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Precipitation of enzymes with reversible soluble–insoluble polymers is a simple approach which can be easily scaled up. This work reports investigations aiming at verifying the existence of specific interactions and complex formation between porcine trypsin and poly acrylic acids using spectroscopy techniques. The trypsin–polymer complex was insoluble at pH lower than 5, with a stoichiometric ratio polymer mol per protein mol of 1:148. It took only a minute for the insoluble complex to form and it was redissolved modifying the pH of the medium. The enzymatic activity of trypsin was maintained even in the presence of the polymer and after precipitation poly acrylic acid presence protect the enzyme from itself degradation. The conditions of complex formation were studied using pure proteins that could be applied on porcine pancreas homogenates as an isolation strategy of trypsin.  相似文献   

Mn2+ binding to poly(acrylic acid) at different degrees of ionization, alpha, has been studied from the frequency dependence of the water protons' relaxation rates T1(-1) and T2(-1). Site binding is treated as an equilibrium with the concentration of free ions at the immediate vicinity (CIV) of the polyion. The CIV is calculated as the solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation at the surface of the cylindrical polyion. A single value of K is shown to fit the results at all values of alpha. The amount of site binding is higher than the total amount of condensed divalent counterions predicted for a finite polyion concentration in the presence of monovalent counterions by Manning's theory.  相似文献   

Chemical modification of chitosan by grafting with PLA (CS-g-PLA) was developed via 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) mediated coupling reaction. The introduction of PLA disrupted the crystalline structure of chitosan, improved its solubility and thermal stability. Low degree of PLA substitution showed better degradation efficiency than chitosan and PLA. Weight loss of CS-g-PLA6 and CS-g-PLA4 was 87% and 94%, respectively, in 7 days enzymatic degradation study. CS-g-PLA2 was totally degraded in 1 day. Self-assembly behavior was studied using pyrene fluorescence dye technique and found to be PLA grafting level dependent. CS-g-PLA with low grafting degree showed hydrophilic, self-assembling properties and controllable biodegradability that may widen its applications.  相似文献   

Novel polyelectrolyte hydrogels (coded as GA) based on cationic guar gum (CGG) and acrylic acid monomer by photoinitiated free-radical polymerization were synthesized with various feed compositions. Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) confirmed that the formation of the polyelectrolyte hydrogels was attributed to the strong electrostatic interaction between cationic groups in CGG and anionic groups in poly (acrylic acid) (PAA). Swelling experiments provided important information on drug diffusion properties, which indicated the GA hydrogels were highly sensitive to pH environments. Potential applications of the hydrogels matrices in controlled drug delivery were also examined. The ketoprofen-loaded CGG/PAA matrices were prepared by hydrogels and directly compressed tablets, respectively. Release behavior of ketoprofen relied on the preparative methods of matrices, ratios of CGG/AA and pH environments. The release mechanism was studied by fitting experimental data to a model equation and calculating the corresponding parameters. The result showed that the kinetics of drug release from the hydrogels in pH 7.4 buffer solution was mainly non-Fickian diffusion. However, for tablets, the drug release in pH 7.4 buffer solution was mainly affected by polymer erosion. The pH of the dissolution medium appeared to have a strong effect on the drug transport mechanism. At more basic pH values, Case II transport was observed, indicating a drug release mechanism highly influenced by macromolecular chain relaxation. The ketoprofen release is also tested in the conditions chosen to simulate gastrointestinal tract conditions. The results implied that the GA hydrogels can be exploited as potential carriers for colon-specific drug delivery.  相似文献   

Guar gum/poly(acrylic acid) semi-interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) hydrogels have been prepared via free radical polymerization in the presence of a crosslinker of N,N′-methylene bisacrylamide (MBA). The kinetics of swelling and the water transport mechanism were studied as a function of the composition of the hydrogels and the pH of the swelling medium. Hydrogels showed enormous swelling in aqueous medium and displayed swelling characteristics, which were highly dependent on the chemical composition of the hydrogels and pH of the medium in which hydrogels were immersed (ionic strength I = 0.15 mol/L). The semi-INP hydrogels were characterized by evaluating various network parameters such as average molecular weight between crosslinks (Mc) crosslink density (ρ) and mesh size ξ.  相似文献   

