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Prostacyclin (PGI(2)), the major product of cyclooxygenase in macrovascular endothelium, mediates its biological effects through its cell surface G protein-coupled receptor, the IP. PKC-mediated phosphorylation of human (h) IP is a critical determinant of agonist-induced desensitization (Smyth, E. M., Hong Li, W., and FitzGerald, G. A. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 23258-23266). The regulatory events that follow desensitization are unclear. We have examined agonist-induced sequestration of hIP. Human IP, tagged at the N terminus with hemagglutinin (HA) and fused at the C terminus to the green fluorescent protein (GFP), was coupled to increased cAMP (EC(50) = 0.39 +/- 0.09 nm) and inositol phosphate (EC(50) = 86. 6 +/- 18.3 nm) generation when overexpressed in HEK 293 cells. Iloprost-induced sequestration of HAhIP-GFP, followed in real time by confocal microscopy, was partially colocalized to clathrin-coated vesicles. Iloprost induced a time- and concentration-dependent loss of cell surface HA, indicating receptor internalization, which was prevented by inhibitors of clathrin-mediated trafficking and partially reduced by cotransfection of cells with a dynamin dominant negative mutant. Sequestration (EC(50) = 27.6 +/- 5.7 nm) was evident at those concentrations of iloprost that induce PKC-dependent desensitization. Neither the PKC inhibitor GF109203X nor mutation of Ser-328, the site for PKC phosphorylation, altered receptor sequestration indicating that, unlike desensitization, internalization is PKC-independent. Deletion of the C terminus prevented iloprost-induced internalization, demonstrating the critical nature of this region for sequestration. Internalization was unaltered by cotransfection of cells with G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRK)-2, -3, -5, -6, arrestin-2, or an arrestin-2 dominant negative mutant, indicating that GRKs and arrestins do not play a role in hIP trafficking. The hIP is sequestered in response to agonist activation via a PKC-independent pathway that is distinct from desensitization. Trafficking is dependent on determinants located in the C terminus, is GRK/arrestin-independent, and proceeds in part via a dynamin-dependent clathrin-coated vesicular endocytotic pathway although other dynamin-independent pathways may also be involved.  相似文献   

The delta subunit of the rod photoreceptor PDE has previously been shown to copurify with the soluble form of the enzyme and to solubilize the membrane-bound form (). To determine the physiological effect of the delta subunit on the light response of bovine rod outer segments, we measured the real time accumulation of the products of cGMP hydrolysis in a preparation of permeablized rod outer segments. The addition of delta subunit GST fusion protein (delta-GST) to this preparation caused a reduction in the maximal rate of cGMP hydrolysis in response to light. The maximal reduction of the light response was about 80%, and the half-maximal effect occurred at 385 nm delta subunit. Several experiments suggest that this effect was not due to the effects of delta-GST on transducin or rhodopsin kinase. Immunoblots demonstrated that exogenous delta-GST solubilized the majority of the PDE in ROS but did not affect the solubility of transducin. Therefore, changes in the solubility of transducin cannot account for the effects of delta-GST in the pH assay. The reduction in cGMP hydrolysis was independent of ATP, which indicates that it was not due to effects of delta-GST on rhodopsin kinase. In addition to the effect on cGMP hydrolysis, the delta-GST fusion protein slowed the turn-off of the system. This is probably due, at least in part, to an observed reduction in the GTPase rate of transducin in the presence of delta-GST. These results demonstrate that delta-GST can modify the activity of the phototransduction cascade in preparations of broken rod outer segments, probably due to a functional uncoupling of the transducin to PDE step of the signal transduction cascade and suggest that the delta subunit may play a similar role in the intact outer segment.  相似文献   

