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毛茛科的桐庐铁线莲(Clematis tongluensis)原知分布于尼泊尔、不丹、印度东北部和孟加拉,2019年夏天在中国西藏东南部被发现.桐庐铁线链与绣球腾(Clematis montana)在亲缘关系上接近,两者的区别在于桐庐铁线莲的萼片呈长圆形,顶端尾状渐尖和表面被毛,背面无毛.  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):95-96
该文描述了自广西发现的毛茛科铁线莲一新种,靖西铁线莲,此新种与宝岛铁线莲在亲缘关系上接近,与后者的区别在于本种的茎疏被短柔毛,小叶卵形或狭卵形,不分裂,聚伞花序有1~3花,萼片较大长1.7~2 cm,宽0.5~0.7 cm。  相似文献   

Chirita tiandengensis Fang Wen & Hui Tang, a new species of Chirita from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to C. napoensis Z. Y. Li, C. lunglinensis W. T. Wang and C. obtusidentata W. T. Wang, but differs by leaf blades ovate‐lanceolate, both surfaces sparsely strigulose; cymes 5‐ or 8‐flowered, bracts narrowly lanceolate, 6–8×1.5–2.0 mm; larger flowers (3.8–4.6 cm long), pink corolla, infundibuliform‐tubular tube; backside of anthers puberulous, filaments straight; staminodes glabrous, fused on the capitate top; stigma bipartite to the base with narrowly lanceolate lobes.  相似文献   

楼梯草属苞片形态和演化趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王文采 《广西植物》2010,30(5):571-583
(Ⅰ)对荨麻科楼梯草属的苞片和小苞片的形态进行了全面研究。(Ⅱ)该属原始群疏伞楼梯草组的雄聚伞花序苞片在每花序为15-90枚,纸质,绿色,狭卵形、狭三角形或条形,长0.5-4mm,扁平,无任何突起,而与楼梯草族的冷水花属和赤车属的聚伞花序苞片极为相似,因此,上述各种形态可以视为楼梯草属苞片的原始特征,并据此观察到总苞苞片的以下演化趋势:(1)近等大,形状相似,在花序托边缘轮生形成一层→排列为二层,外层2苞片对生,较大,内层苞片较小,形状稍不同;(2)狭卵形,狭三角形或条形→宽卵形或宽三角形,或扁半圆形→由于长度强烈缩小,宽度增大而最终消失;(3)扁平→顶端兜形→船形→船形,顶端突起成细筒;(4)无任何突起0背面有1龙骨状突起,或有1-6条纵肋或狭翅1顶端具短到长的角状突起→背面顶端之下具角状突起;(5)分生→基部合生→由于长度强烈缩小,宽度强烈增大,总苞苞片合生成一横条形狭片;(6)在数目上,由每花序的7-45枚,一方面增加到50-180枚,另一方面则减少到5枚以下。同时,观察到小苞片形态以下演化趋势:(1)膜质,半透明,白色0具褐色线纹或呈褐色→呈黑色1薄膜质,透明,无色;(2)扁平→顶端兜形→船形;(3)无任何突起→顶端或在背面顶端之下具角状突起;(4)在数目上,由每花序的7-45枚一方面增加到100或数百枚,甚至达1千到数千枚,另一方面则减少到5枚以下,甚至到0枚。上述演化趋势有助于了解属下各级分类群的演化水平。  相似文献   

描述了泰国雨久花属Monochoria C.Presl一新变种:窄叶鸭舌草M.vaginalis var.angustifolia G.X.Wang。该新变种与原变种鸭舌草M.vaginalis var.vaginalis都具有类似的总状花序,但前者的叶片为窄披针形,3-7×0.3-2.0cm,叶片宽长比在0.1-0.4之间,叶基部裂片最长不超过2mm,总状花序具花3-7朵,而原变种鸭舌草的叶片较宽,为卵心形或心形,4-9×2-8cm,叶片宽长比在0.5-0.95之间,叶基部裂片最长可达到2cm,总状花序  相似文献   

