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说到杜鹃花科,人们自然首先想到杜鹃花属,因为不仅该属植物的种类多(约900余种),而且花朵美丽、繁盛,观赏价值极高。尤其令人感到自豪的是:中国是世界上产杜鹃花最多的国家,约有500多种,其中位于云南、西藏、四川三省区相交处的横断山脉地区种类最集中,是世界杜鹃花的发祥地和分布中心,被誉为“杜鹃花王国”。杜鹃花开映山红杜鹃花属中,在我国历史上影响最大的种类,是广布于长江流域各省低山丘陵地区的杜鹃花(Rhododendronsimsii)。这是一种不高的落叶灌木。叶卵形或倒卵形,长3-5厘米,宽2-3厘米,两面均有糙毛。花2一3…  相似文献   

光柱长鳞杜鹃——四川杜鹃花属一新变种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
描述了四川杜鹃花属一新变种——光柱长鳞杜鹃 Rhododendron longesquamatumSchneid. var. glabristylum Y. Y. Geng et Z. L. Zhao。该变种与原变种长鳞杜鹃R. longesquamatum Schneid. var. longesquamatum的主要区别是叶片和花较小,叶片及叶脉成熟后无毛或仅见零星残存毛,花萼仅有绒毛而无腺毛,花柱光滑。  相似文献   

报道了中国湖南天门山国家森林公园内发现的杜鹃花科Ericaceae杜鹃花属Rhododendron一新种——天门山杜鹃R.tianmenshanense C.L.Peng&L.H.Yan。该种与雪山杜鹃R.aganniphum Balf.f.&K.Ward近似,但以叶为长圆状椭圆形,叶背具两层毛被,上层为银白色短绒毛,下层为紧贴的鳞片状细毛,总花梗和花梗具密而短的腺毛,花常5朵组成总状花序而不同。该种隶属常绿杜鹃组大理杜鹃亚组sect.Ponticum subsect.Talienisa。  相似文献   

杜鹃花为世界四大著名花卉之一,黄山从低海拔到高海拔均可见到杜鹃花科植物。黄山分布的杜鹃花属植物有7种,在海拔400米上下的山坡可见到闹羊花(Rhododendron molle),4—5月开花,花大,金黄色,怒放于枝顶。在海拔1000米以下的山坡、路边到处可见到映山红(R.simsii),花鲜红色,4—5月开遍漫山遍野。再往高处,1000米上下,容易见到一种枝叶均似映山红的植物满山红(R.mariesii),花色紫  相似文献   

将杜鹃花属马银花亚属Rhododendron subgen. Azaleastrum的凯里杜鹃R. kailiense Fang &; M. Y. He和线萼杜鹃R. linearicupulare Tam处理为南海杜鹃R. westlandii Hemsl.的异名, 鹿角杜鹃R. latoucheae Franch.处理为西施花R. ellipticum Maxim.的异名, R. esquirolii Lévl.处理为长蕊杜鹃R. stamineum Franch.的异名, 山荷桃R. championae Hook. var. ovatifolium Tam处理为刺毛杜鹃R. championae的异名, 并作了相应的讨论。  相似文献   

四川杜鹃花属三个新异名   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将我国四川杜鹃花属Rhododendron L.植物2个种和1个亚种(R.decorum Franch. ssp.cordatum Hu,R.xichangense Z.J.Zhao及R.davidsonianum Rehd.&Wils.)处理为新异名,并作了相应的讨论。  相似文献   

报道了四川杜鹃花属(Rhododendron)2新分布种和1新分布变种,它们分别是乳黄杜鹃(Rhododendron lacteum Franch.)、迷人杜鹃(R.agastum Balf.f.et W.W.Smith)、毛柱红棕杜鹃(R.rubiginosum Franch.var.ptilo-stylum R.C.Fang).  相似文献   

杜鹃花赏析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
朱春艳  包志毅  唐宇力 《生物学通报》2006,41(6):16-17,F0004
杜鹃花是我国传统观赏花卉。从种类、起源分布及生境的角度描述了杜鹃花的概况,从色、型、姿、韵的角度分析了杜鹃花的特色特点,从引种、栽培、生产及育种的角度简述了杜鹃花的研究进展,以提高对杜鹃花的赏析水平。  相似文献   

将我国广东、广西和四川杜鹃花属Rhododendron中5个种和2个变种处理为新异名,将石棉杜鹃R. shimianense Fang & P. S. Liu处理为黄花杜鹃R. lutescens Franch.的变型。  相似文献   

