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Summary The ultrastructural organization of fibronectin (FN) in early amphibian embryos (Ambystoma mexicanum, Pleurodeles waltlii) was studied with the use of antibodies directed against amphibian plasmatic FN. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy combined with immunogold labeling of FN revealed that the extracellular matrix that covers the inner surface of the ectodermal layer consists of FN-containing fibrils. During gastrulation, the mesodermal cells appear to be devoid of FN. These cells extend filopodia adhering to the FN-containing fibrils and are spreading along them. These findings suggest that FN may be involved in contact formation between mesodermal cells and the extracellular matrix that serves as a substratum for migration.  相似文献   

Summary Most hybrids betweenBufo bufo andB. calamita obtained by nuclear transplantation become arrested at the early gastrula stage. In both parental controls and the hybrid embryos, the presence and distribution of extracellular matrix was analysed with fluorescent wheat germ agglutinin and by immunolabelling with antibodies directed against fibronectin. InB. bufo andB. calamita gastrulae and in the few hybrids that complete gastrulation, the inner surface of the blastocoel roof is covered by a fibronectin-rich fibrillar matrix. In nucleocytoplasmic hybrids whose development was arrested at the gastrula stage, the fibronectin-containing extracellular matrix was either totally absent or poorly developed and disorganized.  相似文献   

Summary In the early development of the urodele amphibian Pleurodeles waltl, a fibronectin-containing extracellular matrix underlies the inner face of the blastocoel roof. When gastrulation occurs, the fibronectin fibrils provide a suitable substrate for mesodermal-cell migration. Delay in morphogenetic movements of gastrulation has been described in embryos from mutant females (ac/ac) of Pleurodeles waltl. Studies of abnormal mutant gastrulae with fluorescent lectins and immunostaining for fibronectin reveal that they lack a normal matrix. The fibronectin-containing extracellular material always gives rise to a granular pattern without fibronectin-fibril formation. Fibronectin and 51 syntheses occur normally in maternal-effect embryos. In vitro, mesodermal cells from early mutant gastrulae adhere and migrate on fibronectin-conditioned substrata.  相似文献   

The distribution of noradrenaline and adrenaline in the brain of the urodele amphibian Pleurodeles waltlii has been studied with antibodies raised against noradrenaline and the enzymes dopamine--hydroxylase and phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase. Noradrenaline-containing cell bodies were found in the anterior preoptic area, the hypothalamic nucleus of the periventricular organ, the locus coeruleus and in the solitary tract/area postrema complex at the level of the obex. Noradrenergic fibers are widely distributed throughout the brain innervating particularly the ventrolateral forebrain, the medial amygdala, the lateral part of the posterior tubercle, the parabrachial region and the ventrolateral rhombencephalic tegmentum. Putative adrenergic cell bodies were found immediately rostral to the obex, ventral to the solitary tract. Whereas the cell bodies and their dendrites were Golgi-like stained, axons were more difficult to trace. Nevertheless, some weakly immunoreactive fibers could be traced to the basal forebrain. A comparison of these results with data previously obtained in anurans reveals not only several general features, but also some remarkable species differences.Abbreviations Acc Nucleus accumbens - AP area postrema - Apl amygdala, pars lateralis - Apm amygdala, pars medialis - ca commissura anterior - Cb cerebellum - cc central canal - Dp dorsal pallium - epl external plexiform layer - gl glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb - H ganglion habenulae - igl internal granular layer - Ip nucleus interpeduncularis - Lc locus coeruleus - Ll lateral line lobe - Lp lateral pallium - Ls lateral septum - ml mitral cell layer - Mp medial pallium - Ms medial septum - nPT nucleus pretectalis - NPv nucleus of the periventricular organ - nV nervus trigeminus - oc optic chiasm - Poa preoptic area - Ri nucleus reticularis inferior - SC nucleus suprachiasmaticus - sol solitary tract - Str striatum - thd thalamus dorsalis - thv thalamus ventralis - To tectum opticum - TP tuberculum posterius - V ventricle - VH ventral hypothalamic nucleus - III nucleus nervi oculomotorii - IXm nucleus motorius nervi glossopharyngei - Xm nucleus motorius nervi vagi  相似文献   

