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Drought-related tree mortality has become a widespread phenomenon. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is a boreal species with high ecological amplitude that reaches its southwestern limit in the Iberian Peninsula. Thus, Iberian Scots pine populations are particularly good models to study the effects of the increase in aridity predicted by climate change models. A total of 78 living and 39 dead Scots pines trees were sampled at two sites located in the NE of the Iberian Peninsula, where recent mortality events have been recorded. Annual tree rings were used to (1) date dead trees; (2) investigate if there was an association between the occurrence of tree death and severe drought periods characterized by exceptionally low ratios of summer precipitation to potential evapotranspiration (P/PET); and (3) to compare the growth patterns of trees that died with those of surviving ones. Mixed models were used to describe the relationships between tree growth (in terms of basal area increment, BAI, and the percentage of latewood, LW%) and climate variables. Our results showed a direct association between Scots pine mortality and severe drought periods characterized by low summer water availability. At the two sites, the growth patterns of dead trees were clearly distinguishable from those of the trees that survived. In particular, the BAI of dead trees was more sensitive to climate dryness (low P/PETsummer, high temperatures) and started to decline below the values of surviving neighbors 15–40 years before the time of death, implying a slow process of growth decline preceding mortality.  相似文献   

Novel forest decline is increasing due to global environmental change, yet the causal factors and their interactions remain poorly understood. Using tree ring analyses, we show how climate and multiple biotic factors caused the decline of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) in 16 stands in the southern Canadian Rockies. In our study area, 72% of whitebark pines were dead and 18% had partially dead crowns. Tree mortality peaked in the 1970s; however, the annual basal area increment of disturbed trees began to decline significantly in the late 1940s. Growth decline persisted up to 30 years before trees died from mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae), Ips spp. bark beetles or non‐native blister rust pathogen (Cronartium ribicola). Climate–growth relations varied over time and differed among the healthy and disturbed subpopulations of whitebark pine. Prior to the 1940s, cool temperatures limited the growth of all subpopulations. Growth of live, healthy trees became limited by drought during the cool phase (1947 –1976) of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and then reverted to positive correlations with temperature during the subsequent warm PDO phase. In the 1940s, the climate–growth relations of the disturbed subpopulations diverged from the live, healthy trees with trees ultimately killed by mountain pine beetle diverging the most. We propose that multiple factors interacted over several decades to cause unprecedented rates of whitebark pine mortality. Climatic variation during the cool PDO phase caused drought stress that may have predisposed trees to blister rust. Subsequent decline in snowpack and warming temperatures likely incited further climatic stress and with blister rust reduced tree resistance to bark beetles. Ultimately, bark beetles and blister rust contributed to tree death. Our findings suggest the complexity of whitebark pine decline and the importance of considering multiway drought–disease–insect interactions over various timescales when interpreting forest decline.  相似文献   

Traits of Masson Pine Affecting Attack of Pine Wood Nematode   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Masson pine characteristics were analyzed in five sample plots in Zhejiang Province, China. Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner et Buhrer) Nickle (pine wood nematode, PWN) carried by Monochamus alternatus predominately attacked Masson pines in the lower diameter classes. Among the 10 tree characteristics examined, mean crown width, percentage of bole with crown, 5-year cumulative diameter growth, and resin amount showed significant variation between successfully attacked and unattacked trees. The attacked trees had a lower percentage of the bole covered with tree crown, lower crown width, lower radial growth in the last 5 years, and produced less induced resinosis than unattacked trees. Results allowed for effective ranking of the pine forest based on individual tree resistance to PWN. This index of resistance should be considered throughout the development of an "Evaluation Criterion and Indicator System". The preceding ranking can be used to evaluate the resistance and resiliency of the pine forest ecosystem to PWN's invasion, which is similar to Pest Risk Analysis (PRA).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to understand how drought‐induced tree mortality and subsequent secondary succession would affect soil bacterial taxonomic composition as well as soil organic matter (SOM) quantity and quality in a mixed Mediterranean forest where the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) population, affected by climatic drought‐induced die‐off, is being replaced by Holm‐oaks (HO; Quercus ilex). We apply a high throughput DNA pyrosequencing technique and 13C solid‐state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (CP‐MAS 13C NMR) to soils within areas of influence (defined as an surface with 2‐m radius around the trunk) of different trees: healthy and affected (defoliated) pines, pines that died a decade ago and healthy HOs. Soil respiration was also measured in the same spots during a spring campaign using a static close‐chamber method (soda lime). A decade after death, and before aerial colonization by the more competitive HOs have even taken place, we could not find changes in soil C pools (quantity and/or quality) associated with tree mortality and secondary succession. Unlike C pools, bacterial diversity and community structure were strongly determined by tree mortality. Convergence between the most abundant taxa of soil bacterial communities under dead pines and colonizer trees (HOs) further suggests that physical gap colonization was occurring below‐ground before above‐ground colonization was taken place. Significantly higher soil respiration rates under dead trees, together with higher bacterial diversity and anomalously high representation of bacteria commonly associated with copiotrophic environments (r‐strategic bacteria) further gives indications of how drought‐induced tree mortality and secondary succession were influencing the structure of microbial communities and the metabolic activity of soils.  相似文献   

