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We assessed effects of groundwater pumping to elevate lake levels on lake water chemistry and fish population metrics at seven Florida lakes. Following groundwater pumping, lake level fluctuation was reduced and lake water samples increased in mean pH, total alkalinity, total phosphorus, chloride and Secchi depth compared to historical means, indicating a close resemblance to the chemistry of aquifer water in the region. Fish community metrics from the augmented lakes were compared to 36 non-augmented lakes in Florida. The mean values for catch per unit effort, species richness and biomass of harvestable fishes, determined by electrofishing, were lower in augmented lakes compared to non-augmented lakes. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated a high probability of a low abundance of individual species in augmented lakes compared to a majority of non-augmented lakes. The augmented lake with the lowest pumping rate exhibited less of a shift in limnological variables from historical values, and had fish population characteristics more closely resembling those of non-augmented lakes. Thus, reduced volumes of groundwater introduction could lower impacts to limnological and fish population characteristics. Augmentation allows for lakes to be utilized for recreational activities, and without augmentation some lakes in central Florida would likely go dry due to groundwater withdrawals for water supply. Therefore, allowing more natural water level fluctuations and possible reductions in total pumpage are recommended to reduce impacts to limnological and fish population characteristics, while still allowing sufficient groundwater pumping to preserve lake habitats.  相似文献   

1. Within a lake district of relatively homogeneous geomorphology, the responses of lakes to climate are influenced by the complexity of the hydrogeologic setting, position in the landscape, and lake‐specific biological and physical features. We examined lake chemical responses to drought in surface water‐ and groundwater‐dominated districts to address two general questions. (1) Are spatial patterns in chemical dynamics among lakes uniform and synchronous within a lake district, suggesting broad geomorphic controls; variable in a spatially explicit pattern, with synchrony related to landscape position, suggesting hydrologic flowpath controls; or spatially unstructured and asynchronous, suggesting overriding control by lake‐specific factors? (2) Are lake responses to drought a simple function of precipitation quantity or are they dictated by more complex interactions among climate, unique lake features, and hydrologic setting? 2. Annual open‐water means for epilimnetic concentrations of chloride, calcium, sulfate, ANC, DOC, total nitrogen, silica, total phosphorus, and chlorophyll a measured between 1982 and 1995 were assembled for lakes in the Red Lake and ELA districts of north‐western Ontario, the Muskoka – Dorset district in south‐central Ontario, and the Northern Highland district of Wisconsin. Within each district, we compared responses of lakes classified by landscape position into highland or lowland, depending on relative location within the local to regional hydrologic flow system. Synchrony, defined as a measure of the similarity in inter‐annual dynamics among lakes within a district, was quantified as the Pearson product‐moment correlation (r) between two lakes with observations paired by year. To determine if solute concentrations were directly related to interannual variations in precipitation quantity, we used regression analysis to fit district‐wide slopes describing the relationship between each chemical variable and annual (June to May) and October to May (Oct–May) precipitation. 3. Among lakes in each of the three Ontario districts, the pattern of chemical response to interannual shifts in precipitation was spatially uniform. In these surface water‐ dominated districts, solute concentrations were generally a simple function of precipitation. Conservative solutes, like calcium and chloride, tended to be more synchronous and were negatively related to precipitation. Solutes such as silica, total phosphorus, and chlorophyll a, which are influenced by in‐lake processes, were less synchronous and relationships with precipitation tended to be positive or absent. 4. In the groundwater‐dominated Northern Highland lakes of Wisconsin, we observed spatial structure in drought response, with lowland lakes more synchronous than highland lakes. However, there was no evidence for a direct relationship between any solute and precipitation. Instead, increases in the concentration of the conservative ion calcium during drought were not followed by a symmetrical return to pre‐drought conditions when precipitation returned to normal or above‐average values. 5. For calcium, time lags in recovery from drought appeared related to hydrologic features in a complex way. In the highland Crystal Lake, calcium concentrations tracked lake stage inversely, with a return to pre‐drought concentrations and lake stage five years after the drought. This pattern suggests strong evaporative controls. In contrast, after five years of normal precipitation, calcium in the lowland Sparkling Lake had not returned to pre‐drought conditions despite a rebound in lake stage. This result suggests that calcium concentrations in lowland lakes were controlled more by regional groundwater flowpaths, which track climatic signals more slowly. 6. Temporal dynamics driven by climate were most similar among lakes in districts that have a relatively simple hydrology, such as ELA. Where hydrologic setting was more complex, as in the groundwater‐dominated Northern Highland of Wisconsin, the expression of climate signals in lakes showed lags and spatial patterns related to landscape position. In general, we expect that landscape and lake‐specific factors become increasingly important in lake districts with more heterogeneous hydrogeology, topography or land use. These strong chemical responses to climate need to be considered when interpreting the responses of lakes to other regional disturbances.  相似文献   

