, 经鉴定属于10科33属112种。结果分析表明: 主要的宿主动物为黄胸鼠 Rattus tanezumi、齐氏姬鼠Apodemus chevrieri和大绒鼠Eothenomys miletus;纳氏厉螨Laelaps nuttalli、毒厉螨L. echidninus和贵州厉螨L. guizhouensis为革螨的优势种。齐氏姬鼠A. chevrieri、社鼠N. confucianus和黄胸鼠R. tanezumi体表寄生的革螨种类最多;臭鼩鼱Suncus murinus、齐氏姬鼠A. chevrieri和灰麝鼩Crocidura attenuata的革螨群落多样性最高。聚类分析结果表明, 大部分革螨群落的相似程度与相应小兽的亲缘关系及所处生态环境的相似性是基本一致的, 分类地位和生境选择相似的小兽, 它们的革螨群落也被聚为一类。革螨物种数沿纬度梯度的水平分布呈现两个峰值, 最大峰值出现在25°~26°N之间;沿海拔梯度的垂直分布呈单峰分布格局, 峰值在海拔2 000~2 500 m之间。革螨和小兽的多样性沿纬度梯度和海拔梯度的空间分布趋势也均表现出随着纬度和海拔的升高而先升高后降低的单峰型分布格局, 峰值分别出现在北纬25°~27°N和海拔2 000~2 500 m之间。结果提示云南革螨群落种类丰富, 多样性高。云南革螨物种数和多样性的分布格局可能直接受到古北和东洋两区系边缘效应的影响。  相似文献   

Small mammals (shrews and rodents) were surveyed along an elevational transect in the Udzungwa Scarp Forest Reserve, in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. Trap lines and pitfall lines were installed at 600, 910, 1460, and 2000 m a.s.l. In a total of 10341 sample nights (7448 trap-nights and 2893 bucket-nights) 343 specimens (148 shrews, 205 rodents) were captured representing 9 shrew and 14 rodent species for a total of 23 species. While overall species diversity generally increased with elevation, this pattern was not constant for each group sampled. For rodents, both species richness and abundance were lowest at 600 m and greatest at 2000 m a.s.l., and were significantly correlated with elevation. While the highest species number and abundance for shrews was at 2000 m, there was no correlation of these two values with elevation. Rainfall appears to have affected the capture of shrews, but not rodents, and capture success of individual buckets and traps indicated a lack of capture independence. Eastern Arc endemics such asCrocidura desperata Hutterer, Jenkins and Verheyen, 1991 andMyosorex kihaulei Stanley and Hutterer, 2000 were more abundant at 2000 m a.s.l., than at lower elevations. Implications of results of this survey for analyses of future biotic surveys are discussed.  相似文献   

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