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The possible role of border factors in determining the nucleosome positioning on a DNA sequence was investigated. To this end a family of recombinant plasmids based on Gal10Cyc1 promoter and neomycin phosphotransferase gene NPTII were created. A DNA sequence adjoining the GalCyc promoter was varied in these plasmids. Three nearly equally represented nucleosome positions on the GalCyc promoter were found. In the basal plasmid an FRT sequence adjoins the GalCyc promoter at the right. It contains an internal signal of multiple positioning. Its replacement with different DNA sequences does not affect nucleosome positioning on the GalCyc promoter. The nucleosome positioning on the GalCyc promoter does not depend on nucleosome positioning (or its absence) on adjoining sequences. The same is true for nucleosome positioning on FRT sequence. It was found also that nucleosomes' positioning on the NPTII gene and their mutual disposition, namely the spacing between neighboring nucleosomes (linker length) are determined by the location of positioning signals only. Generally the nucleosome positioning in our experimental model is determined solely by internal DNA sequence occupied by nucleosome. On the other hand, the action of this internal positioning signal does not extend to neighboring DNA sequences.  相似文献   

A novel method of determining the number of superhelical turns of a covalently-closed plasmid DNA is described. It relies on the determination of the hyperchromicity, and hence the proportion of unstacked basepairs, of a partially heat-denatured sample which co-migrates during electrophoresis with nicked circular duplex DNA. The values obtained for plasmid pBR beta G DNA at 4 degrees C (-29.8 and -33.5 in the two buffers used) agree closely with the values obtained in parallel by topoisomer band-counting. Our method is less precise than band-counting but is readily applicable to determining the superhelicity of very large DNA molecules. Our results confirm earlier findings that magnesium-containing buffers cause an increase in the duplex winding angle, and hence an increase in the number of negative superhelical turns.  相似文献   

Although the crystal structure of nucleosome core particle is essentially symmetrical in the vicinity of the dyad, the linker histone binds asymmetrically in this region to select a single high-affinity site from potentially two equivalent sites. To try to resolve this apparent paradox we mapped to base-pair resolution the dyads and rotational settings of nucleosome core particles reassembled on synthetic tandemly repeating 20 bp DNA sequences. In agreement with previous observations, we observed (1) that the helical repeat on each side of the dyad cluster is 10 bp maintaining register with the sequence repeat and (2) that this register changes by 2 bp in the vicinity of the dyad. The additional 2 bp required to effect the change in the rotational settings is accommodated by an adjustment immediately adjacent to the dyad. At the dyad the hydroxyl radical cleavage is asymmetric and we suggest that the inferred structural asymmetry could direct the binding of the linker histone to a single preferred site.  相似文献   

The interaction in vitro between adenoviral histone-like proteins and DNA in the presence of chromatin assembly factors was investigated. Viral core protein VII or its precursor pVII was incubated with DNA in the presence of an extract of HeLa cell chromatin, which mediates nucleosome assembly from histones and DNA. We have demonstrated that either protein can introduce superhelical turns into relaxed closed-circular DNA and that the presence of chromatin extract is necessary for the supertwisting effect. A greater density of superhelical turns was produced by pVII than by VII, but neither protein-DNA interaction resulted in the "physiological" amount of supertwisting produced by histones. The inhibition of histone-induced supercoiling by both proteins and the protection of turns in supertwisted starting material are also described. The nucleosome assembly factor, nucleoplasmin, fails to mediate the introduction of superhelical turns by VII or pVII.  相似文献   

M Shure  J Vinograd 《Cell》1976,8(2):215-226
By a method of overlapping the results obtained after agarose gel electrophoresis under two different sets of conditions, it has become possible to determine the number of superhelical turns in a given DNA by counting the bands present after partially relaxing the DNA (Keller and Wendel, 1974) with highly purified nicking-closing (N-C) enzyme from LA9 mouse cell nuclei. Because native supercoiled DNA is heterogeneous with respect to superhelix density, an average number of superhelical turns was determined. Virion SV40 DNA contains 26 +/- 0.5 superhelical turns, and native Minicol DNA contains 19 +/- 0.5 superhelical turns. The above are values at 0.2 M NaCl and at 37 degrees C, the condition under which the enzymatic relaxations were performed. The superhelix densities determined by the band counting method have been compared with superhelix densities determined by buoyant equilibrium in PDl-CsCl gradients. The Gray, Upholt, and Vinograd (1971) calculation procedure has been used for evaluating the superhelix densities by the latter method with the new statement, however, that relaxed DNA has zero superhelical turns. Comparison of the superhelix densities obtained by both methods permits a calculation of an unwinding angle for ethidium. The mean value from experiments with SV40 DNA is 23 +/- 3 degree. The average number of superhelical turns in SV40, 26, combined with the value, 21, obtained by both Griffith (1975) and Germond et al. (1975) for the average number of nucleosomes per SV40 genome, yields an average of 1.25 superhelical turns per 1/21 of the SV40 genome. If the regions of internucleosomal DNA are fully relaxed, 1.25 correesponds to the average number of superhelical turns with a nucleosome. When analyzed under identical conditions, the limit product generated by ligating a nicked circular substrate in the presence of 0.001 M Mg2+ at 37 degrees C (ligation conditions) is slightly more positively supercoiled than the limit product obtained when the N-C reaction is performed in 0.2 M NaCl at 37 degrees C. The difference in superhelix density as measured in gels between the two sets of limit products for both Minicol and SV40 DNAs is 0.0059 +/- 0.0005. This result indicates that the DNA duplex is overwound in the ligation solvent relative to its state in 0.2 M NaCl.  相似文献   

