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Synarthrial fulcral ridges are found in crinoid columnals from the mid-Ordovician to the present and in all four subclasses. Similar articulations did not become common in the cirri until the Mesozoic. Synarthrial stem articulations fall into two broad groups. Type I articulations have a fulcral ridge in the centre of the articular facet. In elliptical ossicles this ridge corresponds to either the long (IA) or short (IB) axis of the facet. Although both are functionally similar, Type IA ossicles are more common. Type II articulations have an excentric fulcral ridge, parallel to either the long (IIA) or short (IIB) axis of the articular facet. Type IIA articulations are found in crinoid stems capable of coiling. Type II articulations are particularly common in the cirri of articulates and are well adapted for attachment to hard and soft substrates. Columnals with Type I articulations often have divergent fulcra, giving the stem flexibility in all directions, but this feature is not seen in cirri or in coiled stems, where it would impair normal functions. Only the cirri of isocrinids and comatulids are muscular, so the movement of columns with fulcra must be passive.  相似文献   

The improbability of a muscular crinoid column   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Donovan, Stephen K. 1989 07 15: The improbability of a muscular crirroid column. Lethaia , Vol. 22, pp. 307–315. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
It has sometimes been assumed that the stems of ancient crinoids were muscular. However, the only contractile fibres found in the stems of extant crinoids are in the cirri of isocrinids and comatulids. On uniformitarian grounds, it is improbable that any ancient crinoid had tissues in the stem that would have aided active orientation, apart from the non-muscular catch connective tissue. This conclusion is supported by a detailed functional analysis of the various forms of column and cirrus articulation. The axial canal has been seen as the probable site of any column musculature, but this is functionally impossible with symplexial and synostosial articulations, both of which are poorly adapted for muscular flexure. Columns that articulate synarthrially are much more flexible, but modern bourgueticrinids lack any stem musculature, despite having such stalks. The only crinoid columns that were functionally adapted to utilize contractile fibres were those of certain coiled-stemmed taxa, where the axial canal was not in the plane of the synarthrial fulcra. However, it is unlikely that such stems, even if muscular, possessed any advantage over a non-muscular column. The only pelmatozoans with a probable muscular column were not crinoids, but the glyptocystitid rhombiferans. * Crinoids, stem, columnal, cirrus, catch connective tissue, contractile fibres, functional morphology .  相似文献   

Several tiny crinoids with crowns as small as 1 mm, or less, in width are newly recognized from the Hunsrück Slate of southwestern Germany. The presence of erect arms above an amorphous calyx in some specimens can be inferred. Based on comparison with the size and gross morphology of developmental stages in living crinoids, these tiny Hunsrück crinoids are judged to be at an early postlarval stage that is analogous to the pentacrinoid stage just after development from the stalked, but armless, smaller cystidean larval stage found in both living comatulids and isocrinids. Some of these tiny crinoids have a stalk up to 4 mm long attached to a now pyritized former substrate. Their clustered occurrence suggests gregarious settlement of larvae. Taxonomic identification of these presumed pentacrinoids is not possible, even to the sub‐class level, although they are preserved with larger juveniles of the cladids Propoteriocrinus and Lasiocrinus. These larger juveniles exhibit 3‐D pyritized calcite plates, whereas the probable pentacrinoids appear to be preserved as flattened, micro‐crystalline pyritized dermal tissues that enclosed lightly calcified, porous ossicles. The pentacrinoids were likely buried within weeks or months of hatching, based on developmental stages in similar‐sized living crinoids. These tiny crinoids, presumably pentacrinoids, are a further example of the extraordinarily detailed preservation of delicate tissues in pyrite from the Hunsrück Slate. They are most likely the pentacrinoid stage from one or more of the crinoid taxa (30 genera) present in the Hunsrück Slate. Assuming these are not microcrinoids, they are the first report of pentacrinoids from the fossil record and document that a Palaeozoic sister group to modern crinoids had similar developmental stages.  相似文献   

