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糖尿病被列为对人类健康威胁最大的三类疾病之一,是全球重点关注的公共卫生问题.目前的药物治疗无法从根源上恢复血糖的自主调节.异体胰岛移植能够有效控制糖尿病患者的血糖,但由于尸体胰岛的来源有限,如何在体外获得大量胰岛素分泌细胞是糖尿病移植治疗的关键.近年来,类器官(organoid)培养技术日益发展,给再生医学研究和疾病治疗带来了新思路.胰岛类器官不仅为探究胰岛发育、糖尿病发病机制和治疗策略提供了体外模型,也为糖尿病的细胞治疗提供了新的细胞来源.本文综述了胚胎干细胞、诱导性多能干细胞、转分化细胞和成体干细胞等不同来源的胰岛类器官的研究进展,并探讨如何优化胰岛类器官的培养条件以助力糖尿病的研究与治疗.  相似文献   

胰岛β细胞功能衰竭和胰岛素抵抗是导致糖尿病发生发展的主要机制,目前的抗糖尿病药物没有针对糖尿病发病的关键环节,只能解除或缓解症状,延缓疾病进展,不能从根本上治愈该疾病.干细胞通过促进胰岛β细胞原位再生,提高胰岛β细胞自噬能力、调节胰岛巨噬细胞功能修复受损的胰岛β细胞以改善胰岛β细胞功能;通过多种途径活化骨骼肌、脂肪和肝脏IRS(1)-AKT-GLUT4信号通路改善外周组织胰岛素抵抗,为糖尿病的精准治疗提供了新的方向.我国研究者针对不同来源的干细胞使用不同输注方式治疗1型糖尿病和2型糖尿病开展了系列研究,取得了良好的临床疗效,且未发生严重不良反应,为干细胞治疗糖尿病的临床应用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

利用成体干细胞治疗糖尿病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
糖尿病是一类严重的代谢疾病, 正危害着世界上越来越多人口的健康。胰岛移植是一种治疗糖尿病的有效方法,却因供体缺乏和移植后免疫排斥问题制约了其广泛应用。干细胞为具有强增殖能力和多向分化潜能的细胞, 是利用细胞替代疗法治疗重大疾病的细胞来源之一, 其中成体干细胞因不存在致瘤性及伦理道德问题而被人们寄予厚望。成体胰腺干细胞在活体损伤及离体培养条件下均能产生胰岛素分泌细胞, 肝干细胞、骨髓干细胞和肠干细胞等在特定离体培养条件下或经过遗传改造后也均可产生胰岛素分泌细胞, 将这些干细胞来源的胰岛素分泌细胞移植到模型糖尿病小鼠中可以治疗糖尿病。因而, 成体干细胞可以为细胞替代疗法治疗糖尿病提供丰富的胰岛供体来源。  相似文献   

陈桃  齐晖  李富荣 《生命科学》2012,(2):145-149
移植干细胞分化的胰岛β细胞能逆转糖尿病鼠的高血糖症,为细胞疗法临床应用于糖尿病治疗提供依据。但如何诱导干细胞高效、定向分化为具有分泌功能的胰岛β细胞,仍是当今世界难题。就影响干细胞分化为胰岛β细胞的关键转录因子PDX-1、Ngn3、NeuroD1、MafA的作用及机制进行综述,为干细胞高效定向分化提供新的思路。  相似文献   

1型糖尿病(T1D)是一种慢性、多因素自身免疫性疾病,在发病过程中,会不断破坏胰岛β细胞,最终导致胰岛素分泌不足, 严重威胁人类健康。目前,根治T1D的主要方法是胰岛移植,即将移植的胰岛替代体内已被疾病破坏的胰岛细胞,以恢复正常血糖。但 是,胰岛移植供体的缺乏和移植免疫排斥反应,给胰岛移植的临床应用带来巨大挑战。近年来,干细胞治疗为T1D提供了一种新疗法, 成为T1D治疗领域新的研究热点,为该病的治疗提供了新思路。综述不同来源干细胞——胚胎干细胞、诱导多能干细胞和成体干细胞用 于治疗T1D的研究进展。  相似文献   

