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We investigated in detail the mechanism of inhibition by the S(-) enantiomer of 2-(p-chlorophenoxy)butyric acid (CPB) of the Torpedo Cl(-)channel, ClC-0. The substance has been previously shown to inhibit the homologous skeletal muscle channel, CLC-1. ClC-0 is a homodimer with probably two independently gated protopores that are conductive only if an additional common gate is open. As a simplification, we used a mutant of ClC-0 (C212S) that has the common gate "locked open" (Lin, Y.W., C.W. Lin, and T.Y. Chen. 1999. J. Gen. Physiol. 114:1-12). CPB inhibits C212S currents only when applied to the cytoplasmic side, and single-channel recordings at voltages (V) between -120 and -80 mV demonstrate that it acts independently on individual protopores by introducing a long-lived nonconductive state with no effect on the conductance and little effect on the lifetime of the open state. Steady-state macroscopic currents at -140 mV are half-inhibited by approximately 0.5 mM CPB, but the inhibition decreases with V and vanishes for V > or = 40 mV. Relaxations of CPB inhibition after voltage steps are seen in the current responses as an additional exponential component that is much slower than the gating of drug-free protopores. For V = 60 mV) with an IC50 of approximately 30-40 mM. Altogether, these findings support a model for the mechanism of CPB inhibition in which the drug competes with Cl(-) for binding to a site of the pore where it blocks permeation. CPB binds preferentially to closed channels, and thereby also strongly alters the gating of the single protopore. Since the affinity of CPB for open WT pores is extremely low, we cannot decide in this case if it acts also as an open pore blocker. However, the experiments with the mutant K519E strongly support this interpretation. CPB block may become a useful tool to study the pore of ClC channels. As a first application, our results provide additional evidence for a double-barreled structure of ClC-0 and ClC-1.  相似文献   

Single-channel recordings of the currents mediated by the muscle Cl- channel, ClC-1, expressed in Xenopus oocytes, provide the first direct evidence that this channel has two equidistant open conductance levels like the Torpedo ClC-0 prototype. As for the case of ClC-0, the probabilities and dwell times of the closed and conducting states are consistent with the presence of two independently gated pathways with approximately 1.2 pS conductance enabled in parallel via a common gate. However, the voltage dependence of the common gate is different and the kinetics are much faster than for ClC-0. Estimates of single-channel parameters from the analysis of macroscopic current fluctuations agree with those from single-channel recordings. Fluctuation analysis was used to characterize changes in the apparent double-gate behavior of the ClC-1 mutations I290M and I556N causing, respectively, a dominant and a recessive form of myotonia. We find that both mutations reduce about equally the open probability of single protopores and that mutation I290M yields a stronger reduction of the common gate open probability than mutation I556N. Our results suggest that the mammalian ClC-homologues have the same structure and mechanism proposed for the Torpedo channel ClC-0. Differential effects on the two gates that appear to modulate the activation of ClC-1 channels may be important determinants for the different patterns of inheritance of dominant and recessive ClC-1 mutations.  相似文献   

Chloride channels and transporters of the CLC gene family are expressed in virtually all cell types and are crucial in the regulation of membrane potential, chloride homeostasis and intravesicular pH. There are two gating processes that open CLC channels-fast and slow. The fast gating process in CLC channels has recently been linked to a small movement of a glutamate side chain. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the slow gating process is still elusive. Using spectroscopic microscopy, we observed a large backbone movement in the C terminus of the CLC-0 chloride channel that was functionally linked to slow gating. We further showed that the C-terminal movement had a time course similar to slow gating. In addition, a mutation known to lock the slow gate open prevented movement of the C terminus. When combined with recent structural information on the CLC C terminus, our findings provide a structural model for understanding the conformational changes linked to slow gating in CLC transport proteins.  相似文献   