1. Thirty‐six years of winter meteorological and limnological measurements from four lakes in the English Lake District are analysed and related to variations in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Winter weather conditions were strongly influenced by the NAO with mild, wet winters being associated with strongly positive values of the NAO index (NAOI). 2. Lake surface and bottom temperatures were strongly positively correlated with the NAOI, with the highest correlations being recorded in the shallower lakes. 3. Variations in the NAOI also had a significant effect on the winter concentration of nitrate. In all the lakes, there was a significant negative correlation between the NAOI and the detrended winter concentration of nitrate. The key driving variable was the local air temperature, which appeared to limit the quantity of nitrate reaching the lake by increasing the amount assimilated in the surrounding catchment in mild winters. 4. Dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) concentrations were not significantly correlated with the NAOI in the two larger basins but significant positive correlations were recorded in the two smaller lakes. The key driving variable was the local rainfall with higher DRP concentrations being recorded after heavy rain in the lakes with a short retention time. 5. The NAOI‐related changes in rainfall also influenced the phytoplankton. In wet winters the concentration of chlorophyll in the two smaller lakes with the shortest retention time was lower and the spring growth of Asterionella formosa was delayed in the smallest lake. 6. These differential responses demonstrate how the large‐scale effects associated with the NAO can be ‘filtered’ by the physical characteristics of a particular site.  相似文献   

The management of recreational lakes in the prairie region of Canada requires that their physical, chemical and biological setting be clearly defined. This study relates the major ion chemistry of two lakes to significant ion contributions from groundwater, surface runoff and snow. The major ion concentrations in addition are related to several important limnological processes.Lake Wabamun is a 84.6 km2 lake with a basin set in Cretaceous bedrock. Groundwater studies in the watershed indicate that rather large quantities of groundwater enter the lake from fractured coal and bedrock units. Hastings Lake has a considerably smaller surface area and is formed in a shallow depression in glacial drift. Generally, smaller quantities of groundwater enter this lake because the glacial drift has a low permeability.Evaluation of the data indicates that relative quantity and quality of groundwater inflow is probably the most important factor controlling the major ion chemistry of the lakes. Other factors are mineral precipitation, freezing out and the timing of major water inflows.  相似文献   

1. We tested the degree to which a lake's landscape position constrains the expression of limnological features and imposes a characteristic spatial pattern in a glacial lake district, the Northern Highland Lake District in north‐central Wisconsin. 2. We defined lake order as a metric to analyze the effect of landscape position on limnological features. Lake order, analogous to stream order, is based solely on geographical information and is simple to measure. 3. We examined the strength of the relationship between lake order and a set of 25 variables, which included measures of lake morphometry, water optical properties, major ions, nutrients, biology, and human settlement patterns. 4. Lake order explained a significant fraction of the variance of 21 of the 25 variables tested with ANOVA. The fraction of variance explained varied from 12% (maximum depth) to 56% (calcium concentration). The variables most strongly related to lake order were: measures of lake size and shape, concentrations of major ions (except sulfate) and silica, biological variables (chlorophyll concentration, crayfish abundance, and fish species richness), and human‐use variables (density of cottages and resorts). Lake depth, water optical properties, and nutrient concentrations (other than silica) were poorly associated with lake order. 5. Potential explanations for a relationship with lake order differed among variables. In some cases, we could hypothesize a direct link. For example, major ion concentration is a function of groundwater input, which is directly related to lake order. We see these as a direct influence of the geomorphic template left by the retreat of the glacier that led to the formation of this lake district. 6. In other cases, a set of indirect links was hypothesized. For example, the effect of lake order on lake size, water chemistry, and lake connectivity may ultimately explain the relation between lake order and fish species richness. We interpret these relationships as the result of constraints imposed by the geomorphic template on lake development over the last 12 000 years. 7. By identifying relationships between lake characteristics and a measure of landscape position, and by identifying geomorphologic constraints on lake features and lake evolution, our analysis explains an important aspect of the spatial organization of a lake district.  相似文献   

