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The response of invertebrate assemblies to grazing   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Invertebrate communities were monitored in a controlled sheep grazing experiment on ex-arable land on limestone and in nearby older calcicolous grasslands Results for vacuum sampling of Heteroptera and herbivorous Coleoptera are presented and compared with the responses of spiders, leafhoppers and leaf-miners
Invertebrate groups differed in their responses to grazing and grassland age in terms of species diversity, abundance, variability over time and the development of a specific fauna on short turf Leaf-miner assemblies were most strongly determined by the effects of grazing on plant species composition, while spiders' responses could largely be explained by the effects of grazing on plant architecture Spider species simply accumulated over time, whilst leaf-miners were the most labile group Spiders, leaf-miners and leafhoppers all contained some common species restricted to old grasslands, whilst herbivorous Coleoptera and Heteroptera did not
No single group demonstrated the full range of invertebrate responses Spiders, leafhoppers and leaf-miners each showed useful features as "indicator groups'", but more than one group should be chosen for study in the context of particular research projects  相似文献   

Actin contributes to an exceptionally wide range of cellular processes through the assembly and disassembly of highly dynamic and ordered structures. Visualizing these structures in cells can help us understand how the molecular players of the actin machinery work together to produce force-generating systems. In recent years, cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) has become the method of choice for structural analysis of the cell interior at the molecular scale. Here we review advances in cryo-ET workflows that have enabled this transformation, especially the automation of sample preparation procedures, data collection, and processing. We discuss new structural analyses of dynamic actin assemblies in cryo-preserved cells, which have provided mechanistic insights into actin assembly and function at the nanoscale. Finally, we highlight the latest visual proteomics studies of actin filaments and their interactors reaching sub-nanometer resolutions in cells.  相似文献   


Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a multifunctional regulator of actin cytoskeleton that exerts a dramatic impact on the actin cytoskeleton to build a platform for diverse cellular processes including growth cone guidance, neurite retraction and cell motility. It has been implicated in the formation and dissociation of complexes between actin and actin binding proteins, supporting its role in actin remodeling. Several studies point towards its ability to facilitate formation of special cellular structures including focal adhesions and actin stress fibres by phosphoregulation of several actin associated proteins and their multiple regulatory kinases and phosphatases. In addition, multiple levels of crosstalk among the signaling cascades activated by LPA, affect actin cytoskeleton-mediated cell migration and chemotaxis which in turn play a crucial role in cancer metastasis. In the current review, we have attempted to highlight the role of LPA as an actin modulator which functions by controlling activities of specific cellular proteins that underlie mechanisms employed in cytoskeletal and pathophysiological events within the cell. Further studies on the actin affecting/remodeling activity of LPA in different cell types will no doubt throw up many surprises essential to gain a full understanding of its contribution in physiological processes as well as in diseases.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

The apex of hair cells of the chicken auditory organ contains three different kinds of assemblies of actin filaments in close spatial proximity. These are (a) paracrystals of actin filaments with identical polarity in stereocilia, (b) a dense gellike meshwork of actin filaments forming the cuticular plate, and (c) a bundle of parallel actin filaments with mixed polarities that constitute the circumferential filament belt attached to the cytoplasmic aspect of the zonula adhaerens (ZA). Each different supramolecular assembly of actin filaments contains a specific actin filament cross-linking protein which is unique to that particular assembly. Thus fimbrin appears to be responsible for paracrystallin packing of actin filaments in stereocillia; an isoform of spectrin resides in the cuticular plate where it forms the whisker-like crossbridges, and alpha actinin is the actin crosslinking protein of the circumferential ZA bundle. Tropomyosin, which stabilizes actin filaments, is present in all the actin filament assemblies except for the stereocilia. Another striking finding was that myosin appears to be absent from the ZA ring and cuticular plate of hair cells although present in the ZA ring of supporting cells. The abundance of myosin in the ZA ring of the surrounding supporting cells means that it may be important in forming a supporting tensile cellular framework in which the hair cells are inserted.  相似文献   

We designed a micromanipulation device that allows the local application of a constant force on living cells, and the measurement of their stiffness. The force is applied through an Arg-Gly-Asp-coated bead adhering on the cell and trapped in optical tweezers controlled by a feedback loop. Epifluorescence observations of green fluorescent protein-actin in the cells are made during force application. We observe a stiffening of cells submitted to a constant force within a few minutes, coupled to actin recruitment both at the bead-cell contact and up to several micrometers from the stress application zone. Moreover, kinetics of stiffening and actin recruitment exhibit a strong correlation. This work presents the first quantification of the dynamics of cell mechanical reinforcement under stress, which is a novel insight into the elucidation of the more general phenomenon of cell adaptation to stress.  相似文献   

