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mAb directed against the TCR/CD3 complex activate resting T cells. However, TCR/CD3 signaling induces death by apoptosis in immature (CD4+CD8+) murine thymocytes and certain transformed leukemic T cell lines. Here we show that anti-TCR and anti-CD3 mAb induce growth arrest of cloned TCR-gamma delta + T cells in the presence of IL-2. In the absence of exogenous IL-2, however, the very same anti-TCR/CD3 mAb stimulated gamma delta (+)-clones to proliferation and IL-2 production. In the presence of exogenous IL-2, anti-TCR/CD3 mAb induced the degradation of DNA into oligosomal bands of approximately 200 bp length in cloned gamma delta + T cells. This pattern of DNA fragmentation is characteristic for the programmed cell death termed apoptosis. These results demonstrate that TCR/CD3 signaling can induce cell death in cloned gamma delta + T cells. In addition, this report is the first to show that apoptosis triggered by TCR/CD3 signaling is not restricted to CD4+CD8+ immature thymocytes and transformed leukemic T cell lines but can be also observed with IL-2-dependent normal (i.e., TCR-gamma delta +) T cells.  相似文献   

Gamma/delta T cells might play an important role in autoimmune conditions like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In the present study, we characterized the T cell receptor (TCR)-delta repertoire by complementarity determining region 3 (CDR3) spectratyping in the inflamed and noninflamed mucosa and in the peripheral blood of subjects with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. In contrast to previously published data about alpha/beta T cells, we rarely found oligoclonal expansions of gamma/delta T cells specific only for the inflamed mucosa. The same dominant gamma/delta T cell expansions were also present in the noninflamed colon. Furthermore, the peripheral gamma/delta TCR repertoire was oligoclonal but clearly distinct from that in the inflamed intestine. Thus our results do not support a role for antigen-specific gamma/delta T cells in IBD, and dominant gamma/delta T cells of the peripheral blood are not likely to be derived from the inflamed gut. However, in several patients, the TCR-delta-repertoire was highly diversified, whereas in others we observed a loss of dominant gamma/delta T cell clones when inflamed and noninflamed mucosa were compared. In conclusion, those changes indicate that gamma/delta T cells might play an important role in a subset of patients with IBD.  相似文献   

Autoimmune T cell lines specific for muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) were propagated from the blood of three myasthenia gravis patients by the use of a pool of synthetic peptides (delta-pool) corresponding to the complete sequence of the delta-subunit of human muscle AChR. Propagation of AChR-specific T cell lines was attempted unsuccessfully from four other myasthenia gravis patients and from four healthy controls. The lines had CD3+, CD4+, CD8- phenotype, strongly recognized the delta-pool, and cross-reacted vigorously with non-denatured AChR purified from mammalian muscle. They did not cross-react detectably with pools of similar overlapping synthetic peptides corresponding to the complete sequences of the alpha- and gamma-subunits of human muscle AChR. The sequence segments of the delta-subunit that contain T epitopes were identified by investigating the response of the three CD4+ T cell lines to the individual synthetic peptides forming the delta-pool. Each line had an individual pattern of peptide recognition. Although no immunodominant region, recognized in association with different DR haplotypes, could be identified, the sequence segments most strongly recognized by the CD4+ T cell lines were clustered within residues 121-290. One of the peptides more strongly recognized by the T cells corresponded to a sequence segment with high predicted propensity to form an amphipathic alpha-helix, a structural motif proposed to be typical of T epitopes.  相似文献   