Macrophytes are widely recognized for improving water quality and stabilizing the desirable clear‐water state in lakes. The positive effects of macrophytes on water quality have been noted to be weaker in the (sub)tropics compared to those of temperate regions. We conducted a global meta‐analysis using 47 studies that met our set criteria to assess the overall effects of macrophytes on water quality (measured by phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentration, total nitrogen concentration, total phosphorus concentration, Secchi depth and the trophic state index) and to investigate how these effects correlate with latitude using meta‐regressions. We also examined if the effects of macrophytes on lake‐water quality differ with growth form and study design in (sub)tropical and temperate areas by grouping the data and then comparing the effect sizes. We found that macrophytes significantly reduced phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentration, total nitrogen concentration, total phosphorus concentration, as well as the trophic state index, but they did not have a significant overall effect on Secchi depth. The effects of macrophytes on reducing phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentration, total nitrogen concentration and the trophic state index did not differ with latitude. However, the reduction of total phosphorus concentration was greater at lower latitudes. We showed that at lower latitudes, the positive effects of macrophytes on water quality are similar to or greater than those at higher latitudes, thus challenging the prevailing paradigm of macrophytes being less effective at enhancing lake‐water quality in the (sub)tropics. Furthermore, our data showed that the macrophyte effects vary by growth forms, and the growth forms that positively affect water quality differ between the (sub)tropical and temperate areas. We showed a lack of significant macrophyte effects in surveys within and outside macrophyte stands, suggesting difference in the sensitivities of study designs or possibly weaker effects of macrophytes in lakes compared to experimental settings.  相似文献   

Migrating waterbirds moving between upper and lower latitudinal breeding and wintering grounds rely on a limited network of endorheic lakes and wetlands when crossing arid continental interiors. Recent drying of global endorheic water stores raises concerns over deteriorating migratory pathways, yet few studies have considered these effects at the scale of continental flyways. Here, we investigate the resiliency of waterbird migration networks across western North America by reconstructing long‐term patterns (1984–2018) of terminal lake and wetland surface water area in 26 endorheic watersheds. Findings were partitioned regionally by snowmelt‐ and monsoon‐driven hydrologies and combined with climate and human water‐use data to determine their importance in predicting surface water trends. Nonlinear patterns of lake and wetland drying were apparent along latitudinal flyway gradients. Pervasive surface water declines were prevalent in northern snowmelt watersheds (lakes ?27%, wetlands ?47%) while largely stable in monsoonal watersheds to the south (lakes ?13%, wetlands +8%). Monsoonal watersheds represented a smaller proportion of total lake and wetland area, but their distribution and frequency of change within highly arid regions of the continental flyway increased their value to migratory waterbirds. Irrigated agriculture and increasing evaporative demands were the most important drivers of surface water declines. Underlying agricultural and wetland relationships however were more complex. Approximately 7% of irrigated lands linked to flood irrigation and water storage practices supported 61% of all wetland inundation in snowmelt watersheds. In monsoonal watersheds, small earthen dams, meant to capture surface runoff for livestock watering, were a major component of wetland resources (67%) that supported networks of isolated wetlands surrounding endorheic lakes. Ecological trends and human impacts identified herein underscore the importance of assessing flyway‐scale change as our model depictions likely reflect new and emerging bottlenecks to continental migration.  相似文献   

