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We examined the respiratory effects of a patent ductus arteriosus in 29 premature lambs (131-135 days gestational age) after infiltrating the ductal wall with formaldehyde solution (Formalin) and placing a snare around the ductus to regulate its patency. The lambs were given sheep surfactant, paralyzed, and mechanically ventilated at birth. We first compared 8 lambs with open ductus and 13 lambs with closed ductus during the 12 h after birth. Although lambs with open ductus had greater pulmonary blood flow (301 +/- 36 vs. 188 +/- 11 ml.min-1.kg-1, mean +/- SE, at 12 h of age) and mean pulmonary arterial (44 +/- 3 vs. 33 +/- 2 mmHg) and left ventricular end-diastolic (6 +/- 0.6 vs 4 +/- 0.7 mmHg) pressures, we found no differences in dynamic respiratory compliance (Cdyn = 0.55 +/- 0.07 vs. 0.55 +/- 0.03 ml.cmH2O-1.kg-1), midtidal volume resistance (62 +/- 5 X 10(-3) vs. 62 +/- 7 X 10(-3) cmH2O.ml-1.s), or functional residual capacity (FRC = 27 +/- 3 vs. 26 +/- 2 ml.kg-1). Alveolar-arterial PO2 difference was lower in the lambs with open ductus (238 +/- 65 vs. 362 +/- 37 Torr). Next, we challenged eight lambs with two separate saline infusions (50 ml.kg-1 over 3 min), each given with the ductus alternately closed or open. When the ductus was closed, FRC was unchanged, but Cdyn increased by 18% immediately after the infusion. When the ductus was open, FRC decreased by 16% and Cdyn decreased by 12%. We conclude that the premature lamb is surprisingly resistant to changes in respiratory function from ductal patency during the immediate neonatal period.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin (PG) I2 and its stable metabolite, 6-keto-PGF1alpha, were tested on the isolated ductus arteriosus from mature fetal lambs. PGI2 relaxed the ductus in high doses (threshold 10(-6)M) and its activity disappeared on standing at room temperature for 30 minutes. 6-keto-PGF1alpha was inactive at all doses. By contrast, PGE2 produced a dose-dependent relaxation over a range between 10(-10) and 10(-6)M. These findings confirm that PGE2 is the most potent ductal relaxant among the known derivatives of arachidonic acid. PGE2 probably maintains ductus patency in the fetus and, together with PGE1, remains the compound of choice in the management of newborns requiring a viable ductus for survival.  相似文献   

The distribution of prostaglandin E2 and F2 alpha was examined in the peripheral veins and in several positions of the cardiovascular system before and after the blood had passed through the lungs in 37 infants. Prostaglandin E2 varied from 0.25 +/- 0.09 ng/ml to 0.44 +/- 0.09 ng/ml when measured in the pulmonary artery, the ductus arteriosus, the right atrium, the right ventricle, the left atrium, the left ventricle, the inferior vena cava and the descending aorta. Prostaglandin F2 alpha was much higher in these positions of the cardiovascular system. The range was 0.99 +/- 0.36 ng/ml to greater than 2.0 ng/ml. The vascular tissues produced virtually identical high amounts of prostaglandin E2 and F2 alpha, but there were no significant differences in prostaglandin E2 and F2 alpha, concentrations, in venous blood as well as in systemic arterial blood. The results suggest that prostaglandin E2 is not responsible for the persisting patency of the ductus arteriosus in infants. There is no explanation for the increased prostaglandin F2 alpha concentrations in these patients.  相似文献   

The synthesis of PGE(2), the major vasodilator prostanoid of the ductus arteriosus (DA), is catalyzed by PGE(2) synthases (PGES). The factors implicated in increased PGE(2) synthesis in the perinatal DA are not known. We studied the developmental changes of PGES along with that of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 and cytosolic phospholipase A(2) (cPLA(2)) in the DA of fetal (75-90% gestation) and immediately postnatal newborn (NB) piglets. Levels of microsomal PGES (mPGES), COX-2, and PGE(2) in the DA of NB were approximately 7-fold higher than in fetus; activities of cytosolic PGES (cPGES) and cPLA(2) in DA of the fetus and NB did not differ. Because platelet-activating factor (PAF) could regulate COX-2 expression, the former was measured and found to be more abundant in the DA of the NB than of fetus. PAF elicited an increase in mPGES, COX-2, and PGE(2) in fetal DA to levels approaching those of the NB; cPGES, cPLA(2), and COX-1 were unaffected. In perinatal NB DA, PAF receptor antagonists BN-52021 and THG-315 reduced mPGES, COX-2, and PGE(2) levels and were associated with increased DA tone. It is concluded that PAF contributes in regulating DA tone by governing mPGES, COX-2, and ensuing PGE(2) levels in the perinate.  相似文献   

