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Acacia caven (Mol.) Mol. is native to South America. The species is a leguminous, woody small tree that is considered to have certain potential as a managed silvopastoral crop. Six varieties have been described for the species based on both morphological traits and molecular markers. Little information is available on its mating system. The main objectives of this work were to test the hypothesis that A. caven is an outcrosser and to estimate parameters of its mating system and population structure on the basis of isozyme markers. In the four populations studied, a high homozygote excess was found in the progeny population but not in the mother plant genotypes. The estimate for the multi-locus outcrossing rate (t m) was high (??0.957) in all populations, indicating that Acacia caven is a predominantly outcrosser species. The results of genetic structure analysis within each population indicated that differences in allelic frequencies among families in all of the populations studied are highly significant. The difference in F estimates between progeny and mother plants suggests some selection favouring heterozygotes between the seedling and adult stages. Therefore, a strategy for ex situ conservation might emphasise sampling more populations with a relative large number of trees per site.  相似文献   

Bayesian clustering as implemented in STRUCTURE or GENELAND software is widely used to form genetic groups of populations or individuals. On the other hand, in order to satisfy the need for less computer-intensive approaches, multivariate analyses are specifically devoted to extracting information from large datasets. In this paper, we report the use of a dataset of AFLP markers belonging to 15 sampling sites of Acacia caven for studying the genetic structure and comparing the consistency of three methods: STRUCTURE, GENELAND and DAPC. Of these methods, DAPC was the fastest one and showed accuracy in inferring the K number of populations (K = 12 using the find.clusters option and K = 15 with a priori information of populations). GENELAND in turn, provides information on the area of membership probabilities for individuals or populations in the space, when coordinates are specified (K = 12). STRUCTURE also inferred the number of K populations and the membership probabilities of individuals based on ancestry, presenting the result K = 11 without prior information of populations and K = 15 using the LOCPRIOR option. Finally, in this work all three methods showed high consistency in estimating the population structure, inferring similar numbers of populations and the membership probabilities of individuals to each group, with a high correlation between each other.  相似文献   

Lourdes Rico 《Brittonia》1987,39(1):130-132
A new species,Acacia sousae, from the states of Guerrero and Puebla is described and illustrated. A key for determination of the related species is given.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Thiophores, which are typically desert gypsophytes, accumulate high (2–6 % S dry weight) sulphur concentrations and may possess unique tolerance to environmental stress factors, e.g. sulphate/metal toxicity, drought and salinity. Little is known of the prevalence of the behaviour or the associated physiological aspects. The aim of this study was to (a) determine the prevalence of thiophore behaviour in a group of Australian xerophytes; (b) identify elemental uptake/storage characteristics of these thiophores; and (c) determine whether the behaviour is constitutive or environmental.Methods The elemental composition of soils and the foliage of 11 species (seven genera) at a site in the Tanami Desert (NT, Australia) was compared and 13 additional Acacia species from other locations were examined for elevated calcium and sulphur concentrations and calcium–sulphur mineralization, thought to be particular to thiophores.Key Results Acacia bivenosa DC. and 11 closely related species were identified as thiophores that can accumulate high levels of sulphur (up to 3·2 %) and calcium (up to 6.8 %), but no thiophores were identified in other genera occupying the same habitat. This behaviour was observed in several populations from diverse habitats, from samples collected over three decades. It was also observed that these thiophores featured gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) crystal druses that completely filled cells and vascular systems in their dried phyllode tissues.Conclusions The thiophores studied exhibit a tight coupling between sulphur and calcium uptake and storage, and apparently store these elements as inorganic salts within the cells of their foliage. Thiophore behaviour is a constitutive trait shared by closely related Acacia but is not highly prevalent within, nor exclusive to, xerophytes. Several of the newly identified thiophores occupy coastal or riparian habitats, suggesting that the evolutionary and ecophysiological explanations for this trait do not lie solely in adaptation to arid conditions or gypsiferous soils.  相似文献   

This study describes the genetic structure and provides estimates of mating system parameters in three natural populations of Prosopis velutina Woot. in southeastern Arizona. F statistics derived from isozyme data revealed the presence of both interpopulation and intrapopulation genetic differentiation. This population structure is discussed in relation to the ecological history of these populations that invaded the grasslands sites from adjacent riparian areas within the last 90 years, and possible modes of seed dispersal. The multilocus estimation program MLT of Ritland (Journal of Heredity 8: 235–237, 1990) was used to provide estimates of ts, tm, and the fixation index (F) of the maternal parents. Average estimates of ts ranged from 0.591 to 0.912. Estimates of tm ranged from 0.609 to 1.004, and averaged 0.758. The difference between tm and ts, which provides a measure of biparental inbreeding, averaged 0.058. This last result, together with significant heterogeneity found in pollen allele frequencies, suggests that a family structure has developed in the populations. A negative F value for one of the populations suggests selection against homozygotes between the seedling stage and maturity.  相似文献   

