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The structural differences between two types of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) isoproteins (GDH I and GDH II), homogeneously isolated from bovine brain, were investigated using a biosensor technology and monoclonal antibodies. A total of seven monoclonal antibodies raised against GDH II were produced, and the antibodies recognized a single protein band that comigrates with purified GDH II on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblot. Of seven anti-GDH II monoclonal antibodies tested in the immunoblot analysis, all seven antibodies interacted with GDH II, whereas only four antibodies recognized the protein band of the other GDH isoprotein, GDH I. When inhibition tests of the GDH isoproteins were performed with the seven anti-GDH II monoclonal antibodies, three antibodies inhibited GDH II activity, whereas only one antibody inhibited GDH I activity. The binding affinity of anti-GDH II monoclonal antibodies for GDH II (K(D) = 1.0 nM) determined using a biosensor technology (Pharmacia BIAcore) was fivefold higher than for GDH I (K(D) = 5.3 nM). These results, together with epitope mapping analysis, suggest that there may be structural differences between the two GDH isoproteins, in addition to their different biochemical properties. Using the anti-GDH II antibodies as probes, we also investigated the cross-reactivities of brain GDHs from some mammalian and an avian species, showing that the mammalian brain GDH enzymes are related immunologically to each other.  相似文献   

Protein chemical studies of glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins (GDH I and GDH II) from bovine brain reveal that one cystein residue is accessible for reaction with thiol-modifying reagent. Reaction of the two types of GDH isoproteins with p-chloromercuribenzoic acid resulted in a time-dependent loss of enzyme activity. The inactivation followed pseudo first-order kinetics with the second-order rate constant of 83 M(-1) s(-1) and 75 M(-1) s(-1) for GDH I and GDH II, respectively. The inactivation was partially prevented by preincubation of the glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins with NADH. A combination of 10 mM 2-oxoglutarate with 2 mM NADH gave complete protection against the inactivation. There were no significant differences between the two glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins in their sensitivities to inactivation by p-chloromercuribenzoic indicating that the microenvironmental structures of the GDH isoproteins are very similar to each other. Allosteric effectors such as ADP and GTP had no effects on the inactivation of glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins by thiol-modifying reagents. By a combination of peptide mapping analysis and labeling with [14C] p-chloromercuribenzoic acid, a reactive cystein residue was identified as Cys323 in the overall sequence. The cysteine residue was clearly identical to sequences of other GDH species known.  相似文献   

The ADP binding site within two types of bovine brain glutamate dehydrogenase isoproteins (GDH I and GDH II) was identified using photoaffinity labeling with [alpha-32P]8-azidoadenosine 5'-diphosphate (8N3ADP). 8N3ADP, without photolysis, mimicked the activatory properties of ADP on GDH I and GDH II activities, although maximal activity with 8N3ADP was about 75% of maximal ADP-stimulated activity. Saturation of photoinsertion with [alpha-32P]8N3ADP occurred at around 40 approximately 50 microM photoprobe with apparent Kd values near 25 and 40 microM for GDH I and GDH II, respectively. Photoinsertion of [alpha-32P]8N3ADP was decreased best by ADP in comparison with other nucleotides. With the combination of immobilized aluminum affinity chromatography and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography, photolabel-containing peptides generated by tryptic digestion were isolated. This identified a portion of the adenine ring binding domain of GDH isoproteins as in the region containing the sequence, EMSWIADTYASTIGHYDIN. Photolabeling of the peptide was prevented over 90% by the presence of 1 mM ADP during photolysis, while other nucleotides could not reduce the amount of photoinsertion as effectively as ADP. These results demonstrate selectivity of the photoprobe for the ADP binding site and suggest that the photolabeled peptide with the residues Glu179-Asn197 is within the ADP binding domain of the brain GDH isoproteins.  相似文献   

Ahn JY  Choi S  Cho SW 《Biochimie》1999,81(12):1123-1129
Incubation of two types of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) isoproteins from bovine brain with o-phthalaldehyde resulted in a time-dependent loss of enzyme activity. The inactivation was partially prevented by preincubation of the GDH isoproteins with 2-oxoglutarate or NADH. Spectrophotometric studies indicated that the inactivation of GDH isoproteins with o-phthalaldehyde resulted in isoindole derivatives characterized by typical fluorescence emission spectra with a stoichiometry of one isoindole derivative per molecule of enzyme subunit. There were no differences between the two GDH isoproteins in sensitivities to inactivation by o-phthalaldehyde indicating that the microenvironmental structures of the GDH isoproteins are very similar to each other. Tryptic peptides of the isoproteins, modified with and without protection, identified a selective modification of one lysine as in the region containing the sequence L-Q-H-G-S-I-L-G-F-P-X-A-K for both GDH isoproteins. The symbol X indicates a position for which no phenylthiohydantoin-amino acid could be assigned. The missing residue, however, can be designated as an o-phthalaldehyde-labeled lysine since the sequences including the lysine residue in question have a complete identity with those of the other mammalian GDHs. Also, trypsin was unable to cleave the labeled peptide at this site. Both amino acid sequencing and compositional analysis identified Lys-306 as the site of o-phthalaldehyde binding within the brain GDH isoproteins.  相似文献   

