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The six-eyed pholcid spiders of East Africa are revised. A new genus is recognized, Buitinga n. gen ., with 17 new species and three species transferred from Spermophora Hentz. The new genus is characterized by the presence of a scape on the epigynum. This scape may be straight or tightly curled up at rest, and is usually highly expandable. Seven additional African and Comoran species are newly described and tentatively assigned to Spermophora . A data matrix with 60 characters and 77 taxa (including 20 East African species and 25 additional Spermophora and ' Spermophora -like' species) is analysed cladistically. Buitinga is closer to the genera Paramicromerys Millot (endemic in Madagascar) and Spermophorides Wunderlich (Mediterranean and Canary Islands) as well as to several African and Comoran species tentatively assigned to Spermophora than to the type species of Spermophora . It is argued that current estimates of species numbers may be inaccurate and that pholcids may turn out to be one of the most diverse spider families.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 137, 555−619  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence suggests that an independent ocean circulation system in the Indian Ocean, the Indian Ocean dipole (IOD), is partly responsible for driving climate variability of the surrounding landmasses. The IOD had traditionally been viewed as an artefact of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) system although increasingly the evidence is amassing that it is separate and distinct phenomenon. We review the causes of the IOD, how it develops within the Indian Ocean, the relationships with ENSO, and the consequences for East African climate dynamics and associated impacts on ecosystems, in particular along the Eastern Arc Mountains of Kenya and Tanzania. We evaluate current research initiatives focussed on characterizing and constraining the IOD and examine how effective these will be in determining climate change impacts on East African ecosystems and how such predictive capacity can be used in developing policy.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation of 10 tetranucleotide microsatellites from the spot-throat using an enrichment protocol. All loci were highly variable with the number of alleles ranging from six to 20 and observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.410 to 0.940. Although all loci were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, locus Mst95 showed significant homozygote excess in both surveyed populations, possibly a consequence of the presence of null alleles at this locus. These loci will be used to determine the extent to which spot-throat populations are isolated in order to help set conservation priorities for this ancient African lineage.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among genera of African colubrids were evaluated using estimates of divergence among serum albumins compared by microcomplement fixation. Representatives of about half of the extant genera of African colubrids, as well as the Elapidae, Atractaspis and the Madagascan colubrid Leioheterodon, were analysed. The tree of best fit to the data has an unresolved basal polychotomy comprising at least five lineages of colubrids, as well as Elapidae and Atractaspis; thus, colubrids were not demonstrably monophyletic with these data. Two cosmopolitan clades, colubrines and natricines, are represented in Africa by series of closely related genera, but divergence among other genera is relatively great. Rate tests show that this is apparently not due to higher rates of albumin evolution in these, relative to other colubrids. Among the other associations supported by the immunological data are: (1) Psammophis-(Rhamphiophis-Dipsina)-Malpolon-Psammophylax; (2) Amblyodipsas-Macrelaps; (3) (Lycodonomorphus-Lamprophis)-Mehelya; and (4) Colubrinae-Natricinae. Grayia is questionably associated with the colubrine-natricine lineage. Prosymna and Lycodon are clearly members of the colubrine clade, and Amplorhinus possibly associates with Leioheterodon. Gonionotophis, Duherria, Lycophidion and Pseudaspis show no strong association with any other genera, and represent other basal or near-basal clades within the colubrid/elapid radiation. The immunological data do not support a clade comprising the Elapidae, Atractaspis and some ‘aparallactines’ relative to Viperidae and other colubrids. The basal colubrid-elapid-Atractaspis divergence occurred more than 30 Myr ago, and the fossil record of colubrids in Africa greatly underestimates both the age and clade diversity of this group. In contrast to the pattern of radiation in the neotropics, where most colubrids belong to one of three major clades, in Africa only the colubrine lineage comprises a substantial portion of the extant generic diversity; most other genera stem from relatively ancient cladogenetic events and have few living representatives.  相似文献   

