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【目的】揭示寄主体型大小对肿腿蜂生殖潜力的影响,进一步认识寄生蜂准社会行为的进化以及为大规模繁殖和利用肿腿蜂的生物防治实践提供科学依据。【方法】以管氏肿腿蜂Sclerodermus guani和寄主青杨天牛Saperda populnea幼虫为材料,为雌蜂终身连续提供称重的寄主,观察逐日产卵量及在无抚育条件下其子代蜂发育至成虫的表现,分析产卵时期(早、中和晚期)、寄主体重对产卵量及其子代发育指标的影响。【结果】寄主体重和产卵期均影响管氏肿腿蜂终身产卵量,产卵量随寄主体重增大而呈二次函数式增大,但随产卵期延长而大幅减小。寄主体重和产卵期互作影响管氏肿腿蜂子代蜂存活率、岀蜂数、成虫体重和性比等子代发育指标,表现在:(1)产卵早期所产子代蜂的存活率随寄主体重增大而略降低,产卵中期所产子代蜂存活与寄主体重无关,产卵晚期所产子代蜂的存活率可能与寄主体重无关;(2)产卵早期和晚期产子代蜂的羽化成虫数和性比不受寄主体重的影响,但产卵中期产的子代蜂出蜂数随寄主体重增大而增加,性比随寄主体重增大而逐渐减小;(3)产卵早期产的子代雌蜂体重随寄主体重增大而呈二次函数式增大,而产卵中期产的子代蜂体重不受寄主体重的影响。【结论】寄主体型大小对管氏肿腿蜂早期产卵量及其子代蜂发育表现有显著影响。  相似文献   

【目的】硬皮肿腿蜂属Sclerodermus寄生蜂具有合作抚育子代的准社会行为,可有效利用防卫较强的大体型寄主,但亲缘关系是否影响其合作有待深究。本研究旨在探究管氏肿腿蜂S.guani母蜂与子代蜂间的亲缘关系是否影响抚育行为。【方法】以黄粉虫Tenebrio militor初化蛹为寄主,采取连续录像-回放观察的方法比较亲生和非亲生母蜂搬移子代幼虫的重要抚育行为,并观察子代蜂幼虫存活、化蛹、性比和体重等发育表现。【结果】亲生母蜂识别幼虫用时(32.73 s)与非亲生母蜂(19.64 s)没有显著差异,但在12 h内探查的幼虫数量(176头)比非亲生母蜂的多1倍。亲生母蜂转移一次幼虫的耗时(27.31 s)与非亲生母蜂的(41.55 s)没有显著差异;但2次搬运的间隔时间存在显著差异,亲生母蜂的间隔时间只有非亲生母蜂的60%。亲生母蜂与非亲生母蜂抚育的子代幼虫存活率没有显著差异,均高达90%;但亲生母蜂抚育的子代蜂蛹至成虫羽化率略高于非亲生母蜂抚育的子代蜂,分别为95.5%和91.4%。亲生母蜂与非亲生母蜂抚育的子代雌性比例没有显著差异,均偏雌(约90%),子代雌成虫体重也无显著差异。【结论】管氏肿腿蜂母子亲缘关系虽对抚育行为略有影响,但对子代发育的影响不明显。  相似文献   

夏诗洋  孟玲  李保平 《昆虫学报》2012,55(9):1069-1074
在寄生蜂行为生态学研究中, 通常将寄主体型大小作为寄主品质的主要性状来探究寄生蜂的搜寻行为机理, 而忽略寄生蜂体型大小的意义。为揭示聚寄生蜂雌蜂体型大小对其产卵决策的影响, 在严格控制寄主菜粉蝶Pieris rapae蛹体型大小(体重)的情况下, 于室内观察了不同体型大小的蝶蛹金小蜂Pteromalus puparum雌蜂的产卵行为, 并调查了子代蜂数量(窝卵数)、 性比和体型大小的变化。结果表明: 雌蜂在寄主上的驻留时间随其自身体型增大而缩短, 但随寄主体重增大而延长。窝卵数和余卵量受到雌蜂体型大小的显著影响, 均随雌蜂体型增大而显著增加(P<0.05); 但子代蜂性比不受雌蜂体型大小的显著影响 (P>0.05)。子代雌、 雄性体型大小均与雌蜂体型大小无关, 但子代雌蜂体型随寄主体重增大而增大。结果证实, 雌性蝶蛹金小蜂体型大小影响其部分产卵决策。因此, 在建立聚寄生蜂产卵决策模型中应考虑雌蜂体型大小这一重要变量因素。  相似文献   

