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Plant Ecology - Recent theoretical and empirical studies have assumed that livestock grazing acts as a biotic filter favouring plant species with functional traits that confer resistance to... 相似文献
Resource pulses,species interactions,and diversity maintenance in arid and semi-arid environments 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
Chesson P Gebauer RL Schwinning S Huntly N Wiegand K Ernest MS Sher A Novoplansky A Weltzin JF 《Oecologia》2004,141(2):236-253
Arid environments are characterized by limited and variable rainfall that supplies resources in pulses. Resource pulsing is a special form of environmental variation, and the general theory of coexistence in variable environments suggests specific mechanisms by which rainfall variability might contribute to the maintenance of high species diversity in arid ecosystems. In this review, we discuss physiological, morphological, and life-history traits that facilitate plant survival and growth in strongly water-limited variable environments, outlining how species differences in these traits may promote diversity. Our analysis emphasizes that the variability of pulsed environments does not reduce the importance of species interactions in structuring communities, but instead provides axes of ecological differentiation between species that facilitate their coexistence. Pulses of rainfall also influence higher trophic levels and entire food webs. Better understanding of how rainfall affects the diversity, species composition, and dynamics of arid environments can contribute to solving environmental problems stemming from land use and global climate change. 相似文献
Studies investigating parasite diversity have shown substantial geographical variation in parasite species richness. Most of these studies have, however, adopted a local scale approach, which may have masked more general patterns. Recent studies have shown that ectoparasite species richness in mammals seems highly repeatable among populations of the same mammal host species at a regional scale. In light of these new studies we have reinvestigated the case of parasitic helminths by using a large data set of parasites from mammal populations in 3 continents. We collected homogeneous data and demonstrated that helminth species richness is highly repeatable in mammals at a regional scale. Our results highlight the strong influence of host identity in parasite species richness and call for future research linking helminth species found in a given host to its ecology, immune defences and potential energetic trade-offs. 相似文献
Biotic interactions are predicted to have the strongest influence on species assemblages in extreme environments. We therefore test the hypothesis that in abiotically-severe beaches plant–plant interactions, specifically facilitation, are important relative to abiotic conditions. This hypothesis is tested by assessing the influence of dominant vascular plant species on the fine-scale occurrence and richness of vascular and cryptogam species using a unique dataset of boreal beaches along the Finnish Baltic Sea, characterized by strong post-glacial land uplift and large environmental gradients. We studied three different levels of vegetation patterns across a broad geographical scale; individual species, functional groups and the entire community. Results showed that dominant vascular species strongly drive species occurrence and richness in dynamic beach environments, with some species having an influence similar to that of key abiotic variables. In contrast to expectations, facilitative effects did not dominate in these harsh environments. Instead, the outcomes of biotic interactions were species-specific, and also differed between vascular and cryptogam species, with the former group most strongly influenced by a pioneer species and the latter by a late succession generalist. Our study highlights the importance of incorporating biotic interaction effects into models of multiple vegetation properties and cautions against overly simplistic generalizations to describe relatively idiosyncratic interaction effects. 相似文献
Plant Ecology - Mammalian herbivores often alter plant species richness and diversity, but such impacts have not been much investigated in reptiles. This study examined the effects of gopher... 相似文献
Assessing fern diversity: relative species richness and its environmental correlates in Uganda 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Techniques for the rapid quantification of tropical biodiversity are of critical importance in deciding where to invest scarce conservation resources. Here we describe a simple survey method for assessing species-level richness of a poorly known plant group, the pteridophytes. We then illustrate the use of a powerful, rarefaction- based technique of controlling for inevitable differences in sampling effort to calculate the relative species richness of our study sites. Lastly, we explore how closely observed patterns of relative species richness of Ugandan forests are correlated with a suite of simple environmental variables. We find that fully 75% of the variance in our estimate of fern diversity can be predicted from just two measures: soil fertility (scored as C/N ratio, itself related to rainfall); and distance from the nearest putative Pleistocene refugium. 相似文献
Breeding bird species richness in Spain: assessing diversity hypothesis at various scales 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The variation of passerine species richness in Spain was studied at various spatial scales. Presence-absence data was resampled to construct three species richness maps in lattices of 10×10, 30×30, and 50×50 km UTM cells. The importance of habitat, species-energy, climatic variability, disturbance, history and geometric constraints hypotheses was assessed using geographical data. Stochastic, range-based models were used to simulate neutral colonization events from Europe or from Africa. The importance of small scale processes remained after the inclusion of environmental covariates, indicating a possible role of ecological interactions that was represented in the models by a conditional spatial autoregressive term. Historical effects and energy related measures explained most of the variation in regional species richness. Local and regional habitat structure measures explained the pattern only after large scale trends were considered. The differences when species richness was analyzed at each scale reveal the importance of spatial issues in diversity studies. The possible role of post glacial migration in shaping the observed patterns, and implications for conservation are discussed. 相似文献