Decline of the oak forests decline in southern Sweden has been reported for more than two decades. Little empirical data exists, however, to study the temporal pattern of the phenomenon in detail. In this study we quantified the temporal pattern of non-windfall oak mortality by analyzing the dataset of 44 dendrochronologically dated dead pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) trees. We compared tree-ring chronologies from recently dead and living trees from the same sites (number of sites=13) located in the nemoral and boreo-nemoral zones in southern Sweden. For each dead tree, tree-ring chronologies were analyzed for the presence of pre-death growth depressions. A growth depression was defined as a period (of one or more years) when growth remained below the 5%, 7%, or 10% quantiles of the ring-width distribution obtained from living trees for a particular year and site.

The most recent peak in oak mortality occurred around the year 2000. Growth depressions were recorded in 80% (n=35) of all dead oaks and were most prominent during the 1990s. While some oaks showed an obvious reduction in growth over several decades, 51% of the dead trees had growth depression for at least 4 years prior to death. Although diameter growth rate differed between living and recently dead trees for at least 30 years, this difference started to amplify in late 1980s–early 1990s. Presence of pre-death growth depression in tree-ring chronologies implies that (a) non-windfall mortality of oak is a decade-long process and (b) the actual death events might be lagging behind the timing of the mortality-inducing factors. ANOVA revealed significant differences in tree responses to the drought year 1992. The cumulative growth increment ratio between 1992–1994 and 1989–1991, was higher in living trees than in those that had recently died. We suggest that the spring and summer drought of 1992 resulted in the mortality of oaks that was observed in southern Sweden at the end of the 20th century. If this time lag exists, it may complicate analyses of decline-related factors and the choice of appropriate actions by forest managers. We conclude that studies of oak decline may benefit from widening the time perspective to include several decades preceding the sampling year.  相似文献   

Questions: Is light availability the main factor driving forest dynamics in Pyrenean sub‐alpine forests? Do pines and firs differ in growth, mortality and morphological response to low light availability? Can differences in shade tolerance affect predictions of future biome changes in Pyrenean sub‐alpine forests in the absence of thermal limitation? Location: Montane–sub‐alpine ecotones of the Eastern Pyrenees (NE Spain). Methods: We evaluated morphological plasticity, survival and growth response of saplings of Scots pine, mountain pine and silver fir to light availability in a mixed forest ecotone. For each species, we selected 100 living and 50 dead saplings and measured size, crown morphology and light availability. A wood disk at root collar was then removed for every sapling, and models relating growth and mortality to light were obtained. Results: Fir had the lowest mortality rate (<0.1) for any given light condition. Pines had comparable responses to light availability, although in deep shade Scots pine risked higher mortality (0.35) than mountain pine (0.19). Pines and fir developed opposing strategies to light deprivation: fir employed a conservative strategy based on sacrificing height growth, whereas pines enhanced height growth to escape from shade, but at the expense of higher mortality risk. Scots pine showed higher plasticity than mountain pine for all architectural and morphological traits analysed, having higher adaptive capacity to a changing environment. Conclusions: Our results support the prediction of future biome changes in Pyrenean sub‐alpine forests as silver fir and Scots pine may find appropriate conditions for colonizing mountain pine‐dominated stands due to land‐use change‐related forest densification and climate warming‐related temperature increases, respectively.  相似文献   

