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Avian life history theory has long assumed that nest predation plays a minor role in shaping reproductive strategies. Yet, this assumption remains conspicuously untested by broad experiments that alter environmental risk of nest predation, despite the fact that nest predation is a major source of reproductive failure. Here, we examined whether parents can assess experimentally reduced nest predation risk and alter their reproductive strategies. We experimentally reduced nest predation risk and show that in safer environments parents increased investment in young through increased egg size, clutch mass, and the rate they fed nestlings. Parents also increased investment in female condition by increasing the rates that males fed incubating females at the nest, and decreasing the time that females spent incubating. These results demonstrate that birds can assess nest predation risk at large and that nest predation plays a key role in the expression of avian reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Skutch hypothesized that nest predators visually assess parental activities to locate a prey nest, whereas parents modify fitness‐related traits to reduce the probability of nest predation. We examined how cavity condition and parental activity interact with avian nest predators to shape the nest success of two coexisting parid species, marsh tits Poecile palustris and oriental tits Parus minor, breeding in nest‐boxes during the incubation period. Nest‐boxes were manipulated to create a prolonged risk of nest predation (entrance diameter 2.6 cm control vs 5.5 cm treatment) soon after clutch completion. To measure changes in parental behavior, we also simultaneously simulated a pulsed risk of nest predation, using sound playbacks of a coexisting control bird and an avian nest predator. We found that the parent tits merely responded the pulsed risk, presumably due to an environment with high avian nest predator encounters, compared to the prolonged risk. Instead, both species spent more time on vigilance at the nest, only under prolonged risk conditions. The activity of corvids near the nest‐box was higher in the marsh tit than that in oriental tits. This activity was also higher in the treatment nest box than that in the control nest‐box. Nest predation during the incubation period was higher in marsh tits than in oriental tits, presumably due to higher and more plastic vigilance in oriental tits, compared to marsh tits. Our results highlight that the differences in cavity condition and parental activities at the nests of two coexisting non‐excavators may contribute to differential nest predation by attracting avian nest predators.  相似文献   

We experimentally tested the hypothesis that nest predation rate in hole-nesting birds, especially the common goldeneye Bucephala clangula , was related to the edge between aquatic and terrestrial habitats We also studied whether nest predation rate was related to habitat patch (lake) size In three study areas nest-boxes were erected in pairs one nest-box was erected at the shoreline and the other one inside the forest at a varying distance (range from 14 to 140 m) from the shoreline One chicken egg was placed in each nest-box (dummy nest) Overall predation rate on dummy nests varied from 34 6% to 52 6% depending on the study area The pine marten Martes manes was the primary nest predator m all study areas Daily predation rates did not differ between natural and dummy nests Predation rate on dummy nests was not related to the distance of the nest-box from the shoreline in any study area Predation rate was not related to lake size in two study areas but in one area predation rate on dummy nests was lower around largest lakes However, the result may be accidental and not because of lake size per se because the proportion of forest was exceptionally low in that part of the study area  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2002,23(5):313-320
We studied the effect of the general structure of the nest plant, especially the presence of thorns, and the structural homogeneity of the nest patch, on the vulnerability of nests to predation, using natural and artificial nests. Artificial nests placed in non-thorny plants had a significantly lower predation rate and higher daily survival rate than those in thorny plants. The addition of a ‘thorny microhabitat’ around the immediate proximity of nests placed in non-thorny plants did not have any effect on vulnerability of nests to predation. Conversely, natural nests were located in patches of habitat with a higher density of the species of plant that supported the nest compared to patches selected at random. However, daily survival rate was similar for natural nests placed in patches with a higher or lower density of the species of nest plant in the four bird species analysed. Similarly, survival of artificial nests did not increase with the presence of a higher number of plants similar to the nest plant in the nest patch. Thus, the observed patterns of survival for natural and artificial nests did not seem to support the potential prey-site hypotheses. Birds appeared to be the main nest predators in this ecosystem. Behavioural aspects of the identified predators and habitat structure could explain the lack of effect of thorns and nest patch characteristics on nest survival.  相似文献   