Summary The mesenchymes of the two avian stomachs, the proventriculus (glandular stomach) and the gizzard (muscular stomach), exert different inductive influences on stomach epithelial morphogenesis and cytodifferentiation. To search for a molecular difference between these two mesenchymes, we have produced monoclonal antibodies directed against chick proventriculi and gizzards and have screened those that differently recognized proventricular and gizzard mesenchymes. Finally, we obtained one monoclonal antibody, T95, and characterized it immunohistochemically. T95 characteristically stains the mesenchymal region just under the gizzard epithelium from 6 days of incubation onward to about 10 days of incubation, while it stains proventricular mesenchyme only weakly during these stages. We also examined immunohistochemically the distribution of well-known extracellular matrix molecules, such as fibronectin, laminin and tenascin, and none of them showed the same localization as T95 antigen in proventricular and gizzard mesenchymes. These results indicate that T95 will be an interesting marker which distinguishes the proventricular and gizzard mesenchymes, at the time when they have different inductive ability.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural aspects of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in the midaxial region of dysraphic embryos of the loop-tail (Lp) mutant mouse were analyzed by means of electron microscopy. In 17–23 somite embryos, ultrastructural differences in the ECM occurred with respect to the presence of a pair of long trailing basal laminar strands extending continuously from the ventral notochordal cells to the gut in abnormal (Lp/Lp) embryos, in contrast to short, ragged, discontinuous strands in normal (+ /+;Lpj +) embryos. The ultrastructural localization and configuration of fibronectin (FN) and laminin (L) associated with these strands, however, were similar in normals and abnormals. In addition, FN occurred over interstitial bodies, fibrils, and sporadically along the basal laminae of the neural tube (or folds), notochord, gut, and vessels, whereas L was largely confined to the basal laminae. The results indicate that although the ultrastructural pattern of FN and L reactivity are similar in normal and abnormal embryos, a disturbance in the manner whereby the notochord detaches from the gut in dysraphic embryos may be of causal significance in the etiology of dysraphism in this mutant.  相似文献   

Summary The cytotrophoblastic cell columns and trophoblastic shell of macaque placentas accumulate progressively greater amounts of intercellular material during early gestation. We studied the composition of this material in placentas collected from 22–34 days of gestation by using immunoperoxidase techniques directed to the extracellular matrix molecules fibronectin, type IV collagen, and laminin. These antigens co-localized within the intercellular deposits at all stages studied. At day 22 the proximal cell columns were composed of cells with narrow interstices and which lacked immunoreactivity for the 3 antigens. Distally the cells were vacuolated and the intercellular spaces increased in size and contained dense matrix deposits. The trophoblastic shell consisted of closely packed, non-vacuolated cytotrophoblast cells with only a delicate meshwork of matrix. By day 27 the matrix deposits of the distal cell columns increased markedly in size. The trophoblastic shell contained larger numbers of vacuolated cells and was occupied by accumulations of matrix. By 34 days the matrix deposits of the cell columns expanded substantially along the longitudinal axes of the columns. These deposits were often continuous with a matrix-dense, cell-deficient layer in the trophoblastic shell. This matrix-rich zone lay between a cellular layer adjacent to the intervilous space and a similar, but discontinuous, cell layer that formed the junctional zone with the endometrium.  相似文献   

Summary In order to study the cellular distribution of larval and adult hemoglobins during larval development ofPleurodeles waltlii a double specific immunofluorescent labelling technique was developed.Rabbit antibodies specific for larval and adult hemoglobin components were prepared and conjugated with tetramethyl-rhodamine isothiocyanate for the anti-larval antibodies and fluorescein isothiocyanate for the anti-adult hemoglobin antibodies.Both simultaneous and sequential staining with the two types of fluorescent antibodies indicated that larval and adult hemoglobins were never observed within the same erythrocyte during development. The results provide evidence that two distinct cell populations exist, one synthesizing exclusively larval hemoglobins which is progressively replaced by the other one synthesizing exclusively adult hemoglobins. It remains to be determined if these two populations arise from two distinct types of stem cells (adult and larval) or from the same stem cell type.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of lithium (Li+) on gastrulation movements was investigated during the development of the urodele amphibianPleurodeles waltl. Attention was focused on mesodermal cell migration. Under conditions of Li+ treatment providing a maximal enhancement of dorsoanterior structures, it was found that the dorsoventral polarity of gastrulation was abolished. In particular, vital staining and scanning electron microscopy observations on embryo fractures showed that mesodermal cells migrated radially after Li+ treatment, which led to the formation of rounded embryos. Epiboly movements thus were accelerated. Nevertheless, contrasting with the precocious disappearance of the early-formed yolk plug, archenteron invagination was constantly retarded and commenced with a delay of several hours as compared to control gastrulae. Cell-lineage analysis of the progenies from ventral or dorsal equatorial blastomeres of 32-cell-stage embryos provided evidence that both dorsal and ventral mesoderm contributed to notochordal tissue after Li+ treatment. Dorsalization of the entire marginal zone was confirmed by the ability of the entire mesoderm rudiment to behave as a dorsal organiser after Li+ treatment. Comparison of the migratory behaviour of isolated animal hemispheres from Li+-treated or control embryos cultured on fibronectin-coated substrate indicated that all marginal cells acquired the autonomous capacity for migration of dorsal marginal cells under the action of lithium.  相似文献   

