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水杨酸葡萄糖苷(salicylate 2-O-β-D-glucoside,SAG),是植物中水杨酸的一种存在形式。水杨酸葡萄糖苷也具有消炎止痛的作用,和水杨酸、阿司匹林对比,表现出更小的刺激性,是一种具有潜力的消炎护肤物质。通过生物法利用可再生资源进行水杨酸类物质的生产方式,与传统工业法生产相比对环境更加友好。本研究以大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)Tyr002作为出发菌株,引入铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)异分支酸裂解酶基因pchB,首先构建了大肠杆菌水杨酸生产菌株。通过调控下游不同芳香族氨基酸代谢途径关键基因表达,菌株摇瓶发酵水杨酸产量达到1.05 g/L。之后,通过在水杨酸生产菌株中引入植物来源水杨酸糖基转移酶,对水杨酸进行糖苷化修饰。新构建的菌株摇瓶发酵水杨酸葡萄糖苷产量达到5.7 g/L。在5 L发酵罐分批补料发酵中,水杨酸葡萄糖苷的产量达到36.5 g/L,是目前报道的最高产量。本研究为水杨酸类化合物的微生物合成提供了重要参考。 相似文献
胸苷作为抗艾滋病药物(叠氮胸苷和司他夫定)的关键前体物,在医药行业具有很大的应用潜力。本研究以野生型大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli) MG1655为底盘微生物,采用系统代谢工程策略重构大肠杆菌中胸苷合成途径,构建了一株高效合成胸苷的工程菌株。首先,依次敲除deoA、tdk、udp、rihA、rihB、rihC基因,以阻断胸苷的分解途径和补救途径;随后,引入来源于枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis) F126的嘧啶核苷操纵子基因,以增强前体物尿苷酸合成途径代谢通量;最后,依次优化胸苷合成途径中尿苷酸激酶、核糖核苷二磷酸还原酶、胸苷酸合酶和5′-核苷酸酶的表达,以强化尿苷至胸苷合成途径代谢通量。所构建的THY6-2工程菌株在5 L分批补料发酵试验中胸苷产量为11.10 g/L、转化率为0.04 g/g葡萄糖、生产强度为0.23 g/(L‧h)。本研究构建了以葡萄糖为唯一碳源且不携带质粒的高效合成胸苷工程菌株,为其他嘧啶核苷类产品的研发提供了借鉴。 相似文献
己二酸是一种具有重要应用价值的二元羧酸,是合成尼龙-66的关键前体。目前,生物法生产己二酸存在生产周期长、生产效率低的问题。本研究选择一株野生型高产琥珀酸菌株大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli) FMME N-2为底盘细胞,首先通过引入逆己二酸降解途径的关键酶,成功构建了可合成0.34 g/L己二酸的E. coli JL00菌株;接着,对合成路径限速酶进行表达优化,使E. coli JL01菌株在摇瓶发酵条件下产量达到0.87 g/L;随后,通过敲除sucD基因、过表达acs基因和突变lpd基因的组合策略平衡己二酸合成前体的供应,优化菌株E. coli JL12己二酸产量进一步提升至1.51 g/L;最后,在5 L发酵罐上对己二酸发酵工艺进行优化。工程菌株经72 h分批补料发酵,己二酸的产量达到22.3 g/L,转化率为0.25 g/g,生产强度为0.31 g/(L·h),具备了一定的应用潜力。本研究可为包括己二酸在内的多种二元羧酸细胞工厂的构建提供理论依据和技术基础。 相似文献
L-赖氨酸作为一种必需氨基酸,广泛应用于饲料、食品、医药等领域。针对大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)发酵生产L-赖氨酸存在底物利用效率差、糖酸转化率低等问题,本研究通过敲除全局调控因子基因mlc,异源表达来源于麦芽糖磷酸转移酶基因malAP,提高菌株对二糖、三糖的利用效率,得到菌株E. coli XC3,其L-赖氨酸产量、产率和生产强度分别提高到160.00 g/L、63.78%和4.44 g/(L·h);在此基础上,在菌株E. coli XC3中过表达谷氨酸脱氢酶基因gdhA、来源于枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)硝酸盐还原酶基因BsnasBC和来源于E. coli的亚硝酸盐还原酶基因EcnirBD,构建硝酸盐同化路径,获得工程菌E. coli XC4,其L-赖氨酸产量、产率和生产强度分别提高到188.00 g/L、69.44%和5.22 g/(L·h),进一步通过优化残糖浓度和碳氮比,在5 L发酵罐中将L-赖氨酸产量、产率和生产强度分别提高到204.00 g/L、72.32%、5.67 g/(L·h),比出发菌株XC1分别提高了40.69%、20.03%、40.69%。本研究通过强化菌株的底物利用途径,构建了L-赖氨酸高产菌株,为L-赖氨酸的工业化生产奠定了坚实基础。 相似文献
尸胺是聚酰胺生产中的关键C5单体。由于细胞内5ʹ-磷酸吡哆醛(pyridoxal 5′-phosphate, PLP)再生效率有限,导致目前发酵法生产尸胺效率较低。本研究选择一株实验室保藏的赖氨酸高产大肠杆菌LY-4为研究对象,首先通过引入尸胺合成关键酶-赖氨酸脱羧酶(lysine decarboxylase, LDC),成功构建了菌株L01,摇瓶发酵尸胺产量达1.07 g/L;随后开发了一种双代谢通路强化策略,协同增强内源和异源PLP合成模块,从而改善胞内PLP的合成,最优菌株L11摇瓶生产尸胺产量提升至9.23 g/L;最后在5 L发酵罐中对菌株L11生产尸胺的发酵工艺进行优化。工程菌株经48 h分批补料发酵,尸胺产量、得率、生产强度分别为54.43 g/L、0.22 g/g和1.13 g/(L·h),具备一定的应用潜力。本研究可为构建包括尸胺在内的多种生物胺类细胞工厂提供理论依据和技术基础。 相似文献
氨基酸发酵是我国发酵工业的支柱产业,近年来,随着代谢工程的快速发展,氨基酸的代谢工程育种蓬勃发展。传统的正向代谢工程、基于组学分析与计算机模拟的反向代谢工程以及借鉴自然进化的进化代谢工程,都有越来越多的应用。在氨基酸的工业生产中涌现出了一系列具有高效生产、抗逆性强等优良性状的菌株。日益剧烈的市场竞争对菌株的选育提出了新的要求,如开发高附加值氨基酸品种、菌株代谢的动态调控、适应新工艺的要求等。文中介绍了氨基酸生产相关的代谢工程研究进展以及未来的发展趋势。 相似文献