江化琴  陈媛  刘映红 《昆虫学报》2014,57(10):1213-1218
【目的】过寄生现象普遍存在于寄生蜂寄生过程中。本研究旨在探究螟蛉盘绒茧蜂Cotesia ruficrus的过寄生对子代发育的影响及影响过寄生行为的主要因素。【方法】室内研究了螟蛉盘绒茧蜂在其寄主稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis3龄幼虫上过寄生行为的发生,不同产卵次数对寄主存活及子代蜂生长发育的影响,研究了不同接蜂时间和不同接蜂密度对过寄生发生的影响。【结果】螟蛉盘绒茧蜂存在过寄生行为,无论雌蜂有无产卵寄生经历,均能在被自身寄生过和同种不同个体寄生过的寄主内产卵。寄生蜂茧量随着被产卵次数的增加而增加,被产卵3~5次的寄主体内死亡的寄生蜂幼虫数随着增大。寄主在育出蜂前的死亡率随着被产卵寄生次数的增加而增加,被产卵5次时,寄主育出蜂前死亡率达50%。过寄生使螟蛉盘绒茧蜂子代蜂卵-蛹的历期延长,羽化率和雌雄性比下降,雌蜂体型随寄生次数的增加显著变小。过寄生率随着接蜂密度及接蜂时间的增加而增加。【结论】在寄主上产卵2次对螟蛉盘绒茧蜂子代发育是最适合的,产卵3次及以上为过寄生。过寄生使蜂子代发育适合度降低,不利于子代生长发育。在室内大量繁殖螟蛉盘绒茧蜂时,应减少接蜂密度和接蜂时间,从而减少过寄生的发生。  相似文献   

【背景】对寄生蜂与寄主之间关系的研究是寄生蜂有效利用的基础。寄生蜂雌蜂通常选择最适于子代蜂发育的寄主进行产卵。【方法】在室内26℃条件下,研究了橘小实蝇蛹体型大小对蝇蛹俑小蜂产卵和生长发育的影响。采用饥饿方法处理3龄橘小实蝇幼虫以获得体型大小(用体质量表示)差异较大的寄主蛹,供寄生蜂选择寄生。【结果】蝇蛹俑小蜂显著偏好寄生体型中等的寄主蛹,然而,随着寄主体型的增大,后代雌性比率增大,且寄主蛹个体大小与后代雌蜂体型大小存在显著的正相关;橘小实蝇蛹个体大小对蝇蛹俑小蜂后代发育历期和寿命无显著影响。【结论与意义】蝇蛹俑小蜂雌蜂能够根据寄主蛹质量来调整后代数量和性比,以使后代适应度最大化。  相似文献   

[目的]硬皮肿腿蜂Sclerodermus母蜂可合作寄生寄主,但在产卵前需不断蛰刺释放毒液以麻醉寄主.已明确合作可有效制服和寄生体型较大的寄主,但迄今对由此而付出的适合度代价尚不明确.[方法]用管氏肿腿蜂S.guani和替代寄主黄粉虫Tenebrio molitor蛹为材料,在两头已交配雌蜂(母蜂)分别合作0.5,1....  相似文献   

利用黄粉甲Tenebriomolitor的蛹作为中间寄主繁育管氏肿腿蜂Sclerodermaguani,测定了不同蜂虫比对发育历期、寄生率等几项评价繁育效果的重要指标。结果显示接蜂时不同蜂虫比对雌蜂产卵量和育出的子代蜂数量有较明显的影响,当蜂虫比为2∶1时这2项重要指标较为理想。综合比较了寄生率、寄生成功率、子代蜂的发育历期、出蜂数、性比等各项指标后认为,人工扩繁时采用2∶1的蜂虫比较为适宜。  相似文献   