Variation in predator behavior has been proposed, but not tested, as a mechanism producing seasonal declines in avian nest success. We test this hypothesis by documenting seasonal activity of Texas ratsnakes Elaphe obsoleta and nest failure of endangered black-capped vireos Vireo atricapilla and golden-cheeked warblers Dendroica chrysoparia on which the snakes prey. Nest survival analysis was based on 880 vireo and 228 warbler nests and 3,060 snake locations from 62 radio-tracked snakes. Although nest success varied with snake activity for both birds, specific patterns differed substantially. Vireo daily nest survival was negatively correlated with snake activity over the three-year study, despite substantial variation among years in weather, and the fact that these birds are almost certainly a minor prey species of the ratsnakes. Warblers exhibited less clear-cut seasonal variation in nest success, and the association between nest success and snake activity was less pronounced than for vireos. Increased activity at warmer temperatures explained some of the seasonal change in snake movements, although mating may have accounted for a mid-season peak in activity. These results indicate that variation in predator behavior can be associated with and potentially cause seasonal changes in nest success, but also that these relationships are species specific even within the same community and may depend on aspects of the nesting ecology of the prey such as nest site selection.  相似文献   

Clutch size variation in passerine birds: The nest predation hypothesis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Tore Slagsvold 《Oecologia》1982,54(2):159-169
Summary The hypothesis that a negative relationship exists between clutch size and the probability that the nest will be robbed is tested, using data for passerine birds given in the literature. The data for four separate groups of species, viz. hole-nesters, semi hole-nesters and open-nesters nesting above and on the ground, respectively, were examined in relation to geographical gradients and seasonal and annual variation. In general, the data analysis results support the hypothesis, but cannot yet be considered as proven. More data on the riks of nest predation are needed. The most serious discrepancy is that for the Fieldfare, the protection from predation provided by nesting in colonies does not seem to be accompanied by a corresponding increase in clutch size. However, the clutch size of the Brambling, a species with seeks out such colonies for its breeding sites, does tend to increase in these hatitats.The pattern of clutch size variation was similar for the two groups of hole-nesting species, but differed significantly from that found for the two groups of open-nesters. The difference in the clutch size variation of the two groups of open-nesting species predicted from the hypothesis, viz. that, in northern regions, both latitudinal and altitudinal increases in clutch size should more commonly be found for those species which nest on the ground, compared to those nesting above ground level, was confirmed.A seasonal decrease in clutch size, in temperate regions, was found to be typical for species whose nests are subject to relatively little predation, particularly for those species which have a short breeding season. Advantages of laying small clutches, resulting in fewer nestlings than the number which would be possible for the parents to rear successfully, are discussed, and a simple model is presented which does not assume that nest predation is dependent on clutch size.  相似文献   

1. Nest predation limits avian fitness, so birds should favour nest sites that minimize predation risk. Nevertheless, preferred nest microhabitat features are often uncorrelated with apparent variation in predation rates. 2. This lack of congruence between theory-based expectation and empirical data may arise when birds already occupy 'adaptive peaks'. If birds nest exclusively in low-predation microhabitats, microhabitat and nest predation may no longer be correlated even though predation ultimately shaped microhabitat selection. 3. This 'adaptive peak hypothesis' was tested for a population of Yellow Warblers (Dendroica petechia) focusing on two nest microhabitat features: concealment and height. Experimental nests measured relative predation risk both within and outside the microhabitat range typically occupied by natural nests to examine whether nest site choices made by birds restricted our ability to detect microhabitat effects on predation. 4. Within the natural range (30-80% concealment, >75 cm height), microhabitat-predation relationships were weak and inconsistent, and similar for experimental and natural nests. Over an extended range, however, experimental predation rates were elevated in exposed sites (<30% concealed), indicating a concealment-related 'adaptive plateau'. 5. Clay egg bite data revealed a concealment effect on avian predators, and the abundance of one avian predator group correlated with nest concealment among years, suggesting these predators may cue birds to modulate nest concealment choices. 6. This study demonstrates how avian responses to predation pressure can obscure the adaptive significance of nest site selection, so predation influences may be more important than apparent from published data.  相似文献   