O-乙酰-l-高丝氨酸(O-acetyl-l-homoserine,OAH)是一种平台化合物,可用于生产l-蛋氨酸和其他有价值的化合物,但产量低和转化率低等问题限制了其工业化生产和应用。为了解决这一问题,本研究以前期构建的l-高丝氨酸宿主大肠杆菌HS33为底盘,采用系统代谢工程策略构建了一株高产OAH的菌株。首先,强化磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸(phosphoenolpyruvate,PEP)积累、丙酮酸利用以及OAH合成途径(过表达aspB、aspA、thrAC1034T),获得积累13.37 g/L OAH的初始菌株;随后,整合筛选的辅因子供应基因解决还原力和能量供应问题,将产量提升至15.79 g/L;之后,进一步强化乙酸回用途径,改善乙酰辅酶A供应,结合多源乙酰基转移酶MetX表达使得改造获得的工程菌株OAH28的OAH产量提升至17.49 g/L。最终,在5 L发酵罐中进行生产性能测试,工程菌株OAH产量达到47.12 g/L,葡萄糖转化率为32%,生产强度为0.59 g/(L·h)。上述研究结果为OAH的代谢工程改造实现产量提升提供了一定的理论基础,也为工业化生产提供了有效的借鉴和参考。 相似文献
目的:对大肠杆菌进行代谢网络改造,考察木糖好氧发酵生产琥珀酸的可行性。方法:以有氧条件下大肠杆菌木糖生物合成琥珀酸的代谢途径分析为基础,以大肠杆菌BL21为出发菌株,通过P1噬菌体一步敲除法敲除琥珀酸脱氢酶基因(sdhA)、磷酸转乙酰基酶基因(pta)、丙酮酸脱氢酶基因(poxB)及异柠檬酸裂解酶阻遏物基因(iclR),构建木糖好氧发酵生产琥珀酸的大肠杆菌工程菌JLS400(△poxB△pta△iclR△sdhA)。将携带磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶基因的质粒pJW225转化到JLS400中。结果:摇瓶发酵结果表明,构建的工程菌能以木糖为碳源,在好氧发酵条件下琥珀酸产率较高,副产物仅有少量乙酸和丙酮酸。结论:基因工程大肠杆菌JLS400pJW225的构建,为有氧条件下以木糖为原料生产琥珀酸的进一步研究奠定了基础。 相似文献
代谢工程方法改造大肠杆菌生产胸苷 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
胸苷是抗艾滋病药物司他夫定(3′-脱氧-2′,3′-双脱氢胸苷)和叠氮胸苷的重要前体物质。应用代谢工程方法对大肠杆菌Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)生物合成胸苷进行了研究。通过敲除E.coli BL21嘧啶回补途径的deo A、tdk和udp三个基因,BS03工程菌株能够积累21.6 mg/L胸苷。为了增加合成胸苷前体物核糖-5-磷酸和NADPH的供给,进一步敲除pgi和pyr L使工程菌BS05胸苷的产量提高到90.5 mg/L。而通过过表达胸苷合成途径的ush A、thy A、dut、ndk、nrd A和nrd B六个基因,菌株BS08胸苷的产量能达到272 mg/L。通过分批补料发酵,BS08最终可以积累1 248.8 mg/L的胸苷。本研究结果表明经过代谢工程改造的E.coli BL21具有良好的胸苷合成能力和应用潜力。 相似文献
对氨基苯甲酸是一种重要的有机合成中间体,广泛应用于医药、染料等行业。近年来对氨基苯甲酸作为一种潜在的高强度共聚物单体越来越受到重视。对氨基苯甲酸作为叶酸合成的前体之一,其合成在大肠杆菌体内由叶酸合成途径的pabA、pabB和pabC三个基因负责,催化分支酸合成对氨基苯甲酸。本研究以实验室构建的酪氨酸高产工程菌TYR002作为出发菌株,首先弱化双功能分支酸突变酶/预苯酸脱氢酶TyrA的表达,以减少酪氨酸积累,然后利用3种不同强度的组成型启动子分别调控pabA、pabB和pabC的表达。摇瓶发酵表明不同的组合调控模式下大肠杆菌发酵培养基中的对氨基苯甲酸积累量存在显著差异,最高可获得0.67 g/L的摇瓶发酵产量。进一步通过发酵条件优化和分批补料发酵,在5L发酵罐中获得了6.4g/L的对氨基苯甲酸产量。本研究为改善对氨基苯甲酸生物合成效率提供了重要理论参考。 相似文献
Ting Wei Tee Anupam Chowdhury Costas D. Maranas Jacqueline V. Shanks 《Biotechnology and bioengineering》2014,111(5):849-857
Increasing demand for petroleum has stimulated industry to develop sustainable production of chemicals and biofuels using microbial cell factories. Fatty acids of chain lengths from C6 to C16 are propitious intermediates for the catalytic synthesis of industrial chemicals and diesel‐like biofuels. The abundance of genetic information available for Escherichia coli and specifically, fatty acid metabolism in E. coli, supports this bacterium as a promising host for engineering a biocatalyst for the microbial production of fatty acids. Recent successes rooted in different features of systems metabolic engineering in the strain design of high‐yielding medium chain fatty acid producing E. coli strains provide an emerging case study of design methods for effective strain design. Classical metabolic engineering and synthetic biology approaches enabled different and distinct design paths towards a high‐yielding strain. Here we highlight a rational strain design process in systems biology, an integrated computational and experimental approach for carboxylic acid production, as an alternative method. Additional challenges inherent in achieving an optimal strain