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Using the Braun-Blanquet approach, 7 plant communities of forests and 3 communities of krummholz were distinguished on the Svyatoi Nos Peninsula on the eastern coast of Lake Baikal. Dominant species of these communities areAbies sibirica, Larix sibirica, Pinus sibirica, P. sylvestris, P. pumila andBetula divaricata. The data from Svyatoi Nos were combined with all the available data from the northern part of the Republic of Buryatia (289 relevés) and classified into 23 communities. These have been assigned to the following alliances:Aconito rubicundi-Abietion sibiricae—floodplain forests with tall forbs and the relict occurrence of a few nemoral species,Pino sibiricae-Laricion sibiricae—mesic forests with (sub-Atlantic) boreal species and abundant mosses,Vaccinio-Pinion pumilae—krummholz communities of NE Asian distribution,Cladonio stellaris-Laricion gmelinii—Larix gmelinii dominated open forests on permafrosts with NE Asian distribution, andHieracio umbellati-Pinion sylvestris—xeric forests with southern Siberian species. Phytogeographical affinities of these alliances are discussed and a system of high-ranked syntaxa (orders, classes) is proposed for the northern Buryatian forests and krummholz.  相似文献   

Lower Devonian quiet-water marine benthic communities were examined to determine what parameters of community structure are maintained from locality to locality. The preserved elements of the communities are dominated by brachiopods. Each community has a characteristic taxonomic composition and diversity. From stratigraphically lowest to highest the communities include the newly proposed Dawsonelloides Community which has relatively low diversity, and is strongly dominated by a single species. The Beachia Community is less strongly dominated by a single species. The newly proposed Leptostrophia Community is very strongly dominated by a single species; less common species are rare or absent in the other communities. The Plicoplasia Community is slightly less diverse than the preceeding two communities, but unlike them has six species which dominate one or more collections and are commonly found in reduced abundance in the other collections. The gradual change in taxonomic composition and structure from one community to adjacent communities coupled with the similar structure of diversity and dominance within particular communities suggest that these characteristics are time-averaged and primary structural features of the communities.  相似文献   

Performance of aquatic macrophytes is driven by many environmental factors, and a major challenge is to understand how aquatic macrophyte communities are structured in various environments. In softwater lakes in Western Europe, hydrological state (submersed/emersed), carbon dioxide and ammonium levels and species interactions are considered as driving forces in structuring amphibious plant communities. In this study we aimed at evaluating the relative importance of these factors for four species in a competitive neighbourhood. Softwater lake habitat was simulated during one growing season in laboratory conditions, mimicking water level fluctuation, photoperiod and temperature. Artificial communities consisted of small populations of four softwater macrophyte species: Luronium natans, Baldellia ranunculoides ssp. repens, Eleocharis multicaulis and Hydrocotyle vulgaris. These communities were subjected to two levels of carbon dioxide and ammonium. Additionally, monocultures of Baldellia and Eleocharis were grown at a higher nutrient level combination in order to measure their competitive response in a community. Time (hydrological state) and species identity turned out to be the only consistently significant factors determining community composition. Plant performance was clearly species-dependent, while carbon dioxide and ammonium did not have major effects. The competitive response was significant in both Eleocharis and Baldellia. Competition intensity was highest in the emersed state. Carbon dioxide had a supplementary effect on the within-species performance in Luronium, Baldellia and Eleocharis, with high carbon dioxide level mainly resulting in more flowers and more stolons. Community outcomes and competitive responses in aquatic macrophytes appear difficult to predict, because of mixed life strategies and morphological and functional plasticity. We conclude that hydrological state was the only important environmental factor. The identity of the species that were present—implying species interactions—largely determined community outcome.  相似文献   