平均单管出蜂量、子代蜂的平均千头重和平均体长是评价管氏肿腿蜂Scleroderma guani Xiao et Wu人工繁育效果的三项重要指标.试验测定并分析了利用青杨天牛Saperda populnea幼虫作为中间寄主繁育管氏肿腿蜂时,在不同虫蜂量条件下对这三项指标的影响,结果显示:接蜂时选用的种蜂与寄主的量对繁蜂效果存在不同影响,种蜂量对出蜂量无显著影响,对子代雌蜂千头重和体长均存在显著影响;寄主量对出蜂量、子代雌蜂千头重和体长影响显著.繁蜂生产中,采用规格为12mm×50mm指形管繁蜂时,多选用5只青杨天牛幼虫和4~5头种蜂.也可以根据防治实际中目标害虫的虫口密度及单株放蜂数量来确定每管的接入寄主数和种蜂数.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究以管氏肿腿蜂Scleroderma guani Xiao et Wu雌成蜂及其子代为研究对象,探究母代雌成蜂抚育行为对其子代生长发育的影响,为揭示该寄生蜂的半社会习性提供重要理论依据。【方法】本研究以松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus幼虫(0.532±0.021 g,平均值±SE)为寄主,在置于温度26±0.5℃、相对湿度70%±5%、光周期10L∶14D的光照培养箱内的玻璃试管中按1头雌成蜂/0.1 g寄主单位重量的比例接蜂,分别在子代卵期、低龄幼虫期、高龄幼虫期、老熟幼虫期、吐丝幼虫期和茧蛹期取出母蜂组成6个不同的抚育处理,以全程均有母蜂抚育作为对照,观察子代蜂的生长发育及存活情况。【结果】当卵期缺失母蜂抚育时,子代低龄幼虫的平均发育历期明显延长,是对照的1.6倍;子代不同发育时期缺失母蜂抚育时,老熟幼虫发育历期比对照延长0.885 d。在卵期和幼虫期缺失母蜂抚育不利于子代存活,卵期缺失母蜂时子代蜂发育至老熟幼虫和吐丝幼虫的存活率分别为22.08%和17.43%,分别为对照的1/3和1/4。同时,在卵期、低龄幼虫期、高龄幼虫期和老熟幼虫期缺失母蜂时,其子代蜂感染球孢白僵菌Beauveria bassiana的比例均高于40%,尤其是低龄幼虫期缺失母蜂后子代感染率高达65.68%,是全程均有母蜂抚育的11倍。【结论】管氏肿腿蜂母蜂抚育有利于子代生长发育,提高子代存活率并降低子代感病率,对管氏肿腿蜂种群的繁衍具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本研究以管氏肿腿蜂Sclerodermus guani雌成蜂为研究对象,拟探明寄生蜂密度对其寄生及繁衍能力的影响,为该寄生蜂行为生物学研究提供科学依据。本研究以松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus幼虫(0.350~0.450 g)为寄主,设置8种不同雌蜂密度(1~8头/寄主),对比分析不同雌蜂密度下,管氏肿腿蜂的寄生行为和效能,以及雌蜂生殖力和子代适合度变化。结果表明,随雌蜂密度增加,管氏肿腿蜂蛰刺发生前历时、寄主麻痹历时及产卵前历时均缩短。基于Hassell-Varley数据模型分析(E=0.9023×P-0.9378),雌蜂的寻找效应随自身密度增加而逐渐变小,雌蜂间的干扰降低了寄生效能。雌蜂生殖力随其密度增加而降低,单雌平均产卵量及产雌量明显下降,雌蜂密度为1头/寄主时,单雌产卵量分别是4头/寄主和8头/寄主处理下的1.4倍和2.4倍。子代适合度也随雌蜂密度增加而变化,子代发育历期明显缩短,低龄幼虫存活率和单雌体重均下降。雌蜂密度为1头/寄主时,其子代发育历期最长,平均为26.7 d, 8头/寄主时最短,平均为24.0 d。雌蜂密度为1头/寄主时...  相似文献   