αβ T cells and γδ T cells perform nonoverlapping immune functions. In mammalian species with a high percentage of very diverse γδ T cells, like ruminants and pigs, it is often assumed that αβ T cells are less diverse than γδ T cells. Based on the bovine genome, we have created a map of the bovine TRA/TRD locus and show that, in cattle, in addition to the anticipated >100 TRDV genes, there are also >300 TRAV or TRAV/DV genes. Among the V genes in the TRA/TRD locus, there are several genes that lack a CDR2 and are functionally rearranged and transcribed and, in some cases, have an extended CDR1. The number of bovine V genes is a multiple of the number in mice and humans and may encode T cell receptors that use a novel way of interacting with antigen. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Kallikrein (KLK)4 is a recently described member of the tissue kallikrein gene family that is specifically expressed in normal and prostate tumor tissues. The tissue-specific expression profile of this molecule suggests that it might be useful as a vaccine candidate against prostate cancer. To examine the presence of CD4 T cells specific for KLK4 in PBMC of normal individuals, a peptide-based in vitro stimulation protocol was developed that uses overlapping KLK4-derived peptides spanning the majority of the KLK4 protein. Using this methodology, three naturally processed CD4 epitopes derived from the KLK4 sequence are identified. These epitopes are restricted by HLA-DRB1*0404, HLA-DRB1*0701, and HLA-DPB1*0401 class II alleles. CD4 T cell clones specific for these epitopes are shown to efficiently and specifically recognize both recombinant KLK4 protein and lysates from prostate tumor cell lines virally infected to express KLK4. CD4 T cells specific for these KLK4 epitopes are shown to exist in PBMC from multiple male donors that express the relevant class II alleles, indicating that a CD4 T cell repertoire specific for KLK4 is present and potentially expandable in prostate cancer patients. The demonstration that KLK4-specific CD4 T cells exist in the peripheral circulation of normal male donors and the identification of naturally processed KLK4-derived CD4 T cell epitopes support the use of KLK4 in whole gene-, protein-, or peptide-based vaccine strategies against prostate cancer. Furthermore, the identification of naturally processed KLK4-derived epitopes provides valuable tools for monitoring preexisting and vaccine-induced responses to this molecule.  相似文献   

In view of the recently determined three-dimensional structures of complexes formed by the T cell receptor for antigen (TCR), the processed peptide and the MHC class I molecule, it is expected that the combined configuration formed by the third complementarity determining regions (CDR3) of TCR alpha and beta chains will be very restricted in size and shape due to the limited length variations of the processed peptides. Thus, the combined TCR alpha and beta chain CDR3 lengths should have a fairly narrow distribution. This feature can be due to the selective association of long alpha chain CDR3 with short beta chain CDR3 and vice versa or due to random assortment of alpha and beta chain CDR3 of even narrower length distribution. Based on existing translated amino acid sequence data, it has been found that the latter mechanism is responsible.  相似文献   

We have examined transmembrane signaling events via the TCR/CD3 complex (TCR/CD3) at various stages of T cell development for evidence of developmental regulation. Engagement of TCR/CD3 induced defective activation of phospholipase C (PLC) in thymocytes relative to peripheral blood T lymphocytes. The defect in PLC activation via TCR/CD3 was restricted to immature thymocytes (CD3low, CD4+CD8+). Mature thymocytes (CD3high, CD4+CD8-/CD8+CD4-) were similar to PBL in signaling via TCR/CD3. Both immature and mature thymocytes expressed a similar profile of PLC isoenzyme mRNA species, indicating that the defect in signaling in immature thymocytes was not due to altered expression of PLC isoenzymes. Activation of tyrosine phosphorylation pathways implicated in the coupling of TCR/CD3 to PLC was impaired in immature thymocytes, as evidenced by depressed phosphorylation of CD3 zeta subunit after stimulation with anti TCR/CD3 mAb. This was associated with lower levels of p59fyn tyrosine kinase and minimal or undetectable stimulus-induced kinase activation in immature thymocytes relative to mature thymocytes. We conclude that the capacity to signal via TCR/CD3 is regulated during T cell development by mechanisms acting at the level of TCR/CD3-associated tyrosine phosphorylation pathways.  相似文献   

The requirements for activation of the lytic machinery through CD2 of TCR gamma delta+/CD3+ cells were examined, by utilizing bispecific heteroconjugates containing anti-CD2 mAb cross-linked to anti-DNP. Contrary to the CD2 activation requirements in TCR alpha beta+/CD3+ cells, cytotoxic activity in TCR gamma delta+/CD3+ clones and TCR-/CD3- NK cell clones can be induced by heteroconjugates containing a single anti-CD2 (OKT11.1) mAb. Activation of TCR gamma delta+/CD3+ cells via CD2 is independent of heteroconjugates binding to CD16 (Fc gamma RIII), because heteroconjugates prepared from Fab fragments induced equal levels of lysis. Moreover, anti-CD16 mAb did not inhibit triggering via CD2 in TCR gamma delta+/CD3+ cells. In TCR-/CD3- NK cells, however, induction of cytotoxicity via CD2 is co-dependent on interplay with CD16. Anti-CD3 mAb blocked the anti-CD2 x anti-DNP heteroconjugate-induced cytotoxicity of TCR gamma delta+/CD3+ cells, indicating a functional linkage between CD2 and CD3 on these cells. We conclude that induction of lysis via CD2 shows qualitatively different activation requirements in TCR gamma delta+/CD3+, TCR alpha beta+/CD3+ CTL and TCR-/CD3- NK cells.  相似文献   