Lee J  Lee JE  Cho EH  Choi SY  Cho SW 《Molecules and cells》2001,12(1):121-126
Greater than 90% of the original activity of the enzymes remained after modification of histidine residues of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) isoproteins from bovine brains with diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC). This suggests that the DEPC modified histidine residues are not critically involved in the catalysis of the GDH isoproteins. The influence of DEPC modified histidine residue(s) on binding of GTP to GDH isoproteins was investigated by protection studies. These studies showed that inhibition of GDH isoproteins by GTP was protected by preincubation of GDH isoproteins with DEPC. The amount of protection was dependent on the concentration of DEPC. The GTP inhibition was fully protected by preincubation of GDH isoproteins with DEPC at saturating concentrations. These results indicate that the histidine residues may play an important role in the GTP binding on GDH isoproteins. Spectrophotometric studies showed that three histidine residues per enzyme subunit were able to react with DEPC in the absence of GTP, whereas two histidine residues per enzyme subunit interacted with DEPC when the enzymes were preincubated with GTP. These results indicate that one of the histidine residues is involved in the GTP binding domain of GDH isoproteins. The quantitative affinity chromatographic studies showed that the influence of GTP on the binding of GDH isoproteins to DEPC-Sepharose was significantly distinct for the two GDH isoproteins. GDH I was more sensitively affected by GTP than GDH II in the binding affinity for DEPC-Sepharose. ADP, another well-known allosteric regulator, showed no significant changes in the interaction of DEPC with GDH isoproteins.  相似文献   

1. The reactive analogue oADP produced by periodate oxidation of ADP has been studied as a potential affinity label for the enzyme bovine glutamate dehydrogenase, using circular dichroism (CD) difference spectroscopy to monitor specific binding. 2. The analogue binds stoichiometrically, rapidly and reversibly to the adenine nucleotide binding site with Kd approximately equal to 12 microM (20 degrees C, pH 7) with characteristic intensification of the adenine nucleotide CD at 260 nm. 3. This complex is unstable and decays with a half-life of about 1.5 h; the analogue then becomes attached as a Schiff base to a number of subsidiary sites, including the enzyme active site, with partial inactivation of the enzyme. 4. Depending upon initial concentration of oADP, the enzyme activity is progressively lost during the slow reaction; following borohydride reduction, up to four molecules of analogue are bound/subunit. 5. Protection against loss of enzyme activity is afforded by the coenzyme NAD+ plus glutarate or L-hydroxyglutarate (an effective inhibitor), or by glutarate alone, but not by NAD+ alone. 6. Spectroscopic and protection studies indicate that after the decay of the specific CD signal, the enzyme retains the capacity to bind ADP, but that this is progressively lost in parallel with decay of enzymic activity. 7. The results are consistent with proximity or functional interaction between the adenine nucleotide site and the coenzyme binding portion of the active site. 8. Thus oADP does not act as a true affinity label for the adenine nucleotide binding site, but the reaction subsequent to binding at that site shows some specificity directed towards the active site.  相似文献   

Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) is found in all organisms and catalyzes the reversible oxidative deamination of L-glutamate to 2-oxoglutarate. Unlike GDH from bacteria, mammalian GDH exhibits negative cooperativity with respect to coenzyme, activation by ADP, and inhibition by GTP. Presented here are the structures of apo bovine GDH, bovine GDH complexed with ADP, and the R463A mutant form of human GDH (huGDH) that is insensitive to ADP activation. In the absence of active site ligands, the catalytic cleft is in the open conformation, and the hexamers form long polymers in the crystal cell with more interactions than found in the abortive complex crystals. This is consistent with the fact that ADP promotes aggregation in solution. ADP is shown to bind to the second, inhibitory, NADH site yet causes activation. The beta-phosphates of the bound ADP interact with R459 (R463 in huGDH) on the pivot helix. The structure of the ADP-resistant, R463A mutant of human GDH is identical to native GDH with the exception of the truncated side chain on the pivot helix. Together, these results strongly suggest that ADP activates by facilitating the opening of the catalytic cleft. From alignment of GDH from various sources, it is likely that the antenna evolved in the protista prior to the formation of purine regulatory sites. This suggests that there was some selective advantage of the antenna itself and that animals evolved new functions for GDH through the addition of allosteric regulation.  相似文献   

Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) is a target for treating insulin‐related disorders, such as hyperinsulinism hyperammonemia syndrome. Modeling native ligand binding has shown promise in designing GDH inhibitors and activators. Our computational investigation of the nicotinamide adenine diphosphate hydride (NADH)/adenosine diphosphate (ADP) site presented in this paper provides insight into the opposite allosteric effects induced at a single site of binding inhibitor NADH versus activator ADP to GDH. The computed binding free‐energy difference between NADH and ADP using thermodynamic integration is ?0.3 kcal/mol, which is within the ?0.275 and ?1.7 kcal/mol experimental binding free‐energy difference range. Our simulations show an interesting model of ADP with dissimilar binding conformations at each NADH/ADP site in the GDH trimer, which explains the poorly understood strong binding but weak activation shown in experimental studies. In contrast, NADH showed similar inhibitory binding conformations at each NADH/ADP site. The structural analysis of the important residues in the NADH/ADP binding site presented in this paper may provide potential targets for mutation studies for allosteric drug design.  相似文献   

Human glutamate dehydrogenase exists in hGDH1 (housekeeping isozyme) and in hGDH2 (nerve-specific isozyme), which differ markedly in their allosteric regulation. In the nervous system, GDH is enriched in astrocytes and is important for recycling glutamate, a major excitatory neurotransmitter during neurotransmission. Chloroquine has been known to be a potent inhibitor of house-keeping GDH1 in permeabilized liver and kidney-cortex of rabbit. However, the effects of chloroquine on nerve-specific GDH2 have not been reported yet. In the present study, we have investigated the effects of chloroquine on hGDH2 at various conditions and showed that chloroquine could inhibit the activity of hGDH2 at dose-dependent manner. Studies of the chloroquine inhibition on enzyme activity revealed that hGDH2 was relatively less sensitive to chloroquine inhibition than house-keeping hGDH1. Incubation of hGDH2 was uncompetitive with respect of NADH and non-competitive with respect of 2-oxoglutarate. The inhibitory effect of chloroquine on hGDH2 was abolished, although in part, by the presence of ADP and L-leucine, whereas GTP did not change the sensitivity to chloroquine inhibition. Our results show a possibility that chloroquine may be used in regulating GDH activity and subsequently glutamate concentration in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) catalyzes the oxidative deamination of L-glutamate and, in animals, is extensively regulated by a number of metabolites. Gain of function mutations in GDH that abrogate GTP inhibition cause the hyperinsulinism/hyperammonemia syndrome (HHS), resulting in increased pancreatic β-cell responsiveness to leucine and susceptibility to hypoglycemia following high protein meals. We have previously shown that two of the polyphenols from green tea (epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and epicatechin gallate (ECG)) inhibit GDH in vitro and that EGCG blocks GDH-mediated insulin secretion in wild type rat islets. Using structural and site-directed mutagenesis studies, we demonstrate that ECG binds to the same site as the allosteric regulator, ADP. Perifusion assays using pancreatic islets from transgenic mice expressing a human HHS form of GDH demonstrate that the hyperresponse to glutamine caused by dysregulated GDH is blocked by the addition of EGCG. As observed in HHS patients, these transgenic mice are hypersensitive to amino acid feeding, and this is abrogated by oral administration of EGCG prior to challenge. Finally, the low basal blood glucose level in the HHS mouse model is improved upon chronic administration of EGCG. These results suggest that this common natural product or some derivative thereof may prove useful in controlling this genetic disorder. Of broader clinical implication is that other groups have shown that restriction of glutamine catabolism via these GDH inhibitors can be useful in treating various tumors. This HHS transgenic mouse model offers a highly useful means to test these agents in vivo.  相似文献   

A calorimetric study of the thermodynamic parameters for the binding of adenosine, AMP, ADP, and ATP to L-glutamate dehydrogenase shows that the variation of deltaG0 of binding is quite small and is correlated qualitatively both with the effectiveness of these ribonucleotides as activators of the L-glutamate dehydrogenase reaction and with size (for the first three). Much larger variations are observed for the deltaH0 of binding largely compensated by changes in deltaS0, with a zig-zag dependence on the number of phosphate groups. For comparison, the binding parameters are also obtained for the deoxyribose analogs of these compounds as well as cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate and purine riboside. Salt concentration and buffer composition were shown to affect mainly the entropy changes for ADP binding; and the deltaCp values for binding of AMP and ADP to the enzyme are quite small. It is suggested that the general area of the enzyme surface which includes the binding sites for ADP and its analogs contains a number of functional groups, each capable of an energetically small interaction with some group on one or more of the ligands, but so located that even the largest ligand cannot interact with all of them simultaneously. Each ligand minimizes the free energy of the system by selecting the best pattern of such individual interactions permitted by its geometry. Such a pattern of microheterogeneity of ligand-protein interactions may be a major source of the known specificity of binding in biological systems.  相似文献   

