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The amino acid composition, and the absorption, circular dichroism (CD) and magnetic circular dichroism spectra of a metalloprotein induced in the livers of guinea pigs by the injection of CdCl2 are reported. The amino acid composition of this protein closely resembles that of rat liver metallothionein (MT). We show that this protein has spectroscopic properties that closely follow the behaviour previously reported for several other cadmium-containing metallothioneins in its spectral response to changes in pH, and to the addition of cadmium and copper(I). Dramatic changes are observed in the CD spectrum during the addition of copper(I); it is suggested that these changes are the result of the formation of a mixed Cu(I)/Cd(II) cluster that forms in the α domain once the β domain has been saturated with Cu(I). These results are of particular importance in the characterization of this protein as belonging to the metallothionein class of proteins, as spectral changes of this type are directly related to the displacement of Cd2+ and Zn2+ from the two, thiolatecluster binding sites that are amongst the unique properties of mammalian metallothioneins. It is demonstrated that the CD spectrum provides a sensitive indicator of the presence of these special metal binding sites by indicating changes in the binding geometry and stoichiometry in response to an incoming metal. These results indicate that the guinea pig liver metallothionein induced by injections of CdCl2 uses the same α and β type of clusters for cadmium binding as rat liver Cd, Zn-MT, even though there are minor differences in the amino acid composition between the guinea pig and rat liver proteins.  相似文献   

Mice were given cadmium chloride orally for 18 weeks, after which they were given two subcutaneous injections of cadmium chloride. Cadmium-and zinc-containing proteins were obtained from livers by ultracentrifugation, Sephadex chromatography and isoelectric focusing. Metallothionein with apI of 4.2 at 8 degrees C was separated from other proteins (possibly including other forms of metallothionein) by the isoelectric procedure. The metallothionein with pI = 4.2 had a high E250, reflecting abundant Cd-SH bonds, in accord with amino acid analysis, which gave a cysteine content of 34.6 residues % and showed an absence of aromatic amino acids. These results indicated a very high purity of the form of metallothionein isolated after isoelectric focusing.  相似文献   

Metallothioneins (MTs) are crucial proteins in all organisms for the regulation of essential metals and the detoxification of heavy metals. Many studies have estimated MT levels in mussel tissues to detect marine metal pollution. In this study, we investigated the MT gene structures of the forms present in Mytilus edulis (blue mussel). One MT-10 (2413 bp) gene and one MT-20 (1906 bp) gene were obtained. These MT genes contain three exons and two long introns. The splicing signals for MT-10 and MT-20 were GTA(T/A)GT-(C/T)AG. The structural organization (length of intron, splicing signals, AT content) of MT-10 and MT-20 is compared with other MT genes.  相似文献   

The endogenous zinc content of hepatic cytosol in the term fetal rabbit was found to be three-fold higher than corresponding maternal levels. Following gel-filtration, the bulk of this zinc was found to be associated with a peak, not detectable in the maternal cytosol, having a relative elution volumn similar to that of cadmium-induced metallothionein. In vitro addition of increasing amounts of cadmium to the fetal cytosol prior to gel-filtration caused progessive displacement of endogenous zinc from the peak, selective cadmium binding and eventual cadmium saturation. Anion-exchange chromatography disclosed two distinct peaks, corresponding to the two cadmium-containing peaks detected in the cytosol from cadmium-induced animals. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of purified protein also revealed the existance of two bands in both the fetus and induced adult. Results indicate the presence of endogenous metallothioneins in the hepatic cytosol of the normal term rabbit fetus which are similar to the metallothioneins which appear in the adult hepatic cytosol following exposure to cadmium.  相似文献   

Myoglobin was isolated from the skeletal muscle of the water tortoise, Trionyx niloticus. The myoglobin is monomeric with an apparent molecular weight of 18,000 daltons as determined on Sephadex G-75 (with a non-denaturing eluant) and 18,547 from the amino acid composition. Spectrophotometric characteristics for a variety of ferrous and ferric derivatives have been determined.  相似文献   

1. By successive application of gel-filtration and ion-exchange chromatography IgG fraction have been isolated from frog (Rana ridibunda Pall.) and tortoise (Testudo graeca Pall.) sera. 2. The homogeneity of the fractions has been confirmed and a similar electrophoretic mobility has been revealed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoelectrophoresis. 3. In rabbits polyclonal antibodies giving specific reaction with the corresponding IgG immunoglobulin have been raised.  相似文献   