The Torpedo Cl- channel, CLC-0, is inhibited by clofibric acid derivatives from the intracellular side. We used the slow gate-deficient mutant CLC-0C212S to investigate the mechanism of block by the clofibric acid-derivative p-chlorophenoxy-acetic acid (CPA). CPA blocks open channels with low affinity (KDO= 45 mM at 0 mV) and shows fast dissociation (koff = 490 s-1 at -140 mV). In contrast, the blocker binds to closed channels with higher affinity and with much slower kinetics. This state-dependent block coupled with the voltage dependence of the gating transitions results in a highly voltage-dependent inhibition of macroscopic currents (KD approximately 1 mM at -140 mV; KD approximately 65 mM at 60 mV). The large difference in CPA affinity of the open and closed state suggests that channel opening involves more than just a local conformational rearrangement. On the other hand, in a recent work (Dutzler, R., E.B. Campbell, and R. MacKinnon. 2003. Science. 300:108-112) it was proposed that the conformational change underlying channel opening is limited to a movement of a single side chain. A prediction of this latter model is that mutations that influence CPA binding to the channel should affect the affinities for an open and closed channel in a similar manner since the general structure of the pore remains largely unchanged. To test this hypothesis we introduced point mutations in four residues (S123, T471, Y512, and K519) that lie close to the intracellular pore mouth or to the putative selectivity filter. Mutation T471S alters CPA binding exclusively to closed channels. Pronounced effects on the open channel block are observed in three other mutants, S123T, Y512A, and K519Q. Together, these results collectively suggest that the structure of the CPA binding site is different in the open and closed state. Finally, replacement of Tyr 512, a residue directly coordinating the central Cl- ion in the crystal structure, with Phe or Ala has very little effect on single channel conductance and selectivity. These observations suggest that channel opening in CLC-0 consists in more than a movement of a side chain and that other parts of the channel and of the selectivity filter are probably involved.  相似文献   

A role for CBS domain 2 in trafficking of chloride channel CLC-5   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
CLC-5 is a member of the CLC family of voltage-gated chloride channels. Mutations disrupting CLC-5 lead to Dent's disease, an X-linked renal tubular disorder, characterised by low molecular weight proteinuria, hypercalciuria, nephrocalcinosis, and renal stones. Sequence analysis of CLC-5 reveals a 746 amino acid protein with an intracellular amino-terminus, transmembrane spanning domains, and two CBS domains within its intracellular carboxy-terminus. CBS domains have been implicated in intracellular targetting and trafficking as well as protein-protein interactions. We investigate subcellular localisation of three naturally occurring CLC-5 mutants which all lead to a truncated protein, disrupting the second CBS domain. These mutants are unable to traffic normally to acidic endosomes but are retained in perinuclear compartments, colocalising with the Golgi complex. This is the first identification of the cellular pathogenesis of CBS domain mutations of CLC-5.  相似文献   

Computer simulations have been used to probe the gating mechanism in the Salmonella serovar typhimurium chloride channel (st-ClC). Specifically, the recently developed metadynamics methodology has been exploited to construct free energy surfaces as a function of the positions of either one or two chloride ions inside the pore, the position and protonation state of the key E148 residue, and the number of water molecules coordinating the translocating ions. The present calculations confirm the multi-ion mechanism in which an ion-push-ion effect lowers the main barriers to chloride ion translocation. When a second anion is taken into account, the barrier for chloride passage through the E148 narrow region is computed to be 6 kcal/mol in the wild-type channel, irrespective of the protonation state of the E148 residue, which is shown to only affect the entrance barrier. In the E148A mutant, this barrier is much lower, amounting to 3 kcal/mol. The metadynamics calculations reported herein also demonstrate that before reaching the periplasmic solution, chloride ions have to overcome an additional barrier arising from two different effects, namely the rearrangement of their solvation shell and a flip in the backbone angles of the residues E148 and G149, which reside at the end of the alphaF helix.  相似文献   

Transmembrane proton transport is of fundamental importance for life. The list of H+ transporting proteins has been recently expanded with the discovery that some members of the CLC gene family are stoichiometrically coupled Cl/H+ antiporters. Other CLC proteins are instead passive Cl selective anion channels. The gating of these CLC channels is, however, strongly regulated by pH, likely reflecting the evolutionary relationship with CLC Cl/H+ antiporters. The role of protons in the gating of the model Torpedo channel ClC-0 is best understood. ClC-0 is a homodimer with separate pores in each subunit. Each protopore can be opened and closed independently from the other pore by a “fast gate”. A common, slow gate acts on both pores simultaneously. The opening of the fast gate is controlled by a critical glutamate (E166), whose protonation state determines the fast gate’s pH dependence. Extracellular protons likely can arrive directly at E166. In contrast, protonation of E166 from the inside has been proposed to be mediated by the dissociation of an intrapore water molecule. The OH anion resulting from the water dissociation is stabilized in one of the anion binding sites of the channel, competing with intracellular Cl ions. The pH dependence of the slow gate is less well understood. It has been shown that proton translocation drives irreversible gating transitions associated with the slow gate. However, the relationship of the fast gate’s pH dependence on the proton translocation and the molecular basis of the slow gate remain to be discovered.  相似文献   