We have used new methods for chromatin isolation, together with conventional methods for measuring the nucleosome repeat length, to determine the repeat length of Schizosaccharomyces pombe chromatin. We obtain a result of 156(+/- 2) bp. Equivalent results are obtained using a psoralen crosslinking method for measuring the repeat length in viable spheroplasts. That result, together with other control experiments, rules out many possible artifacts. The measured value of 156(+/- 2) bp is smaller than the length of DNA found in the chromatosome. Thus, the chromatosome cannot be the fundamental unit of chromatin structure in all eukaryotes. The crossed linker model of chromatin higher order structure is incompatible with a nucleosome repeat length of 156 bp, and thus cannot apply to all eukaryotes. The solenoid model of higher order structure is compatible with this repeat length only if the solenoid is right-handed. We note two other properties of this chromatin. (1) Early in digestion, the DNA length of mononucleosomes from S. pombe and Aspergillus nidulans exceeds the nucleosome repeat length. (2) Many methods for isolating chromatin from S. pombe yield an apparent nucleosome repeat length of less than or equal to 140 bp; this result is found to be an artifactual consequence of nucleosome sliding.  相似文献   

Site-specific DNA repair at the nucleosome level in a yeast minichromosome   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
M J Smerdon  F Thoma 《Cell》1990,61(4):675-684
The rate of excision repair of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers (PDs) was measured at specific sites in each strand of a yeast minichromosome containing an active gene (URA3), a replication origin (ARS1), and positioned nucleosomes. All six PD sites analyzed in the transcribed URA3 strand were repaired more rapidly (greater than 5-fold on average) than any of the nine PD sites analyzed in the nontranscribed strand. Efficient repair also occurred in both strands of a disrupted TRP1 gene (ten PD sites), containing four unstable nucleosomes, and in a nucleosome gap at the 5' end of URA3 (two PD sites). Conversely, slow repair occurred in both strands immediately downstream of the URA3 gene (12 of 14 PD sites). This region contains the ARS1 consensus sequence, a nucleosome gap, and two stable nucleosomes. Thus, modulation of DNA repair occurs in a simple yeast minichromosome and correlates with gene expression, nucleosome stability, and (possibly) control of replication.  相似文献   

5-Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) modulates expression of particular genes associated with cellular differentiation and senescence. Our previous studies have suggested an involvement of chromatin structure in this phenomenon. Here, we examined the effect of 5-bromouracil on nucleosome positioning in vivo using TALS plasmid in yeast cells. This plasmid can stably and precisely be assembled nucleosomes aided by the α2 repressor complex bound to its α2 operator. Insertion of AT-rich sequences into a site near the operator destabilized nucleosome positioning dependent on their length and sequences. Addition of BrdU almost completely disrupted nucleosome positioning through specific AT-tracts. The effective AT-rich sequences migrated faster on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and their mobility was further accelerated by substitution of thymine with 5-bromouracil. Since this property is indicative of a rigid conformation of DNA, our results suggest that 5-bromouracil disrupts nucleosome positioning by inducing A-form-like DNA.  相似文献   

The first closed circular product of mouse L-cell mitochondrial DNA synthesis is a zero superhelix density molecule. Both of the asynchronously synthesized mitochondrial DNA daughter molecules pass through the zero superhelix density state. These molecules have a mean lifetime of approximately one hour before conversion to supercoiled molecules containing approximately 100 superhelical turns. A low frequency of intermediates in the conversion of these two closed circular forms is demonstrable by agarose gel electrophoresis. The degree of sensitivity to alkali has been used to demonstrate that newly replicated mitochondrial DNA has the same content of ribonucleotides as mass-labeled mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

Di- or trivalent metal ions stabilize a supercoil-dependent transition in pGA37, which contains the (GA)37.(CT)37 insert, at neutral and basic pH. The structure formed is different from the well known protonated triplexes (H-DNA) adopted at low pH by polypurine.polypyrimidine (Pur.Pyr) inserts in plasmids. DNA samples must be preincubated in the presence of multivalent ions at 50 degrees C for the new transition to occur. At neutral pH in the presence of Co hexamine, both strands of the insert have modification maxima situated at one-third of the distance from both ends. We propose the formation of a new structure called nodule DNA which consists of both Pyr.Pur.Pyr and Pur.Pur.Pyr triplexes and does not contain continuous single-stranded regions. At basic pH (greater than 8.5) in the presence of magnesium ions, the modification pattern corresponds to Pur.Pur.Pyr triplex formation in the whole insert. At neutral pH in the presence of magnesium, both nodule DNA and the Pur.Pur.Pyr triplex can be formed in the insert. We also observed a magnesium-dependent transition at neutral pH in the other Pur.Pyr insert containing plasmids. These data demonstrate that Pur.Pyr sequences can adopt several non-B conformations at close to in vivo conditions.  相似文献   

