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Neagu A  Neagu M  Dér A 《Biophysical journal》2001,81(3):1285-1294
The Hofmeister effect consists in changes of protein solubility triggered by neutral electrolyte cosolutes. Based on the assumption that salts cause stochastic fluctuations of the free energy barrier profiles, a kinetic theory of this phenomenon is proposed. An exponentially correlated noise, of amplitude proportional to the salt concentration, is added to each energy level, and the time-dependence of the mean protein concentration is calculated. It is found that the theory yields the well-known Setschenow equation if the noise correlation time is low in comparison to the aggregation time constant. Experimental data on salting-in agents are well fitted, whereas, in the case of salting-out cosolutes, two independent dichotomic fluctuations are needed to fit the data. This may result from the fact that, in both cases, the low-concentration regime is dominated by salting-in electrostatic contributions, whereas, at high salt concentrations, electron donor/acceptor interactions become important; these have opposite effects. The theory offers a novel way to metricate Hofmeister effects and also leads to thermodynamic quantities, which account for the influence of salts. The formalism may also be applied to describe kinetic phenomena in the presence of cosolutes.  相似文献   

Despite extensive research in the nanopore-sensing field, there is a paucity of experimental studies that investigate specific ion effects in confined spaces, such as in nanopores. Here, the effect of halogen anions on a simple bimolecular complexation reaction between monodisperse poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and α-hemolysin nanoscale pores have been investigated at the single-molecule level. The anions track the Hofmeister ranking according to their influence upon the on-rate constant. An inverse relationship was demonstrated for the off-rate and the solubility of PEG. The difference among anions spans several hundredfold. Halogen anions play a very significant role in the interaction of PEG with nanopores although, unlike K+, they do not bind to PEG. The specific effect appears dominated by a hydration-dehydration process where ions and PEG compete for water. Our findings provide what we believe to be novel insights into physicochemical mechanisms involved in single-molecule interactions with nanopores and are clearly relevant to more complicated chemical and biological processes involving a transient association of two or more molecules (e.g., reception, signal transduction, enzyme catalysis). It is anticipated that these findings will advance the development of devices with nanopore-based sensors for chemical and biological applications.  相似文献   

A variety of proteins are capable of converting from their soluble forms into highly ordered fibrous cross‐β aggregates (amyloids). This conversion is associated with certain pathological conditions in mammals, such as Alzheimer disease, and provides a basis for the infectious or hereditary protein isoforms (prions), causing neurodegenerative disorders in mammals and controlling heritable phenotypes in yeast. The N‐proximal region of the yeast prion protein Sup35 (Sup35NM) is frequently used as a model system for amyloid conversion studies in vitro. Traditionally, amyloids are recognized by their ability to bind Congo Red dye specific to β‐sheet rich structures. However, methods for quantifying amyloid fibril formation thus far were based on measurements linking Congo Red absorbance to concentration of insulin fibrils and may not be directly applicable to other amyloid‐forming proteins. Here, we present a corrected formula for measuring amyloid formation of Sup35NM by Congo Red assay. By utilizing this corrected procedure, we explore the effect of different sodium salts on the lag time and maximum rate of amyloid formation by Sup35NM. We find that increased kosmotropicity promotes amyloid polymerization in accordance with the Hofmeister series. In contrast, chaotropes inhibit polymerization, with the strength of inhibition correlating with the B‐viscosity coefficient of the Jones‐Dole equation, an increasingly accepted measure for the quantification of the Hofmeister series.  相似文献   

Data are reported for T(m), the temperature midpoint of the thermal unfolding curve, of ribonuclease A, versus pH (range 2-9) and salt concentration (range 0-1 M) for two salts, Na(2)SO(4) and NaCl. The results show stabilization by sulfate via anion-specific binding in the concentration range 0-0.1 M and via the Hofmeister effect in the concentration range 0.1-1.0 M. The increase in T(m) caused by anion binding at 0.1 M sulfate is 20 degrees at pH 2 but only 1 degree at pH 9, where the net proton charge on the protein is near 0. The 10 degrees increase in T(m) between 0.1 and 1.0 M Na(2)SO(4), caused by the Hofmeister effect, is independent of pH. A striking property of the NaCl results is the absence of any significant stabilization by 0.1 M NaCl, which indicates that any Debye screening is small. pH-dependent stabilization is produced by 1 M NaCl: the increase in T(m) between 0 and 1.0 M is 14 degrees at pH 2 but only 1 degree at pH 9. The 14 degree increase at pH 2 may result from anion binding or from both binding and Debye screening. Taken together, the results for Na(2)SO(4) and NaCl show that native ribonuclease A is stabilized at low pH in the same manner as molten globule forms of cytochrome c and apomyoglobin, which are stabilized at low pH by low concentrations of sulfate but only by high concentrations of chloride.  相似文献   