萧氏松茎象危害与松树松脂量关系研究初报   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
萧氏松茎象HylobitelusxiaoiZhang是近年来暴发性松树害虫 ,主要危害 3种松树 :湿地松 (PinuselliottiiEngelm)、火炬松 (P .taeda)、马尾松 (P .massoniaanaLamb) ,其中以湿地松受害最为严重。为明确萧氏松茎象的危害与松脂流量的关系 ,作者对萧氏松茎象危害前后 3种松树 (湿地松、马尾松、火炬松 )松脂流量变化进行了研究。结果显示 ,在松树受害植株和未受害植株间松脂总流量间存在一定差异 ,其中以马尾松松脂流量变化最大 ,对受害株和未受害株松脂流量t-测验 ,差异达到显著水平 ;而湿地松和火炬松松脂总流量在受害植株和未受害植株间没有显著差异。对上述 3种松树松脂流量随时序动态变化的分析显示 ,松脂流量在 1年中以 5月到 6月之间为松脂流量高峰期 ,此后逐渐下降 ,到 3月中旬以后松脂流量又开始上升。就松脂流量时序动态而言 ,萧氏松茎象为害对马尾松松脂流量影响最大 ,对其它2个松树影响不明显。另外 ,不同松树树种在松脂流量及其时序动态上也存在一定差异 ,其中以马尾松脂流量较高。  相似文献   

A within-species trade-off between growth rates and lifespan has been observed across different taxa of trees, however, there is some uncertainty whether this trade-off also applies to shade-intolerant tree species. The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationships between radial growth, tree size and lifespan of shade-intolerant mountain pines. For 200 dead standing mountain pines (Pinus montana) located along gradients of aspect, slope steepness and elevation in the Swiss National Park, radial annual growth rates and lifespan were reconstructed. While early growth (i.e. mean tree-ring width over the first 50 years) correlated positively with diameter at the time of tree death, a negative correlation resulted with lifespan, i.e. rapidly growing mountain pines face a trade-off between reaching a large diameter at the cost of early tree death. Slowly growing mountain pines may reach a large diameter and a long lifespan, but risk to die young at a small size. Early growth was not correlated with temperature or precipitation over the growing period. Variability in lifespan was further contingent on aspect, slope steepness and elevation. The shade-intolerant mountain pines follow diverging growth trajectories that are imposed by extrinsic environmental influences. The resulting trade-offs between growth rate, tree size and lifespan advance our understanding of tree population dynamics, which may ultimately improve projections of forest dynamics under changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on pine wilt development in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) was examined in three experiments. Container-grown pines (4-6 years old) inoculated with 1,500 Bursaphelenchus xylophilus were incubated at constant temperatures in growth chamber for 8 weeks, then at a temperature range of 15-30 C in a greenhouse for 10-12 weeks. Nematode infection was greater, tree mortality was higher, and disease incubation was shorter at 32 and 30 C than at 25, 23, 18, and 11 C. Foliar symptoms developed more rapidly and uniformly at higher temperatures. Ninety-five percent of tree deaths at 32 and 30 C and 88% at 25 and 23 C occurred within the 8-week exposure to constant temperatures. Mortality at 18, 16, and 11 C occurred only after transfer to the greenhouse. Results indicate that pine wilt incidence is directly related and disease incubation period is inversely related to temperature and that high-temperature stress predisposes Scots pine to lethal infection by B. xylophilus.  相似文献   