Ultrafine cellulose fiber (diameter 200-400 nm) surfaces were grafted with polyacrylic acid (PAA) via either ceric ion initiated polymerization or methacrylation of cellulose with methacrylate chloride (MACl) and subsequent free-radical polymerization of acrylic acid. PAA grafts by ceric ion initiated polymerization increased with increasing reaction time (2-24 h), monomer (0.3-2.4 M), and initiator (1-10 mM) concentrations, and spanned a broad range from 5.5-850%. PAA grafts on the methacrylated cellulose fibers also increased with increasing molar ratios of MACl to cellulosic hydroxyl groups (MACl/OH, 2-6.4) and monomer acrylic acid (AA) to initiator potassium persulfate (KPS) ratios ([AA]/[KPS], 1.5-6), and were in a much narrower range between 12.8% and 29.4%. The adsorption of lipase (at 1 mg/ml lipase and pH 7) and the activity of adsorbed lipase (pH 8.5, 30 degrees C), in both cases decreased with increasing PAA grafts. The highest adsorption and activity of the lipase on the ceric ion initiated grafted fibers were 1.28 g/g PAA and 4.3 U/mg lipase, respectively, at the lowest grafting level of 5.5% PAA, whereas they were 0.33 g/g PAA and 7.1 U/mg lipase, respectively, at 12.8% PAA grafts on the methacrylated and grafted fibers. The properties of the grafted fibers and the absorption behavior and activity of lipase suggest that the PAA grafts are gel-like by ceric-initiated reaction and brush-like by methacrylation and polymerization. The adsorbed lipase on the ceric ion-initiated grafted surface possessed greatly improved organic solvent stability over the crude lipase. The adsorbed lipases exhibited 0.5 and 0.3 of the initial activity in the second and third assay cycles, respectively.  相似文献   

The interaction of fractionated poly(acrylic acid)s (PAA) with bovine serum albumin (BSA) has been studied by measuring the hydrolysis rate of p-nitrophenyl acetate catalysed by BSA in the presence of PAA. The binding of PAA with BSA, which prohibits the catalytic action of BSA, increases with increasing molecular weight of PAA. The change in the electronic spectra of BSA-PAA solutions supports this molecular weight dependence. Circular dichroism of BSA shows that the binding of PAA does not induce any conformational change in BSA.  相似文献   

Trials were carried out to partially replace kerosene oil with hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC), poly(acrylic acid)-hydroxypropyl cellulose composite (poly (AA)-HPC) and their mixture in pigment printing paste. Partial replacement was carried out under a variety of conditions. Variables studied include type and concentration of the aqueous thickening agent and type of pigment dyes. In addition to that, poly (AA)-HPC composite was tried to replace sodium alginate in reactive printing. The fastness properties, color strength and stiffness were measured for the reactive and pigment printed samples.  相似文献   

The covalently cross-linked chitosan-poly(ethylene glycol)1540 derivatives have been developed as a controlled release system with potential for the delivery of protein drug. The swelling characteristics of the hydrogels based on these derivatives as the function of different PEG content and the release profiles of a model protein (bovine serum albumin, BSA) from the hydrogels were evaluated in simulated gastric fluid with or without enzyme in order to simulate the gastrointestinal tract conditions. The derivatives cross-linked with difunctional PEG1540-dialdehyde via reductive amination can swell in alkaline pH and remain insoluble in acidic medium. The cumulative release amount of BSA was relatively low in the initial 2 h and increased significantly at pH 7.4 with intestinal lysozyme for additional 12 h. The results proved that the release-and-hold behavior of the cross-linked CS–PEG1540H-CS hydrogel provided a swell and intestinal enzyme controlled release carrier system, which is suitable for oral protein drug delivery.  相似文献   

Complexes based on amidated pectin (AP) and poly(itaconic acid) (PIA) were prepared by casting films from solutions of AP and PIA in different ratios with the pectin amount ranging from 10% to 90% by mass. The complexes were investigated by elemental analysis, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and thermogravimetry (TG). In all investigated ratios of AP/PIA glassy transparent films with a uniform structure were obtained. The results of elemental analysis confirmed the composition of the complexes, and FTIR spectroscopy has shown carboxylic and amide peak shifting, indicating complex formation between AP and PIA. Comparison of thermograms of AP/PIA films with different ratios of AP indicated that the increase of the amount of AP increases the thermal stability of the films by retarding the onset of the main degradation processes.  相似文献   