Enzyme technology is explored on wool fibers to prevent shrinkage and consolidation behavior during washing of woolen bed coverings using normal household machine conditions. Enzyme modification of wool fibers after two different pretreatments has been realized on industrial scale. Enlarged proteolytic enzyme by chemical modification was applied successfully to prevent substantial fiber strength loss. Felt-ball analysis of the fibers as obtained from this industrial process showed substantial improvement in felting resistance. Further processing of these enzyme-modified fibers and finally integration in bed covering quilts have been executed successfully on industrial production lines. The observed fiber losses during processing were in the range of 4.5–6% which is comparable with that of nonmodified fibers. The machine-washability of these produced bed covering quilts was tested in a household washing machine using both wool and normal wash programs applied at different temperatures. It appeared that, contrary to the good washing results in terms of shrinkage and consolidation resistance using the wool program at moderate temperatures, this resistance is marginal when washed with the normal washing program with higher mechanical agitation level or with the wool program at elevated temperature. This result was different from that obtained with woolen fabrics and explained by the less-structured organisation of fibers within a fleece.  相似文献   

The Hofmeister effect and the behaviour of water at interfaces   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Starting from known properties of non-specific salt effects on the surface tension at an air-water interface, we propose the first general, detailed qualitative molecular mechanism for the origins of ion-specific (Hofmeister) effects on the surface potential difference at an air-water interface; this mechanism suggests a simple model for the behaviour of water at all interfaces (including water-solute interfaces), regardless of whether the non-aqueous component is neutral or charged, polar or non-polar. Specifically, water near an isolated interface is conceptually divided into three layers, each layer being I water-molecule thick. We propose that the solute determines the behaviour of the adjacent first interfacial water layer (I1); that the bulk solution determines the behaviour of the third interfacial water layer (I3), and that both I1 and I3 compete for hydrogen-bonding interactions with the intervening water layer (I2), which can be thought of as a transition layer. The model requires that a polar kosmotrope (polar water-structure maker) interact with I1 more strongly than would bulk water in its place; that a chaotrope (water-structure breaker) interact with I1 somewhat less strongly than would bulk water in its place; and that a non-polar kosmotrope (non-polar water-structure maker) interact with I1 much less strongly than would bulk water in its place. We introduce two simple new postulates to describe the behaviour of I1 water molecules in aqueous solution. The first, the 'relative competition' postulate, states that an I1 water molecule, in maximizing its free energy (--delta G), will favour those of its highly directional polar (hydrogen-bonding) interactions with its immediate neighbours for which the maximum pairwise enthalpy of interaction (--delta H) is greatest; that is, it will favour the strongest interactions. We describe such behaviour as 'compliant', since an I1 water molecule will continually adjust its position to maximize these strong interactions. Its behaviour towards its remaining immediate neighbours, with whom it interacts relatively weakly (but still favourably), we describe as 'recalcitrant', since it will be unable to adjust its position to maximize simultaneously these interactions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Zhou HX 《Proteins》2005,61(1):69-78
Salting-out of proteins was discovered in the nineteenth century and is widely used for protein separation and crystallization. It is generally believed that salting-out occurs because at high concentrations salts and the protein compete for solvation water. Debye and Kirkwood suggested ideas for explaining salting-out (Debeye and MacAulay, Physik Z; 1925;131:22-29; Kirkwood, In: Proteins, amino acids and peptides as ions and dipolar ions. New York: Reinhold; 1943. p 586-622). However, a quantitative theory has not been developed, and such a theory is presented here. It is built on Kirkwood's idea that a salt ion has a repulsive interaction with an image charge inside a low dielectric cavity. Explicit treatment is given for the effect of other salt ions on the interaction between a salt ion and its image charge. When combined with the Debye-Hückel effect of salts on the solvation energy of protein charges (i.e., salting-in), the characteristic curve of protein solubility versus salt concentration is obtained. The theory yields a direct link between the salting-out effect and surface tension and is able to provide rationalizations for the effects of salt on the folding stability of several proteins.  相似文献   

