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We have carried out a series of multiple Xaa-->Ala changes at nonadjacent surface positions in the sequence of sperm whale myoglobin. Although the corresponding single substitutions do not increase the thermal stability of the protein, multiple substitutions enhance the stability of the resulting myoglobins. The effect observed is an increase in the observed Tm (midpoint unfolding temperature) relative to that predicted from assuming additivity of the free energy changes corresponding to single mutations. The stabilization occurs in the presence of urea, as measured by the dependence of the unfolding temperature on urea concentration. The sites that have been altered occur in different helices and are not close in sequence or in the native structure of myoglobin. The observed effect is consistent with a role of multiple alanines in residual interactions in the unfolded state of the mutant proteins.  相似文献   

The x-ray crystal structure of the serpin-proteinase complex is yet to be determined. In this study we have investigated the conformational changes that take place within antitrypsin during complex formation with catalytically inactive (thrombin(S195A)) and active thrombin. Three variants of antitrypsin Pittsburgh (an effective thrombin inhibitor), each containing a unique cysteine residue (Cys(232), Cys(P3'), and Cys(313)) were covalently modified with the fluorescence probe N,N'-dimethyl-N-(iodoacetyl)-N'-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)ethylenediamine. The presence of the fluorescent label did not affect the structure or inhibitory activity of the serpin. We monitored the changes in the fluorescence emission spectra of each labeled serpin in the native and cleaved state, and in complex with active and inactive thrombin. These data show that the serpin undergoes conformational change upon forming a complex with either active or inactive proteinase. Steady-state fluorescence quenching measurements using potassium iodide were used to further probe the nature and extent of this conformational change. A pronounced conformational change is observed upon locking with an active proteinase; however, our data reveal that docking with the inactive proteinase thrombin(S195A) is also able to induce a conformational change in the serpin.  相似文献   

Cys is much different from other common amino acids in proteins. Being one of the least abundant residues, Cys is often observed in functional sites in proteins. This residue is reactive, polarizable, and redox-active; has high affinity for metals; and is particularly responsive to the local environment. A better understanding of the basic properties of Cys is essential for interpretation of high-throughput data sets and for prediction and classification of functional Cys residues. We provide an overview of approaches used to study Cys residues, from methods for investigation of their basic properties, such as exposure and pK(a), to algorithms for functional prediction of different types of Cys in proteins.  相似文献   

Four cases of Crouzon syndrome, one familial and three sporadic, were investigated for mutations in exon B of the fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) gene. In the familial case, a mutation was found at codon 340 that exchanged tyrosine for histidine. Mutations at codon 342, detected in the three sporadic cases, replaced a cysteine by another amino acid. While three of the mutations have been described before, the fourth mutation, a CG transversion at codon 342 in one of the sporadic cases, has not been recognized previously. Compilation of all exon B mutations in Crouzon syndrome described to date revealed that 6 of the 8 sporadic and 2 of the 9 familial cases have mutations in codon 342. These mutations caused the substitution of cysteine for another amino acid. Given that a mutation in codon 342 was found in 8 out of 17 cases and that in 9 cases the mutation occurred at five additional positions, codon 342 of exon B of the FGFR2 gene may be predisposed to mutations in Crouzon syndrome.  相似文献   

The LRRK2 gene (Leucine-Rich Repeat Kinase 2, PARK8) is mutated in a significant number of cases of autosomal dominant Parkinson’s disease (PD) and in some sporadic cases of late-onset PD. LRRK2 is a large, complex protein that comprises several interaction domains: armadillo, ankyrin, leucine-rich repeats and WD40 domains; two catalytic domains: ROC-GTPase and serine/threonine kinase; and a COR domain (unknown function). Pathogenic mutations are scattered all over the domains of LRRK2, although the prevalence of mutations in some domains is higher (ROC-GTPase, COR and kinase). In this work, we model the structure of each domain to predict and explore the effects of described missense mutations and polymorphisms. The results allow us to postulate the possible effects of pathogenic mutations in the function of the protein, and hypothesize the importance of some polymorphisms that have not been linked directly to PD, but act as risk factors for the disease. In our analysis, we also study the effects of PD-related mutations in the kinase domain structure and in the phosphorylation of the activation loop to determine effects on kinase activity.  相似文献   