基于ITS序列探讨杜鹃花属马银花组的系统发育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以杜鹃花属叶状苞亚属Rhododendron subg. Therorhodion (Maxim.) Gray 的叶状苞杜鹃R. redowskianum Maxim.为外类群,使用PAUP4.0b8软件对马银花亚属sub g. Azaleastrum Planch.的马银花组sect. Azaleastrum (Planch.) Maxim. 7种1 变种和长蕊杜鹃组sect. Choniastrum Planch. 2种及2个相关的单型亚属(异蕊杜鹃 亚属subg. Mumeazalea Max  相似文献   

对中国云南百合科一新种———粗穗球子草Peliosanthes pachystachya W.H.Chen&Y.M.Shui进行了描述和绘图。该新种的匍匐茎具长约18cm的节间,与匍匐球子草P.sinica Wang&Tang接近,但因叶具9-13条叶脉,花梗长9-10mm,无小苞片,花被片卵状三角形而明显不同。该新种因花被片卵状三角形,苞片披针形,也近似于长苞球子草P.ophiopogonoides Wang&Tang,但匍匐茎长,叶具9-13条叶脉,花梗长9-10mm,花葶和花序均较短而不同。  相似文献   

The genus Acidosasa was published by the present authors in 1979. It only had one species at that time, Acidosasa chinensis C. D. Chu et C. S. Chao. Since then species number of the genus steadily increases. The authors have rather comprehensively studied this genus and its related genera for F1. Reip. Pop. Sin. The present paper deals mainly with morphological characteristics of the genus Acidosasa and the differences from its related genera i. e. Arundinaria, Sasa and Indosasa. The genus Acidosasa is closely related to the genus Arundinaria in the type and origin of inflorescences and the vegetative appearance. But it differs from Arundinaria in the structure of florets. In Acidosasa, each floret is provided with six stamens, while in Arundinaria each floret is of only three stamens. The genus Acidosasa is similar to the genera Indosasa and Sasa in the numbers of stamens, but it is distinguished from lndosasa by its semelauctant (determinate) inflorescence, not iterautant (indeterminate) one, from Sasa by its taller stature and branch complement with three branches. We have carefully examined all the type specimens of Acidosasa and its related genera. A conclusion reached is that there are six species in the genus Acidosasa, most of which are native to S. China, with only one species in Viet Nam. Five specific binomials are reduced and one species is transferred into this genus. Two keys to species, respectively based on the flowering and vegetative characters, are given as follow: Key to species of the genus A cidosasa (1)(based on the flowering state) 1. Lemmas glabrous. 2. Spikelets stout, 3-6mm broad, pedicels 1.5-4cm long; lemmas large, 1.5-2.2cm long, with 15-19 nerves, subcoriaceous, not glaucous, shiny. 3. Lemmas up to 2.2cm long with conspicuously transverse veinlets, tessellate; palea and rhachilla entirely. glabrous, lodicules elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous ... 1. A. chinensis 3. Lemmas 1.5-1.8cm. long, slightly tessellate; palea puberulous at apex of carina, rhachilla puberuous at apex, lodicules obovate, ciliate at apex ............ 2. A. brilletii 2. Spikelets rather slende, 2-4mm broad, pedicels 0.5-1cm long; lemmas small, about 1.3 cm long, with 7-13 nerves, more or less glaucous .......... 3. A. chienouensis 1. Lemmas pubescent. 4. Glumas and lemmas densely pubescent ........................ 4. A. hirtiflora 4. Glumas subglabrous, lemmas sparsely pubescent. 5. Spikelets large, 3-7 cm long, lemmas 1.6-1.7 cm long, pedicels 2-13 mm long ................................................. 5. A. longiligula 5. Spikelets small, 2-3.7 cm long, lemmas about 1.3 cm long, pedicels 1-3 cm long ................................................... 6. A. venusta Key to species of the genus A cidosasa (2) (based on the vegetative state) 1. Ligules of leaf-sheaths strongly elevated, usually 2-8 mm long. 2. Young culms with bristly sheath scars; culm-sheaths without auricles and oral setae, not spotted, sheath-blades erect ................. 4. A. hirtiflora 2. Young culms with glabrous sheath scars; culm-sheaths with small auricles and oral setae, sparsely spotted, sheath-blades reflexed .......... 5. A. longiligula 1. Ligules of leaf-sheaths inconspicuous, less than 2 mm long. 3. Young culms more or less bristly, or sheath-scars bristly: 4. Culm-sheaths without auricles and oral setae, not farinose, without hairs at base. 5. Young culms densely bristly; culm-sheaths attenuate at apex and as wide as sheath-blades, with conspicuously transverse veinlets; leaf-blades large, usually 2.5-3.5 (-6.5) cm broad, conspicuously tessellate ..................................................... 1. A. chinensis 5. Young culms sparsely bristly; culm-sheaths truncate at apex and broader than sheath-blades, without transverse veinlets or inconspicuous; leaf-blades small, 1.5-2.5 cm broad, without visible transverse veinlets .................................................... 6. A. venusta 4. Culm-sheaths with auricles and oral setae, slightly farinose, densely bristle at base; leaf-blades rather narrow, 0.8-1.8 cm broad ............ 3. A. chienouensis 3. Young culms entirely glabrous; leaf-blades rather narrow, 1.2-1.8 cm broad ....................................................................................... 2. A. brilletill  相似文献   