张媛  彭艳琼  杨大荣 《昆虫学报》2014,57(5):587-593
【目的】对性比的研究有助于我们理解自然界生物的选择压力及其所产生的原因和结果,榕树和榕小蜂之间的互惠共生关系以及生物学和生态学特性使其成为研究性比和局域配偶竞争模型(local mate competition)的理想材料。本研究旨在探明榕小蜂性比调节和进化机制。【方法】对分布于西双版纳地区的鸡嗉子榕Ficus semicordata进行了人工控制性放蜂实验。测定了母代雌蜂数量及其进果时间间隔、非传粉小蜂Sycoscapter trifemmensis数量对传粉榕小蜂Ceratosolen gravelyi后代数量(成蜂数量)和性比的影响,并分析了小蜂后代数量和性比的相关性。【结果】在榕果发育期一致的前提下,随着母代雌蜂数量的增加,每头雌蜂的平均后代数量明显下降(P<0.001),后代性比显著升高(P<0.001),后代数量和性比呈显著负相关(P<0.05);随着雌蜂进果间隔的延长,后代数量亦呈现下降趋势,且性比增大,放2头雌蜂和3头雌蜂的处理呈同样趋势,但差异均不显著(P=0.87; P=0.49),小蜂后代数量与性比无显著相关性(P=0.86)。此外,非传粉小蜂数量与传粉小蜂后代数量呈显著负相关(P<0.001),与传粉小蜂性比呈正相关(P<0.001),小蜂后代数量和性比同样呈现显著负相关(P<0.001)。【结论】本实验模拟了自然界中榕 蜂的相互作用,所得结果有助于我们理解自然状态下榕小蜂性比调节模式和机制,以及榕 蜂互利共生系统的进化机制。  相似文献   

张平  孟玲  李保平 《昆虫学报》2014,57(9):1032-1036
【目的】“圆屋顶形”假说认为,对单寄生性姬蜂和茧蜂适合度而言,中间龄期幼虫寄主的品质高于更早和更晚龄期幼虫。该假说得到许多研究支持,但这些研究常以寄主幼虫脱皮划分虫龄,很少观测生殖特征,从而难以确切和全面描述适合度随寄主生长发育变化而变化的关系。本研究旨在检验“圆屋顶形”假说。【方法】本研究以斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura不同日龄幼虫为寄主,观测斑痣悬茧蜂Meteorus pulchricornis寄生和发育特征,并测定成蜂生殖力。【结果】线性回归分析表明,雌蜂对中间日龄寄主幼虫的寄生率大于对两端日龄寄主幼虫的寄生率;蜂卵至成虫的存活、成虫体型大小及其生殖力(产卵量)等适合度相关特征均表现出中间日龄寄主幼虫处理大于两端日龄幼虫处理。【结论】研究结果支持“圆屋顶形”假说。  相似文献   

Sclerodermus pupariae Yang et Yao (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) is used as a potential biocontrol agent for several buprestid and cerambycid larvae. This study aimed to enhance the efficiency of mass‐rearing of this parasitoid by investigating the fitness gain of this bethylid wasp, including the proportion of successful parasitism and development, brood size, sex ratio, proportion of winged female offspring, body size and longevity of female offspring, under eight different maternal parasitoid density treatments using Thyestilla gebleri Faldermann as host in the laboratory. The results indicated that the foundress densities did not affect the parasitism or emergence rate of this parasitoid. Brood size of the parasitoids increased significantly when the number of maternal wasps ranged from one to four. However, further increases in foundress number did not affect the parasitoid brood size. The sex ratios of S. pupariae were always female‐biased. The proportions of male in the progeny colonies were <10% throughout all experimental treatments. The percentage of winged female progeny was not significantly influenced by the density of adult maternal parasitoids. Body sizes of parasitoids significantly declined with increasing maternal parasitoid densities. Although the parasitoid body size reduced when maternal wasp number was higher, it could be compromised by the relatively higher number of female offspring produced. Further, more than 70% of the parasitoids remained alive when they were stored at 12°C for four months throughout the experiments. These findings suggest that exposure of four female wasps to a single host larva would result in the highest fitness of S. pupariae. Our findings might provide a new approach to enhance the efficiency of mass‐rearing of this bethylid wasp.  相似文献   