Foundation (dominant or matrix) species play a key role in structuring plant communities, influencing processes from population to ecosystem scales. However, the effects of genotypic diversity of foundation species on these processes have not been thoroughly assessed in the context of assembling plant communities. We modified the classical filter model of community assembly to include genotypic diversity as part of the biotic filter. We hypothesized that the proportion of fit genotypes (i.e. competitively superior and dominant) affects niche space availability for subordinate species to establish with consequence for species diversity. To test this hypothesis, we used an individual‐based simulation model where a foundation species of varying genotypic diversity (number of genotypes and variability among genotypes) competes for space with subordinate species on a spatially heterogeneous lattice. Our model addresses a real and practical problem in restoration ecology: choosing the level of genetic diversity of re‐introduced foundation and subordinate species. Genotypic diversity of foundation species significantly affected equilibrium community diversity, measured as species richness, either positively or negatively, depending upon environmental heterogeneity. Increases in genotypic diversity gave the foundation species a wider niche breadth. Under conditions of high environmental heterogeneity, this wider niche breadth decreased niche space for other species, lowering species richness with increased genotypic diversity until the genotypes of the foundation species saturated the landscape. With a low level of environmental heterogeneity, increasing genotypic diversity caused the foundation species niche breadth to be overdispersed, resulting in a weak positive relationship with species richness. Under these conditions, some genotypes are maladapted to the environment lowering fitness of the foundation species. These effects of genotypic diversity were secondary to the larger effects of overall foundation species fitness and environmental heterogeneity. The novel aspect of incorporating genotype diversity in combination with environmental heterogeneity in community assembly models include predictions of either positive or negative relationships between species diversity and genotypic diversity depending on environmental heterogeneity, and the conditions under which these factors are potentially relevant. Mechanistically, differential niche availability is imposed by the foundation species. 相似文献
Interactive effects of species richness and species traits on functional diversity and redundancy 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Fredrik Dalerum Elissa Z. Cameron Kyran Kunkel Michael J. Somers 《Theoretical Ecology》2012,5(1):129-139
The importance of species diversity for ecosystem function has emerged as a key question for conservation biology. Recently,
there has been a shift from examining the role of species richness in isolation towards understanding how species interact
to effect ecosystem function. Here, we briefly review theoretical predictions regarding species contributions to functional
diversity and redundancy and further use simulated data to test combined effects of species richness, number of functional
traits, and species differences within these traits on unique species contributions to functional diversity and redundancy,
as well as on the overall functional diversity and redundancy within species assemblages. Our results highlighted that species
richness and species functional attributes interact in their effects on functional diversity. Moreover, our simulations suggested
that functional differences among species have limited effects on the proportion of redundancy of species contributions as
well as on the overall redundancy within species assemblages, but that redundancy rather was determined by number of traits
and species richness. Our simulations finally indicated scale dependence in the relative effects of species richness and functional
attributes, which suggest that the relative influence of these factors may affect individual contributions differently compared
to the overall ecosystem function of species assemblages. We suggest that studies on the relationship between biological diversity
and ecosystem function will benefit from focusing on multiple processes and ecological interactions, and that the relative
functional attributes of species will have pivotal roles for the ecosystem function of a given species assembly. 相似文献
Carlos Frankl Sperber Kazuiyuki Nakayama Maria Júlia Valverde Frederico de Siqueira Neves 《Basic and Applied Ecology》2004,5(3):241-251