The mammalian testes are generally quite susceptible to cadmium. A deficiency of metallothionein (MT), a metal-binding protein linked to Cd tolerance, has been observed in rat testes and may explain the sensitivity in rats. Little is known about the metal-binding proteins in primate testes. Thus this study examined the nature of these proteins in a non-human primate species, the patas monkey (Erythrocebus patas). In all cases proteins isolated from testes were compared with authentic MT isolated from the liver of a zinc-treated monkey. A low-molecular-mass Zn/Cd-binding protein was seen in testicular and hepatic cytosol after gel filtration. Neither protein had substantial amounts of associated copper. These proteins could be partially purified from both sources by heat treatment and acetone precipitation. When such extracts were further separated by reverse-phase h.p.l.c., four hepatic forms were isolated, all of which proved to be authentic MT by amino acid analysis. However, only two testicular forms were separated by h.p.l.c., both of which had amino acid compositions quite unlike that of MT, having a much lower cysteine content and amino acids which are absent from MT (leucine and phenylalanine). The testicular protein appeared to be uninducible by Zn treatment. These results suggest that the low-molecular-mass Cd/Zn-binding proteins in the patas testes are not MTs and further support the hypothesis that a MT deficiency may be an important determinate of the marked testicular sensitivity to Cd toxicity.  相似文献   

Isolation and some properties of human metallothionein   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
P Pulido  J H K?gi  B L Vallee 《Biochemistry》1966,5(5):1768-1777

The genes for two apparent subtypes of metallothionein (MT) isoform were isolated from the Antarctic clam Laternula elliptica. Determination of the nucleotide sequence showed that the gene consists of 222 bp that code a 73-amino acid protein. The comparison between MT cDNA sequences of L. elliptica and other bivalves showed strong homologies on positions of cysteine residues, which are important for their metal binding abilities. The gene for the MT was inserted into a pET vector and overexpressed as a carboxyl terminal extension of glutathionein-S-transferase (GST) in Escherichia coli. After the GST fusion proteins had been purified by glutathione-Sepharose affinity chromatography column and digested with enterokinase, the MT was purified with gel filtration and analyzed for its biochemical properties. Recombinant MTs were reconstituted with Cd, Cu, and Zn, and kinetic studies of the reactions with electrophilic disulphide, DTNB, were investigated to explore their metal binding ability. It is revealed that the Cd-MT and Zn-MT react with DTNB biphasically, and that Zn-MT reacts with DTNB more rapidly, and with a significantly greater pseudo-first-order rate constant. Cu-MT reacts monophasically and releases metal slowly from MT.  相似文献   

Egg whites of three species of tortoise and turtle have been compared by gel chromatography for inhibitory activity against proteases. The egg white of Geomda trijuga trijuga Schariggar contains trypsin/subtilisin inhibitor while the egg white of Caretta caretta Linn. contains both trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors. No protease inhibitory activity has been detected in the egg white of Trionyx gangeticus Cuvier. An acidic trypsin/subtilisin inhibitor has been purified to homogeneity from the egg white of tortoise (G. trijuga trijuga). It is a single polypeptide chain of 100 amino acid residues, having a molecular weight of 11 700. It contains six disulphide bonds and is devoid of methionine and carbohydrate moiety. Its isoelectric point is at pH 5.95 and is stable at 100°C for 4 h at neutral pH. The inhibitor inhibits both trypsin and subtilisin by forming enzyme-inhibitor complexes at a molar ratio close to unity. Their dissociation contants are 7.2·10?9 M for bovine trypsin adn 5.5·10?7 M for subtilisin. Chemical modification of amino groups with trinitrobenzene sulfonate has reduced its inhibitory activities against both trypsin and subtilisin, but the loss of its trypsin inhibitory activity is faster than of its subtilisin inhibitory activity. It has independent binding sites for inhibition of trypsin and subtilisin.  相似文献   