Coincident production of IL-2 and induction of high-affinity IL-2R upon TCR engagement has precluded a clear distinction for the biological outcome of signaling through TCR/costimulatory molecules vs the IL-2R. Using a novel transgenic mouse on the IL-2Rbeta(-/-) genetic background, this study has separated the relative outcome of signaling through the TCR and IL-2R. We show that stimulation through the TCR and CD28 or CD40 ligand directly leads to T cell activation and several rounds of proliferation in an IL-2-independent fashion. However, this stimulation is insufficient for extended T cell growth to multiple cytokines or differentiation into CTL or IFN-gamma-secreting effector T cells. IL-2 is required for these functions in part by regulation of cyclin D3 and granzyme B. Somewhat less efficiently, IL-4 stimulation of these transgenic T cells redundantly rescued many of these activities. These data demonstrate a fundamental requirement for IL-2 and perhaps other common gamma-chain-dependent cytokines to promote selective gene expression by Ag-activated T cells for their subsequent growth and differentiation into effector T lymphocytes.  相似文献   



There is accumulating evidence that polymorphism in Toll-like receptor (TLR) genes might be associated with disease resistance or susceptibility traits in livestock. Polymorphic sites affecting TLR function should exhibit signatures of positive selection, identified as a high ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous nucleotide substitutions (ω). Phylogeny based models of codon substitution based on estimates of ω for each amino acid position can therefore offer a valuable tool to predict sites of functional relevance. We have used this approach to identify such polymorphic sites within the bovine TLR2 genes from ten Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle breeds. By analysing TLR2 gene phylogeny in a set of mammalian species and a subset of ruminant species we have estimated the selective pressure on individual sites and domains and identified polymorphisms at sites of putative functional importance.  相似文献   

Production of a variety of regulatory eukaryotic proteins, such as growth factors and polypeptide hormones, often involves endoproteolytic processing of proproteins at cleavage sites consisting of paired basic residues. The first known mammalian proprotein processing enzyme with such specificity is the human fur gene product furin. Structurally and functionally, furin is related to the subtilisin-like serine endoprotease kexin (EC of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae; unlike kexin, it contains a cysteine-rich region with an unknown function. Here, we describe cloning and sequencing of a 5.8-kbp cDNA of the Dfur2 gene, a fur-like gene of Drosophila melanogaster, which we found expressed during various stages of development. This Dfur2 cDNA has an open reading frame for a 1680-residue protein, called Dfurin2. Dfurin2 contains similar protein domains as mammalian furin, however, it has an extended amino-terminal region and its cysteine-rich region is much larger than that of mammalian furin. Because of this latter phenomenon, we were able to identify a particular cysteine motif that was repeated multiple times in Dfurin2 but present only twice in mammalian furin. Furthermore, we show that Dfur2 encodes an endoproteolytic enzyme with specificity for paired basic amino acid residues as, in cotransfection experiments, correct cleavage was demonstrated of the precursor of the von Willebrand factor but not of a cleavage mutant. Finally, Dfur2 was mapped to region 14C of the X chromosome of D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

Cysteine proteases (CP) are key pathogenesis and virulence determinants of protozoan parasites. Entamoeba histolytica contains at least 50 cysteine proteases; however, only three (EhCP1, EhCP2 and EhCP5) are responsible for approximately 90% of the cysteine protease activity in this parasite. CPs are expressed as inactive zymogens. Because the processed proteases are potentially cytotoxic, protozoan parasites have developed mechanisms to regulate their activity. Inhibitors of cysteine proteases (ICP) of the chagasin-like inhibitor family (MEROPS family I42) were recently identified in bacteria and protozoan parasites. E. histolytica contains two ICP-encoding genes of the chagasin-like inhibitor family. EhICP1 localizes to the cytosol, whereas EhICP2 is targeted to phagosomes. Herein, we report two crystal structures of EhICP2. The overall structure of EhICP2 consists of eight β-strands and closely resembles the immunoglobulin fold. A comparison between the two crystal forms of EhICP2 indicates that the conserved BC, DE and FG loops form a flexible wedge that may block the active site of CPs. The positively charged surface of the wedge-forming loops in EhICP2 contrasts with the neutral surface of the wedge-forming loops in chagasin. We postulate that the flexibility and positive charge observed in the DE and FG loops of EhICP2 may be important to facilitate the initial binding of this inhibitor to the battery of CPs present in E. histolytica.  相似文献   