We have studied the anion-dependent gating of roflamycoin ion channels using spectral analysis of noise in currents through multichannel planar lipid bilayers. We have found that in addition to low frequency current fluctuations that may be attributed to channel switching between open and closed conformations, roflamycoin channels exhibit a pronounced higher frequency noise indicating that the open channel conductance has substates with short lifetimes. This noise is well described by a Lorentzian spectrum component with a characteristic cutoff frequency that depends on the type of halide anions according to their position in the Hofmeister series. It is suggested that transitions between the substates correspond to a reversible ionization of the channel by a penetrating anion that binds to the channel structure, more chaotropic anions being bound for longer times. Within a framework of a two-substate model, the duration of the substate with reduced electrostatic barrier for cation current varies exponentially with anion electron polarizability. This explains two features of the roflamycoin channel reported earlier: the increase in apparent single-channel conductance along the series F- < Cl- < Br- < I- and the reverse of channel selectivity from anionic for KF to cationic for KI.  相似文献   

Interactions between macromolecules and ions: The Hofmeister series   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Hofmeister series, first noted in 1888, ranks the relative influence of ions on the physical behavior of a wide variety of aqueous processes ranging from colloidal assembly to protein folding. Originally, it was thought that an ion's influence on macromolecular properties was caused at least in part by 'making' or 'breaking' bulk water structure. Recent time-resolved and thermodynamic studies of water molecules in salt solutions, however, demonstrate that bulk water structure is not central to the Hofmeister effect. Instead, models are being developed that depend upon direct ion-macromolecule interactions as well as interactions with water molecules in the first hydration shell of the macromolecule.  相似文献   

In spite of the widespread use of proteins (casein, peptone, etc.) and protein fragments as a substrate for the proteolytic enzymes, a substrate prepared from dyes that adsorb onto appropriate materials, such as wool and cotton, are also used for enzyme activity determination. In the point of view of this thought, it was our aim to develop the substrates which are easily and economically obtainable and also environmentally safer for the frequently used proteolytic enzymes, such as subtilisin carlsberg, trypsin, chymotrypsin, and protease type XVI and, if possible, to prepare the specific substrate at least for one of these enzymes. For this aim, wool was dyed with natural dyes such as juglone, lawsone, berberine, and quercetin. The optimum pH, incubation time, and agitation rate were determinated. The results indicate that, of all the tested enzymes on wool-dye complex as an insoluble substrate, the most appropriate complex was found to be wool-lawsone complex.  相似文献   

Ion-exchange chromatography is the standard technique used for plasmid DNA purification, an essential molecular biology procedure. Non-ionic detergents (NIDs) have been used for plasmid DNA purification, but it is unclear whether Hofmeister series salts (HSS) change the solubility and phase separation properties of specific NIDs, enhancing plasmid DNA purification. After scaling-up NID-mediated plasmid DNA isolation, we established that NIDs in HSS solutions minimize plasmid DNA contamination with protein. In addition, large-scale NID/HSS solutions eliminated lipopolysaccharides (LPS) contamination of plasmid DNA more effectively than Qiagen ion-exchange columns. Large-scale NID isolation/NID purification generated increased yields of high-quality DNA compared to alkali isolation/column purification. This work characterizes how HSS enhance NID-mediated plasmid DNA purification, and demonstrates that NID phase transition is not necessary for LPS removal from plasmid DNA. Specific NIDs such as IGEPAL CA-520 can be utilized for rapid, inexpensive, and efficient laboratory-based large-scale plasmid DNA purification, outperforming Qiagen-based column procedures.  相似文献   

The toxicity of the antifungal polyene antibiotic amphotericin B (AMB) has been related to its low solubility, more specifically to a self-associated form termed toxic aggregate. In addition, AMB in aqueous medium gives rise to concentration, ionic strength, and time-dependent polydisperse systems. For this reason different approaches, including the use of several lipid aggregates, have been used in attempts to improve the drug's solubility and increase its therapeutic index. In this context, understanding AMB's self-association properties should help in the preparation of less toxic formulations. Ions from the Hofmeister series alter water properties: while kosmotropes (water structure makers-sulfate, citrate, phosphate) decrease solute solubility, chaotropes (water structure breakers-perchlorate, thiocyanate, trichloroacetate, and the neutral molecule urea) have opposite effects. This work reports a study of the effect of Hofmeister ions and urea on the self-aggregation of AMB and some of its derivatives. Optical absorption and circular dichroism spectra were used to monitor monomeric and aggregated antibiotic. While kosmotropes increased aggregation in a concentration-dependent manner, the opposite was observed for chaotropes. It is shown, for the first time, that thiocyanate and trichloroacetate can induce complete AMB monomerization. The understanding of these processes at the physicochemical and molecular levels and the possibility of modulating the aggregation state of AMB and its derivatives should contribute to elucidate the mechanisms of action and toxicity of this widely used antibiotic and to develop more efficient and less toxic preparations.  相似文献   