Squamophis, a new genus of brittle star is described. Two species are included in the genus: Squamophis amamiensis (Okanishi & Fujita, 2009) from south-western Japan and Squamophis albozosteressp. n. from north-western Australia. Squamophisgen. n. is distinguished from the other genera of the family Asteroschematidae by the following characters: each radial shield is single-layered and is completely covered by plate-shaped epidermal ossicles, and the relative length of the longest arm spine throughout the arms is as long as the length of the corresponding arm segment. Squamophis albozosteressp. n. is distinguished from Squamophis amamiensis in having white, slightly domed, plate-shaped epidermal ossicles on the aboral side of the body, the ossicles on aboral and lateral portion of the arms form transverse rows, and the other part of aboral side of disc and basal to middle portion of arms are brown but tip of the arms are light purple.  相似文献   

Specimens of Holopus rangii (order Cyrtocrinida) were collected by submersible at depths of several hundred meters in the Caribbean and fixed for light and electron microscopy. The presence of an anus is confirmed. However, the chambered organ and glandular axial organ peculiar to crinoids are lacking. The gut lumen sometimes includes partially digested prey items up to several hundred micrometers in diameter, and we propose that Holopus may feed raptorially by rapidly closing its arms over demersal zooplankton. Electron microscopy of the arm reveals a radial nerve and a radial haemal channel, which light microscopy previously failed to demonstrate. The cuticle includes bacteria that are probably symbiotic. The ten brachial nerves of the aboral nervous system unite pairwise to form five calyx nerves. The calyx nerves, one in each radial position, are connected by a pentagonal, interradial commissure and then continue to the attached end of the body where they end blindly without forming an aboral nerve center. The absence of the aboral nerve center and related internal organs strengthens the argument that no basal ossicles are included in the skeleton of the calyx and suggests that Holopus may have evolved from stalked cyrtocrinid ancestors by saltatory loss of major body parts.  相似文献   

The stalk of the pentacrinoid larva of a feather star (Comanthus japonica) is described for the first time by transmission electron microscopy. One end of the stalk bears the calyx and the other end is cemented to the substrate by attachment cement consisting of a meshwork of 5 nm filaments. The stalk is supported by a scries of skeletal ossicles pierced by a central canal: short intercolumnal ligaments connect adjacent skeletal ossicles and central through-going ligaments run the length of the central canal. At the end of the stalk nearest the calyx, the chambered organ and the closely associated axial organ are histologically similar to those of adult crinoids. Presumed neurosecretory neurons are associated with the intercolumnal ligaments, and the following kinds of nerves run down the central canal: (1) a large stalk nerve in each of the five interradii; (2) smaller coelomic nerves in each of the five radii in association with the epithelium of tubular aboral extensions of the chambered organ; (3) a very small nerve associated with the aboral extension of the axial organ in the stalk axis. This axial organ extension is surrounded by a haemal channel. Because of the small size of the stalk, none of the nerves or the haemal channel were described in previous light microscopic studies. The discussion gives special attention to the controversial motility of the pentacrinoid stalk.  相似文献   

1. Stimulation causes Antedon to swim by means of alternate oral bending and dorsal stroke of the arms. Two arms of a given ray move alternately so that while one is executing the aboral stroke its mate is flexing ventrally. This implies reciprocal inhibition. 2. Recriprocal inhibition between the two arms of an isolated ray can be abolished by the use of either strychnine or nicotine. 3. Coordination between the rays is referable to the conducting properties of the nervous pentagon which connects the five rays. In this system an impulse loses in effectiveness as it passes from the point of origin. 4. When Antedon is made to rest oral face down on the floor of an aquarium, oral flexion of all the rays, swimming movements, and righting result. Antedon is therefore negatively stereotropic with reference to its ventral side. 5. Excitation of the dorsal cirri results in aboral bending of all the rays. Stimulation of the cirri inhibits ventral flexion to the extent of preventing righting movements while on the other hand stimulation of the ventral surface inhibits the grasp reflex of the cirri. Thus oral and aboral sides of Antedon exhibit dynamic symmetry although structurally dissimilar.  相似文献   