The Cd-sequestering metallothionein (MT) isoform isolated from the midgut gland of Roman snails exposed to Cd supplements in the feed was characterized by compositional and spectroscopic analysis. The preparations contained nearly 5 mol of Cd, small amounts of Cu and about 1 mol of Zn per chain mass of 6620 Da, in numerical agreement with the apoprotein's measured capacity of firmly binding a maximum of 6 equivalents of Cd per molecule. As with other Cd-containing MTs the occurrence of a prominent Cd-mercaptide-specific shoulder at 250 nm in its absorption spectrum showed that Cd is complexed in tetrahedral symmetry by the cysteine residues of the protein, and the multiphasic ellipticity profile in the CD spectrum revealed that these complexes are joined to form one or more oligonuclear Cd-mercapto clusters. Both spectral features vanished with the removal of the metal but were reconstituted to maximum amplitudes by readdition of Cd to the metal-free apoprotein, provided precautions were taken to prevent air oxidation of the latter. Quantitative analysis of snail MT reconstituted with Cd established that the 18 cysteine side chains bind the metal in a 3-to-1 ratio; spectroscopic studies on fractionally restored forms demonstrated that the six Cd ions were bound to the apoprotein molecule in succession in two sets of three Cd ions each. Thus, one can infer from the observed stoichiometry and the coordinating preferences of Cd that this gastropod MT, like the Cd-bearing MTs of marine crustaceans, harboured the metal in two separate cyclically constructed Cd3Cys9 clusters. The snail clusters differed, however, from other MTs in their response to acidification. Their protolytic dissociation proceeded through two separate protonation steps with the manifestation of spectroscopically distinguishable intermediate forms. Thus, this snail isoform displays in its metal composition and its chemical and spectroscopic features both similarities and differences to other animal kingdom MTs. Its properties suggest that it serves an important role in the protection of the terrestrial gastropod from Cd.  相似文献   

A novel gene sequence, with two exons and one intron, encoding a metallothionein (MT) has been identified in durum wheat Triticum durum cv. Balcali85 genomic DNA. Multiple alignment analyses on the cDNA and the translated protein sequences showed that T. durum MT (dMT) can be classified as a type 1 MT. dMT has three Cys-X-Cys motifs in each of the N- and C-terminal domains and a 42-residue-long hinge region devoid of cysteines. dMT was overexpressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein (GSTdMT), and bacteria expressing the fusion protein showed increased tolerance to cadmium in the growth medium compared with controls. Purified GSTdMT was characterized by SDS- and native-PAGE, size exclusion chromatography, and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. It was shown that the recombinant protein binds 4 +/- 1 mol of cadmium/mol of protein and has a high tendency to form stable oligomeric structures. The structure of GSTdMT and dMT was investigated by synchrotron x-ray solution scattering and computational methods. X-ray scattering measurements indicated a strong tendency for GSTdMT to form dimers and trimers in solution and yielded structural models that were compatible with a stable dimeric form in which dMT had an extended conformation. Results of homology modeling and ab initio solution scattering approaches produced an elongated dMT structure with a long central hinge region. The predicted model and those obtained from x-ray scattering are in agreement and suggest that dMT may be involved in functions other than metal detoxification.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to further establish the nature of the low molecular weight metal-binding proteins in rat testes. In all cases, control testes were compared to livers of zinc-treated rats, which are known to contain high concentrations of metallothionein. Gel filtration of testicular and hepatic cytosol revealed a major zinc- and/or cadmium-binding protein in the low molecular weight range in both tissues. This protein could be partially purified from either source by a combination of heat treatment and sequential acetone precipitation. When such partially purified preparations were further fractionated by high performance liquid chromatography using a linear gradient of 25%-40% acetonitrile in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid, two major forms with similar retention times were seen in each tissue. The utility of this high performance liquid chromatography system for separating isoforms of metallothionein was verified by separation of commercially available purified rabbit hepatic metallothionein into a total of five separate forms. Amino acid analysis of the two proteins derived from rat liver was consistent with the known amino acid composition of metallothionein. However, the two testicular forms separated by high performance liquid chromatography were notably different in amino acid composition from metallothionein, with a distinctly lower content of cysteine. These results indicate that the major low molecular weight cadmium/zinc-binding proteins in rat testes are not metallothioneins.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of microsatellites from the canine genome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Microsatellite sequences comprising (dC-dA)n.(dG-dT)n repeats have been isolated from canine libraries and sequenced. Oligonucleotide primers have been synthesized to the micro-satellite flanking sequences and used in the polymerase chain reaction to amplify those loci from genomic DNA. The degree of polymorphism of each microsatellite was estimated in a set of unrelated dogs. It is concluded that of the 10 loci studied, nine are sufficiently polymorphic to be useful in genetic studies.  相似文献   