Question: How frequent and variable were fire disturbances in longleaf pine ecosystems? Has the frequency and seasonality of fire events changed during the past few centuries? Location: Kisatchie National Forest, Western Gulf Coastal Plain, longleaf pine–bluestem ecosystem, in relatively rough topography adjacent to the Red River, Louisiana, USA. Methods: Cross‐sections of 19 remnant pines exhibiting 190 fire scars were collected from a 1.2‐km2 area. Tree‐rings and fire scars were precisely dated and analysed for the purpose of characterizing past changes in fire and tree growth. Temporal variability in fire occurrence and seasonality was described for the pre‐ and post‐European settlement periods. Seasonality of historic fires was determined by the scar position within the rings. The relationship between fire and drought was investigated using correlation and superposed epoch analysis. Results: The mean fire return interval for the period 1650‐1905 was 2.2 years (range 0.5 to 12 yr). Significant new findings include: evidence for years of biannual burning, temporal variability in fire seasonality, an increase in fire frequency and percentage of trees scarred circa 1790, and synchronous growth suppression and subsequent release of trees coinciding with land‐use changes near the turn of the 20th century. Drought conditions appeared unrelated to the occurrence of fire events or fire seasonality. Conclusions: Multi‐century fire history records from longleaf pine ecosystems are difficult to obtain due to historic land‐use practices and the species high resistance to scarring; however, our results indicate potential for reconstructing detailed fire histories in this ecosystem. Fire scars quantitatively documented one of the most frequent fire regimes known. Fire regime information, such as the temporal variability in fire intervals, prevalence of late‐growing season fire events and biannual burning, provide a new perspective on the dynamics of longleaf pine fire regimes.  相似文献   

Extreme climatic events are key factors in initiating gradual or sudden changes in forest ecosystems through the promotion of severe, tree-killing disturbances such as fire, blowdown, and widespread insect outbreaks. In contrast to these climatically-incited disturbances, little is known about the more direct effect of drought on tree mortality, especially in high-elevation forests. Therefore projections of drought-induced mortality under future climatic conditions remain uncertain. For a subalpine forest landscape in the Rocky Mountains of northern Colorado (USA), we quantified lag effects of drought on mortality of Engelmann spruce Picea engelmannii , subalpine fir Abies lasiocarpa , and lodgepole pine Pinus contorta . For the period 1910–2004, we related death dates of 164 crossdated dead trees to early-season and late-season droughts. Following early-season droughts, spruce mortality increased over five years and fir mortality increased sharply over 11 years. Following late-season droughts, spruce showed a small increase in mortality within one year, whereas fir showed a consistent period of increased mortality over two years. Pine mortality was not affected by drought. Low pre-drought radial growth rates predisposed spruce and fir to drought-related mortality. Spruce and fir trees that died during a recent drought (2000–2004) had significantly lower pre-drought growth rates than live neighbour trees. Overall, we found large interspecific differences in drought-related mortality with fir showing the strongest effect followed by spruce and pine. This direct influence of climatic variability on differential tree mortality has the potential for driving large-scale changes in subalpine forests of the Rocky Mountains.  相似文献   

Fatal interactions between Scots pine and Sphagnum mosses in bog ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, we explore how Sphagnum mosses and Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris , interact on different spatial and temporal scales in a boreal bog ecosystem. We were particularly interested in relationships between the occurrence of Sphagnum- dominated habitats and the occurrence of Scots pines of different age and size.
Juvenile and adult pines occurred in different habitats. While juveniles mainly occurred in Sphagnum- dominated habitats, predominantly with Sphagnum rubellum , adult pines were found in habitats dominated by lichens, or with a sparse vegetation cover. Examination of surface peat cores sampled close to adult pines revealed that almost all pines (97%) had established in a Sphagnum -dominated environment and that the habitat had changed since pine establishment. Scots pine is thus capable of changing and exterminating the Sphagnum -dominated environment preferred for germination and establishment. Pines impede Sphagnum growth and peat accumulation significantly once they have reached a stem diameter of approximately 20 mm. It takes from 30 to 90 yr for a pine to reach that size.
Our results show the importance of interactions between Scots pine and Sphagnum mosses in bog ecosystems. We conclude that interactions between trees and Sphagnum mosses are important driving forces behind the vegetation change that has characterised boreal bogs during the Holocene.  相似文献   