The overlapping roles of the predominant Notch receptors in vascular smooth muscle cells, Notch2 and Notch3, have not been clearly defined in vivo. In this study, we use a smooth muscle‐specific deletion of Notch2 together with a global Notch3 deletion to produce mice with combinations of mutant and wild‐type Notch2/3 alleles in vascular smooth muscle cells. Mice with complete loss of Notch3 and smooth muscle‐expressed Notch2 display late embryonic lethality and subcutaneous hemorrhage. Mice without smooth muscle‐Notch2 and only one wild‐type copy of Notch3 die within one day of birth and present with vascular defects, most notably patent ductus arteriosus (DA) and aortic dilation. These defects were associated with decreased expression of contractile markers in both the DA and aorta. These results demonstrate that Notch2 and Notch3 have overlapping roles in promoting development of vascular smooth muscle cells, and together contribute to functional closure of the DA. genesis 53:738–748, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that chronic stimulation of the prostaglandin E2-cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) signal pathway plays a critical role in intimal cushion formation in perinatal ductus arteriosus (DA) through promoting synthesis of hyaluronan. We hypothesized that Epac, a newly identified effector of cAMP, may play a role in intimal cushion formation (ICF) in the DA distinct from that of PKA. In the present study, we found that the levels of Epac1 and Epac2 mRNAs were significantly up-regulated in the rat DA during the perinatal period. A specific EP4 agonist, ONO-AE1-329, increased Rap1 activity in the presence of a PKA inhibitor, PKI-(14-22)-amide, in DA smooth muscle cells. 8-pCPT-2'-O-Me-cAMP (O-Me-cAMP), a cAMP analog selective to Epac activator, promoted migration of DA smooth muscle cells (SMC) in a dose-dependent manner. Adenovirus-mediated Epac1 or Epac2 gene transfer further enhanced O-Me-cAMP-induced cell migration, although the effect of Epac1 overexpression on cell migration was stronger than that of Epac2. In addition, transfection of small interfering RNAs for Epac1, but not Epac2, significantly inhibited serum-mediated migration of DA SMCs. In the presence of O-Me-cAMP, actin stress fibers were well organized with enhanced focal adhesion, and cell shape was widely expanded. Adenovirus-mediated Epac1, but not Epac2 gene transfer, induced prominent ICF in the rat DA explants when compared with those with green fluorescent protein gene transfer. The thickness of intimal cushion became significantly greater (1.98-fold) in Epac1-overexpressed DA. O-Me-cAMP did not change hyaluronan production, although it decreased proliferation of DA SMCs. The present study demonstrated that Epac, especially Epac1, plays an important role in promoting SMC migration and thereby ICF in the rat DA.  相似文献   

Intrauterine contraction of the ductus arteriosus in fetuses followed a single oral dose of 15 mg/kg indomethacin to pregnant rats 12 or 18 h prior to delivery. This ductal contraction studied by the whole-body freezing technique was markedly pronounced up to 30 min after delivery. Blood gas measurements showed a low pH at 30 min which returned to normal at 120 min. Cyanosis was persistant in the indomethacin groups. Intrauterine ductal closure may be a danger to the fetus and subsequent postnatal adjustment. The present results need confirmation in other species to predict a similar risk in the human fetus.  相似文献   

The ductus arteriosus was studied in 138 dogs (80 female and 58 male) aged from 6 h to 21 days. This experiment led us to conclude that the anatomical closure of the d. arteriosus starts within 96 h and is obliterated after 6 days in 100% of the animals studied. We have also evidenced that the closure starts in the medial part of the d. arteriosus and progresses to the pulmonary artery and aorta.  相似文献   

Homogenates of tissues from fetal and neonatal lamb ductus arteriosus, aorta and pulmonary artery have the capacity to convert arachidonic acid as well as the intermediate prostaglandin endoperoxide, prostaglandin H2, into three products: prostaglandins E2, F2alpha and a major product 6-ketoprostaglandin F1alpha. The three tissues also displayed prostaglandin 15-hydroxydehydrogenase and 13-reductase catabolic activities. The catabolishing system showed considerable substrate specificity: prostaglandin E1 was a good substrate whereas prostaglandins F1alpha and F2alpha were completely devoid of catabolism. The complete system was observed in immature as well as mature arterial vessels, in the fetus as well as the neonate (up to 7 days old). These experiments demonstrate the presence of several components of the prostaglandin system in these tissues and offer biochemical evidence for the implication of prostaglandins E2 and I2 in the maintenance of the ductus and neighboring vessels in a relaxed state in the fetus.  相似文献   