Membranehyperpolarization normally activates the slow gate of theTorpedo voltage-gated chloride channel(ClC-0). To elucidate the structural basis of this process, carboxyterminus truncation mutants and chimeras were constructed, expressed inXenopus oocytes, and evaluated using atwo-microelectrode voltage clamp. Introduction of stop codons atseveral positions between transmembrane domains 12 and 13 (D12 and D13)showed no expression, whereas a truncation just after D13 yieldedwild-type currents. A chimera (022) entailing the substitution of thecarboxy-terminal cytoplasmic tail after Lys-520 with the correspondingregion of ClC-2 lacked slow gating, whereas a more conservativeconstruct (chimera 002), in which D13 was replaced with its ClC-2analog, retained its capacity to slow gate. These findings suggest thatimportant structures reside within the interdomain stretch (IDS)between D12 and D13. Unlike ClC-2, in which transplantation of"ball" structures could restore gating to constitutively openmutants, transplantation of the ClC-0 IDS to the amino terminus ofchimera 022 did not restore gating. Surprisingly, replacement of theIDS by the analogous regions of either ClC-1 or ClC-2 showed slowvoltage-activated gating, although the gating was altered. Our findingslead us to conclude that both the functional expression and the slowvoltage gating of ClC-0 rely on structures at the carboxy terminus of the channel.


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Chloride permeation through the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl- channel is blocked by a broad range of anions that bind tightly within the pore. Here we show that the divalent anion Pt(NO2)42- acts as an impermeant voltage-dependent blocker of the CFTR pore when added to the intracellular face of excised membrane patches. Block was of modest affinity (apparent Kd 556 microM), kinetically fast, and weakened by extracellular Cl- ions. A mutation in the pore region that alters anion selectivity, F337A, but not another mutation at the same site that has no effect on selectivity (F337Y), had a complex effect on channel block by intracellular Pt(NO2)42- ions. Relative to wild-type, block of F337A-CFTR was weakened at depolarized voltages but strengthened at hyperpolarized voltages. Current in the presence of Pt(NO2)42- increased at very negative voltages in F337A but not wild-type or F337Y, apparently due to relief of block by permeation of Pt(NO2)42- ions to the extracellular solution. This "punchthrough" was prevented by extracellular Cl- ions, reminiscent of a "lock-in" effect. Relief of block in F337A by Pt(NO2)42- permeation was only observed for blocker concentrations above 300 microM; as a result, block at very negative voltages showed an anomalous concentration dependence, with an increase in blocker concentration causing a significant weakening of block and an increase in Cl- current. We interpret this effect as reflecting concentration-dependent permeability of Pt(NO2)42- in F337A, an apparent manifestation of an anomalous mole fraction effect. We suggest that the F337A mutation allows intracellular Pt(NO2)42- to enter deeply into the CFTR pore where it interacts with multiple binding sites, and that simultaneous binding of multiple Pt(NO2)42- ions within the pore promotes their permeation to the extracellular solution.  相似文献   

Kcv from the chlorella virus PBCV-1 is a viral protein that forms a tetrameric, functional K+ channel in heterologous systems. Kcv can serve as a model system to study and manipulate basic properties of the K+ channel pore because its minimalistic structure (94 amino acids) produces basic features of ion channels, such as selectivity, gating, and sensitivity to blockers. We present a characterization of Kcv properties at the single-channel level. In symmetric 100 mM K+, single-channel conductance is 114 ± 11 pS. Two different voltage-dependent mechanisms are responsible for the gating of Kcv. “Fast” gating, analyzed by β distributions, is responsible for the negative slope conductance in the single-channel current–voltage curve at extreme potentials, like in MaxiK potassium channels, and can be explained by depletion-aggravated instability of the filter region. The presence of a “slow” gating is revealed by the very low (in the order of 1–4%) mean open probability that is voltage dependent and underlies the time-dependent component of the macroscopic current.  相似文献   