Genetic variation has been assessed in 30 populations (931 families) ofFaidherbia albida (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae) from across its entire African range, using six isozyme loci identified by five enzyme systems. Among the populations studied a null allele was proposed to explain the absence ofLap-1 activity in populations from southern and eastern Africa. The mean percentage of polymorphic loci per population, the mean number of alleles per locus and the mean genetic diversity within populations were 31.7%, 1.6 and 0.127 respectively. Genetic diversity was greatest in populations from West Africa and lowest in populations from eastern/southern Africa, with Ethiopian/Sudanese populations intermediate. The overall degree of genetic differentiation between populations (GST) indicated that approximately 56% of the enzyme variation resided within populations. Clustering of Nei's unbaised genetic distances calculated between all populations produced a dendrogram that generally followed the geographic distribution of the populations. Two major groups were identified that may be considered the eastern/southern African and the Ethiopian/West African clusters. Within the Ethiopian/West African cluster two subclusters could be recognised, one broadly corresponding to those populations from Ethiopia/Sudan and the other to those populations from West Africa. The implications of these results for theories regarding the origin ofF. albida in Africa are discussed.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Formation of calcium oxalate crystals is common in the plant kingdom, but biogenic formation of calcium sulfate crystals in plants is rare. We investigated the morphologies and elemental compositions of crystals found in phyllodes and branchlets of Acacia robeorum, a desert shrub of north-western Australia.


Morphologies of crystals in phyllodes and branchlets of A. robeorum were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and elemental compositions of the crystals were identified by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Distributional patterns of the crystals were studied using optical microscopy together with SEM.

Key Results

According to the elemental compositions, the crystals were classified into three groups: (1) calcium oxalate; (2) calcium sulfate, which is a possible mixture of calcium sulfate and calcium oxalate with calcium sulfate being the major component; and (3) calcium sulfate · magnesium oxalate, presumably mixtures of calcium sulfate, calcium oxalate, magnesium oxalate and silica. The crystals were of various morphologies, including prisms, raphides, styloids, druses, crystal sand, spheres and clusters. Both calcium oxalate and calcium sulfate crystals were observed in almost all tissues, including mesophyll, parenchyma, sclerenchyma (fibre cells), pith, pith ray and cortex; calcium sulfate · magnesium oxalate crystals were only found in mesophyll and parenchyma cells in phyllodes.


The formation of most crystals was biologically induced, as confirmed by studying the crystals formed in the phyllodes from seedlings grown in a glasshouse. The crystals may have functions in removing excess calcium, magnesium and sulfur, protecting the plants against herbivory, and detoxifying aluminium and heavy metals.  相似文献   

The variability in the Acacia nilotica complex is explained in terms of hybridization between A. nilotica subsp. indica and A. nilotica subsp. hemispherica . This is substantiated by the study of phenolic constituents, pollen fertility and intra-plant fruit variability. The hybrid populations may backcross with A. nilotica subsp. indica and A. nilotica subsp. hemispherica producing plants similar to A. nilotica subsp. adstringens and A. nilotica subsp. subalata respectively. The role of humans in directly and indirectly distributing the seeds of hybrid plants over vast areas and in creating the disturbed habitats suitable for plants of hybrid origin is discussed. Phenolic constituents of A. nilotica subsp. hemispherica and A. nilotica subsp. leiocarpa are shown to be distinctive. Probable hybridization between A. nilotica subsp. indica and A. nilotica subsp. cupressiformis is also discussed.  相似文献   

Calliandra anthoniae is described and illustrated, and the combinationPseudopiptadenia suaveolens is made.  相似文献   

Abstract The Acacia acuminata complex includes three taxa, A. acuminata ssp. acuminata, A. acuminata ssp. burkittii and A. oldfieldii, along with several informal variants of A. acuminata. It is widespread throughout southern Australia with the centre of diversity in south‐west Western Australia. Phylogeographical patterns in the complex were investigated using a nested clade analysis of cpDNA RFLPs from 25 populations in Western Australia. Except for A. oldfieldii that was clearly identified as a distinct entity, haplotypes were not restricted to sub‐specific taxa or variants within A. acuminata. There was significant association between phylogenetic position of many haplotypes and their geographical distribution. The fine‐scale phylogeographical patterns were complex but at deeper levels in the phylogeny there was evidence of divergence between two lineages. The pattern of shared haplotypes between lineages suggests retention of ancestral polymorphism as a result of incomplete lineage sorting. The divergence of these lineages is consistent with fragmentation caused by climatic instability during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Summary Prosopis (mesquite) is a commercially promising plant genus that has received increased attention lately. Allelic frequencies at 25 enzyme loci in seven species from the section Algarobia were transformed in matrices of genetic distance using three methods. The indices give highly correlated results; only in the cluster Prosopis alba -P. hassleri were minor discrepancies evident. The phenetic relationships observed agree with other biochemical evidence (chromatography of phenol compounds, electrophoresis of seed proteins, etc) but not with morphological groupings. The present data support the hypothesis that the species belonging to the section Algarobia would be equivalent to sub- or semispecies; the community of such sympatric subspecies constitutes a syngameon.  相似文献   