Release of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) was studied in isolated ductus arteriosus preparations from immature (103 or 104 days gestation; term, 147 days) and near-term fetal lambs. Mature preparations produced measurable amounts of the compound in most cases and the release rate was 19 +/- 2 pg/(100 mg wet weight X min) at a PO2 of 3-8 Torr (1 Torr = 133.3 Pa). PGE2 release increased with the PO2 of the medium, peak values (about 125 pg/(100 mg X min)) being attained at 106-276 Torr when the oxygen-induced contraction was still submaximal. Experiments in which tissues were either contracted with excess potassium or relaxed with CO proved that PGE2 formation is independent from the contractile state. PGE2 was also released from ductus preparations lacking the adventitia, the intima, or both; however, release values were maximal when the adventitia was preserved. The magnitude of the intrinsic tone in these stripped preparations was inversely related to the rate of PGE2 formation. Reduced glutathione increased PGE2 release from the mature ductus, whole or stripped, and also relaxed hypoxic preparations; both effects were reversed by concomitant treatment with indomethacin. PGE2 synthesis tended to be greater in the immature than the mature ductus, maximal values (115 +/- 27 pg/(100 mg X min)) being observed at 6-8 Torr. We conclude that the ductus arteriosus is endowed with an enzyme system for the synthesis of PGE2 whose function accords with an effector role of the compound in the regulation of tone. These findings, together with the potent relaxation exerted by PGE2 at low PO2, indicate that the locally generated prostaglandin is well suited for keeping the ductus patent in the fetus.  相似文献   

Closure of the ductus arteriosus (DA) at birth is essential for the transition from fetal to postnatal life. Before birth the DA bypasses the uninflated lungs by shunting blood from the pulmonary trunk into the systemic circulation. The molecular mechanism underlying DA closure and degeneration has not been fully elucidated, but is associated with apoptosis and cytolytic necrosis in the inner media and intima. We detected features of histology during DA degeneration that are comparable to Hutchinson Gilford Progeria syndrome and ageing. Immunohistochemistry on human fetal and neonatal DA, and aorta showed that lamin A/C was expressed in all layers of the vessel wall. As a novel finding we report that progerin, a splicing variant of lamin A/C was expressed almost selectively in the normal closing neonatal DA, from which we hypothesized that progerin is involved in DA closure. Progerin was detected in 16.2%±7.2 cells of the DA. Progerin-expressing cells were predominantly located in intima and inner media where cytolytic necrosis accompanied by apoptosis will develop. Concomitantly we found loss of α-smooth muscle actin as well as reduced lamin A/C expression compared to the fetal and non-closing DA. In cells of the adjacent aorta, that remains patent, progerin expression was only sporadically detected in 2.5%±1.5 of the cells. Data were substantiated by the detection of mRNA of progerin in the neonatal DA but not in the aorta, by PCR and sequencing analysis. The fetal DA and the non-closing persistent DA did not present with progerin expressing cells. Our analysis revealed that the spatiotemporal expression of lamin A/C and progerin in the neonatal DA was mutually exclusive. We suggest that activation of LMNA alternative splicing is involved in vascular remodeling in the circulatory system during normal neonatal DA closure.  相似文献   

Although the role of prostaglandins (PG) in the mechanism of dilatation of the ductus arteriosus (DA) has received considerable attention, no data on their possible interaction with the pressure-induced myogenic reaction are available. There is also a lack of information on PG production by the foetal blood vessels of the guinea-pig, in which the DA closes rapidly. Use of the RIA method showed relatively low PG production by isolated foetal guinea pig blood vessels, as represented by the main products, PGI1 and PGE2. When computed in pmol per mg wet weight, the production of 6-keto-PGF1 alpha (an equivalent of PGI2) was statistically significantly higher in the foetal DA (4.06 +/- 1.13) than in the foetal aorta (2.04 +/- 0.33). The isolated DA reacts to a sudden increase in perfusion pressure by marked constriction, which in some cases leads to functional closure of the DA. In 10(-7) to 10(-5) mol.l-1 concentration, PGE2 reversibly inhibits pressure-induced myogenic constriction, while under the same conditions the contractility of the DA in response to oxygen is unaffected. In concentrations of 10(-6)-10(-5) mol.l-1, indomethacin, a blocker of PG biosynthesis, also induces pressure constriction and it raises the basal flow resistance of isolated DA preparations. The results indicate that PGs play a modulator role in the pressure myogenic response of the DA of guinea-pig and rabbit foetuses.  相似文献   

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