A marked reduction in the rate of viral DNA synthesis is accompanied by an alteration to the superhelicity of progeny DNA in polyoma virus-infected cells in which protein synthesis has been inhibited by cycloheximide. Viral DNA molecules formed in the presence of cycloheximide consist predominantly of closed-circular monometric species (referred to as form Ic) characterized by a decreased superhelix density, corresponding to deltasigmao = 0.0195, as compared to form I DNA by propidium diiodide-cesium chloride isopycnic analysis. Form Ic is synthesized on pre-existing form I templates without the intervention of progeny form I as an intermediate. It is concluded that inhibition of protein synthesis results in the alteration of some process in the closure of daughter DNA that leads to a marked reduction of superhelical turns of progeny molecules. About two-thirds of form Ic molecules return to the form I conformation upon reversal of cycloheximide inhibition by a mechanism independent of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Positional correlation analysis for the complete genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is performed with the aim to reveal possible chromatin-related sequence features. A strong periodicity with the period 10.4 bases is detected in the distance histograms for the dinucleotides AA and TT, with the characteristic decay distance of approximately 50 base pairs. The oscillations are observed as well in the distributions of other dinucleotides. However, the respective amplitudes are small, consistent with secondary effects, due to dominant periodicity of AA and TT. The observations are in accord with earlier data on the chromatin sequence periodicities and nucleosome DNA sequence patterns. The autocorrelations of AA and TT dinucleotides in yeast include also a counter-phase component. A tentative DNA sequence pattern for the yeast nucleosomes is suggested and verified by comparison of its autocorrelation plots with the respective natural autocorrelations. The nucleosome mapping guided by the pattern is in accord with experimental data on the linker length distribution in yeast.  相似文献   

Dynamics of superhelical DNA studied by photon correlation spectroscopy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have conducted photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) studies on the plasmid pUC8 (2717 bp) in order to elucidate the internal dynamics of this superhelical DNA. We confirm that the first-order autocorrelation function of the scattered light from pUC8 solutions can be separated into two distinct exponential decay components, as first shown by Lewis et al. (R. Lewis, J.H. Huang and P. Pecora, Macromolecules 18 (1985) 944). A thorough analysis of the dependence on scattering vector K of the rates and amplitudes of the two components enables us to assign the slowly relaxing part to the center-of-mass diffusion of the DNA, while the faster component corresponds to rotational, bending and twisting motions of the superhelix. For larger K values the internal motions can be formally expressed in terms of an 'internal diffusion coefficient' Di, whose value of 2.0-2.5 X 10(-11) m2 s-1 is approximately equal to the translational diffusion coefficient predicted for a stiff DNA piece of the persistence length, 65 nm. Comparison of our measured Di values to those predicted from a recent theory of circular worm-like coils (K. Soda, Macromolecules 17 (1984) 2365) shows that the internal motions are faster than the theoretical values. One of the reasons for this discrepancy could be that the theory does not take into account torsional motions, which contribute significantly to the internal dynamics (J.C. Thomas, S.A. Allison, C.J. Appelof and J.M. Schurr, Biophys. Chem. 12 (1980) 177). At low K values, the fast relaxation of superhelical pUC8 is no longer proportional to K2, but reaches a constant value as K approaches zero. This behavior, not seen for the linearized DNA, can be interpreted in terms of rotational diffusion of a flexible rod-like molecule (T. Maeda and S. Fujime, Macromolecules 17 (1984) 2381) and supports an interwound rod-like structure for pUC8 DNA with an average end-to-end distance of 220 nm.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine whether the association between overweight and depression usually found in western societies would also be found in locations where overweight is not stigmatized. A total of 1,271 individuals from rural Bangladesh were randomly selected; the response rate was 76%. Depressive symptoms were measured with the Montgomery‐Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS). The sum MADRS scores were 13.4 (s.d. = 5.8) and 18.5 (8.1) for overweight vs. nonoverweight (t = 6.6; P < 0.000) men, respectively, and 19.7 (7.8) and 23.2 (7.9) for overweight vs. nonoverweight women, respectively (t = 4.2; P < 0.000). Thus the MADRS score was lower in overweight individuals. After adjusting for sex and age, BMI significantly predicted the MADRS score (β = ?0.3; t = 10.2; P < 0.000). These findings suggest that overweight may be related to fewer depressive symptoms in non western cultures.  相似文献   

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