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Peter Marler made a number of significant contributions to the field of ethology, particularly in the area of animal communication. His research on birdsong learning gave rise to a thriving subfield. An important tenet of this growing subfield is that parallels between birdsong and human speech make songbirds valuable as models in comparative and translational research, particularly in the case of vocal learning and development. Decades ago, Marler pointed out several phenomena common to the processes of vocal development in songbirds and humans—including a dependence on early acoustic experience, sensitive periods, predispositions, auditory feedback, intrinsic reinforcement, and a progression through distinct developmental stages—and he advocated for the value of comparative study in this domain. We review Marler's original comparisons between birdsong and speech ontogeny and summarize subsequent progress in research into these and other parallels. We also revisit Marler's arguments in support of the comparative study of vocal development in the context of its widely recognized value today.  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated that bird song learning is influenced by social factors, but so far has been unable to isolate the particular social variables central to the learning process. Here we test the hypothesis that eavesdropping on singing interactions of adults is a key social event in song learning by birds. In a field experiment, we compared the response of juvenile male song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) to simulated adult counter-singing versus simulated solo singing. We used radio telemetry to follow the movements of each focal bird and assess his response to each playback trial. Juveniles approached the playback speakers when exposed to simulated interactive singing of two song sparrows, but not when exposed to simulated solo singing of a single song sparrow, which in fact they treated similar to heterospecific singing. Although the young birds approached simulated counter-singing, neither did they approach closely, nor did they vocalize themselves, suggesting that the primary function of approach was to permit eavesdropping on these singing interactions. These results indicate that during the prime song-learning phase, juvenile song sparrows are attracted to singing interactions between adults but not to singing by a single bird and suggest that singing interactions may be particularly powerful song-tutoring events.  相似文献   

Territorial songbirds often match the song features or singing patterns of rivals, commonly as an aggressive signal. Most studies of song matching have been on Northern Hemisphere species with short lifespans and high song rates, but vocal matching is predicted to be affected both by longevity and territorial stability. We studied song matching in males of the white-browed scrubwren, Sericornis frontalis, a long-lived, sedentary, territorial Australian songbird. We quantified natural song rate and diversity, and then conducted three playback experiments to test: (a) whether males match by song type; (b) how they respond physically and vocally to territorial intrusion; and (c) whether they match by song length, and use it as an agonistic signal. Males naturally had very low song rates, singing on average less than three times per hour, and moderate repertoires, with an estimated mean of 17.5 song types for individual males. Males did not engage in extended counter-singing bouts. The first experiment showed that males matched the song type of immediate neighbours almost 90% of the time, if that type was in their repertoire. The remaining experiments revealed that song-type matching was an aggressive signal; males responded more aggressively to, and were more likely to match, playback simulating a neighbour's territorial intrusion than song from their shared boundary. Males did not match songs by length, but they produced longer songs after simulated intrusion. Males also responded more aggressively to playback of longer songs that simulated intrusion, but less aggressively to longer songs from the territory boundary. Overall, we show that sedentary, long-lived songbirds with low song rates, can use song-type matching as an aggressive signal to communicate with neighbours and intruders. Song length had a different role in communication, possibly related to individual quality or territory ownership.  相似文献   

The memorization and production of song in songbirds share important parallels with the process of speech acquisition in humans. In songbirds, these processes are dependent on a group of specialized telencephalic nuclei known as the song system: HVC (used as a proper name), RA (robust nucleus of arcopallium), LMAN (lateral magnocellular nucleus of the nidopallium) and striatal Area X. A recent study suggested that the arcopallium of the Sayornis phoebe, a non vocal learner suboscine species, contains a nucleus with some properties similar to those of songbird RA, suggesting that the song system may have been present in the last common ancestor of these groups. Here we report morphological and gene expression evidence that a region with some properties similar to RA is present in another suboscine, the Amazonian endemic Willisornis poecilinotus. Specifically, a discrete domain with a distinct Nissl staining pattern and that expresses the RA marker RGS4 was found in the arcopallium where the oscine RA is localized. Our findings, combined with the previous report on the S. phoebe, suggest that an arcopallial region with some RA-like properties was present in the ancestor of both Suboscines infraorders Tyranni and Furnarii, and is possibly an ancestral feature of Passeriformes.  相似文献   

Many songbirds learn their songs early in life from a song model. In the absence of such a model, they develop an improvised song that often lacks the species-typical song structure. Open-ended learners, such as the domesticated canary, are able to modify their songs in adulthood, although the mechanisms that guide and time the song-learning process are still not fully understood. In a previous study, we showed that male domesticated canaries lacking an adult song model in their first year substantially change their song repertoire and composition when exposed to normally reared conspecifics in their second year. Here, we investigate song development in descendants of canaries that were raised and kept as a peer group without a song model. Such males represent tutors with abnormal song characteristics. Interestingly, the F1 generation developed quite normal song structure, and when brought into an environment with normally raised canaries in their second year, they did not modify their songs substantially. These results suggest that contact with an adult song model early in life is crucial for song crystallization, but also that song development is at least partly guided by innate rules. They also question the existing classification of canaries as open-ended learners.  相似文献   

