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NMR studies of mobility within protein structure   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
NMR studies of dynamics within structure have revealed that a quite new approach to protein structure and its relation to function is necessary. This approach requires the consideration in detail of the following: 1. Local movements of groups and small segments to allow fast recognition and fitting. The motion concerns on/off rates as well as binding. The observations affect surface/surface recognition, e.g. of antigen/antibody as well as of substrate and protein. 2. Somewhat larger interdomain or N- and C-terminal segments which allow rearrangement. Cases in point are the movement of segments in blood-clotting proteins or in histones. 3. Relative motion of helices in hinges. These actions are likely in such enzymes as kinases and P-450 cytochromes. 4. Relative motion of helices within domains (relative to other helices or sheets) in mechanical devices (triggers) e.g. in calmodulin. 5. General motion in random proteins. Examples extend from rubber-like proteins (entropy sensors), some glycoproteins, to proteins carrying peptide hormones to be generated only after hydrolysis. 6. Order----disorder transitions locally as in osteocalcin and metallothionine. 7. Swinging arm motions associated with special sequences such as (Ala-Pro)n. 8. Of great interest is the power of NMR to look at proteins which are relatively large, up to 50 kDa proteins, and to isolate certain zones of interest. This needs careful temperature dependent studies and analysis of separated domains [72] as well as the use of a great variety of pulse sequences [15] and of nuclei other than protons. 9. In this article I have illustrated the different possibilities using work in my own group. This is done to lessen the burden of extensive review. I fully realise that the range of examples is now large. I would stress though that the production of the necessary technology was the endeavour of several of us within the Oxford Enzyme Group from 1970 to 1985, i.e. from 270-600 MHz Fourier-transform NMR spectroscopy. 10. While all of these features have been demonstrated by NMR methods there are parallel developments both using X-ray diffraction methods and theoretical approaches. All these procedures are changing the view of protein structure to one which incorporates dynamics all the way from conventional vibronic/rotational coupling to the disordered motions characteristic of random polymers. It is the understanding of dynamics that leads to an appreciation of function.  相似文献   

A Cave  M Pages  P Morin  C M Dobson 《Biochimie》1979,61(5-6):607-613
1H NMR and ORD were used to characterize the respective variations of tertiary structure and secondary structure of parvalbumins with calcium content ((Pa(O), without calcium and PaCa2 calcium saturated) and temperature. It has been observed that the tertiary structure can be lost without significant variation of the helical content. Cooperative binding of calcium to Pa(O) has been shown by NMR spectroscopy under low ionic strength conditions and at neutral pH. The present study shows that the calcium binding affinity of parvalbumin is dependent on the tertiary structure. Calcium binding and calcium release functions of parvalbumins in the muscle may be controlled by their tertiary structure.  相似文献   

Ferredoxins are proteins which contain iron and inorganic sulfide and are capable of electron transport. They are found in a wide range of organisms, from anaerobic bacteria, to plants and mammals. Although NMR spectroscopy has been used to study ferredoxins since the 1970s, little important structural or biochemical information has resulted from these investigations. The major difficulty has been the effect of the paramagnetic iron-sulfur clusters on the peptide resonances, hindering nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) studies and causing broad line widths. These effects are most pronounced on resonances arising from the nuclei closest to the iron-sulfur center. Unfortunately, these are likely to be the most interesting nuclei, as they report the events and geometry in the vicinity of the active sites. In this paper, the first direct assignment of beta-cysteinyl 13C resonances for any iron-sulfur protein is reported for the spectrum of Pseudomonas putida ferredoxin. These resonances are of special significance, as they arise from the atoms on the protein closest to the iron centers, with the exception of the directly bound cysteinyl sulfur atoms. In addition, cysteinyl and ring system 1H NMR resonance assignments are made for the spectra of P. putida ferredoxin and Azotobacter vinelandii ferredoxin I.  相似文献   

One-dimensional and two-dimensional photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarisation (photo-CIDNP) nuclear magnetic resonance spectra have been recorded for the sea-anemone polypeptide cardiac stimulants anthopleurin-A and Anemonia sulcata toxins I and II. In anthopleurin-A and toxin II, all three Trp residues are accessible to the flavin dye, although Trp-23 in anthopleurin-A shows a weaker photo-CIDNP response than Trp-33 and Trp-45. Tyr-25 in anthopleurin-A also shows a strong response. In toxin I, Trp-23, Trp-33 and Tyr-45 (which replaces Trp in this molecule) are accessible to the dye. The pH dependences of the photo-CIDNP spectra of all three polypeptides have been examined. The response of Trp-33 increases significantly with pH. The two His residues of anthopleurin-A and toxin II display a response in their imidazole forms, but not their imidazolium forms. The surface accessibilities of Trp-23 and Trp-33 are discussed in relation to the interaction of these polypeptides with the Na+ channel.  相似文献   