毛茛科六新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(11):1303-1311
该文描述了毛茛科六新种:(1)托里乌头,与阿尔泰乌头近缘,区别为其茎和叶无毛,总状花序极密集,雄蕊花丝多有1或2小齿。(2)门源翠雀花,与大通翠雀花近缘,区别为其茎极短,花序总状,退化雄蕊瓣片不分裂。(3)云台山铁线莲,与裂叶铁线莲近缘,区别为其叶为二回羽状复叶,花较小,雄蕊花丝呈黑色,无脉。(4)黑丝铁线莲,与前种云台山铁线莲在亲缘关系上极为相近,区别为其小叶较小,多呈狭卵形或披针形,聚伞花序也较小,通常只具3花。(5)五台山毛茛,与砾地毛茛相似,区别为其基生叶被柔毛,花瓣蜜槽具鳞片,心皮具短而粗的花柱和小柱头。(6)靖西铁线莲,与宝岛铁线莲在亲缘关系上接近,区别为其茎疏被短柔毛,小叶卵形或狭卵形,不分裂,聚伞花序有1~3花,萼片较大(长1.7~2 cm,宽0.5~0.7 cm)。  相似文献   

长瓣兜兰绘图:邹贤桂栽培及配文:谭珍华俸宇星长瓣兜兰(PaphiopedilumdianthumTangetWang)是我国植物学家唐进和汪发瓒1940年在《静生生物调查所汇报》上描述的新种,分布于广西和云南东南部,生于海拔1000—1800m的树干...  相似文献   

浙江蔷薇科新分类群   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了浙江蔷薇科1新亚种和1新变种,并分别附有线条图。它们是:腺瓣蔷薇(新亚种)和遂昌红腺悬钩子(新变种)。腺瓣蔷薇与模式亚种单花合柱蔷薇区别在托叶、叶柄和萼片仅密被短柔毛而无腺毛,小叶片较大,两面近无毛或疏被短柔毛,伞房花序具1~3花,花瓣宽倒卵形。遂昌红腺悬钩子与模式变种红腺悬钩子区别在于花梗、小枝和老枝密被腺毛而无柔毛,小叶片两面具腺毛,萼片较长,长13~15mm,先端长尾尖。  相似文献   

报道了广西苦苣苔科细筒苣苔属Lagarosolen W.T.Wang一新种——陆氏细筒苣苔L.lui Yan Liu&W.B.Xu。该种与靖西细筒苣苔L.jingxiensis Yan Liu,H.S.Gao&W.B.Xu在叶型上较相近,但不同在于叶片上面光滑无毛或疏被微柔毛,下面被微柔毛,聚伞花序1~2回分支,花序梗长4~8cm,花冠裂片长圆形、倒卵形至近圆形,顶端圆钝,花丝长2.5~3.5mm,花期1~3月。  相似文献   

翡翠兜兰,中国云南兰科一新种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对兰科新种翡翠兜兰(Paphiopedilum smaragdinum)作了描述与绘图。新种产云南西部高黎贡山,与虎斑兜兰有亲缘关系,但花淡黄绿色无斑点和斑纹,退化雄蕊矩圆形,先端有短尖,短尖长1~1.5mm,易于区别。  相似文献   

报道了广西苦苣苔科细筒苣苔属Lagarosolen W.T.Wang一新种——陆氏细筒苣苔L.lui Yan LiuW.B.Xu。该种与靖西细筒苣苔L.jingxiensis Yan Liu,H.S.GaoW.B.Xu在叶型上较相近,但不同在于叶片上面光滑无毛或疏被微柔毛,下面被微柔毛,聚伞花序1~2回分支,花序梗长4~8cm,花冠裂片长圆形、倒卵形至近圆形,顶端圆钝,花丝长2.5~3.5mm,花期1~3月。  相似文献   

王文采 《植物研究》2017,37(5):641-644
描述了自重庆市江津区四面山发现的荨麻科赤车属一新种和楼梯草属二新种:(1)四面山赤车,与融安赤车近缘,区别在于新种的叶的二级脉较少,2枚雌花被片有短角状突起,以及长圆形瘦果;(2)稀柱毛楼梯草,可能与托叶楼梯草近缘,区别在于新种的叶较小,雌总苞苞片,以及雄、雌小苞片均在背面具龙骨状突起,柱头由只3~4根毛组成;(3)四面山楼梯草,与长尖楼梯草近缘,区别在于新种茎的顶端被短柔毛,雄头状花序的花序梗较短,以及雄总苞苞片呈条状船形,背面具龙骨状突起。  相似文献   