Floating marshes occur over 70% of the western Terrebonne Basin, Louisiana, USA, freshwater coastal wetlands. They are of several types: A free-floating thick-mat (45–60 cm) marsh dominated by Panicum hemitomon and Sagittaria lancifolia; a thick mat marsh dominated by Panicum hemitomon and Sagittaria lancifolia that floats part of the year, but whose vertical floating range is damped compared to adjacent water; and an irregularly-floating thin mat (< 30 cm) dominated by Eleocharis spp. in the spring and Ludwigia leptocarpa and Bidens laevis in the summer and fall. Floating mats must be almost entirely organic in order to be buoyant enough to float. The western Terrebonne wetlands receive large winter/spring supplies of suspended sediments from the Atchafalaya River. Even though sediment concentrations in the adjacent bayou are as high as 100 mg l–1, the Panicum hemitomon/Sagittaria lancifolia free-floating marsh probably receives no over-surface sediments since it floats continuously. The bulk density data of the damped-floating marsh, however, suggest some mineral sediment input, probably during winter when this marsh is submerged. These two types of floating marsh could not have developed in the present sediment regime of the Atchafalaya River, but as long as they remain floating can continue to exist. Thin floating mats are found in areas receiving the least sediment (<20 mg 1–1 suspended sediment concentration in adjacent bayous). This low sediment environment probably made possible their formation within the past 20 years. They may represent a transitional stage in mat succession from (1) existing thick-mat floating marsh to a degrading floating marsh, or (2) a floating marsh developing in shallow open water.Corresponding editor: D. Whigham  相似文献   

The phytosociological affiliation of Tephroseris longifolia subsp. moravica, species of European importance, was studied in relation to two closely related species of the genus Tephroseris which have overlapping distribution within the Western Carpathian Mts: T. intergrifolia and T. crispa. The main aim was to compare plant communities inhabited by the three taxa, to assess the major environmental gradients responsible for variation in their distribution and to estimate ecological indicator values for Tephroseris longifolia subsp. moravica. T. longifolia subsp. moravica was recorded in nine localities in the Slovakia and Czech Republic where it occurs in very specific site conditions of ecotone habitats. Its phytosociological affiliation is restricted to grasslands of the alliances Bromion erecti and Arrhenatherion elatioris and to the ecotone vegetation between these grasslands and beech forests. T. integrifolia occurs most frequently in the Diantho lumnitzeri-Seslerion, Bromion erecti and Quercion pubescenti-petraeae alliances. T. crispa occurs predominantly in communities of the Calthion palustris alliance and Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae, Mulgedio-Aconitetea and Montio-Cardaminetea classes. The major gradient responsible for variation in species composition of communities inhabited by the studied taxa was associated with moisture and nutrient content. The vascular plant-based ecological indicator values for Tephroseris longifolia subsp. moravica calculated from phytosociological relevés with its occurrence were set for light — 6, temperature — 5, continentality — 4, moisture — 5, soil reaction — 6 and nutrients — 5. We conclude that the studied taxon has intermediate relationship to the most of the studied factors in comparison with two related species, T. crispa and T. integrifolia.  相似文献   

Caves are relatively accessible subterranean habitats ideal for the study of subsurface microbial dynamics and metabolisms under oligotrophic, non-photosynthetic conditions. A 454-pyrotag analysis of the V6 region of the 16S rRNA gene was used to systematically evaluate the bacterial diversity of ten cave surfaces within Kartchner Caverns, a limestone cave. Results showed an average of 1,994 operational taxonomic units (97 % cutoff) per speleothem and a broad taxonomic diversity that included 21 phyla and 12 candidate phyla. Comparative analysis of speleothems within a single room of the cave revealed three distinct bacterial taxonomic profiles dominated by either Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, or Acidobacteria. A gradient in observed species richness along the sampling transect revealed that the communities with lower diversity corresponded to those dominated by Actinobacteria while the more diverse communities were those dominated by Proteobacteria. A 16S rRNA gene clone library from one of the Actinobacteria-dominated speleothems identified clones with 99 % identity to chemoautotrophs and previously characterized oligotrophs, providing insights into potential energy dynamics supporting these communities. The robust analysis conducted for this study demonstrated a rich bacterial diversity on speleothem surfaces. Further, it was shown that seemingly comparable speleothems supported divergent phylogenetic profiles suggesting that these communities are very sensitive to subtle variations in nutritional inputs and environmental factors typifying speleothem surfaces in Kartchner Caverns.  相似文献   