1. We explored patterns of limnological variables (physical, chemical and biological) with relation to landscape position (expressed as lake order) in 86 study lakes located on shield bedrock in south‐central Ontario, Canada. 2. Using anova s with lake order as the categorical variable, landscape position explained significant amounts of variation in major ion chemistry, physical and catchment characteristics, hypolimnetic oxygen, and community composition in algal (diatom, chrysophyte) and invertebrate (chironomid) assemblages preserved in surficial sediments. Several nutrient variables (TP, total phosphorus and TN, total nitrogen) and dissolved organic carbon did not have significant relationships with lake order. 3. The strongest relationships with lake order (as a fraction of variation explained in anova s) included silica concentrations (r2 = 0.40) and SO4 (r2 = 0.29) concentrations, surface area (r2 = 0.50) and hypolimnetic oxygen (r2 = 0.29). 4. Bedrock geology (carbonate metasedimentary versus non‐carbonate bedrock) had strong influences on spatial gradients of pH and major ion chemistry. It was difficult to separate geological influences from spatial influences on limnological variables in this study, as drainage patterns in the region are highly influenced by surface features of underlying geological formations because of the very thin glacial till or exposed bedrock that exists in most catchments. 5. Patterns of limnological variables indicated that low‐order, headwater lakes had the lowest concentrations of major ions, and, from algal inferences of pH change, had been most susceptible to acidic deposition. High‐order, downstream lakes were larger and deeper, and had higher concentrations of hypolimnetic oxygen, indicating that optimal lake trout habitat was primarily located in high‐order lakes. 6. Variance partitioning analyses indicated that lake order as a metric of landscape position explained comparable portions of community variation in algal and invertebrate assemblages compared with geographic position (latitude, longitude) and Cartesian coordinate position (e.g. x, y, x2, y2, etc.) metrics. Lake order explained more community variation in chironomid assemblages compared with other landscape metrics, possibly because of the strong relationships between lake order and lake morphometry variables.  相似文献   

Climate‐related declines in lake area have been identified across circumpolar regions and have been characterized by substantial spatial heterogeneity. An improved understanding of the mechanisms underlying lake area trends is necessary to predict where change is most likely to occur and to identify implications for high latitude reservoirs of carbon. Here, using a population of ca. 2300 lakes with statistically significant increasing and decreasing lake area trends spanning longitudinal and latitudinal gradients of ca. 1000 km in Alaska, we present evidence for a mechanism of lake area decline that involves the loss of surface water to groundwater systems. We show that lakes with significant declines in lake area were more likely to be located: (1) in burned areas; (2) on coarser, well‐drained soils; and (3) farther from rivers compared to lakes that were increasing. These results indicate that postfire processes such as permafrost degradation, which also results from a warming climate, may promote lake drainage, particularly in coarse‐textured soils and farther from rivers where overland flooding is less likely and downslope flow paths and negative hydraulic gradients between surface water and groundwater systems are more common. Movement of surface water to groundwater systems may lead to a deepening of subsurface flow paths and longer hydraulic residence time which has been linked to increased soil respiration and CO2 release to the atmosphere. By quantifying relationships between statewide coarse resolution maps of landscape characteristics and spatially heterogeneous responses of lakes to environmental change, we provide a means to identify at‐risk lakes and landscapes and plan for a changing climate.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Temporal coherence between pairs of lakes over 7 years was measured for thirty-seven limnological variables in seven lakes at the North Temperate Lakes Long Term Ecological Research site in Northern Wisconsin. This analysis tested. First, whether lakes more similar in exposure to the atmosphere were more temporally coherent than lakes which differed more in exposure and, second, whether temporal coherence in lakes progressively decreased from variables more directly influenced by climatic factors such as thermal and hydrologic properties, to those chemical and biological properties which may be less directly influenced by climatic factors. 2. The lakes were a heterogeneous set in respect to exposure to climatic factors as estimated by the ratio of‘lake area/mean depth’and by other morphometric features, and they also differed in their position in the landscape, fertility and fish assemblages. Limnological variables formed a progression from those expected to respond directly to climatic factors to those which would not. They ranged from water level and temperatures to chemical variables such as pH, calcium concentrations and total dissolved phosphorus to biological variables such as chlorophyll concentrations, invertebrate and fish abundances. 3. Coherence was estimated by the correlation between lake pairs for each of the different variables. The mean correlation and the percentage of strong correlations were calculated for each lake pair across all variables, and for each variable across all lake pairs, and both measures of coherence gave similar answers to the questions posed above. 4. Temporal coherence between takes was higher for lakes similar in their exposure to climatic factors; mean correlation (r?) being +0.3 to +0.7 for these lakes and <+0.3 for lakes not similar in exposure. None of the lake pairs had high coherence across all variables. 5. Temporal coherence between lakes was greater for limnological variables directly influenced by climatic factors than for variables either indirectly affected by climate or complexly influenced by other types of factors. Water-level variables had a coherence near 1, r?=0.9. All biological variables had low coherence, some near r?=0.0. Chemical variables more likely to be influenced directly by climatic factors appeared to be more coherent than those more influenced by hydrology or biology. Most silica and phosphorus variables had coherences less than r?=0.15. 6. Coherence was not as strongly related to similarity in landscape position as it was to similarity in exposure to climatic factors, and was not jelated to the proximity of the lake pairs or to their similarity in fertility. 7. A conceptual model was presented to explain how climatic signals are filtered by the lake's exposure to climatic factors and by terrestrially mediated and in-lakc processes to reduce the coherence of lake pairs owing to time lags, frequency shifts and complex interference pattems. 8. Coherence is an important property to evaluate because it influences how broadly we can extrapolate results from a lake or set of lakes (for example, to a lake district) and because manipulative whole lake experiments often use adjacent lakes as reference lakes to evaluate treatment effects. The low coherence in this set of lakes in general and of individual variables such as chlorophyll concentrations and yellow perch year-class strength are discussed. 9. We found no studies that explicitly addressed interlake coherence; one long-term study of forest production made it clear that coherence among sites in a landscape will be a function of scale.  相似文献   