Kinship among interacting individuals is often associated with sociality and also with sex ratio effects. Parasitoids in the bethylid genus Goniozus are sub‐social, with single foundress females exhibiting post‐ovipositional maternal care via short‐term aggressive host and brood defence against conspecific females. Due to local mate competition (LMC) and broods normally being produced by a single foundress, sex ratios are female‐biased. Contests between adult females are, however, not normally fatal, and aggression is reduced when competing females are kin, raising the possibility of multi‐foundress reproduction on some hosts. Here, we screen for further life‐history effects of kinship by varying the numbers and relatedness of foundresses confined together with a host resource and also by varying the size of host. We confined groups of 1–8 Goniozus nephantidis females together with a host for 5+ days. Multi‐foundress groups were either all siblings or all nonsiblings. Our chief expectations included that competition for resources would be more intense among larger foundress groups but diminished by both larger host size and closer foundress relatedness, affecting both foundress mortality and reproductive output. From classical LMC theory, we expected that offspring group sex ratios would be less female‐biased when there were more foundresses, and from extended LMC theory, we expected that sex ratios would be more female‐biased when foundresses were close kin. We found that confinement led to the death of some females (11% overall) but only when host resources were most limiting. Mortality of foundresses was less common when foundresses were siblings. Developmental mortality among offspring was considerably higher in multi‐foundress clutches but was unaffected by foundress relatedness. Groups of sibling foundresses collectively produced similar numbers of offspring to nonsibling groups. There was little advantage for individual females to reproduce in multi‐foundress groups: single foundresses suppressed even the largest hosts presented and had the highest per capita production of adult offspring. Despite single foundress reproduction being the norm, G. nephantidis females in multi‐foundress groups appear to attune sex allocation according to both foundress number and foundress relatedness: broods produced by sibling foundresses had sex ratios similar to broods produced by single foundresses (ca. 11% males), whereas the sex ratios of broods produced by nonsibling females were approximately 20% higher and broadly increased with foundress number. We conclude that relatedness and host size may combine to reduce selection against communal reproduction on hosts and that, unlike other studied parasitoids, G. nephantidis sex ratios conform to predictions of both classical and extended LMC theories.  相似文献   

Habitat selection by dispersers is the focus of much theoretical models, most of which are based on the assumption of negative density dependence. The archetype of these models is the ideal free distribution, characterized by an evolutionary stable state where more competitors aggregate in better habitats, so that the fitness benefit of resource abundance is equally offset by the cost of competition in all habitats. In this study, we used parentage analysis on microsatellite genotypes to test the ideal free distribution in a natural population of aphid parasitoids. Parentage analysis was conducted on parasitoids emerging from aphid colonies. We inferred the number of foundress females which had reproduced in each colony, as well as the number of offspring for each foundress. As predicted by the ideal free distribution, the number of offspring per foundress per colony did not depend on the number of hosts per colony. However, contrary to ideal free distribution predictions, it was affected by the number of foundresses per colony. In surprising contrast with the basic assumption of negative density dependence, individual fitness increased with the number of foundresses. Moreover, parentage analysis revealed a very low number of offspring per foundress per colony (mean = 1.8). This observed distribution questions the validity of classical models of habitat choice based on competition. Indeed, our results provide a new illustration reinforcing a growing body of theory and data on positive density dependence. Our results also suggest that the avoidance of hyperparasitism and predation, although generally neglected, may shape the distribution of parasitoids in the field.  相似文献   