In countries such as the UK, USA and Australia, approximately half of all households provide supplementary food for wild birds, making this the public's most common form of active engagement with nature. Year‐round supplementary feeding is currently encouraged by major conservation charities in the UK as it is thought to be of benefit to bird conservation. However, little is understood about how the provision of supplementary food affects the behaviour and ecology of target and non‐target species. Given the scale of supplementary feeding, any negative effects may have important implications for conservation. Potential nest predators are abundant in urban areas and some species frequently visit supplementary feeding stations. We assess whether providing supplementary food affects the likelihood of nest predation in the vicinity of the feeder, by acting as a point attractant for potential nest predators. We provided feeding stations (empty, peanut feeder, peanut feeder with guard to exclude potential nest predators) in an area of suburban parkland in the UK and monitored the predation rate of eggs placed in artificial nests located at distances that replicated the size of typical suburban gardens. Nest predators (Magpies Pica pica, Grey Squirrels Sciurus carolinensis) were frequent visitors to filled feeders, and predation caused by Magpies, European Jays Garrulus glandarius and Grey Squirrels was significantly higher when nests were adjacent to filled feeders. The presence of a feeder guard did not significantly reduce nest predation. As supplementary feeding is becoming increasingly common during the breeding season in suburban habitats, we suggest that providing point attractants to nest predators at this time may have previously unconsidered consequences for the breeding success of urban birds.  相似文献   

Landscape-dependent response to predation risk by forest birds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Knowing how forest loss and associated fragmentation actually impact individual birds is essential to our understanding of consequences at the population level. We conducted a landscape-level experiment to test whether deforestation affects the trade-off between foraging and antipredatory behaviour of black-capped chickadees ( Poecile atricapilla ) in 24 landscapes (range 8–88% forest cover, 500-m radius) during two winters. At a field-forest edge in the centre of each landscape, we used the maximum distance ventured into the open by flocks to get sunflower seeds placed on the snow-covered fields, as a measure of risk-taking. In the more deforested landscapes, chickadees ventured farther (up to the maximum of 40 m) into the open. Edge density and proportion of conifers in the forest had no influence on risk-taking. However, where ad libitum food was available for a few weeks prior to the experiment (in 12 of the 24 landscapes), chickadees ventured four meters or less away from the forest edge, regardless of the level of deforestation. We conclude that landscape deforestation increases energy stress, which in turn promotes risk-taking, and may therefore increase winter mortality through greater exposure to predators.  相似文献   

Animals should cue on information that predicts reproductive success. After failure of an initial reproductive attempt, decisions on whether or not to initiate a second reproductive attempt may be affected by individual experience and social information. If the prospects of breeding success are poor, long-lived animals in particular should not invest in current reproductive success (CRS) in case it generates costs to future reproductive success (FRS). In birds, predation risk experienced during breeding may provide a cue for renesting success. Species having a high FRS potential should be flexible and take predation risk into account in their renesting decisions. We tested this prediction using breeding data of a long-lived wader, the southern dunlin Calidris alpina schinzii. As predicted, dunlin cued on predation risk information acquired from direct experience of nest failure due to predation and ambient nest predation risk. While the overall renesting rate was low (34.5 %), the early season renesting rate was high but declined with season, indicating probable temporal changes in the costs and benefits of renesting. We develop a conceptual cost-benefit model to describe the effects of the phase and the length of breeding season on predation risk responses in renesting. We suggest that species investing in FRS should not continue breeding in short breeding seasons in response to predation risk but without time constraints, their response should be similar to species investing in CRS, e.g. within-season dispersal and increased nest concealment.  相似文献   

