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Summary In studies of apical membrane current-voltage relationships, in order to avoid laborious intracellular microelectrode techniques, tight epithelia are commonly exposed to high serosal K concentrations. This approach depends on the assumptions that high serosal K reduces the basolateral membrane resistance and potential to insignificantly low levels, so that transepithelial values can be attributed to the apical membrane. We have here examined the validity of these assumptions in frog skins (Rana pipiens pipiens). The skins were equilibrated in NaCl Ringer's solutions, with transepithelial voltageV t clamped (except for brief perturbations V t) at zero. The skins were impaled from the outer surface with 1.5m KCl-filled microelectrodes (R el>30 M). The transepithelial (short-circuit) currentl i and conductanceg t=–I t/V t, the outer membrane voltageV o (apical reference) and voltage-divider ratio (F o=V o/V t), and the microelectrode resistanceR el were recorded continuously. Intermittent brief apical exposure to 20 m amiloride permitted estimation of cellular (c) and paracellular (p) currents and conductances. The basolateral (inner) membrane conductance was estimated by two independent means: either from values ofg i andF o before and after amiloride or as the ratio of changes (–I c/V i) induced by amiloride. On serosal substitution of Na by K, within about 10 min,I c declined andg t increased markedly, mainly as a consequence of increase ing p. The basolateral membrane voltage (V i(=–V o) was depolarized from 75±4 to 2±1 mV [mean±sem (n=6)], and was partially repolarized following amiloride to 5±2 mV. The basolateral conductance increased in high serosal K, as estimated by both methods. Essentially complete depolarization of the basolateral membrane and increase in its conductance in response to high [K] were obtained also when the main serosal anion was SO4 or NO3 instead of Cl. On clampingV t over the range 0 to +125 mV in K2SO4-depolarized skins, the quasi-steady-stateV o V t relationship was linear, with a mean slope of 0.88±0.03. The above results demonstrate that, in a variety of conditions, exposure to high serosal K results in essentially complete depolarization of the basolateral membrane and a large increase in its conductance.  相似文献   

Summary Cell K activity,a k, was measured in the short-circuited frog skin by simultaneous cell punctures from the apical surface with open-tip and K-selective microelectrodes. Strict criteria for acceptance of impalements included constancy of the open-tip microelectrode resistance, agreement within 3% of the fractional apical voltage measured with open-tip and K-selective microelectrodes, and constancy of the differential voltage recorded between the open-tip and the K microelectrodes 30–60 sec after application of amiloride or substitution of apical Na. Skins were bathed on the serosal surface with NaCl Ringer and, to reduce paracellular Cl conductance and effects of amiloride on paracellular conductance, with NaNO3 Ringer on the apical surface.Under control conditionsa k r was nearly constant among skins (mean±SD=92±8mM, 14 skins) in spite of a wide range of cellular currents (5 to 70 A/cm2). Cell current (and transcellular Na transport) was inhibited by either apical addition of amiloride or substitution of Na by other cations. Although in some experiments the expected small increase ina k r after inhibition of cell current was observed, on the average the change was not significant (98±11mM after amiloride, 101±12mM after Na substitution), even 30 min after the inhibition of cell current. The membrane potential, which in the control state ranged from –42 to –77 mV, hyperpolarized after inhibition of cell current, initially to –109±5mV, then depolarizing to a stable value (–88±5mV) after 15–25 min. At this time K was above equilibrium (E k=98±2mV), indicating that the active pump mechanism is still operating after inhibition of transcellular Na transport.The measurement ofa k r permitted the calculation of the passive K current and pump current under control conditions. assuming a constant current source with almost all of the basolateral conductance attributable to K. We found a significant correlation between pump current and cell current with a slope of 0.31, indicating that about one-third of the cell current is carried by the pump, i.e., a pump stoichiometry of 3Na/2K.  相似文献   

Summary Asymmetrical displacement currents are measured in the absence and in the presence of the lipophilic anion dipicrylamine (DPA) in the extracellular solution of nerve fibres of the frogRana esculenta. DPA (30nM-3 M) enhances the current by a component that has the properties expected for a translocation current of DPA ion across the lipid membrane. Analysis in terms of a single-barrier model yields the translocation rate constant (k), the total surface density of DPA absorbed to the membrane (N t ), and the equidistribution voltage (). The value ofk of about 104 s–1 is similar to that for a solvent-free artificial bilayer formed by the Montal-Mueller method. The surface densityN t varies with the DPA concentration as it does in the artificial bilayer, but is about tenfold smaller at all concentrations. The DPA ions sense an intrinsic electric field that is offset by a transmembrane voltage between 0 and 30 mV (inside positive). The part of the axolemma probed by the DPA ion appears as a thin (<2.5 nm), fluid bilayer of lipids. DPA ions seem, however, to be excluded from the major part of the axolemma as if this area is occupied by integral proteins or negative charges.  相似文献   

