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There is a wide range of oesophageal diseases, the most general of which are inflammation, injury and tumours, and treatment methods are constantly being developed and updated. With an increasingly comprehensive understanding of stem cells and their characteristics of multilineage differentiation, self-renewal and homing as well as the combination of stem cells with regenerative medicine, tissue engineering and gene therapy, stem cells are playing an important role in the treatment of a variety of diseases. Mesenchymal stem cells have many advantages and are most commonly applied; however, most of these applications have been in experimental studies, with few related clinical trials for comparison. Therefore, the methods, positive significance and limitations of stem cells in the treatment of oesophageal diseases remain incompletely understood. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to review the current literature and summarize the efficacy of stem cells in the treatment of oesophageal diseases, including oesophageal ulceration, acute radiation-induced oesophageal injury, corrosive oesophageal injury, oesophageal stricture formation after endoscopic submucosal dissection and oesophageal reconstruction, as well as gene therapy for oesophageal cancer.  相似文献   

Autoimmune diseases are developed when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s cells. These inflammatory disorders can be inherited or triggered by external forces, such as type 1 diabetes, which is caused by the immune system's destruction of pancreatic beta cells. So far, stem cells such as hESC and iPSC have been used to treat autoimmune disorders such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), multiple sclerosis (MS), and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), although these procedures have certain ethical concerns. On the other hand, bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSC) are thought to be the best source of stem cells. Later, it was shown that mesenchymal stem cells produced from autologous adipose tissues have a great potential for producing huge volumes of stem cells. In-vitro and in-vivo investigations using autologous hematopoietic stem cells and autologous mesenchymal stem cells have been carried out on various rodent and human models, while clinical trials for inflammatory diseases such as multiple sclerosis and diabetes mellitus have yielded promising results. We attempted to summarise the usage of diverse stem cells in the therapy of various autoimmune disorders in this review. Shortly, we expect that the use of autologous stem cells will provide a new perspective on the treatment of autoimmune disorders.  相似文献   

Highlights? Immunomodulatory properties of MSCs in vitro and in vivo are discussed. ? Safety and efficacy of treatments with allogeneic MSCs are discussed. ? Future directions to improve efficacy of MSC treatments are proposed.  相似文献   

Hepatic stem cells are an alternative means for repopulating the liver after various injuries instead of liver transplantation. The first step before use is to select stem cells that will be good candidates. This review discusses the different candidates including fetal progenitor bipotential hepatic stem cells; adult hepatocytes, which can be considered as unipotential committed stem cells; and oval cells, a type of nonparenchymal pluripotential hepatic stem cell. The advantages and disadvantages of each type of cell are discussed and several other possible alternatives, such as the use of hematopoietic stem cells are analyzed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells are human somatic cells that have been reprogrammed to a pluripotent state. There are several hurdles to be overcome before iPS cells can be considered as a potential patient-specific cell therapy, and it will be crucial to characterize the developmental potential of human iPS cell lines. As a research tool, iPS-cell technology provides opportunities to study normal development and to understand reprogramming. iPS cells can have an immediate impact as models for human diseases, including cancer  相似文献   

Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells [also known as mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs)] are currently being studied as a cell-based treatment for inflammatory disorders. Experimental animal models of human immune-mediated diseases have been instrumental in establishing their immunosuppressive properties. In this review, we summarize recent studies examining the effectiveness of MSCs as immunotherapy in several widely-studied animal models, including type 1 diabetes, experimental autoimmune arthritis, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, inflammatory bowel disease, graft-vs-host disease, and systemic lupus erythematosus. In addition, we discuss mechanisms identified by which MSCs mediate immune suppression in specific disease models, and potential sources of functional variability of MSCs between studies.  相似文献   