Ciliates (protozoa) are ubiquitous components of plankton community and play important roles in aquatic ecosystems in regards of their abundance, biomass, diversity and energy turnover. Based on the stratified samples collected from the northern Beibu Gulf in August 2011, species composition, abundance, biomass, diversity and spatial pattern of planktonic ciliates were studied. Furthermore the main environmental factors controlling ciliate communities were determined. A total of 101 species belonging to 44 genera and 7 orders (i.e., Oligotrichida, Haptorida, Euplotida, Sessilida, Pleurostomatida, Scuticociliatida and Tintinnida) were identified. The variation of ciliate communities was significant at horizontal level, but that was not at vertical level. Based on cluster analysis, ciliate communities were divided into three main groups. Redundancy analysis (RDA) revealed that Group A, existing in the waters with higher concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen, was dominated by Tintinnidium primitivum. Group B in the waters with lower temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration, was dominated by Leegaardiella ovalis. Group C, existing in the waters with higher temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration, was dominated by large Strombidium spp. and Mesodinium rubrum. Combining multiple analytic methods, our results strongly supported that phosphorus, nitrogen and chlorophyll-a were the most significant factors affecting the ciliate communities in the northern Beibu Gulf in summer. Concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen primarily influenced ciliate biomass, implying a potential impact of eutrophication on ciliate growth. The correlation with chlorophyll-a concentration, on one hand indicate the response of ciliates to the food availability, and on the other hand, the ciliates containing chloroplasts or endosymbionts may contribute greatly to the chlorophyll-a.  相似文献   

Ant distribution and behavioural dominance is examined at nine sites along an elevational gradient (1400–2600 m) in south eastern Arizona, in order to classify North American species according to a functional group scheme used extensively in Australia. The functional groups are then used as a basis for determining patterns of community structure along the environmental gradient, and for comparing community structure between Australia and North America. Quantitative information on species com- position was obtained from pitfall traps, and patterns of ant abundance at tuna baits were used to determine relative behavioural dominance among taxa. A total of eighty-three species from twenty-eight genera was recorded along the elevational gradient, with site species richness ranging from four (high elevation Douglas fir forest) to thirty-three (mid elevation oak–juniper woodland). There was a strong correlation between ant abundance and richness, which was not an artefact of sampling intensity. The most common ants were species of Forelius, Monomorium, Crematogaster and Pheidole at the three desert sites, species of Formica, Pheidole and Crematogaster at the three woodland sites, and species of Prenolepis and Formica at one forest site. No species were abundant at two other forest sites. The most common species in traps also tended to be the most common species at baits. In terms of behavioural dominance, highly competitive ants included species of Solenopsis, Forelius, Monomorium and Liometopum. Species of Pheidole and Crematogaster tended to be moderately competitive, whereas species of Dory- myrmex, Myrmica, Camponotus and Formica (fusca gp) had low competitive ability. On the basis of these results and on published records of other taxa, North American ants were assigned to functional groups as follows (major taxa only given here): Dominant Dolichoderinae—Forelius, Liome- topum; Subordinate Camponotini—Camponotus; Hot Climate Specialists—Pogonomyrmex, Myrmecocystus; Cold Climate Specialists—Formica (rufa, exsecta and microgyna groups), Leptothorax, Stenamma, Lasius, Prenolepis; Cryptic Species—Smithistruma, Solenopsis (subgenus Diplorhop- trum), Acanthomyops; Opportunists—Formica (fusca group), Myrmica, Paratrechina, Dorymyrmex; Generalized Myr- micinae—Pheidole, Crematogaster, Monomorium; Specialist Predators—no major taxa. Functional group composition varied systematically along the elevation gradient: Dominant Dolichoderinae, Generalized Myrà micinae and Hot Climate Specialists were predominant at desert sites; Generalized Myrmicinae and Opportunists were predominant at woodland sites; and Opportunists and Cold Climate Specialists were predominant at forest sites. These patterns are consistent with published studies from elsewhere in North America. Almost all North American taxa can be matched with what appear to be ecologically equivalent taxa in Australia, and biogeographic patterns of functional group composition are broadly similar across the two continents. The major differences are that Australian ant communities are far richer in species, and are almost always dominated by dolichoderines, particularly species of Iridomyrmex. Generalized myrmicines are subdominant to dolichoderines in Australia, but are the behaviourally dominant ants throughout the warmer parts of North America. In cool-temperate North America, species of Formica (especially rufa and exsecta groups) are behaviourally dominant, as they are throughout the Palearctic. Some major features of the North American fauna can be linked to its poor representation of Dominant Dolichoderinae, including (1) the relatively low degree of physiological, morphological and behavioural specialization of Hot Climate Specialists; (2) behavioural dominance by formicines in cool-temperate habitats; and (3) the susceptibility to invasion by behaviourally dominant species such as the imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta and the Argentine ant Linepithema humile.  相似文献   