The human prostacyclin receptor (hIP) undergoes agonist-induced internalization but the mechanisms regulating its intracellular trafficking and/or recycling to the plasma membrane are poorly understood. Herein, we conducted a yeast-two-hybrid screen to identify proteins interacting with the carboxyl-terminal (C)-tail domain of the hIP and discovered a novel interaction with Rab11a. This interaction was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitations in mammalian HEK293 and was augmented by cicaprost stimulation. The hIP co-localized to Rab11-containing recycling endosomes in both HEK293 and endothelial EA.hy 926 cells in a time-dependent manner following cicaprost stimulation. Moreover, over-expression of Rab11a significantly increased recycling of the hIP, while the dominant negative Rab11S25N impaired that recycling. Conversely, while the hIP co-localized to Rab4-positive endosomes in response to cicaprost, ectopic expression of Rab4a did not substantially affect overall recycling nor did Rab4a directly interact with the hIP. The specific interaction between the hIP and Rab11a was dependent on a 22 amino acid (Val299–Gln320) sequence within its C-tail domain and was independent of isoprenylation of the hIP. This study elucidates a critical role for Rab11a in regulating trafficking of the hIP and has identified a novel Rab11 binding domain (RBD) within its C-tail domain that is both necessary and sufficient to mediate interaction with Rab11a.  相似文献   

When human erythroleukemic (K562) cells were incubated with 25 microM trifluoperazine (TFP), a drug that inhibits both calmodulin-dependent and calcium-activated phospholipid-dependent kinases, the number of transferrin receptors detected on the cell surface was reduced to approximately half with no change in the affinity of the remaining surface receptors. Removal of the TFP from the incubation medium reversed the loss of surface receptors and they returned to the cell surface in an apparently synchronous manner. As a result, the number of receptors detected on the cell surface exceeded the original level but later returned to normal. Measurements of the total number of receptors available to transferrin in TFP-treated cells suggested that the lost receptors were not participating in the internalization and recycling pathway but instead were probably trapped at an intracellular location. However, those receptors that remained on the cell surface continued to internalize transferrin and to recycle apotransferrin to the cell surface albeit more slowly than in cells that had not been treated with TFP. Using transferrin that had been labeled with iron-59, it was found that although iron uptake was reduced in line with the diminished number of surface receptors, iron still accumulated within TFP-treated cells, suggesting that in the presence of the drug, transferrin-transferrin receptor complexes continued to migrate through an intracellular compartment that contained a low pH.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications of GTPases from the Ras superfamily enable them to associate with membrane compartments where they exert their biological activities. However, no protein acting like Rho and Rab dissociation inhibitor (GDI) that regulate the membrane association of Rho and Rab GTPases has been described for Ras and closely related proteins. We report here that the delta subunit of retinal rod phosphodiesterase (PDEdelta) is able to interact with prenylated Ras and Rap proteins, and to solubilize them from membranes, independently of their nucleotide-bound (GDP or GTP) state. We show that PDEdelta exhibits striking structural similarities with RhoGDI, namely conservation of the Ig-like fold and presence of a series of hydrophobic residues which could act as in RhoGDI to sequester the prenyl group of its target proteins, thereby providing structural support for the biochemical activity of PDEdelta. We observe that the overexpression of PDEdelta interferes with Ras trafficking and propose that it may play a role in the process that delivers prenylated proteins from endomembranes, once they have undergone proteolysis and carboxymethylation, to the structures that ensure trafficking to their respective resident compartments.  相似文献   

Cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) in bovine rod photoreceptor outer segments (OS) comprises a catalytic subunit complex (Pαβ) and two inhibitory subunits (Pγ) and is regulated by the α subunit of transducin (Tα). Here, we show an overall mechanism for PDE regulation by identifying Pγ complexes in OS homogenates prepared with an isotonic buffer. Before Tα activation, three Pγ complexes exist in the soluble fraction. Complex a, a minor complex, contains Pαβ, Tα, and a protein named Pδ. Complex b, Pαβγγ b , has a PDE activity similar to that of membranous Pαβγγ, Pαβγγ M , and its level, although its large portion is Pδ-free, is estimated to be 20–30% of the total Pαβγγ. Complex c, (Pγ·GDP-Tα) 2 c , appears to be a dimer of Pγ·GDP-Tα. Upon Tα activation, (1) complex a stays unchanged, (2) Pαβγγ b binds to membranes, (3) the level of (Pγ·GDP-Tα) 2 c is reduced as its GTP-form is produced, (4) complex d, Pγ·GTP-Tα d , is formed on membranes and its substantial amount is released to the soluble fraction, and (5) membranous Pαβγγ, Pαβγγ M and/or Pαβγγ b , becomes Pγ-depleted. These observations indicate that Pγ as a complex with GTP-Tα dissociates from Pαβγγ on membranes and is released to the soluble fraction and that Pγ-depleted PDE is the GTP-Tα-activated PDE. After GTP hydrolysis, both (Pγ·GDP-Tα) 2 c and Pγ·GDP-Tα d , without liberating Pγ, deactivate Pγ-depleted PDE. The preferential order to be used for the deactivation is membranous Pγ·GDP-Tα d , solubilized Pγ·GDP-Tα d and (Pγ·GDP-Tα) 2 c . Release of Pγ·GTP-Tα complexes to the soluble fraction is relevant to light adaptation.  相似文献   

