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Transposable element (TE) mobilization is a constant threat to genome integrity. Eukaryotic organisms have evolved robust defensive mechanisms to suppress their activity, yet TEs can escape suppression and proliferate, creating strong selective pressure for host defense to adapt. This genomic conflict fuels a never-ending arms race that drives the rapid evolution of TEs and recurrent positive selection of genes involved in host defense; the latter has been shown to contribute to postzygotic hybrid incompatibility. However, how TE proliferation impacts genome and regulatory divergence remains poorly understood. Here, we report the highly complete and contiguous (N50 = 33.8–38.0 Mb) genome assemblies of seven closely related Drosophila species that belong to the nasuta species group—a poorly studied group of flies that radiated in the last 2 My. We constructed a high-quality de novo TE library and gathered germline RNA-seq data, which allowed us to comprehensively annotate and compare TE insertion patterns between the species, and infer the evolutionary forces controlling their spread. We find a strong negative association between TE insertion frequency and expression of genes nearby; this likely reflects survivor bias from reduced fitness impact of TEs inserting near lowly expressed, nonessential genes, with limited TE-induced epigenetic silencing. Phylogenetic analyses of insertions of 147 TE families reveal that 53% of them show recent amplification in at least one species. The most highly amplified TE is a nonautonomous DNA element (Drosophila INterspersed Element; DINE) which has gone through multiple bouts of expansions with thousands of full-length copies littered throughout each genome. Across all TEs, we find that TEs expansions are significantly associated with high expression in the expanded species consistent with suppression escape. Thus, whereas horizontal transfer followed by the invasion of a naïve genome has been highlighted to explain the long-term survival of TEs, our analysis suggests that evasion of host suppression of resident TEs is a major strategy to persist over evolutionary times. Altogether, our results shed light on the heterogenous and context-dependent nature in which TEs affect gene regulation and the dynamics of rampant TE proliferation amidst a recently radiated species group.  相似文献   

In this study, a static magnetic field influence on development and viability in two different species, Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila hydei, was investigated. Both species completed development (egg–adult), in and out of the static magnetic field induced by double horseshoe magnet. Treated vials with eggs were placed in the gap between magnetic poles (47 mm) and exposed to the average magnetic induction of 60 mT, while control ones were kept far enough from magnetic field source. We found that exposure to the static magnetic field reduced development time in both species, but statistical significance was found only for D. hydei. Furthermore, we found that the average viability of both Drosophila species exposed to the magnetic field was significantly weaker compared to control ones. These results indicate that 60 mT static magnetic field could be considered as a potential stressor, influencing on different levels the embryonic and post-embryonic development of individuals.  相似文献   

Drosophila serrata occurs along the eastern coast of Australia with a southern range boundary near Sydney. To compare levels of phenotypic variation in marginal and central populations, we examined morphological variation in populations of this species from the southern range boundary and two more northerly populations. The populations differed for wing traits and there was an increase in wing size in the marginal locations which persisted under laboratory culture. The means of wing and bristle traits increased under laboratory culture, whereas wing trait coefficients of variation and variances decreased. Heritability estimates for wing size traits tended to be lower in the field compared with the laboratory, whereas bristle and crossvein length heritabilities were similar across environments. There was evidence for heritable variation in wing and bristle traits in both the marginal and more northern populations, suggesting that genetic variation was not limiting in marginal populations. Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) was also assessed as a measure of genomic and environmental stress. There were no consistent differences among populations for the FA of individual traits, or for a total FA score summed across traits. FA levels in field parents and laboratory‐reared progeny were similar. Overall, the results do not support the conjecture that levels of phenotypic and genetic variability differ between central and marginal D. serrata populations.  相似文献   

Attempts to explain size variation in Drosophila and other small insects often focus on the larval stage and association between development time and size, but patterns are also influenced by direct selection on size-related traits in the adults. Here we use multiple field releases of Drosophila melanogaster to test the association between size and one component of field fitness, the ability of Drosophila to locate resources for feeding and breeding. We find antagonistic selection between wing length and thorax length in both males and females, such that capture at baits is higher for flies with relatively larger thorax lengths and smaller wings. However flies with large wings relative to thoraces disperse further as reflected in the longer distances moved to baits. These patterns did not depend strongly on weather conditions, suggesting that selection on adult size is at least partly independent of temperature. Antagonistic selection between size traits can generate changes in size along gradients if the distribution of resources in the environment varies and selects for different dispersal patterns, particularly as dispersal is relatively higher under warmer conditions.  相似文献   