The living Old World monkeys, family Cercopithecidae, are the most successful group of nonhuman primates alive today. Overall, they account for over one quarter of the extant genera of primates and approximately 40% of the species. They have an extensive fossil record extending back to the early and middle Miocene of Africa.1,2 Despite this specific diversity and a long evolutionary history, it is commonly argued that the group is relatively uniform in both its skeletal3 and dental4 anatomy, suggesting that much of the current taxonomic diversity is a relatively recent phenomenon. In such a species group, it is perhaps not surprising that the taxonomy of Old World monkeys is subject to many differing classifications. Thus, in recent years, authors have recognized as few as 10 and as many as 22 different genera within the family. Although some of this greater-than-two-fold difference in the number of genera can be attributed to the “splitting” versus “lumping” philosophies of different researchers, much of it is based on major disagreements over phylogenetic relationships. Recent studies of the genetics and chromosomes of this group have illuminated Old World monkey phylogeny in many ways. Some of these studies have resolved longstanding debates based on morphological data; others have revealed phylogenetic relationships that morphologists had never suspected.  相似文献   

Material ascribed to the genus Callulina from north‐east Tanzania and south‐east Kenya is assessed. Three new species of Callulina are described from the North ( Callulina laphami sp. nov. ) and South ( Callulina shengena sp. nov. and Callulina stanleyi sp. nov. ) Pare Mountains in Tanzania. The species are diagnosed based on morphological, acoustic, and molecular data. A new key to the species of Callulina is provided. Based on an interpretation of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list, we suggest that the three species will qualify as critically endangered, because of their small distributions and the ongoing threat to their habitat. We reveal the high local endemism of Callulina in the northern part of the Eastern Arc Mountains, with each species restricted to no more than one mountain (fragment) block. This high local endemism in Callulina is probably widespread across the Eastern Arc, raising further conservation concern for this group of amphibians. Based on new molecular phylogenetic data for Callulina, we discuss biogeographical relationships among north‐east Tanzanian mountains, and evolutionary patterns in Eastern Arc breviciptids. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 496–514.  相似文献   

The East African fossil record of cercopithecoids spans nearly 20 m. y. Throughout the Miocene Epoch, the diversity of monkeys was low, although at some localities the numbers of individuals is rather high. During the Plio-Pleistocene in contrast, there was a major radiation, or radiations of monkeys, involving both colobines and corcopithecines. A late Pleistocene to Recent radiation within the genusCercopithecus still seems to be under way. The history of diversity in the monkeys is in many ways a chronological inverted mirror image of the diversity history of the hominoid primates, which were highly diverse during the lower miocene, but became less diverse through time. The east african cercopithecoid record is the only one which spans much of the Neogene, and it is consequently the main one by which detailed cercopithecoid cladogenetic and anagenetic events can be dated. In this respect, it provides constraints for interpreting branching schemes derived from neontological evidence. Most of the neontological estimates for monkey origins appear to be too old, the fossil evidence suggesting that the origin of the superfamily Cercopithecoidea and the origins of the Colobinae, Papionini and Cercopithecini are younger than usually suggested on neontological evidence. The superfamily is probably no older than 25 m. y., the colobines diverged as a distinctive group about 12–14 m. y. ago, the Papionines about 8–10 m. y. ago and the Cercopithecines perhaps as late as 7 m. y. However, since the Miocene fossil record is rather spotty, these fossil-based estimates may be revised downwards with new discoveries. They are unlikely to be revised upwards. The sequence and timing of cladogenetic events deduced from the east african evidence indicates that all the modern subfamilies arose in Africa, and subsequently spread to Europe and Asia. The sequence of fossil events is in close agreement with neontological evidence such as karyology and molecular anthropology. It is only in the calibration of the sequence that there is disagreement between the fossil and neontological evidence. Strangely, the polarity of the differences in opinion are opposite to those concerning the hominoids, in which the neontological evidence has suggested much younger divergence dates than did the fossil evidence as perceived in the 1960's and 1970's.  相似文献   