The genetic steps governing development of the spleen are largely unknown. Absence of Hox11 in mice results in asplenia, but it is unclear how Hox11 exerts its effect on spleen development. To more precisely define Hox11's role in spleen morphogenesis, we have examined the fate of the developing spleen in Hox11(-/-) mice. Perturbation of spleen development begins between dE13 and dE13.5. Cells of the spleen anlage persist past this developmental stage as an unorganized rudiment between the stomach and the pancreas. They fail to proliferate, and haematopoietic cells do not colonize the rudiment. At later stages of embryonic development, the cells can be observed in the mesenchyme of the pancreas, also an expression site of Hox11. In Hox11-/-<-->+/+ chimaeras, spleens were devoid of Hox11(-/-) cells, indicating that the genetic defect is cell autonomous and not due to failure of the organ anlage to attract and retain haematopoietic cells. In -/-<-->+/+ chimaeric embryos, Hox11(-/-) cells were initially present in the spleen anlage. However, at dE13, a reorganization of the spleen occurred in the chimaeras and Hox11(-/-) cells were subsequently excluded from the spleen, suggesting that a change in the affinity for one of the spleen cells had occurred. These observations demonstrate that spleen development consists of genetically separable steps and that absence of Hox11 arrests spleen development at an early stage. The formation of the spleen primordium before the entry of haematopoietic cells does not require the activity of Hox11. However, subsequent differentiation of spleen precursor cells is dependent on the Hox11 gene.  相似文献   

Autoimmune diseases are incurable and are managed using therapeutic agents. Bone marrow transplantation is being trialled as a treatment for these diseases. While allogeneic bone marrow transplantation shows impressive benefit, its application is hindered by GVHD and high mortality. On the other hand, autologous bone marrow transplantation has lower mortality rate and no GVHD but is associated with higher relapse rates. Given that autoimmune diseases are a result of a failure of immune tolerance and that bone marrow-derived dendritic cells play an important role in establishing immune tolerance, the transplantation of genetically modified haematopoietic stem cells to generate molecular chimerism to induce antigen-specific tolerance offers the potential for developing a cure for autoimmune diseases. In this review, we will discuss key findings from clinical data and animal studies to provide evidence to support the above concept.  相似文献   

The stromal-vascular cell fraction (SVF) of adipose tissue can be an abundant source of both multipotent and pluripotent stem cells, known as adipose-derived stem cells or adipose tissue-derived stromal cells (ADSCs). The SVF also contains vascular cells, targeted progenitor cells, and preadipocytes. Stromal cells isolated from adipose tissue express common surface antigens, show the ability to adhere to plastic, and produce forms that resemble fibroblasts. They are characterized by a high proliferation potential and the ability to differentiate into cells of meso-, ecto- and endodermal origin. Although stem cells obtained from an adult organism have smaller capabilities for differentiation in comparison to embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSs), the cost of obtaining them is significantly lower. The 40 years of research that mainly focused on the potential of bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs) revealed a number of negative factors: the painful sampling procedure, frequent complications, and small cell yield. The number of stem cells in adipose tissue is relatively large, and obtaining them is less invasive. Sampling through simple procedures such as liposuction performed under local anesthesia is less painful, ensuring patient comfort. The isolated cells are easily grown in culture, and they retain their properties over many passages. That is why adipose tissue has recently been treated as an attractive alternative source of stem cells. Essential aspects of ADSC biology and their use in regenerative medicine will be analyzed in this article.  相似文献   

The central role of T cells in the induction of immunological tolerance against i.v. Ags has been well documented. However, the role of dendritic cells (DCs), the most potent APCs, in this process is not clear. In the present study, we addressed this issue by examining the involvement of two different DC subsets, CD11c(+)CD11b(+) and CD11c(+)CD8(+) DCs, in the induction of i.v. tolerance. We found that mice injected i.v. with an autoantigen peptide of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) developed less severe experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) following immunization with MOG peptide but presented with more CD11c(+)CD11b(+) DCs in the CNS and spleen. Upon coculturing with T cells or LPS, these DCs exhibited immunoregulatory characteristics, including increased production of IL-10 and TGF-beta but reduced IL-12 and NO; they were also capable of inhibiting the proliferation of MOG-specific T cells and enhancing the generation of Th2 cells and CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells. Furthermore, these DCs significantly suppressed ongoing EAE upon adoptive transfer. These results indicate that CD11c(+)CD11b(+) DCs, which are abundant in the CNS of tolerized animals, play a crucial role in i.v. tolerance and EAE and may be a candidate cell population for immunotherapy of autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