Light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy of three specimens of Cyathidium meteorensis (order Cyrtocrinida) revealed some special morphological features. The brachial articulation is provided with a long tendon at the aboral side; the entire articulation surface, including the areas where ligaments attach is built up by labyrinthic stereom. The calycinal ossicle lacks any internal vestiges of a pentameric composition; vertical planes with changing stereom direction lie irrespectively of radial or interradial planes. Gut, ovary and testis are histologically inconspicuous, and the location of the gonads inside the calyx is quite unusual. Both sexes develop outer gonoducts which probably are functionally adapted madreporic canals. The coelomic system differs from that of other crinoids in that a chambered organ is completely lacking. Simultaneously, the aboral nervous subsystem has no aboral nerve centre and simply terminates aborally in the ring-shaped commissure. A glandular axial organ is absent, as are typical sacculi. The data are in accordance with two proposals made previously for Holopus rangii, viz., that the animals can feed raptorially, and that cyrtocrinids probably have evolved by loss of aboral calycinal ossicles of ancestors. In part, our observations differ from those in Cyathidium foresti, so we have chosen to use the species name meteorensis which has been considered a synonym of foresti.  相似文献   

Abstract:  British Llandovery crinoids remain poorly known. Three species are documented herein that were originally described, but not published, by W. H. C. Ramsbottom. Clematocrinus ramsbottomi Fearnhead sp. nov. (Tortworth Inlier, Gloucestershire; Telychian) has a heteromorphic column, N434243414342434, radices directed away from the crown, and ten long, uniserial arms with a pustular aboral sculpture and long, slender pinnules. Clematocrinus spp. are widely distributed in the Silurian of England. Ptychocrinus mullochillensis Fearnhead and Donovan sp. nov. (Girvan district, Strathclyde; Rhuddanian) is the second report of this Upper Ordovician–Lower Silurian genus from outside North America. Although incompletely known, this species is distinguished by its hidden infrabasals, 20 arms and sunken interbrachial plates with a strongly stellate sculpture. Petalocrinus bifidus (Bather MS) Donovan and Fearnhead sp. nov. (Woolhope Inlier, Herefordshire; Telychian) is locally common enough to give its name to a mappable lithostratigraphic unit, the Petalocrinus Limestone. Unlike other Petalocrinus species known from the Silurian of China, northern Europe and North America, the fused arms of P. bifidus are divided in two by a proximal adoral ridge and an associated distal notch. Unlike extant crinoids, Petalocrinus probably lived as a rheophobe; the fused arms may have acted to deter predators.  相似文献   

Extant crinoids can be divided into two groups, stalked sea lilies and stalkless feather stars. Feather stars are considered to have evolved from stalked ancestors by losing most of the stalk, but other differences are present between the two groups. The unsegmented centrodorsal, long and curved cirri near the crown, small calyx, and the ability to swim are all feather star features not found in the sea lilies. To figure out which of the above features evolved directly correlating with loss of the stalk in feather stars, we cut off the stalk from the sea lily Metacrinus rotundus and kept them alive in an aquarium. The specimens with shortened stalks were able to stand and crawl with their arms without the support of their stalks, but swimming was not observed for any of the animals. Morphologically, neither fusion of the remaining segments nor the reduction of the size of the calyx were observed, but the cirri became long and curved near the crown. Therefore, the extant sea lilies possess a potential to adapt to incidents of stalk loss. Specimens autotomizing most of their stalks were observed, suggesting that the potential is actually employed in nature. This mechanism linking the reduction of the stalk and the changes in the morphology of cirri may have played an important role in the evolution of the feather stars, if the stalked ancestors of feather stars also possessed this potential. Experimental zoological approaches as this study may provide new insights to the questions of evolution.  相似文献   

Sea lilies are enigmatic animals due to their scarcity and their biology is comparatively neglected. Cirri, arranged in whorls of five along the sea lily stalk, anchor and support the animal. They consist of ossicles interconnected by collagenous ligaments and by a central canal. Cirri have a well-developed nervous system but lack muscular cells. A light and electron microscopic study was performed to clarify the morphology of the nervous system of the cirri. Two cellular networks were found, one of neuron-like cells and one of cells filled with bullet-shaped organelles. Both networks ramify throughout the cirral ossicles up to the interossicle ligaments. Mechanical tests were performed to analyse the influence of cholinergic agonists on the mechanical properties of these ligaments. In the tests, the cirral ligaments softened after the application of acetylcholine, muscarinic agonists and nicotinic agonists. The reaction time to muscarinic agonists was much slower than to acetylcholine and nicotinic agonists. At low concentrations, muscarinic agonists caused active development of force. No reaction to stimuli was observed in anaesthetized cirri. The data clearly establish the existence of catch connective tissue which can change its mechanical properties under nervous control mediated via nerves with cholinergic receptors. The possible sources of the observed force production are discussed and it is concluded that active contraction of collagenous ligaments causes movement of cirri.  相似文献   