A comparison is made between the systematics of selected orders and families based on morphology and other “classical” characters on the one hand, and the results of molecular methods on the other hand. It can be shown that taxa defined by a broad array of characters from morphology, anatomy, embryology and phytochemistry usually are confirmed by molecular results. On the other hand a family like the Saxifragaceae s.l. delimited solely on the basis of floral morphology has been shown to be grossly polyphyletic. Some quite surprising results of the molecular analyses usually agree with some embryological or phytochemical characters, and sometimes even with characters of vegetative morphology and anatomy. As a special case “unequal ancient splits” are discussed, where one clade contains few genera and species usually retaining many primitive characters, and the other shows great diversity and contains the more advanced members.  相似文献   

The Parvidrilidae Erséus, 1999 constitute the most recently described family of oligochaete microdriles. Prior to this study, Parvidrilus strayeri Erséus, 1999, and Parvidrilus spelaeus Martínez‐Ansemil, Sambugar & Giani, 2002, found in groundwaters of the USA (Alabama) and Europe (Slovenia and Italy), respectively, were the only two species in this family. In this paper, six new species – Parvidrilus camachoi , Parvidrilus gianii , Parvidrilus jugeti , Parvidrilus meyssonnieri , Parvidrilus stochi , and Parvidrilus tomasini – and Parvidrilus gineti (Juget, 1959) comb. nov. are added to the family. With all species being stygobiont, the Parvidrilidae is unique in being the only family of oligochaetes worldwide comprising taxa that are restricted to groundwater habitats. Parvidrilids are exceedingly small worms whose principal morphological characteristics are the presence of hair setae in ventral bundles, the markedly posterior position of setae within the segments, the presence of mid‐dorsal glandular pouches in mesosomial segments, the lateral development of the clitellum, the presence of a single male pore in segment XII, and the presence (or absence) of a single spermatheca. The phylogenetic relationships of the Parvidrilidae within the Clitellata were investigated using the nuclear 18S rRNA gene, and the most representative and taxonomically balanced data set of clitellate families available to date. The data were analysed by parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference. Irrespective of the method used, Parvidrilidae were placed far from Capilloventridae, one family once suggested to be closely related to parvidrilids. Although closer to Enchytraeidae than Phreodrilidae, two other suggested putative sister families, the exact position of Parvidrilidae within Clitellata still remained uncertain in the absence of branch support. The examination of reproductive structures, together with the similarity of other important anatomical traits of the new species herein described, reinforced the idea that phreodrilids were the best candidate to be the sister group to parvidrilids on morphological grounds. A fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene, used as a barcode, also genetically characterized a few Parvidrilus species. The observation that two species diverge from each other by high genetic distances, even though their type localities are more or less only 100 km apart, is interpreted in the context of low dispersal abilities of inhabitants of the subterranean aquatic ecosystem, and habitat heterogeneity. The Parvidrilidae appear to be a diversified, Holarctic, and probably widely distributed family in groundwater, but very often overlooked because of the small size and external similarity with the polychaete family Aeolosomatidae of its members. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 166 , 530–558.  相似文献   

Golden Nightjar Caprimulgus eximius is an apparently sedentary sub-Saharan species with a breeding range extending from Senegal and Mauritania to Sudan. Although genetic studies of nightjars and related Caprimulgiformes have been published previously, none has included Golden Nightjar. In this study, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA of a Golden Nightjar found dead in Western Sahara in April 2016 was sequenced and compared with other species in the genus Caprimulgus. It was concluded with strong support that Golden Nightjar is closely related to Egyptian Nightjar C. aegyptius. It is hypothesised that Golden and Egyptian Nightjars may have arisen by splitting of a single ancestral species into migratory and sedentary populations.  相似文献   