The genus Acidosasa was published by the present authors in 1979. It only had one species at that time, Acidosasa chinensis C. D. Chu et C. S. Chao. Since then species number of the genus steadily increases. The authors have rather comprehensively studied this genus and its related genera for F1. Reip. Pop. Sin. The present paper deals mainly with morphological characteristics of the genus Acidosasa and the differences from its related genera i. e. Arundinaria, Sasa and Indosasa. The genus Acidosasa is closely related to the genus Arundinaria in the type and origin of inflorescences and the vegetative appearance. But it differs from Arundinaria in the structure of florets. In Acidosasa, each floret is provided with six stamens, while in Arundinaria each floret is of only three stamens. The genus Acidosasa is similar to the genera Indosasa and Sasa in the numbers of stamens, but it is distinguished from lndosasa by its semelauctant (determinate) inflorescence, not iterautant (indeterminate) one, from Sasa by its taller stature and branch complement with three branches. We have carefully examined all the type specimens of Acidosasa and its related genera. A conclusion reached is that there are six species in the genus Acidosasa, most of which are native to S. China, with only one species in Viet Nam. Five specific binomials are reduced and one species is transferred into this genus. Two keys to species, respectively based on the flowering and vegetative characters, are given as follow: Key to species of the genus A cidosasa (1)(based on the flowering state) 1. Lemmas glabrous. 2. Spikelets stout, 3-6mm broad, pedicels 1.5-4cm long; lemmas large, 1.5-2.2cm long, with 15-19 nerves, subcoriaceous, not glaucous, shiny. 3. Lemmas up to 2.2cm long with conspicuously transverse veinlets, tessellate; palea and rhachilla entirely. glabrous, lodicules elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous ... 1. A. chinensis 3. Lemmas 1.5-1.8cm. long, slightly tessellate; palea puberulous at apex of carina, rhachilla puberuous at apex, lodicules obovate, ciliate at apex ............ 2. A. brilletii 2. Spikelets rather slende, 2-4mm broad, pedicels 0.5-1cm long; lemmas small, about 1.3 cm long, with 7-13 nerves, more or less glaucous .......... 3. A. chienouensis 1. Lemmas pubescent. 4. Glumas and lemmas densely pubescent ........................ 4. A. hirtiflora 4. Glumas subglabrous, lemmas sparsely pubescent. 5. Spikelets large, 3-7 cm long, lemmas 1.6-1.7 cm long, pedicels 2-13 mm long ................................................. 5. A. longiligula 5. Spikelets small, 2-3.7 cm long, lemmas about 1.3 cm long, pedicels 1-3 cm long ................................................... 6. A. venusta Key to species of the genus A cidosasa (2) (based on the vegetative state) 1. Ligules of leaf-sheaths strongly elevated, usually 2-8 mm long. 2. Young culms with bristly sheath scars; culm-sheaths without auricles and oral setae, not spotted, sheath-blades erect ................. 4. A. hirtiflora 2. Young culms with glabrous sheath scars; culm-sheaths with small auricles and oral setae, sparsely spotted, sheath-blades reflexed .......... 5. A. longiligula 1. Ligules of leaf-sheaths inconspicuous, less than 2 mm long. 3. Young culms more or less bristly, or sheath-scars bristly: 4. Culm-sheaths without auricles and oral setae, not farinose, without hairs at base. 5. Young culms densely bristly; culm-sheaths attenuate at apex and as wide as sheath-blades, with conspicuously transverse veinlets; leaf-blades large, usually 2.5-3.5 (-6.5) cm broad, conspicuously tessellate ..................................................... 1. A. chinensis 5. Young culms sparsely bristly; culm-sheaths truncate at apex and broader than sheath-blades, without transverse veinlets or inconspicuous; leaf-blades small, 1.5-2.5 cm broad, without visible transverse veinlets .................................................... 6. A. venusta 4. Culm-sheaths with auricles and oral setae, slightly farinose, densely bristle at base; leaf-blades rather narrow, 0.8-1.8 cm broad ............ 3. A. chienouensis 3. Young culms entirely glabrous; leaf-blades rather narrow, 1.2-1.8 cm broad ....................................................................................... 2. A. brilletill  相似文献   