Scant information is available to date on the intracellular trafficking of the TSH receptor. In the present study we have used stably transfected L cells that express the TSH receptor, 225I-labeled TSH, and antireceptor antibodies as well as gold-conjugated antireceptor monoclonal antibodies and hormone. The latter allowed us to study, by electron microscopy, the cellular distribution and endocytosis of TSH receptor. The receptor was initially localized on the plasmalemma proper and in clathrin-coated pits but was excluded from smooth vesicles open to the cell surface. It was internalized through clathrin-coated vesicles. Constitutive endocytosis represented 10% of cell surface receptor molecules. Endocytosis was increased 3-fold by incubation with hormone. The majority of internalized receptor molecules (90%) was recycled to the cell surface, whereas the hormone was degraded in lysosomes. This recycling of receptor was inhibited by administration of monensin. Electron microscopic and confocal microscopic studies were repeated in primary cultures of human thyroid cells and showed a distribution, and endocytosis pathways, very similar to those observed in transfected L cells. A previous study has shown the LH receptor to be endocytosed in high proportion and to be degraded in lysosomes. Confocal microscopy and colocalization studies with transferrin receptor confirmed that the highly homologous LH and TSH receptors exhibit, when expressed in the same cells, very different cellular trafficking properties. The use of LH/TSH receptor chimeras showed that transmembrane-intracellular domains contain information orienting the protein toward recycling or degradative pathways. The extracellular domain seems to play a role in the extent of intemalization. These observations should now allow the identification of the molecular signals involved.  相似文献   

Retinal rod and cone cGMP phosphodiesterases (PDE6 family) function as the effector enzyme in the vertebrate visual transduction cascade. The activity of PDE6 catalytic subunits is controlled by the Pgamma-subunits. In addition to the inhibition of cGMP hydrolysis at the catalytic sites, Pgamma is known to stimulate a noncatalytic binding of cGMP to the regulatory GAFa-GAFb domains of PDE6. The latter role of Pgamma has been attributed to its polycationic region. To elucidate the structural basis for the regulation of cGMP binding to the GAF domains of PDE6, a photoexcitable peptide probe corresponding to the polycationic region of Pgamma, Pgamma-21-45, was specifically cross-linked to rod PDE6alphabeta. The site of Pgamma-21-45 cross-linking was localized to Met138Gly139 within the PDE6alpha GAFa domain using mass spectrometric analysis. Chimeras between PDE5 and cone PDE6alpha', containing GAFa and/or GAFb domains of PDE6alpha' have been generated to probe a potential role of the GAFb domains in binding to Pgamma. Analysis of the inhibition of the PDE5/PDE6alpha' chimeras by Pgamma supported the role of PDE6 GAFa but not GAFb domains in the interaction with Pgamma. Our results suggest that a direct binding of the polycationic region of Pgamma to the GAFa domains of PDE6 may lead to a stabilization of the noncatalytic cGMP-binding sites.  相似文献   