Coherent timing of agricultural expansion, fertilizer application, atmospheric nutrient deposition, and accelerated global warming is expected to promote synchronous fertilization of regional surface waters and coherent development of algal blooms and lake eutrophication. While broad‐scale cyanobacterial expansion is evident in global meta‐analyses, little is known of whether lakes in discrete catchments within a common lake district also exhibit coherent water quality degradation through anthropogenic forcing. Consequently, the primary goal of this study was to determine whether agricultural development since ca. 1900, accelerated use of fertilizer since 1960, atmospheric deposition of reactive N, or regional climate warming has resulted in coherent patterns of eutrophication of surface waters in southern Alberta, Canada. Unexpectedly, analysis of sedimentary pigments as an index of changes in total algal abundance since ca. 1850 revealed that while total algal abundance (as β‐carotene, pheophytin a) increased in nine of 10 lakes over 150 years, the onset of eutrophication varied by a century and was asynchronous across basins. Similarly, analysis of temporal sequences with least‐squares regression revealed that the relative abundance of cyanobacteria (echinenone) either decreased or did not change significantly in eight of the lakes since ca. 1850, whereas purple sulfur bacteria (as okenone) increased significantly in seven study sites. These patterns are consistent with the catchment filter hypothesis, which posits that lakes exhibit unique responses to common forcing associated with the influx of mass as water, nutrients, or particles.  相似文献   

