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Nocodazole (ND), a potent antitubulin drug, can be used to dissect the steps of meiosis in Tetrahymena, presumably by interfering with the assembly of microtubules. Its effects depend upon the time during conjugation at which the drug is applied. When applied prior to the elongation of the micronucleus into the characteristic 'crescent' configuration, no crescent is formed and the chromosomes of prepachytene and pachytene condense into spherical nuclei. If ND is applied after micronuclear elongation has begun, but before it is fully elongated, the chromosomes fail to synapse and appear in metaphase I as unpaired monovalents. In contrast, the metaphase I chromosomes appear as bivalents when ND is applied later, during or after the crescent has reached its maximum elongation. Still later, application of ND inhibits chromosome movements during anaphase and telophase of either meiotic division, but does not prevent separation of kinetochores. In some of the blocked restitutive nuclei an additional round of chromosome replication occurs, corresponding to the third pregamic division in normal conjugation. The hyperploid micronuclei produced by such treatment may be useful in certain genetic manipulations and in studying the regulation of nuclear DNA content.  相似文献   

Mating type differentiation in Tetrahymena thermophila is known to regularly involve stable hereditary alterations at a single chromosomal locus in the somatic (macro)nucleus. This differentiation is directionally affected by the temperature at which new macronuclei develop after fertilization. We now report large and predictable effects of delayed refeeding of conjugating pairs upon mating type differentiation, particularly among mat-2 homozygotes. The mating types whose frequency is affected the most are IV, VI, and VII, a set different from that most affected by temperature. We interpret our observations to reveal the existence of a second system which can participate in mating type differentiation, with different specificity from the system influenced by temperature under conditions of early refeeding of conjugating pairs. These observations enrich the phenomenology surrounding mating type differentiation in T thermophila and provide additional, easily controllable experimental conditions for the manipulation of mating type frequencies.  相似文献   

Tetrahymena contains a micronucleus and a macronucleus. The micronucleus divides with typical mitosis, while the macronucleus divides amitotically. Although the mechanism responsible for macronuclear division was previously unknown, we clarified the organization of microtubules during macronuclear division. The macronuclear microtubules dynamically changed their distribution in an organized way throughout the macronuclear division. The macronuclear microtubules and the cytoplasmic microtubules cooperatively carried out the macronuclear division. When the micronuclear division was finished, p85 appeared at the presumptive division plane prior to the cytokinesis. The p85 directly interacted with calmodulin in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner, and p85 and CaM colocalized to the division furrow during cytokinesis. Moreover, the Ca(2+)/CaM inhibitor, W7, inhibited the direct interaction between p85 and CaM, the localization of both proteins to the division plane, and the formation of the division furrow. Thus, Ca(2+)/CaM and p85 have important roles in initiation and progression of cytokinesis in Tetrahymena.  相似文献   

Summary The formation of stacks of smooth-surfaced cisternae was studied in samples of Tetrahymena pyriformis that were prepared for electron microscopy after starvation for 2 days in buffer, and in samples of organisms of different mating type that were starved for 2 days and then mixed to induce conjugation. The number of stacks of cisternae was greater in starved ciliates than in those from stock cultures, and the size and number of stacks increased further after mixing animals of different mating type. When cells were either starved or mixed in buffer to which the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide had been added, the formation of the membranous stacks was almost completely abolished. Addition of the RNA synthesis inhibitor actinomycin D, however, did not result in a significant decrease in the size and number of the stacks of saccules. Conjugation did not occur in the presence of either cycloheximide or actinomycin. The results suggest that protein synthesis is required for the formation of the stacks, but RNA synthesis is no longer necessary for their formation at this stage. The previous identification of the stacks as a Golgi apparatus and the possible functions of these membranes are considered.Supported by grants from NSF (GB-32285) and the American Cancer Society (E-500).The authors acknowledge the technical assistance of Mrs. Sue Thompson.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Heat shock and stationary-phase conditions both cause fusion of nucleoli. In both cases the process is reversed when the cell is returned to normal physiological growth conditions. Fusion of nucleoli during the cell cycle of logarithmically growing cells was not observed. Likewise, fusion of nucleoli was not observed when the Padilla and Cameron(8) method of synchronization was used. The macronuclei of cells synchronized by the 1 cold-shock per cycle method(8) more closely resembled macronuclei of log-phase cells than did the macronuclei of cells synchronized by the Scherbaum and Zeuthen(12) heat-shock method.  相似文献   