This editorial addresses the current challenges and future directions in the use of stem cells as an approach for treating amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. A wide variety of literature has been reviewed to enlighten the reader on the many facets of stem cell research that are important to consider before using them for a cell based therapy.  相似文献   

Currently, many gastrointestinal diseases are a major reason for the increased mortality rate of children and adults every year. Additionally, these patients may cope with the high cost of the parenteral nutrition (PN), which aids in the long-term survival of the patients. Other treatment options include surgical lengthening, which is not sufficient in many cases, and intestinal transplantation. However, intestinal transplantation is still accompanied by many challenges, including immune rejection and donor availability, which may limit the transplant’s success. The development of more safe and promising alternative treatments for intestinal diseases is still ongoing. Stem cell-based therapy (SCT) and tissue engineering (TE) appear to be the next promising choices for the regeneration of the damaged intestine. However, suitable stem cell source is required for the SCT and TE process. Thus, in this review we discuss how intestinal stem cells (ISCs) are a promising cell source for small intestine diseases. We will also discuss the different markers were used to identify ISCs. Moreover, we discuss the dominant Wnt signaling pathway in the ISC niche and its involvement in some intestinal diseases. Additionally, we discuss ISC culture and expansion, which are critical to providing enough cells for SCT and TE. Finally, we conclude and recommend that ISC isolation, culture and expansion should be considered when SCT is a treatment option for intestinal disorders. Therefore, we believe that ISCs should be considered a cell source for SCT for many gastrointestinal diseases and should be highlighted in future clinical applications.  相似文献   

The purpose of regenerative medicine is to restore or enhance the normal function of human cells, tissues, and organs. From a clinical point of view, the use of stem cells is more advantageous than differentiated cells because they can be collected more easily and in larger quantities, their proliferation capacity is more pronounced, they are more resistant in cell culture, their aging is delayed, they are able to form a number of cell lines, and they are able to promote vascularization of tissue carriers. The therapeutic use of stem cells for disease modification, immunomodulation, or regenerative purposes are undoubtedly encouraging, but most studies are still in their early stages, and the clinical results reported are not clear with regard to therapeutic efficacy and potential side effects. Uniform regulation of the clinical application of stem cells is also indispensable for this highly customizable, minimally invasive, individualized therapeutic method to become a successful and safe treatment alternative in many different autoimmune and autoinflammatory disorders.  相似文献   

Ischemia causes oxygen deprivation, cell injury and related organ dysfunction. Although ischemic injury may be local, it involves many biochemical changes in different cell types. The ability of stem cells to differentiate into different cell lineages provides the possibility of their use in treating a variety of diseases requiring tissue repair or reconstitution, such as stroke, ischemic retinopathy, myocardial infarction, ischemic disorders of the liver, ischemic renal failure, and ischemic limb dysfunction. Several cell types including embryonic stem cells, various progenitor and stem cells of hematopoietic or mesenchymal origin have been used in attempts to reconstitute injured tissue. Xenologous or autologous stem cells may be administered either through the peripheral vascular system or directly by regional injection. The stem cells are then guided to the infarct site by homing signals. Either by cell differentiation or paracrine effects, stem cells or progenitor cells participate in the reconstruction of a favorable microenvironment resulting in neovascularization and tissue regeneration that eventually improve the physiological function of organs with ischemic damage.  相似文献   

Daley GQ 《Cell Stem Cell》2012,10(6):740-749
Stem cells are the seeds of tissue repair and regeneration and a promising source for novel therapies. However, apart from hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation, essentially all other stem cell treatments remain experimental. High hopes have inspired numerous clinical trials, but it has been difficult to obtain unequivocal evidence for robust clinical benefit. In recent years, unproven therapies have been widely practiced outside the standard clinical trial network, threatening the cause of legitimate clinical investigation. Numerous challenges and technical barriers must be overcome before novel stem cell therapies can achieve meaningful clinical impact.  相似文献   

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