Summary Plasma membrane vesicles prepared from the bag re gion of the somatic muscle cell of the parasiteAscaris suum contain a large conductance, voltage-sensitive, calcium-activated chloride channel. The ability of this channel to conduct a variety of anions has been investigated using the patch-clamp technique on isolated inside-out patches of muscle membrane. Symmetrical Cl solutions (140 mm) produced single-channel I/V plots with reversal potentials of 0 mV, substitution of bath Cl by 140 mM NO3, Br and I caused depolarizing shifts in the reversal potentials. Replacement of the internal Cl by F (140 mM) caused a large hyperpolarizing shift in the reversal potential. The channel dis played a permeability sequence of I > Br = NO3> Cl > F which differed from the corresponding conductance sequence Cl > NO3 = Br = I > F. The ionic environment within the channel pore has been investigated using Reuter and Stevens (1980) plots to describe the selectivity and “fluidity” of the channel pore. In addition, the approach of Wright and Diamond (1977) was employed to estimate the number of cationic binding sites within the channel pore. The channel is relatively fluid but the number of cationic binding sites varies inversely with the ionic radius of the anion from 2.15 for F to 0.89 for the large planar anion NO3  相似文献   

阴离子及其通道阻断剂对大鼠主动脉张力的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:研究阴离子及其通道阻断剂在去甲肾上腺素(norepinephdne,NE)引起的血管收缩中的作用。方法:常规离体血管灌流法。结果:阴离子通道阻断剂尼氟灭酸(niflurnic acid,NFA)和5-硝基-2-(3-苯丙氨基)-苯甲酸[5-nito-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoic acid,NPPB]可以抑制去甲肾上腺素NE引起的血管收缩;用胆碱替代灌流液中的Na^ 后血管张力无明显变化,而谷氨酸钠替代灌流液中的NaCl后血管张力下降,用同族元素Br^-替代Cl^-后血管张力增加,并能被NFA和NPPB所抑制。结论:阴离子在维持血管张力中的作用比Na^ 更为重要,提示阴离子通道可能在高血压发病中起一定作用。  相似文献   

Voltage gating in the mitochondrial channel,VDAC   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Acid-sensing ion channels ASIC1a and ASIC1b are ligand-gated ion channels that are activated by H+ in the physiological range of pH. The apparent affinity for H+ of ASIC1a and 1b is modulated by extracellular Ca2+ through a competition between Ca2+ and H+. Here we show that, in addition to modulating the apparent H+ affinity, Ca2+ blocks ASIC1a in the open state (IC50 approximately 3.9 mM at pH 5.5), whereas ASIC1b is blocked with reduced affinity (IC50 > 10 mM at pH 4.7). Moreover, we report the identification of the site that mediates this open channel block by Ca2+. ASICs have two transmembrane domains. The second transmembrane domain M2 has been shown to form the ion pore of the related epithelial Na+ channel. Conserved topology and high homology in M2 suggests that M2 forms the ion pore also of ASICs. Combined substitution of an aspartate and a glutamate residue at the beginning of M2 completely abolished block by Ca2+ of ASIC1a, showing that these two amino acids (E425 and D432) are crucial for Ca2+ block. It has previously been suggested that relief of Ca2+ block opens ASIC3 channels. However, substitutions of E425 or D432 individually or in combination did not open channels constitutively and did not abolish gating by H+ and modulation of H+ affinity by Ca2+. These results show that channel block by Ca2+ and H+ gating are not intrinsically linked.  相似文献   

Large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels can be activated by membrane voltage in the absence of Ca(2+) binding, indicating that these channels contain an intrinsic voltage sensor. The properties of this voltage sensor and its relationship to channel activation were examined by studying gating charge movement from mSlo Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels in the virtual absence of Ca(2+) (<1 nM). Charge movement was measured in response to voltage steps or sinusoidal voltage commands. The charge-voltage relationship (Q-V) is shallower and shifted to more negative voltages than the voltage-dependent open probability (G-V). Both ON and OFF gating currents evoked by brief (0.5-ms) voltage pulses appear to decay rapidly (tau(ON) = 60 microseconds at +200 mV, tau(OFF) = 16 microseconds at -80 mV). However, Q(OFF) increases slowly with pulse duration, indicating that a large fraction of ON charge develops with a time course comparable to that of I(K) activation. The slow onset of this gating charge prevents its detection as a component of I(gON), although it represents approximately 40% of the total charge moved at +140 mV. The decay of I(gOFF) is slowed after depolarizations that open mSlo channels. Yet, the majority of open channel charge relaxation is too rapid to be limited by channel closing. These results can be understood in terms of the allosteric voltage-gating scheme developed in the preceding paper (Horrigan, F.T., J. Cui, and R.W. Aldrich. 1999. J. Gen. Physiol. 114:277-304). The model contains five open (O) and five closed (C) states arranged in parallel, and the kinetic and steady-state properties of mSlo gating currents exhibit multiple components associated with C-C, O-O, and C-O transitions.  相似文献   