Macronuclear DNA molecules of Tetrahymena thermophila.   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The physical organization of the DNA in the macronuclei of Tetrahymena thermophila was investigated by using alternating-orthogonal-field gel electrophoresis. The genome consisted of a spectrum of molecules with lengths ranging from less than 100 to in excess of 1,500 kilobase pairs. There were about 270 different macronuclear DNA molecules, with an average size of about 800 kilobase pairs. Specific genes were mapped and were generally found on macronuclear DNA molecules of the same size in different strains of T. thermophila. This indicates that the molecular mechanisms giving rise to the macronuclear DNA molecules were precise. The fragmentation process that gave rise to macronuclear DNA molecules occurred between 11 and 19 h after the initiation of conjugation.  相似文献   

In the ciliate protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila, a single integrated gene coding for ribosomal RNA in the micronucleus is amplified during the sexual cycle to yield many copies of extrachromosomal palindromic rDNA in the macronucleus. Hybridization of newly synthesized DNA with rRNA has shown that extensive rDNA synthesis takes place early in the sexual cycle of Tetrahymena. The number of genes synthesized during this period is sufficient to account for gene amplification. A later period of rDNA synthesis occurs when new macronuclear anlagen are beginning to develop. This synthesis may represent preferential polyploidization of already amplified rDNA.  相似文献   

Somatic cycloheximide-resistant mutants of syngen 1 of Tetrahymena pyriformis were isolated and genetically characterized. Two properties of the mutants were independently examined: (a) The transmission of the mutant phenotype during conjugation and (b) the kinetics of phenotypic assortment during vegetative propagation. The results of both studies strongly support the idea that these somatic mutations have a macronuclear location. The kinetics of assortment are consistent with the idea that the syngen 1 macronucleus contains about 45 assorting genetic units. The sib-selection method employed here, used in conjunction with the analysis of assortment kinetics and a previously described test for randomness of distribution, provides a probe of macronuclear genetics applicable to many ciliates, including those in which conjugation is not known to occur or is not under experimental control.  相似文献   

RAN1基因过表达抑制嗜热四膜虫大核无丝分裂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ran GTPase通过RanGTP/RanGDP循环的形式,参与调控多种细胞增殖方式:包括有丝分裂和减数分裂.敲减RAN1基因可导致嗜热四膜虫大核内微管组装紊乱,从而抑制大核无丝分裂.为进一步分析Ran1在无丝分裂中的功能,本研究将野生型Ran1以及模拟GTP(Ran1Q70L)和GDP(Ran1T25N)锁定形式的Ran1突变体在嗜热四膜虫中过量表达,均导致四膜虫细胞增殖速率下降,并引起大核无丝分裂异常,且这种核异常细胞比率与Ran1过表达量呈正相关.免疫荧光定位结果显示,过表达的HA-Ran1在整个细胞中弥散分布,破坏了正常的Ran1分布形式;而过表达的HA-Ran1Q70L明显集中在大核核膜和胞质中,HA-Ran1T25N则主要定位在大核和小核内,分别与Ran1GTP/Ran1GDP循环的辅助调节因子定位模式一致.以上结果表明,过表达Ran1及其突变体可能影响嗜热四膜虫细胞中正常的Ran1GTP/Ran1GDP循环,进而导致大核无 丝分裂异常.  相似文献   