Larvae of 46 species of caddisfly from 14 of the 15 families present in New Zealand are described. A key to the families is included, and where possible there is a key to the spccies in each family. Information on larval habits and habitats, pupation, distribution, and life cycles is given. The classification of Trichoptera is discussed with particular reference to the New Zealand fauna. The origins of the New Zealand caddisflies are discussed, and the possibilities of Indo-Malaysian, Australian, and trans-Antarctic influences are considered. The distribution of some of the species is discussed in relation to paleogeography and present-day climatic features. Larvae described: HYDROPSYCHIDAEOrthopsyche fimbriata, O. thomasi, Aoteapsyche colonica, A. tepoka, A. raruraru, Diplectrona zealandensis; POLYCENTROPODIDAEPolyplectropus puerilis, Plectrocnemia maclachlani; PSYCHOMYIIDAEEcnomina zealandica; Philopotamidae — Dolophilodes (Hydrobiosella) stenocerca, D. (H.) mixta; Hydroptilidae — Oxyethira albiceps, Paroxyethira hendersoni; Kokiriidae — Kokiria miharo; Oeconesidae — Oeconesus maori, O. similis, Zelandopsyche ingens; Pycnocentrellidae — Pycnocentrella eruensis; Sericostomatidae — Pycnocentria funerea, P. evecta, P. sylvestris, Beraeoptera roria, Pycnocentrodes aeris, P. aureola, P. modesta, Confluens hamiltoni, Conuxia gunni, Olinga feredayi, O. jeanae; HELICOPHIDAEZelolessica cheira, Z. sp., Alloecentrella magnicornis; Chathamiidae — Philanisus plebeius; PHILORHEITHRIDAEPhilorheithrus agilis; Helicopsychidae — Helicopsyche zealandica, H. albescens, H. poutini, Rakiura vernale; LEPTOCERIDAETriplectides cephalotes, T. obsoleta, T. oreolimnetes, Hudsonema amabilis, H. aliena, Oecetis unicolor, O. iti.  相似文献   

Corals live with complex assemblages of microbes including bacteria, the dinoflagellate Symbiodiniaceae, fungi and viruses in a coral holobiont. These coral-associated microorganisms play an important role in their host fitness and survival. Here, we investigated the structure and diversity of algal and bacterial communities associated with five Indo-Pacific coral species, using full-length 16S rRNA and internal transcribed spacer sequences. While the dinoflagellate communities associated with Porites lutea were dominated with Symbiodiniaceae genus Cladocopium, the other four coral hosts were associated mainly with members of the Durusdinium genus, suggesting that host species was one of the underlying factors influencing the structure and composition of dinoflagellate communities associated with corals in the Gulf of Thailand. Alphaproteobacteria dominated the microbiomes of Pocillopora spp. while Pavona frondifera and P. lutea were associated primarily with Gammaproteobacteria. Finally, we demonstrated a superior performance of full-length 16S rRNA sequences in achieving species-resolution taxonomic classification of coral-associated microbiota.  相似文献   