The intracellular polymerization of cytoskeletal proteins into their supramolecular assemblies raises many questions regarding the regulatory patterns that control this process. Binding experiments using the ELISA solid phase system, together with protein assembly assays and electron microscopical studies provided clues on the protein-protein associations in the polymerization of tubulin and actin networks. In vitro reconstitution experiments of these cytoskeletal filaments using purified tau, tubulin, and actin proteins were carried out. Tau protein association with tubulin immobilized in a solid phase support system was inhibited by actin monomer, and a higher inhibition was attained in the presence of preassembled actin filaments. Conversely, tubulin and assembled microtubules strongly inhibited tau interaction with actin in the solid phase system. Actin filaments decreased the extent of in vitro tau-induced tubulin assembly. Studies on the morphological aspects of microtubules and actin filaments coexisting in vitro, revealed the association between both cytoskeletal filaments, and in some cases, the presence of fine filamentous structures bridging these polymers. Immunogold studies showed the association of tau along polymerized microtubules and actin filaments, even though a preferential localization of labeled tau with microtubules was revealed. The studies provide further evidence for the involvement of tau protein in modulating the interactions of microtubules and actin polymers in the organization of the cytsokeletal network.  相似文献   

Hypertonic stimulation induced association of S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase (SAHH) with the F-actin-rich cell cortex in Dictyostelium. At intermediate, but not higher, levels of hypertonicity, SAHH further translocated from the cortex to the cytosol in company with a fraction of actin and cofilin. At the same time the cells rounded up. Acidification of the cells stimulated both the cell rounding and the translocation of actin and SAHH, whereas alkalinization retarded these responses, suggesting that cellular pH is involved in their control. On the other hand, mutant analysis suggested that neither cGMP signaling nor conventional myosin is required.  相似文献   

Actin is the major constituent of the cytoskeleton of almost all the eukaryotic cells. In vitro experiments have indicated that oxidant-stressed nonmuscle mammalian cells undergo remarkable changes in their morphology and in the structure of the actin cytoskeleton, often resulting in plasma membrane blebbing. Although the microfilament network is one of the earliest targets of oxidative stress, the mechanism by which oxidants change both the structure and the spatial organization of actin filaments is still a matter of debate and far from being fully elucidated. Starting from the 2-fold role of oxidants as injurious by-products of cellular metabolism and essential participants in cell signaling and regulation, this review attempts to gather the most relevant information related to (i) the activation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase stress-activated protein kinase-2/p38 (SAPK2/p38) which, via MAP kinase-activated protein (MAPKAP) kinase 2/3, leads to the phosphorylation of the actin polymerization (F-actin) modulator 25/27 kDa heat shock protein (HSP25/27), whose phosphorylation is causally related to the regulation of microfilament dynamics following oxidative stress; (ii) the alteration of the redox state of actin or some actin regulatory proteins. The actin cytoskeleton response to oxidants is discussed on the basis of the growing body of evidence indicating the actin system as the most sensitive constituent of the cytoskeleton to the oxidant attack.  相似文献   

In the course of an antibody immune response to pneumococcal polysaccharide - type III (S III) in mice a slight increase was observed in the proportion of plasma cells among the antibody-producing cells, reaching its peak at the time of decline of this reaction. On the basis of ultrastructural resemblance of these plasma cells to primitive reticular cells and in view of other specificities of the immunological response to S III antigen, the author presumes direct reticular origin of anti-S III antibody-producing plasma cells.  相似文献   

The small GTPase RhoA controls activity of serum response factor (SRF) by inducing changes in actin dynamics. We show that in PC12 cells, activation of SRF after serum stimulation is RhoA dependent, requiring both actin polymerization and the Rho kinase (ROCK)-LIM kinase (LIMK)-cofilin signaling pathway, previously shown to control F-actin turnover. Activation of SRF by overexpression of wild-type LIMK or ROCK-insensitive LIMK mutants also requires functional RhoA, indicating that a second RhoA-dependent signal is involved. This is provided by the RhoA effector mDia: dominant interfering mDia1 derivatives inhibit both serum- and LIMK-induced SRF activation and reduce the ability of LIMK to induce F-actin accumulation. These results demonstrate a role for LIMK in SRF activation, and functional cooperation between RhoA-controlled LIMK and mDia effector pathways.  相似文献   

The root morphology of ten temperate pasture species (four annual grasses, four perennial grasses and two annual dicots) was compared and their responses to P and N deficiency were characterised. Root morphologies differed markedly; some species had relatively fine and extensive root systems (Vulpia spp., Holcus lanatus L. and Lolium rigidum Gaudin), whilst others had relatively thick and small root systems (Trifolium subterraneum L. and Phalaris aquatica L.). Most species increased the proportion of dry matter allocated to the root system at low P and N, compared with that at optimal nutrient supply. Most species also decreased root diameter and increased specific root length in response to P deficiency. Only some of the species responded to N deficiency in this way. Root morphology was important for the acquisition of P, a nutrient for which supply to the plant depends on root exploration of soil and on diffusion to the root surface. Species with fine, extensive root systems had low external P requirements for maximum growth and those with thick, small root systems generally had high external P requirements. These intrinsic root characteristics were more important determinants of P requirement than changes in root morphology in response to P deficiency. Species with different N requirements could not be distinguished clearly by their root morphological attributes or their response to N deficiency, presumably because mass flow is relatively more important for N supply to roots in soil.Section editor: H. Lambers  相似文献   