Generator of spatial magnetic field is one of most recent achievements among the magnetostimulators. This apparatus allows to obtain the rotating magnetic field. This new method may be more effective than other widely used techniques of magnetostimulation and magnetotherapy. We investigated the influence of alternating, spatial magnetic field on the regeneration of the crushed rat sciatic nerves. Functional and morphological evaluations were used. After crush injury of the right sciatic nerve, Wistar C rats (n?=?80) were randomly divided into four groups (control and three experimental). The experimental groups (A, B, C) were exposed (20?min/day, 5?d/week, 4 weeks) to alternating spatial magnetic field of three different intensities. Sciatic Functional Index (SFI) and tensometric assessments were performed every week after nerve crush. Forty-eight hours before the sacrificing of animals, DiI (1,1’-di-octadecyl-3,3,3’,3’-tetramethyloindocarbocyanine perchlorate) was applied 5?mm distally to the crush site. Collected nerves and dorsal root ganglia (DRG) were subjected to histological and immunohistochemical staining. The survival rate of DRG neurons was estimated. Regrowth and myelination of the nerves was examined. The results of SFI and tensometric assessment showed improvement in all experimental groups as compared to control, with best outcome observed in group C, exposed to the strongest magnetic field. In addition, DRG survival rate and nerve regeneration intensity were significantly higher in the C group. Above results indicate that strong spatial alternating magnetic field exerts positive effect on peripheral nerve regeneration and its application could be taken under consideration in the therapy of injured peripheral nerves.  相似文献   

Insects can adapt to temperate environments by increasing levels of resistance to cold conditions over winter and/or altering reproductive patterns to focus reproduction in favourable conditions. In temperate areas, Drosophila melanogaster persists over winter at the adult stage. A previous experiment, conducted with flies kept in outdoor population cages in the temperate winter, indicated that temperate populations produced more eggs than did tropical populations following an abrupt increase in reproduction in late winter. In contrast, the tropical populations produced more eggs prior to the increase. Both patterns resulted in a higher net number of surviving offspring for temperate populations. Here we again examine the clinal pattern in reproduction using outdoor cages, this time held under tropical winter conditions. In this environment, surprisingly, egg production was higher and on average earlier in populations originating from temperate areas. However, mortality rates also increased with latitude of origin, and the relationship of lifetime egg production to latitude should therefore be measured. To test the role of altered pattern of egg production per se in the reproductive advantage of temperate populations in the temperate winter, we tested the performance of laboratory lines selected for altered reproductive patterns, under temperate winter conditions. Lines selected for high early fecundity exhibited this characteristic in the field cages and lines selected for late reproduction exhibited a relatively high fecundity in spring. The timing of the abrupt increase in egg production was identical in these sets of lines and occurred at the same time in recently collected populations, suggesting evolutionary conservation of the switch. These findings suggest that changes in early and late reproduction per se determine adaptation to temperate winter conditions, and illustrate how laboratory selection lines can be used to understand traits underlying adaptive shifts in field performance.  相似文献   

The suppressor of forked, su(f) locus is one of a class of loci in Drosophila whose mutant alleles are trans-acting allele-specific modifiers of transposable element-insertion mutations at other loci. Mutations of su(f) suppress gypsy insert alleles of forked and enhance the copia insert allele white apricot. Our investigations of su(f) include genetic and molecular analyses of 19 alleles to determine the numbers and types of genetic functions present at the locus. Our results suggest the su(f) locus contains multiple genetic functions. There are two distinct modifier functions and two vital functions. One modifier function is specific for enhancement and the other for suppression. One vital function is required for normal ecdysterone production in the third larval instar, the other is not. We present a restriction map of the su(f) genomic region and the results of an RFLP analysis of several su(f) alleles.  相似文献   