for commercialization of medium chain‐length fatty acids will likely require a collection of strategies from systems metabolic engineering. Not only will the continued advancement in systems metabolic engineering result in these highly productive strains more quickly, this knowledge will extend more rapidly the carboxylic acid platform to the microbial production of carboxylic acids with alternate chain‐lengths and functionalities. Biotechnol. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2014;111: 849–857. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
通过分析大肠杆菌的碳源代谢途径, 利用基因敲除手段, 以Escherichia coli MG1655为出发菌株, 成功构建了琥珀酸好氧发酵生产工程菌E. coli QZ1111 (MG1655?ptsG?poxB?pta?iclR?sdhA)。检测结果表明该菌株能以葡萄糖为碳源, 在好氧发酵且不表达任何异源基因的条件下大量积累琥珀酸。摇瓶试验证明, 琥珀酸发酵产量达到26.4 g/L, 乙酸盐作为唯一检测到的副产物产量为2.3 g/L。二者浓度比达到11.5:1。 相似文献
Chan Woo Song Dong In Kim Sol Choi Jae Won Jang Sang Yup Lee 《Biotechnology and bioengineering》2013,110(7):2025-2034
Fumaric acid is a naturally occurring organic acid that is an intermediate of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Fungal species belonging to Rhizopus have traditionally been employed for the production of fumaric acid. In this study, Escherichia coli was metabolically engineered for the production of fumaric acid under aerobic condition. For the aerobic production of fumaric acid, the iclR gene was deleted to redirect the carbon flux through the glyoxylate shunt. In addition, the fumA, fumB, and fumC genes were also deleted to enhance fumaric acid formation. The resulting strain was able to produce 1.45 g/L of fumaric acid from 15 g/L of glucose in flask culture. Based on in silico flux response analysis, this base strain was further engineered by plasmid‐based overexpression of the native ppc gene, encoding phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PPC), from the strong tac promoter, which resulted in the production of 4.09 g/L of fumaric acid. Additionally, the arcA and ptsG genes were deleted to reinforce the oxidative TCA cycle flux, and the aspA gene was deleted to block the conversion of fumaric acid into L ‐aspartic acid. Since it is desirable to avoid the use of inducer, the lacI gene was also deleted. To increase glucose uptake rate and fumaric acid productivity, the native promoter of the galP gene was replaced with the strong trc promoter. Fed‐batch culture of the final strain CWF812 allowed production of 28.2 g/L fumaric acid in 63 h with the overall yield and productivity of 0.389 g fumaric acid/g glucose and 0.448 g/L/h, respectively. This study demonstrates the possibility for the efficient production of fumaric acid by metabolically engineered E. coli. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 2025–2034. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Liang Guo Fan Zhang Can Zhang Guipeng Hu Cong Gao Xiulai Chen Liming Liu 《Biotechnology and bioengineering》2018,115(6):1571-1580
Xiulai Chen Xiaoxiang Dong Jia Liu Qiuling Luo Liming Liu 《Biotechnology and bioengineering》2020,117(9):2791-2801