1. Monthly changes to N loadings, in‐lake particulate organic nitrogen (PON), planktonic PON, and PON sedimentary flux were studied in a Spanish flowthrough, seepage lake subject to massive nitrogen inputs from June 2003 to December 2004 when water renewal was very rapid (0.09–0.17 year). 2. The distribution of in‐lake PON did not show a seasonal trend. Total nitrogen input flux ranged from 1.23 to 4.83 g N m?2 day?1, 71–76% of which is nitrate while PON represents 6–10%. PON sedimentation rates ranged from 9 to 90 mg N m?2 day?1 and fluctuated on a seasonal basis, reaching a minimum in winter and early spring and a maximum after thermal turnover had occurred. 3. This fluctuation was not related to either autochthonous planktonic production or allochthonous inputs. Since charophyte populations in Colgada Lake underwent a seasonal pattern of growth and decomposition, and 15δN values of settling material peaked at the end of that decomposition process, we suggest that PON sedimentary flux could be partly driven by decomposed charophyte particles. 4. However, the picture of PON sedimentation in this lake was more complex than anticipated because water residence time partly explained PON variability, albeit with a 1 month lag. Water residence time explained 40% of the overall variance of yearly averaged PON sedimentary flux in a meta‐analysis of 13 lakes worldwide. However, the factors such as phytoplankton composition, trophic structure, bottom communities, nutrient loading or productivity levels may also be influential on PON settling dynamics.  相似文献   

Small lakes dominate a random sample of regional lake characteristics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Lakes are a prominent feature of the Northern Highland Lake District (NHLD) of Wisconsin, covering 13% of the landscape. Summarising the physical, chemical, or biological nature of NHLD lakes at a regional scale requires a representative sample of the full size distributions of lakes. In this study, we selected at random 168 lakes from the full size distribution of lakes in the NHLD and sampled each lake for a broad suite of limnological variables.
2. Most lakes were small. The median lake area was 1.1 ha, however, half of the surface area of water was in a relatively small number of lakes larger than 162 ha. Smaller lakes tended to be low in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and high in dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Inclusion of small lakes (<4 ha) in the survey resulted in an acid neutralising capacity (ANC) median (76.5  μ Eq L−1) much lower than previous estimates, and a DOC median (10.1 mg L−1) about 50% higher than it would have been without the smaller lakes. Unlike DOC, total P tended to be evenly distributed across lake sizes.
3. The implications of these findings are that regional summaries of lake characteristics for the NHLD are influenced by the inclusion of small lakes in the sample, even though most of the water surface area is in lakes larger than 162 ha. Excluding small lakes introduces bias in the estimates of organic carbon and inorganic carbon values, for example. Similar biases may be introduced for lake characteristics at the global scale if small lakes are not sampled, because the size distribution of lakes globally is dominated in number by small lakes.  相似文献   

Patterns of fish species richness in China's lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim To document the patterns of fish species richness and their possible causes in China's lakes at regional and national scales. Location Lakes across China. Methods We compiled data of fish species richness, limnological characteristics and climatic variables for 109 lakes across five regions of China: East region, Northeast region, Southwest region, North‐Northwest region, and the Tibetan Plateau. Correlation analyses, regression models and a general linear model were used to explore the patterns of fish species richness. Results At the national scale, lake altitude, energy availability (potential evapotranspiration, PET) and lake area explained 79.6% of the total variation of the lake fish species richness. The determinants of the fish richness pattern varied among physiographic regions. Lake area was the strongest predictor of fish species richness in the East and Southwest lakes, accounting for 22.2% and 82.9% of the variation, respectively. Annual PET explained 68.7% of the variation of fish richness in the Northeast lakes. Maximum depth, mineralization degree, and lake area explained 45.5% of the fish variation in the lakes of the North‐Northwest region. On the Tibetan Plateau, lake altitude was the first predictor variable, interpreting 32.2% of the variation. Main conclusions Lake altitude was the most important factor explaining the variation of fish species richness across China's lakes, and accounted for 74.5% of the variation. This may stem in part from the fact that the lakes investigated in our study span the largest altitudinal range anywhere in the world. The effects of the lake altitude on fish species richness can be separated into direct and indirect aspects due to its collinearity with PET. We also found that the fish diversity and its determinants were scale‐dependent. Fish species richness was probably energy‐determined in the cold region, while it was best predicted by the lake area in the relatively geologically old region. The independent variables we used only explained a small fraction of the variations in the lake fish species richness in East China and the Tibetan Plateau, which may be due to the effects of human activity and historical events, respectively.  相似文献   