Summary Immunoperoxidase labelling for fibronectin (FN) in chick embryos showed FN-positive basement membranes surrounding the neural crest cell population prior to crest-cell migration. At cranial levels, crest cells migrated laterally into a large cell-free space. Initially they moved as a tongue of cells contacting the FN-positive basement membrane of the ectoderm, but later the crest cell population expanded into space further from the ectoderm, until eventually the entire cranial cell-free space was occupied by mesenchyme cells. This was accompanied by the appearance of FN among the crest cells. At trunk levels, crest cells entered a relatively small space already containing FN-positive extracellular material. At later stages the migration of trunk crest cells broadly matched the distribution of FN. In vitro, chick and quail embryo ectoderm, endoderm, somites, notochord and neural tube synthesized and organized fibrous FN-matrices, as shown by immunofluorescence. Ectoderm and endoderm deposited this matrix only on the substrate face. The FN content of endoderm and neural tube matrices was transient, the immunofluorescence intensity declining after 1–2 days in culture. Some crest cells of cranial and sacral axial levels synthesized FN. Our data suggests that these were the earliest crest cells to migrate from these levels. This ability may be the first expression of mesenchymal differentiation in these crest cells, and in vivo enable them to occupy a large space. Almost all crest cells from cervico-lumbar axial levels were unable to synthesize FN. In vivo, this inability may magnify the response of these crest cells to FN provided by the neighbouring embryonic tissues.  相似文献   



The extracellular matrix (ECM) is constituted by diverse composite structures, which determine the specific to each organ, histological architecture and provides cells with biological information, mechanical support and a scaffold for adhesion and migration. The pleiotropic effects of the ECM stem from the dynamic changes in its molecular composition and the ability to remodel in order to effectively regulate biological outcomes. Besides collagens, fibronectin and laminin are two major fiber-forming constituents of various ECM structures.

Scope of review

This review will focus on the properties and the biological functions of non-collagenous extracellular matrix especially on laminin and fibronectin that are currently emerging as important regulators of blood vessel formation and function in health and disease.

Major conclusions

The ECM is a fundamental component of the microenvironment of blood vessels, with activities extending beyond providing a vascular scaffold; extremely versatile it directly or indirectly modulates all essential cellular functions crucial for angiogenesis, including cell adhesion, migration, proliferation, differentiation and lumen formation. Specifically, fibronectin and laminins play decisive roles in blood vessel morphogenesis both during embryonic development and in pathological conditions, such as cancer.

General significance

Emerging evidence demonstrates the importance of ECM function during embryonic development, organ formation and tissue homeostasis. A wealth of data also illustrates the crucial role of the ECM in several human pathophysiological processes, including fibrosis, skeletal diseases, vascular pathologies and cancer. Notably, several ECM components have been identified as potential therapeutic targets for various diseases, including cancer. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Matrix-mediated cell behaviour and properties.  相似文献   

