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Based on the phylogenetic and biogeographical studies of the glyptosternoid fishes in Qinghai-Tibet area, the following hypothesis is proposed: the speciation of this group has a direct relationship with the three uplift intervals of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This process was explained by the theory of vicariance of biogeography. The ancestor of this group was similar to Bagarus and/or Glyptothorax, which still have a wide distribution. At the moment when the Tethys sea closed, the Indian tectonic plate collided with the Eurasian tectonic plate, so the Glyptothorax-like and Bagarus-like ancestors entered Eurasia and gradually became widely distributed. After the Pleistocene, with the enforced colliding, the gradual uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau brought about the current water environment, and the Glyptosternoids were generated from Glyptotho-rax-like fish under this environment. The present Glyptosternum, distributed across the Himalayas is the ancestor of Glyptosternoids. In the three uplift inte  相似文献   

Based on the phylogenetic and biogeographical studies of the glyptosternoid fishes in Qinghai-Tibet area, the following hypothesis is proposed: the speciation of this group has a direct relationship with the three uplift intervals of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This process was explained by the theory of vicariance of biogeography. The ancestor of this group was similar toBagarus and/orGlyptothorax, which still have a wide distribution. At the moment when the Tethys sea closed, the Indian tectonic plate collided with the Eurasian tectonic plate, so theGlyptothorax-like andBagarus-like ancestors entered Eurasia and gradually became widely distributed. After the Pleistocene, with the enforced colliding, the gradual uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau brought about the current water environment, and the Glyptosternoids were generated fromGlyptothorax-like fish under this environment. The presentGlyptosternum, distributed across the Himalayas is the ancestor of Glyptosternoids. In the three uplift intervals of the plateau, the water system of this region was separated gradually andGlyptosternum-like ancestor was isolated in different rivers and evolved into various species. All this resulted in the speciation and formation of the biogeographical pattern of glyptosternoids.  相似文献   

The presence of 'vagrants' of the eastern Atlantic surgeonfish Acanthurus monrovia e is confirmed for the south‐eastern coast of Brazil. Three other species, Aulostomus strigosus (Aulostomidae), Parablennius pilicornis (Blenniidae) and Epinephelus marginatus (Serranidae) have apparently also crossed the Atlantic from east to west, whereas the great majority of 'amphi‐Atlantic' species appears to have their origin in the western Atlantic.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The American seven-spined gobies (Gobiidae, Gobiosomatini) are highly diverse both in morphology and ecology with many endemics in the Caribbean region. We have reconstructed a molecular phylogeny of 54 Gobio-somatini taxa (65 individuals) based on a 1646-bp region that includes the mitochondrial 12S rRNA, tRNA-Val, and 16S rRNA genes. Our results support the monophyly of the seven-spined gobies and are in agreement with the existence of two major groups within the tribe, the Gobiosoma group and the Microgobius group. However, they reject the monophyly of some of the Gobiosomatini genera. We use the molecular phylogeny to study the dynamics of speciation in the Gobiosomatini by testing for departures from the constant speciation rate model. We observe a burst of speciation in the early evolutionary history of the group and a subsequent slowdown. Our results show a split among clades into coastal-estuarian, deep ocean, and tropical reef habitats. Major habitat shifts account for the early significant acceleration in lineage splitting and speciation rate and the initial divergence of the main Gobiosomatini clades. We found that subsequent diversification is triggered by behavior and niche specializations at least in the reef-associated clades. Overall, our results confirm that the diversity of Gobiosomatini has arisen during episodes of adaptive radiation, and emphasize the importance of ecology in marine speciation.  相似文献   