A new species of Carex sect. Rhomboidales, C. jianfengensis, is described and illustrated from Hainan, China. The new species is similar to C. zunyiensis but differs in having involucral bracts sparsely hispid and with ca.1 cm long sheaths; inflorescence with 4 spikes, terminal spike ca. 2.5 cm long, lateral spikes 2–3.5 × 0.7–1 cm; staminate glumes narrowly ovate, ca. 5 mm; pistillate glumes triangular-lanceolate, 5–7 mm; perigynia 6–8 × 3 mm and pubescent on veins; nutlet 4–5 mm long, rhombic-ovoid, trigonous, base with shortly stipitate, apex abruptly contracted into a erect short beak, and not expanding into an annulate orifice.  相似文献   

报道了产于中国新疆天山的翠雀属(毛茛科)一新种——文采新翠雀花Delphinium neowentsaii C. Y. Yang。该种的叶为肾形,叶柄基部不扩展,花较小,组成稀疏总状花序,花梗被贴伏短柔毛,上萼片的距圆锥状钻形,长13-15 mm,基部宽约3 mm,外面疏被短柔毛,萼片蓝色,与西伯利亚的疏花翠雀花D. laxiflorum DC.很相似,但其花瓣和退化雄蕊均为淡黄色而易于区别。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科新记录种——革叶石豆兰,它的主要特征是:无假鳞茎;叶小,出自根状茎的节上;总状花序短缩呈球形,具8-15朵密生的小花;花淡黄绿色,花瓣极小,唇瓣肉质,舌状。凭证标本保存在中国科学院植物研究所标本馆。  相似文献   

贵州悬钩子属(蔷薇科)一新种--务川悬钩子   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了贵州省务川县发现的悬钩子属Rubus(蔷薇科Rosaceae)一新种——务川悬钩子R.wuchuanensis S.Z.He。该种在体态上与锯叶悬钩子R.wuzhianus L.T.Lu&Boufford相近,区别在于其叶片卵状披针形,边缘疏生小锯齿;叶柄较短,长0.7-1cm;花序为顶生稀疏总状花序,具花8-10朵:花梗长3.55cm;花瓣先端具骤突尖头。  相似文献   

采于长江三峡库区一个植物新种,属于十字花科堇叶芥属,与大花堇叶芥(Neomartinella grandifloraA l-schehbaz)相比较,其特点为常绿草本,叶两面密被糙伏毛,叶柄密被短柔毛,花序密被短柔毛,长角果略呈镰刀状,长0.9~1.2 cm,命名为兴山堇叶芥(Neomartinella xingshanensisZ.E.Zhao et Z.L.N ing)。  相似文献   

罗强  刘建林  蔡光泽 《植物研究》2011,31(4):389-391
报道了栘木衣属一新种,长爪栘木衣(Docynia longisunguis Q.Luo et J.L.Liu)。该新种与栘木衣(Docynia indica(Will.) Dcne.)和云南栘木衣(Docynia delavayi (Franch.)Schneid.)相似,但以花较大,直径3.5~4 cm,花瓣长20~25 mm,宽12~16 mm,基部具长爪,长5~9 mm,雄蕊46~53;子房5~6(7),花柱5~6(7);果径3~4.5 cm,而与它们相区别。  相似文献   

长瓣兜兰绘图:邹贤桂栽培及配文:谭珍华俸宇星长瓣兜兰(PaphiopedilumdianthumTangetWang)是我国植物学家唐进和汪发瓒1940年在《静生生物调查所汇报》上描述的新种,分布于广西和云南东南部,生于海拔1000—1800m的树干...  相似文献   

Jin Xiaohua 《Brittonia》2005,57(3):255-257
Bulbophyllum wuzhishanensis, a new species from Hainan, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is probably related toBulbophyllum ledungense, but differs from it by having a long inflorescence, a column without stelids, and a longer lip.  相似文献   

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