Tolerance to digestive stresses is one of the main factors limiting the use of microorganisms as live probiotic agents. Susceptibility to bile salts and tolerance acquisition in the probiotic strain Propionibacterium freudenreichii SI41 were characterized. We showed that pretreatment with a moderate concentration of bile salts (0.2 g/liter) greatly increased its survival during a subsequent lethal challenge (1.0 g/liter, 60 s). Bile salts challenge led to drastic morphological changes, consistent with intracellular material leakage, for nonadapted cells but not for preexposed ones. Moreover, the physiological state of the cells during lethal treatment played an important role in the response to bile salts, as stationary-phase bacteria appeared much less sensitive than exponentially growing cells. Either thermal or detergent pretreatment conferred significantly increased protection toward bile salts challenge. In contrast, some other heterologous pretreatments (hypothermic and hyperosmotic) had no effect on tolerance to bile salts, while acid pretreatment even might have sensitized the cells. Two-dimensional electrophoresis experiments revealed that at least 24 proteins were induced during bile salts adaptation. Identification of these polypeptides suggested that the bile salts stress response involves signal sensing and transduction, a general stress response (also triggered by thermal denaturation, oxidative toxicity, and DNA damage), and an alternative sigma factor. Taken together, our results provide new insights into the tolerance of P. freudenreichii to bile salts, which must be taken into consideration for the use of probiotic strains and the improvement of technological processes.  相似文献   

Context: Triggering drug release from delivery vehicles with ultrasound has potential applications in targeted drug delivery. It was hypothesized that the addition of bile salts would increase the sensitivity of liposomes to ultrasound through creation of defects.

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether incorporating bile salts into liposomes would lead to differential effects on their response to low and high frequency ultrasound.

Materials and methods: Cholate, chenodeoxycholate, ursodeoxycholate, glycocholate and taurocholate were the selected bile salts. Response to ultrasound was characterized by measuring the release of carboxyfluorescein (CF).

Results: At 30?kHz ultrasound, taurocholate containing liposomes were most responsive and released 70% (±2) CF after 30 seconds of sonication. Compared to this, liposomes that did not contain bile salts released just 7% (±2). At 1.1?MHz ultrasound, all liposome formulations were unresponsive. To increase the response of liposomes at 1.1?MHz ultrasound, a combination of membrane destabilizers were added to DSPC liposomes. DOPE, a hexagonal phase lipid was used in combination with taurocholate. Surprisingly, liposomes containing DOPE and taurocholate were more resistant to 1.1?MHz ultrasound than ones containing only DOPE.

Discussion: This suggests that the sensitivity of liposomes towards ultrasound may not simply be defined by a single membrane component but instead depends on the interaction between constituting lipid components. Furthermore, strategies other than membrane destabilization may be required to sensitize liposomes towards high frequency ultrasound.

Conclusion: Bile salts may be used to increase or decrease the sensitivity of liposomes to low frequency ultrasound.  相似文献   

Of all the environmental pressures that all organisms across all kingdoms must face, one of the greatest is the risk of predation. The unpredictability of predation events from the perspective of a single individual is one of the major components of a changing, unstable environment (Gliwicz and Pijanowska, 1989; Lampert, 1987). The panoply of antipredator defenses among terrestrial and aquatic organisms involves a variety of morphological, behavioral, and life-history adaptations that even if they are not life-saving, may enable organisms to complete reproduction before predation occurs. Most of these phenotypic changes are directly induced by cues associated with the biotic agent, in the case of aquatic organisms, the chemical compounds (kairomones) released by a predator into the water. Herein we show that exposure of Daphnia to invertebrate and vertebrate kairomones results in changes in motion, behavior, and life history and at the molecular level involves changes in heat-shock proteins (HSPs) level and the actin and tubulin cytoskeleton. In addition, some of these effects are transgenerational, i.e., they are passed on from the mother to her offspring.  相似文献   

A chemotactic behaviour in Drosophila larvae to monovalent salts was investigated. Larvae showed clear-cut bimodal responses; they preferred low concentration of salts and rejected high. For example, they were attracted to solutions over the range of concentrations of NaCl from 10?4 M to 10?1 M but avoided concentrations above 2 × 10?1 M.The responses to KCl, KBr and Kl showed differences in attraction whereas avoidance thresholds were similar. On the other hand, when the responses to ChCl and ChBr were compared with those to KCl and KBr respectively, only the avoidance responses were depressed. Furthermore, from choice experiments between KCl, NaCl and ChCl, it was shown that cations did not affect the attraction responses.The results observed strongly suggest the existence of two salt receptors (or receptor sites) which act antagonistically on the chemotaxis.  相似文献   

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