骨髓间充质干细胞分化为胰岛细胞治疗糖尿病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
糖尿病已成为严重危害人类健康的疾病之一。目前,移植胰岛治疗糖尿病已初见疗效,但由于胰岛来源匮乏和免疫排斥反应而受阻。骨髓间充质干细胞(bonemarrowmesenchymalstemcells,BMMSCs)取材方便,容易进行体外分离、培养和纯化,且具有跨越分化潜能。若将自体BMMSCs诱导分化为胰岛细胞,可望解决细胞来源和免疫排除问题,实现糖尿病的自体细胞治疗。现对体外诱导BMMSCs分化为胰岛细胞治疗糖尿病的研究进展进行综述,并指出了存在问题和今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

干细胞向胰岛样细胞诱导分化的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆琰  张洹 《生命科学》2006,18(1):75-79
目前,糖尿病患病率呈现上升趋势,它已成为严重危害人类健康的疾病之一。胰岛细胞移植可以用来治疗1型和部分2型糖尿病,但由于供体细胞来源匮乏,寻找新的细胞来源成了当务之急。近年来,随着细胞移植和组织工程的日益发展,干细胞研究为新型胰岛的来源开辟了新的途径。本文综述了近年来干细胞分化为胰岛样细胞的研究进展、存在问题和可能的解决途径。  相似文献   

糖尿病是严重危害人类健康的一类疾病,注射胰岛素和胰岛移植虽能用于治疗糖尿病,但都存在一定的局限性。大量研究表明,间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cell,MSC)可以在化学以及生物因子的作用下,或通过基因转染的方式在体外被诱导分化为胰岛素分泌细胞,且移植后对糖尿病鼠模型有一定降血糖效果,因而成为糖尿病治疗领域的研究热点。文章综述了不同来源的MSC诱导分化为胰岛分泌细胞(insulin—producing cells,IPC)的方法及诱导分化后用于治疗1型糖尿病的研究进展。  相似文献   

糖尿病的细胞治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胰岛素产生细胞的缺陷或缺乏导致的Ⅰ型糖尿病是影响人类健康的重大疾病之一。最近细胞移植和组织工程的研究进展,使得糖尿病的细胞替代治疗成为可能,即通过胰岛素产生细胞的移植治疗Ⅰ型糖尿病和某些Ⅱ型糖尿病。但是由于供体细胞缺乏的限制,使得糖尿病的细胞治疗难以广泛开展。胰腺干细胞将成为胰岛素产生细胞的潜在来源。就Ⅰ型糖尿病的发病机制和治疗中存在的问题、胰腺干细胞的分离和分化、胰岛移植治疗糖尿病的局限性和干细胞治疗的必要性、糖尿病细胞治疗的探讨作如下介绍。  相似文献   

胰高血糖素样肽1与干细胞定向分化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
糖尿病已经成为21世纪严重威胁人类健康的疾病之一。胰岛移植被认为是治疗Ⅰ型和部分Ⅱ型糖尿病的最有效方法。然而,供体组织来源的匮乏限制了其应用。随着细胞移植和组织工程的日益发展,干细胞研究为新型胰岛的来源开辟了新的途径。干细胞定向诱导分化的关键是筛选合适的诱导剂以及优化诱导微环境,使干细胞培养微环境尽可能接近体内正常细胞发育分化的微环境,从而有利于干细胞适宜生长及定向分化。最近研究证实,胰高血糖素样肽1(Glucagon- Like PeptideⅠ,GLP-1)在干细胞向胰岛样细胞诱导分化中具有显著作用。因此,为了更好地应用GLP-1在干细胞定向分化中的潜能、促进应用干细胞治疗糖尿病新疗法研究的进程及干细胞定向分化技术逐渐成熟,本文就胰高血糖素样肽-1及它诱导干细胞定向分化胰岛样细胞的研究进展作一阐述。  相似文献   

Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells [also known as mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs)] are currently being studied as a cell-based treatment for inflammatory disorders. Experimental animal models of human immune-mediated diseases have been instrumental in establishing their immunosuppressive properties. In this review, we summarize recent studies examining the effectiveness of MSCs as immunotherapy in several widely-studied animal models, including type 1 diabetes, experimental autoimmune arthritis, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, inflammatory bowel disease, graft-vs-host disease, and systemic lupus erythematosus. In addition, we discuss mechanisms identified by which MSCs mediate immune suppression in specific disease models, and potential sources of functional variability of MSCs between studies.  相似文献   

炎症性肠病(IBD)是一种慢性非特异性肠道炎性疾病,其病因未明,有终生复发倾向,重症者迁延不愈。早期治疗以药物为主,部分重症患者后期需要手术干预。近年来,间充质干细胞(MSCs)由于具有多向分化潜能、免疫调节及组织修复功能已被广泛应用于IBD治疗的临床前基础研究中,具有一定理论基础。在已开展的MSCs治疗IBD的临床试验中,尚未有严重并发症的报道。虽然目前MSCs治疗不是IBD的标准治疗方案,但今后可能会成为一种新的治疗选择,特别是对于难治性或合并肛瘘的IBD患者。本文就MSCs的概况及其在IBD治疗的作用机制和应用前景作一综述。  相似文献   

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) have gained prominence as an important tool in cell therapy, especially considering their capacity to control the immune system. Due to this property, the application of MSCs has been investigated for the treatment of several immune disorders, such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and graft-versus-host-disease (GvHD). The application of MSCs to treat inflammatory diseases has led to impressive results. However, individual response to treatment is still heterogeneous, and the number of cells required to treat humans is very high. The possibility of increasing the immunosuppressive potential of MSCs is seen at this point as a promising alternative to overcome such limitations. One of the most exploited strategies for this purpose has been the licensing of MSCs prior to clinical application. In this review, we will discuss the mechanisms by which MSCs modulate the immune response and the main advances in the licensing of these cells, with a special focus on the use of interferon gamma (IFN-γ). Also, we will address the main challenges ahead before licensed MSCs are finally used successfully in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis is a systemic bone disease, which leads to decreased bone mass and an increased risk of fragility fractures. Currently, there are many anti-resorption drugs and osteosynthesis drugs, which are effective in the treatment of osteoporosis, but their usage is limited due to their contraindications and side effects. In regenerative medicine, the unique repair ability of mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) has been favored by researchers. The exosomes secreted by MSCs have signal transduction an...  相似文献   

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis and is an idiopathic, chronic inflammatory disease of the colonic mucosa. The occurrence of IBD, causes irreversible damage to the colon and increases the risk of carcinoma. The routine clinical treatment of IBD includes drug treatment, endoscopic treatment and surgery. The vast majority of patients are treated with drugs and biological agents, but the complete cure of IBD is difficult. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have become a new type of cell therapy for the treatment of IBD due to their immunomodulatory and nutritional functions, which have been confirmed in many clinical trials. This review discusses some potential mechanisms of MSCs in the treatment of IBD, summarizes the experimental results, and provides new insights to enhance the therapeutic effects of MSCs in future applications.  相似文献   

Orthotopic liver transplantation is, to date, the only proven effective treatment for end-stage liver disease. However, it suffers from lack of donors and immunorejection. Here, we speculate that co-transplantation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells derived hepatocytes and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) may offer an alternative way to treat patients with end-stage liver disease. Recently, progress on iPS cells, homogeneous differentiation of hepatocyte-like cells from embryonic stem cells (ESCs), and paracrine effects by MSCs highlight the possibility. Safe, efficient and rapid generation of iPS cells has been reliably produced by several experimental laboratories. Methods for highly efficient and homogeneous differentiation of ESCs into functional hepatocytes have been established as well. Moreover, paracrine effects by MSCs have been proven to play an important role in liver regeneration and repair, and the effects can be used as an enhancer for engraftment. All of these remarkable developments lead to this hypothesis which may offer a novel therapeutic strategy for treatment of patients with end-stage liver disease, though some issues about safety and efficacy need to be further guaranteed.  相似文献   