The various models proposed for protein folding transition differ in their order of appearance of the basic steps during this process. In this study, steady state and time-resolved dynamic non-radiative excitation energy transfer (FRET and trFRET) combined with site specific labeling experiments were applied in order to characterize the initial transient ensemble of Escherichia coli adenylate kinase (AK) molecules upon shifting conditions from those favoring denaturation to refolding and from folding to denaturing. Three sets of labeled AK mutants were prepared, which were designed to probe the equilibrium and transient distributions of intramolecular segmental end-to-end distances. A 176 residue section (residues 28-203), which spans most of the 214 residue molecule, and two short secondary structure chain segments including an alpha-helix (residues 169-188) and a predominantly beta-strand region (residues 188-203), were labeled. Upon fast change of conditions from denaturing to folding, the end-to-end distance of the 176 residue chain section showed an immediate collapse to a mean value of 26 A. Under the same conditions, the two short secondary structure elements did not respond to this shift within the first ten milliseconds, and retained the characteristics of a fully unfolded state. Within the first 10 ms after changes of the solvent from folding to denaturing, only minor changes were observed at the local environments of residues 203 and 169. The response of these same local environments to the shift of conditions from denaturing to folding occurred within the dead time of the mixing device. Thus, the response of the CORE domain of AK to fast transfer from folding to unfolding conditions is slow at all three conformational levels that were probed, and for at least a few milliseconds the ensemble of folded molecules is maintained under unfolding conditions. A different order of the changes was observed upon initiation of refolding. The AK molecules undergo fast collapse to an ensemble of compact structures where the local environment of surface probes seems to be native-like but the two labeled secondary structure elements remain unfolded.  相似文献   

Calcium flux through store-operated calcium entry is a major regulator of intracellular calcium homeostasis and various calcium signaling pathways. Two key components of the store-operated calcium release-activated calcium channel are the Ca2+-sensing protein stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) and the channel pore-forming protein Orai1. Following calcium depletion from the endoplasmic reticulum, STIM1 undergoes conformational changes that unmask an Orai1-activating domain called CAD. CAD binds to two sites in Orai1, one in the N terminal and one in the C terminal. Most previous studies suggested that gating is initiated by STIM1 binding at the Orai1 N-terminal site, just proximal to the TM1 pore-lining segment, and that binding at the C terminal simply anchors STIM1 within reach of the N terminal. However, a recent study had challenged this view and suggested that the Orai1 C-terminal region is more than a simple STIM1-anchoring site. In this study, we establish that the Orai1 C-terminal domain plays a direct role in gating. We identify a linker region between TM4 and the C-terminal STIM1-binding segment of Orai1 as a key determinant that couples STIM1 binding to gating. We further find that Proline 245 in TM4 of Orai1 is essential for stabilizing the closed state of the channel. Taken together with previous studies, our results suggest a dual-trigger mechanism of Orai1 activation in which binding of STIM1 at the N- and C-terminal domains of Orai1 induces rearrangements in proximal membrane segments to open the channel.  相似文献   

The ClC channel family consists of chloride channels important for various physiological functions. Two members in this family, ClC-0 and ClC-1, share approximately 50-60% amino acid identity and show similar gating behaviors. Although they both contain two subunits, the number of pores present in the homodimeric channel is controversial. The double-barrel model proposed for ClC-0 was recently challenged by a one-pore model partly based on experiments with ClC-1 exploiting cysteine mutagenesis followed by modification with methanethiosulfonate (MTS) reagents. To investigate the pore stoichiometry of ClC-0 more rigorously, we applied a similar strategy of MTS modification in an inactivation-suppressed mutant (C212S) of ClC-0. Mutation of lysine 165 to cysteine (K165C) rendered the channel nonfunctional, but modification of the introduced cysteine by 2-aminoethyl MTS (MTSEA) recovered functional channels with altered properties of gating-permeation coupling. The fast gate of the MTSEA-modified K165C homodimer responded to external Cl(-) less effectively, so the P(o)-V curve was shifted to a more depolarized potential by approximately 45 mV. The K165C-K165 heterodimer showed double-barrel-like channel activity after MTSEA modification, with the fast-gating behaviors mimicking a combination of those of the mutant and the wild-type pore, as expected for the two-pore model. Without MTSEA modification, the heterodimer showed only one pore, and was easier to inactivate than the two-pore channel. These results showed that K165 is important for both the fast and slow gating of ClC-0. Therefore, the effects of MTS reagents on channel gating need to be carefully considered when interpreting the apparent modification rate.  相似文献   

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