I addressed the question how lake and catchment morphometry influences water chemistry and water quality over a large scale of European lakes, and developed the regression equations between most closely related morphometric and water quality indices. I analysed the data of 1,337 lakes included in the European Environment Agency (EEA) database, carrying out separate analyses for three basic lake types: large lakes (area ≥100 km2, 138 lakes), shallow lakes (mean depth ≤3 m, 153 lakes) and large and shallow lakes (area ≥100 km2 and mean depth ≤8 m, 35 lakes). The study revealed that in Europe, the lakes towards North are larger but shallower and have smaller catchment areas than the southern lakes; lakes at higher altitudes are deeper and smaller and have smaller catchment areas than the lowland lakes. Larger lakes have generally larger catchment areas and bigger volumes, and they are deeper than smaller lakes, but the relative depth decreases with increasing surface area. The lakes at higher latitudes have lower alkalinity, pH and conductivity, and also lower concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus while the concentration of organic matter is higher. In the lakes at higher altitudes, the concentration of organic matter and nutrient contents are lower and water is more transparent than in lowland lakes. In larger lakes with larger catchment area, the alkalinity, pH, conductivity and the concentrations of nutrients and organic matter are generally higher than in smaller lakes with smaller catchments. If the lake is deep and/or its residence time is long, the water is more transparent and the concentrations of chlorophyll a, organic matter and nutrients are lower than in shallower lakes with shorter residence times. The larger the catchment area is with respect to lake depth, area and volume, the lower is the water transparency and the higher are the concentrations of the nutrients, organic matter and chlorophyll as well as pH, alkalinity and conductivity. The links between lake water quality and morphometry become stronger towards large and shallow lakes. Along the decreasing gradients of latitude, altitude and relative depth, the present phosphorus concentration and its deviation from the reference concentration increases.  相似文献   

1. In view of the paucity of data on the response of warm shallow lakes to reductions in nutrient loading, this paper presents a long‐term limnological data set to document changes in the food‐web of a shallow Mediterranean lake (Lake Albufera, Valencia, Spain) that has experienced reductions in phosphorus (P) (77%) and nitrogen (N) (24%) loading following sewage diversion. 2. Nine years after sewage diversion, P concentration in the lake was reduced by 30% but remained high (TP = 0.34 mg L?1), although the mean water retention time in the lake was only 0.1 years. Nitrate concentrations did not significantly change, probably because the lake continued to receive untreated effluents from ricefields. 3. Chlorophyll a concentration was reduced by half (annual mean of 180 μg L?1). Cyanobacteria abundance remained high but its composition changed towards smaller species, both filamentous and chroococcal forms. 4. Cladocera abundance increased and reached peaks twice a year (December to March and July to September). After nutrient reduction, short‐term clear‐water phases (up to 5 weeks) occurred during February to March in several years, concomitant with annual flushing of the lake and lower fish densities. The abundance of Cladocera in winter contrasted with the spring peaks observed in northern restored shallow lakes. The zooplankton to phytoplankton biomass ratio remained lower than in northern temperate shallow lakes, probably because of fish predation on zooplankton. 5. Improvement of the water quality of Lake Albufera remained insufficient to counteract littoral reed regression or improve underwater light allowing submerged plants re‐colonise the lake. 6. Sewage diversion from Lake Albufera impacted the food web through the plankton, but higher trophic levels, such as fish and waterfowl, were affected to a lesser degree. Although the fish species present in the lake are mainly omnivorous, long‐term data on commercial fish captures indicated that fish communities changed in response to nutrient level and trophic structure as has been observed in restored shallow lakes at northern latitudes. 7. Phosphorus concentrations produced similar phytoplankton biomass in Lake Albufera as in more northern shallow lakes with abundant planktivorous fish and small zooplankton. However, in Lake Albufera, high average concentrations were maintained throughout the year. Overall, results suggest that nutrient control may be a greater priority in eutrophicated warm shallow lakes than in similar lakes at higher latitudes.  相似文献   