A recent submersible dive on the southern slope of Aguni Knoll, central Okinawa Trough has led to a discovery of two rare species of stalked crinoids, Proisocrinus ruberrimus and Naumachocrinus hawaiiensis, both of uncertain taxonomic affinity. The specimens of Proisocrinus ruberrimus, here termed "Moulin rouge" as a pseudonym due to its conspicuous red color, were collected from depths of approximately 1,800 m and are characterized by a long, slender stalk. The proximal columnals are pentalobate in cross section, with isocrinid-like articular facets; several bear rudimentary cirri. The following columnals lose the cirri and rapidly become almost circular; their facets bear radiating crenulations similar to those of Millericrinida. The characters observed in the proximal stalk indicate that the 'Moulin Rouge' (P. ruberrimus) belongs to the order Isocrinida rather than to the order Millericrinida. Naumachocrinus hawaiiensis was collected at a depth of 1,440 m. The long, cylindrical crown and number of arms indicate that Naumachocrinus should be classified in the Bathycrinidae.  相似文献   

Shortening and stiffness were measured simultaneously in the aboral ligament of arms of sea lilies. Arm pieces were used from which oral tissues (including muscles) were removed, leaving only collagenous ligaments connecting arm ossicles. Chemical stimulation by means of artificial seawater with an elevated concentration of potassium caused both a bending movement and stiffness changes (either softening or stiffening). The movement lasted for 1.5-10 min, and bent posture was maintained. The observation that contraction was not necessarily associated with softening provided evidence against the hypothesis that the shortening of the aboral ligaments was driven by the elastic components that had been charged by the oral muscles and released their strain energy at the softening of the aboral ligaments. The speed of ligamental shortening was slower by at least one order of magnitude than that of muscles. Acetylcholine (10(-5)-10(-3) M) caused both contraction and softening. We conclude that the aboral ligament shows two mechanical activities based on different mechanisms: one is active contraction and the other is connective tissue catch in which passive mechanical properties show mutability. We suggest that there is neural coordination between the two mechanisms.  相似文献   

It has long been thought that feather star arms flex due to muscular contraction and extend due to an opposing elastic force supplied by the ligaments, however, in 1985, Candia Carnivali and Saita (J. Morph. 185 , 59–74) proposed that extension was due not to elastic ligaments, but to hydraulic pressure within the coelomic canals of the arm. We tested this new proposal experimentally by destroying the coelomic canals along the proximal halves of all ten arms of a feather star and then inducing it to swim. The wave form of the swimming arms was recorded on cine film for frame analysis. While the animal was swimming even the arm regions without coelomic canals were able to extend vigorously. Therefore, hydraulic pressure in the coeloms is not required for arm extension in feather stars. Our results are consistent with the classical idea that elastic ligaments extend the arms of crinoids.  相似文献   

Summary The haemal and coelomic circulatory systems in arms and pinnules of a stalkless crinoid are described by transmission electron microscopy, and the coelomic topography is revealed by scanning electron microscopy of corrosion casts and peritoneal surfaces. In addition, the route of the coelomic circulation in the living crinoid is shown by injection of carmine particles, and sites of peritoneal phagocytosis are demonstrated by injection of latex beads. The most important morphological findings are: the controversial hyponeural circulation is haemal and not coelomic; peritoneal ciliation is general and not limited to the cells of the ciliated pits; and occur smooth muscle cells occur below the peritoneum. Carmine particles injected into the central body coelom rapidly travel outward toward the arm and pinnule tips via the aboral canals; the particles return to the central body via the subtentacular canals. Latex beads injected intracoelomically are taken up by peritoneal cells throughout the subtentacular, genital and aboral canals. The possible functions of the haemal and coelomic circulatory systems of crinoids are discussed.  相似文献   