In Brazil, cacao is mostly planted beneath shade trees. The diversity of shade trees varies from monospecific to highly diverse canopies, characteristic of pristine Atlantic Forest. This study evaluates the relationships between family richness of Hymenoptera-Parasitica and Chrysidoidea, and tree species richness and density, the species richness of herbaceous understorey, and the area and age of the cacao agroforestry system. We sampled 16 cacao agroforestry systems, with canopy diversity ranging from one to 22 tree species per hectare, in three seasons: summer (March), winter (August) and spring (November). Parasitoids were sampled using eight Malaise-Townes traps per site. Tree species richness and density were enumerated within 1 ha at each site, and herbaceous plant species richness was calculated in eight 1 m2 plots, within the hectare. The number of parasitoid families increased with tree species richness and density in spring and summer, but decreased in winter. Neither species richness of herbaceous plants nor area and age of the system affected parasitoid family richness. We suggest that the increase of parasitoid diversity with tree species richness and density in warmer seasons reflects increasing heterogeneity and availability of resources. The decrease in parasitoid family number with tree density in winter may be due to local impoverishment of resources, leading to parasitoid emigration to neighbouring forest remnants. This result implies that a higher diversity of shade trees will help to maintain high parasitoid levels and, in consequence, higher levels of natural enemies of cacao pests, particularly in the warmer seasons. This prediction is borne out in the experience of cacao producers. The proper management of shade tree diversity will play a vital role in maintaining the sustainability of cacao agroforestry production systems in the tropics and, concurrently, will maintain high biodiversity values in these locations. 相似文献
Performance of nonparametric species richness estimators in a high diversity plant community 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
A. Chiarucci N. J. Enright G. L. W. Perry B. P. Miller B. B. Lamont 《Diversity & distributions》2003,9(4):283-295
Abstract. The efficiency of four nonparametric species richness estimators — first‐order Jackknife, second‐order Jackknife, Chao2 and Bootstrap — was tested using simulated quadrat sampling of two field data sets (a sandy ‘Dune’ and adjacent ‘Swale’) in high diversity shrublands (kwongan) in south‐western Australia. The data sets each comprised > 100 perennial plant species and > 10 000 individuals, and the explicit (x‐y co‐ordinate) location of every individual. We applied two simulated sampling strategies to these data sets based on sampling quadrats of unit sizes 1/400th and 1/100th of total plot area. For each site and sampling strategy we obtained 250 independent sample curves, of 250 quadrats each, and compared the estimators’ performances by using three indices of bias and precision: MRE (mean relative error), MSRE (mean squared relative error) and OVER (percentage overestimation). The analysis presented here is unique in providing sample estimates derived from a complete, field‐based population census for a high diversity plant community. In general the true reference value was approached faster for a comparable area sampled for the smaller quadrat size and for the swale field data set, which was characterized by smaller plant size and higher plant density. Nevertheless, at least 15–30% of the total area needed to be sampled before reasonable estimates of St (total species richness) were obtained. In most field surveys, typically less than 1% of the total study domain is likely to be sampled, and at this sampling intensity underestimation is a problem. Results showed that the second‐order Jackknife approached the actual value of St more quickly than the other estimators. All four estimators were better than Sobs (observed number of species). However, the behaviour of the tested estimators was not as good as expected, and even with large sample size (number of quadrats sampled) all of them failed to provide reliable estimates. First‐ and second‐order Jackknives were positively biased whereas Chao2 and Bootstrap were negatively biased. The observed limitations in the estimators’ performance suggests that there is still scope for new tools to be developed by statisticians to assist in the estimation of species richness from sample data, especially in communities with high species richness. 相似文献
Modelling species richness and diversity in grassland communities of the Central Caucasus 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Zaal Kikvidze 《Oikos》2000,89(1):123-127
In this study I used small squares (4 cm×4 cm) as a sampling technique within plots (128 cm×128 cm) of different elevation, aspect and slope angle in grassland communities (20 plots examined). Then I used a rectangular hyperbole equation (the Michaelis-Menten model) to describe species richness and the Inverse of Simpson Concentration (ISC) as functions of sample size. I checked robustness and precision of the model both by interpolation and extrapolation. Interpolation was similarly good in both cases, while extrapolation produced reliable predictions of ISC but underestimated species richness. Dominance analysis indicated that the underestimation of richness depends on the proportion of bottom species, and that the predicted values of richness roughly coincide with the numbers of dominant species found in plots. Therefore, the model may be used to assess number of dominant species when precision is less important than saving time during a survey. However, the rectangular hyperbole equation appears to be precise and robust in the prediction of ISC, at least in grassland communities. This property may also be employed for extrapolation of diversity indices with a limited sampling effort. 相似文献
The total number of insect species in the world is an important if elusive figure. We use a fresh approach to estimate global insect species richness, based on biogeographic patterns of diversity of well or better documented taxa. Estimates generated by various calculations, all variations on a theme, largely serve to substantiate suggestions that insect species are likely to number around 10 million or less. 相似文献
Maurus J. Msuha Chris Carbone Nathalie Pettorelli Sarah M. Durant 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2012,21(11):2747-2759