Summary A method is described that makes it possible to separate the sodium fluxes through the isolated frog skin into sets characteristic of the cellular and the paracellular pathway, respectively. If there are two significant pathways for the ion, and if they differ with respect to flux ratio as well as mean passage time, the flux ratios for the individual pathways can be obtained from a set of inward and outward tracer fluxes, covering the time from the addition of the tracers until the achievement of constant fluxes in both directions. Deceased, formerly Department of Ophthalmology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York 10032.  相似文献   

Summary Prostaglandins are known to stimulate the active transepithelial Na+ uptake and the active secretion of Cl from the glands of isolated frog skin. In the present work the effect of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) on the glandular Na+ conductance was examined. In order to avoid interference from the Na+ uptake and the glandular Cl secretion the experiments were carried out on skins where the Cl secretion was inhibited (the skins were bathed in Cl Ringer's solution in the presence of furosemide, or in NO 3 Ringer's solution), and the active Na+ uptake was blocked by the addition of amiloride. Transepithelial current, water flow and ion fluxes were measured. A negative current was passed across the skins (the skins were clamped at –100 mV, basolateral solution was taken as reference). When PGE2, was added to the skins under these experimental conditions, the current became more negative; this was mainly due to an increase in the Na+ efflux. Together with the increase in Na+ efflux a significant increase of the water secretion was observed. The water secretion was coupled to the efflux of Na+, and when one Na+ was pulled from the basolateral to the apical solution via this pathway 230 molecules of water follwed. From the data presented it is suggested that this pathway for Na+ is confined to the exocrine glands.  相似文献   

Summary Cell Na activity,a Na c , was measured in the short-circuited frog skin by simulaneous cell punctures from the apical surface with open-tip and Na-selective microelectrodes. Skins were bathed on the serosal surface with NaCl Ringer and, to reduce paracellular conductance, with NaNO3 Ringer on the apical surface. Under control conditionsa Na c averaged 8±2mm (n=9,sd). Apical addition of amiloride (20 m) or Na replacement reduceda Na c to 3mm in 6–15 min. Sequential decreases in apical [Na] induced parallel reductions ina Na c and cell current,I c . On restoring Na after several minutes of exposure to apical Na-free solutionI c rose rapidly to a stable value whilea Na c increased exponentially, with a time constant of 1.8±0.7 min (n=8). Analysis of the time course ofa Na c indicates that the pump Na flux is linearly related toa Na c in the range 2–12mm. These results indicate thata Na c plays an important role in relating apical Na entry to basolateral active Na flux.  相似文献   

Summary Microelectrodes were used to investigate the effect of 0.5mm mucosal lanthanum (La3+) on the intracellular potential and the resistance of outer and inner isolated frog skin (Rana esculenta) cell membranes. Under short-circuit conditions, the transapical membrane potentialV o sc (mean value=–65.4±3.2 mV, inside negative) hyperpolarized to –108.7±2.3 mV in control skins, after addition of the sodium blocker amiloride. Current-voltage curves for the outer and inner membranes were constructed from the amiloride-inhibitable current versus the outer membrane potentialV o or the inner membrane potentialV t . The outer, and to a lesser degree the inner, membrane showed a characteristic nonlinearity with two slope resistances. Addition of La3+ to the outer medium increased the short-circuit current to 190% of the control value.V o sc concomitantly changed to –28±3.5 mV and outer and inner membrane resistances fell, considerably attenuating the nonlinearity seen in control skins. La3+ is suggested to raise the conductance by its effect on the surface potential. A secondary long-term inhibitory effect of La3+ on short-circuit current has been observed. It is ascribed to the penetration of La3+ into the sodium channels.  相似文献   