During several surveys made in the region of the lower Fly River and delta, Papua New Guinea, nine species of oxudercine gobies (Gobiidae: Oxudercinae) were recorded: Boleophthalmus caeruleomaculatus, Oxuderces wirzi, Periophthalmodon freycineti, Periophthalmus darwini, Periophthalmus novaeguineaensis, Periophthalmus takita, Periophthalmus weberi, Scartelaos histophorus and Zappa confluentus. An exploratory multivariate analysis of their habitat conditions discriminated five guilds, differentially distributed in habitats with different quantities of environmental water and three guilds corresponding to different levels of salinity. A partial correspondence between phylogenetic and ecological categories suggested the presence of parallel adaptive radiations within different genera. In particular, the species found in the most terrestrial habitats (P. weberi) was also found in the widest range of conditions, suggesting that colonization of extreme semi-terrestrial and freshwater habitats by this species was facilitated by eurytypy. It is proposed that these findings provide insight into convergent adaptations for the vertebrate eco-evolutionary transition from sea to land.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that accentuated global climatic cycles since the Plio-Pleistocene (2.8 Ma ago) have caused the intermittent fragmentation of forest regions into isolated refugia thereby providing a mechanism for speciation of tropical forest biota contained within them. However, it has been assumed that this mechanism had its greatest effect in the species rich lowland regions. Contrary evidence from molecular studies of African and South American forest birds suggests that areas of recent intensive speciation, where mostly new lineages are clustered, occur in discrete tropical montane regions, while lowland regions contain mostly old species. Two predictions arise from this finding. First, a species phylogeny of an avian group, represented in both lowland and montane habitats, should be ordered such that montane forms are represented by the most derived characters. Second, montane speciation events should predominate within the past 2.8 Ma. In order to test this model I have investigated the evolutionary history of the recently radiated African greenbuls (genus Andropadus), using a molecular approach. This analysis finds that montane species are a derived monophyletic group when compared to lowland species of the same genus and recent speciation events (within the Plio-Pleistocene) have exclusively occurred in montane regions. These data support the view that montane regions have acted as centres of speciation during recent climatic instability.  相似文献   

Diadromous fishes can exhibit interesting evolutionary and population-level patterns given their use of freshwater and marine environments as part of their life histories. The River goby genus Awaous are prominent members of riverine ichthyofaunas and occur throughout Atlantic and Pacific slopes of the Americas from the southern United States to Ecuador and Brazil. Here we study the widespread and polymorphic Awaous banana complex to assess phylogeographic patterns and test previous hypotheses that all populations of this species in the Americas belong to the same species. Analysis of sequence data based on the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene shows multiple clades within the Atlantic and Pacific basins, which correspond to previously described species. Additionally, haplotype analysis demonstrates unique and unconnected networks between these species. Within these clades we document biogeographic patterns that are congruent with results of other co-occurring diadromous species, as well as a novel biogeographic pattern for the region. Our results support the recognition of distinct species of Awaous in the Atlantic (A. banana and A. tajasica) and Pacific (A. transandeanus) basins. These results are concordant with previously established morphological characters permitting the separation of these species.  相似文献   

This study investigated the spatial and temporal patterns of abundance of four substratum-associated species of Gobiidae on a heterogeneous reef flat comprised of four distinct habitat zones, and examined microhabitat use within each zone. Asterropteryx semipunctatus had the widest distribution and was the most abundant species in each habitat zone, followed by Amblygobius bynoensis , Valenciennea muralis and Amblygobius phalaena . Significant temporal and spatial differences in mean density were evident. The highest density of A. semipunctatus (312 individuals 10 m–2) was recorded in a habitat zone dominated by algal-covered rubble, whereas A. bynoensis and V. muralis were most abundant (mean summer density 5·5–5·8 individuals 10 m–2) in habitats containing both sand and hard substrata. In contrast, A. phalaena was uncommon (mean density ≤ 0·4 individuals 10 m–2) in all four habitat zones. Significant seasonal differences in abundance were due to the large influx of recruits in summer. Ontogenetic shifts in habitat use were not evident at either the macrohabitat ( i.e. among habitat zones) or microhabitat scale ( i.e. substratum use within zones). At the microhabitat scale, V. muralis consistently exhibited a strong positive association with sand and was rarely associated with hard substrata. In contrast, the two Amblygobius species were commonly associated with both sand and hard substrata, but patterns of microhabitat use differed among habitat zones. Substratum composition at the microhabitat scale may influence spatial patterns of abundance at larger spatial scales by providing essential resources and, or influencing carrying capacity and predation risk.  相似文献   