Even though human induced habitat changes are a major driver of biodiversity loss worldwide, our understanding of the impact of land use change on ecological communities remains poor. Yet without such information it is difficult to develop management strategies for maintaining biodiversity in the face of anthropogenic change. To address this gap, we explored how land use practices impacted species richness in a mammalian community in northern Tanzania. Using camera traps, we estimated the number of mammalian species inhabiting three land use types subjected to increasing levels of anthropogenic pressure: (1) Tarangire National Park, (2) pastoral grazing areas; and (3) cultivated areas outside the park. Results showed that land use practice is correlated with different levels of species richness. Interestingly, mammal species richness was highest in the grazing areas and lowest in cultivated areas. When we focused our analyses on carnivores, we found little significant difference in species richness between the park and pastoral grazing areas, however, carnivore richness were significantly lower in the cultivated areas. We found no significant link between species body weight and presence in the three areas considered. Altogether, our results show that biodiversity conservation can be achieved outside national parks, with pastoral grazing areas holding a significant proportion of mammal communities; however increasing cultivation of pastoral rangelands may represent a major threat to mammalian communities. 相似文献
Species richness and distribution patterns of wood-inhabiting fungi and mycetozoans (slime moulds) were investigated in the canopy of a Central European temperate mixed deciduous forest. Species richness was described with diversity indices and species-accumulation curves. Nonmetrical multidimensional scaling was used to assess fungal species composition on different tree species. Different species richness estimators were used to extrapolate species richness beyond our own data. The reliability of the abundance-based coverage estimator, Chao, Jackknife and other estimators of species richness was evaluated for mycological surveys. While the species-accumulation curve of mycetozoans came close to saturation, that of wood-inhabiting fungi was continuously rising. The Chao 2 richness estimator was considered most appropriate to predict the number of species at the investigation site if sampling were continued. Gray's predictor of species richness should be used if statements of the number of species in larger areas are required. Multivariate analysis revealed the importance of different tree species for the conservation and maintenance of fungal diversity within forests, because each tree species possessed a characteristic fungal community. The described mathematical approaches of estimating species richness possess great potential to address fungal diversity on a regional, national, and global scale. 相似文献
Control of plant species diversity and community invasibility by species immigration: seed richness versus seed density 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Immigration rates of species into communities are widely understood to influence community diversity, which in turn is widely expected to influence the susceptibility of ecosystems to species invasion. For a given community, however, immigration processes may impact diversity by means of two separable components: the number of species represented in seed inputs and the density of seed per species. The independent effects of these components on plant species diversity and consequent rates of invasion are poorly understood. We constructed experimental plant communities through repeated seed additions to independently measure the effects of seed richness and seed density on the trajectory of species diversity during the development of annual plant communities. Because we sowed species not found in the immediate study area, we were able to assess the invasibility of the resulting communities by recording the rate of establishment of species from adjacent vegetation. Early in community development when species only weakly interacted, seed richness had a strong effect on community diversity whereas seed density had little effect. After the plants became established, the effect of seed richness on measured diversity strongly depended on seed density, and disappeared at the highest level of seed density. The ability of surrounding vegetation to invade the experimental communities was decreased by seed density but not by seed richness, primarily because the individual effects of a few sown species could explain the observed invasion rates. These results suggest that seed density is just as important as seed richness in the control of species diversity, and perhaps a more important determinant of community invasibility than seed richness in dynamic plant assemblages. 相似文献
Metacommunity theory suggests a potentially important role for dispersal in diversity maintenance at local, as well as regional, scales. In addition, propagule addition experiments have shown that dispersal often limits local diversity. However, actual dispersal rates into local communities and the contribution of immigrants to observed local diversity are poorly known. We present a new approach that partitions the diversity of a target community into dispersal-maintained and dispersal-independent components. Specifically, we quantify distances through space and time to the nearest potential seed source for naturally occurring recruits in target communities by using hierarchical data on species pools (local, site, region, and seed bank). Using this "recruit tag" approach, we found that dispersal contributed 29%-57% of the seedling diversity in perennial grasslands with different successional histories. However, both dispersal and seedling mortality remained remarkably constant, in absolute terms, over succession. The considerable loss of diversity over secondary succession (66%), therefore, could be understood only by considering how these processes interact with the decreasing disturbance rate (i.e., frequency of gaps) in later-successional sites. We conclude that a metacommunity perspective is relevant and necessary to understand the diversity and community assembly of this study system. 相似文献