Résumé Les cellules du tissu glandulaire du testicule et de la glande interrénale de pleurodèle montrent les caractères généralement observés dans les cellules stéroïdogènes. Des différences existent entre les deux tissus. Le reticulum endoplasmique du tissu glandulaire est très développé et présent dans toutes les cellules qui sont d'aspect homogène. Au contraire, le tissu interrénal montre deux aspects cellulaires différents. Le premier se caractérise par un reticulum endoplasmique lisse relativement peu développé par rapport au tissu glandulaire, par des mitochondries petites et nombreuses, enfin par des liposomes denses et petits. Le deuxième aspect au contraire, se distingue par le petit nombre de mitochondries souvent géantes et à crêtes plus fréquemment organisées en faisceaux, par des liposomes nombreux de grandes dimensions et peu denses aux électrons.Le tissu glandulaire est très peu touché par l'hypophysectomie. Le reticulum persiste plusieurs mois comme d'ailleurs l'activité 5-3 -hydroxystéroïde deshydrogénase. Dans le tissu interrénal, la proportion des cellules d'aspects différents varie au profit des cellules à lipides abondants et à grandes mitochondries. L'activité 5-3 -hydroxystéroïde deshydrogénase est longtemps décelable.Le rôle du reticulum endoplasmique du tissu glandulaire est discuté en fonction des observations réalisées dans d'autres cellules stéroïdogènes à reticulum abondant. La signification des deux aspects cellulaires observés dans l'interrénale est discutée en relation avec les résultats expérimentaux obtenus en particulier chez le rat.Cette étude révèle que les critères d'activité d'une cellule stéroïdogène sont délicats à établir et doivent être différents d'un tissu à l'autre.
Tissues secreting steroid hormones in urodele amphibians
Summary The fine structure of testis glandular tissue and interrenal gland cells of Pleurodeles shows the general features observed in other steroïdogenic cells. Certain differences exist between the two tissues. The agranular endoplasmic reticulum of the glandular tissue cells is well developed and present in all cells of similar appearance. On the contrary, the interrenal tissue cells show two different features. The first is characterised by a poorly developed smooth endoplasmic reticulum, compared with that of the glandular tissue, by small and numerous mitochondria, and finally by small electron dense lipid droplets. The second feature is the small number of mitochondria often giant and with fascicles of straight tubular cristae and numerous large lipid droplets of low electron density.The effect of hypophysectomy on the glandular tissue cells seem very slight. The endoplasmic reticulum and the 5-3 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity persists for several months. In the interrenal tissue, the proportions of the two different cellular features are modified. Cells rich in lipids and with large mitochondria are more abundant. It is possible to demonstrate a 5-3 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity for a long time after hypophysectomy. The functional significance of the agranular endoplasmic reticulum is discussed in relation to some other observations on different steroidogenic cells with a well developed agranular endoplasmic reticulum. The significance of the two cellular features observed in the interrenal gland is discussed in connection with experimental data obtained in the frog and the rat.This study shows that it is difficult to define criteria of cellular activity, which probably differ from one tissue to another.
Equipe de Recherche associée au C. N. R. S. Cytologie Ultrastructurale n 129.  相似文献   

Summary A polyclonal antibody (SP-2) has been produced, which recognizes antigens expressed in epidermal cells of Pleurodeles waltlii embryos. The antigens appear first at the end of gastrulation in the external surface of the embryo and are selectively expressed in ectodermally derived epidermal structures. Ectodermal commitment was investigated using cell cultures and blastocoel graft experiments. The four animal blastomeres of the 8-cell stage as well as the animal cap explants of the early gastrula stage cultured in vitro differentiate into epidermis, and SP-2 antigens are expressed. The expression of SP-2-defined antigens is inhibited both in vivo and in vitro by the inductive interaction of chordomesoderm. Once dissociated, ectodermal cells do not react with SP-2. Conversely, the aggregation of ectodermal cells may restore the expression of SP-2 antigens. Transplantation of animal cap explants or isolated ectodermal cells into the blastocoel of a host embryo at the early gastrula stage shows that only cells integrated into the epidermis express the marker antigens. When vegetal cells were dissociated from donor embryos before the mid-blastula stage and implanted into the blastocoel of host embryos at the early gastrula stage, their progeny were found in all germ layers, cells that were found in the host epidermis were stained with SP-2, whereas those contributing to mesoderm and endoderm were not. Thus the acquisition of cell polarity in epidermal differentiation and the organization of cells into epithelial structures are essential for SP-2-defined antigen expression.  相似文献   