Summary Equations are developed to examine the effects of secondary active transport processes on the steady-state membrane potential of symmetrical cells. It is shown that, with suitable modifications, equations of the type developed by Goldman, Hodgkin and Katz may be derived to accommodate the contributions to the membrane potential of both electroneutral and electrogenic transporters. Where the membrane potential is function of the dominant medium ions (Na, K, and Cl), other contributions can come only from an electrogenic Na pump and from neutral co- and counter-transporters if, and only if, these involve the dominant ions. Experimental approaches to measure the parameters necessary to solve the equations developed here are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of Li upon the intracellular potential of frog skin (Rana esculenta) was investigated. In the range between 1 and 25mm Li in the epithelial bathing solution, a semilogarithmic linear relationship between [Li] and intracellular potential under short circuit conditions was obtained. The intracellular potential at all [Li] is quantitatively sufficient to explain the previously reported accumulation of Li in the intracellular space of the frog skin epithelium (Leblanc, G. 1972.Pfluegers Arch. 337:1) on the basis of a passive entrance step at the outer border. A reduction of the intracellular potential by Li is also observed in the presence of 6mm Na in the epithelial bathing solution. Consequences regarding the mechanism of uptake of Na across the outer border of the frog skin are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of Ba2+ (0.5 mM, corial side) upon the transport characteristics of the frog skin epithelium was investigated. It was observed that Ba2+ decreased the conductance of the preferably K+-permeable basolateral border to less than 30% of its control value. Furthermore, Ba2+ abolished the K+ electrode-like behaviour, existing at the basolateral membrane under conditions of zero transcellular current flow, for [K+] below 10–15 mM. Effects upon other parameters of transepithelial transport (electromotive forces and resistance of outer or basolateral border and shunt pathway, respectively) were small and might represent secondary events. It is concluded that Ba2+ inhibits passive fluxes of K+ across basolateral membranes of tight, Na+ transporting epithelia, similar to its influence upon membranes of nonpolar cells.  相似文献   

Summary This study involves the investigation of the lipid composition of the skin of Rana tigerina which has a significant healing capacity. The results indicated that the lipid extract enhanced keratinocyte and fibroblast cell proliferation progressively and were found to be much more efficient in comparison to agents known to cause cell proliferation and to be anti-inflammatory such as hydrocortisone. Cell proliferation was dose dependent and suppression occurred only at very high doses. [3H]thymidine incorporation studies produced the same results. Because proliferation, migration, and differentiation of the basal cells is essential for initiation and progression of wound healing, any agent enhancing their proliferation would hasten the healing process. This paper therefore aims at elucidating the effect of composition of the total lipid extract confirming the efficacy of frog skin in wound healing and thereby providing an understanding of the natural mechanism of healing.  相似文献   

Summary The basic electrical properties of an isolated rat hepatocyte couplet (IRHC) system have been analyzed using classical techniques of epithelial electrophysiology, including measurement of electric potentials, resistances and intracellular ion activities. Applications of these techniques are discussed with respect to their limitations in small isolated cells. Mean intracellular and intracanalicular membrane potentials ranged from –23.7 to –46.7 and –4.3 to –5.9 mV, respectively. Membrane resistances were determined using an equivalent circuit analysis modified according to the geometry of the IRHC system. Resistances of the sinusoidal (basolateral) and canalicular (luminal) cell membranes and tight junctions averaged 0.15 and 0.78 G and 25m, respectively. The cells are electrically coupled via low resistance intercellular communications (58 M). Intracellular ion activities for Na+, K+ and Cl averaged 12.2, 88.1 and 17.7 mmol/liter, respectively. The basolateral membrane potential reveals a permeability sequence ofP K>P Cl>P Na. The luminal potential showed minimal dependence on changes in transjunctional ion gradients, indicating a poor ion selectivity of the paracellular pathway. The electrogenic (Na+–K)-ATPase contributes little to the luminal and cellular negative electric potential. Therefore, the luminal potential probably results from the secretion of impermeant ions and a Donnan distribution of permeant ions, a mechanism which provides the osmotic driving force for bile formation. By providing the unique opportunity to measure luminal potentials, this isolated hepatocyte system permits study of secretory mechanisms for the first time in a mammalian gland using electrophysiologic techniques.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of papaverine, an inhibitor of the phosphodiesterase responsible for breakdown of cAMP, on the transepithelial sodium transport across the isolated frog skin was investigated.Serosal addition of papaverine caused initially an increase in the short-circuit current (SCC), a doubling of the cellular cAMP content and a depolarization of the intracellular potential under SCC conditions (V scc).The initial increase in the SCC was followed by a pronounced decrease both in the SCC and in the natriferic action of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), but papaverine had no inhibitory effect on the ability of ADH to increase the cellular cAMP content. As SCC declines, no hyperpolarization was observed.The I/V relationship across the apical membrane during the inhibitory phase, revealed that papaverine reduces the sodium permeability of the apical membrane (P Na a )as well as intracellular sodium concentration. These observations and the previously noted effect of papaverine on V scc indicates that papaverine must have an effect on the cellular Cl or K permeability.The basolateral Na,K,2Cl cotransporter was blocked with bumetanide, which should bring the cellular chloride in equilibrium. Bumetanide had no effect on basal SCC and V scc. When papaverine was added to skins preincubated with bumetanide, the effect of papaverine on SCC and V scc was unchanged. Therefore, the depolarization of V scc, observed during the papaverine induced inhibition of the SCC, must be due to a reduction in the cellular K permeability.In conclusion, it is suggested that papaverine reduces the sodium permeability of the apical membrane and the potassium permeability of the basolateral membrane of the frog skin epithelium.  相似文献   