α-Ketoglutaric acid (α-KG) is a multifunctional dicarboxylic acid in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, but microbial engineering for α-KG production is not economically efficient, due to the intrinsic inefficiency of its biosynthetic pathway. In this study, pathway engineering was used to improve pathway efficiency for α-KG production in Escherichia coli. First, the TCA cycle was rewired for α-KG production starting from pyruvate, and the engineered strain E. coli W3110Δ4-PCAI produced 15.66 g/L α-KG. Then, the rewired TCA cycle was optimized by designing various strengths of pyruvate carboxylase and isocitrate dehydrogenase expression cassettes, resulting in a large increase in α-KG production (24.66 g/L). Furthermore, acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) availability was improved by overexpressing acetyl-CoA synthetase, leading to α-KG production up to 28.54 g/L. Finally, the engineered strain E. coli W3110Δ4-P(H)CAI(H)A was able to produce 32.20 g/L α-KG in a 5-L fed-batch bioreactor. This strategy described here paves the way to the development of an efficient pathway for microbial production of α-KG. 相似文献
Bing Huang Hao Yang Guochen Fang Xing Zhang Hui Wu Zhimin Li Qin Ye 《Biotechnology and bioengineering》2018,115(4):943-954
Daichi Satowa Ryosuke Fujiwara Shogo Uchio Mariko Nakano Chisako Otomo Yuuki Hirata Takuya Matsumoto Shuhei Noda Tsutomu Tanaka Akihiko Kondo 《Biotechnology and bioengineering》2020,117(7):2153-2164
Microbial production of mevalonate from renewable feedstock is a promising and sustainable approach for the production of value-added chemicals. We describe the metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli to enhance mevalonate production from glucose and cellobiose. First, the mevalonate-producing pathway was introduced into E. coli and the expression of the gene atoB, which encodes the gene for acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase, was increased. Then, the deletion of the pgi gene, which encodes phosphoglucose isomerase, increased the NADPH/NADP+ ratio in the cells but did not improve mevalonate production. Alternatively, to reduce flux toward the tricarboxylic acid cycle, gltA, which encodes citrate synthetase, was disrupted. The resultant strain, MGΔgltA-MV, increased levels of intracellular acetyl-CoA up to sevenfold higher than the wild-type strain. This strain produced 8.0 g/L of mevalonate from 20 g/L of glucose. We also engineered the sugar supply by displaying β-glucosidase (BGL) on the cell surface. When cellobiose was used as carbon source, the strain lacking gnd displaying BGL efficiently consumed cellobiose and produced mevalonate at 5.7 g/L. The yield of mevalonate was 0.25 g/g glucose (1 g of cellobiose corresponds to 1.1 g of glucose). These results demonstrate the feasibility of producing mevalonate from cellobiose or cellooligosaccharides using an engineered E. coli strain. 相似文献