Previous studies have identified the guanine and adenine binding domains of the GTP and ADP binding sites of GDH. In this study the peptide sequences within or near to the terminal phosphate-binding domains of the GTP and ADP binding sites of bovine liver glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) were identified using photoaffinity labeling with the benzophenone nucleotide derivatives, [gamma-32P]GTPgammaBP and [gamma-32P]ATPgammaBP. Without activating light, GTPgammaBP exhibited inhibiting effects on the GDH reaction similar to GTP; ATPgammaBP, as expected, produced activating effects similar to those of ADP. Photoinsertion into GDH by both probes exhibited saturation effects in agreement with the respective kinetic effects. Specificity of labeling was supported by specific and effective reduction of photoinsertion of [gamma-32P]GTPgammaBP and [gamma-32P]ATPgammaBP into GDH by GTP and ADP, respectively. Using a combination of immobilized Fe3+-chelate affinity chromatography and reversed-phase HPLC, photolabeled peptides located within or near the phosphate-binding domains of the GTP and ADP sites were isolated. Sequence analysis showed that GTPgammaBP primarily modified a peptide near the middle of the GDH sequence, Asn135-Lys143 and Glu290-Lys295. However, ATPgammaBP modified a single peptide corresponding to the sequence Met411-Arg419 near the C-terminal domain. Using these results and the data from the previously identified base-binding domain peptides the orientation of GTP and ADP within their respective binding sites in the catalytic cleft of GDH is proposed and explained on the basis of a proposed three-dimensional schematic model structure derived from the bacterial enzyme.  相似文献   

Comparison of human brain and liver glutamate dehydrogenase cDNAS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to investigate suggestions that more than one glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) gene may be active in humans, seven human brain and seventeen human liver GDH cDNAs were isolated by probing with a 590 base cDNA from the coding region of human brain GDH. No sequence heterogeneity was revealed among any of the cDNAs by an oligonucleotide binding assay, nor did any cDNA appear to encode a hexapeptide contained in a published amino acid sequence of human liver GDH. Homologous regions of three liver and three brain cDNAs had identical sequences over more than 2 kb, including 3' nontranslated regions. This suggests that identical GDH mRNAs are present in human brain and human liver. Although only one gene appears to be expressed, human genomic DNA blots show a pattern of hybridization consistent with the existence of more than one GDH gene.  相似文献   

Regulatory properties of brain glutamate decarboxylase   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
1. Glutamate decarboxylase is a focal point for controlling gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) synthesis in brain. Several factors that appear to be important in the regulation of GABA synthesis have been identified by relating studies of purified glutamate decarboxylase to conditions in vivo. 2. The interaction of glutamate decarboxylase with its cofactor, pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, is a regulated process and appears to be one of the major means of controlling enzyme activity. The enzyme is present in brain predominantly as apoenzyme (inactive enzyme without bound cofactor). Studies with purified enzyme indicate that the relative amounts of apo- and holoenzyme are determined by the balance in a cycle that continuously interconverts the two. 3. The cycle that interconverts apo- and holoenzyme is part of the normal catalytic mechanism of the enzyme and is strongly affected by several probable regulatory compounds including pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, ATP, inorganic phosphate, and the amino acids glutamate, GABA, and aspartate. ATP and the amino acids promote apoenzyme formation and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate and inorganic phosphate promote holoenzyme formation. 4. Numerous studies indicate that brain contains multiple molecular forms of glutamate decarboxylase. Multiple forms that differ markedly in kinetic properties including their interactions with the cofactor have been isolated and characterized. The kinetic differences among the forms suggest that they play a significant role in the regulation of GABA synthesis.  相似文献   

Aluminum is a neurotoxic agent for animals and humans that has been implicated as an etiological factor in several neurodegenerative diseases and as a destabilizer of cell membranes. Due to its high reactivity, Al3+ is able to interfere with several biological functions, including enzymatic activities in key metabolic pathways. In this paper we report that, among the enzymes that constitute the Krebs cycle, only two are activated by aluminum: alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase. In contrast, aconitase, shows decreased activity in the presence of the metal ion. Al3+ also inhibits glutamate dehydrogenase, an allosteric enzyme that is closely linked to the Krebs cycle. A possible correlation between aluminum, the Krebs cycle and aging processes is discussed.  相似文献   

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