Studies reported earlier [ Joshi et al. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 13884-13887] have indicated that human interferon-alpha 2 (HuIFN-alpha 2) binds to a specific macromolecular receptor on human cells as identified by cross-linking with bifunctional cross-linking reagents and analysis by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. We have carried out experiments to investigate the fate of the interferon-receptor complex on the cell surface under conditions which lead to cellular response. As analyzed by cross-linking and gel electrophoresis, the interferon-receptor complex, formed on incubation with 125I-IFN-alpha 2 at 4 degrees C, persisted at the cell surface for several hours at 4 degrees C; however, if the cells were switched to 37 degrees C, there was a rapid decline in the complex, apparently due to a loss of the interferon receptors from the cell surface. This was associated with an internalization of the 125I-interferon as indicated by the fact that, on incubation at 37 degrees C, an appreciable fraction of the cell-associated interferon (approximately equal to 50%) became resistant to trypsin digestion, or dissociation on incubation in growth medium or low-pH buffer. A large fraction of the trypsin-resistant (internalized) 125I-labeled material migrated as intact interferon in polyacrylamide gels, and it was immunoprecipitated by anti-(HuIFN-alpha)antibodies but not by anti-(HuIFN-beta)antibodies. The bulk of the internalized 125I-interferon was recovered in a particulate fraction and, on cross-linking with disuccinimidyl suberate, a 150000-Mr complex could be detected. The results suggest that interferon may be internalized as a complex with the receptor, which may account for the loss of the interferon-receptors on the cell surface. This modulation of the IFN-alpha/beta receptors was induced by HuIFN-alpha and HuIFN-beta but not by HuIFN-gamma. The recovery of the IFN-alpha/beta receptors, lost upon incubation with HuIFN-alpha, took several hours and required protein synthesis. The significance of the results is discussed.  相似文献   

SNAP-25 is a component of the SNARE complex that is involved in membrane docking and fusion. Using a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identify a novel interaction between SNAP-25 and cytoplasmic Lek1 (cytLEK1), a protein previously demonstrated to associate with the microtubule network. The binding domains within each protein were defined by yeast two-hybrid, coimmunoprecipitation, and colocalization studies. Confocal analyses reveal a high degree of colocalization between the proteins. In addition, the endogenous proteins can be isolated as a complex by immunoprecipitation. Further analyses demonstrate that cytLEK1 and SNAP-25 colocalize and coprecipitate with Rab11a, myosin Vb, VAMP2, and syntaxin 4, components of the plasma membrane recycling pathway. Overexpression of the SNAP-25-binding domain of cytLEK1, and depletion of endogenous Lek1 alters transferrin trafficking, consistent with a function in vesicle recycling. Taken together, our studies indicate that cytLEK1 is a link between recycling vesicles and the microtubule network through its association with SNAP-25. This interaction may play a key role in the regulation of the recycling endosome pathway.  相似文献   

The binding of cGMP to the noncatalytic sites on two isoforms of the phosphodiesterase (PDE) from mammalian rod outer segments has been characterized to evaluate their role in regulating PDE during phototransduction. Nonactivated, membrane-associated PDE (PDE-M, alpha beta gamma2) has one exchangeable site for cGMP binding; endogenous cGMP remains nonexchangeable at the second site. Non-activated, soluble PDE (PDE-S, alpha beta gamma2 delta) can release and bind cGMP at both noncatalytic sites; the delta subunit is likely responsible for this difference in cGMP exchange rates. Removal of the delta and/or gamma subunits yields a catalytic alphabeta dimer with identical catalytic and binding properties for both PDE-M and PDE-S as follows: high affinity cGMP binding is abolished at one site (KD >1 microM); cGMP binding affinity at the second site (KD approximately 60 nM) is reduced 3-4-fold compared with the nonactivated enzyme; the kinetics of cGMP exchange to activated PDE-M and PDE-S are accelerated to similar extents. The properties of nonactivated PDE can be restored upon addition of gamma subunit. Occupancy of the noncatalytic sites by cGMP may modulate the interaction of the gamma subunit with the alphabeta dimer and thereby regulate cytoplasmic cGMP concentration and the lifetime of activated PDE during visual transduction in photoreceptor cells.  相似文献   

Hu F  Nicholas J 《Journal of virology》2006,80(21):10874-10878
Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) viral interleukin-6 (vIL-6) mediates signaling through the gp130 signal transducer but unlike human IL-6 (hIL-6) does not require the nonsignaling gp80 alpha subunit of the IL-6 receptor complex. By utilizing a gp80-refractory vIL-6 variant, vIL-6(R189L), we found that signal transduction, as measured by STAT1 and STAT3 activation and gp130 tyrosine phosphorylation in gp80+/gp130+ HEK293T cells, was modulated by gp80. Furthermore, the signaling and BAF-130 cell growth-promoting activities of vIL-6 and hIL-6 could be distinguished, and exogenous addition of soluble gp80 enhanced cell growth supported by vIL-6. Our findings demonstrate that gp80 can modulate vIL-6 activity and that vIL-6 and hIL-6 signaling are not directly equivalent.  相似文献   

Cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6) in rod photoreceptors, a key enzyme in vertebrate phototransduction, consists of two homologous catalytic subunits (Palpha and Pbeta) and two identical regulatory subunits (Pgammas). Pgamma regulates the PDE activity through its direct interaction with transducin. Here, using electron microscopy and image analysis of single particles, we show the three-dimensional organization of the basic form of bovine PDE, Palphabetagammagamma, and compare its average image with those of Pgamma-released PDE. The structure of Palphabetagammagamma appears to be a flattened bell-shape, with dimensions of 150 x 108 x 60A, and with a handle-like protrusion attached to the top of the structure. Except for the protrusion, the organization consists of two homologous structures arranged side by side, with each structure having three distinct regions, showing pseudo twofold symmetry. These characteristics are consistent with a model in which the overall structure of Palphabetagammagamma is determined by hetero-dimerization of Palpha and Pbeta, with each subunit consisting of one catalytic and two GAF regions. A comparison of the average image of Palphabetagammagamma with those of Pgamma-released PDE suggests that Pgamma release does not affect the overall structure of Palphabeta, and that the Palphabeta C-terminus, but not Pgamma, is a determinant for the Palphabeta orientation on carbon-coated grids. These observations suggest that the basic structure of PDE does not change during its regulation, which implies that Palphabeta is regulated by its regional interaction with Pgamma.  相似文献   

Purified G-protein (transducin) activated with the nonhydrolyzable analog guanosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) (GTP gamma S) and cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) from retinal rods are added to protein-stripped disc membranes. Specific binding of the mainly soluble alpha subunit of G-protein with GTP gamma S bound (G alpha GTP gamma S, activator of the PDE) to the disc membrane in the presence of PDE is measured from gel scans or experiments with labeled G-protein alpha subunit (G alpha). Its variation as a function of G concentration matches the theoretical variation of G alpha involved in the activation of PDE calculated with previously estimated dissociation constants (Bennett, N., and Clerc, A. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 7418-7424), and the G alpha bound/PDE ratio at saturation is close to 2. No increase of G alpha binding to the membrane is observed when purified inhibitory subunit of PDE (PDE gamma) is added together with or instead of total PDE, and excess PDE gamma remains soluble. These results suggest that activated PDE is a complex with the activator G alpha GTP rather than PDE from which the inhibitory subunits have been removed. A method for purifying PDE gamma with a high yield of recovery and activity is described.  相似文献   

The central effector of visual transduction in retinal rod photoreceptors, cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6), is a catalytic heterodimer (alphabeta) to which low molecular weight inhibitory gamma subunits bind to form the nonactivated PDE holoenzyme (alphabetagamma(2)). Although it is known that gamma binds tightly to alphabeta, the binding affinity for each gamma subunit to alphabeta, the domains on gamma that interact with alphabeta, and the allosteric interactions between gamma and the regulatory and catalytic regions on alphabeta are not well understood. We show here that the gamma subunit binds to two distinct sites on the catalytic alphabeta dimer (K(D)(1) < 1 pm, K(D)(2) = 3 pm) when the regulatory GAF domains of bovine rod PDE6 are occupied by cGMP. Binding heterogeneity of gamma to alphabeta is absent when cAMP occupies the noncatalytic sites. Two major domains on gamma can interact independently with alphabeta with the N-terminal half of gamma binding with 50-fold greater affinity than its C-terminal, inhibitory region. The N-terminal half of gamma is responsible for the positive cooperativity between gamma and cGMP binding sites on alphabeta but has no effect on catalytic activity. Using synthetic peptides, we identified regions of the amino acid sequence of gamma that bind to alphabeta, restore high affinity cGMP binding to low affinity noncatalytic sites, and retard cGMP exchange with both noncatalytic sites. Subunit heterogeneity, multiple sites of gamma interaction with alphabeta, and positive cooperativity of gamma with the GAF domains are all likely to contribute to precisely controlling the activation and inactivation kinetics of PDE6 during visual transduction in rod photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Retinal photoreceptor phosphodiesterase (PDE6), a key enzyme for phototransduction, consists of a catalytic subunit complex (Pαβ) and two inhibitory subunits (Pγs). Pαβ has two noncatalytic cGMP-binding sites. Here, using bovine PDE preparations, we show the role of these cGMP-binding sites in PDE regulation. Pαβγγ and its transducin-activated form, Pαβγ, contain two and one cGMP, respectively. Only Pαβγ shows [(3)H]cGMP binding with a K(d) ~ 50 nM and Pγ inhibits the [(3)H]cGMP binding. Binding of cGMP to Pαβγ is suppressed during its formation, implying that cGMP binding is not involved in Pαβγγ activation. Once bound to Pαβγ, [(3)H]cGMP is not dissociated even in the presence of a 1000-fold excess of unlabeled cGMP, binding of cGMP changes the apparent Stokes' radius of Pαβγ, and the amount of [(3)H]cGMP-bound Pαβγ trapped by a filter is spontaneously increased during its incubation. These results suggest that Pαβγ slowly changes its conformation after cGMP binding, i.e. after formation of Pαβγ containing two cGMPs. Binding of Pγ greatly shortens the time to detect the increase in the filter-trapped level of [(3)H]cGMP-bound Pαβγ, but alters neither the level nor its Stokes' radius. These results suggest that Pγ accelerates the conformational change, but does not add another change. These observations are consistent with the view that Pαβγ changes its conformation during its deactivation and that the binding of cGMP and Pγ is crucial for this change. These observations also imply that Pαβγγ changes its conformation during its activation and that release of Pγ and cGMP is essential for this change.  相似文献   