The ability of nest predation to influence habitat settlement decisions in birds is widely debated, despite its importance in limiting fitness. Here, we experimentally manipulated nest predation risk across a landscape and asked the question, do migratory birds assess and respond to variation in nest predation risk when choosing breeding habitats? We examined habitat preference by quantifying the density and settlement date of eight species of migratory passerines breeding in areas with and without intact nest predator communities. We found consistently more individuals nesting in areas with reduced nest predation than in areas with intact predator assemblages, although predation risk had no influence on settlement or breeding phenology. Additionally, those individuals occupying safer nesting habitats exhibited increased singing activity. These findings support a causal relationship between habitat choice and nest predation risk and suggest the importance of nest predation risk in shaping avian community structure and breeding activity.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation alters many ecological processes, including trophic cascades. For example, increased predation pressure along habitat edges has often been observed in fragmented landscapes. Here, we studied how nest predation risk varies along the transition zone between grassland and mixed forest in Central Europe. Using artificial nests, we tested the two mechanisms that are expected to underlie higher predation rates along edges: (1) the matrix effect model that supposes predator penetration from a habitat type with higher predator density to one with lower predator density and (2) the ecotonal effect model that assumes specific predator preferences for habitat edges. Although our results do not fully support either of these scenarios, our data show high temporal instability in nest predation along forest–grassland edges. Predation was higher in habitat interiors compared to edges during the first year, whereas the opposite pattern was observed during the subsequent year. In addition, dramatic between-year differences in the species composition of nest predators were observed. Therefore, we hypothesise that the effect of edges on nest predation is difficult to predict in landscapes with high predator diversity. In addition, our data indicate that a high abundance of wild boar considerably increases the risk of predation for ground-nesting birds.  相似文献   

Food-restricted rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss maintained a lower basal heart rate than satiated fish, probably as a result of reduced metabolic rate. Food-restricted fish were also more active during feeding and were more willing to take risks than satiated fish. Both satiated and food-restricted fish were positioned lower in the tank after the predator attack. Heart rate increased more during feeding in the food-restricted fish compared to the satiated, but energy status had no general effect on the relation between heart rate and behaviour. Hence, the increase in heart rate was mainly a response to the more active foraging behaviour in the food-restricted fish. Moreover, behavioural activity in the food-restricted fish was associated with a higher heart rate after the predator attack than when the fish was undisturbed, which may reflect physiological preparation for flight. These findings suggest that behavioural and cardiac responses are coadapted to meet variation in food availability and predation risk in the wild.  相似文献   

Parent birds should take greater risks defending nests that have a higher probability of success. Given high rates of mammalian nest predation, therefore, parents should risk more for nests in areas with a lower risk of mammalian predation. We tested this hypothesis using nest defence data from over 1300 nests of six species of dabbling ducks studied in an area where predation risk had been reduced through removal of mammalian predators. When predator removal reduced nest predation, the ducks increased risk taking as predicted. Also as predicted, risk taking varied inversely with body size, an index of annual survival, among species. For ducks to vary nest defence in response to variation in predation risk they must be able to assess the risk of nest predation. Because ducks modified nest defence in the breeding season immediately following predator removal, ducks may be able to assess predator abundance indirectly (e.g. by UV reflection from urine) rather than by seeing or interacting directly with the predators.  相似文献   

For many animals, nest construction is a prerequisite for successfulbreeding. The choice of nesting materials is an important componentof nest construction, because material properties can influencenest design and, potentially, reproductive success. Common waxbillsare small African finches that select carnivore scat as a materialto include in, on, and around their nests. I investigated thehypothesis that scat functions to reduce predation risk by documentingits use in a wild population of common waxbills and by conductingan artificial nest experiment. Among natural nests, scat waspresent in every nest that hatched young, and parents continuedto add scat to nests throughout the nestling period. Among artificialnests, those that received experimental additions of carnivorescat survived at a significantly higher rate than did untreatednests, suggesting that scat functions to reduce predation risk.The mechanism by which nests are protected remains unclear,although it is likely that scat acts as an olfactory deterrentand/or camouflage. Researchers have long focused on the implicationsof nest site characteristics for avian life-history evolution.Results of the present study suggest that nest materials, similarto nest sites, may influence life histories of nest-buildinganimals by affecting predation risk.  相似文献   

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