Late Neogene planktonic foraminifera have been examined at Site 310 in the Central North Pacific and their stratigraphic ranges and frequencies are presented here. Blow's (1969) zonation developed for tropical regions has been applied where applicable. Where tropical index taxa are rare or absent in this temperate region, Globorotalia crassaformis, and the evolutionary bioseries G. conoidea — G. conomiozea and G. puncticula — G. inflata have been found useful for zonal subdivisions. A correlation between stratigraphic ranges and frequency distributions of these species at Site 310 in the Central North Pacific, and Site 284 in the Southwest Pacific indicates that these species are relatively consistent biostratigraphic markers in temperate regions of both the North and South Pacific Oceans. An informal zonation for temperate latitudes of the Southwest Pacific has been established by Kennett (1973) and a similar zonal subdivision can be made at Site 310.Paleoclimatic/paleoceanographic interpretations based on coiling ratios, percent abundance, and phenotypic variations of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma indicate four major cold events during early, middle, and late Pliocene, and early Pleistocene. Faunal correlations of these events with similar events elsewhere in the Northeast and Southwest Pacific which have been paleomagnetically dated indicate the following approximate ages for these cold events: 4.7 Ma, 3.0 Ma, 2.6–1.8 Ma. and 1.2 Ma. Faunal assemblages have been divided into three groups representing cool, intermediate, and warmer water assemblages. Cool water assemblages are dominated by >60% N. pachyderma; intermediate temperature faunas are dominated by species of Globigerina and Globigerinita and contain between 20% and 30% N. pachyderma. Warmer water assemblages are dominated by species of Globorotalia and contain <10% N. pachyderma. Frequency oscillations within these groups, in addition to paleotemperature parameters evident in N. pachyderma, afford refined paleoclimatic/paleoceanographic interpretations.  相似文献   

A rare coniferous Tertiary relict tree species, Thuja sutchuenensis Franch, has survived in the Daba Mountains of southwestern China. It was almost eliminated by logging during the past century. We measured size and age structures and interpreted regeneration dynamics of stands of the species in a variety of topographic contexts and community associations. Forest communities containing T. sutchuenensis were of three types: (1) the Thuja community dominated by T. sutchuenensis, growing on cliffs; (2) the Thuja-Quercus-Cyclobalanopsis community dominated by T. sutchuenensis, Quercus engleriana and Cyclobalanopsis oxyodon, along with Fagus engleriana and Carpinus fargesiana, on steep slopes; (3) the Thuja-Tsuga-Quercus community dominated by T. sutchuenensis, Tsuga chinensis, and Quercus spinosa, on crest ridges. The established seedlings/saplings were found in limestone crevices, on scarred cliff-faces, cliff-edges, fallen logs, canopy gaps and forest margins. The radial growth rate was 0.5-1.1 mm per year. Its growth forms were distorted. It had strong sprouting ability after disturbances. The T. sutchuenensis population thrives on cliffs where there is little competition from other species because of harsh conditions and rockslide disturbances. It is shade-intolerant but stress-tolerant. Its regeneration has depended on natural disturbances.  相似文献   

The present study gives an assessment of the environmental factors and their effect on the pattern and distribution of the plant communities in the area along the road from Medina to Badr, Saudi Arabia. The road crosses the Hejaz mountains and the study area presents three main ecogeomorphological systems which are differentiated into various habitats. Rainfall and plant cover show wide variation, both in quantity and distribution in the different sectors of the study area. Also, the wide variations in topography, rock types and soil characteristics, have a marked influence on the water resources and consequently on the vegetation.Twenty-three communities, recognized by species dominance and habitat features, have been distinguished. These include ten communities dominated by trees and shrubs; five of them are dominated by one of the Acacia spp. growing in the area. Seven communities are dominated by suffrutescent species and six are dominated by ephemeral species. The latter communities appear only during the wet season and disappear at the beginning of summer. The floristic conoposition and the habitat features are described and the ecological relationships between the communities are briefly discussed.Nomenclature follows Taeckholm (1974) and Migahid (1979).The authors are grateful to Mr S. Ads for his assistance in the field work.Dedicated to Haj Hassan El-Batanouny, deceased and buried at Al-Hamrah, Hejaz in 1911.  相似文献   