N-terminal tandem GAF domains are present in 5 out of 11 mammalian phosphodiesterase (PDE) families. The ligand for the GAF domains of PDEs 2, 5, and 6 is cGMP, whereas those for PDEs 10 and 11 remained enigmatic for years. Here we used the cyanobacterial cyaB1 adenylyl cyclase, which has an N-terminal tandem GAF domain closely related to those of the mammalian PDEs, as an assay system to identify the ligands for the human PDEs 10 and 11 GAF domains. We report that a chimera between the PDE10 GAF domain and the cyanobacterial cyclase was 9-fold stimulated by cAMP (EC50= 19.8 microm), whereas cGMP had only low activity. cAMP increased Vmax in a non-cooperative manner and did not affect the Km for ATP of 27 microm. In an analogous chimeric construct with the tandem GAF domain of human PDE11A4, cGMP was identified as an allosteric activator (EC50 = 72.5 microm) that increased Vmax of the cyclase non-cooperatively 4-fold. GAF-B of PDE10 and GAF-A of PDE11A4 contain an invariant NKFDE motif present in all mammalian PDE GAF ensembles. We mutated the aspartates within this motif in both regions and found that intramolecular signaling was considerably reduced or abolished. This was in line with all data concerning GAF domains with an NKFDE motif as far as they have been tested. The data appeared to define those GAF domains as a distinct subclass within the >3100 annotated GAF domains for which we propose a tentative classification scheme.  相似文献   

The human 5-HT(6) receptor (5-HT(6)R) is one of the latest cloned receptors among the known 5-HT receptors. Its abundant distribution in the limbic region, which participates in the control of mood and emotion and is involved in nervous system diseases such as depression and Alzheimer disease, has caused it to generate much interest. However, the cellular mechanisms of 5-HT(6)R are poorly understood. In the present study we found, using a yeast two-hybrid assay, that the carboxyl-terminal region of 5-HT(6)R interacts with the Fyn-tyrosine kinase. We also determined using a glutathione S-transferase pulldown assay that this interaction was mediated through the SH3 domain of Fyn and confirmed this by co-immunoprecipitation assays in two different transfected cell lines as well as in adult rat brains. Immunocyto(histo)chemistry also showed prominent co-localization between 5-HT(6)R and Fyn in transfected cells and a similar distribution between 5-HT(6)R and Fyn in the rat brain. Based on this interaction, we further examined the modulation of 5-HT(6)R by Fyn and vice versa. In addition, we demonstrated that the activation of 5-HT(6)R activated the extracellular signal-regulated kinase1/2 via an Fyn-dependent pathway. These findings suggest that Fyn may play an important role in 5-HT(6)R- mediated signaling pathways in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

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