Bifunctional cross-linking reagents DSP, DSS, and BSOCOES were used to cross-link 125I-surface-labeled viable T lymphocytes. The cross-linked cells were solubilized in Nonidet-P40, immunoprecipitated with anti-Ti (monoclonal antibody T40/25) or anti-T3 (monoclonal antibodies UCHT-1 or OKT3), and analyzed by SDS-PAGE. With all three cross-linkers, the intact cross-linked products obtained with monoclonal antibody T40/25 from HPB-ALL cells were 20-30 kd heavier than the Ti dimer (Mr 80,000). When the DSP cross-linked product was isolated using either anti-Ti or anti-T3 monoclonal antibodies and then cleaved, bands having molecular weights identical with both the Ti and T3 subunits were obtained. The two-dimensional SDS-PAGE analysis (nonreducing followed by reducing conditions) of the DSS and BSOCOES cross-linked products revealed the specifically cross-linked bands to have Mr 40,000 and Mr 28,000. These data indicate that the Ti molecule and the T3 molecule are spatially associated on the cell surface and suggest the predominant association is between the Ti beta subunit (Mr 40,000) and the T3 heavy subunit (Mr 28,000).  相似文献   

The identification of tumor-associated T cell epitopes has contributed significantly to the understanding of the interrelationship of tumor and immune system and is instrumental in the development of therapeutic vaccines for the treatment of cancer. Most of the known epitopes have been identified with prediction algorithms that compute the potential capacity of a peptide to bind to HLA class I molecules. However, naturally expressed T cell epitopes need not necessarily be strong HLA binders. To overcome this limitation of the available prediction algorithms we established a strategy for the identification of T cell epitopes that include suboptimal HLA binders. To this end, an artificial neural network was developed that predicts HLA-binding peptides in protein sequences by taking the entire sequence context into consideration rather than computing the sum of the contribution of the individual amino acids. Using this algorithm, we predicted seven HLA A*0201-restricted potential T cell epitopes from known melanoma-associated Ags that do not conform to the canonical anchor motif for this HLA molecule. All seven epitopes were validated as T cell epitopes and three as naturally processed by melanoma tumor cells. T cells for four of the new epitopes were found at elevated frequencies in the peripheral blood of melanoma patients. Modification of the peptides to the canonical sequence motifs led to improved HLA binding and to improved capacity to stimulate T cells.  相似文献   

Frozen sections from normal and pathologic human tissues were immunostained by the APAAP technique with three mAb directed against different epitopes of the TCR gamma delta; TCR delta 1 which binds to all cells bearing the TCR gamma delta; BB3 and delta TCS1 which, by immunoprecipitation studies, appear to react respectively with the disulfide-linked and nondisulfide-linked form of the TCR gamma delta. In normal thymus, TCR delta 1+ cells accounted for approximately 2% of the CD3+ thymocytes and were about three times more numerous in the medulla than in the cortex. TCR delta 1+ cells were mostly constituted by the delta TCS1 reactive subset (average ratio delta TCS1/BB3: 3.7). In the tonsil, the TCR delta 1+ cells (about 3% of CD3+ elements) were mainly located in the interfollicular area, where they frequently tended to arrange around high endothelium venules. In most samples, TCR delta 1+ cells were distributed beneath to the tonsil epithelium. Unlike thymus, the majority of TCR delta 1+ cells were usually constituted by the BB3-reactive subset (average BB3/delta TCS1 ratio: 2.0). A similar predominance of BB3+ over delta TCS1+ cells was also observed in normal peripheral blood. The spleen was the organ with the highest concentration of TCR delta 1+ cells that, like in the thymus, were mostly represented by delta TCS1+ elements. Noteworthy, the TCR delta 1+ cells were preferentially located in the splenic sinusoids while TCR alpha beta-bearing lymphocytes mostly occupied the periarteriolar sheaths of penicilliary arteries. The majority of neoplastic T cell proliferations studied lacked to express the TCR gamma delta. Two cases of beta F1-(TCR alpha beta-) T lymphoblastic lymphoma, however, were TCR gamma delta+ (delta TCS1+/BB3-). Both of them showed a stage II cortical phenotype, e.g., CD1+/CD3+/CD4+/CD8+/TCR delta 1+. Among inflammatory conditions, an increase of BB3+ cells was observed in close association with necrotic areas in cases of Kikuchi's and tuberculous lymphadenitis. The significance of this finding is under study.  相似文献   