The genus Tripterygion is the unique genus of the family Tripterygiidae in the Mediterranean Sea and in the northeastern Atlantic coast. Three species and four subspecies had been described: Tripterygion tripteronotus and Tripterygion melanurus (T. m. melanurus and T. m. minor) are endemic of the Mediterranean, and T. delaisi (T. d. delaisi and T. d. xanthosoma) is found in both areas. We used five different genes (12S, 16S, tRNA-val, COI, and 18S) to elucidate their taxonomy status and their phylogenetic relationships. We employed different phylogenetic reconstructions that yielded different tree topologies. This discrepancy may be caused by the speciation process making difficult the reconstruction of a highly supported tree. All pair comparisons between these three species showed the same genetic divergence indicating that the speciation process could have been resolved by a rapid radiation event after the Messinian Salinity Crisis (5.2Mya) leading to a trichotomy. Our molecular data revealed two clearly supported clades within T. tripteronotus, whose divergence largely exceeded that found between other fish species, consequently these two groups should be considered two cryptic species diverging 2.75-3.32Mya along the Pliocene glaciations. On the contrary, none of the genes studied supported the existence of two subspecies of T. melanurus. Finally, the two subspecies of T. delaisi were validated and probably originated during the Quaternary climatic fluctuations (1.10-1.23Mya), however their distribution ranges should be redefined.  相似文献   

The variation pattern of a large population ofTocoyena formosa in Botucatu, state of São Paulo, Brazil, and of other samples throughout the species area was analysed by morphometrical, statistical, ecological, and phytogeographical methods. Excessive variation and the remarkable coherence of two different character syndromes within this species strongly suggest that it has originated as a homogamic (diploid) hybrid complex. Possible parental species areT. brasiliensis, mainly from the Amazon region, andT. viscidula from the dry caatinga region of NE. Brazil.T. formosa has a much more extensive geographical range and greater ecological plasticity, ranging from the Amazon basin and the Guyanas throughout the Central Brazilian Plateau and from NE. to S. Brazil and Paraguay. Three (partly sympatric) varieties are distinguished withinT. formosa, i.e. var.formosa, var.pseudobrasiliensis (var. nov.), and var.microdon (comb. et stat. nov.). A provisional taxonomic revision, key, and conspectus covers the 12 accepted species ofTocoyena with blunt flower buds and ovate obtuse corolla lobes (group A, includingT. formosa); their distribution is shown in a map.  相似文献   

似鮈类鱼类的系统发育研究(鲤形目:鲤科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对似类8属13种和外类群7属10种鱼类的比较研究,选取37个骨骼及外部特征,运用外类群比较法进行特征分析,根据分支系统学原理重建了似类的系统发育。特征分析和系统发育分析表明似类是具有许多共同离征的单系群,朝着流水性底栖生活和刮食性的主干方向发展;其中以似属最原始,胡属最特化构成7对姐妹群。蛇属是较早分化出的相对特化的类群,棒花鱼属和小鳔属的关系相对较远。  相似文献   

Maritime chironomid midges (Diptera) are diverse, yet these ‘pearls of the ocean’ are little known. Emphasizing Pacific Ocean taxa, we used six genetic markers (18S, 28S, CAD1, CAD4, FolCOI and COI) and fossil calibrations to produce Bayesian time-calibrated phylogenies to date eight independent marine transitions in three subfamilies. Deep nodes involve subfamily Telmatogetoninae (originating mid-Cretaceous, 101128, 114 Ma), with sister genera Telmatogeton Schiner and Thalassomya Schiner splitting later in the Cretaceous (56–82, 69 Ma). Two transitions in Orthocladiinae involve Clunio Haliday and Pseudosmittia Edwards, dating from the upper Cretaceous, both with Eocene crown groups. In subfamily Chironominae, transitions to marine occur in two tribes. Four transitions occur within the otherwise nonmarine crown groups Kiefferulus Goetghebuer, Dicrotendipes Kieffer, Polypedilum Kieffer and Ainuyusurika Sasa & Shirasaka. Two separate robust clades in tribe Tanytarsini involve: (1) a minor radiation within Paratanytarsus dated to the mid-Eocene around 43 Ma; and (2) an unexpected but fully supported diversification in Pontomyia Edwards plus Yaetanytarsus Sasa dated to around 47 Ma, with separation of Pontomyia from Yaetanytarsus around 40 Ma. Crown Pontomyia, represented by three species, was estimated to have diverged around 19 Ma, whereas the crown radiation of Yaetanytarsus, with 12 sampled species, dates to the mid-Eocene. In a comprehensive global review we concisely document new synonymies and new combinations revealed by the study. The evolutionary timing estimate provides insights into the frequency of marine transitions and diversifications in the Chironomidae in association with dynamic oceanic changes during the Oligocene and Miocene.  相似文献   