Under the growth conditions employed, the G1 macronucleus of Tetrahymena pyriformis HSM contains 7.4 × 10-12 g DNA, the G2 micronucleus 0.42 × 10-12 g. DNA content from the Tetrahymena thermophila macronucleus did not significantly differ from that of HSM, but the micronucleus contained about twice as much DNA as the micronucleus of the HSM cells. The T. thermophila macronucleus contained on average enough DNA for ˜ 35 haploid micronuclear copies. A new spreading technic allowed separation of macronuclear substructures from cells of late G2 to early G1. Photometric determination of DNA content of 345 individual structures suggested the existence of 5 different-sized macronuclear structures with a DNA content corresponding to 2, 4, 8, and 16 × the basic values. Comparison of the DNA content of these structures with (a) mitotic micronuclear chromosomes and (b) meiotic micronuclear chromosomes of T. thermophila cells suggests that the 5 basic values of macronuclear structures derive from structures of micronuclear chromosomes. The micronuclear chromosomes of T. pyriformis may be oligotenic. It is suggested that these results further our understanding of macronuclear organization.  相似文献   

During conjugation in the ciliated protozoan, Tetrahymena thermophila, a somatic MAC-ronucleus develops from the germinal MICronucleus. Ten to 20 percent of the MIC genome is eliminated during this process. Three repetitive families have been identified which have different levels of repetition in the MIC and are eliminated to different degrees in the MAC. Some members of two of these families persist in the MAC. In this study, we have looked at these persistent sequences in the MAC of cell lines from a variety of sources including several inbed strains, two sets of caryonides, caryonidal subclones, and vegetatively aged cell clones. The results suggest that the sequences that remain in the MAC have a genetic predisposition to persist. However, epigenetic variations occur as the MAC develops so that only some of the persistent sequences are actually observed in a particular MAC. Polymorphisms may be generated if alternative processing of a single MIC segment occurs. These polymorphisms can later be resolved by phenotypic assortment during vegetative growth. These facultatively persistent sequences appear to differ from sequences previously described in this organism.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. DNA is eliminated during development of the somatic MACronucleus from the germinal MICronucleus in the ciliated protozoan, Tetrahymena thermophila. Facultatively persistent sequences are a class of sequences that persist in the MAC DNA of some cell lines but are eliminated from the MAC DNA of other cell lines. One cloned MAC fragment contains a persistent sequence as well as sequences normally retained in the MAC. When this cloned fragment was used to construct MAC restriction maps of this region in cell lines whose MAC DNAs do, or do not, contain the persistent sequence, extensive variation in the map flanking this region was observed. The different DNA rearrangements of this MIC segment are epigenetically determined during or soon after MAC development. Moreover, different rearrangements may occur among the 45 copies of this MIC segment as a MAC is formed, resulting in polymorphisms that are later resolved by phenotypic assortment.  相似文献   

Unequal macronuclear division in Tetrahymena thermophila introduces variance into G1 macronuclei; unless eliminated such variance would result in continuous variation in DNA content. Analysis of G1 and G2 macronuclear variances reveals that the added variance is eliminated by action on the extremes of macronuclear DNA content. In this model (Model II), macronuclei with small amounts of DNA have an additional complete S phase, while those with large amounts of DNA skip S. From available data, chromatin extrusion is shown not to contribute significantly, if at all, to the elimination of variance. Computer simulations utilizing haploid subunits indicate that model II predictions apply reasonably well to experimental data in terms of coefficients of variation, mean DNA content, and frequency of additional and skipped S phases. The simulations reveal also that within certain constraints, particularly the thresholds for additional and skipped S phases, macronuclear assortment is unaffected by Model II regulation. The relationships between Model II and other aspects of the cell cycle are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

潘惟钧  陶英 《遗传学报》1991,18(2):127-131
形态学和遗传学方法早巳证明四膜虫接合过程中旧大核退化消失,其基因型对接合后代不发生影响。本文以1种具有强大复制优势而且是抗药性的rDNA分子,rdna-A3,为指标,证明在接合过程中旧大核内上万个rDNA分子没有1个能进入新大核,从而在基因分子水平上证明旧大核的退化是极为彻底的。同时检测了接合过程中旧大核内DNA发生降解的时间。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to test the idea that the macronuclear (somatic) genetic information is randomly distributed at each cell division in Tetrahymena pyriformis, syngen 1. We took advantage of a quick and reliable test for the detection of stable vegetative segregants in clones heterozygous for ts2, a heat-sensitive mutation. Clones that originated from cells inferred to contain very few (1-3) copies of the ts2+ allele in their macronuclei were selected for pedigree analysis. Experimental results were compared with the results of a computer simulation of the experiment. Our results are fully consistent with the predictions of the Allen-Nanney-Schensted model concerning the replication and distribution of functional gene copies. This model proposes that the macronucleus contains many functional copies of a given gene that are duplicated once during the cell cycle and are randomly distributed to the two-daughter nuclei. Our work has provided a more sensitive test of the assumption of randomness than was previously available. Our evidence for complete randomness suggests that 45, the effective number of macronuclear gene copies previously inferred from the segregation rate, indeed represents the actual number of copies. This conclusion, coupled with previously available evidence that the macronucleus is approximately 45-ploid, suggests that the segregating genetic units in the macronucleus are in effect haploid. This appears to remove the need to postulate inter-allelic repression to account for the phenomenon of phenotypic assortment. Our results, as well as those of others, also are inconsistent with any simple form of the master-slave hypothesis of Allen and Gibson.  相似文献   