Summary Phylogenetic trees requiring the lowest sum of nucleotide replacements and gene duplicative events were constructed from the amino acid sequence data on ten gnathostome parvalbumins (PAR) and two related myofibrillar proteins troponin-C (TNC) and myosin alkali-light-chain (ALC). The origin and differentiation of the structural domains within these proteins were also investigated by the maximum parsimony method and by an alignment statistic for identifying evolutionarily related protein sequences. The results suggest, in agreement with the Weeds-McLachlan model, that tandem duplications in a precursor gene caused a primordial one-domain polypeptide (consisting of two helices with a calcium binding region in between) to double and then quadruple in size. Duplications of the gene coding for this four domain (I–II–III–IV) protein in an early metazoan, pre-gnathostome lineage gave rise to the separate loci for TNC, ALC, and PAR. TNC, which alone retained the Ca-binding function in each of its four domains, evolved much more slowly than either the ALC or PAR lineages. In the PAR lineage the I–II–III–IV structure was degraded, presumably by a partial gene deletion, to the II–III–IV structure during descent to the gnathostome ancestor of parvalbumins. Also during this period the mid region in domain II lost its Ca-binding function and, as it did so, evolved at an accelerated rate over other regions, a pattern indicative of positive selection for a change in function. In turn, from the gnathostome ancestor to the present, the mid regions of domains III and IV, which each retained Ca-bindung function, evolved much more slowly than other regions, a pattern indicative of stabilizing selection for preservation of function. Between the gnathostome and teleost-tetrapod ancestor a gene duplication separated the parvalbumins into an-lineage and a-lineage. During this early vertebrate period PAR genes evolved at the extremely fast rate of 89 nucleotide replacements per 100 codons per 108 years (i.e. 89 NR %), but from the teleost-tetrapod ancestor to the present, both- and-PAR lineages evolved at a much slower rate, about 8 NR %. The use of-parvalbumins as phylogenetic markers was complicated by presumptive evidence that paralogous (i.e. duplication dependent) gene lineages occur within this group. As a final point, in the genealogy of TNC, ALC, and PAR lineages, a non-random pattern of nucleotide replacements was observed between the reconstructed ancestral and descendant mRNA sequences. The pattern was similar to that observed for other protein genealogies and seems to reflect a bias in the genetic code for guanine to adenine and adenine to guanine transitions (especially at the first nucleotide position of the RNA codons) to produce amino acid substitutions which are compatible with the preservation of protein three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

The complete assignment of the aromatic proton nuclear magnetic resonances of the three tyrosine residues in hen lysozyme is reported. These assignments were made using double resonance techniques, specific chemical modifications of one residue (Tyr-23), and by interpretation of the effects of paramagnetic lanthanide ions. Some aspects of the behaviour of the tyrosine residues are reported, including pK values, reactivity towards modifying agents and conformational mobility.  相似文献   

NMR study of the modified base resonances of tRNA tyr- coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
220MHz NMR spectra at 28° show several resolved resonances in the high field region for D2O solutions of tyrosine specific tRNA from E. coli. These resonances are tentatively identified as arising from protons of the modified nucleoside, 2-methylthio-N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl)-adenosine and from the modified guanosine of unknown structure in the “wobble position” of the anti codon loop. Assignment of resonances was aided by comparison with spectra of tRNAsu+IIItyr, Form II, whose sequence is closely homologous to tRNAcolityr, except for changes in some modified bases. Line widths of resolved resonances indicate that, at 28°, the methyl groups of modified nucleosides are not completely restricted in their motion relative to the overall motion of the macromolecule.  相似文献   

The mode of carotenoid (Crt) binding to polypeptide and specifying its function is as yet largely unknown. Statistical analysis of major photosystems I and II suggests that aromatic residues make up a significant part of the Crt binding pockets. Phenylalanine residues ensure approximately 25%—at some carbon atoms even up to 40%—of the total contacts with Crts. By use of an alanine-leucine model transmembrane helix that replaces the native helix of the bacterial light-harvesting complex 2 (LH2) α-subunit, we study the effects of polypeptide residues on cofactor binding in a model sequence context. Here, it is shown that phenylalanine residues located in the close vicinity of the Crts' polyene backbone significantly contribute to the binding of the Crt to the model protein. The replacement of a phenylalanine with leucine in the model helix results in significant reduction in the complexes' Crt content. This effect is strongly enhanced by the removal of a second phenylalanine in close vicinity to the Crt, i.e., of the wild-type (WT) β-subunit. Remarkably, the mutation of only two phenylalanine residues in the LH2 WT sequence, α-Phe at position − 12 and β-Phe at − 8, results in the loss of nearly 50% of functional Crt. Resonance Raman spectra indicate that the Crt conformation is fundamentally altered by the absence of the phenylalanines' aromatic side chains, suggesting that they lock the Crt into a precise, well-defined configuration. Thus, binding and specific functionalisation of Crt in the model and WT light-harvesting complex is reliant on the aromatic residue phenylalanine. The use of the light-harvesting complex as a model system thus substantiates the notion that the aromatic residue phenylalanine is a key factor for the binding of Crt to transmembrane proteins.  相似文献   