Summary The homogenate from unfertilized eggs, gastrulae, neurulae and hatched embryos ofXenopus laevis was fractionated by differential centrifugation and subsequent repeated centrifugation on discontinuous sucrose gradients. A high archencephalic-neural inducing activity was found in RNP particles, which were released from the high-speed (microsomal) sediment by treatment with EDTA, and in a fraction of heterogeneous small vesicles. The highest archencephalic inducing activity was observed in RNP particles from unfertilized eggs and from gastrulae. RNP particles isolated from hatched embryos had a lower inducing activity. The neuralizing factor can be extracted from the small vesicles with pyrophosphate buffer at pH 8.6, but it is not solubilized with a non-ionic detergent (Triton X 100). The high-speed supernatant from the gastrula homogenate contains soluble neuralizing factor, whereas the supernatant from egg homogenate has a low inducing activity. The plasma membrane fraction (isolated from gastrulae) also has only a low inducing activity. The possible significance of the subcellular distribution of neuralizing factors for the transmission of neuralizing inducer from the mesoderm to competent gastrula ectoderm and the processing of signals which are generated on the plasma membrane of induced cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Xenopus laevis embryos were examined for the presence of endogenous carbohydrate binding proteins. Soluble extracts of cleavage, gastrula and neurula embryos are able to agglutinate trypsinized rabbit erythrocytes. Unlike other embryonic lectins this agglutination activity requires the presence of calcium ions but not of sulphydryl reducing agents. It is specifically inhibited by galactose and galactose containing derivatives. Thiodigalactoside is the most potent disaccharide inhibitor followed by lactose and melibiose respectively. Methyl -d-galactopyranoside is a more effective inhibitor than its anomer. N-acetyl-d-galactosamine, N-acetyl-d-glucosamine, methyl -d-mannopyranoside andl-fucose do not inhibit activity at concentrations at or above 25 mM. EDTA and EGTA are also strong inhibitors of this activity. -d-galactoside binding lectins present in the early chick embryo have been implicated in cell to cell and cell to substrate adhesiveness of extraembryonic chick endoderm cells. Since cells of the blastula inXenopus laevis possess surface receptors bearing terminal -d-galactoside groups it is possible that this -d-galactoside binding lectin may play a role in the control of cell surface mediated events during development.  相似文献   

Summary The present report firstly describes a pilot study in which, during early development of embryos of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio, the cellular adhesion to fibronectin (FN) was blocked by administration of GRGDS peptide (which binds to the FN-receptor). As this treatment resulted in developmental aberrations, suggesting a functional role for FN, the major part of the work was focussed on the distribution of reactivity of anti-FN antibodies during epiboly and gastrulation. GRGDS treatment had a concentration dependent effect on development. Incubation of embryos in 1.5 mg/ml from the 32-cell stage onwards caused a retardation of epiboly, which did not proceed beyond 60%. The embryos did not show involution, as was confirmed by histological study. These preliminary results suggest that FN is involved in both epiboly and gastrulation of carp embryos. During cleavage, no specific extracellular binding of anti-FN antiserum could be observed. However, binding to a number of cell membranes took place from early epiboly onwards. After the onset of gastrulation, we observed a gradually increasing number of the deepest epiblast cells, showing immunostaining on part of their surface, facing the yolk syncytial layer (YSL) or the involuted cells. During early epiboly, anti-FN binding was restricted to areas in front of the migratory hypoblast cells. Later on, binding was found at the border of hypoblast and epiblast cells. At 100% epiboly, some contact areas of epiblast and hypoblast showed a discontinuous lining of reactivity, whilst other areas appeared devoid of anti-FN binding sites. The results indicate that FN is involved in the migration and guidance of hypoblast cells during gastrulation in carp. Correspondence to: P. Gevers  相似文献   

Parris MJ  Beaudoin JG 《Oecologia》2004,140(4):626-632
Despite ecologists increasingly recognizing pathogens as playing significant roles in community dynamics, few experimental studies have quantified patterns of disease impacts on natural systems. Amphibians are experiencing population declines, and a fungal pathogen (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis; Chytridiomycota) is a suspected causal agent in many declines. We studied the effects of a pathogenic fungus on community interactions between the gray treefrog, Hyla chrysoscelis, and eastern newts, Notophthalmus viridescens. Recent studies have characterized chytridiomycosis as an emerging infectious disease, whose suspected rapid range expansion and widespread occurrence pose a significant risk for amphibian populations worldwide. We reared larvae in outdoor polyethylene experimental tanks and tested the effects of initial larval density, predator presence, and fungal exposure on Hyla recruitment and predator-prey interactions between Hyla and Notophthalmus. Newts reduced treefrog survival, and high intraspecific density decreased metamorphic body mass independent of B. dendrobatidis. The presence of fungi reduced treefrog body mass at metamorphosis by 34%, but had no significant main effect on survival or larval period length. B. dendrobatidis differentially affected larval development in the presence of predators; Hyla developed slower when reared with the pathogen, but only when newts were present. This significant predator-by-pathogen interaction suggests that the impact of chytridiomycosis on larval amphibians may be exacerbated in complex communities. Our data suggest that B. dendrobatidis effects on host life history may be complex and indirect. Direct measurements of the community-level effects of pathogens offer an important opportunity to understand a significant threat to global biodiversity—declining amphibian populations.  相似文献   

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