The membranes of sporophore cap tissue from the cultivated mushroom, Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Sing., were isolated using discontinuous sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation of a tissue homogenate. A membrane-rich fraction was concentrated at the 1.16/1.18 g/cc interface and a mitochondria-rich fraction at the 1.18/1.20 g/cc interface. The membrane fraction was judged to be greater than 90% membrane vesicles by electron microscopy. The protein to lipid ratio of the membrane fraction was 1.1; the molar ratio of sterol to phospholipid was 0.77. The specific radioactivity of a Mg-activated ATPase was 2.5 times greater in the membrane fraction than in the homogenate. No 5′-nucleotidase or Na-K-Mg-activated ATPase activity was observed.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of acetylcholinesterase from Drosophila   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The purification and characterization of acetylcholinesterase from heads of the fruit fly Drosophila are described. Sequential extraction procedures indicated that approximately 40% of the activity was soluble and 60% membrane-bound and that virtually none (less than 4%) corresponded to collagen-tailed forms. The membrane-bound enzyme was extracted with Triton X-100 and purified over 4000-fold by affinity chromatography on acridinium resin. Hydrodynamic analysis by both sucrose gradient centrifugation and chromatography on Sepharose CL-4B revealed an Mr of 165,000 similar to that observed for dimeric (G2) forms of the enzyme in mammalian tissues. In contrast, the purified enzyme gave predominant bands of about 100 kDa prior to disulfied reduction and 55 kDa after reduction on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate, values that are significantly lower than those reported for purified G2 enzymes from other species. However, the presence of a faint band at 70 kDa which could be labeled by [3H]diisopropyl fluorophosphate prior to denaturation suggested that the 55-kDa band as well as a 16-kDa species arose from proteolysis. This was confirmed by reductive radiomethylation and amine analysis of the 70-, 55-, and 16-kDa bands. All three contained ethanolamine and glucosamine residues that are characteristic of a C-terminal glycolipid anchor in other G2 acetylcholinesterases. The catalytic properties of the enzyme were examined by titration with a fluorogenic reagent which revealed a turnover number for acetylthiocholine that was 6-fold lower than eel and 3-fold lower than human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase. Furthermore, the Drosophila enzyme hydrolyzed butyrylthiocholine much more efficiently than these eel or human enzymes, an indication that the fly head enzyme has a substrate specificity intermediate between mammalian acetylcholinesterases and butyrylcholinesterases.  相似文献   

Holocellulose isolated from the aerial parts of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) contains a polysaccharide complex of cellulose and hemicelluloses, the major structural components of cell walls. Holocellulose is highly hydrophilic and has a dense biopolymer packing. The carboxylic groups of hemicelluloses and cellulose determines the ability of holocellulose to adsorb polyvalent metal cations.  相似文献   

Using extraction with 0.75% aqueous ammonium oxalate, the following polysaccharide fractions were isolated: tanacetans TVF, TVS, and TVR from floscules, sprouts, and roots, respectively, of Tanacetum vulgare L., spread throughout the European North of Russia. The sugar chain of tanacetan TVF consists of D-galacturonic acid (61.4%), arabinose (14.7%), galactose (10.2%), and rhamnose (3.7%) as the main constituents as well as xylose, glucose, mannose, apiose, and 2-O-methylxylose in trace amounts. Tanacetans TVS and TVR were shown to differ in the sugar quantitative composition. They contain 67 and 28% galacturonic acid, respectively. A partial acid hydrolysis of the tanacetan TVF gave a polysaccharide fragment TVF1, alpha-1,4-D-galacturonan (GalA 98.2%). Digestion with pectinase (alpha-1,4-D-polygalacturonase) resulted in fragment TVF3, containing residues of arabinose (27.1%) and galactose (17.3%). NMR spectroscopy allowed detection of the terminal residues of alpha-Araf and beta-Galp as well as of the residues of alpha-Araf substituted in 3,5- and 5-positions. Thus, tanacetan TVF was proved to be a pectic polysaccharide.  相似文献   

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