本文采用D.T.Suzuki的方法,研究了黑果蝇Drosophila virilis Sturt dlts品系的温度敏感时期和致死时期的相互关系。选择了31℃为限制温度,25℃为许可温度。对于成虫盘缺损的研究用了12个小时为一个脉冲或24个小时为一个脉冲的热处理,用扫描电镜技术辅助对成虫形态缺损的研究。对于成虫盘缺失和重复的关系主要在48小时为一个脉冲的热处理盘中进行,对dlts基因的表达采用了遗传嵌合性的研究,其结果如下:1两个不连续的温度敏感时态对致死的影响是在第1龄幼虫、第2龄幼虫、第3龄幼虫和进入蛹期后的10个小时。温度敏感时态和致死时态并不一致,而是先于致死时态几个小时。2温度敏感时态对成虫形态的影响是:触角的重复和复眼的缺失发生在第2龄和第3龄幼虫期。足关节融合及跗节和腿节的缩短发生在第3龄幼虫期,翅脉硬化主要发生在第3龄幼虫期即将结束进入前蛹期的这段时间。第3龄幼虫期是成虫盘发生缺陷比较集中的时期,可以明显见到足、复眼、翅和刚毛的缺陷,同源异型突变体也在这个时期发生。同源突变体的变化主要是足、触角片段及刚毛和触角片段的相互转移。3每一个成虫盘缺陷部有自己明显的特征,根据它们成虫盘的形态缺陷和热处理的时间性,所有的成虫盘缺陷变化都可以分为这样三类:缺失,重复,缺失和重复并存。4遗传镶嵌测试表明:dlts基因是自主表达的,且具有一定的时间、环境和组织的特殊性。  相似文献   

本文采用D.T.Suzuki的方法,研究了黑果蝇Drosophila virilis Sturt dlts品系的温度敏感时期和致死时期的相互关系.选择了31℃为限制温度,25℃为许可温度.对于成虫盘缺损的研究用了12个小时为一个脉冲或24个小时为一个脉冲的热处理,用扫描电镜技术辅助对成虫形态缺损的研究.对于成虫盘缺失和重复的关系主要在48小时为一个脉冲的热处理盘中进行,对dlts基因的表达采用了遗传嵌合性的研究,其结果如下:1. 两个不连续的温度敏感时态对致死的影响是在第1龄幼虫、第2龄幼虫、第3龄幼虫和进入蛹期后的10个小时.温度敏感时态和致死时态并不一致,而是先于致死时态几个小时.2. 温度敏感时态对成虫形态的影响是:触角的重复和复眼的缺失发生在第2龄和第3龄幼虫期.足关节融合及跗节和腿节的缩短发生在第3龄幼虫期,翅脉硬化主要发生在第3龄幼虫期即将结束进入前蛹期的这段时间.第3龄幼虫期是成虫盘发生缺陷比较集中的时期,可以明显见到足、复眼、翅和刚毛的缺陷,同源异型突变体也在这个时期发生.同源突变体的变化主要是足、触角片段及刚毛和触角片段的相互转移.3. 每一个成虫盘缺陷部有自己明显的特征,根据它们成虫盘的形态缺陷和热处理的时间性,所有的成虫盘缺陷变化都可以分为这样三类:缺失,重复,缺失和重复并存.4. 遗传镶嵌测试表明:dlts基因是自主表达的,且具有一定的时间、环境和组织的特殊性.  相似文献   