Taphonomic information is examined to evaluate the early history of connective tissues in the Crinoidea. The pattern of stalk segmentation of Middle and Late Ordovician crinoids is consistent with the two-ligament (intercolumnal and through-going ligaments) pattern present in living isocrinid crinoids and interpreted for fossil isocrinids, holocrinids, and Lower Mississippian crinoids. A single rhombiferan was also examined; its taphonomic pattern is also indicative of this style of tissue organization. Furthermore, the taphonomy of all Middle and Late Ordovician crinoids may reflect that they lacked discretely organized muscles between arm brachials, which is consistent with the hypothesis that muscles evolved as a connective tissue between plates only once within the Crinoidea, during the Early Devonian. These data indicate that the two-ligament organization of the stalk is a primitive feature among the Crinoidea and perhaps even among stalked echinoderms. Therefore, the autotomy function of this column-tissue organization among living crinoids is an exaptation. On the other hand, discretely organized muscles as connective tissue in crinoid arms is a derived trait that first appeared during the middle Paleozoic; this adaptation proved very successful for the advanced cladid crinoids.  相似文献   

A recent preliminary survey revealed that 12 species of unstalked crinoids occur on a gentle sandy slope (12–18 m depth) at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia; five of which are also found on coral reefs. The other seven appear to constitute a unique assemblage restricted to unconsolidated substrates, where most cling to algae or hide beneath rubble or sponges. Members of this assemblage exhibit all of the basic feeding postures found among reef-dwelling species. However, Comatula rotalaria, which lacks anchoring cirri and bears uniquely differentiated short and long arms, exhibits a posture different from other living crinoids. Quantitative transects reveal apparent depth-related differences in species composition: C. rotalaria dominated the 12 transects in 12–13 m (84% of 82 specimens), while Comatella nigra, Comatula cf. purpurea, Amphimetra cf. tessellata and Zygometra microdiscus accounted for 96% of 54 specimens observed along 12 transects in 16–17 m.  相似文献   