Suppression by IL-2 of IgE production by B cells stimulated by IL-4.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IgE production was obtained from B cells of BALB/c or nude mice when these cells were cultured with IL-4 plus LPS. IL-2 added to these cultures at the start (day 0), 1 or 2 days later completely suppressed the production of IgE. The production of IgG1 was also inhibited, but only if IL-2 was added on day 0. The production of other isotypes (IgM, IgG2a, IgG2b) was only slightly decreased by addition of IL-2. No suppression of IgE or IgG1 production was observed if monoclonal anti-IL-2 was added, whereas anti-IFN-gamma had no effect on the suppression of the production of these isotypes. The expression of CD23 on the third day of culture on B cells stimulated with LPS and IL-4 was markedly decreased when IL-2 was added to the cultures on day 0. Addition of monoclonal anti-IL-2 suppressed all effects produced by IL-2, whereas addition of anti-IFN-gamma had no effect. These results show that the suppression by IL-2, at least for the first signaling processes, are different from the suppression produced by IFN-gamma.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Structural alignments of superfamily members often exhibit insertions and deletions of secondary structure elements (SSEs), yet conserved subsets of SSEs appear to be important for maintaining the fold and facilitating common functionalities. RESULTS: A database of aligned SSEs was constructed from the structure-based alignments of protein superfamily members in the CAMPASS database. SSEs were classified into several types on the basis of their length and solvent accessibility and counts were made for the replacements of SSEs in different types at structurally aligned positions. The results, summarized as log-odds substitution matrices, can be used for two types of comparisons: (1) structure against structure, both with secondary structure assignments; and (2) structure against sequence with predicted secondary structures. The conservation of SSEs at each alignment position was defined as the deviation of observed SSE frequencies from the uniform distribution. This offers a useful resource to define and examine the core of superfamily folds. Even when the structure of only a single member of a superfamily is known, the extended method can be used to predict the conservation of SSEs. Such information will be useful when modelling the structure of other members of a superfamily or identifying structurally and functionally important positions in the fold.  相似文献   

The neutral sphingomyelinases (nSMases) are considered major candidates for mediating the stress-induced production of ceramide. nSMase2, which has two hydrophobic segments near the NH(2)-terminal region, has been reported to be located at the plasma membrane and play important roles in ceramide-mediated signaling. In this study, we found that nSMase2 is palmitoylated on multiple cysteine residues via thioester bonds. Site-directed mutagenesis of cysteine residues to alanine indicated that two cysteine clusters of the enzyme are multiply palmitoylated; one cluster is located between the two hydrophobic segments, and the second one is located in the middle of the catalytic region of the protein. When overexpressed in the confluent phase of MCF-7 cells, wild-type nSMase2 was strictly localized in the plasma membranes, and the cysteine mutants of each palmitoylated cysteine cluster were seen not only at the plasma membrane but also in some punctate structures. Furthermore, mutation of all potential palmitoylation sites resulted in a dramatic reduction in the plasma membrane distribution and an increase in the punctate structures. The palmitoylation-deficient mutant was directed to lysosomes and rapidly degraded. Palmitoylation had no effect on enzyme activity but affected membrane-association properties of the protein. Finally, the catalytic region of nSMase2 where palmitoylation occurs was found to be localized at the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane. In summary, the results from this study reveal for the first time the palmitoylation of nSMase2 via thioester bonds and its importance in the subcellular localization and stability of this protein.  相似文献   

Cytokines are key to control cellular communication. Interleukin-31 (IL-31) was recently discovered as a new member of the IL-6 family of cytokines. IL-31 signals through a heterodimeric receptor composed of OSMR and IL-31RA, a complex that stimulates the JAK-STAT, the RAS/ERK and the PI3K/AKT signal transduction pathways. The available data suggests that IL-31 is important for both innate and adaptive immunity in tissues that are in close contact with the environment, i.e. the skin, the airways and the lung, and the lining of the intestine. Enhanced expression of IL-31 is associated with a number of diseases, including pruritic diseases such as atopic dermatitis, but also in allergy and inflammatory bowel disease. In these tissues IL-31 coordinates the interaction of different immune cells, including T-cells, mast cells, and eosinophils, with epithelial cells. In this review we have summarized the available data on IL-31 and its receptor, their expression pattern and how they are regulated. We describe the current state of knowledge of the involvement of IL-31 in diseases, both in humans and in mouse models. From these studies it is becoming clear that IL-31 plays an important role in the proper functioning of the skin and of airway and intestinal epithelia. The findings available suggest that IL-31 might be an interesting target for directed drug therapy.  相似文献   