关节软骨自我修复能力有限,目前临床用于治疗关节软骨损伤的方法和药物均难以达到满意的效果.间充质干细胞具有分化潜力大、增殖能力强、免疫原性低、取材方便等特点,可能成为软骨组织工程的理想种子细胞之一.就间充质干细胞在软骨表型分化方面的研究进展进行了综述.系统地介绍了影响间充质干细胞向软骨细胞分化的诸多因素,如:生长因子、氧...  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be derived from adult bone marrow, fat and several foetal tissues. In vitro , MSCs have the capacity to differentiate into multiple mesodermal and non-mesodermal cell lineages. Besides, MSCs possess immunosuppressive effects by modulating the immune function of the major cell populations involved in alloantigen recognition and elimination. The intriguing biology of MSCs makes them strong candidates for cell-based therapy against various human diseases. Type 1 diabetes is caused by a cell-mediated autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β-cells. While insulin replacement remains the cornerstone treatment for type 1 diabetes, the transplantation of pancreatic islets of Langerhans provides a cure for this disorder. And yet, islet transplantation is limited by the lack of donor pancreas. Generation of insulin-producing cells (IPCs) from MSCs represents an attractive alternative. On the one hand, MSCs from pancreas, bone marrow, adipose tissue, umbilical cord blood and cord tissue have the potential to differentiate into IPCs by genetic modification and/or defined culture conditions In vitro . On the other hand, MSCs are able to serve as a cellular vehicle for the expression of human insulin gene. Moreover, protein transduction technology could offer a novel approach for generating IPCs from stem cells including MSCs. In this review, we first summarize the current knowledge on the biological characterization of MSCs. Next, we consider MSCs as surrogate β-cell source for islet transplantation, and present some basic requirements for these replacement cells. Finally, MSCs-mediated therapeutic neovascularization in type 1 diabetes is discussed.  相似文献   

间充质干细胞(Mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)具有独特的免疫调节作用、自我更新和跨胚层多向分化的潜能,存在于许多组织中并活跃地向组织损伤部位迁移,参与伤口修复。在对肿瘤的信号发生反应后,MSCs不断被招募并成为肿瘤微环境的成分。肿瘤相关MSCs(Tumor-associated MSCs, TA-MSCs)在肿瘤发生、促进、进展和转移中有重要作用。本文对MSCs在调节肿瘤细胞的存活、增殖、迁移、药物抵抗中如何发挥作用,以及MSCs对肿瘤微环境免疫状态的影响作一综述。我们强调了MSCs和其他肿瘤基质细胞之间的复杂关系,特别是炎症细胞可以改变肿瘤微环境的免疫状态,以期通过对TA-MSCs进一步的研究来取得对不同肿瘤类型和肿瘤进展不同阶段中肿瘤相关MSCs功能的更好的理解,并优化MSCs来得到更有效和安全的MSCs为基础的肿瘤治疗。MSCs已被有效用于治疗慢性炎性疾病和慢性损伤,因此,其机制方面的研究还有利于在其他疾病中合理利用MSCs从而达到疾病治疗的目的。  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis(OA) refers to a chronic joint disease characterized by degenerative changes of articular cartilage and secondary bone hyperplasia. Since articular cartilage has a special structure, namely the absence of blood vessels as well as the low conversion rate of chondrocytes in the cartilage matrix, the treatment faces numerous clinical challenges. Traditional OA treatment(e.g., arthroscopic debridement, microfracture, autologous or allogeneic cartilage transplantation,chondrocyte transplantation) is primarily symptomatic treatment and pain management, which cannot contribute to regenerating degenerated cartilage or reducing joint inflammation. Also, the generated mixed fibrous cartilage tissue is not the same as natural hyaline cartilage. Mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) have turned into the most extensively explored new therapeutic drugs in cell-based OA treatment as a result of their ability to differentiate into chondrocytes and their immunomodulatory properties. In this study, the preliminary results of preclinical(OA animal model)/clinical trials regarding the effects of MSCs on cartilage repair of knee joints are briefly summarized, which lay a solid application basis for more and deeper clinical studies on cell-based OA treatment.  相似文献   

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