According to a model proposed by Gervais, M, Groudinsky, O., Risler, Y. and Labeyrie, F. ((1977) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 77, 1543-1551) flavocytochrome b2 is composed of a central flavodehydrogenase entity of 4 X 45 kDa to which are attached four cytochrome b2 globules of approx. 11 kDa that are released after proteolysis of the connective loops. A possible inherent mobility of the latter with functional significance was suspected. Proton NMR spectra at 400 MHz of the isolated and of the flavodehydrogenase-bound ferricytochrome b2 units have been compared. In the ranges downfield of +12 ppm and upfield from -4 ppm, where hyperfine-shifted heme proton resonances reside, the chemical shifts are identical for the two forms, but the linewidths are markedly broader for flavocytochrome b2. The linewidths of three heme resonances, a methyl at +19 ppm, two single protons at -6 and -8 ppm (most probably from one vinyl) and an unassigned line at -2.4 ppm, all increase by a factor of about 4. Since, in the present case, linewidths are controlled mainly by proton/proton dipolar relaxations which are caused by molecular tumbling, a change in linewidths of about 15 would be expected if the cytochrome b2 globule had no free motion relative to the flavodehydrogenase domain. The present results thus support the previous hypothesis that such a relative mobility, of unknown correlation time and amplitude, actually exists.  相似文献   

J A Carver  J H Bradbury 《Biochemistry》1984,23(21):4890-4905
The resolved 1H NMR resonances of the aromatic region in the 270-MHz NMR spectrum of sperm whale, horse, and pig metmyoglobin (metMb) have been assigned, including the observable H-2 and H-4 histidine resonances, the tryptophan H-2 resonances, and upfield-shifted resonances from one tyrosine residue. The use of different Mb species, carboxymethylation, and matching of pK values allows the assignment of the H-4 resonances, which agree in only three cases out of seven with scalar-correlated two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy assignments by others. The conversion to hydroxymyoglobin at high pH involves rearrangements throughout the molecule and is observed by many assigned residues. In sperm whale ferric cyanomyoglobin, nine H-2 and eight H-4 histidine resonances have been assigned, including the His-97 H-2 resonance and tyrosine resonances from residues 103 and 146. The hyperfine-shifted resonances from heme and near-heme protons observe a shift with a pK = 5.3 +/- 0.3 (probably due to deprotonation of His-97, pK = 5.6) and another shift at pK = 10.8 +/- 0.3. The spectrum of high-spin ferrous sperm whale deoxymyoglobin is very similar to that of metMb, which allows the assignment of seven surface histidine H-2 and H-4 resonances and also resonances from the two tryptophan residues and one tyrosine. In diamagnetic sperm whale (carbon monoxy)myoglobin (COMb), 10 His H-2 and 11 His H-4 resonances are observed, and 8 H-2 and 9 H-4 resonances are assigned, including His-64 H-4, the distal histidine. This important resonance is not observed in sperm whale oxymyoglobin, which in general shows very similar titration curves to COMb. Histidine-36 shows unusual titration behavior in the paramagnetic derivatives but normal behavior in the diamagnetic derivatives, which is discussed in the accompanying paper [Bradbury, J. H., & Carver, J. A. (1984) Biochemistry (following paper in this issue)].  相似文献   

The structures of variants of yeast iso-1-cytochrome c, in which the previously unchanged Tyr48 and Tyr48 + Trp59 have been replaced by Phe, have been characterised by NMR. The NMR data indicated that the structures of the variant cytochromes c are very similar to the wild-type protein. In particular, the heme environment and interactions of the heme macrocycle were shown to be preserved. The observation of chemical shift differences have allowed for the assessment of conformational changes. The substitution of Trp59 by Phe may have caused a small conformational change, a manifestation of which is the observed chemical shift differences at His39, Val57 and Tyr74. The structural basis for the reduction in redox potential accompanying the amino acid substitutions is discussed and the proposal made that the changes in potential are a direct consequence of the side chain properties and do not result primarily from conformational changes.  相似文献   