The detection of hybridity inLeucaena is discussed in relation to: (i) traditional criteria, (ii) molecular criteria and (iii) models to predict hybrid leaf morphology. Morphological, geographical and molecular evidence for the occurrence of interspecific hybrids betweenL. leucocephala andL. diversifolia in south-central Mexico, northern Guatemala, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea is presented. Predicted mean hybrid leaf trait values calculated from parent material are compared with data from putative hybrids and shown to be similar. The origin of these hybrids is discussed and shown to be the result of artificial sympatry resulting from indigenous, and recent exotic, domestication of the parent species. The hybrid is described asL. ×spontanea.  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used to examine genomic diversity in taxa of the neotropical legume genusLeucaena. Data were analysed using both similarity- and parsimony-based approaches and the data compared to a parsimonybased analysis of chloroplast DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP). Distance-based methods of RAPD analysis produced groups inconsistent with those identified by RFLP analysis. Parsimony-based analysis of the data produced groupings largely consistent with those identified using RFLPs. The major differences were grouping of the two subspecies ofLeucaena diversifolia (subsp.diversifolia and subsp.stenocarpa) in the RAPD tree, but their separation in the RFLP tree. The value of RAPD data in systematics as a result of these data and our understanding of the molecular basis of RAPDs are discussed.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to evaluate the degree of morphological differentiation between six varieties of Acacia caven and to examine their taxonomic validity in the context of other Argentinean species of the genus. To accomplish these purposes, morphological traits have been analyzed using multivariate methods (non parametric ANOVA, phenetic analysis and principal component analysis) on the varieties of A. caven and other six species of the genus, represented in Argentina. The phenogram obtained showed two principal clusters, one grouping all the species of subg. Acacia and the other grouping the species of subg. Aculeiferum. This result agreed with Vassal's infrageneric classification. However, the results of the principal PCA gathered the seven species here included in three groups, which were consistent with Bentham's infrageneric treatment. The ANOVA method indicated that most of the morphometric characters used were statistically sound for differentiation between varieties of A. caven. Further studies, including more species and characters, must be performed in order to clarify the position of Acacia boliviana and the relationships between A. caven and A. curvifructa.  相似文献   

Cotyledon size, shape, venation pattern and anatomy have been investigated in Faidherbia albida and 152 species of Acacia representing the three subgenera Acacia, Aculeiferum and Heterophyllum. Cell volumes of epidermis, palisade and storage tissue, stomatal frequency, stomatal index and frequency of stomatal types have been determined for F. albida and 12 species from each subgenus. The data obtained support the recognition of the subgenera of Acacia as separate taxa but provide no indication of their status. The evidence from cotyledons also supports the separation of Faidherbia from Acacia , and the amalgamation of the Acacieae and Ingeae.  相似文献   

Acrocomia aculeata is a perennial, fruit-producing palm tree, native to tropical forests. Its fruits have spurred interest because of their significant potential for use in the cosmetic industry and as feedstock for biofuel. In the present study, the genetic structure and mating system in Acrocomia aculeata were analyzed, using eight nuclear micro-satellite loci and samples from São Paulo and Minas Gerais states, Brazil. By means of Bayesian analysis, these populations were clustered into two or three groups. A high multilocus outcrossing rate suggests that outcrosses were predominant, although a certain degree of biparental inbreeding also occurred. Thus, although monoecious and self-compatible, there is every indication that A. aculeata bears a mixed reproductive system, with a predominance of outcrossing. Given the genetic structure revealed hereby, future conservation strategies and germplasm collecting should be focussed on sampling and preserving individuals from different clusters.  相似文献   

One of the problems in marketing the wood of Prosopis and Acacia is the lack of standardization of its qualities. The aim of this paper was to obtain a preliminary detection of some properties of the wood of four species of the genus Prosopis and one species from Acacia grown in Argentina. To accomplish this objective, the content of extractives and some physical and mechanical characteristics were analyzed.The density ρ12 of all the species indicates that these woods range from heavy to very heavy (?0.69 g/cm3). The total volumetric shrinkage values are low, less than 10%, for all species. The parallel compression strength and the shear strength for all the species indicate a very resistant wood (?46.93 MPa and ?18.35 MPa, respectively). Brinell hardness was higher than 5 kg/mm2 in all cases. The species with less content of extractives is P. ruscifolia (approximately 9% of anhydrous mass) whereas A. aroma was the one with the greatest content (approximately 25% of anhydrous mass in the heartwood).  相似文献   

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