京大戟是多年生草本药用植物,入药部分是其干燥根,但可入药的京大戟资源由于生长缓慢以及环境污染的加剧而越发匮乏,因此解决大戟资源日益紧张的问题是当今药用植物资源开发与利用方向的重要课题。京大戟含有三萜类、二萜类、黄酮类等丰富的活性成分,一些常见药用植物的有效成分是三萜类化合物,其在抗病毒、抗肿瘤、免疫调节等方面具有很好的活性。对植物萜类物质代谢起重要作用的关键酶,如3-羟基,3-甲基戊二酰辅酶A还原酶(hmgr)、鲨烯合酶(sqs)、法尼基焦磷酸合酶(fps)的基因克隆及活性研究取得了进展和突破,但通过调控萜类物质代谢途径中关键酶基因的表达来诱导终产物合成的研究鲜有报道。通过研究大戟萜类物质代谢途径进而利用基因工程手段提升目的物质的产量来解决京大戟药源短缺问题具有重要意义。该研究以大戟愈伤组织为材料,使用茉莉酸甲酯分别按时间梯度和浓度梯度进行诱导,将诱导后的愈伤组织分为两部分:一部分提取其总RNA,以actin为内参基因进行反转录,实时定量RT-PCR分析大戟三萜类代谢途径中hmgr、sqs与fps基因的相对表达差异;另一部分用于提取其总三萜并使用分光光度法进行含量测定。实时定量RT-PCR分析结果表明,茉莉酸甲酯可诱导3个基因的表达,但其表达模式不一样。相应的京大戟愈伤组织中总三萜的含量明显提高,最高可较未处理样品增加27%。研究结果可为茉莉酸甲酯促进药用植物大戟三萜类物质积累的分子机制研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Pollinating fig wasps (Hymenoptera, Agaonidae) display sex ratio adjustment, producing less female‐biased combined sex ratios as the number of ovipositing females (foundresses) inside a fig increases. Because males have low mobility, the oviposition sites (galled ovules) chosen by each foundress are likely to have consequences for the mating structure of wasp populations within the figs. 2. In this study, the spatial location of male and female progeny of the pollinating fig wasp Liporrhopalum tentacularis developing within figs of its host plant Ficus montana was examined to investigate two questions: (i) are male and/or female wasp offspring clustered together or interspersed? and (ii) is their distribution affected by whether one or two foundresses are present? Microsatellite markers were used to identify the progeny of different foundresses in dual‐foundress figs. 3. More offspring developed in the central part of the figs, compared with the ostiolar and basal parts, irrespective of foundress number. Neither male nor female wasp offspring were clustered within a fig. 4. The sons of the second foundress to enter a fig were positioned at similar minimum distances to both sibling and non‐sibling females, whereas the sons of the first foundress were closer to their sibling females than to non‐sibling females. If male wasps mate predominantly with females in adjacent galls, then the positioning of sons by the second foundresses is beneficial for them both in terms of reduced sibling mating and because they are provided with ready access to the female progeny of the first foundress.  相似文献   

【目的】明确多寄主型寄生蜂蝇蛹俑小蜂Spalangia endius对不同类型新寄主的偏好选择与适应性。【方法】选择分别以瓜实蝇Zeugodacus cucurbitae、南瓜实蝇Z.tau和家蝇Musca domestica的蛹为寄主饲养的蝇蛹俑小蜂成蜂,比较研究其对上述3种寄主中其他2种非饲养寄主的选择行为、寄生选择及适应性。【结果】与家蝇蛹相比,以瓜实蝇蛹为饲养寄主的蝇蛹俑小蜂成蜂偏好选择和寄生南瓜实蝇蛹,且在南瓜实蝇蛹上产生更多的子代;以南瓜实蝇蛹为饲养寄主的蝇蛹俑小蜂成蜂偏好选择和寄生瓜实蝇蛹,且在瓜实蝇蛹上产生更多的子代;而以家蝇蛹为饲养寄主的蝇蛹俑小蜂成蜂对瓜实蝇蛹和南瓜实蝇蛹的选择数量以及在选择和非选择试验条件下的寄生率与子代数量上并无显著差异。此外,以瓜实蝇和南瓜实蝇蛹为饲养寄主的蝇蛹俑小蜂成蜂分别更容易适应南瓜实蝇和瓜实蝇蛹。【结论】基于3种蝇的生态位关系,推测蝇蛹俑小蜂偏好选择和更容易适应与其饲养寄主有重叠生态位的新寄主。  相似文献   

In a natural population of Polistes dominulus (Christ) in the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve, Ukraine, the fluctuations of the number of nests founded were monitored in 1992–2008; the variations in the spatial and ethological structure of populations as well as in the colony organization patterns were examined. The highest indices of foundress fecundity (daily egg production, the foundress longevity after emergence of worker), colony productivity (the number of adults reared, the intensity of repeated cell use) and the efficiency of colony functioning (the degree of worker specialization and the mode of loyal or aggressive relationships between individuals) were characteristic of the population growth phase. In contrast, low indices were recorded during the peak and the decline phases. Transition to a more complicated social organization is favored by the self-organization process that accelerates the appearance of such interrelated features as a complex communication system, worker specialization, and their ability to perform complicated tasks. The study is focused on spatio-temporal processes in the population, using the body melanin patterns as markers of the social roles of foundresses. The changes observed in the population phenotypic structure are considered from the viewpoint of autowave processes. Analysis of the functional and numerical response of paper wasp parasitoids to changes in the host population density has shown that the regulating effect becomes noticeable only under such a concurrence of the life cycles of the parasitoid and the host when the larvae of the first cohort of workers become infested. The application of the concept of self-organized criticality used to describe complex systems with developed fluctuations results in a better understanding of population regulation in resocial insects.  相似文献   

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