Autoradiography has been used to confirm and to extend previous microspectrophotometric studies (Doerder and DeBault, 1975) on the timing of DNA synthesis during conjugation in Tetrahymena thermophila. The majority of DNA synthesis occurs at the expected periods preceding gamete formation and the two postzygotic divisions and during macronuclear development. DNA in new macronuclei is endoreplicated in an extremely discontinuous fashion. Under starvation conditions, the first endoreplication (2C to 4C) occurs immediately after the second postzygotic division when both new macronuclei and new micronuclei replicate. The second endoreplication (4C to 8C) does not occur until after separation of conjugants. If mating cells are kept under prolonged starvation conditions (20-24 hr), refeeding induces a partially synchronous division, after which an unexpectedly high percentage of cells incorporate tritiated thymidine into both macro- and micronuclei. Two previously undescribed periods of DNA synthesis were observed in the micronuclei of conjugating Tetrahymena. The first occurs during the early stages of meiotic prophase, before full crescent elongation. The second takes place in an extended period corresponding to macronuclear anlagen development, before conjugants have separated. CsCl gradient analyses indicate that, in micronuclear fractions, only main band DNA is being synthesized in both of these periods. However, in macronuclear fractions from both stages, a significant fraction (approximately 20%) of the DNA being synthesized has the buoyant density of ribosomal DNA. The finding that macro- and micronuclear DNA can be synthesized simultaneously in a single cell, both during conjugation and after refeeding starved exconjugants, raises interesting questions of how macro- or micronuclear-specific histones are targeted to the appropriate nuclei.  相似文献   

The ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila is a model organism for molecular and cellular biology. Like other ciliates, this species has separate germline and soma functions that are embodied by distinct nuclei within a single cell. The germline-like micronucleus (MIC) has its genome held in reserve for sexual reproduction. The soma-like macronucleus (MAC), which possesses a genome processed from that of the MIC, is the center of gene expression and does not directly contribute DNA to sexual progeny. We report here the shotgun sequencing, assembly, and analysis of the MAC genome of T. thermophila, which is approximately 104 Mb in length and composed of approximately 225 chromosomes. Overall, the gene set is robust, with more than 27,000 predicted protein-coding genes, 15,000 of which have strong matches to genes in other organisms. The functional diversity encoded by these genes is substantial and reflects the complexity of processes required for a free-living, predatory, single-celled organism. This is highlighted by the abundance of lineage-specific duplications of genes with predicted roles in sensing and responding to environmental conditions (e.g., kinases), using diverse resources (e.g., proteases and transporters), and generating structural complexity (e.g., kinesins and dyneins). In contrast to the other lineages of alveolates (apicomplexans and dinoflagellates), no compelling evidence could be found for plastid-derived genes in the genome. UGA, the only T. thermophila stop codon, is used in some genes to encode selenocysteine, thus making this organism the first known with the potential to translate all 64 codons in nuclear genes into amino acids. We present genomic evidence supporting the hypothesis that the excision of DNA from the MIC to generate the MAC specifically targets foreign DNA as a form of genome self-defense. The combination of the genome sequence, the functional diversity encoded therein, and the presence of some pathways missing from other model organisms makes T. thermophila an ideal model for functional genomic studies to address biological, biomedical, and biotechnological questions of fundamental importance.  相似文献   

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