Learned bird song is influenced by inherited predispositions. The canary is a model system for the interaction of genes and learning on behaviour, especially because some strains have undergone artificial selection for song. In this study, roller canaries (bred for low-pitched songs) and border canaries (whose song is higher pitched, similar to the wild-type) were interbred and backcrossed to produce 58 males that sorted into seven genetically distinct groups. All males were tutored with the same set of songs, which included both low- and high-pitched syllables. Individuals were consistent within genetic groups but differed between groups in the proportion of low- versus high-pitched syllables they learned and sang. Both sex-linked and autosomal factors affected song learning and song production, in an additive manner. Dominant Z-chromosome factors facilitated high-pitched syllable learning and production, whereas the sex-linked alleles associated with the switch to low-pitched syllables under artificial selection were largely recessive. With respect to autosomal effects, the most surprising result is that males in the same genetic group had almost identical repertoires. This result challenges two common preconceptions: that genetic changes at different loci lead to distinct phenotypic changes, and that genetic predispositions affect learning in simple and general ways. Rather, different combinations of genetic changes can be associated with the same phenotypic effect; and predispositions can be remarkably specific, such as a tendency to learn and sing one song element rather than another.  相似文献   

鸟类的鸣叫依赖于发育完善的鸣管并接受各级发声中枢组成的机能控制系统的调控,善鸣唱的鸟类前脑控制发声的神经核团发达.用石蜡切片法和生物信号采集处理系统对不同生长发育期的虎皮鹦鹉的发声控制神经核团的体积和声音进行了比较性研究.结果发现:(1)随着虎皮鹦鹉的成长,核团体积逐渐增大,核团轮廓逐渐清晰,而且雄鸟的核团明显大于雌鸟;(2)在鸟类成长的过程中,鸟的叫声越来越复杂,幅度越来越高,雄鸟的叫声比雌鸟更复杂,雌鸟的叫声比雄鸟的叫声幅度更高;(3)鸟类鸣叫的复杂程度和发声控制神经核团的体积呈相关性.  相似文献   

Animal mating signals evolve in part through indirect natural selection on anatomical traits that influence signal expression. In songbirds, for example, natural selection on beak form and function can influence the evolution of song features, because of the role of the beak in song production. In this study we characterize the relationship between beak morphology and song features within a bimodal population of Geospiza fortis on Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos. This is the only extant population of Darwin's finches that is known to possess a bimodal distribution in beak size. We test the hypothesis that birds with larger beaks are constrained to produce songs with lower frequencies and decreased vocal performance. We find that birds with longer, deeper, and wider beaks produce songs with significantly lower minimum frequencies, maximum frequencies and frequency bandwidths. Results from the analysis of the relationship between beak morphology and trill rate are mixed. Measures of beak morphology correlated positively with 'vocal deviation', a composite index of vocal performance. Overall these results support a resonance model of vocal tract function, and suggest that beak morphology, a primary target of ecological selection in Darwin's finches, affects the evolution of mating signals. We suggest that differences in song between the two modes of the distribution may influence mate recognition and perhaps facilitate assortative mating by beak size and population divergence.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 489–498.  相似文献   

邓可  崔建国 《生物多样性》2023,31(1):22318-116
动物社会网络分析法(animal social network analysis,ASNA)是一套用于研究动物社会性、量化个体间各种社会关系、揭示个体行为与社会结构动态之间联系的工具,被广泛应用于多种动物类群的行为学研究。该分析方法所提供的一系列指标也非常适用于探究动物的声音交流及鸣声结构。在此,本文首先简要介绍了网络分析法的基本概念及一些常用的指标;然后基于野外和室内研究实例,阐述了如何利用ASNA建立声音通讯网络、量化声音交流,以及将ASNA与被动声学监测技术相结合的应用前景;随后探讨了ASNA在分析鸣声相似性及鸣声地理变异中的优势;最后概述了ASNA在解析鸣声结构和句法规则中的应用。ASNA为研究动物通讯网络以及声音信号的适应性进化提供了新的视角和新的思路。  相似文献   

Ambient noise interferes with the propagation of acoustic signals through the environment from sender to receiver. Over the past few centuries, urbanization and the development of busy transport networks have led to dramatic increases in the levels of ambient noise with which animal acoustic communications must compete. Here we show that urban European robins Erithacus rubecula, highly territorial birds reliant on vocal communication, reduce acoustic interference by singing during the night in areas that are noisy during the day. The effect of ambient light pollution, to which nocturnal singing in urban birds is frequently attributed, is much weaker than that of daytime noise.  相似文献   

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