In the dry Swiss Rhone Valley, Scots pine forests have experienced increased mortality in recent years. It has commonly been assumed that drought events and bark beetles fostered the decline, however, whether bark beetle outbreaks increased in recent years and whether they can be linked to drought stress or increasing temperature has never been studied. In our study, we correlated time series of drought indices from long-term climate stations, 11-year mortality trends from a long-term research plot, and mortality probabilities modeled from tree rings (as an indicator of tree vitality) with documented occurrences of various bark beetle species and a buprestid beetle, using regional Forest Service reports from 1902 to 2003 and advisory cases of the Swiss Forest Protection Service (SFPS) from 1984 to 2005. We compared the historical findings with measured beetle emergence from a 4-year tree felling and breeding chamber experiment. The documented beetle-related pine mortality cases increased dramatically in the 1990s, both in the forest reports and the advisory cases. The incidents of beetle-related pine mortality correlated positively with spring and summer temperature, and with the tree-ring based mortality index, but not with the drought index. The number of advisory cases, on the other hand, correlated slightly with summer drought index and temperature, but very highly with tree-ring-based mortality index. The tree-ring-based mortality index and observed tree mortality increased in years following drought. This was confirmed by the beetle emergences from felled trees. Following dry summers, more than twice as many trees were colonized by beetles than following wet summers. We conclude that increased temperatures in the Swiss Rhone Valley have likely weakened Scots pines and favored phloeophagous beetle population growth. Beetles contributed to the increased pine mortality following summer drought. Among the factors not addressed in this study, changed forest use may have also contributed to increased beetle populations and Scots pine mortality, whereas air pollution seems to be of lesser importance.  相似文献   

本研究选择一例疑似空气污染物伤害松树的司法鉴定案作为研究实例,在现场勘察和初步形态鉴定的基础上,应用ITS序列分析鉴定了对疑似空气污染物伤害松树的病原做了分子鉴定。我们对委托鉴定的疑似空气污染物伤害松树的地及周边地区进行了勘查,现场勘查结果并不支持空气污染物伤害松树的看法。为明确松树枯死的原因,对取样病枝上的疑似病原物进行了显微镜观察和培养性状观察,根据显微镜下孢子的形态和病原菌的培养性状,初步判断导致马尾松枯死的病原可能为拟盘多毛孢属(Pestalotipsis)真菌。为进一步确定病原种类,我们应用分子生物学技术对危害马尾松的病原物进行了ITS分子鉴定。测定了疑似真菌的ITS序列,并进行了比对和系统发育分析。研究结果表明,导致松树枯死的病原菌系韦司梅拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotipsis vismiae)。在本研究案例中,利用真菌ITS序列的系统发育分析,快速、准确地鉴定了真正导致松树枯死的病原,为今后类似司法鉴定案件审理提供了证据鉴定的新手段。  相似文献   

Stand growth and developmental processes were investigated in Pinus densiflora Siebold et Zucc. stands of different ages in the central eastern region of Korea. Stands were inventoried and five trees per stand were sampled for stem analysis, age estimation, and growth analysis. More than 80% of sampled trees in a stand were established within 3–5 years, and most stands had a single cohort structure. The initial growth of pine seedlings was slow, but the height growth accelerated beyond 2–3 m height, 5–10 years after establishment. Linear growth was maintained until 10–12 m height, at which suppressed trees fell behind and might die out. The young stand was composed of pure pines, while few pine seedlings and saplings were found in the understory of older stands. The peak of diameter growth rate occurred around 5–15 years after tree establishment, implying that competition begins during that period. The pine stand development follows four stages: (1) the young stage when the growth rate increases and peaks; (2) the height competition stage when trees focus on height growth for light while maintaining a narrow DBH and height distribution; (3) the differentiation stage when suppressed trees die out, and the DBH distribution becomes wider; and (4) the mature stage when stands have a multi-canopy structure with a wide DBH and height distribution, while the understory is dominated by other tree species. The changes in growth rates and stand structure through forest development would be implemented to predict alterations of above-ground carbon sequestration rates.  相似文献   