Summary Enhanced cellular cAMP levels have been shown to increase apical membrane Cl and HCO 3 conductances in epithelia. We found that the phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methyl-xanthine (IBMX) increases cAMP levels inNecturus gallbladder. We used conventional open-tip and double-barreled Cl-selective microelectrodes to study the effects of IBMX on membrane conductances and intracellular Cl activities in gallbladders mounted in a divided chamber and bathed with Ringer's solutions at 23°C and pH 7.4. In HCO 3 -free media, 0.1mM IBMX added to the mucosal medium depolarized the apical membrane potentialV a , decreased the fractional resistanceF R , and significantly reduced intracellular Cl activity (a Cl i ). Under control conditions,a Cl i was above the value corresponding to passive distribution across the apical cell membrane. In media containing 25mM HCO 3 , IBMX caused a small transient hyperpolarization ofV a followed by a depolarization not significantly different from that observed in HCO 3 -free Ringer's. Removal of mucosal Cl, Na+ or Ca2+ did not affect the IBMX-induced depolarization inV a . The basolateral membrane ofNecturus gallbladder is highly K+ permeable. Increasing serosal K+ from 2.5 to 80mM, depolarizedV a . Mucosal IBMX significantly reduced this depolarization. Addition of 10mM Ba2+, a K+ channel blocker, to the serosal medium depolarizedV a and, essentially, blocked the depolarization induced by IBMX. These results indicate that mucosal IBMX increases apical HCO 3 conductance and decreases basolateral K+ conductance in gallbladder epithelial cells via a cAMP-dependent mechanism. The latter effect, not previously reported in epithelial tissues, appears to be the major determinant of the IBMX-induced depolarization ofV a .  相似文献   

Summary The effect of ADH upon the intracellular potential and the resistance of inner and outer borders of the transport pathway was investigated on isolated skins ofRana temporaria. Within 40 min after ADH (100-300 mU/ml), the intracellular potential under short-circuit conditions decreased to about 40% of the control value (–79±4 mV), concomitant with an increase in the short-circuit current to about 160% of the control value. Amiloride, applied when steady values under ADH had been reached, caused an immediate rise of the intracellular potential to values typical for control conditions. This confirms (i) the intracellular location of the microelectrode and the absence of impalement artifacts, and (ii) the ineffectiveness of ADH upon the electromotive forces of the inner border. ADH had no effect upon the intracellular potential after blockage of the Na entry by Amiloride. The equilibrium potential of the outer border was estimated to be about +20 mV under the influence of ADH. As this value is considerably less positive than might be expected for the chemical potential of Na, a significant contribution of ions other than Na to the outer border conductance and equilibrium potential is implicated. The resistance of the outer border was more significantly decreased than that of the active transcellular pathway after ADH due to an increase in the inner border resistance, which exceeded that of the outer border after ADH. The effect of ADH upon the outer membrane characteristics would be underestimated by a factor of two, if the alterations of the electrical potential difference were not taken into consideration.  相似文献   

A method allowing the measurement of the electrical quantities related to the physiological functions of the frog skin in situ is presented. The method allows the performance of several experiments on the same pithed animal, which remains alive for a number of days. The preparation is very stable, and the electric potential difference and short-circuit current values are higher than in isolated skin. The theory of measurement and the possible systematic errors are discussed. The possibilities of the method are evaluated on comparing the pH and temperature dependence of the electrical quantities in situ with previous measurements on isolated skin.  相似文献   