We studied the speciose butterfly genus Erebia by reconstructing its phylogenetic relationships using parsimony and Bayesian approaches. We estimated times and rates of diversification for its lineages and employed a biogeographical analysis in order to reconstruct its evolutionary history. DNA sequence data from one mitochondrial gene and three nuclear genes were analyzed for a total of 74 species in Erebia. The estimated dates of origin and diversification for clades, in combination with a biogeographical analysis, suggest that the genus originated in Asian Russia and started its diversification process around 23 Myr. An important event was the dispersal of a lineage from Asia to Western Europe between 23 and 17 Myr, which allowed the radiation of most of species in the genus. The diversification pattern is consistent with a model of diversity limited by clade richness, which implies an early rapid diversification followed by deceleration due to a decrease in speciation. We argue that these characteristics of the evolutionary history of Erebia are consistent with a density‐dependent scenario, with species radiation limited by filling of niche space and reduced resources. We found that the Boeberia parmenio appears strongly supported in the genus Erebia and therefore we place Boeberia Prout, 1901 as a junior synonym of Erebia Dalman, 1816 ( syn. nov. ).  相似文献   

Ecologists have long been fascinated by the flora and fauna of extreme environments. Physiological studies have revealed the extent to which lifestyle is constrained by low temperature but there is as yet no consensus on why the diversity of polar assemblages is so much lower than many tropical assemblages. The evolution of marine faunas at high latitudes has been influenced strongly by oceanic cooling during the Cenozoic and the associated onset of continental glaciations. Glaciation eradicated many shallow-water habitats, especially in the Southern Hemisphere, and the cooling has led to widespread extinction in some groups. While environmental conditions at glacial maxima would have been very different from those existing today, fossil evidence indicates that some lineages extend back well into the Cenozoic. Oscillations of the ice-sheet on Milankovitch frequencies will have periodically eradicated and exposed continental shelf habitat, and a full understanding of evolutionary dynamics at high latitude requires better knowledge of the links between the faunas of the shelf, slope and deep-sea. Molecular techniques to produce phylogenies, coupled with further palaeontological work to root these phylogenies in time, will be essential to further progress.  相似文献   

The high biodiversity of tropical marine hotspots has long intrigued evolutionary biologists and biogeographers. The genus Haemulon (grunts) is one of the most important (numerically, ecologically, and economically) reef fish groups in the New World and an excellent candidate to test hypotheses of speciation and diversity generation in the Greater Caribbean, the richest Atlantic biodiversity hotspot, as well as the eastern Pacific. To elucidate the phylogenetic relationships among the species of Haemulon, we obtained a combined total of 2639 base pairs from two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b and cytochrome oxidase I), and two nuclear genes (TMO-4C4 and RAG2) from all nominal species. Parsimony, Maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses resulted in a well-resolved phylogeny with almost identical topologies. Previous phylogenetic hypotheses based on adult morphology, such as the close relationship among H. aurolineatum, H. boschmae, and H. striatum were not supported, whereas others using developmental characters, such as the relationship between H. plumieri and H. sciurus, were confirmed. Our data also indicate that the populations of the nominal H. steindachneri from the two sides of the Isthmus of Panama are genetically divergent at the species level in each ocean, and that the boga, Inermia vittata (family Inermiidae), belongs in the genus Haemulon. This evidence implies that there are 21 valid species of Haemulon, two more than previously recognized. The Amazon barrier and the Isthmus of Panama seem to have played roles in allopatric speciation of Haemulon. However, the majority of sister species pairs have completely overlapping distributions, indicating that vicariance is not the only process driving speciation in this genus. We conclude that both vicariance between biogeographic provinces, and ecological mechanisms of speciation within provinces contribute to species richness in the genus Haemulon.  相似文献   

