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The host factor requirement of Qbeta RNA replicase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

(1) The RNA replicase induced by bacteriophage Qbeta consists of four non-identical subunits designated as alpha (mol. wt. 74000), beta (mol. wt. 64000), gamma (mol. wt. 47000) and delta (mol. wt. 33000), only one (subunit beta) of which is specified by the phage genome. (2) Subunit alpha (30 S ribosomal protein "S1" as well as translational interference factor "i") is required only for (+) strand-directed RNA synthesis in the presence of the host factor. (3) Qbeta replicase lacking subunit alpha (R-alpha) is capable of replicating templates other than (+) strand, such as (--), "6S" RNA, poly(C) etc., in the absence of the host factor. (4) Subunit beta is suggested to be the nucleotide-polymerizing enzyme, but is unable to initiate RNA synthesis by itself. (5) Subunits gamma and delta are identical to the protein synthesis elongation factors, EF-Tu and EF-Ts, respectively, and are required only for initiation of RNA synthesis, but not for elongation. (6) A model of Qbeta replicase is presented in order to discuss observed template-enzyme interactions.  相似文献   

Function of bacteriophage Qbeta replicase containing an altered subunit IV   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to elucidate the function of elongation factor Ts in Qβ replicase, enzyme was obtained from a Qβ-infected Escherichia coli mutant HAK88, which carries an altered EFTs2 with a thermolabile catalytic activity. HAK88 Qβ replicase was found to be quite unstable at 42 °C. Further studies indicated that the mutant enzyme exhibits temperature sensitivity with regard to GTP binding ability but not with Qβ RNA and poly(C) binding. These results suggest that the function of EFTs in Qβ replicase is closely related to the binding of GTP to the enzyme.A defect in Qβ replicase also appears when it is reconstituted from the Qβ replicase subunit complex I–II and the HAK88 EFTu-EFTs complex. Several lines of evidence obtained by using the reconstituted enzyme suggest strongly that the EFTs function is involved specifically in initiation of RNA synthesis, but not in the elongation reaction.  相似文献   

Gene 2 amber mutants of bacteriophage T4 grown on su? hosts produce whole particles of which less than 0.5% are infective on su+ hosts. Although the DNA of such particles is full-sized and un-nicked, it is degraded to acid-soluble fragments after infection of exo V+ hosts. This breakdown does not occur on exo V? deficient hosts, and such hosts are fully permissive for gene 2-defective particles. We have now determined that giant-headed, gene 2-defective particles containing several genome lengths of DNA per head are fully infective on exo V+ hosts even though part of the parental DNA is degraded to acid-soluble fragments early after infection. Restriction of gene 2-defective particles must therefore be due to exonucleolytic degradation of the incoming DNA. If the parental DNA is of sufficient length to enable a complete genome to survive this degradation before production of anti-exoV, such particles are now infective.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the RNA replication reaction by Qbeta replicase were investigated. Qbeta replicase is an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase responsible for replicating the RNA genome of coliphage Qbeta and plays a key role in the life cycle of the Qbeta phage. Although the RNA replication reaction using this enzyme has long been studied, a kinetic model that can describe the entire RNA amplification process has yet to be determined. In this study, we propose a kinetic model that is able to account for the entire RNA amplification process. The key to our proposed kinetic model is the consideration of nonproductive binding (i.e. binding of an enzyme to the RNA where the enzyme cannot initiate the reaction). By considering nonproductive binding and the notable enzyme inactivation we observed, the previous observations that remained unresolved could also be explained. Moreover, based on the kinetic model and the experimental results, we determined rate and equilibrium constants using template RNAs of various lengths. The proposed model and the obtained constants provide important information both for understanding the basis of Qbeta phage amplification and the applications using Qbeta replicase.  相似文献   

Qβ replicase (RNA-directed RNA polymerase of bacteriophage Qβ) exponentially amplifies certain RNAs in vitro. Previous studies have shown that Qβ replicase can initiate and elongate on a variety of RNAs; however, only a minute fraction of them are recognized as ‘legitimate’ templates. Guanosine 5′-triphosphate (GTP)-dependent initiation on a legitimate template generates a stable replicative complex capable of elongation in the presence of aurintricarboxylic acid, a powerful inhibitor of RNA-protein interactions. On the contrary, initiation on an illegitimate template is GTP independent and does not result in the aurintricarboxylic-acid-resistant replicative complex. This article demonstrates that the 3′ and 5′ termini of a legitimate template cooperate during and after the initiation step. Breach of the cooperation by dividing the template into fragments or by introducing point mutations at the 5′ terminus reduces the rate and the yield of initiation, increases the GTP requirement, decreases the overall rate of template copying, and destabilizes the postinitiation replicative complex. These results revive the old idea of a functional circularity of legitimate Qβ replicase templates and complement the increasing body of evidence that functional circularity may be a common property of RNA templates directing the synthesis of either RNA or protein molecules.  相似文献   

In previous work Qβ replicase has been used to synthesize labelled 5′ terminal segments of Qβ plus or minus strands of defined length. A procedure has now been developed which allows resynchronization of Qβ replicase at an internal position and synthesis of a labelled minus-strand segment complementary to the coat cistron ribosome binding site and the intercistronic region between the A2 (maturation) and the coat cistron. Resynchronization is accomplished by binding a ribosome to Qβ RNA and allowing Qβ replicase to initiate and elongate up to the ribosome, using unlabelled ribonucleoside triphosphates. The ribosome is dissociated by EDTA treatment and the EDTA is removed. The replicating complex remains functional after this treatment, and addition of labelled substrates leads to synchronized elongation. The radioactive part of the product recovered after a short elongation period with labelled substrates was shown to be complementary to the coat protein ribosome binding site.  相似文献   