Pure chitosan, glutaraldehyde crosslinked chitosan, and a blend of chitosan with poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) membranes were prepared. The three membranes were characterized in terms of their swelling capacities as well as their permeabilities to a drug model (sulfamerazine sodium salt). For the permeation experiments, the variables analyzed were the type of membrane and the initial drug concentration in the liquid phase (from 0.1% to 1.5%). Permeability coefficients were calculated using UV spectroscopy. The results showed that for the three analyzed membranes, the permeability did not change with time (over the studied time interval). An increase in the permeability for CHI/PEO membranes compared to those made of pure chitosan was also observed, possibly due to microporous region formation and/or crystallinity reduction. For the crosslinked membrane, an even higher increase in the permeability coefficient was observed. In this case, the increase was attributed to free volume variation.  相似文献   

In the present study we developed alginate-chitosan-poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) composite microspheres to elevate protein entrapment efficiency and decrease its burst release. Bovine serum albumin (BSA), which used as the model protein, was entrapped into the alginate microcapsules by a modified emulsification method in an isopropyl alcohol-washed way. The rapid drug releases were sustained by chitosan coating. To obtain the desired release properties, the alginate-chitosan microcapsules were further incorporated in the PLGA to form the composite microspheres. The average diameter of the composite microcapsules was 31+/-9microm and the encapsulation efficiency was 81-87%, while that of conventional PLGA microspheres was just 61-65%. Furthermore, the burst releases at 1h of BSA entrapped in composite microspheres which containing PLGA (50:50) and PLGA (70:30) decreased to 24% and 8% in PBS, and further decreased to 5% and 2% in saline. On the contrary, the burst releases of conventional PLGA microspheres were 48% and 52% in PBS, respectively. Moreover, the release profiles could be manipulated by regulating the ratios of poly(lactic acid) to poly(glycolic acid) in the composite microspheres.  相似文献   

The effect of negatively charged dilauroylphosphatidic acid (DLPA) vesicles on the conformation of poly( -lysine) was investigated by circular dichroism measurements. DLPA vesicles induced a confomiational change Of poly( -lysine) from the random coil to β-structure in 5 mM Tes, pH 7.0. The fraction of induced β-structure (Fβ) was determined via a procedure of curve fit the observed spectra to the reference spectra. Fβ increased linearly with the molar ratio, r, of DLPA to lysine residues up to r 0.7, and reached a saturation value of 1 at r > 1. Within the range 0.7 r 1, precipitation occurred. The effect of dilution of the negative charge on vesicle membranes was examined by mixing DLPA with dilauroylphosphatidylcholine (DLPC). Although the β-structure Of poly -lysine) was also induced by mixed vesicles, the saturation value of Fβ decreased with decreasing DLPA content in mixed vesicles. The variation in saturation value of Fβ with the composition of mixed vesicles was interpreted in terms of the change in average distance between DLPA head groups in mixed vesicles.  相似文献   

In this work, we present an electrochemical DNA sensor based on silver nanoparticles/poly(trans-3-(3-pyridyl) acrylic acid) (PPAA)/multiwalled carbon nanotubes with carboxyl groups (MWCNTs-COOH) modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE). The polymer film was electropolymerized onto MWCNTs-COOH modified electrode by cyclic voltammetry (CV), and then silver nanoparticles were electrodeposited on the surface of PPAA/MWCNTs-COOH composite film. Thiol group end single-stranded DNA (HS-ssDNA) probe was easily covalently linked onto the surface of silver nanoparticles through a 5′ thiol linker. The DNA hybridization events were monitored based on the signal of the intercalated adriamycin by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). Based on the response of adriamycin, only the complementary oligonucleotides gave an obvious current signal compared with the three-base mismatched and noncomplementary oligonucleotides. Under the optimal conditions, the increase of reduction peak current of adriamycin was linear with the logarithm of the concentration of the complementary oligonucleotides from 9.0 × 10−12 to 9.0 × 10−9 M with a detection limit of 3.2 × 10−12 M. In addition, this DNA sensor exhibited an excellent reproducibility and stability during DNA hybridization assay.  相似文献   