The effects of river flow diversion on biodiversity were assessed using Coleoptera as an indicator group in three habitats of the Kihansi Gorge (Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania), before and after commissioning of a hydropower plant. Data collected using sweep netting and pitfall traps showed that the effect of diversion of the river flow was site-specific, affecting particularly the spray habitat. Rarefaction analysis of both sweep netting and pitfall samples indicated that the expected richness of Coleoptera declined significantly in all habitats after commissioning of the power plant. Sweep netting and pitfall samples showed that the highest Shannon–Wiener diversity index value before the diversion of the river flow was in the spray zone, but the index value decreased after diversion. Changes in the other two habitats were less prominent. Analysis of variance using diversity index values from five pitfall samples in each habitat type before and after commissioning indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in the diversity index between the two sampling periods or among the three habitat types. Renkonen's similarity index between habitats showed that pitfall samples had higher similarity (87%) than did samples from sweep netting (69%). It is suggested that for mitigation purposes, artificial spray systems, which have been installed in other wetlands of the Kihansi Gorge, also be installed to cover the whole Lower Wetland in which this study was undertaken. In order to maintain overall biodiversity in the Kihansi Gorge, it is suggested that the ecosystem conservation approach be prioritised.  相似文献   

We examined approximately 600 specimens that represent the Praomys delectorum species group (Muridae: Murinae: Praomyini), a rodent complex restricted to Afromontane landscapes in East Africa and currently viewed as a single species. Morphometric analyses of 21 population samples consistently disclosed cohesive patterns of craniodental differentiation that support the recognition of three species: Praomys delectorum Thomas, confined to extreme southern Malawi; P. melanotus Allen & Loveridge, found in highlands of south‐western Tanzania and contiguous northern Malawi; and P. taitae Heller (including octomastis Hatt), distributed in mountains and foothills of southern Kenya and northern and central Tanzania. Populations of the P. delectorum group are patchily distributed in moist montane forest, most collecting localities falling within 1000–2400 m, and their range collectively coincides with the Tanganyika–Nyasa Montane Forest Group sensu Moreau. Patterns of faunal similarity derived from distributions of 65 species of terrestrial small mammals recorded from Tanzania's highlands, including the Eastern Arc Mountains, demonstrated pronounced geographical discontinuities in montane associations but failed to uncover a prominent vicariant role for the Makambako Gap. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 420–469.  相似文献   

Seven species of snakeheads (Channidae) are known from Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore, viz. Channa bankanensis, C. gachua, C. lucius, C. marulioides, C. melasoma, C. micropeltes and C. striata. Up-to-date distribution maps of each species are presented, including new records. Their systematics is reviewed and partially revised. The taxonomic status of C. marulioides and C. melanoptera is clarified. Specimens from Peninsular Malaysia identified as C. melanoptera sensu Weber & de Beaufort, 1922, proved to be the adult form of C. marulioides s.str. The real C. melanoptera appears to be restricted to Borneo and possibly Sumatra. The life history of a blackwater species C. bankanensis is also documented, with regards to the morphological and colour-pattern changes associated with growth. An updated key to the seven species based on morphometric measurements and meristic counts is presented.  相似文献   

The stepsirrhine primates, defined here as living tooth-combed primates, their immediate ancestor, and all of its descendants, are a diverse assemblage of mammals, viewed by some as exemplars of the richness of evolutionary innovation and by others as uninteresting “primitive” primates. Fortunately, the former view has taken precedence in recent years. The Strepsirrhini have been central to numerous debates touching on key issues such as the congruence of phylogeny to biogeography, the reliability of morphological characters for phylogeny reconstruction, and the relationship of living lineages to fossil lineages. Thanks to important theoretical and methodological advances, particularly within the arena of genetics, a robust picture of strepsirrhine phylogeny is emerging that casts light on these and numerous other evolutionary questions. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The usefulness of the internally transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) of the nuclear ribosomal gene complex is tested for providing taxonomic characters to identify Trichogramma species. The ITS2 sequences of a group of sibling species of the T. deion/T. pretiosum complexes were determined. A simple and precise identification key to the species of these assemblages was constructed using as taxonomic characters the size of the ITS2 and the difference in restriction length polymorphism of species with similarly sized ITS2. Individual wasps can be identified by amplification of their ITS2 with general primers, determining the size of the PCR product using standard agarose electrophoresis, followed in some species by a DNA-digestion with a restriction enzyme. Because this system works well for a number of closely related species we are hopeful that similar PCR-based identification can be extended to all species of the genus once their ITS2 sequences have been determined. The advantage of this identification system over the morphology-based system is that non-specialists are able to quickly and cheaply identify individual specimens. In addition, species specific primers were tested for the two most common species of these groups (i.e. T. pretiosum and T. deion). These primers can be used either as a direct identification tool or as a method to confirm the identification using the general key. The phylogeny of this group of wasps was also analyzed based on the ITS2 sequence.  相似文献   