(1) In the overwhelming majority of genera of the family Ranunculaceae, includ ing its primitive genera, Caltha, Calathodes, and Trollius and the primitive genus of trib. Anemoneae, Anemone, the sepals are spreading and the stamens are glabrous. So, the as cending or upright sepals and hairy stamens of the sections Meclatis, Tubulosa, Viorna, and Atragene of the genus Clematis are secondary, and are accordingly considered as advanced characters, and those sections and the genus Archiclematis, closely related to Sect. Viorna Subsect. Connatae, more or less advanced groups. (2) In the sections Cheiropsis, Fruticella, and Viticella, which have glabrous stamens,some species have spreading sepals, and the others have ascending or upright sepals. In Sect. Clematis, all the species have spreading sepals and glabrous stamens, except for Clematis pinnata, which has ascending sepals and usually hairy stamen filaments. In Sect. Lasiantha with 2 species restricted to western U. S. A., C. lasiantha has glabrous stamens, while C. paucifiora has stamens hairy on fliaments. In Sect. Naraveliopsis with spreading sepals,the majority of species have glabrous stamens, but one species, C.liboensis, endemic to Guizhou Province, China, has hairy stamens. These facts just mentioned indicate that the evolution of sepals and stamens took place in several lineages independently in Clematis. (3) In Clematis, glabrous stamens of C.apiifolia, C.grata, and C.montana with linear filaments and oblong anthers, are similar to those of Caltha, Calathodes, Trollius, and Anemone. Thus, the linear filaments and oblong anthers are considered primitive characters in Clematis. On the other hand, lanceolatelinear filaments of C. tangutica and C. aethusifolia or oblanceolate -linear filaments of C. courtoisii and C. loureiriana and linear anthers of C. meyeniana and C. uncinata, and narrow-linear anthers of C. courtoisii and C. lanuginosa are considered advanced ones. In ease of stamens with hairs, stamens of C. henryi with densely villous filaments and those of C. kweichowensis with both filaments and anthers densely pubescent show more advanced condition than those of C. pinnata, C. heracleifolia, and C. tangutica, with sparsely puberulous filaments and glabrous antbers(Fig. 1 ). (4)The pedunculate, 2-bracteate dichasial cyme with several flowers may represent the primitive type of inflorescences in Clematis. Manyflowered panicle-like cymes as in C.gouriana and C. tsaii, or few-l-flowered cymes as in C. henryi and C. repens, and cymes lacking peduncles and bracts as in C. montana and C. pogonandra are all considered advanced. Besides, the fact that flowers arise from axillary buds of old branches shows also an advanced condition. (5)Sect. Clematis subsect. Pinnatae, with leaflets, inflorescence ramification, and stamens similar to those of C. heracleifolia, is considered intermediate between Sect. Clematis and Sect. Tubulosa. (6) Subsect. Clematis and Subsect. Rectae, and Subsect. Connatae and Subsect. Crispae are so closely related to each other respectively that it is difficult to ascertain the systematic position of some intermediate species between the two subsections of each pair in the absence of seedlings. So, in the present paper, following the classification of Clematis proposed by Tamura in 1967, I put Subsect. Clematis and Subsect. Rectae in Sect. Clematis, and Subsect. Connatae and Subsect. Crispae in Sect. Viorna. (7)According to the evolutionary tendencies mentioned above, a realignment of the sections and the infrasectional taxa of the Chinese Clematis is made. (8) Six subsections, 6 serise, 2 species, and 4 varieties are described as new, and 5 new combinations, 4 new ranks, and 2 new names are given. (9)The specific rank of C. tenuipes W.T. Wang, reduced to varietal renk in 1980, is restord. C. taiwaniana Hayata, reduced to synonomy of C. grata Wall. in 1991, is considered distinct from the latter in hairy adaxial surface of sepal and narrower achene with tapering apex. C. kerriana Drumm. & Craib and C. laxipaniculata Pei are proved to be conspecific to C. subumbellata Kurz and reduced to syn-onymy.  相似文献   