Thermosensitive hydrogels that are triggered by changes in environmental temperature thus resulting in in situ hydrogel formation have recently attracted the attention of many investigators for biomedical applications. In the current work, the thermosensitive hydrogel was prepared through the mixture of chitosan (CS), poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and sodium bicarbonate. The mixture was liquid aqueous solutions at low temperature (about 4 °C), but a gel under physiological conditions. The hydrogel was characterized by FTIR, swelling and rheological analysis. The effect of hydrogel composition and temperature on both the gel process and the gel strength was investigated from which possible hydrogel formation mechanisms were inferred. In addition, the hydrogel interior morphology as well as porosity of structure was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The potential of the hydrogels as vehicles for delivering bovine serum albumin (BSA) were also examined. In this study, the physically crosslinked chitosan/PVA gel was prepared under mild conditions without organic solvent, high temperature or harsh pH. The viscoelastic properties, as investigated rheologically, indicate that the gel had good mechanical strength. The gel formed implants in situ in response to temperature change, from low temperature (about 4 °C) to body temperature, which was very suitable for local and sustained delivery of proteins, cell encapsulation and tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Cationic peptides self assemble upon interacting with sodium salt of oppositely charged polymer, poly(acrylic acid), PAA, giving rise to water-soluble nanoparticles at very low concentration (0.1 mM of PAA). The morphology of these kinds of nanoparticles is mainly governed by the composition of the complexes, which can be expressed as Z+/-, i.e., the ratio of positively charged units to the concentration of anionic units of the polymers present in the system. In the present study, at lower Z+/-, the particles are elongated in shape but adopt spherical shape of 75-100 nm in diameter at higher Z+/- values. We propose that the nanoparticles containing cationic peptides obtained by this methodology can serve as delivery system to enhance the antinociception effect of the chimeric peptide with previously administered doses.  相似文献   

Hou S  Zheng N  Feng H  Li X  Yuan Z 《Analytical biochemistry》2008,381(2):179-184
A polymerized film of 3,5-dihydroxy benzoic acid (DBA) was prepared on the surface of a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) in neutral solution by cyclic voltammetry (CV). The poly(DBA) film-coated GCE exhibited excellent electrocatalytic activity toward the oxidation of dopamine (DA). A linear range of 1.0 × 10−7 to 1.0 × 10−4 M and a detection limit of 6.0 × 10−8 M were observed in pH 7.4 phosphate buffer solutions. Moreover, the interference of ascorbic acid (AA) was effectively eliminated. This work provides a simple and easy approach to selective detection of DA in the presence of AA.  相似文献   

A new scheme was proposed for synthesizing poly(ethylene glycol)-g-chitosan (PEG-g-CS), where methoxy poly(ethylene glycol) iodide (MPEG-I) (Mn 2000) was used for N-substitution of triphenylmethyl chitosan (TPM-CS) in organic medium. The graft copolymers were obtained by subsequent removal of protecting groups with dichloroacetic acid. By varying PEG-I/TPM-CS feed ratio, the grafting levels (GL) of PEG can be adjusted. The chitosan derivatives were characterized by FTIR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and DSC. All the copolymers were soluble in water over wide pH range. Furthermore, organosolubility of the hybrids in DMF and DMSO was also achieved when the DS value more than 24%. The lysozyme degradation rate of the copolymers in aqueous neutral medium decreased with the increase of GL value.  相似文献   

Crystallization behavior and environmental biodegradability were investigated for the films of bacterial poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid) (PHB) blends with chitin and chitosan. The blend films showed X-ray diffractive peaks that arose from the PHB crystalline component. It was suggested that the lamellar thickness of the PHB crystalline component in the blends was large enough to show detectable X-ray diffractive peaks, but this was too small to show observable melting endotherm in the DSC thermogram and the crystalline band absorption in the FT-IR spectrum. In the PHB/chitin and PHB/chitosan blends, thermal transition temperatures of PHB amorphous region observed by dynamic mechanical thermal analysis were almost the same as that of neat PHB. Both the PHB/chitin and the PHB/chitosan blend films biodegraded in an environmental medium. Several blend films showed faster biodegradation than the pure-state component polymers.  相似文献   

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