T Matsuda  S Maeda  A Baba  H Iwata 《Life sciences》1977,21(7):915-920
Cysteine stimulated the activity of the ATPase dependent on Ca2+, but not Mg2+ and Zn2+, in the microsomal and brush border fractions of rat duodenal mucosa. This ATPase was localized in the duodenum but was not present in the jejunum of ileum. Kinetic studies showed that cysteine did not change the Km value for ATP but decreased that for Ca2+. Other sulfhydryl-containing reagents, such as glutathione, 2-mercaptoethanol and dithiothreitol, also stimulated the Ca2+-ATPase activity. These findings suggest that thiol-containing reagents stimulate the Ca2+-ATPase activity in the duodenum by affecting the interaction of the enzyme with Ca2+.  相似文献   

The development of lymphokines as pharmaceutical agents is at the forefront of current biotechnological research. Lymphokines exert their regulatory action on cellular function through interaction with cell-surface receptors. An understanding of the biochemical nature of these molecular interactions should facilitate the design of small peptide analog pharmaceuticals which mimic lymphokines or their receptors.  相似文献   

The second transmembrane domain (TM2) of neurotransmitter transporters has been invoked to control oligomerization and surface expression. This transmembrane domain lies between TM1 and TM3, which have both been proposed to contain residues that contribute to the substrate binding site. Rat serotonin transporter (SERT) TM2 was investigated by cysteine scanning mutagenesis. Six mutants in which cysteine replaced an endogenous TM2 residue had low transport activity, and two were inactive. Most of the reduction in transport activity was due to decreased surface expression. In contrast, M124C and G128C showed increased activity and surface expression. Random mutagenesis at positions 124 and 128 revealed that hydrophobic residues at these positions also increased activity. When modeled as an alpha-helix, positions where mutation to cysteine strongly affects expression levels clustered on the face of TM2 surrounding the leucine heptad repeat conserved within this transporter family. 2-(Aminoethyl)-methanethiosulfonate hydrobromide (MTSEA)-biotin labeled A116C and Y136C but not F117C, M135C, or Y134C, suggesting that these residues may delimit the transmembrane domain. None of the cysteine substitution mutants from 117 through 135 were sensitive to [2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl]methanethiosulfonate bromide (MTSET) or MTSEA. However, treatment with MTSEA increased 5-hydroxytryptamine transport by A116C. Activation of A116C by MTSEA was observed only in mutants containing Cys to Ile mutation at position 357, suggesting that modification of Cys-116 activated transport by compensating for a disruption in transport in response to Cys-357 replacement. The reactivity of A116C toward MTSEA was substantially increased in the presence of substrates but not inhibitors. This increase required Na+ and Cl-, and was likely to result from conformational changes during the transport process.  相似文献   

Cysteine dioxygenase is a mononuclear iron-dependent enzyme responsible for the oxidation of cysteine with molecular oxygen to form cysteine sulfinate. This reaction commits cysteine to either catabolism to sulfate and pyruvate or the taurine biosynthetic pathway. Cysteine dioxygenase is a member of the cupin superfamily of proteins. The crystal structure of recombinant rat cysteine dioxygenase has been determined to 1.5-A resolution, and these results confirm the canonical cupin beta-sandwich fold and the rare cysteinyltyrosine intramolecular cross-link (between Cys(93) and Tyr(157)) seen in the recently reported murine cysteine dioxygenase structure. In contrast to the catalytically inactive mononuclear Ni(II) metallocenter present in the murine structure, crystallization of a catalytically competent preparation of rat cysteine dioxygenase revealed a novel tetrahedrally coordinated mononuclear iron center involving three histidines (His(86), His(88), and His(140)) and a water molecule. Attempts to acquire a structure with bound ligand using either cocrystallization or soaking crystals with cysteine revealed the formation of a mixed disulfide involving Cys(164) near the active site, which may explain previously observed substrate inhibition. This work provides a framework for understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in thiol dioxygenation and sets the stage for exploration of the chemistry of both the novel mononuclear iron center and the catalytic role of the cysteinyl-tyrosine linkage.  相似文献   

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