Electrospinning has been used to prepare nanofibers from diverse biopolymers. Here we report on preparation of fibers by electrospinning of levan (a polysaccharide) from distilled water. A high concentration of levan was required for fiber formation. This suggests that higher concentrations enable the formation of chain entanglements required to maintain the jet strength. In general, fiber diameter decreased with increased voltage, distance between collector plate and needle and decreased pump flow rate. X-ray diffraction of the fibers showed a highly amorphous character in levan formed from solution compared to the levan powder.  相似文献   

Anions and cations have long been recognized to be capable of modifying the functioning of various membrane-related physiological processes. Here, a fluorescent ratio method using the styrylpyridinium dyes, RH421 and di-8-ANEPPS, was applied to determine the effect of a range of anions and cations on the intramembrane dipole potential of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles. It was found that certain anions cause a decrease in the dipole potential. This could be explained by binding within the membrane, in support of a hypothesis originally put forward by A. L. Hodgkin and P. Horowicz [1960, J. Physiol. (Lond.) 153:404-412.] The effectiveness of the anions in reducing the dipole potential was found to be ClO4- > SCN- > I- > NO3- > Br- > Cl- > F- > SO42-. This order could be modeled by a partitioning of ions between the membrane and the aqueous phase, which is controlled predominantly by the Gibbs free energy of hydration. Cations were also found to be capable of reducing the dipole potential, although much less efficiently than can anions. The effects of the cations was found to be trivalent > divalent > monovalent. The cation effects were attributed to binding to a specific polar site on the surface of the membrane. The results presented provide a molecular basis for the interpretation of the Hofmeister effect of lyotropic anions on ion transport proteins.  相似文献   

Water transport in invertebrate peripheral nerve fibers   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Osmotic and diffusion permeabilities (Pf and Pd) of invertebrate nerve fibers to tritiated water were measured to determine what water flux studies could reveal about "the nerve membrane" and to directly test the possibility of active transport of water into or out of invertebrate nerve fibers. Pf/Pd ratios for lobster walking leg nerve fibers were found to be about 20 ± 7 at 14°C. Pd measurements were made for squid giant axons at 25°C. and found to yield a value of 4 x 10–4 cm.–1 sec.–1. When combined with the data of D. K. Hill for Pf, a Pf/Pd ratio of 21 ± 5 is obtained. These Pf/Pd ratios correspond to "effective pore radii" of about 16 ± 4 angstrom units, according to theories developed by Koefoed-Johnsen and Ussing and independently by Pappenheimer and his colleagues. Variations of water flux ratios with temperatures were studied and apparent activation energies calculated for both diffusion experiments and osmotic filtration experiments using the Arrhenius equation, and found to be close to 3 to 5 cal. per mole of water transferred. Cyanide (5 x 10–3 molar) and iodoacetate (1 x 10–3 molar) poisoned lobster leg nerve fibers showed no appreciable change in diffusion or osmotic filtration water effluxes. Caution in interpreting these proposed channels as simple pores was emphasized, but the possibility that such channels exist and are related to ionic flow is not incompatible with electrophysiological data.  相似文献   

With ongoing efforts to make wool more competitive alongside other fibres, notably synthetics, there is a need to obtain a better understanding of the relationship between protein composition and characteristic wool properties to assist sheep breeding programmes. Before this can be achieved, the wool proteome needs to be mapped, by gel and non-gel techniques, and methods developed to reliably quantitate protein expression. Nevertheless, in setting out to achieve this, there are numerous challenges to be faced in the application of proteomics to wool, including the relative lack of wool protein sequence information in the publically accessible databases, the wide variety of proteins in the wool fibre, the high homology within the Type I and Type II keratins, the high degree of homology and polymorphism within individual keratin associated protein families, the dominance of the keratin proteins over others in wool and the peculiar chemistries found in keratins and their associated proteins. This review will discuss the various strategies that have been developed to both identify these proteins in the wool protein map and quantify them with the view to their application to the identification of markers for wool quality traits.  相似文献   

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