The fossil record of diatoms in lake sediments can be used to assess the effects of climate variability on lake ecosystems if ecological relationships between diatom community structure and environmental parameters are well understood. Cyclotella sensu lato taxa are a key group of diatoms that are frequently dominant members of phytoplankton communities in low‐ to moderate‐productivity lakes. Their relative abundances have fluctuated significantly in palaeolimnological records spanning over a century in arctic, alpine, boreal and temperate lakes. This suggests that these species are sensitive to environmental change and may serve as early indicators of ecosystem effects of global change. Yet patterns of change in Cyclotella species are not synchronous or unidirectional across, or even within, regions, raising the question of how to interpret these widespread changes in diatom community structure. We suggest that the path forward in resolving seemingly disparate records is to identify clearly the autecology of Cyclotella species, notably the role of nutrients, dissolved organic carbon and light, coupled with better consideration of both the mechanisms controlling lake thermal stratification processes and the resulting effects of changing lake thermal regimes on light and nutrients. Here we begin by reviewing the literature on the resource requirements of common Cyclotella taxa, illustrating that many studies reveal the importance of light, nitrogen, phosphorus, and interactions among these resources in controlling relative abundances. We then discuss how these resource requirements can be linked to shifts in limnological processes driven by environmental change, including climate‐driven change in lakewater temperature, thermal stratification and nutrient loading, as well as acidification‐driven shifts in nutrients and water clarity. We examine three case studies, each involving two lakes from the same region that have disparate trends in the relative abundances of the same species, and illustrate how the mechanisms by which these species abundances are changing can be deciphered. Ultimately, changes in resource availability and water clarity are key factors leading to shifts in Cyclotella abundances. Tighter integration of the autecology of this important group of diatoms with environmental change and subsequent alterations in limnological processes will improve interpretations of palaeolimnological records, and clarify the drivers of seemingly disparate patterns in fossil records showing widespread and rapid changes across the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

1. The impact of groundwater seepage on the growth of submerged macrophytes was investigated in experiments on the isoetid Littorella uniflora and the elodeid Myriophyllum alterniflorum both in the laboratory and in the field. Isoetids rely mostly on sediment‐derived CO2 and nutrients via root uptake, whereas elodeids acquire their inorganic carbon and nutrients from the water column. We thus hypothesised that L. uniflora would respond positively to seeping ground water as it should improve both CO2 and nutrient supply. 2. Laboratory experiments were conducted by percolating vegetated cores containing natural sediment or technical sand with artificial ground water of high CO2 concentrations and with either high or low levels of nutrients. Field experiments were conducted in the oligotrophic Lake Hampen, Denmark, with custom‐built seepage‐growth chambers that permitted a near‐natural flow‐through of seeping ground water. Chambers with a solid bottom, and thus no flow‐through of seeping ground water, served as controls in both laboratory and field experiments. In the field, seepage chambers were installed at a site with relatively high seepage fluxes (ground water from forest catchment), at a site with much lower seepage fluxes but with higher nutrient concentrations (ground water from agricultural catchment) and at a reference site with no net discharge or recharge of ground water. 3. Positive growth responses were observed in the field at transects with high groundwater discharge compared to the control chambers with no seepage. No growth response was observed at the reference transect with low or alternating direction of groundwater seepage. The growth rates of L. uniflora in the field were significantly higher in seepage treatments compared to control treatments, and final plant mass was up to 70% higher than that for plants where seepage was excluded. In areas with high groundwater discharge, a strong positive correlation was found between groundwater seepage fluxes, growth rates, and final plant mass for L. uniflora, while there was no such relationship at the reference transect. The growth of M. alterniflorum was also significantly affected by groundwater seepage, but to a lesser degree than L. uniflora. Laboratory experiments generally showed the same trend for both L. uniflora and M. alterniflorum, and the positive influence of seeping ground water was apparently related to increased inorganic carbon supply and, to a lesser degree, improved nutrient availability. 4. Groundwater discharge results in enhanced growth of isoetids and to some extent elodeids inhabiting a groundwater‐fed softwater lake. We propose that the shallow dense vegetation present where most of the discharge takes place acts as a biological filter that retains nutrients that otherwise would end up in the water column and could result in increased algal growth.  相似文献   

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