Primulina petrocosmeoides Bo Pan & Fang Wen sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. This new species is similar to P. weii Mich. Möller & A. Weber, but differs from it in leaf blade ovate to elliptical, 1.0 × 0.8 to 2.5 × 2.0 cm, leaf base broadly cuneate, cymes 5–16, 2–6‐flowered, bracts narrowly lanceolate, calyx lobes lanceolate, 4.0–6.5 mm long, corolla bluish purple, 1.2–1.5 cm long, pubescent outside but glabrous inside, filaments purple, pubescent, staminodes 3, stigma trapezoid with its apex lobed to the middle and with dense short papillae.  相似文献   

王文采  李良千 《广西植物》2011,31(3):285-287
该文描述了自甘肃南部发现的毛茛科铁线莲属的一新种,甘南铁线莲.  相似文献   

Stromanthe bahiensis Yoshida‐Arns, Mayo & J. M. A. Braga sp. nov. (Marantaceae) is described as an endemic to the Atlantic Forest coast of southern Bahia State in Brazil. It is similar to S. hjalmarssonii (Körn.) Petersen, which is restricted to Central America, but differs from it by the following characteristics: petiole 14–70 cm long, leaf blade oblong‐ovate to ovate‐lanceolate, fertile bracts 18–30×2–4 mm, narrowly lanceolate to ovate‐lanceolate, sepals 4–6 mm long, corolla lobes 3.0–3.5 mm long, outer staminodes 2.0–3.5×1–2 mm, pale bluish or purplish, callose staminode 2–3×1–2 mm, cucullate staminode 2–3 mm long and ovary hirsute. The new species is described and illustrated with diagnostic characters, taxonomic comments and remarks on its conservation status.  相似文献   

Aspidistra longgangensis C. R. Lin, Y. S. Huang & Yan Liu, a new species of Asparagaceae from the limestone areas in Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. It is similar to A. guangxiensis S. C. Tang & Yan Liu in the shape of the flower, but differs by leaf blade pachyphyllous and bigger; the perianth lobes with appendages at base, appendage oblong, 3–5 mm long, apex incurved; stigma upper surface white, with 4(3) radial, bifurcate lines in the center. The new species is currently known only from Longgang National Natural Reserve, situated in southwestern Guangxi, China, near the border with northern Vietnam.  相似文献   

Two neotropical species of the Alibertia group (Gardenieae–Rubiaceae) are described and illustrated. Cordiera longicaudata C. Persson & Delprete sp. nov. occurs in Panama and northwestern Ecuador (Awá Reserve) and is characterized by its long drip tips and glabrous to minutely puberulent corollas. Duroia valesca C. Persson & Delprete sp. nov. is from the Atlantic forest of Brazil (states of Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais) and is distinguished by its heteromorphic calyx lobes that are large, 13–15×7–8 mm, elliptic and contorted in female flowers, whereas the calyx lobes of the male flowers are 3–5×1–2 mm and narrowly triangular.  相似文献   

Prunus pananensis Z. L. Chen, W. J. Chen & X. F. Jin, a new species of Rosaceae from central Zhejiang, China is described and illustrated. Micromorphological characters of the indumentum on young shoots, leaves, petioles and peduncles, including scanning electron microscope [SEM] images, are provided. This new species is morphologically similar to P. schneiderianae Koehne in having its young shoots, petioles and pedicels all densely villose, but differs in having bracts persistent, styles glabrous, stipules 8–9 mm long, stamens 28–30 of per flower, and drupes glabrous. The new species is also similar to P. discoidea (Yü & C. L. Li) Yü & C. L. Li ex Z. Wei & Y. B. Chang in having 2 or 3 flowers in an umbellate inflorescence, and bracts persistent and marginally glandular, but it differs in having young shoots and petioles densely covered with yellowish-brown villose trichomes; leaves rounded or slightly cordate at base, the mid-ribs and lateral veins abaxially densely covered with yellowish-brown villose trichomes; and hypanthium ca. 3 mm long, shorter than sepals. The atpB-rbcL and trnL-F intergenic chloroplast spacers are selected for identification of the new and its similar species.  相似文献   

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