This work seeks to analyse the importance of summer-temperatures an the tree-ring growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) during the past three centuries. Three living-tree chronologies, subfossil pine chronology and one composite tree-ring chronology were constructed from latitudinal and altitudinal forest-limits of pine in northern Finland and compared with meteorological data comes from three localities. These data include early instrumental temperature observations from 18th and 19th centuries. The modern meteorological data covers the period from 1860 to present. Response functions were derived by means of Pearson correlations using five subperiods as follows: 1738–1748, 1802–1822, 1825–1835, 1861–1926 and 1927–1992. It was demonstrated that the correlations between ringwidths and mid-summer (July) temperatures did not vary significantly as a function of time. Early(June) and late-summer (August) mean temperatures were secondary in relation to mid-summer temperatures in controlling the radial growth. Early-summer temperatures governed pine radial growth most clearly during the 19th century, whereas late-summer temperatures had strongest influence an ring-widths during the 18th century and later part of the 20th century. There was no clear signature of temporally reduced sensitivity of Scots pine ring-widths to mid-summer temperatures over the periods of early meteorological observations. Subfossil pine chronology, constructed using pines recovered from small Jakes along the forest-limit zone, showed a consistent pattern of response to summer-temperatures in relation to living-tree chronologies.  相似文献   

During the 20th century, high mortality rates of Scots pine (Pinus silvestris L.) have been observed over large areas in the Rhône valley (Valais, Switzerland) and in other dry valleys of the European Alps. In this study, we evaluated drought as a possible inciting factor of Scots pine decline in the Valais. Averaged tree-ring widths, standardized tree-ring series, and estimated annual mortality risks were related to a drought index. Correlations between drought indices and standardized tree-ring series from 11 sites showed a moderate association. Several drought years and drought periods could be detected since 1864 that coincided with decreased growth. Although single, extreme drought years had generally a short-term, reversible effect on tree growth, multi-year drought initiated prolonged growth decreases that increased a tree’s long-term risk of death. Tree death occurred generally several years or even decades after the drought. In conclusion, drought has a limiting effect on tree growth and acts as a bottleneck event in triggering Scots pine decline in the Valais.  相似文献   


Key message

The retrospective analysis of wood anatomical features evidences how a long-term deterioration of hydraulic performance and carbon use portend drought-induced mortality in Scots pine.


Widespread episodes of drought-induced tree mortality are predicted to become more frequent as climate becomes warmer and drier. Nevertheless, growth trends and their links to changes in wood anatomy before tree dies are still poorly understood. Wood anatomical features provide valuable information that can be extracted to infer the mechanisms leading to tree death. In this study, we characterize drought-induced mortality affecting two Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) sites (Prades and Arcalís) located in the North Eastern Iberian Peninsula. Co-occurring now-dead and living Scots pine trees were sampled and their wood anatomical features were measured and compared. We aimed to detect differences in anatomical features between living and dead trees, and to infer past physiological performances that might have determined their subsequent death or survival. Now-dead trees showed lower tracheid and resin duct production, and smaller radial lumen diameters than co-occurring living trees. At the more xeric Prades site, these anatomical differences were larger and chronic, i.e. were observed over the three studied decades, whilst they were less pronounced at the other, more mesic Arcalís site, where tree mortality episodes were more recent. This indicates that dead trees’ hydraulic conductivity was severely affected and that carbon investment in xylem formation and resin duct production was constrained prior to tree death. Our findings show that both hydraulic deterioration and low carbon allocation to xylem formation were associated to drought-induced mortality in Scots pine. Nevertheless, the temporal dynamics of these processes differed between populations as a function of site climatic conditions.  相似文献   

在室内条件下,分别用马尾松针叶(Pinus massoniana Lamb.)、湿地松针叶(Pinus elliottii Engelm)、以及在不同的幼虫龄期从用马尾松针叶转移到用湿地松针叶饲养马尾松毛虫Dendrolimus punctatus Walker,观察转换寄主对马尾松毛虫生长发育与繁殖的影响。结果表明:(1)从用马尾松针叶饲养转换到用湿地松针叶饲养,可显著影响马尾松毛虫生长发育和繁殖参数;而且当在马尾松毛虫幼虫老龄期进行转换寄主饲养比低龄期转换寄主饲养,可显著缩短马尾松毛虫幼虫的发育历期,降低死亡率,同时,可显著增加幼虫体重、蛹重和化蛹率;对食物的营养效应也越强。(2)取食马尾松的松毛虫较取食湿地松的马尾松毛虫发育历期短,死亡率低,幼虫及蛹重增加,产卵量高。结果说明,马尾松毛虫从马尾松转换移到湿地松上取食对其生长发育与繁殖是不利的。  相似文献   

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