Cephalorhynchus commersonii is distributed in the nearshore coastal waters of South America, and thus is particularly vulnerable to bycatch in coastal nets and trawls. Our study documents genetic structure in presumed Commerson's dolphin subpopulations along the southern Argentina coastline, from the Ría Deseado in the north to Ría Gallegos in the south, and focuses on the potential for depletion in the apparently more heavily impacted Ría Gallegos area. Only two control region (423 bp) haplotypes were shared among all these locations (out of 11 identified), and striking differences in haplotype frequencies between areas are apparent. AMOVA analysis, using mitochondrial sequence data, indicates significant population subdivision (overall FST= 0.21, P < 0.001) between Ría Deseado (n= 8), Bahía San Julián (n= 11), Ría Gallegos (n= 31), and a small sample of dolphins from the captive colony at San Diego Seaworld (n= 7) derived from animals originally captured in the Strait of Magellan. Comparisons based on haplotypic distances indicated relatively strong differences between regions (ΦST= 0.30, P < 0.001). This research provides the first indication of reduced gene flow and genetic differentiation within local subpopulations of Commerson's dolphins, along a relatively small stretch of coastline.  相似文献   

Genetic isolation by distance (IBD) has rarely been described in marine species with high potential for dispersal at both the larval and adult life-history stages. Here, we report significant relationships between inferred levels of gene flow and geographic distance in the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, at 10 nuclear restriction-fragment-length-polymorphism (RFLP) loci at small regional scales in the western north Atlantic region (< 1,600 km) that mirror those previously detected over its entire geographic range (up to 7,300 km). Highly significant allele frequency differences were observed among eight northwestern Atlantic populations, although the mean FST for all 10 loci was only 0.014. Despite this weak population structuring, the distance separating populations explained between 54% and 62% of the variation in gene flow depending on whether nine or 10 loci were used to estimate Nm. Across the species' entire geographic range, highly significant differences were observed among six regional populations at nine of the 10 loci (mean FST = 0.068) and seven loci exhibited significant negative relationships between gene flow and distance. At this large geographic scale, natural selection acting in the vicinity of one RFLP locus (GM798) had a significant effect on the correlation between gene flow and distance, and eliminating it from the analysis caused the coefficient of determination to increase from 17% to 62%. The role of vicariance was assessed by sequentially removing populations from the analysis and was found to play a minor role in contributing to the relationship between gene flow and distance at either geographic scale. The correlation between gene flow and distance detected in G. morhua at small and large spatial scales suggests that dispersal distances and effective population sizes are much smaller than predicted for the species and that the recent age of populations, rather than extensive gene flow, may be responsible for its weak population structure. Our results suggest that interpreting limited genetic differences among populations as reflecting high levels of ongoing gene flow should be made with caution.  相似文献   

There has been much recent interest in the extent to which marine planktonic larvae connect local populations demographically and genetically. Uncertainties about the true extent of larval dispersal have impeded our understanding of the ecology and evolution of marine species as well as our attempts to effectively manage marine populations. Because direct measurements of larval movements are difficult, genetic markers have often been used for indirect measurements of gene flow among marine populations. Here we examine data from allozymes, mitochondrial DNA sequences, and microsatellite length polymorphisms to assess the extent of gene flow among populations of the burrowing crustacean Callichirus islagrande. All three types of markers revealed a genetic break between populations separated by the Louisiana Chenier Plain. The extent of mitochondrial sequence divergence across this break indicates that the nominal species, C. islagrande, consists of at least two lineages that have been reproductively isolated for about a million years. Within the eastern lineage microsatellite allele frequencies were significantly heterogeneous among populations as little as 10 km apart. Maximum likelihood estimates of gene flow and effective population size based on a coalescent model for the microsatellite data indicated that local populations are nearly closed. A model-based clustering method identified four or five groups from the microsatellite data, although individuals sampled from each location generally consisted of mixtures of these groups. This suggests a mechanism that would lead to genetic differentiation of open populations: gene flow from different source populations that are themselves genetically distinct.  相似文献   

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