The aromatic 1H NMR resonances of the insulin monomer are assigned at 500 MHz by comparative studies of chemically modified and genetically altered variants, including a mutant insulin (PheB25----Leu) associated with diabetes mellitus. The two histidines, three phenylalanines, and four tyrosines are observed to be in distinct local environments; their assignment provides sensitive markers for studies of tertiary structure, protein dynamics, and protein folding. The environments of the tyrosine residues have also been investigated by photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (photo-CIDNP) and analyzed in relation to packing constraints in the crystal structures of insulin. Dimerization involving specific B-chain interactions is observed with increasing protein concentration and is shown to depend on temperature, pH, and solvent composition. In the monomer large variations are observed in the line widths of amide resonances, suggesting intermediate exchange among conformational substates; such substates may relate to conformational changes observed in different crystal states and proposed to occur in the hormone-receptor complex. Additional evidence for multiple conformations in solution is provided by comparative studies of an insulin analogue containing a peptide bond between residues B29 and A1 (mini-proinsulin). This analogue forms dimers and higher-order oligomers under conditions in which native insulin is monomeric, suggesting that the B29-A1 peptide bond stabilizes a conformational substate favorable for dimerization. Such stabilization is not observed in corresponding studies of native proinsulin, in which a 35-residue connecting peptide joins residues B30 and A1; this extended tether is presumably too flexible to constrain the conformation of the B-chain. The differences between proinsulin and mini-proinsulin suggest a structural mechanism for the observation that the fully reduced B29-A1 analogue folds more efficiently than proinsulin to form the correct pattern of disulfide bonds. These results are discussed in relation to molecular mechanics calculations of insulin based on the available crystal structures.  相似文献   

Exposure of aromatic residues, Tyr 7, Tyr 75, Tyr 93, His 43, His 106, and Trp 8, was studied by laser-induced photo-CIDNP in the 1H NMR spectrum of Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor at 360 MHz. Only Tyr 7 and Tyr 75 gave strong CIDNP signals, whereas the rest of the aromatic residues gave no detectable signals in the temperature range 25-55 degrees C. From the temperature dependence data, it is concluded that Tyr 7 is well exposed at all temperatures, whereas the exposure of Tyr 75 increases with temperature, in agreement with the conclusion obtained by other methods. Agreements and discrepancies between the conclusions derived from the CIDNP data and the results so far obtained by other methods are compared for all the aforementioned aromatic residues.  相似文献   

1H NMR spectroscopy has been used to collect data related to the spatial structure of insectotoxin I5A Buthus eupeus: pH-dependence of the chemical shifts, deuterium exchange rates of individual amide hydrogens, spin-spin coupling of the H-N-C alpha-H and H-C alpha-C beta-H protons, and nuclear Overhauser effect between distinct protons belonging to amino acid residues remote in the sequence. Molecular conformation in the regions from Asp9 to Cys19 (beta-turn 9-12 and right-hand alpha-helix 12-19) and from Asn23 to Asn34 (antiparallel beta-sheet with the beta-turn 27-30) directly follows from the observed parameters. Pseudoatomic approach of distance geometry algorithm was used to solve the overall folding of the molecule and propose the most probable set of disulfide bridges: Cys2-Cys19, Cys5-Cys31, Cys16-Cys26 and Cys20-Cys33. The spatial structure of insectotoxin I5A B. eupeus demonstrates remarkable similarity with that of a "long" type scorpion neurotoxin V-3 Centruroides sculpturatus.  相似文献   

All the signals in the 1H and 13C NMR spectra of some analogues of 7alpha-methyl-8alpha- and 6-oxa-8alpha-steroid estrogens were completely assigned. Considering the values of nuclear Overhauser effect and vicinal coupling constants, these steroids were shown to exhibit a fast, on the NMR time scale, conformational equilibrium arising due to the inversion of ring B. The conformer populations were obtained from a comparison of the experimental and theoretical values of the dihedral angles and the interproton distances. This conformational equilibrium was shown to depend on the nature of atom in position 6: for the 7alpha-methyl-6-oxa-8alpha analogues of the steroid estrogens, the population of the conformer with the pseudoaxial orientation of the 7alpha-methyl group was observed to be decreased compared with the 7alpha-methyl-8alpha analogue.  相似文献   

Phospholipid exchange between phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylcholine vesicles has been studied by NMR spectroscopy with use of hydrophilic paramagnetic lanthanide probes (Pr3+ and Eu3+ ions). The dependence of the lanthanide induced shifts in the 1H and 31P NMR spectra on the phospholipid composition of the vesicles could be used for its quantitative evaluation. The method has been proved to be applicable for studying phospholipid exchange stimulated by soluble proteins (postmicrosomal supernatant fraction) from rat liver. Furthermore it has been shown that the phospholipid molecules newly introduced by protein-stimulated exchange are predominantly incorporated into the outer monolayer of the vesicular bilayer membrane. This makes it possible to produce liposomes with asymmetric distribution of the phospholipids across the bilayer.  相似文献   

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