A major objective in vaccine development is the design of reagents that give a strong, specific T cell response. Targeting of antigens to antigen presenting cells (APC) results in enhanced antigen presentation and T cell activation. In this paper, we describe a novel targeting reagent denoted 'Troy-bodies', namely recombinant antibodies with APC-specificity and with T cell epitopes integrated in their C regions. We have made such antibodies with V regions specific for either IgD or MHC class II, and five different T cell epitopes have been tested. All epitopes could be introduced into loops of C domains without disrupting immunoglobulin (Ig) folding. Four have been tested in T cell activation studies, and all could be released and presented by APC. Furthermore, whether IgD- or MHC-specific, the molecules tested enhanced T cell stimulation compared to non-specific control antibodies in vitro as well as in vivo. Using this technology, specific reagents can be designed that target selected antigenic peptides to an APC of choice. Troy-bodies may therefore be useful for manipulation of immune responses, and in particular for vaccination purposes.  相似文献   

The third complementarity-determining regions (CDR3s) of antibodies and T cell receptors (TCRs) have been shown to play a major role in antigen binding and specificity. Consistent with this notion, we demonstrated previously that high-affinity, peptide-specific TCRs could be generated in vitro by mutations in the CDR3alpha region of the 2C TCR. In contrast, it has been argued that CDR1 and CDR2 are involved to a greater extent than CDR3s in the process of MHC restriction, due to their engagement of MHC helices. Based on this premise, we initiated the present study to explore whether higher affinity TCRs generated through mutations in these CDRs or other regions would lead to significant reductions in peptide specificity (i.e. the result of greater binding energy gained through interactions with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) helices). Yeast-display technology and flow sorting were used to select high-affinity TCRs from libraries of CDR mutants or random mutants. High-affinity TCRs with mutations in the first residue of the Valpha, CDR1, CDR2, or CDR3 were isolated. Unexpectedly, every TCR mutant, including those in CDR1 and CDR2, retained remarkable peptide specificity. Molecular modeling of various mutants suggested that such exquisite specificity may be due to: (1) enhanced electrostatic interactions with key peptide or MHC residues; or (2) stabilization of CDRs in specific conformations. The results indicate that the TCR is positioned so that virtually every CDR can contribute to the antigen-specificity of a T cell. The conserved diagonal docking of TCRs could thus orient each CDR loop to sense the peptide directly or indirectly through peptide-induced effects on the MHC.  相似文献   

T cell receptors (TR), through their interaction with the major histocompatibility complex, play a central role in immune responsiveness and potentially immune-related disorders. We resequenced all 57 variable (V) genes in the human T cell receptor alpha and delta (TRA/TRD) locus in 40 individuals of Northern European, Mexican, African-American and Chinese descent. Two hundred and eighty-four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified. The distribution of SNPs between V genes was heterogeneous, with an average of five SNPs per gene and a range of zero to 15. We describe the patterns of linkage disequilibrium for these newly discovered SNPs and compare these patterns with other emerging large-scale datasets (e.g. Perlegen and HapMap projects) to place our findings into a framework for future analysis of genotype–phenotype associations across this locus. Furthermore, we explore signatures of natural selection across V genes. We find evidence of strong directional selection at this locus as evidenced by unusually high values of F st Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

The human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) is a gamma herpesvirus with oncogenic potential which establishes a chronic infection that is normally controlled by the immune system of healthy individuals. In particular, CTL responses seem to play a key role in control of the infection. In this study, we characterized epitope-specific CTL responses in healthy HHV-8-seropositive individuals against four HHV-8 lytic Ags: open reading frames (ORF) 26, 70, K3, and K5. We found that the majority of subjects responded to at least one HHV-8 lytic Ag-derived epitope, and some of these epitopes represented dominant targets, suggesting that they could be relevant targets of CTL-mediated immunity in vivo, and may be involved in host control of HHV-8. Specifically, we identified three CTL epitopes from ORF 26, which are presented by HLA-A2, six CTL epitopes from ORF 70 presented by HLA-A2 (three epitopes), -A24 (two epitopes), and -B7 (one epitope), three CTL epitopes from ORF K3 presented by HLA-A2 (two epitopes) and -B7 (one epitope), and one HLA-A2 presented epitope derived from ORF K5. The identified epitopes may be regarded as useful tools for understanding the role of CTL responses to lytic Ags in individuals affected by HHV-8-associated disorders, and for the development of immunotherapies for the treatment/prevention of HHV-8-associated malignancies.  相似文献   

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