The structure of the mid-summer planktonic rotifer communities of 101 Adirondack lakes ranging in pH from 4.0 to 7.3 were characterized in relation to acidity and selected water quality parameters. More than 70 rotifer species were identified from collections in 1982 and 1984. None of the species collected could be considered acidobiontic or alkalibiontic. Keratella taurocephala was the most commonly collected rotifer, occurring in 94 of the study lakes. It was abundant throughout the range of pH investigated but was particularly dominant in acidic waters, averaging > 85 % of the rotifers collected from waters of pH < 5.0.Rotifer community structure can be related to three groups of water quality parameters. Community parameters (richness and diversity) are most highly correlated with parameters indicative of acidity status. Rotifer abundance correlates with trophic state indicators, i.e. chlorophyll a and total phosphorus, over the full range of pH investigated. However, in acidic lakes, rotifer abundance is related to true color and DOC, indicators of humic influences.The rotifer communities of the Adirondacks can be classified into four broad types: 1) A diverse, productive community of the more alkaline lakes, generally with 13 species, and dominated by Conochilus unicornis, Kellicottia bostoniensis, Kellicottia longispina, and Polyarthra major; 2) Relatively diverse communities of productive, highly colored acid lakes, with 8 species, and often with very large populations (> 200 · 1–1) dominated by K. bostoniensis and K. taurocephala; 3) Depauperate (< 4 species) communities of clear water acid lakes with generally low density populations dominated by K. taurocephala (> 90 % of rotifers in each sample); and 4) Extremely depauperate (2–3 species) acid lake communities associated with small lakes with high flushing rates dominated by C. unicornis.  相似文献   

We have classified fouling communities developing on artificial substrates of mussel mariculture plants in Kandalakshskii Bay of the White Sea. Several major types of fouling have been distinguished: mussel fouling; fouling similar to the epifauna of the benthos biocenosis of Laminaria saccharinadominated by the ascidian Styela rusticaor sponges Halichondria paniceaand Halisarca dujardini; young fouling developed by algae and the ascidians of the genus Molgula; and ecotone communities in-between these types of fouling. The characteristics of the distinguished communities are provided.  相似文献   

A community ecology approach using an association of species test and a principal component analysis resulted in the recognition of two major and two minor foliicolous lichen communities in a neotropical rainforest. The major communities are governed by microclimatic factors, one characteristic of the shady understorey and the other confined to light gaps. The minor communities are due to subtle phorophyte preferences towards palm and dicot leaves. The shady understorey community is dominated by the families Arthoniaceae , Opegraphaceae , Trichotheliaceae and Pilocarpaceae , which predominantly have Phycopeltis as their phycobiont, thin thalli, abundant sexual reproduction, small ascospores produced in high numbers, and pycnidial conidiomata. The light-gap community is mainly composed of the families Gomphillaceae and Ectolechiaceae , with Trebouxia as their phycobiont, thickly crystalline or whitish, dispersed thalli, frequent asexual reproduction, large ascospores produced in low numbers, and specialized campylidia and hyphophores as conidiomata. Phycobiont, thallus structure, and the mode of reproduction are considered as adaptations to different microsites, whereas the shape and size of ascospores and conidia seem to be of less importance. The foliicolous lichen communities reflect the spatial and temporal structure of the forest, in particular the continuity of the shady understorey in comparison to the discontinuity of the light gaps. While the formation of the shady understorey community follows more deterministic patterns, the light-gap community exhibits high stochasticity.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa from 9 species belonging to 3 families of trichopteran suborder Annulipalpia (Philopotamidae : Philopotamus ludificatus, P. montanus, Wormaldia occipitalis, W. copiosa; Polycentropodidae: Plectrocnemia geniculata, Polycentropus mortoni, P. irroratus, Cyrnus trimaculatus; Hydropsychidae: Hydropsyche pellucidula) were studied by light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. The absence of axonemal dynein arms and a consequent sperm immotility are characteristic of the species studied. The presence of 7, rather than 2, central microtubules is shared by Polycentropodidae and some Philopotamidae. A greater variability in the sperm axoneme was found within Philopotamidae than in the other families. The species of the genus Wormaldia have an axial vesicle rather than microtubules and their axonemes have a 9 + 9 + 0 or 13 + 13 + 0 pattern. Hydropsychidae have spermatozoa provided with numerous finger-like appendages containing microtubular doublets. The progressive loss of sperm flagellum and motility within the group is discussed.  相似文献   

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