The site of interaction of phage Qbeta coat protein with Qbeta RNA was determined by ribonuclease T1 degradation of complexes of coat protein and [32P]-RNA obtained by codialysis of the components from urea into buffer solutions. The degraded complexes were recovered by filtration through nitrocellulose filters, and bound [32P]RNA fragments were extracted and separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Fingerprinting and further sequence analysis established that the three main fragments obtained (chain lengths 88, 71 and 27 nucleotides) all consist of sequences extending from the intercistronic region to the beginning of the replicase cistron. These results suggest that in the replication of Qbeta, as in the case of R17, coat protein acts as a translational repressor by binding to the ribosomal initiation site of the replicase cistron.  相似文献   

Translation of bacteriophage R17 and Qbeta RNA in a mammalian cell-free system   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The polycistronic RNAs from both bacteriophage R17 and Qβ are translated in a mammalian cell-free system of purified and partially purified components. The requirement of one of the partially purified initiation factors (IF-E3 from rabbit reticulocytes) for the phage RNA translation is strikingly different from that for rabbit globin messenger RNA translation. The phage RNA-directed products are characterized by acrylamide gel electrophoresis and compared with those synthesized in an Escherichia coli cell-free system. There is good agreement between the respective coat proteins and the presumptive synthetase proteins. R17 RNA directs the synthesis of two additional defined polypeptides. However, their possible relationship with the A-protein cistron has not yet been investigated. The RNA from the amB2 mutant of R17, which carries an amber triplet at position 6 in the coat protein cistron, directs the synthesis of the same polypeptides as the wild-type RNA with the exception of the coat protein which is completely abolished. This identifies the product made with wild-type RNA as coat protein and provides a direct in vitro assay for the suppression of nonsense mutations in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Among the homopolymers examined, poly(A) was found to inhibit preferentially the synthesis of the minus strand by bacteriophage Qbeta RNA replicase in the presence of host factor. A specific interaction of poly(A) with the host factor is suggested to be a principal cause for the observed preferential inhibition by poly(A) of the host-factor-requiring Qbeta RNA replicase reaction.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine oligonucleotides, 11 to 26 nucleotides in length, arising by complete RNase T1 digestion of bacteriophage Qbeta RNA and isolated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, were sequenced. Their location within the genome was established with two methods. (a) In vitro synthesis of Qbeta RNA plus strands was started synchronously, using minus strands as template and nucleoside [alpha-32P]triphosphates as substrate; after various times, the reaction was stopped and the length of the products formed was correlated with their content of T1 oligonucleotides. (b) Qbeta [32P]RNA was elongated with poly(A) using terminal riboadenylate transferase; after mild treatment with alkali the fragments were fractionated by size and the poly(A)-containing molecules of each size class were isolated by chromatography on poly(U)-Sephadex and assayed for T1 oligonucleotides. The oligonucleotides in the 5' region were localized more precisely with method a, those near the 3' end with method b; in the middle region, the results of the two sets of analyses confirmed each other. The use of these oligonucleotides in the sequence determination of Qbeta RNA is discussed.  相似文献   

As a component of bacteriophage Qbeta replicase, S1 is required both for initiation of Qbeta minus strand RNA synthesis and for translational repression, which has been traced to the ability of the enzyme to bind to an internal site in the Qbeta RNA molecule. Previously, Senear and Steitz (Senear, A. W., and Steitz, J. A. (1976) J. Biol. Chem. 251, 1902-1912) found that isolated S1 protein binds specifically to an oligonucleotide spanning residues -38 to -63 from the 3' terminus of Qbeta RNA. Here we report that S1 also interacts strongly with a second oligonucleotide in Qbeta RNA, which is derived from the region recognized by replicase just 5' to the Qbeta coat protein cistron. Both sequences exhibit pyrimidine-rich regions.  相似文献   

In this study, the infection cycle of bacteriophage Qbeta was investigated. Adsorption of bacteriophage Qbeta to Escherichia coli is explained in terms of a collision reaction, the rate constant of which was estimated to be 4x10(-10) ml/cells/min. In infected cells, approximately 130 molecules of beta-subunit and 2x10(5) molecules of coat protein were translated in 15 min. Replication of Qbeta RNA proceeded in 2 steps-an exponential phase until 20 min and a non-exponential phase after 30 min. Prior to the burst of infected cells, phage RNAs and coat proteins accumulated in the cells at an average of up to 2300 molecules and 5x10(5) molecules, respectively. An average of 90 infectious phage particles per infected cell was released during a single infection cycle up to 105 min.  相似文献   

A method for the isolation of RNA fragments originating from defined regions of bacteriophage Qbeta RNA minus strands is described. Large RNase T1 oligonucleotides were isolated on a preparative scale from Qbeta RNA. The nucleotide sequences (13 to 26 nucleotides) and map positions of these oligonucleotides were known from previous work (Billeter, M. A. (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 8381-8389). After addition of AMP residues (50 in the average) using terminal adenylate transferase, these pure oligonucleotides were hybridized to 32P-labeled Qbeta RNA minus strands synthesized in vitro. Fragments in the size range of 100 to 500 nucleotides were then generated by partial digestion with RNase T1. Fragments hybridized to such oligonucleotides were recovered by chromatography on poly(U)-Sephadex and then resolved according to their size by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The specificity and reproducibility of the method as well as its suitability for the sequence analysis of Qbeta RNA was verified by using in particular a linker oligonucleotide derived from a Qbeta RNA region near the 3' end. The sequence catalogues of the RNase T1 and RNase A oligonucleotides of two fragments isolated in this way, 202 and 310 nucleotides in length, were established and all fragments isolated were shown to contain a sequence complementary to the linker oligonucleotide.  相似文献   

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