Most Toxoplasma gondii research has been carried out using strains maintained in the laboratory for long periods of time. Long-term passage in mice or cell culture influences T. gondii phenotypic traits such as the capability to produce oocysts in cats and virulence in mice. In this work, we investigated the effect of cell culture adaptation in the short term for recently obtained type II (TgShSp1 (Genotype ToxoDB#3), TgShSp2 (#1), TgShSp3 (#3) and TgShSp16 (#3)) and type III (#2) isolates (TgShSp24 and TgPigSp1). With this purpose, spontaneous and alkaline stress-induced cyst formation in Vero cells during 40 passages, from passage 10 (p10) to 50 (p50), and isolate virulence at p10 versus p50 were studied using a harmonized bioassay method in Swiss/CD1 mice. T. gondii cell culture maintenance showed a drastic loss of spontaneous and induced production of mature cysts after ≈25–30 passages. The TgShSp1, TgShSp16 and TgShSp24 isolates failed to generate spontaneously formed mature cysts at p50. Limited cyst formation was associated with an increase in parasite growth and a shorter lytic cycle. In vitro maintenance also modified T. gondii virulence in mice at p50 with events of exacerbation, increasing cumulative morbidity for TgShSp2 and TgShSp3 isolates and mortality for TgShSp24 and TgPigSp1 isolates, or attenuation, with absence of mortality and severe clinical signs for TgShSp16, and better control of the infection with the lowest parasite and cyst burdens in lungs and brain for the TgShSp1 isolate. The present findings show deep changes in relevant phenotypic traits in laboratory-adapted T. gondii isolates and open new discussion about their use for inferring keys to parasite biology and virulence.  相似文献   

Summary Drosophila females homozygous for the mutation dicephalic occasionally produce ovarian follicles with a nurse-cell cluster on each oocyte pole (dic follicles). Most dic follicles contain 15 nurse cells as in the normal follicle, but the total nurse-cell volume is larger in dic follicles; this is in keeping with the increase in DNA content recently described. However, the relative increase in oocyte volume during nurse-cell regression (from stage 10B onward) is not significantly larger in dic than in normal follicles. Time-lapse recordings in vitro show that, as a rule, both nurse cell clusters in a dic follicle export cytoplasm to the oocyte but nurse-cell regression remains incomplete at both poles and the persisting remnants of the nurse cells cause anomalies in chorion shape. The kinematics of cytoplasmic transfer are less aberrant at that oocyte pole which harbours the germinal vesicle. Possible links are discussed between these anomalies of oogenesis and the double-anterior embryonic patterns observed in the majority of developing dic eggs.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster ventral nerve cord derives from neural progenitor cells called neuroblasts. Individual neuroblasts have unique gene expression profiles and give rise to distinct clones of neurons and glia. The specification of neuroblast identity provides a cell intrinsic mechanism which ultimately results in the generation of progeny which are different from each other. Segment polarity genes have a dual function in early neurogenesis: within distinct regions of the neuroectoderm, they are required both for neuroblast formation and for the specification of neuroblast identity. Previous studies of segment polarity gene function largely focused on neuroblasts that arise within the posterior part of the segment. Here we show that the segment polarity gene midline is required for neuroblast formation in the anterior-most part of the segment. Moreover, midline contributes to the specification of anterior neuroblast identity by negatively regulating the expression of Wingless and positively regulating the expression of Mirror. In the posterior-most part of the segment, midline and its paralog, H15, have partially redundant functions in the regulation of the NB marker Eagle. Hence, the segment polarity genes midline and H15 play an important role in the development of the ventral nerve cord in the anterior- and posterior-most part of the segment.  相似文献   

Crossveinless-2 (Cv2), Twisted Gastrulation (Tsg) and Chordin (Chd) are components of an extracellular biochemical pathway that regulates Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) activity during dorso-ventral patterning of Drosophila and Xenopus embryos, the formation of the fly wing, and mouse skeletogenesis. Because the nature of their genetic interactions remained untested in the mouse, we generated a null allele for Cv2 which was crossed to Tsg and Chd mutants to obtain Cv2; Tsg and Cv2; Chd compound mutants. We found that Cv2 is essential for skeletogenesis as its mutation caused the loss of multiple bone structures and posterior homeotic transformation of the last thoracic vertebra. During early vertebral development, Smad1 phosphorylation in the intervertebral region was decreased in the Cv2 mutant, even though CV2 protein is normally located in the future vertebral bodies. Because Cv2 mutation affects BMP signaling at a distance, this suggested that CV2 is involved in the localization of the BMP morphogenetic signal. Cv2 and Chd mutations did not interact significantly. However, mutation of Tsg was epistatic to all CV2 phenotypes. We propose a model in which CV2 and Tsg participate in the generation of a BMP signaling morphogenetic field during vertebral formation in which CV2 serves to concentrate diffusible Tsg/BMP4 complexes in the vertebral body cartilage.  相似文献   

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