1. Living echinoderms are characterized by an extensive water vascular system developed from the larval left hydrocoel, a complex, multi-plated endoskeleton with stereom structure, and pentamery. Fossil evidence shows that stereom evolved before pentamery, but both were acquired during the Lower Cambrian. 2. Cladistic analysis of Lower Cambrian genera reveals very few characters in common between carpoids and true echinoderms, and that the split between them was the first fundamental evolutionary dichotomy within the Dexiothetica. 3. Helicoplacoids are stem group echinoderms with spiral plating and three ambulacra arranged radially around a lateral mouth. They are the most primitive echinoderms and the first to show a radial arrangement of the water vascular and ambulacral systems. Unlike later echinoderms, their skeleton shows no dorsal/ventral (aboral/oral) differentiation. They were probably sedentary suspension feeders. 4. Camptostroma is the most primitive known pentaradiate echinoderm and, in our view, possibly a common ancestor of all living groups. It had a short conical dorsal (aboral) surface with imbricate plating, a ridged lateral wall and a slightly domed ventral (oral) surface with five curved ambulacra in a 2-1-2 arrangement inherited from the triradiate pattern of the helicoplacoids. Interambulacral areas bore epispires and the CD interambulacrum contained the anus, hydropore and/or gonopore. All parts of the theca had plates in at least two layers. 5. All other echinoderms belong to one of two monophyletic subphyla, the Pelmatozoa and the Eleutherozoa. 6. Stromatocystites is the earliest known eleutherozoan and differs from Camptostroma in having a test with only one layer of plates and having lost the dorsal elongation. In Stromatocystites the dorsal surface is flat and the plating tesselate. Stromatocystites was an unattached, low-level suspension feeder. 7. The lepidocystoids are the earliest known pelmatozoans. They differ from Camptostroma in having an attached dorsal stalk which retained the primitive imbricate plating, and by developing erect feeding structures along the ambulacra. In Kinzercystis, the ambulacra are confined to the thecal surface and erect, biserial brachioles arise alternately on either side. Lepidocystis has a similar arrangement except that, the distal part of each ambulacrum extends beyond the edge of the theca as a free arm. 8. Pelmatozoans diverged more or less immediately into crinoids, with multiple free arms composed of uniserial plates, and cystoids sensu lato, which retained brachioles. Gogia (Lower to Middle Cambrian) is the most primitive known cystoid and differs from Kinzercystis principally in having all plating tesselate, while Echmatocrinus (Middle Cambrian) is the most primitive known crinoid and differs from Lepidocystis in lacking brachioles and in having more than five free arms with uniserial plates. 9. Post Lower Cambrian differentiation of pelmatozoan groups proceeded rapidly, exploiting the primitive suspension-feeding mode of life. Maximum morphological diversity was reached in the Ordovician, but thereafter crinoids progressively displaced cystoid groups and reached their peak diversity during the Carboniferous. The eleutherozoans were slower to diversify, but by the Arenig the earliest ‘sea-stars’ (in reality, advanced members of the eleutherozoan stem group) had reversed their living orientation and had begun to exploit a deposit-feeding mode of life. These in turn led to the ophiuroids, echinoids and holothuroids. 10. The basic echinoderm ambulacrum was already present in the helicoplacoids. It had biserial, alternate flooring plates and complexly plated sheets of cover plates on either side. The radial water vessel lay in the floor of the ambulacrum, external to the body cavity, and gave rise ventrally to short, lateral branches (fore-runners of tube feet) that were used to open the cover plate sheets, and dorsally was connected to internal compensation sacs which acted as fluid reservoirs (and were preadapted for a role in gaseous exchange). Plating on the cover plate sheets was organized and reflected the positions of the lateral branches from the radial water vessel. In Camptostroma, the cover plate sheets had biserially aligned rows of cover plates associated with the lateral branches. 11. Brachioles arose by extension of the lateral branches of the radial water vessel and associated serially aligned cover plates found in Camptostroma. They bear a single alternate series of cover plates. In Lepidocystis the ambulacra extended beyond the edge of the oral surface as true arms. Brachial plates of arms are homologues of primary ambulacral flooring plates, and arms bear multiple series of cover plates. Uniserial ambulacral plating is a derived condition and evolved independently in crinoids, paracrinoids and isorophid edrioasteroids. Pinnules in crinoids arose independently in inadunates and camerates by a progressively more unequal branching of the arms. Thus all parts of the subvective system in crinoids are internally homologous, whereas in cystoids, brachioles and arms (or ambulacra) are not homologous structures. 12. The position of the hydropore is the best reference point in orientating echinoderms. Carpenter's system of identifying ambulacra by letters, arranged clock-wise in oral view with the A ambulacrum opposite the hydropore, is consistent in all echinoderm classes. In all Lower Cambrian pentaradiate echinoderms the anus, gonopore and hydropore lie in the CD interambulacrum and this is accepted as the primitive arrangement. In helicoplacoids we tentatively suggest that the A ambulacrum spiralled down from the mouth while the two ambulacra that spiralled up represent the B + C and D + E ambulacra combined. 13. The pelmatozoan stem arose from a polyplated stalk, via a meric stem to a true column with holomeric (single piece) columnals. This happened independently in the crinoids and the cystoids. 14. Our analysis of echinoderm phylogeny leads us to recommend the following changes to the higher level classification of echinoderms: The phylum Echinodermata includes only those groups with radial symmetry superimposed upon a fundamental larval asymmetry. It has a stem group that contains the triradiate helicoplacoids and a crown group to which all other (pentaradiate) echinoderms belong. The crown group contains two monophyletic subphyla, the Pelmatozoa and the Eleutherozoa, and the Pelmatozoa contains two superclasses, the Crinoidea which are extant and the Cystoidea, which are extinct.  相似文献   

Crinoids are able to regenerate completely many body parts, namely arms, pinnules, cirri, and also viscera, including the whole gut, lost after self-induced or traumatic mutilations. In contrast to the regenerative processes related to external appendages, those related to internal organs have been poorly investigated. In order to provide a comprehensive view of these processes, and of their main events, timing and mechanisms, the present work is exploring visceral regeneration in the feather star Antedon meditteranea. The histological and cellular aspects of visceral regeneration were monitored at predetermined times (from 24 hours to 3 weeks post evisceration) using microscopy and immunocytochemistry. The overall regeneration process can be divided into three main phases, leading in 3 weeks to the reconstruction of a complete functional gut. After a brief wound healing phase, new tissues and organs develop as a result of extensive cell migration and transdifferentiation. The cells involved in these processes are mainly coelothelial cells, which after trans-differentiating into progenitor cells form clusters of enterocytic precursors. The advanced phase is then characterized by the growth and differentiation of the gut rudiment. In general, our results confirm the striking potential for repair (wound healing) and regeneration displayed by crinoids at the organ, tissue and cellular levels.  相似文献   

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