The genus Aerotegmina comprises a group of African canopy-dwelling, predatory bushcrickets (katydids) that is known for its inflated tegmina and the unusually loud and low-frequency calling song of its type species. Here, we describe the songs of another two species of the genus which are much larger than the type species and have an even lower peak frequency. In addition, small and large species differ in song structure. While the type species and closely related forms have a broad banded, multi-peak song with strong components in the audio and ultrasonic range, the species treated here have an extremely narrow banded, resonant song with a carrier frequency of 2 kHz. With Q-values above 100 these sounds belong to the purest songs ever recorded in Orthoptera. Besides describing songs, stridulatory organs and a new species we discuss the possible functions of the song type. A key to the species of Aerotegmina is provided.  相似文献   

Understanding landscape-scale patterns of herding is critical in identifying and assessing the impacts of pastoral grazing. Here, a general model of herding is developed based on the Sukuma agropastoral system in the Rukwa Valley, Tanzania. Using this conceptual framework, the factors affecting the maximum distances herds travel from home and the distribution of grazing around pastoral settlements are examined. The distribution of dry season water structured the landscape-scale distribution of grazing throughout the year, not just during the dry season. Water availability strongly affected the distances herds ranged from home in the dry season and the distribution of grazing around pastoral settlements throughout the year. Associations between cattle productivity and herding practices were also examined. The effects of traveling further from home, keeping cattle in large herds, and using/living in areas of high settlement densities were examined on the following measures of productivity: intake rates, foraging behavior, milk yields, and body conditions. Cattle from larger herds were observed to walk more while actively foraging and engage in more walking bouts (taking ten steps without taking a bite). The increased walking of large herds may explain why they range farther from home and highlight the importance and ubiquity of herd splitting among pastoralists. However, herd size effects were not apparent in intake rates or milk yields. Milk yields were negatively affected by traveling farther from home. These data demonstrate substantial variability within herding populations and show interesting similarities with herding systems in substantially more arid areas.  相似文献   

The Lower Kihansi Hydropower Project in southern Tanzania caused the diversion of the Kihansi River from the Kihansi Gorge in the year 2000. By sampling the understorey avifauna prior to diversion, we examined (i) whether the adjacent Udagaje Gorge was an adequate control for observations in the Kihansi Gorge; (ii) which species of conservation interest occurred; and, (iii) which season best suited annual monitoring. Species composition and capture rates at three and two elevational transects in the Kihansi Gorge and Udagaje Gorge, respectively, confirmed that Udagaje had a comparable avifaunal assemblage to Kihansi. The cold season was most appropriate for population monitoring because >2 times more individuals were captured in the cold than hot season at both gorges, and at least four altitudinal migrants were present in the cold but not hot season. Post-diversion sampling revealed that only the Upper Kihansi transect suffered a significant decrease in number of individuals, a result that was driven largely by a decline in the Little Greenbul, Andropadus virens. This transect is closest to the Kihansi waterfall and associated spray zone which were lost after river diversion. Lack of differences in bird communities at other transects after diversion illustrates that early post-diversion effects on birds are probably concentrated near the base of the main falls. Together with studies of other biota in Kihansi, we propose that long-term monitoring is necessary to understand the factors that regulate changes in species composition of this threatened forest site.  相似文献   

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