The effects of the polyene antibiotics nystatin (2 × 10–5–10–4 mol/l), mycoheptin (1.3 × 10–6–10–5 mol/l) and levorin (10–8–5 × 10–5 mol/l)on isolated frog skeletal muscle fibres and whole sartorius muscles of the frog have been investigated. Cation conductance was measured under current clamp conditions using a double sucrosegap technique. Cation effluxes were studied by means of flame emission photometry. All three antibiotics increased the cation conductance and efflux rates; however, differences between the polyenes were found in the steady state values of induced cation transport at a given concentration. The values of both induced conductance gA and efflux rate constants KA formed the following sequence: levorin > mycoheptin > nystatin, demonstrating a correlation with the order of antifungal activities. The dose-response curves of lg polyene-induced cation transport against lg of antibiotic concentration in our experiments had slope values which were much lower than those in bilayers: 1.7 and 1.3 for nystatin and mycoheptin, respectively, whereas the aromatic heptaene levorin had an even smaller concentration dependence. The decline in the equilibrium conductance caused by nystatin- and mycoheptin removal was very fast (during the first minute = 0.74 and 2.39 min, respectively). In contrast, levorin-induced conductance was irreversible. It is proposed that the processes which limit the rate of channel formation are different in biological and model membranes. Correspondence to: N. E. Shvinka  相似文献   

In leaves of Elodea densa the membrane potential measured in light equals the equilibrium potential of H+ on the morphological upper plasma membrane. The apoplastic pH on the upper side of the leaf is as high as 10.5-11.0, which indicates that alkaline pH induces an increased H+ permeability of the plasmalemma. To study this hypothesis in more detail we investigated the changes in membrane potential and conductance in response to alterations in the external pH from 7 (= control) to 9 or 11 under both light and dark conditions. Departing from the control pH 7 condition, in light and in dark the application of pH 9 resulted in a depolarization of the membrane potential to the Nernst potential of H+. In the light but not in the dark, this depolarization was followed by a repolarization to about -160 mV. The change to pH 9 induced, in light as well as in dark, an increase in membrane conductance. The application of pH 11, which caused a momentary hyper- or depolarization depending on the value at the time pH 11 was applied, brought the membrane potential to around -160 mV. The membrane conductance also increased, in comparison to its value at pH 7, as a result of the application of pH 11, irrespective of the light conditions.  相似文献   

Isolated synaptic plasma membrane vesicles developed an internal negative membrane potential (ΔΨ) following loading with potassium succinate and incubation in NaCl, sodium succinate, or Tris succinate media. Membrane ΔΨ was monitored by measuring triphenyl[3H]methylphosphonium ion ([3H]TPMP+) accumulation by these vesicles. Estimates of ΔΨ ranged from ?6.9 mV for vesicles incubated in sodium succinate to ?28 mV for membranes incubated in NaCl. Intravesicular TPMP+ accumulation was strongly dependent on the K+ diffusion potential and was enhanced by the K+ ionophore valinomycin and by the adenosine analog 2-chloroadenosine (2-Cl-Ado). The stimulation of TPMP+ influx by 2-Cl-Ado was dependent on the concentration of this agent, independent of Cl? fluxes, and sensitive to inhibition by the methylxanthine theophylline. The increase in ΔΨ of the synaptic membrane vesicles caused by 2-Cl-Ado paralleled the hyperpolarization of neurons produced by adenosine and 2-Cl-Ado in physiological systems.  相似文献   

(1) Na+ currents and Na+-current fluctuations were measured in myelinated frog nerve fibres at 15°C during 7.7 ms depolarizations to V = 40, 60 and 80 mV. (2) The conductance γ of a single Na+ channel and the number N0 of channels per node were calculated from ensemble average values of the mean Na+ current and the variance of Na+-current fluctuations. (3) For a hyperpolarizing holding potential of VH = ?28 mV the mean values of the channel conductance and number were γ = 9.8 pS and N0 = 74 000. (4) After changing the holding potential to the resting potential (VH = 0) the conductance γ increased by a factor of 1.37 whereas the number N0 decreased by a factor of 0.60. (5) Addition of 8 nM tetrodotoxin at a holding potential of VH = ?28 mV increased γ by a factor of 1.55 and reduced N0 by a factor of 0.25. (6) The increase of the channel conductance at reduced channel numbers suggests negative cooperativity between Na+ channels in the nodal membrane.  相似文献   

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